Canteen Cup Tuesday - E46: Easy Beef Stew with a Twist

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hey gang it's matt welcome back for another edition of canteen cup tuesday you know when i kind of invented the idea for canteen cup tuesday and i didn't come up with it all by myself i had some suggestions and some input from some other people and i kind of whittled it on down to the canteen cup tuesday that we all know and love now you know but you know when i when i when i kind of brought it together it was meant to be what you could cook out of a canteen cup on the trail without having to use frozen stuff or refrigerated stuff you know nut stuff you could spoil you know like trail food in a canteen cup and it's been just colossal you guys have created some just unbelievable recipes that i you know i i can't believe how much it's grown uh and and just to prove that point i look back on my own playlist i have a canteen cup tuesday playlist i'll put a card to it right up here so everybody can go check them out and see the original one too i look back at my own playlist and i have done 45 canteen cup tuesdays so this is canteen cup tuesday number 46. uh and we're gonna do it just like the original intent was without any refrigeration or any special stuff and everything is stuff that i you're going to use today that stuff that i use on the trail now it rained really really hard last night so i'm not going to be out in the woods i'm going to be on the back porch and you know it's really really hot so it's kind of too hot too wet to go out in the woods but that's going to change pretty soon so today we're going to do and i can't believe i haven't done this yet we're going to do easy beef stew with a twist okay and the twist is going to make it a little bit easier i don't know if it's going to make it a little bit better but i i haven't had this before and i haven't made it this way before so i'm inventing it right alongside you watching it so let's go out in the back and let's get this stuff cooking okay here we are with our equipment we got our stove um that this is a great stove it's only like 11 or 12 bucks on amazon uh and i'm pretty sure there's a link to it in the description below uh this is a really good stove you know for for a cheapy stove this is this is thing that's just been great i mean i i haven't had any problems with this at all you know it's maybe starting to come loose a little bit but hey that's all right we got old faithful of course okay now to get us a little water going you know not too much water about a half a canteen cup full all right bang bang boom yada yada here we go now i want to give the soup or the beef stew a little body so i just got about a cup of them extra wide egg noodles uh and i think that ought to really give it we're gonna give it some some stock all right uh the secret's gonna come along when to see how i make the beef stew so stay tuned all right here we go we're boiling up our water and see i got my gloves on today or at least one glove because per my last video starting to boil per my last video if you think you're billy badass and you go out and you injure your hand or injure your arm and now you're only one armed what are you gonna do so check out in the upper right hand corner i'll put a card to that last video go back and see what we're talking about about doing stuff one-handed and practice practice practice because you never know when you might need it now this water is going to boil up in a second and then we're going to get them egg noodles in okay we are starting to hard boil right now now these canteen cup wings are hot so that's why we have our gloves now we're going to cook these egg noodles up and we're going to make some cool stuff y'all are going to love it it's going to be great oh yeah our water's still boiling and egg noodles are egging or noodling whatever egg noodles do but they cooking i can turn this down a little bit i think boy that's really boiling up okay i'll bring you back when the egg noodles are cooked okay our boiling egg noodles are looking pretty darn good so what i think we're gonna do i'm just gonna cut these off okay we're gonna get rid of the stove for a second okay now and remember this is still hot still got my glove and we're gonna strain these out the easy way since mrs florida boy has this nice strainer we're just gonna strain out our noodles and i could have totally i could have totally kept the um canteen cup lid i have the canteen cup lid uh i'm gonna save a little bit of this water just in case we need it but we got our noodles and what we're going to do is we're going to put our noodles aside rest them on the canteen cup lid there now are we ready for the secret ingredient to canteen cup tuesday trail beef stew are you ready one two three dinty moore beef stew and what we're going to do is we're going to combine the dinty more and we're going to combine the egg noodles we're going to see if we can get a really hearty beef too now there's a lot in there this is a big can and luckily it's got the pop top because you know y'all know i'm kind of can open or challenged so but look at the size of it versus the canteen cup i don't know if it's all going to fit in there but we're going to try it i'm going to put some black pepper and stuff in there because if you look at the nutritional stuff here the dentimore has 990 milligrams of sodium so i think we're doing good on sodium content there i'm going to get my glove off here and we're going to get our dinky more opened up all right look at that let's taste a little bit because it's probably already cooked all right ain't that great i've never had dentimore beef stew i'm telling y'all i've never had this stuff before so let's see how much of it we can get in here well minus the piece that fell out um all right you know what we're just gonna put the whole damn thing in there and get all the gravy put that piece here now we're going to put back in our egg noodles uh-oh um you know i think this might work all right t more beef stew okay and and matt's handy dandy egg noodles okay we're gonna mix this up a little bit now the dinty moore is cold and the noodles are warm so we're going to put this back on the burner at the lowest setting we can possibly get mix all my noodles up in there okay now let me get the burner back all right let's see just how low we can get this because i don't want to burn the dinty more god forbid i would burn the denting more all right we got nice and balanced up on there the wings are not too hot now uh and what we're gonna do is we're gonna put our lid on here and see if we can roast up our easy beef stew stay tuned you're not to want to miss this frankly neither am i so i'll be right back okay i can hear it percolating in there which means we gotta do a little bit of jockeying see it's not very the stove is not on very hot just want to simmer this stuff and see if we can simmer out some of the water and get the stew going it's still cold on the top so we got a little ways to go all right dinty moore do your stuff all right let's check our wonderful creation with dinty moore and egg noodles all right man that looks good now exactly what i wanted to happen happened some of the water has released from the gravy and it's not really as thick so now it's a lot easier to stir nice steam coming off of there let's see how warm it is okay that's good i think we're ready we're gonna get this stove off and what we're going to do is i'm just going to put the top on the cup just just to keep warm for a couple of minutes and we're going to go over and we're going to try this okay here we go been sitting for a couple minutes actually that does not look too bad now dentimore uh it makes about almost up you know about about an inch below the top of the cantina dentimore got a lot of sodium in so i don't think we need any additional salt but i love hot stuff so i'm gonna get us some pepper in there just a little bit of black pepper just a little bit we're gonna stir it up black pepper to give it just a little bit of a little bit more spice okay that's not bad but what would anything be without just a drop of our old buddy cristal louisiana hot sauce now this is sure to dress it up and you all know me just to drop all right that's a good whoo man i can smell that holy oh god oh let's try that that's good but you know what i think it needs just a little bit more man being a hot sauce my taste buds are probably shot all right oh yeah we can taste that now all right let's bring you in here or up here dinty moore easy beef stew with a twist it's a little bit of uh the main stock of the beef stew is dinty moore we use some egg noodles um let's get a little bit of it here some beef add some noodles oh man hmm with our old friend crystal hot sauce that is really pretty good uh and i'm really serious it's got taters got potatoes and beef in there look at that and noodles actually a little bit of pepper uh and just a couple drops of hot sauce and this is really pretty good the dentimor itself was pretty bland um but it's you can easily dress it up and fit a lot of it in the canteen cup and that is big that is a 20 ounce can of dentimorph beef stew and this makes almost the whole canteen cup full so and man you can really taste the hot sauce too man that is really good now okay keep pouring those canteen cup tuesday videos in i can't believe this is number 46 for me uh i i just can't believe it uh but there's going to be many many more it's it's finally going to start to cool off pretty soon and i'm going to be able to get out in the woods i can't wait to get out in the woods uh so keep doing those canteen cup tuesdays and until next time this is matthew floorboy and i will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 2,099
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: Canteen Cup Tuesday Easy Beef Stew, outdoor cooking videos, bushcraft cooking, canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, canteen cup, camp cooking, camping meal, outdoor cooking, floridaboy bushcraft & survival, florida boy survival, hiking meal, gi canteen cup cooking, canteen cup meals, camping meals easy, camping meals no refrigeration, survival tips and tricks, camp cooking gear, survival tips that could save your life, canteen cup cook kit, camp cooking recipes
Id: kcdE6dW33Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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