Australia Travel Documentary: Cape York on the Old Telegraph Track

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not chicken from multi-camera adventures and my family twice's you and Aaron travelling around Australia today [Music] hi my name is YouTube stop the video welcome to my channel to die I gonna take you on a trip to the northernmost point of the Australian continent but we should begin at the start let's go with us on the old telegraph track [Music] after a 23-hour flight we arrived in Queensland which is famous for its World Heritage Sites we spent the first days at the incredible tilapia resort at Port Douglas but Queensland is not only known for its splendid nature but also for the infamous old Telegraph track the track was built to service the telegraph line which was set up in the 1880s the telegraph line is history the track remains besides enjoying the wonderful nature we did some pretty drastic things like visiting Mossman Gorge our guide told us about history and tradition of the local people thirteen years after my first visit to Queensland I came back to check up the old Telegraph track myself it was quite difficult finding a rental car which was legally to go on the track but now we're getting instructions by the company owner water will come inside not in the back here but in the front and your mum and dad's legs the water will come up their legs it wasn't the first time in a foreign country that we had to buy our supplies for a remote trip but it's always a challenge you're never sure how much you need will everything fit in the car and finally are the kids going to like it but now we are ready let's start [Music] [Music] the first night we spend on the limestone hotel really famous fall off road drivers they even run their own little museum isn't that cool [Music] we spent several hours to explore Cooktown this is the place where james cook had to repair his end ever after he hit the reef which made him stay for two months at this place not only the city is named after James Cook but also the river called and other River remembers that period after short stop at the local hospital which was not really foreseen we finally made our way to our next goal out of town and on to paddle camp rode the scenic road is named after tragic fight between a group of 170 voltages and 500 Aboriginal people which happened 1870 it's almost night as we reach cal pork crossing just after a few minutes someone showed up at our campsite and gave us a plate of fresh baked barramundi the lady meant hey guys you look hungry take our fish I mean it's incredible you just arrived and someone gives you fresh fish I love this country [Music] [Music] we followed the running creek track and set up our camp at Scone we didn't stay at the bigger campground in the village but on the open campsite called the band [Music] we are still not really used to our rental equipment so it takes some time to pack it we are not really one of the first to leave the camp spot [Music] the peninsula development Road it's really tough and we can tell you quite dusty if you are driving in an open car most of the road houses are really nice and after refueling everyone enjoys a cold drink this night we stayed at Morton Telegraph station which offers nice warm showers and the laundry machine which is really welcome after a few days in the dust one of the cool things about traveling is meeting new friends our kids played soccer with a boy called you and it turned out that he got a real nice family after spending the evening together now fire you want to hear about their travel experience and plans my name's Colin they're my family tri-c Hugh and Aaron traveling around going to the tip tomorrow you guys up there but two days ago their entire journey all of a sudden almost came to an end and just hit a halt and trailer just got a little bitty airborne when the wheel went in the hole and now we break a centipede on ya all life Springs so we still had the leaf springs but the whole axle had moved backwards so I was not good and some guys stopped and helped us fortunately they were very mechanically minded and had some gear and we had to move the actual forward again and they fixed it they pretty much fixed it and got us and I'll just drive it into Han River Road house about 250 kilometers south of here and yeah their mechanic just had to look at it just do a little bit of welding on it and we're back on the road we're due to be back home in May 2009 mmm so that's our plan and it's great to meet you guys and then it's time to hit the road for the last kilometers until bramble junction at bramble Junction there's the last opportunity to review for the next three days of off-road driving at this Roadhouse there's a special atmosphere it is the mixture of the guys like us who are just about to start the off-road adventure of the year and those who already conquered the trail and now I have to go south because their time at Cape York is over and now it go for us we finally hit the old Telegraph track it's just a few kilometers into the Trek that the first obstacle is waiting it's also one of the bigger challenges on the entire Trek its palm creek it also turned out to be a challenge for our team spirit but finally we made it and all survived it's also here that we met a young couple in a white pickup truck coming from Western Australia Brooke and pet we just chatted a bit about the track and thought we would never see again but you will see later how it really turned out after a few more crossings we finally arrived at our campsite at Tull honty River which is a beautiful spot at a little waterfall kids can swim in the water and adults t everyone is loving that place you [Music] after a wonderful relaxing morning we finally get ready to start and yes we are again the last ones who hit the track [Music] [Music] [Music] the second crossing of the day is Berta Creek it got quite a steep entry but afterwards it's more or less an easy Drive you only have to make sure to stay on one side of the creek and make a dark leg to the other side right at the end [Applause] after a few kilometers on sandy road we come to a place known by almost every off-road driver gunshot Creek having a rental car and a family I decide to take the chick way [Music] but look who's coming around here with this beautiful white master its patent Ruth and thanks to our delayed start in the morning they were able to catch up with us because they were starting quite a few kilometers behind us everyone was happy to meet again and we decided to stay together until the tip having to pull his camping trailer on this muddy slope that had to use his winch for the first time he made it perfectly some crossings are rather easy but at some especially here at cockatoo Creek you really have to watch out for deep holes every person here stands at the place which has to be avoided [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you gotta look to new house [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] even though pet was driving very carefully the old bridge was almost falling apart we made a stop and try to hear the smoothest possible [Music] Eliott faults are one of the best swimming spots on the entire old calico track the campsite is in the national park and has to be pre-booked it offers basic equipment like toilets but no fresh water [Music] [Applause] [Music] the place is so magic that we state much to learn in the morning which is going to change our travel plans later that day [Music] straight on we passed several nice creek crossings and pet managers thanks to my good advice to get start sorry pet Bickford Gigi everyone helps together and we finally managed to get the car out of the mud brother wait at mistake creeks you have to prepare the path for the trailer and I managed to break one of my jokes running into a stone I think it's time that Pat tells us a bit more about their beautiful trailer in 2017 easy child the models are sterling GT mark - it's been really good on this trip we've had a few little dramas both the our water tanks cracked but we're putting it through very difficult terrain so you know you've got to expect stuff to break on the tele track the only damage that we sustained was we broke a latch for one of the falling down stabilized legs and I've smashed the mirror like that yeah apart from that the trail has been sensational bit of dust got into the seals bit of water but overall to perform very very well for its price range I think great a cannibal Creek we had a wonderful time sitting in the water and watching everyone to drive through the yulia's Acton winter your mission to him now it's going to get stuck he didn't get stuck at all what a skillful Drive concrete pad that was really cool the old block bridge at Cypress Creek looks a bit fragile so we decide to fix it first before we drive over it pat is the first to drive the tension is massive sitting behind the steering wheel you don't see anything of the bridge at all you entirely rely on the person who's guiding you but just as usual pet is going to manage it perfectly they've had insightful [Applause] getting around such tight corners is quite a challenge with the trailer mean warrant we are a group of five cars which are traveling together over the rough sections of the northern part of the old Telegraph track everyone is a bit surprised how slowly we are going but you couldn't see on the map how bad the road conditions are finally we decide to call it a day and set up camp at Logan's Ford this night sitting at the campfire I had to treat five injured people including a severe burn on a Lac not because of the campfire it was an infected wound from a motorcycle accident some ripped off nails and some minor stuff being a doctor myself I wonder how the Australian Medical system provides care for patients in such remote places back at Sydney I asked my good friend Ben Gooden Auto Pedic surgeon in New South Wales how they make it happen it's a good question and the answer is sometimes it's treated very well sometimes patients have a long way to travel and their care is compromised as a result but there are times where patients need to be transferred by either rate ambulance or in Australia in the quite remote areas is the flying doctor service that can come and retrieve patients we also have quite extensive helicopter system for retrieval as well - and this really works in places that are closer to metropolitan centres most paper patients who live in in those rural remote areas are aware that they may not have access to all the healthcare sub specialties that I require and and invariably they're happy or they're prepared to travel increasing amount of people taking risk for action sports is that a concern for you as an ox from the stripe sports and I found it taken the more interesting cases we have to deal with but seriously I look it is an issue we're seeing a lot more extreme sports being undertaken in rural areas but certainly we are seeing increasing numbers of traumas with the increase in extreme sport that we're seeing a both in summer and winter in Australia we were happy that we were able to treat all medical problems ourselves and the person of the injured leg made it safely to the hospital by car the same day the track today was again quite rough and it took us some time until we arrived at Nolan's Brook the water this most difficult crossing of the entire old Telegraph tract is more than 1 meter deep each day several cars get stuck and many cars each year get permanent damage preparation is key if you don't want to drown your car you need extreme low tire pressure something between 20 and 30 psi you need a tetra coverag year and you have to know the crossing very well that means walk through it up and down until you find the right path all of a sudden a young guy from Canada hit a hole in the riverbed he immediately got stuck since we were quite good prepared for this situation one car was waiting the rescue gear was attached we managed to pull up the car within minutes no permanent damage [Music] taking the peninsula development road even further north traversing the charging River is not recommended by car because there are heaps of Crocs we took the ferry boat instead arriving at the beautiful campground of panting pay we were totally shocked it was fully booked but the first shock turned into win the overflow area where we were put was the best campsite of all we used the relaxed time at the campground to ask Pat and Brooke about the story of their travel basically broken myself have been on a trip for the past two and a half months we left Perth Western Australia we did the whole of the West Coast headed up to Darwin in the Northern Territory went to all the national parks and seen a lot of waterfalls and gorges it's been amazing we then headed across the savanna way too into Queensland where we went to Cannes and headed up to start the telly track we spent two and a half days with Lucas and his family doing the telly track it's one of the highlights of my life it's something I've wanted to do for about ten years it's been amazing all the crossings we had some exciting times luckily no one in our group sustained any damage few little broken parts here and there we all know it's been great being able to see it has been a dream of ours and we can take that off the bucket list today it's time to go to the tip after a few kilometres of dusk we came through a channel like section what a contrast and finally we arrived at the northernmost parking spot of the Australian continent we just had to walk the 1 and a half kilometers to the tip it was even more beautiful as we expected and here we are on the tip of the continent what an amazing feeling [Music] as I mentioned the tip is quite beautiful we saw giant sea turtles and one of our friends was able to catch a fish back at the campground we heared some great news today proposed to Elise who I've been with for 10 years for coming on 10 years so I thought what better time than yeah yeah we woke up and got up and packed up the camp and sort of headed for the tip of Cape York we thought we got there a bit earlier yeah we might try and beat the cards and yeah we pulled up there was only two cars in the parking lot so we're pretty oh I was pretty happy about that she had no idea what was going on at the time yeah there was a bloke had just come back from the tip and scrambled and we asked in which way which way so yeah so we ran up to the tip over the off something while I was catching my breath II decided to drop down to one knee and proposed to release and thankfully she said yes I couldn't be in a crowded place and I had to be you know somewhere in the Australian bush now it was time to say goodbye to our new friends especially to broken pet and we had itself to what fruitbat Falls fruit pitfalls is a wonderful spot to swim we arranged to meet Colin in his family so the boys could play together everyone was happy to meet again and we decided to set up camp together on our way to bramble Junction where we stay tonight we saw heaps of controlled fires although it was not always clear how controlled they are but we understand how important it is to let it burn in time to time just the trapped animals didn't seem to be too happy about it the kids were collecting firewood together and we had a wonderful evening [Music] today was our longest drive we clocked almost 700 case at Han River Road house we met this little friendly bird and again we slept at lines then before we started towards the International part to show our kids the beauty of this place [Music] in our fast changing world it's incredible to see this forest more than 135 million years old this place is like a living dinosaur [Music] [Music] although I had already been several times at Aintree national park it was the first time for me to see a cassowary and not only one - so for that I hope you enjoyed the film thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: doktor-video
Views: 70,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Documentary, Dokumentarfilm, Travel, Offroad, 4WD, Cale York, Old Telegraph Track, Quennsland, NoLimits4x4, Landrover
Id: h2WRl1v_E5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 16sec (2536 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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