Canteen Cup Tuesday - Red Beans & Rice with Ham

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hey it's Matt welcome to another edition of canteen cup Tuesday you know when I came up with the concept of canteen cup Tuesday it was originally supposed to be light quick meals that you could cook up on the trail that you didn't have to have any refrigeration or anything else it was supposed to be used for non perishable stuff and that's kind of kind of morphed into other things which is which is really really good some people that come up with some fabulous recipes but I'm trying to shrink it back down to only using quick and easy non perishable stuff so on our menu today is gonna be one of my old favorites Vigo red beans and rice and this is already open because I used about half a package so we're gonna use about a half a package of red beans and rice and I'm going to add some ham to it now you could use spam or canned ham or anything you have my wife cooked a ham because we're wearing stay at home quarantine because of the the virus thing so I got some leftover ham so we're gonna cook that up and we're gonna throw some ham in it and I'm gonna add some hot sauce and it's gonna be great so let's go down and see how I'm gonna do it okay so today of course we got a favorite old canteen cup man this baby's going through the wringer we got our canteen cup we're going to use to cook our red beans and rice and ham and and we got our canteen cup lid that's going to come into play in a little while so the stove that I'm going to use today is a stove that I haven't used in a while and you've seen me use alcohol stoves and the the propane stoves and a couple of other stoves you know I've even used the cadet or old canteen cup stove for a few of them but I haven't used my wood gas stove in a long time and this baby is all rusty so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the wood gas stove and we're gonna power it mostly with some of these wood pellets these wood pellets are really really good because they burn for a long time and this is about two handfuls of wood pellets and this recipe the Vigo recipe calls for bringing the red beans and rice up to a boil and then simmer it for like 20 to 25 minutes so these are gonna be really good simmer because these babies are gonna hold the heat in there for a long time but it's not going to give us too much heat so I'm gonna show you how I put some legs on my little wood gas stove and it works a lot better with the legs on it so check this out okay so this is how I usually carry my little wood guest so we got the top that I put a few vent holes in and all I did is screw on a little piece of three three or 3/8 inch dowel rod it makes a really really good top but usually I carry the wood pellets in the stove and what I've also done is I've made myself good idea I've made myself a few of these little metal bracket legs and what these do is these attach to the sides of the wood gas stove and it makes a nice little platform for the lake to sit on so what I'm going to do is I'm going to attach these legs right now [Music] all right here we go we got the legs attached no special order you know it doesn't have to be really really nice you know they just attach on there and what it does is it gives you a nice airspace so when you set it down it's not right on the forest floor or it's not touching you know if you got some leaves or something down there gives it a nice airspace so the air can come up and circulate through the wood guest stove so now we go we carry these long and we just tighten the legs on now we're ready to go start cooking so let's take this back and get rolling okay since we're on stay-at-home order in Florida we're in the backyard without the woods and we're gonna get a wood gas started up we're gonna do it the easy way we got some fat wood shavings and a little cotton ball so we're just gonna start this boot up and this should not take too long at all to get those wood pellets burnin and I am using wood pellets but you could easily use sticks and twigs and everything else but this is gonna give me a longer simmer time on this which is pretty important so we're gonna get that started up and then we're gonna get the red beans and rice on okay that did not take too long to get it going I decided to build a little oak twig fire on the top of it so we're gonna use our little now use our little pot stand there and it's already wood gases so we're gonna do is we're gonna get our handy dandy canteen cup and get her on there and we're gonna put in I don't know about half a canteen cup full of water or so it's not really important we just got to cook this beans and rice till it's done and then we're gonna let this water boil mmm that's going along nicely so while our water's boiling we're gonna come over and we're just gonna I got a nice big hunk of ham here and you can use any meat you know you could probably use beef or spam or bacon you know bacon would be awesome in this I think and I'm just gonna cut it up in some nice little cubes we're rolling that's gonna be really really good oh yeah okay so we've got our ham ready to go in that's gonna go in almost last so let's go over and check out how our waters doing now that's the kind of flame you want to have on the wood gasser look at that flames coming out of jets and everything whoo whoo and you can hear the water Wow all right so now we're just gonna just gonna drop in the red beans and rice yeah and we're gonna boil this for a couple of minutes and we're just gonna cook this see it's really watery right now but it's gonna thicken up considerably so I'm just gonna let it boil and I'm gonna stir it for a couple of minutes and then we're gonna see if we can reduce the heat on the wood gasser and we're just gonna cook this until it's done wow this is looking good all right our rice is really cooking all right that is going well we're gonna let this wood gas or burn down a little bit and then we're gonna cover it and we're gonna simmer it all right let's check in with our with our beans and rice oh man this this would gas or stove is so efficient all right starting to thicken up and the boil is reducing as the wood gas stove burns down some of its fuel it's gonna get a little cooler and a little cooler and a little cooler and it's gonna produce a nice simmer we're gonna cook that about 20 minutes or so or just until it's done all right let's see where we're at oh yeah starting to thicken up pretty nicely still got a ways to go though the rice isn't totally cooked and the beans aren't totally rehydrated yet so we're just gonna let this go until it's done haha look at the wood gas are going alright let's see what we're doing man those wood pellets really caught under there oh man is thickening up really really nice alright a few more minutes on here then we'll add to ham let that heat up then we'll get over and start eating all right gang that's how you want your wood gasser to perform just like that it's actually too hot for the red beans and rice I'd take it off for a few minutes but it's almost done and we're almost ready I just got to let that burn down a little bit all right the flame is out on the wood gas we're going to spend simmering for a few minutes let's check out what we got that is what you want to have it it's simmering up nicely we are just about ready you know in fact I think we're gonna get the ham over here we're gonna put the ham in here stir that up mmm that looks good all right that is just about ready to take off so here we go red beans and rice with ham that's just about ready I'm gonna take it off snap the lid on for about five minutes and then we're gonna get to the table all right here we go we're over at the table oh man look at that red beans and rice and ham oh man that thickened up nicely but you know nothing's ever quite done without some good old Louisiana Hot Sauce you all know me just to drop all right now let's get this up and going oh yeah mix up that hot sauce in there I can smell that hot sauce we get a nice big bite of red beans and rice with the ham Oh ma'am that's so good it's so hot oh that really the wood gas are really really it really really impressed me and you know it's something that I haven't used in a while I've been all consumed with alcohol stoves and in my little pocket rocket stove and you know I've been cooking over the canteen cup stoves some and I kind of forgot that I had my wood gasser and I haven't used it in about a year or so new Trailblazer Tim we're out this past weekend camping and I use the wood gasser and it worked great so I thought man let's get back to basics I used the wood pellets but you don't have to use the wood pellets you can always use little twigs and sticks and everything else that's actually what it's made to be run on but it works great with the wood pellets if you have to simmer something for a long time like if you were doing bread or Bannock or something like that if you had to cook it for a little while the wood pellets would just work great and the wood gas or really holds the heat really nicely uh but this is a nice easy one red beans and rice with ham and you could use spam you could use chicken I don't know why chicken be good with red beans of rice but you could use any meat you want I just had some leftover ham mmm with the hot sauce it is really good no refrigeration required no cold stuff you could stop and make this anywhere on the trail so I hope you like my canteen cup Tuesday red beans and rice with him and until next time this is Matthew Lafleur Lloyd I will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 1,730
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: camp stove reviews, camp stove, camp stove cooking, canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, trail food, trail cooking, canteen cup, camp stoves, camp cooking tuesday, florida boy survival, canteen cup cooking recipes, canteen cup stove, canteen cup cooking youtube, canteen cup stove stand, canteen cup stove cooking, canteen cup stove kit, military canteen cup stove, diy canteen cup stove, us canteen cup stove, usgi canteen cup stove, canteen cup meals
Id: XOdbJOqz5fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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