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okay, it's back.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn! That chicken and marinade alone is tempting to make very soon. Cheers!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/beersnfoodnfam 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Made this tonight and it was awesome! Photos

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/willyjoeshow 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] today we eat like zorba the greek f jalisto poli it's the only greek sentence i know and it means happy new year there's no point in saying it unless it's i guess january 1st you know when is greek new year different than uh not greek me i don't think so this meal i make probably once every week and a half at home kelly's favorite her new favorite we go through waves of favorite and right now it's this and the not so basic basic burger from sandburgers my wife ashy ages is becoming like a a freaking carnivore i want to have a burger today okay sweetheart you can get it but now soon okay we'll go i promise i know a guy can get your burger it's gonna be great so here's the plan we make a marinade for the chicken throw the chicken aside for an hour we make our own non we get the the dough part going throw that aside for an hour quick little sauce when the waiting period is done we come back we cook the chicken on the screaming hot grill behind me we want those burned up edges and stuff so much flavor we roll out the naan we cook it on the flat top everything goes together and then we do the what's the not the hope i know with a w what do they say that's what they say that's what we'll be saying by the end of this struggling with my greek today are you guys good let's do it let's go all right we're going to begin with three quarters of a cup of olive oil beautiful to that we're gonna add and i don't want you to freak out two tablespoons of fish sauce look if i had uh anchovy paste i would use that but i don't it's the same thing tablespoon of soy and i'm using soy paste so maybe a tablespoon and a half is fine nice tablespoon of dijon mustard beautiful two tablespoons of garlic paste one oh god two perfect and if you didn't have garlic paste you could easily use i'd say three big cloves of garlic nail some herbs for this i like about two teaspoons of dried thyme squished up a bit about the same of dried rosemary it is greek after all big pinch of kosher salt and pepper and the juice of a lemon and that will be this and this and i don't care about seeds at all because at this point we are just marinating chicken it's not like a salad dressing or anything you have to worry about perfect and now we whisk look at that like a boat motor gorgeous all right quick taste damn it i'm gonna put one more lemon in okay that is now perfect and gorgeous you'll see why we made so much after now our chicken there's our chicken now here's what i've done you didn't need to see it i really don't think these were thicker breasts and i just put them in a ziploc bag little oil and pounded them to an even thickness i will just get rid of this little piece of fat right here and we're fine so i could put these in the ziploc bag put the marinade in we'd be good but i like to do this i like to just make some cuts in my mind in my mind in my flawed mind this is just going to create some more like edges and corners and stuff for the marinade to go into and also for the grill to get all gorgeously marked up with okay so we're good here right now these guys go in a ziploc bag and they go one endos fantastique let's get rid of this gross thing now we add some marinade and i'm gonna add about three quarters of it leave a little bit for after but now the massage begins everybody must be covered everybody must be covered in here just like this you guys have no idea what's coming and when it's there get the air out seal it up it's perfect this goes away for a couple hours or in our case about an hour hour and a half all right next are nine all righty our non begins like this we've got two and a quarter cups hmm is this two and a quarter cups sh i think i measure this out i feel like it's too much i'm gonna hold some back ladies and gentlemen because i do not have any idea how much is in here now so if this doesn't work we blame max so we have two and a quarter cups of flour to that we're going to add a half a teaspoon of salt and it'll look like this now we add this and this is one packet of regular yeast with a teaspoon of sugar and a half a cup of warm water you give it about 10 minutes and it gets all this foamy business on top like that that's called blooming and in it goes by the way if you get to this step and this is not all foamy like this your yeast is no bueno throw it out start again so this will go in everybody and then our main ingredient is yogurt or as they say in other parts of the world yogurt this is one half a cup of plain greek yogurt now what somebody tell me what we do now oh sorry tablespoon of oil our dough hook goes on then we go we lock and we mix and we're waiting for this to obviously join itself into a ball and then become relatively smooth and shiny this is probably a solid five minutes or so you don't have to sit through all of it i could actually boop the camera and we'd be there let's try it then we're there so we open her up it looks beautiful and when i say shiny i don't mean glistening but i do mean nice looking like this relatively smooth and handsome so this goes into a bowl we cover it with a slightly damp cloth goes inside in a warm spot for an hour sauce here we go it's very simple we have equal parts of yogurt mayo and you know i'm using japanese mayo lemon juice oh did you see that the very first thing couldn't have been where look i picked out what i thought were the seeds oh yeah you just missed the one that was sitting right on the top piece of all right now oh look all right they're just trying to screw with me today oh look at them all just coming to the surface i know i can squeeze this through my fingers or some other thing i just didn't want to i want this definitely lemony though so i've got you know juice of about a half a small lemon without seeds preferably i'm going to go about two tablespoons of chance in my favorite garlic paste garlic paste team garlic paste you're not on team garlic paste salt and pepper some chopped curly parsley and we mix this is max from behind the camera i like garlic paste max do you want to be on team garlic paste yes okay you're on wait let me check with chance chance he's in i knew you were going to say that little taste yum all right that is going to make you very happy when all this goes together marinade done the chicken done non done sauce done nothing now to do except wait when next you see us oh we'll be cooking and she's gonna be insane and we're ready it's time our chicken's going on first and that will look like this oh man the marinade has done its work that's what i'm talking about i'm talking about the charring that this hot grill is gonna do it's gonna amp the flavors way up so the plan is this cook the chicken get it there pull it off make the naan eat you get that last part boys you get that last part yeah there we go so because it's so hot look at that see that that's for you max so is that we're gonna move it around a bunch this is the charring these marks all of this this is the gorgeousness this is going to be your new favorite meal lovely just fling them around let them get jacked up it's only going to mean flavor to you that's all and if i didn't say it and i don't think i did these are room temperature i have not had these in the fridge for the last half hour they're out they're room temp they're cooked perfectly that's insane that's insane that's right there remember the extra marinade here it is i'd love to throw it on top and then flip it because it gets extra burny most of the time i do that for max's benefit he loves the flames and with the chicken pretty as a picture off it comes wow do you have any idea and we can get ready for our nine all right so here we are this is our non-dough after i don't know like a little more than an hour so let's take it out hi buddy hi buddy how are you so all we want to do now is get this into roughly eight pieces i find it's easy to do this right then a slightly dirty knife this is four this is four this is now two and there we go so here's what we're going to do we're going to do them one at a time tiny bit more flour make a little ball then with our rolling pin the little flower on the rolling pin so nothing sticks we'll make this into a circle and if it's not perfect well that's the world ladies and gentlemen all right this guy now looking perfect i'm going to put a little oil on the flat top a couple splashes i don't want lots of oil but i want it to be a little shiny and then he goes on like this just let it sit couple minutes it'll start to bubble a bit and off we'll come what you're looking for those little bubbles on the top that's gonna be gorgeous should we peek who wants to peek nice i love this i love this there's our gorgeous naan so this is garlic butter when they come out and they're still warm you give it a quick paint with the garlic butter because it'll soak right in now you're talking so this kid goes off to the side quick wipe take a piece of chicken we put it right here oh my god this is about to get so good and now we need some chicken for this so beautiful put that guy back and i think just you just chop like this okay everybody's happy so remember our sauce wow sauce goes down the middle chicken goes on oh my god the smells that are coming up from this thing are kind of ridiculous and now the next part is totally optional but i do like some tomato on here like a little fresh cucumber and a little bit of parsley and that's it that right there is unbelievable so before it all starts falling out maybe we should have a bite got this warm naan warm garlic naan come on everybody let's just get this happening maybe that side's prettier regardless this bite will be the charring on the chicken out of this world the lemon in the sauce the garlic and these warm fresh amazing nun it wasn't difficult you got to do this make everything kelly's favorite dinner right here i guess we should call it that she'll get mad if i don't add it somewhere in the description all right thanks you guys love you for being here with us right boys right see ya [Music] you
Views: 2,111,986
Rating: 4.9269533 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy dinner, sam the cooking guy wife, sam the cooking guy wife dinner, sam cooking dinner, sam wife, can't stop making, can't stop dinner, grilled chicken dinner, grilled, grilled chicken, grilled chicken sam the cooking guy, chicken, chicken sam the cooking guy, cooking chicken, cooking grilled chicken
Id: 2dlLQ6L4it4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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