Catch the Strongest Pals! - Palworld Part 9

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hello everybody my name is and welcome back to some more power world where as you can see our mining base has been putting in work I have been sitting here mining constantly I have just left my game running here for the whole time we are at level 20 and it's great that you just get random passive XP by your pals just doing stuff in your base it's actually pretty sweet we have about how much do we have now we have 5,000 ore by just leaving our game sitting here running we have 5,000 ore that is so much ore and also our other base speaking of which our other base here has been farming up a storm as well we have everything going on here we have all our stuff going on and of course I want to show this boom look at my vix look at all look at all the stuff they farmed up these things passively dig up stuff from time to time inside your Ranch these things are great I actually want to get more of these because they just your Vixie just keep digging up more and more stuff look at this look at all these pow balls so many and to top it off not just that they've been storing them they've been storing all the pow balls that they've been farming inside this chest so I'm actually curious how many pow balls have they farmed up right now that just got to that just got us to 108 how how many more power balls have they farmed while we've been AFK let's find out 368 oh my God they farmed 541 arrows oh my God 365 pow balls oh my God and 541 arrows oh my God we also made the crossbow so we got this now I haven't used it yet as you can see it's full durability it's 100% durability 300 out of 300 I have not fired it once uh we just made it just earlier today oh look at that it looks cool that's looks cool this would be technically our first quote quote gun we're getting a little hungry this will be technically our first gun but I can't wait till we actually get guns unlocked in the game I actually can't wait to use this cuz this looks like it's pretty cool so oh speaking of which we have violent wild Pals coming to raid our base oh from up there all right we're going to get to test out our crossbow here I'm excited for this actually let me see we want a combination of dark Pals here they come where's our dark Pals o actually no that's our flying one all right bring it on oh I caught one of these from a raid earlier should I catch another one here for Lucky 15% catch as many as we can catch as many as we can just throw the balls we got 500 of them keep throwing them just chucking balls oh we caught one let's go so yeah right here I caught one of them I got raided earlier and I actually caught one of these which is super cool they look so cool they're black and red I like it they're pretty sweet looking but yeah we got we got we had 500 pow balls uh so I'm super excited to see what we can catch today so today I actually someone told me today what I've been told is that if I actually actually I think I could just teleport to it can't I so I've been told that you can capture the actual bosses you can actually capture the actual boss Pals in the towers so from what I was told let me see here okay so from from my understanding is that you go to the small settlement from what you guys have told me we go to the small settlement and we shoot the guard there you get them aggro to you and then you go to the tower as fast as possible and then you try to get them to shoot the pal and then you'll be able to capture them shortly after that okay it's going to be interesting I'm super interested here so apparently we shoot the PF guy and we'll get a wanted l oh okay oh yeah then we go we got to go to the tower that's right I forgot we need to go to the tower as fast as possible let's run over here oh oh God run I got a watered level they're after me so we're supposed to get the tower as fast as possible let's get in here come on game okay come on come on we get in here as fast as possible and now I need to get them to shoot the pow and then apparently we can actually capture the pal shoot the pal shoot the pal shoot the PO shoot it shoot it shoot it shoot it please shoot it please shoot it please shoot it yes yes yes yes all right and then shortly after that didn't work it was a lie I didn't work it's not working it is not working shoot it I mean they're shooting it well I guess we can do this fight normally I guess and go from there yeah this definitely ain't working okay so maybe we weren't fast enough we'll try it again I might be getting jait here but I believe my source they usually have shared good information before so all right let's try this again so maybe I just need to get closer shoot it all right let's try to go a little faster here try go a little faster come on come on come on come on try go a little faster maybe I was just too slow oh get off get off get off come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah oh where the guards there's one shoot her shoot her there you go there you go then we wait a little bit and now yeah woo let's go it's a 0% though oo yo let's go it's true what that's crazy what what am I supposed to do now do I kill these guys I don't know what to do now do I wait the 9 minutes actually can I just oh we can respawn easy we can respawn big brain big brain no way that's there's no way this is actually going to be inside my box there's no way there's no way that GIS bolt is about to be in my box there's no way oh he is wait zoing Gris bolt wait what do I get both no way oh wait what yo [Laughter] yo yo I owned my own Zoe GIS bolt D that's so cool what second I got I got to see it outside cuz he's trying to do work no that's so cool no way is that supposed to be that way no that's that's got to be a bug that's got to be a bug yo yo look at that there that's so cool so we have Zoey so welcome to the team welcome to the team Zoe and Griz bolt that's so cool that's awesome actually wait I got to test them out I got to test them out that's so cool I'm actually curious awesome that's a coolest thing so far that's so cool actually wait can you do that to any boss wait can you do that on any boss will will it work on these too like can you do it on these as well or is it only like Tower bosses oh is it all Tower bosses or it only Zoe oh wait my brain my brain's cooking here so is it only Zoey or can I do other Tower bosses like is that Tower boss way over there like can I do it to that Tower boss right now like if if I travel all the way there could I go capture them right now M questions questions Syndicate thugs get them Zoe Zoe I choose you get him yes yes oh she deleted them oh my god get him Zoe get him oh all she even do is the oh that's so cute oh you're so dead oh D is so cool I love this I love this get him Zoe get him Zoe [Laughter] yes yes that's my Zoey ah this world was not prepared for the likes of me all right I'm curious now I really want to know can I go all right we're going to go on a little bit of Adventure cuz I'm curious if I go to like that Tower right there can I capture that boss too we're going to go find out we're going on a bit of Adventure we're going on an adventure boys we're gonna go see the world actually can I cature Zoe again can I cture multiple zoies that's so cool that is so cool oh that's like my favorite thing right now that's awesome I don't even know how to even get over there I don't even know how far it is and it looks far I've always wanted to play like a Pokemon game I actually always wanted to like record or stream or whatever a ooh that's cool a uh Pokemon game but the problem is is that they're mainly Nintendo properties I mean there's temptem temp was good I actually played a lot of temp like I said before I beat the game they came out with new stuff so I haven't played it since then but um um temp is a pretty good one I like that one uh it's more of the actual uh normal Pokemon style uh game where it's turn-based where you do an attack and then they do an attack and it just goes back and forth this is more of like survival with a bit of Pokemon added to it which is pretty nice it's it's pretty fun if you haven't tried this game yet I highly recommend playing this game right now cuz it it is it's so good it's so much fun I love it but um yeah I actually getting a little sidetracked uh I always wanted to play a Pokemon game uh on my channel like ah so bad but the problem is is that Nintendo is very strict that's one thing I don't really like about Nintendo in any of their properties or how they handle any of that stuff they're very very strict when it comes to their like games and like who plays them and what they take down and stuff like that it kind of sucks in my opinion but I do like the games okay there's one over there between my faing Straight great one over there I think I that looks like one I'm pretty sure we got one over here this look like a lot of climbing this one looks like it has roads that leads up to it this is this one looks really far though that one looks like the farthest this one looks relatively close and then that one looks like it's a little bit of ways so this one's probably the next boss and then this one and then that one's probably the final boss cuz it's the farthest or maybe there's one more over there maybe that I can't see I kind of want to go to that one honestly like if I can catch the second or final boss like just imagine how insane that would be well might as well get started I hope I don't die from this please don't die please don't die oh we're alive all right well we got a long journey ahead of us we will be the first ever what level are we 20 will be the first ever level 20 to capture the final boss could you imagine level 20 player captures a final pal boss could you imagine the headlines I can see it now the fame the money the [Laughter] extortion okay for starters these two are definitely Pals 100% whenever there's a statue of something it's always a pal and these are probably both legendaries too it's probably like a Duo legendary whenever there's a statue of something in any Pokemon game they're always Pals or they're always a Pokemon so on here I'm assuming that those are going to be Pals at some point probably endgame Pals I feel like we're making such good progress cuz it looks so close coming through who like it's nice when you're traveling from an area to area that's one thing I really like about V Rising is that when you travel from like Zone to Zone and V Rising there's many things fighting there's many things going on so it's like the world is very alive but yeah when a when a world feels very alive it's nice because then it feels like things happening in the world are happening often all the time even if you're not doing anything which is pretty cool we might as well grab some eggs while we go give me that that's a large Frozen egg that's a big boy egg you guys are crazy oh oh oh all right we got to get one of those in the future those are cool what the hell what the hell are you guys oh whoa relax oh my God I said Relax you guys are insane oh I'm getting tag team that's not cool wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no they killed our bird 10 minutes I don't want to wait 10 minutes we have another one maybe we might we we might need to oh we do we might need to capture more of those just in case you guys got to start picking up all this ore look at all this ore you're leaving on the ground look at all this you guys were put here to work for me you'll work for me and you're going to enjoy it and that's what you're going to do so start picking everything up you pick up why you not doing this what do I pay you guys for I mean I mean they don't get paid this is why I don't pay you guys you don't do anything this is probably not possible like this is probably not going to work but I'm willing I'm willing to try okay I'm willing to give it a chance no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no those guys are dangerous oh no no no no no no oh my God see what I'm talking about they're insanely dangerous are you guys really chasing me right now right now come on you guys are so annoying you guys are so annoying oh my God no NOP NOP let's see where is it there it is boys we're almost there handgun ammo oh my God God it it like this is so bright and this is so dark like I can't see anything here this is quite a climb I don't know if we can get all the way up but we're going to try actually unless there's a Teleport up there I don't think this is going to work at all because cuz you have to get to it really fast that's the thing I mean we're doing it though we're getting up here oh my God you can see both of our bases barely you see that little blue ring right there and that blue ring you see those two rings right there those are both of our bases you could barely see them barely oh we're so close we're so close so maybe get on top of this and then maybe we could fly straight up maybe maybe oh maybe there there's a little bit of a ledge right there come on come on come on come on yes okay okay okay good good okay H okay let me think let me get our bearings cuz I don't think we can make this I don't think you're supposed to get this High yet with just a level nine Nightwing I don't think this is supposed to be possible no come on come on come on come on come on yes okay okay that's good that's a good sign all right where do we go from here please no please please please please please please please please please no no no no no no no no no no come on okay we might be able to make this maybe come on baby come on baby come on come on come on Nightwing come on Nightwing oh yes not even close please don't no please no please don't kill me now please don't kill me please don't please don't you're being very rude come on baby come on baby there's a portal yes oh we made it oh I didn't even notice we made it oh my God no click no stop descend descend yes let's go we made it boys I didn't even notice nice let's go wow oh my God what the hell look there's an egg on the very tippy top of this mountain that's probably a super I I want this I want this this is probably a super rare egg wow look how look how big the map oh my God that looks like background but there's a boss Tower over there so that means you can go over there man this the map is so big and then you could go over there too nice beautiful wow look at the map I love the the line that must be the ozone layer oh man look at look at the map it looks so good the world's so big it is so big like oh my God look at this beautiful God this game is so beautiful they made such a good game this game's so good all right so let's see in theory if the Zoe boss Tower idea works it should technically work with this boss too assuming I can actually do this boss assuming no idea what I'm getting myself into but we're going to try we shoot the guard we go as fast as we can to the tower go inside the tower and then try and get them to shoot the boss I feel like this is going to be very difficult though all right uh let's see okay we got to go all the way up all right we got to be quick we got to be quick come on come on come on oh my gu he's right here uh go let's go let's go let's go let's go we got to be fast I hope this works I I'm going to try no get off get off get off get off get off get off oh my God join join maybe maybe oh I kind of want I kind of want to watch this but I can't I can't take I I gotta go I got to go oh my God that thing looks so cool what the hell it flies I don't even want to know what that does shoot it shoot it shoot it oh God no I'm so dead I'm dead yep I knew I was dead oh my God that thing looks so cool I okay this might be doable but man I don't know how we're going to avoid all those attacks I think it's possible but I need them to shoot it like immediately let's go let's go let's go let's go let's [Music] go nice perfect perfect perfect perfect frames perfect lines oh my God these lines our lines are perfect shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot please shoot shoot again shoot again please please please hit it yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no can I capture it no come on oh what oh what what was that oh my God that one shotted me I mean I guess that makes sense you're supposed to shoot it oh that hit me behind the pillar it's it's doable I know it is I can feel it in my bones oh oh uhoh I think I just ruined oh never mind oh oh all right we got wanted level four so maybe with a higher wanted level maybe we have a higher chance of getting to work all right come on come on come on come on please please please work please [Music] work shoot it shoot nice nice nice nice that was beautiful yes no not me not me not me no no no no no no no I'm stuck shoot her yes yes I don't should I throw a ball now I don't know I mean it looks bug I this this looks pretty bugged maybe I got throw a ball from behind maybe oh did it work woo let's go oh my God I got 100,000 experi what the hell I just got 100,000 experience what the hell oh my god did I just found a insane XP farm 100,000 I think I just went from level 20 to 27 and just one go no did we just capture it there's no way we just captured the final boss or maybe second to final boss I don't know I I I don't know how much further we can go there's no way it's level 50 okay so this is this isn't the final B unless 50 is the max level this isn't the final boss oh boom oh oh my God that's so cool that's so cool we got Victor and Shadow beak let's go yo that's awesome how many levels do we get there actually oh my God oh my oh my God we got so many levels breeding Farm of course you got to always have the breeding cement that's probably important large toolbox is probably important uh we probably don't want the saddle for that oh a giga ball nice weapon workbench that's probably important ammo gun powder a musket oh my God we get our first gun a hyp a hyper ball uh spere assembly line okay just we just flew through the technology tree we just went from having crossbows and Spears and struggling to like take stuff down with a bow and arrow all the way down to an assembling line and a makeshift handgun no no way we just flew through the technology tree ingots well it's good thing we've been Farm actually it's a good thing we've been farming a lot of in oh my God this is so cool this is so and we get the person too that's so cool oh this is so cool dude this is awesome this is awesome this is like my favorite thing ever this is so cool so we turn in all of our metal to this two oh God we' can make almost 3,000 ingots oh my God man these things are probably op too oh my God 200,000 Health what the hell this thing has 200,000 HP damn Zoe's got thous 100,000 HP yo this thing's got so much HP that's crazy 200,000 my God that is so much I kind of want to go capture the rest of the bosses actually actually you know what you know what let me see before before we continue before we go any further I want you guys to decide do we go for the other bosses wherever the hell they are going to be do we go and capture every single Tower boss like this one right there do we go for every single Tower boss or do you guys want to wait I kind of want to go for every single Tower boss I'm not going to lie this is really cool I I I would love to own every single Tower boss but I think it does kind of ruin a little bit of the experience for me a little bit but it it's awesome it is so awesome but anyways we're going to be calling it here I'm going to be ending this here let me know how you guys feel about this this is awesome I'm probably not the first one to do it since you guys are telling me about it but it is so cool I love it anyways that's going to be it for this video thank you guys all so much for watching I'll be seeing all of you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Wolfyowns
Views: 901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfyowns, Gaming, palworld, lets play, lets play palworld, pokemon, pokemon palworld, palworld mod, palworld gameplay, palworld early access, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld trailer, best palworld, best pals, best pokemon, best palworld pokemon, palworld weapons, palworld base building, best base location, palworld how to catch, palworld tutorial, palworld game, palworld boss, pokemon on pc, monster farming, strongest pal, catch bosses, boss pals, catch boss pal
Id: KCkctmD3T94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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