Canteen Cup Tuesday - Shepherd's Pie, Florida Cracker Style

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all right here we go it is Tuesday not any Tuesday canteen cup Tuesday we got a pretty good one in store today we're gonna make shepherd's pie I'm gonna edit out a couple of things because you know I'm not going to show you the boil in the water and stuff like that if you don't already know how to boil water on the trail then my channel isn't going to help you very much but it's been really really windy in Central Florida and it's hard to find a place that I can do this without the wind but this is a this is something that's easily duplicatable on the trail so I got my little setup going right down here and we're gonna get into it in just a couple minutes so don't go anywhere okay here we go in this corner we have two cups of water boiling to make our mashed potatoes and in this corner we got about a half a pound of burger oh yeah look at that and and I am using the Licata folding stove again give you a little rundown of the stove that I'm using on that side that's the canteen cup stove but what I did is see this little wires coming out of the back right there I got a little I got it rigged up to use alcohol stoves so those are a couple of pieces of hanger wire that are coming out this is gonna take a little while to brown up the burger so while our water is boiling that is like the hottest thing ever so while this is cooking up I'll take a short break and I will come back all right my brothers and sisters we are cooking with ya it's great to have two of these stoves G ground beef was browning up nicely ground beef that's almost ready whoo-hoo the water is almost ready Wow that thing is so hot I might have to put on my gloves stay out there stay out there that is not cooperating Wow yeah that's hot Oh all right just I'd say we're boiling here's what we're gonna use roasted garlic mashed we've got to take this off at the fire because our water is ready and these are hot all right there we go [Applause] that taters go in [Music] haters get stirred around ground beef is almost done leek goes on hmm Oh oh my word oh man those are good Oh we're gonna pop the corn in here this is just 1/2 a cup of corn no all we're doing is just heating up the corn all we're doing all right we'll let that cook for a minute and then I'm gonna drain that oil out and then we're gonna layer it up okay we're gonna season it up with some little salt and peppers that I got at the local fast food joint and these are pretty good ones you know these are good to go on the trail pepper assault I like a lot of pepper of mine all right [Music] what's a possum all right I'm gonna drain this beef out and we're gonna get going okay I've moved over to my table out of this horrendous wind here's what we're gonna do use layer of our mashed taters now you'll probably have some mashed taters leftover layer of mashed taters in there oh yeah let's tag it down all right mmm old man here goes the layer of the burger and the corn and they used to garlic mashed his so you won't have to bring garlic along okay there we go there's a layer of our burger now it's another layer of our taters Oh son now another layer of our burger hey oh you guys last layer of our mashed potatoes drop them sorry hmm all right pounding kuch shredded cheese cheese on them we're gonna cover for a couple minutes let the cheese melt I'll be right back okay it's been a couple minutes with cheese and all let's see what we got all my word mm-hmm oh my god oh there's layers and layers in there it's a full canteen cup you're hungry after you eat that there's something wrong with you so what did we learn today okay so what did we learn today we learned that it's Tuesday and it's canteen cup Tuesday we learned how to make multi-layer hmm shepherd's pie really really easy instant mashed potatoes ground ground beef some some corn a little bit of shredded cheese on top some salt pepper two stoves oh look at these layers you guys oh man hmm welcome all mmm with the melted cheese just fabulous okay so I have heard from a few of y'all you got to get a few of this it's just awesome look at the layers in there this is this is awesome I love it I know I got a messages messages from a few of y'all that you're gonna be participating which is just great I love it here's my entry for Tuesday canteen cup Tuesday by the way here's my entry easy shepherd's pie let's see what everybody else can cook up in their canteens I would be out in the woods doing this but like I said in the foot in the beginning video has been really really windy and really really breezy in Central Florida it's just it's just not a good time to go out and do any fire so I had to do it from the wilds of my backyard again but this is great and I am starving oh man those layers hmm I got a couple of good ones coming up especially next week can't wait so once again with my shepherd's pie which is particularly awesome by the way coming to you from the wilds of my backyard this is Matt from Florida boy survival see on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 4,106
Rating: 4.9810429 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup tuesday chili cheese mac & cheese, canteen cup, canteen cup cooking, canteen cup stove, canteen cup cooking recipes, canteen cup thuesday, flboy survival, flyboy survival, canteen cup cooking youtube, survival, survival tactics
Id: b5lkOSQiRi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
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