Palworld - HOW TO CAPTURE TOWER BOSSES! Get OP Pals Quick!

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okay so in this video guys I'll be showing you how you can essentially catch the bosses or I guess the gym bosses in pal world you can capture them throw them around and they're pretty op so before we jump into the video I am giving away a copy of pal world if you want to give it to maybe a friend just like this video leave a comment and subscribe and then come and join my Discord which will be linked at the top of the video comment section so um yeah this is what you have to do so it's super simple obviously you need any type of P balls and you need something to aggro um the police inside of like a town or something so the town I'm at is this small settlement by here I think it's probably the closest one you can get to which is next to the spawn area so come to a town and then you basically want to aggro the guards and then after you aggro the guards you want to teleport to um like the boss location so I'm going to be going to the Rain uh Syndicate l the one that has the big yellow uh creature thingy so yeah here's I'll just show you how it works so Agro the gods until you're wanted it says wanted up in the top right as you can see and then fast travel the gods will follow you so just keep that in mind they pretty much follow you everywhere you go so after they just basically following you you want to go inside of the synda Tower or any boss Tower it doesn't matter which Tower it is but just go inside and they'll follow you inside pretty much now it's very important when you get inside that you do not aggro the boss or you do not like attack the boss do not attack the boss it will ruin this uh method that we're doing so yeah we can just skip this so what you need to do is you need to stand between uh the boss and the gods and the basically we're trying to get the Gods to shoot the boss as soon as they've shot the boss that's uh when you've done it correctly so there we go they've just shot it so all you do now is just use a p sphere and just throw it at them there you go and there you go you caught them obviously this is not intended so do it before it's patched um to get out all to do is press escape and I think you just re you can just respawn right yeah I think there is a way to just get out like an exit button but I probably missed it but yeah you can just respawn and go out fast travel back to your base and yeah as you can see we have Zoe and grisol and the cool thing is they are actually op as hell so they actually keep like all of their health that they have so if we come over to the pal management menu by here and we go over to them here and we just inspect them um they have 30k health so yeah it's pretty nuts um what's also a bug about this is it says 0% capture rate but obviously you can capture them and the cool thing is they act like normal Pals um they do stuff around your base and they still carry all of the perks that the main Pals carry um you can use them in battle use them in combat so the cool thing is as well you can just obviously just take them with you like they're just a normal pal and I'll show you guys them actually fighting in combat here so we're just going to go over here and just start hustling with people so we're going to just throw them down by here there you go look they attack and yeah they they're really strong they are really strong they do all the uh like attacks as well which is nuts so we're actually going to go capture another boss which I've been trying to get so we're going to see if it works with that boss as well so yeah we're going to go back to the town here and we're going to Arro the guards again there we go we got the wanted and we're just going to use the fast travel to go to the next location I'm actually going to go to this one over here in the volcano area and we're going to fast trouble there I'm actually burning up here so I actually need to be really quick and go inside um but we're going for that pillar over there as you can see we still got the Gods on us they are shooting at us and we're going to go for this Tower here the brothers of the Eternal fire tower um I think the dude inside here has like a I don't remember what dude's in here but we're just going to go in cuz we're going to capture him either way um ah yeah this dude okay yeah so this is we're we're going to basically essentially capture this guy I think he has another electric type as well I love the animations in here as well it's so cool yeah so he has this dude yeah this guy's actually kind of op so I kind of want to capture it Axel and ozuk all right cool once again when you get inside do not attack do not attack I repeat do not attack oh we got to be careful here we don't die okay we got to make sure the guards don't actually uh the guards don't actually die so we need to position oursel correctly here there we go so it's worked because we know it's worked cuz the boss has gone to the corner as you can see and then you just throw a sphere and there we go we captured them Axel and ozerk it is done so yeah that's pretty much it um once again I I'm pretty sure you can just go to title screen but um I just click respawn so yeah just respawn and you can get outside we're going to head back to our base once again and just check here as you can see we got Axel and ozuk there you go pretty insane so obviously this is clearly going to get patched soon uh so he actually has 130k health so while fighting together water PS drop more items when defeated he's got Dragon meteor which is 150 acid rain which is 80 and lightning bolt 150 generating electricity 3 transporting 3 in handiwork level twoo so yeah we've got two insanely strong uh electric type PS here from doing this uh little glitch sort of thing it's pretty cool as well how you can see the trainer on top and how the name is basically the same pretty awesome so this is Axel and ozuk him just riding on the back of it it's actually awesome um but yeah hope you guys enjoyed the video once again I'm pretty sure this works with every single boss in the game um to recap on how you do it head to any Town um get a wanted status by shooting the guards fast travel to the Boss Arena areas so these like Tower things go inside position yourself so the guards actually shoot the boss once the guards shoot the boss you then go into the corner where the boss goes to and basically just throw a pal spere at the back and it will always capture it 100% um yeah hope you guys enjoyed be sure to come and join our Discord guys where we've got a pal World section um we're going to be starting up a server soon so if you're looking to play with some people play with me as well we're going to be streaming it over on Twitch um yeah and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to win a copy of the game I will see you guys in my next video this has been Willis gaming and peace
Channel: WiLLiSGaming
Views: 532,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld glitch, palword capture bosses, palworld capture tower bosses glitch, tower boss capture palworld, palworld tower bosses, palworld best pals, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld review, palworld tips, palworld best way to level up, palworld guns
Id: IKp0b6clT8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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