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Looks tasty but I’d rather put the garlic in the filling. Burnt garlic isn’t a good flavor if you cook the outside too much.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Fatmike88 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

As much as he was trying to follow the recipe to a "T" I can't help but feel like shredded vs chopped chicken is going to make quite a difference in texture, which is a huge factor in a sandwich like this. I bet they are both great though, in their own ways.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/bkconn 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Reminds me of the sandwiches I make with my leftover buffalo chicken Mac & cheese. It's so damn good.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Potato_Muncher 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sorry but I'd rather have butter on the outside. Mayo works because of the oil content but wouldn't you want butter > oil?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/nattynice 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone got a link to the discord that Sam mentioned?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tom6187 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
disney world just released the recipe for their buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich and we're making it today they did this last year on national grilled cheese day which just passed by the way and it's their great grilled cheese that they make and what's it called woody's lunchbox no the last year's one toy story land or something toy story land we think anyway this year like last night they just dropped their recipe they dropped the recipe they dropped their recipe for the buffalo chicken grilled cheese from woody's lunchbox which we guess is a restaurant in disney world it looks pretty good who wouldn't like we all looked at each other how the hell have we not figured this out yet so we're gonna make it almost exactly the way they would one two tiny modifications but i want to be fairly true to the actual printed recipe oh we're gonna start by cooking some chicken because you need a couple cups of cooked chicken so let's do that chicken thighs that's what i'm going with i'm cooking it's what i'm going with a little avocado oil our fave on top and then kosher salt and pepper same on the other side love chicken thighs boy i really do same same same same same when they're ready we go to the grill and on we go and look i repeat myself quite a lot but i do it because i know there's always new people to the channel that don't know everything that i want them to know and here's an important point when you put anything on a grill or in a pan you put the side down first that's going to be your presentation side and while that doesn't really matter because we're going to chop this up on a chicken thigh there's the smooth side and then the inside you'd always go smooth side down first and you're doing that on a grill in a pan because that's when your griller pan is at its hottest and cleanest and you get the best sear the best grill marks and i explain that knowing it doesn't matter today but i want you to learn i want you to learn so now just do your thing here just let this cook you'll be fine it's only gonna be three four minutes aside get it gorgeous of course you could use an already roasted deli chicken from the supermarket and just pull it apart if you want but this is gonna just have more flavor to the chicken by itself so just do what i tell you all right so let's just give them a little three-quarter it doesn't really matter because we're chopping it up but if you want to do something with these lines just for future this is when you would do it okay another uh i don't them another little bit then we'll flip them fully and we flip there you go look the the cross marks are not that severe but that's okay i like to cook like almost three quarters of the way on that this one side and then flip it over and just let it finish here and everybody will be happy i'm just going to squish them a bit and when they're done they're done and you yank them oh hello buddy get in here perfect hey the cheese part begins with a cup of shredded monterey jack two-thirds of a cup of shredded cheddar very nice a cup of whipped cream cheese that looks like this do you ever use what cream cheese yeah i love it you love it do you all right this goes in you know i don't really like to measure stuff like this but i want to be true to the disney recipe damn it get off now we need to beat this with a hand mixer i don't know why but i have a hand mixer and we will do what they ask not sure why but who am i to question let's figure out how to do this those are the same right oh sorry this one has oh this one goes here i get it okay there's madness i mean there's there's there's there's okay ready for beating ready let's try it honestly feels like something i could do with a spoon medium speed until combined zelda combined pretty good stop next ingredient is a half a cup of buffalo sauce this would be the buffalo part and we continue beating oh god no no no no no too hard medium medium better not ruin everything god all right i think i can go once no there we go okay smell it yeah oh you sure can smell it okay now i need two cups of shredded chicken which means i have to cut my chicken so let's swap this out i don't know what two cups is going to be but i have a rough idea let's see how that looks and to cut the salmon cooking guy seven inch nikiri which by the way is back in stock hit the link below order yours today so i'm just gonna give these guys just a really good rough chop and this will mix in why can't they be girls i'm gonna give these girls a quick rough chop and then we will mix them in it says it says shredded but i'm very i'm quite confident this is gonna be okay we're looking for two cups i suppose i have to measure these right see to me that looks pretty close to two cups but i can measure stand by one cup please let me be right perfect oh come on perfect and now this gets mixed again with the mixer but now my hands dirty this is a mess wipe off the cutting board bring back the mixer and we mix again absolutely could have done this without messing up a hand mixer maybe they like to make more work for themselves at disney world all right this is awfully fast it's medium speed it's fine i think we build but before we do there's a mayonnaise component to this they put it on the outside i just want to add a little bit of something to it so i need eight tablespoons which is a half a cup of mayo i know it's gonna look like a lot close enough put this in our bowl i also want to add this is my part so i want to add a little garlic paste oh yours and chances favor what i didn't want to say that cause i just said it the other day i'm going to use chansey and my new favorite stir and garlic looks like a lot and i'm using what has become chants in my favorite stir in squeezable garlic and just for fun a tiny bit of parsley which is pretty much all i've got left on this head just for a little color on the outside of these grilled cheese now we're talking perfect okay now we can build building looks like this we're making four sandwiches that's what their recipe makes we start with some flat provolone and they're very specific in saying not smoked so because it doesn't go to the edges and i like a grilled cheese cheese to go to the edges i'm gonna offset these guys and then when the second slice goes on i will put it over on this side so you're gonna end up with full coverage like that makes sense good so basically this thing is cheesy as right four cheeses let's just see how this works yeah i imagine this is gonna be a super let me just get some on all of these first and then i'll come back this crazy color huh well everybody's getting their own grilled cheese today boys what's not to like here right we love buffalo chicken anything we love grilled cheese and this is just exactly that a super cheesed up buffalo chicken sando from the kitchens of disney world we bring you woody's lunchbox buffalo chicken grilled cheese hey woody it's mickey how's your grilled cheese i think we're good looks like it i mean this makes four sandwiches might as well use the rest of this up it's gonna be a fairly thick sandal but that's cool you're looking at a lower plane than i am so do these look even to you they do yes all right almost there now the other piece of provolone remember we're off setting on this side now hey hey hey hey hey hey not that ripping matters because it's all going to be melted and now we put our lids on [Music] and now remember our mayo which we turned into garlic mayo with parsley now we've got to do this and if you've not seen mayo used in the place of butter on a grilled cheese before it's not crazy in fact it's really delicious oh yeah and before you think that disney created this yeah we did it way back and now the natural thing to add for a grilled cheese on the outside would be butter but we're not adding butter we're adding mayo not just regular mayo this is harissa harissa crazy good and the thing about mayo whatever kind you use you're not gonna eat it and go oh there's mayo on that all you're gonna do is go oh boy that's just super delicious just try and go all the way to the edges so you get beautiful color okay we know it's next right the gorgeous cooking part so i say we head over and start grilling these babies perfect so here's how this works we go face down with our beautiful mayo like this and listen to that sound gorgeous there you go guys i'm telling you right now that garlic was a very good decision that i'm prepared to allow disney to start using i'm smelling it already and now we wait we're going to butter the top in a minute but this just gives us a chance to like pat down make sure everything's sitting on the flat top beautifully without getting our fingers all greasy once we've done a little padding we're happy with it now let's mail the bare side all right last one and now let's see how we're looking we're looking beautiful i say so let's flip these guys over and oh look it look it i'll stop doing that wow that's some pretty grilled cheese there i'd say wouldn't you and now we're just waiting let them [Music] finish and when they're ready and gorgeous and amazing and a huge mess we bring them off oh god i dropped some first guy down second guy get off buddy get off come on man come on come on come on come on there you go sweetheart three i really don't fit all here that perfectly max and there we are and it's time and i have to tell you i had a little piece of chicken that had some melted burnt cheese on it that fell off oh my god look at that look at this ridiculousness okay it's a freaking disaster i'm sure woody's toy box they give you a thousand napkins because that's probably what you're gonna need look at it's just falling apart as i'm trying to get to this all right let's have a bite damn it it's really good oh my god okay it's really good and if you make it which you should do the garlic parsley in the mayo concept it just adds to it but the whole thing is ridiculously rich nice amount of buffalo spice holy crap is this a good sandwich you did it disneyland you did it you had one last year that you brought out i don't think it could be better than this all right that's it for me thanks for hanging thanks for being here thanks for following us subscribing liking hitting the notification bell knives are available to buy get them done get them while they're in stock says max check us out on our discord and the subreddit see ya wow you're going to want these boys like right now [Music] you
Views: 1,228,293
Rating: 4.951879 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, disney world grilled cheese, disney world grilled cheese at home, sam the cooking guy grilled cheese, sam the cooking guy grilled, sam the cooking guy buffalo chicken grilled cheese, buffalo chicken grilled cheese, buffalo grilled cheese, sam the cooking guy buffalo, cooking grilled cheese, cooking buffalo grilled cheese, cooking cheese, cooking chicken, cooking buffalo chicken, sam the cooking guy recipe, grilled cheese recipe, recipe
Id: eddFPqqXJVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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