Canteen Cup Tuesday - Shrimp & Grits, FloridaBoy Style!

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welcome my YouTube brothers and sisters once again it is Tuesday which means it is time for canteen cup Tuesday I got a pretty interesting selection on tap for today I think Carolina Chris took his stab at this but this is the Florida style this is how we do shrimp and grits in Florida Florida boy style so here we go get ready stay with me all right here we go since it rained really really hard last night I'm coming to you once again from the wilds of my backyard we're gonna do this with our old trusty canteen cup stove of course our canteen cup a little short alcohol burner this is a 1 inch high alcohol burner that I made specifically to go in this so you have more clearance so I got a couple of these little pieces of hanger wire that are gonna go on the stove just like this snap right in there end up Bend out stuff this one goes on same way just like that now what these do is creates little platform put your canteen cup on so you don't have your canteen cup jammed down into the stove and you can do whatever you want to with it okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get one ounce of alcohol fuel in here I'm gonna get it going and I'm gonna start cooking up the shrimp so I'll be right back all right here we go got about half our gas in there alcohol stove it will glue them up nicely trust me in here so the bag we have the magic ingredient strip up bacon just pull those bacon apart yeah put it down here bacon doesn't pull apart very easily okay this is just a sauté the shrimp in alright now we got a nice little dollar store forking spoon boy that stove works back Wow that hot holy cow nice plane going over but you get the picture [Music] [Music] all right can you continue to saute am i bacon then I'll be back all right pretty cool what this does is it allows me to pick up the stove very easily and adjust the temperature to hot bacon cooking up yep now we got seven shrimp we're gonna sauté the shrimp up in the baking grease look at that holy mackerel [Music] put that right on there for a second Wow this looks good all right shrimp for sauteing up nicely in the bacon and the bacon grease I'll be right back all right starting to sprinkle rain a little bit just about the only limitation of the small so this doesn't burn for very long and only burns for I don't know five or six minutes but look at those shrimp we're sauteing up there firming up nicely we're gonna cook them for just another couple minutes while I talk about some other stuff I love doing canteen cup Tuesdays I love when people submit their canteen cup Tuesday it's just it makes me very happy remember you like my channel subscribed you're going to see this little subscription bubble I think it's going to be over on this side right down there please subscribe I will subscribe back to you yeah and our shrimp and bacon is ready so what we're gonna do is we're going to take this off for a second we're gonna get our fold out rubber cup from Walmart yeah we're gonna put these in now with all the bacony goodness all of a bacony goodness and we are just going to our stove it's almost out of gas so what we're gonna do is we're gonna reload the stove with another ounce and then we're gonna blow the water so I'll be back alright we are reloaded with one ounce got my nice little dollar store container here with exactly one cup of water in it I don't want my grits too thin I want them a little thicker so I'm gonna take a little bit out with my proven method put it right in there with the bacon grease our stove is stowing put that on there and boil us water up that is hot all right I'll be back when we're boiling all right we are getting close about the only advantage to the little the little one-inch wide alcohol stove is it only burns for five or six minutes but it's it's such a good distance away from the top tier but from the bottom of the canteen cup that it boils up water in like three minutes flat so I'm only boiling up one cup of water and it's starting to sizzle up take this opportunity again to welcome everybody to my channel if you haven't seen canteen cup Tuesdays again all you got to do is look up there and click the little card and I think it's going to be in that corner and you can go right to my canteen cup Tuesday series or just search YouTube for canteen cup Tuesday and you'll see almost 5,000 selections I think we're ready now okay so what we're gonna do is we are going to take this off of a fire we got two packages instant buttery strips we're gonna go one if I could get it in there I always spill something y'all know that to get a dollar store spoon stir it up oh yeah okay there we go now we're gonna put cap on I'm lucky enough to have one that snaps on we're gonna let the stove burn out and we're gonna go put it all together so stay with me all right here we go our grits have been in here for a few minutes man I know they're hot holy moly oh just some instant buttery grits wow these things are smoking now we're gonna take our bacon and shrimp we should get in our little cup put it in there see if we can get out all the grease good chunk in there oh yeah okay look at that stir this up a little bit now [Music] because I know I'm gonna hear about it from cheesehead Chris we got some cheddar cheese so a little cheddar cheese makes like cheddar cheese up in there now oh man now we let the lid sit on there that cheese melt for a minute we'll be back all right let's see what we got oh man we got melted cheese and it's melting up nicely she said Chris what do you think of that brother look at that stringy cheese now since we shout now it wouldn't be complete without shout out to Caroline Chris and some cristão hot sauce so here you go Chris Florida style put just a little bit in there oh yeah all right hi there you are man it is hot it is 100% humidity out here today I am sweating I'm keeping my shirt on because I don't want to have to show you my wonderful Florida boy physique you already saw that the new video compromised with my wife I get to keep the beer to keep I keep short she's happy I get to keep beard and thinks good all right here we go shrimp and grits let me get shrimp on there oh yeah Oh shrimp in there somewhere shrimp em big all them that is so good y'all hmm could use a little more this mmm wow that is so good shrimp and grits really easy hmm all I did hmm all I did was got a little canteen cup stove with those two little pieces of hanger wire which allow the canteen cup to sit on top of the stove so it doesn't get stuck on the stove but it does is it gives you just the right amount of clearance between the top of the stove and the bottom of the cup and it is unbelievably hot the only drawback of the thinner stove is it only burns for four or five minutes but it'll boil two cups of water in three minutes flat so whatever you're making you know it's not that big of a drawback you know it's just you if you if you're cooking something it takes a while longer you may have to reload it we got a canteen cup stove with your alcohol burner we saute it up a little bit of bacon you know sauteed shrimp up and bacon and the bacon grease put that aside and their little Walmart one dollar collapsible cup or whatever it was then we go over reload stove get it get the water boiling put one cup of water in there with my scientific measuring method if when he's cute from out of these cute little dollar store containers okay we boil up the water put the instruments in there come back mix it all together put a little cheese on top and a little hot sauce on top everything's great give a shout out cheese head Chris for the cheese shout out to Carolina Chris before the hot sauce I want to give another shout out to the old Yankee over at Yankees outdoor adventures I'm gonna be doing a Thursday meet-and-greet for him I'm trying for this Thursday maybe next Thursday remember I am an Amazon affiliate so you can help me out by clicking the links in the description below there's a link to my Florida boy bushcraft and survival Facebook group you may join that it just send me a request there's also a link to my Twitter account and there are links Amazon links to everything that I use except the dollar stores moving forward in the description below so once again coming to you from extremely humid East Central Florida on Tuesday canteen cup Tuesday this is Matt from Florida boy bushcraft and survival sand how cool are he on trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 1,571
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, bushcraft, camping, canteen cup, hiking, cooking, canteen, cup, outdoors, fire, survival, woodcraft, camp, FloridaBoy Bushcraft \u0026 Survival, ramen, ramen bomb, shrimp, grits, shrimp & grits
Id: xqifteq6GvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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