It's Hard To Believe This Is Allowed - FRASER ISLAND

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[Music] a very cool fact about Frazer this time of year into September at the moment there's all the whales are they coming up and down the coast I got sure while up in front here and a whole bunch of whales out there watch these whales they're actually breaching right up out of the water out there having a whale of a time Frazer on short while up the front jumpin whales out there I don't need that bit I'll take that get out mate I take it out but I ate it was straighten him out listen folks at the location behind it doesn't giving it away I reckon what we're doing this is a little position that Sean and I made but number of years ago it was this is what we call the pyre burger and you've got to do it right though the key is that obviously put the pie in the in the bread right but the guy bit of tomato sauce oh yeah do people's taste a difference oh yeah you know whatever floats your boat put the lid on and that is a tradition as long as I've been coming here where's Liam I raised it all and of course where else would I be frozen or any place where it starts every trip for the fire burger you know can I just don't be under table what put me flying upside down champion favorite things to do on Fraser Island a favorite things what we've decided to do for this trip is a little bit different sure no he's going to run the trip for the first half you've got a better day and a half to clear yourself then I'm gonna take over and I'm gonna run what I consider to be well my side of fries were on so you're kicking off right now mate exactly right and this is look this is a good way to start my opinion over again if you phrase the trip that's ever been a success for me I started off with a ply burger I'm record I do not open you leave you say like you won up my night and I've become an X as well as gonna blow your way really upside down fire burger all mics Sean I was keeping this one off and he's ultimate aim is to get us up to probably his favorite place in the world sandy Cape and in doing so he's gonna be showing us the more adventurous side of fraser island as for me well i'm gonna get to show you that West is best I'm gonna try and show you every man's Fraser Island just wait till you see the campsite that I've got in mind you ever go that view from the top here here good is that Sean o has decided to bring his beast of a city nice areas along for this trip but I tell you what that thing is definitely coming along now coming through here Yuriko [ __ ] yeah clear that it I'm backing my trusty d-max tell you what I wouldn't have it any other way these days I love this thing we've also got Mike from Clearview time mirrors along Annie's weapon of a chopped 200 series if you're ever after a touring setup I tell you what this thing is what you want to see and of course my good mate Dion from scamper campus these single cap beast of a 79 series towing the dingo forward fall camper what a fitting name for a trailer on Fraser Island mate tell you a bit of order in here all right good to get around Oh a sign yes why is the toilet that was a rock so really rather perched up there so all about dawn Dahm it right move it I'm gonna wipe it that way now this is where Dion has to be very careful you see he's got the trailer on so he has to time these waves on both sides here nice one recognize when you got through salt free as you head north the NSE and abundance of spots to stop and swim or fish or just put your feet up one crossing you will hit is eli creek but be warned this place does get busy every good reason so we're gonna bypass this stop today and come back a bit later now that's nice and fresh and lovely make sure you check the water here too you see you've got to go far enough up the river to miss the salt and just get the creek water runoff which is about as fresh as you can possibly get looking at it today it's hard to believe that the Mahina was actually built around the 1900s as a luxury passenger ship after that it was used during the war years to transport wounded soldiers back from the front when you think about the power of this a bernhard all the time it's amazing that it's still here many years later it was sold to a Japanese company and it was whilst it was being shipped to Japan that it broke its towline and washed up on the shores of Fraser Island where it has stayed ever since all mites Shawn I was total but to the tip of Fraser Island on numerous occasions with varying degrees of success mostly the soft sand has caused real issues and on some occasions we've had to have a trainer four-wheel drives just to get in going this is surprising for the number of people that are on the island at the moment I really thought this would be horrible yeah bit of rain a little bit of compacting and you bit meself a highlight yeah that's the easiest stuff sooner remarkably hard to say I think it sees you stop seen Fraser Park I think the hardest part we've had so far was the southern section where you just get off the ferry put a lot of people fainting garlotte officers are worse than ever so that a beginner insanity stoked out the dingo here on fraser do all the R&D testing on I sort of passed Indian Head and beyond it's one of the bill to the top because be hard to bring it all along that's a huge call it's a big coal but I I think I'd back you on that is certainly up there with one of the best I've ever been with the Sun going down and that tide starting to push in we had just one more challenge before we could reach sandy cape and that's Nagala rocks mighty Poconos up there first get around the corner first couple of corners and this let me know summit let me wash the other babies is also the energy gotta have a turkey really dig into it small steady wins the race [Music] ooh it's a muddy section tarea to get finished polyp 31 when you rent to the dump [Music] yeah down when you get through the ditch the muddy bit you're gonna want to get brought on top of that will do and I want to get started this time of night [Music] you get into it yeah that's yeah oh baymax okay so that's everyone to accept Leon come on Mike let's give this a gun is Danny guys nope she bugged a night that is very soft Mike if you could tell my life here is hard hard way so turn around now she's really stuck can't even reverse [Music] I think I ought to do is get slapped down backwards at hoping fun Shawn I was rehearsing for back so he can get into a better position for a snatch cover they guys sure know - out of life those max tracks real quick I tell you what just reverse in the end here I've got stuck going backwards so it's nice and soft as you can see we're gonna use the max jacks is to get myself out of here and shouldn't be too hard I haven't really buried it properly but it's she's pretty stuck still [Applause] alright that worked alright get me out three more of those it's near to get to that downhill bit and then I should be sweet so soft you really can't see just how long it's taking sure to get down there the Sun set and I'll tell you what being stuck at Nagoya rocks at night is not exactly ideal I'll use max traction or a stop-start as well so both jump on to the max tracks hopefully we've got so Ament and anything I can yep sounds good that's the plan and I'll come back a bit further cuz that straps nothing at reach it's a big night I pray the biggest nine hour in for driving snatch off the table all these things aren't right over course oh snap this becomes a deadly projectile three windscreen it's not even a laughing matters no jokes it's just something that's never done so what I'm going to do here of course you can put a hitch in there you can also just use the pin all right I'm gonna go for it [Applause] we'll give her a crap I caught another bloke on his way back from fishing ran into us and offered another set of ponies to help get him through but even that wasn't enough we had to really put our heads together here gonna get another red art go alright all of that noise you're not going anywhere move it further oh yeah you'll be until 3:00 a.m. like this letting tires down left right and center a combination of max tracks and snatch traps we decided to turn around and try to get out backwards and just see if we go backwards and then say okay if that doesn't work carnage the trailer so I pull it around yeah you can drive out you can come around pick up again yep yeah in theory yeah but try though it's not too bad I was out with driver as you saw so I brought the d-max around and I've hooked it up to the camper trailer yeah you get it this sand is soft let's give it a go see brought up in Reverse let's try for up I was checking into the drive first gear I arranged I'm sitting to go really gently might want to see how it feels right sort of making progress there how you feel on your moving you're moving no behind the hikmah and I think I am well on four involved Justin we were almost out of ideas we had a glimpse of hope it's not every day you come across a rugby team up in and garlic rocks at fraser island you know getting involved as well but determining bikes bike you know I was just given the bike really with the d-max free and now a daisy chain was Sean and I toned down plus the board is pushing we got back onto solid ground again where we can turn the trailer and the 79 around at the camera look at them go rugby team to the rescue with once again absolute legends the la tía now finally we're out solid sand from here to camp and I think we all deserve a well-earned 4x gold like we've got a sensational campsite and sensational place to cook one of my favorite meals you know oh well actually there's one thing I can't cook it's seafood tonight we're cooking up a fish and chips a good old-fashioned special make I'm looking forward to it actually no Luke I do have one good tip the first thing we need is with the beer yes as well how good cool do you start there now we definitely do need some fish so this is one of the best tasting fish in the ocean is coral trout what I've got in the background you probably think I've already starred and I sort of have I've got some potatoes on the simmer so then it's gonna get nice and soft and the plan is to cook those in oil with a few spices all things nice and they will get nice and crunchy it's gonna take the skin off that it's quite a big Philip that's it that's a nice little to fill it there you've got that Oh what I do with that is just cutting down along the back they ought to make little pieces I'm not gonna cook this in big huge chunks of fish it just small little one so it's not enough I better get some more pieces out actually goes a long way fish all right so what do you want done with the potatoes put them in here with a bit of oil yeah might so get that all nice and hot first put about an inch of oil yep that's a cool thing you having a pantry when you're out camping done crack a couple of eggs yeah bit of salt and pepper yeah now you get a bush voice in there as well so I'm making chrome fishing right now that the way to make good chrome fish I reckon is to have a bit of production line going you want flour there go in the flour first into an egg wash then into what I've got here is panko crumbs use bread crumbs or anything really and then after that the secret to it all is to put it back in the waco for about 15-20 minutes when it's all chromed and that makes it really really crunchy fish and chips Oh Chuck these in the fridge oh yeah mate chuck me in the waco they'll be nice and cold in no time in the meantime that is nice and hot I'm gonna you can't get burnt on this can you know [Music] yeah that's all working right what do you reckon that's playing about 10 minutes bat-ball time what time 8:00 so just chuckle more I reckon it's looking pretty good yeah man chuckle man drop them in perfect [Music] [Music] my everything's looking good I'm cutting some lemons a final bit fish is done potatoes are done what do you say we grab that newspaper off the boys yeah we'll serve it up they're still reading it I'll take it off from that I need it okay the comics anyway grab some fish we got a lot of fish so grab some fish there's some chips look at some in the plate you guys the first first ones up who's who's taking the first one there you go some Fraser fried fish and chips it doesn't get much better if you ask me whole trout on the beach in a care of a trailer and one of the best places in this planet fries are on I'm gonna get into it there we go boys one of the best dish than other I actually haven't best time of the day if you ask me the sun's just come up it's up here you have pretty much got it to yourself apart from a few other intrepid others like-minded Souls first thing in the morning just to watch that offshore breeze on the ocean no trucks around few whales to stop in the distance over there really is the reason why I had bush this right now is one of the reasons why I own the four-wheel drive right there I've to take two red line I'll give you better right Mike I want to give you this enough room so I've got that snatch strap just right position [Music] I'm into it don't leave out this morning hood so I pressures a bit all in an instant Ike it's just like this [Music] now we're all up without a problem this time and Deanna's opted to leave the trailer at camp for this morning probably a smart move if you ask me mate [Music] defecate this little fella little dingo and I reckon that the dingo is here on Fraser Island one of the last remaining strands of purebred dingo you see they're on their own there's no other dogs on here no dogs have been allowed in her robot so there's a pure strain of dingo they're absolutely beautiful you shouldn't feed them you shouldn't really do much with them so I'm just leaving be they leave you be that's why it's always a good idea when you can now but Freight it as well the lawful your food away okay mop it away goes to the truck inside the tent oh I'll get to any sort of food that's available it's a broken dog we're gonna get to the tip here it is boys Ilan and I on the sandy Cape water tight as you get closer come here comes more clear what more clarity and yeah it's an awesome place you just mentoring otherworldly attorneys going on we were five other places in Australia you're not all up oh we've just about losing it I love that tray on the San Janine directly in front of us there's no lack of a vacuum every single if you get a bite up here as well while at the top here sanik a girl likes and you and is it used to be rain for us essentially and they are logs it all and that's why this arm I'm 1/8 or is saying is on every night again like a bit of vehicle or and all there's really a sort of sausage shell itself scientists every time we come here that doesn't at this sand dunes actually got me quite smaller used to be what bigger throat I you guys up to the scene decayed White House provided everything I do rewards definitely worth [Music] put we're advised how you go home [Music] amazing place is one of my favorite places in Australia it's pretty easy to see why imagine living up here the things you'd see me hooked up to a big fish right down there sandy cave is a beautiful spot for care but the whole West Coast phrase up you know a lot like this it's all calm and beautiful and a beachfront cabin yeah we go right there I think you're taking you over there really on my expedition which I'm hoping we won't be spending all night digging we probably sit on a beach maybe watch the Sun go down where's the fun in that have a cold beverage I'm just saying the people will vote although they will all right well now I'm mad I'm glad to look now if y'all got been up here before that's a good sport view that mine has an absolute cracker all right can we walk 1.2 you guys back there okay that sounds good sounds good whilst were up at sandy Capshaw nope just would not leave without wetting a line this time he reckons he's gonna nail a show there's a lot of big sharks that swim all up and down these features you know completely legal we're doing it going to catch a shark you got to release us we're using a circle hook yep it usually hooks and right the side of the mouth if we do the catch one trains gonna just be in there that Hobbit about miles down on the beach that's got a lot of fun yep so the first thing to this of course is you can't cast out a game real no it doesn't work our toilets it's not quite caste you know we've got to get that into the ocean to do that we're going to use the camera crew and our drone standby there's only the work or it won't whadya good purpose it is it [Music] I really hope that management never finds out that we used our expensive filming drone to tow half a mullet out to see it popular for Shore no to catch a shark however you've got to admit it eases our effective way to get a bite well out into the ocean and the proof is in the pudding ah that's right we had an absolute blast and Shawn I did manage to do what he said he was going to do and land a good-sized shark [Music] sneaky last time hiccup a lot of funny and do you think we enjoyed it dirty look Chocolate Chunk just have a look at us that gives as much fun as you can have we gonna release him just aminute a little bit gave you the oxygen through the gills he'll swim up nice and healthy that hook for us to happen about a week good to go and yes we did release that shark unharmed back into the ocean and I reckon in five minutes time he'll think to himself I just met a while but not the type of whale like I'm used to meeting good fun good fun all around after all that excitement it's time to head back south and that means going directly through negara rocks again but we're old hands at this now and you guarantee yourself and we're not getting stuck this time mics up and even though he's 200 is four and a half ton he still has that v8 and it gets up we'd had a drama and of course Dion brings up the rear and the 79 I tell you what I will never get sick at the sound of that truck device work [Music] now just before I take the reins and take over this trip we've pulled in for a bit of lunch Dion's managed to get the kitchen out of the dingo before I could even get out of the d-max we're going to make wraps for lunch today and what a cracking spot to stop they [Music] Harare that was sure knows version of frozen absolute cracker it is - who doesn't love sandy Kate but let's be honest it's a long way to the top up there and there's a couple of very gnarly sections and it's not for everyone and that's where I come in I've decided to show you every man's view the Fraser Island what I'm hoping to do is really give you a couple of secret spots or out-of-the-way spots that will get you out of the crowds yet let you see all of the island or all the main parts of the island that you'd expect from Fraser [Applause] I don't have a Yves likes but Fraser is really famous for its inland likes so I thought I'd take us to one today to start the day that you don't really see on the maps you don't really hear about so this is Ocean Lake and it's actually one of the lesser known lakes in the aisle it's still beautiful but it doesn't attract the crowds that Lake Mackenzie does and that for me is what makes it so special it's kind of I guess what phrase Iran would have been like 30 years ago hasn't got a huge parking area so they don't to come down with too many in fact that comp will probably be about the right number but it's got a lot of freshwater fishing it's got Turtles in it you can swim it's a gorgeous little area but you're not going to get those hundreds of crowds that you get when the tour buses come in the lake for Kenzie you almost never get like Mackenzie to yourself you might flip it but you might not ocean lake do yourself a favor get on down and check it out [Music] how good is this I reckon half of New South Wales and three-quarters of Queensland I froze wrong with the moment but I reckon 95% of the people here wouldn't even know this lake exists now there's no there's not a good reason for it about a dozen kids here having a swim it's absolutely beautiful ocean lake if you get a chance especially be camping north of Orchid Beach this is only hops given a jump away from any camp you're at come to a near freshwater have a swim ocean like seriously give it a crack guys and you get up here for now though I'm gonna gather the boys up and get them off that rope swing and we're gonna head south from here and then inland on one of my favorite night it is my favorite Drive I'm afraid I'll take it I don't think to be too many other places in the world where you can drive across a sand island through lush dense rainforest on spikes - anyway bit of a plant no but it makes Frazer just one of those really unique locations you st. how tall some of these trees are i know it's just unbelievable to think they can grow on us and on [Music] it's pretty cool we're just driving along here and I had to jump out and just share something with you because within a radius of I don't know maybe five meters I've just seen everything that the native people that used to live out here the Aborigines would need in order to start a fire out here pretty much anywhere it's this is more convenient than going to a shop if you ask me that there would be the spindle to start a fire as you can imagine you all seen it being done that's the spindle that starts the fire see these bigger ones computer spikes like that one down there that actually became the base board for the fire so that would go into it they put their foot on the baseboard and then they'd make that soaring motion that we create the friction that we create a spark or an ember and then directly behind my cameraman here is a bank retreat why is that important well these old Bank she leaves there's two things they'd use these four first and foremost you get that red stuff out of the middle we've all itching powder because when we were kids we used to put it down each other's shorts and I'm actually tolerable stuff but that there actually catches the spark and then by slowly blowing on that blowing on it that would become a bigger and bigger Ember and then they would simply place that bigger Ember directly into the bank sure close it up move it around get some airflow through it blow on it that catches on fire you put that into your twigs and there you go so then about a five meter radius right here you've got everything the aboriginals would have ever needed to light fire very very cool let's keep going all right you can see the ocean that means one thing we can't go together the other thing things that this is what we're going to camp for the night lads it's a heck of a nice campsite and I've a feeling you'll think that a big show knows cancel it hand down how's this for a campsite boys you have to agree this is the best campsite you've ever seen a bad beta okay pretty good this campsite is called Worley Creek and put that in your memory banks because it's just off the main exit from the inland track the boys got straight into setting up camp and I tell you what I think I've nailed it this campsite [Music] it's not quite five o'clock yet but I'm set up it's five o'clock somewhere I'm gonna go and pack a beer I've always said West is best tell you what looking at this campsite in this location right now how could you not agree with me with the Sun down Shore no being I just couldn't resist soaking one last bite and yeah he came up trumps we really had high hopes for this being a monster shark however as things stretched on and the battle became younger and longer it really was obvious that this wasn't a shark but instead it was an absolutely beautiful stingray big rain is letting go that fought hard you never want to do that again Victor for driving I reckon we managed to get it into the beach we got the hook out with a little bit of trouble and then we sent it on its way that is a sublimely beautiful creature and one that I was very very glad to see release unharmed back into the ocean [Music] down there but you good but really good gets the wound gets a bacon weight and eggs I don't know where I'm doing this whatever furious her blood comes out of there we know a bunch yeah might we are sorry Rory cookin are nothing fancy make bacon eggs you came for that yeah he's forget this interest get on the roads dollars we finish this track off yep today back down to the beach back down to Eli oh yeah that's always worth a look how long would you recommend for fraser for someone laced awake awake you'd see everything for sure late a couple of days of just doing it just doing him yeah yeah shortly great for surely aarika book well you continue on like that i'm just going to go for a quick fish but pull that back up a quick fish running a day on but just pass over after a quick but let me tell you a hearty breakfast on the dingo camper we were all hands on deck we're getting packed away [Music] [Music] well this is a bit of a bummer this is turn the point run right and we haven't got far to go to pick up the track that we're gonna take in land for moons this is bit of a showstopper if this was fresh down there yeah actually it is quite seeking easier I'm on the internet I don't think we're gonna touch this for the forty I wouldn't touch this with your truck Mike that's saying something as well their Dharma dozen but I'm not gonna attempt it this is a salty as the sake oh yeah not as soul Jesus II but she's definitely salty yes oh that's a bummer oh it's worth it there's a good run good we're gonna head back up again take the inland track back across to the eastern beach after being here I reckon that eastern beach is gonna be a real shock to the system one woman Fraser life right now all nice and relaxed and this is the Fraser I love but we've gotta get across the other side more diverse stuff on the other side sure is let's do it one last long lingering look doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the oceans around Fraser Island are absolutely alive with creatures you've got humpback whales dolphins Duggan's sea turtles you've got great white sharks bull sharks tiger sharks and of course a whole host of bread-and-butter species when it comes to fish believe it or not there is around 18 species of snakes on Fraser Island with about a third of those being venomous including the Eastern brown snake you really do have to think to yourself how on earth did they get over there hmm [Music] haven't look at that that is spectacular that's the knife lights and blow down they're gonna get a quick photo now you all know me as a photographer I've got something I need to get off my chest I reckon 60 to 70% of all the photos I take in a year every single photo I take in a year if you added them all up would be taken on my phone and I think the some of you watching out there that number probably be closer to a hundred percent the old camera in the phone has become every man's method of taking a photo and with things improving a technology is getting better and better it does make sense because some of the photos coming out of here are fantastic but there are some tips that I can give you when you're using your phone as a camera and this pretty much goes across all the different types of phones that are out there these days I all work much the same so first and foremost of course I think framing is everything a lot of phones will have the camera function that even put the grid lines on that makes it look like you're playing lots and crosses I recommend you putting that across the screen because it'll help you frame things up so when you're framing it up try to have the landscape with the horizon in one of the two thirds rather than in the middle of the frame it just makes it look a lot neater in this case I want to really try and accentuate that blue sky another really cool tip is that you can get the focal point and also the exposure point on your camera in your phone by tapping on there where you want it to expose for so you can make it lighter and darker of course by exposing in different areas and it'll also give you the focus in that area as well another really good tip if you hold an area push and hold you'll get auto focus and auto exposure lock if you then move your finger up and down on the screen you can make it lighter and darker depending on how you want the mood to look for me I really want it to look nice and sunny as it is today so I'm just going to move that up and make it as light as possible I'm now just gonna tap away and take that photo now as far as I'm concerned that's pretty darn good but if you have a look in the App Store however it is you get apps on your phone there's so many different little apps of the way to tweak that photo and use it in this day and age that photo that uydess took of the knife blade sandblow can be put anywhere for example right now I've got a bar of reception believe it or not I could now upload that to my Instagram account and I could share that with the world I think that that is just so important because what is the point of a photo if nobody else sees it photographs are there to be shared so get out our holy command that you get to know the camera function on your phone and go absolutely nuts and then use those photos share them check them up everywhere and invite me to come whenever look cause I love looking at your photos as you know it's Graham's day at the moment and um it's going pretty good though everyone's having a good time especially Grammys you're gloating in the fact that these days going a lot better than my day was on Fraser Island but something to sort of shut him up if you know what I mean a little practical joke on awesome fuel the other day and there was these things they called a fart bomb only they stink a lot and I'd hate for one to go off in his car I'd really hate that but um who knows what's gonna happen who knows where you guys [Music] it's a good day to beer to add a driver really is [Music] ah jeez ah ah it's so bad oh so eggs really oughta pick the chips like I ate them what's that it's like a liquid it's like a it's like a juicy stuff I'll get the invasion I'll wash it that's hard go uh now as I mentioned earlier eli creek is one of the busiest places on fraser island but it's still a great spot to have a bit of fun cool off and enjoy the fresh water Creek even that's what I consider an absolute circus today let's go all those because you do owe it to yourself to come in and check out eli creek there's one of those absolutely prepping spots program you can't let miss out on so yeah an hour sucks today but still much very good certain things do yeah let's get them look yourself [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] all right well then you got another scuffle my god the fries are our next one line is what watch you sure they're probably thinking - Lima spot rise wrong [Music] right I the last stop on my guide to every man's Fraser Island and that's like Wahby you see lake wobby is slowly disappearing the hammerstone sandblow which the June behind it be slowly moving into the lake and one day the whole lot will just disappear or RT well I reckon I like hobby I bet all of you thought I meant like Mackenzie no Mike McKenzie is absolutely spectacular the thing is we've even heard reports of this traffic jams getting in there no parking and about a billion people have a look at lake wobby two people up there so fast they're they're about to leave when they go whole place is ours school holidays Fraser on you've got a walk-in but I tell you what lake wobby is absolutely worth it now you'll excuse me I've got business to take care of [Music] [Applause] there are so many hidden gems on Fraser Island and the real trick is to try and get off the beaten track and do your research go where the crowds don't and that way I've guarantee you you're gonna be rewarded I truly believe that Fraser Island is one of the greatest places in Australia that you can possibly undertake a four-wheel-drive adventure from the rainforest the inland lakes to the exposed eastern beaches across to those protected calm waters on the western shores and right the way up to sandy Cape Fraser Island has got to be on your bucket list choose your times carefully do your research and really get across and enjoy what is one of Australia's greatest treasures well there you go Fraser Island two separate flavors you got your nose a little bit more extreme taking this all the way up sandy Cape we got it's not there in the end that's a lot better we had a lot of fun along the way really was fun then of course I decided just to go for that more every man's flavour of Fraser Island taking it down here to finish up with lake wobby which is sir I don't I reckon it's a fitting spots finish up the phrase right well I really liked your one mate because anyone can do it you don't need a big cool drive or you just did a full drive really yeah I might I don't know I don't know which one I pick to be honest for this I'm going to ask you folks in the audience which one would you rather do Shaw knows version we'd rather just have a bit of a relaxing trip and do my version and tell you what in order to encourage you to let me know we're gonna give away what about one of those new comforts will Michael with upper max something max that thing is absolutely incredible right away a thumper max to the best Angela record where the answer on Facebook yeah jump on Facebook will put a little link up there will go on Facebook tell us which one Shawn's on my bro is rightfully yours but now they have that we just say this phrase our all-in-one get over in can check it out because this is on the best holiday destinations to ona 4-wheel Drive in the country actually I'm gonna pull you up there like our Guinness Happy Valley pubs gonna win it actually used tonight there's no velour there happy belly pub see you guys next time on we drive actually that you're in [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 2,055,908
Rating: 4.7917576 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, camping, fishing, diesel, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, fraser, island, sand, beach, remote, amazing, bog, best, illegal, overland, trip, epic, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: 2kJoMt0pMP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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