Canteen Cup Tuesday - Cold Soaked Ramen Noodles

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okay it's time now for another episode of canteen cup tuesday once again this is your host matthew floridboy thank you thank you thank you okay uh as everybody knows in my last video i injured my legs last month and they're about 95 back to normal but that's not the problem the problem is it is so stinking hot down here right now it is like africa hot and it's actually too hot to go out in the woods i would have to carry so much water with me that it would be uh too heavy you know so i'd have to manufacture most of the water that i took out there i'd have to manufacture it out there which i would you know spend most of my time making water and not doing outdoor stuff that you know and love me for so today i'm going to test the process called cold soaking not to be confused with cork soaking if you want to know what that is you should search this in youtube and watch that video it's hilarious cold soaking is where you just use some room temperature water and you actually rehydrate some stuff and you could do this rehydrate stuff a lot of different things if you're creative about it one of the first things that i'm going to try to re-hate rehydrate is one of our old favorites ramen noodles as you all know i love ramen noodles this is one of my four favorite survival foods if not the favorite survival food so we're gonna we're gonna rehydrate this uh and see how it tastes because the last thing you wanna do when it's hot like this is stop along the trail you know it's already a hundred degrees you're sweating and everything last thing you wanna do is stop on the trail fire up the stove or make a fire you know uh you might as well jump in that fire and burn yourself up so let's get on to the workbench to death and we're gonna start trying to cold soak some ramen and then we'll do a taste test so let's get to it okay here we are on the workbench of death and we've got our first candidate top ramen this is one of my favorite ramens chicken flavor y'all know how i love chicken so we're gonna put the chicken flavor in there in a minute but we got old faithful here and we got two cups of water in old faithful and just to say you know we got our thermometer here so what's it gonna say our thermometer don't say nothing you got to look at it our thermometer says 78 degrees uh and that's just and that's just so you all know that i'm not cheating i didn't warm up the water beforehand you know to make it easier it's 78 degree water so basically room temperature water so we got a ramen in here now i'm gonna add flavor packet okay we're gonna get our ramen open here and be careful because i don't wanna okay there's our flavor packet nicely dumped in the water okay take your scissors now i think you could do this either before or after you soak the ramen the first time i ever assault the ramen that's the first time i've ever done this so we're gonna add it we're gonna add it beforehand and see if we can kind of dissolve this stuff up it's kind of it's kind of lumpy so i'm going to see if i can kind of press those lumps out and i don't really mind using the flavor packet for this because you know if you're running around and you're going to be sweating a lot you know you're going to be losing a lot of sodium in sweat and this is going to replace it this is kind of strong tastes like cold chicken broth okay so now we're gonna take this ramen and this isn't gonna work too good normally i like when i cook this you know and it's boiling water you just put the ramen in there and it kind of dissolves in there and then you get a nice long stringy ramen but this this ain't going to work because it ain't going to cover it all it's going to stick up you know so what i'm going to break up the ramen and i don't usually like breaking up the ramen but i'm gonna break up this ramen so we can we kind of get the ramen in a decanting cup all right so i'm gonna break up my ramen here okay so i can get it all covered in the water i'm gonna get my little shavings everything in there oh that was almost a mine disaster all right now we're gonna make sure we can get you know ramen in there get it all covered may need to crunch it up a little bit more but we're pretty covered all right so so now we're going to just kind of cover this and let this baby sit for a while and then we're going to come back and see what we got okay so here we are 30 minutes later and we're going to see what we got all right that is not looking too bad it's looking kind of like ramen it still feels a little stiff um well tastes like ramen we're going to see what our water temperature is our water temperature because it's been sitting out here in the garage our water temperature is 81 point well it's still dropping a little 80 point 80.7 so you know that's a long ways from boiling a long way from 212 degrees and on the trail that's not going to overheat you as much as drinking boiling soup and really hot soup so i'm going to give this another 30 minutes and i'm going to see if it'll it'll it's already absorbed a lot of the water i'm going to see if it'll absorb some more water in another 30 minutes and then we are going to come back and we're going to see what is going on so give her another 30 minutes and i'll be back okay so here we are one hour later uh we're gonna pop top off here we are ah all right now ramen has absorbed a lot of the water and if we wanted to wait a little bit more it would probably absorb the rest of it however it feels kind of it feels kind of soft okay and it tastes kind of soft okay i don't think you would need to let it sit more than an hour our temperature is our temperature of our water is now 82 82 81.9 it's about 81.7 so you know room temperature water it looks like the ramen has really absorbed most of it let's go up and let's do a taste test on this okay here we go we got our cold soaked ramen here um let's try it all right you know not bad pretty soft you know kind of chewy you know not crunchy it's really not bad you know you could it this took about an hour to do it so you know you could when you got right to your camp you could just set this up cover it set it aside make your camp get all your stuff ready come back and then this is ready now you could always be a little bit creative and put some dehydrated veggies in there or some spam because spam's already cooked you know you can eat spam right out of his package you know cut up a spam single put it in there you'd have a nice ramen bomb i bet you some rice would rehydrate in here pretty good uh you know maybe a little pouch of that tuna you know the little foil patch of tuna or uh maybe like a can of chicken like i love to make my ramen bombs out of so you could really make a lot of different stuff and really this isn't bad you can kind of drink it you know you don't really you don't really need any forks or spoons or knives or anything else you know uh pretty easy there's some advantages and disadvantages one advantage is since it's not hot and we didn't have a fire over the cup the cup's nice and cool so we can actually drink the broth um and one disadvantage is it's not hot so you know you're not getting all of the taste of the ramen but you know i did use the flavor pack so i get all of that sodium so if it's if you're really sweaty because it is really hot down here guys it is africa hot down here and you know being that hot you're going to lose a lot of sodium through through sweat you know and you just the water is not going to replace it all so actually the the flavor packet works pretty good so um actually this is not bad you know it's just like cold chicken broth and noodles um so if you're creative this could be a pretty good alternative you know if you're not if you're stealth camping and you don't want to start a fire you know or if you're in a place that has a burn ban and you can't start a fire or you can't use your little camp stove or something like that you could always do some cold soaking of ramen i'm going to do some more experiments later on and i'm going to add some more stuff to this in later videos and see if i can't actually get to something worth eating but all in all our cold soaked ramen worked pretty well and it's it's it's edible you can eat it and it's not bad or you can drink it so once again with my experiment on cold soaking ramen noodles this is matthew floorboy and i will see you on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 2,432
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Keywords: canteen cup tuesday, canteen cup cooking, canteen cup, ramen bomb, canteen cup cooking recipes, soup recipes easy, backpacking food recipes, soup recipes tasty, outdoor cooking, soup recipes, survival tips in the wild, backpacking food ideas, ramen recipe, ramen noodles, bushcraft survival, florida boy survival, ramen bomb backpacking recipe, ramen bomb backpacking, camp cooking recipes, camping food, ramen bomb recipe, canteen cup meals, cold soaking
Id: _76tJrye2Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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