Canteen Cup Tuesday - SPAGHETTI & MEAT SAUCE

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all right here we go what day is it it is canteen cup Tuesday as promised we got a way out to canteen cups and this is nothing special I am in my backyard I'm not out in the woods but this is with stuff that's ordinarily in my kit so ain't nothing special I'm going to I'm not going to use the the wood gasser with wood what I'm going to do is I'm going to boil the water really quick so I'm going to use my little alcohol stove in there but that's wood that's what I'm going to fry up some stuff with so we are going to do today spaghetti and meat sauce as promised everything is in here ok so I'm going to get some I'm going to get this fire going a little bit and then I'll be right back and then we'll start to cooking all right we're starting to get some pretty good flame going to here we're going to do is I'm going to make up the sauce first for spaghetti meat sauce so in our little hocks we got we got a sauce we got yeah we got about a half a hamburger so we're going to start cooking that baby up in our handy-dandy canteen cup this shouldn't take very long at all break it up a little I'm going to try to use some of the grease and it's off and it's already sizzling I'm going to try to use some of the grease for the the spaghetti water oh yeah it says when up nicely this is great and this is really stuff that I that I carry out in the woods so hmm let that cook up looking good okay all right fires going pretty good canteen cups going pretty good burger sizzling right up this is going to be good almost ready sides are getting a little hot all right that's probably pretty good I'm going to let that simmer a little bit or do it for just a little bit of the grief into that one okay now what we're going to do is add our spaghetti sauce this is about 6 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce get all out here closed-mouth give it a little mix now it's just about enough cold under that one to keep it going and warm up that spaghetti sauce bubbling up pretty good yeah look at that alright now we're going to start the other one and we're going to start boiling the water alright now we got our alcohol burner going it's fire it up oil sauce is done I'm done oh yeah here's what our soft looks like Oh our sauce is done done done it's just going to sit here and simmer hmm that's good all right let's let that water boil all right I never really used much wood gas stove with alcohol before I don't know if it's going to work good but it's that alcohol burner is really wheeling down there so it should work and very hot so hopefully with my cover yeah water is already that pretty good two ounces of alcohol we should get about 12 minutes and really the wood gas stove works is a great wind screen so you can see my sauce my sauce is totally done it's just sitting there simmering oh yeah this is going to be great all right all right starting to boil pretty good so we're going to put the spaghetti in this is this is what's called a pot length spaghetti that's so it's short it's like half the length so I think it's good this is just one one big pinch of spaghetti mine disaster oh oh that's why these are live all right I can see I'm going to get some comments about that hate all right all right so we're going to let that get fire it up and come back all right so after our minor spaghetti still are in there and we are cooking oh yeah I'll spaghetti starting to lay down nice this should be pretty good okay I would say that the alcohol stove down in the wood gas stove works pretty well because this is cooking nice oh man my wife like retirement but I say it's done when it's done when it starts starching and it starts expanding that's when your spaghetti done alright not much longer now all right spaghetti starting to really expand now start the starch up oh yeah of course the way to tell if it's done is to do a taste test hmm gosh it's about gum that's going to be really really good all right all right I'll call them spaghetti done we're going to going to drain it out oh oh look at that oh that's great [Music] I love the lid on this cup I mean it just is the perfect drain straight up on you alive good woohoo Wow all right oh man mmm spaghetti and meat sauce I wish I didn't eat either I didn't cheat either the only thing I used at to canteen cups that I always carry with me my med kit pouch that I put everything in some water my wood gas stove and mic and my canteen cup stove over there so the only thing I did is I used the alcohol burner and place of wood you know in the woods I would've used wood of course because there's a lot of wood that's a lot of uses of the word wood but here we go canteen cup Tuesday happy Valentine's Day February 14th and here is canteen cup Tuesday spaghetti and meat sauce it's time for lunch y'all this is Matt from Florida boy survival see on the trail
Channel: FloridaBoy Survival
Views: 6,332
Rating: 4.8606963 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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