Beating Pokemon Diamond & Pearl How Nintendo Intended

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pokemon diamond and pearl have their fair share of flaws however they are still one of the most beloved games in the entire pokemon series there's a lot of hype around these games since they are next in line for a remake and it seems like just about every week or so now there's some sort of rumor that comes out about a potential diamond and pearl remake from the nintendo switch i still remember checking cerebe daily leading up to the north american release of diamond pearl and even to this day they were the pokemon games that i was the most excited for when they were coming out diamond and pearl are nearly 15 years old now and chances are if you stumble across this video you've probably played them yourself or at least know the general idea of how to beat them but have you ever played through pokemon diamond and pearl following a strategy god and doing exactly as it tells you i have this pokemon diamond pearl strategy guide from nintendo power and it even says that it's the official nintendo player's guide today we'll be trying to beat pokemon diamond and pearl as nintendo intended just like we did a few other times in the past with a few other pokemon games unlike the previous videos i made like this however this is as nintendo intended as it gets since the other times i use third-party guides from other companies that were just licensed by nintendo while this one is straight from nintendo themselves for the most part the third party guides are funnier when compared to the official nintendo power guides with the prima fire red and leaf green guide being the best example of this but i skimmed through this damned and pearl nintendo power guide and saw some interesting things i'll also try my best to act like a complete new player who's never played through pokemon before while trying to beat this game and do as many of the important things as possible that the guy tells me in order to beat the game going into the guide the first thing i have to get out of the way is yes there is a berry page in this guide i actually bought this guide online and didn't have this as a kid growing up and for some reason all the pokemon guides i had as a kid i always cut out the berry pages this guide goes more in depth than the other guides i've seen however with the actual walkthrough starting on page 46 and the previous pages explaining how the pokemon games work as well as any new changes that diamond and pearl in the fourth generation brought to the pokemon series one of the first things i noticed is this paragraph about the team galactic grunts on page 7 which describes them as a small army of neyer do wells i have no idea what that means and i've never seen that freeze before but after googling it it apparently means a person who is lazy and irresponsible next i notice a few pages about picking your starter which we'll get back to in a little bit but it also says that your starter is the only pokemon that will be given to you and you won't be given any other free pokemon which isn't entirely true since you can receive an eevee after obtaining the national pokedex as well as a hapini and a ryolu egg while playing through the game normally it then goes pretty in depth with pokemon battling but instead of calling super effective moves just super effective it calls them type trumping moves for some reason the next page goes on to cover the physical and special move split which happened in generation 4 and it gives the example of hitmonchan using fire punch since prior to generation 4 fire punch was a special move so it wasn't very good on a physical attacking pokemon like hitmonchan out of all of the pokemon and moves they could have picked for this they actually picked hitmonchan which is funny since it happens to be one of my favorite pokemon it then goes on to cover just about every mechanic in pokemon you can imagine from abilities breeding poke chaps and even about the super contests finally getting to the actual walkthrough portion of the guide it has a checklist of important events we have to do in each area these will be highlighted more as we go on and i'm sure there will be a few extra tasks that the guide mentions but i think a good benchmark will be to try and check off as many of these tasks as we can i also want to give a huge shout out to mysteryor for inspiring this series with their minecraft videos and finally we can start to load up the game let's begin to hammer away at pokemon diamond and beat it exactly as nintendo intended [Music] starting the game off i named myself c and then i named my rifle barry in all caps since i accidentally named myself in all caps too and didn't realize until now the guide tells us that as much as you may like to hang out in your room playing with your wii adventure is beckoning that line can be interpreted in a couple of different ways but i do all the beginning stuff the guide says and head to lake verity now we can go back to our checklist to the start of the guide and check that off [Music] and with that we completed the first section of the guide how epic eventually we get presented with the starter selection screen by lake verity there's some small notes on this page that detail each of the three starters but early on in the guide it goes much more in depth with these three pokemon even detailing their full learn set and weaknesses it mentions how tertwig specializes in hp draining grass type attacks and will eventually learn ground type moves and dark type moves to increase the number of types it can trump it then goes on to say that tertwig is somewhat lacking in power early on and that i should focus on leveling up quickly for the very first gym for chimchar mentions how it will gain the secondary typing of fighting once it evolves and although it isn't a great typing defensively it's pretty good offensively it then goes on to say that it will struggle against the first gym but will be smooth sailing after that this last sentence alone makes you feel like chimchar is the better choice over turtwig and finally there's piplup which the guy says the most defensive oriented of the three starters it mentions how piplup will be good against the first gym but a liability for the second gym this makes me feel like the guide is telling me that piplup is just worse than the other two starter choices so i decided to pick chimchar since the guy tells me it would be smooth sailing with it after the first gym and i hope that it's correct i then make it to san gem town meet professor rowan and don again and get the chance to nickname my chimchar i decided to name it sun wu kong after the mythical chinese monkey king and then i buy a few pokeballs and potions from the mar like the guy tells me to before returning home to two and leaf town to get the running shoes for my mother and the parcel from barry's mom to give to barry heading into route 202 the guide gives me tips for the first trainer battle but all it really does is tell me how the trainer will have a level 5 star lee and it won't be much of a threat this guy doesn't outline each trainer's team like some other guides i've seen have where they go more in depth with the types of the pokemon that the trainers have as well as the move sets of each of the pokemon and it doesn't even mention how many different trainers there are in each area it does have this chart on each route to show what pokemon appear though as well as what type of day they're most likely to appear in which is kind of helpful it also mentions two of the wild pokemon that can be caught on route 202 being krikatot and shinx the guide says how krika taught can't do much in combat but will be a worthy recruit when it evolves to cricket tune at level 10 and begins to learn some attack moves i try and find it and then realize that they don't appear at the time of day that i was playing in so i catch things instead although the guy doesn't really say anything about shings beside mentioning that it appears here which i thought was strange since shinx is one of the better early route pokemon in all of pokemon i decided to keep up with the mythological theme and named shanks lady thor and then headed to jube life city which has a lot for us to do some we can't do right away since we'll have to do it on return visits in the future but i also noticed that in addition to the big checklist at the start of the guide each important area also has their own mini set of checklists the first thing left to do here is talk to dawn then visit the trainer's school and deliver the parcel to barry we also have to challenge these two trainers in the trainer school each of which have one abra to get the tm for hidden power from them i didn't even know you could do that which is pretty cool then i talked to all the clowns to get the poke catch create a group where i pick my trainer class which is what i'll look like in the union room get a free quick claw the old rod and also get interviewed by this reporter but all i said was eek the rest of the events here we have to take care of on our return trip so for now we have to head over to route 203 for a rival fight the guide says how barry will have whichever starter trumps yours so in this case he'll have a piplup as well as a starly it then tells me to have my starter pokemon battle to starly which i do and then battle his starter pokemon with my newly caught pokemon in this case lady thor which gets us the victory after dispatching my rival the guy then suggests i battle the rest of the traders on this route and catch a pokemon or two so i caught a starly and named it collegius after the mythical roman bird to keep up with our mythical theme looking back on this i don't know why i couldn't think of any mythical bird at the time i actually googled mythical bird and caledrius was the first one to come up now that i'm thinking about it though why didn't i name it say garuda or nepthus or horus or a much more common mythical bird without having to google it but i digress now we have to head over to the auraburg gate where i find the hm for rock smash which we can use after we get the first gym badge once i make it to oreberg city the first thing we have to do here is talk to our rival outside of the gym where we learn that the gym leader rorick isn't there yet there's a couple of other small things we have to do here before finding roarick like at the dust ball but the guide also says how i can trade him a chop for an ambra this is optional but it seems like a pretty good trade to me since abra is a psychic type which we can't really find too many of early on at least the guy didn't outline any as of yet but then i look back on the guide at what places we've been to see where i can catch him with chop and it doesn't say anything about where to get him a chop i know that i can find him a chop north of oreberg city on route 207 but if i look at the picture of oraberg city at this part of the guide it shows that 207 is up north but it says it won't detail it until page 69. it looks like we'll have to wait at least a little bit poor get him a chop and possibly even anabra but for now let's just focus on finding the gym leader rory i head into the oroberg mine and meet roryx now we can challenge him at his gym i go on to read the section about his gym and the guide recommends the types fighting grass and water which i have none of further along in the same section it says how if you started with chimshar which we did you should go north throughout 207 to catch him with chop so i do that even though route 207 isn't fully detailed until much later in the guide i catch them a chop name it hercules level it up a bit and head into the gym it recommended that i use my best pokemon in this case the hercules we just caught for roryx cranny dose his ace pokemon so i use all of my other pokemon until they faint so all that stuff is my machop it does a lot of damage to roryx rock type pokemon and gives us the victory not necessarily an easy victory since all of my pokemon besides hercules ended up fainting as it recommended that i save hercules till the end but if i had just led with hercules in the first place or even evolved chimchar to monferno so it could have learned mock punch before the gym started things would have gone much smoother now the guy tells us to head back to jubalife city and take care of these galactic grunts with dawn where my chimchar finally evolves to monferno now i go up north or route 204 with the guide only telling me to do this one double battle in this entire route and also talk about how i should take good care of badu since they evolved through friendship so i caught one anyway named it flora after the roman goddess of flowers this brings us to florma town now we have to steal these berries from in front of the flower shop go inside the shop to get the spray duct and then get the tm for pluck from this girl another house i thought that getting this team was just another throwaway tip since tms are generally pretty good but it actually comes up a couple of more times in this guide surprisingly now i have to take care of the galactic run sending it from the valley one works then head back to florida town to get the key from these grunts we can go inside of the building once i make it inside i make my way towards the galactic commander mars with my antidotes ready since the guide says i should have some and with my starly knowing the move pluck since it also suggests that i use pluck on her pregley to take its berry unfortunately my starley faints before i could use pluck since pruggly was faster so i'd defeat her with my inferno anyway and head up north towards eternal forest there really isn't much to detail here besides the fact that we have to go through the forest with cheryl and her chansey and that there is this pleasantly cool rock here that the guide alludes to being connected to evie and leafeon but doesn't directly say this is how you evolve even to leafeon this takes us to eternal city where we first have to meet cynthia in order to get the hm for cut from her then into the pokemon center for a new poke i'll probably never use and then into the bike shop where we learned that the bike owner is missing all that's really left to do now is challenge the second gym leader gardenia in her grass type pokemon which we match up pretty well again since we have two of the three recommended tights for this gym being fire and flying this guide specifically mentions how starley and krikatot are good here so i use my starly for all of the trainers before the gym leader and it ends up evolving into staravia here now against gardenia i leave with staravia again to trump her grass type pokemon with my flying type moves and right before this battle i also decided to visit the name raider to change daryabia's name into garuda since i kept forgetting what its old name was and i figured garuda was a much more known mythical bird i hammer away at her cherokee with my staravia and then use sun wukong against her turtwig and then go back into my garuda on her ace pokemon rose raid since the guide again recommends i use block taker citrus berry which i actually pull off this time i continue to hammer away at her and within two shakes of alliance taylor get the second gym badge as well as the ability to use the hm of cut outside of battle i teach cut to flora chop down the tree in front of the galactic building and finally head in for the four recommended types the guide has for this fight against jupiter i only have one type of my electric type shanks but it doesn't even know any electric offensive moves as of yet i decided to level it up a little bit anyway since i noticed it's a few levels below jupiter's pokemon and it ends up evolving learning spark which is perfect i then head intake on jupiter with a few antidotes as the guide recommends i take care of her two pokemon with lady thor pretty easily save the guy who owns the bike shop and get the bike as a reward for saving him now we can head down to route 206 to careen down the cycling road as the guide says this leads us into route 207 where he can finally access orwer city again quickly to heal up i also decide here to go back and do that arbor trade in the same town and trade away my machot for it since monferno is a fighting type now and i haven't really been using machop at all since the first gym battle then i run into cyrus talk to the very master get the old keystone and head into harthum city i look at the map of harathum on the guide and realize that it's much bigger than i originally thought and i also realized that all of the towns in general in the sino region are bigger than i realized i never really saw all the towns blown up in a picture like this in a book as i'm doing right now and it's pretty cool to see there's plenty of minor things we can do here like make a coffin which i totally didn't burn meet fantina who we can battle later on and go into the contest hall where i meet your mom as the guide puts it i then pick up the shell bell and then head into the next rival fight the god recommends that i bring a wild pokemon that trumps my rival starter pokemon's type and since i already have luxio i just hammer away at him for the victory i pick up this egg before leaving the city which will evolve into hapini so by the time we return here for the gym battle we can finally enter amity square with it in order to enter amity square you need a cute pokemon on your team and for some reason they decided that buddhu wasn't cute enough to accompany me here this brings us into route 209 where i upgrade my fishing rod and battle this jogger who only appears between 4 am and 10 am the guy says how there isn't any particular prize for beating him but it's worth the trouble to teach him a lesson about being so darn perky in the morning i guess this guide rider doesn't like mornings for some reason because that was one of the weirdest excerpts i've seen in this guide so far next we head to the top of the lost tower to get the agent for strength and finally into solution town we have a few minor things to do here i get a free poketrap have the option to deposit the pokemon in the daycare here get this heal case and explore the solution ruins a bit while i run into some unknown now we have to go up north throughout 210 to get the tm for roost some milk and say hi to the side ducks that are blocking the road for now not much happens on the next route and finally we head into veil stone city where we get a few freebies from the department store a coin case for the game corner which tensed me a little bit since i noticed we can get the tm for psychic here which cadaver can definitely use and i also loved up cadabra a little bit thanks to this exp share i now have i then give buddhu a massage here to boost its happiness since it is also a valuable member of our team cutting down any trees in our way and heading to meleen's fighting type gym the guide recommends that i use psychic flying and ground types and since i have two of those three types i figure we should dispatch meilene pretty quickly i use my psychic type cadaver against her fighting type meditate and machoke as the guide recommends take them down pretty quickly then switch into garuda for lucario so i go for pluck on it and of course take it citrus berry now i don't know about you guys but of all of the times i played through diamond and pearl as well as any other pokemon game that has a tm for pluck early on i have never used pluck on any pokemon and i still can't believe that the guide has directly told us to use pluck so many times this stream goes by very well for us of course though thanks to the duo of kaza and garuda giving us the third gym badge a useful tm in drain punch and the ability to use the h of a fly outside a battle as i exit the gym i see dawn and she tells me to help her battle some team glack to crunch with her which we end up defeating i head into their base get the hm for fly and the guide tells us to fly back to harthome city so we can head south of there into pistoria city for the next gym badge this part of the game gets a little confusing with how the order is oriented and they even ended up changing this a little bit in platinum and people very often would get stuck here in diamond and pearl so let's see how this guide handles it i head down south of harthum onto route 212 and make a quick stop into the mansion to get the sooth bell from this maid the guide also references mr baklot statue who is the owner of this mansion and that there is a guard that stops you from touching the statue during most hours of the day it then goes on to say that if you come back between the hours of 2am and 6am not sure who's playing pokemon diamond and par out those hours you can touch the statue since the guard is on his break and then the guy tries to do some weird evil laugh through text it looks like like for the most part this guide is pretty clean cut straight forward and then you have these weird random things like this where just goes off for no reason on this route i also decide to catch another pokemon since i haven't caught one in a little while i also noticed that the guide recommended water types for a few different battles and i still don't have any so i figure my best chance to get a water type is to fish with my good rod in the water after a few attempts of not getting any nibbles i land a barbog which i caught and named neptune then add to the team in place of the egg which i really don't care much about hatching next i make it into pistoria city pick up the free berry visit the burme fan club which i didn't even know existed until just now find the move tutor and get another mask accessory for contest next we have take on crash awake in the fourth gym badge already which the guide recommends that we use electric and grass types for we have electrotypes covered with lady thor but no real grass types outside of buddy which is still only level six i check my tms and also notice that i have the tm for grass nut which i can teach the kadabra although cadabra is a pretty high level now and sometimes lopes around because it was a traded pokemon i headed to the gym anyway after teaching grass not to cadabra clear out all the trainers and then finally face crasher wake i leave with lady thor on his gyarados and spark it but he actually ends up switching into quanzai which surprised me trainers pretty rarely switch in pokemon games but i go into godabra and knock out the quanxire then lady thor which finishes the rest of the gym surprisingly no pluck strats in this battle as i head out of the gym and out of the town i talked to the galactic grunt in front of the great marsh that we have to chase around but i get interrupted by my rival who wants to have another fight my rival also ends up switching in battle which surprised me again having them happen in two back-to-back battles but luckily i have a team of diverse pokemon that can type trump him as the guide says to give us the victory now that we have four badges i think now is a good time to check on the checklist that we have at the start of this guide so far we checked off pretty much everything that we could except for this one event in silesian town where i forgot to catch an unknown to show this boy so i guess they might as well backtrack and just do that soon at this point i head back to solution so we can catch an unknown to show to this boy for our checklist and i quickly visit the great marsh on my way back to pastoria as well i get the hm for defog and also run into this badu in the grass that's a much higher level than mine so i decided to catch it and name it floor of the second and replace it with the bud who i've been holding for so long i then follow around the team galactic grunt again which leads us into the valor lakefront this area is like a mini town for the sinnoh region with a few things we can do like get this tm for trick room and battle the people in the restaurant for extra experience as the guide says i then head up north and catch up with the grunt where we defeat him and then we meet cynthia there as well who gives us the secret potion that we can use on the side decks that are blocking our way i head back to where the psyducks are and give them the potion so we can progress into scholastic town and meet cynthia's grandmother before that i pick up the analog watch app since it's on the big checklist for some reason and i also realized that i forgot to use defog on the previous route which was technically on the checklist i figure it's too late now to just go back and use defog for route i've already gone through but at least i did go through the trouble of getting the hm and i do have a pokemon that can learn it which i can delete relatively soon in the movie leader so i guess it really isn't that big of a deal i also get pretty lucky and get a free choice specs from the small shop here in celestic which i can give to kadabra then i meet up with the galactic grunt defeat him get the hm for sir from cynthia's grandmother and see cyrus again the guy then tells us to go back to harthum to face fantine and get another gym batch we have to go back quite a few pages in the guide i haven't talked about this as much in this guide as i had in the gold and silver guide but this guide also has a lot of page flipping with backtracking to make it a little confusing luckily the guide does specifically tell you which tasks are for the return visits and which one you're supposed to do when you first get to the town and it also tells me when i'm supposed to go back which makes this part of the game a little bit less confusing than it normally can be for some players fantina's gym recommends dark electric and ghost types which means lady thor will have to lead the way here since it's an electric type pokemon and has a dark type move-in bite this ends up going by pretty well for us and i even battled all of the trainers before fantina in the gym for some extra xp since i also noticed that i'm a little bit under leveled at this point as well after hammering away and getting another gym badge the guy says we can go to fuego ironworks although it is optional so i skip it since it's not on the big checklist either next i have to make our way to kanalave city or keen lave city i have no idea how to properly pronounce that city because no matter how i say it somebody says i'm saying it wrong and gives me a different pronunciation i think kanalave sounds the coolest so i'm just gonna roll with it i upgraded my pokedex here along the way and have another rival battle in the city where the guide recommends i use flying types to type trump his new heracross it didn't tell me to pluck it this time but i do it anyway for old time 6 since it's still super effective and defeat barry at this point the guide mentions iron island here which is optional yet again but i do notice that i'm still a little under leveled compared to the gym leader byron's pokemon which we have to battle pretty soon so i head over to iron island to level up neptune and sun wukong anyway which both evolved to their final forms the guy even mentioned how iron island was a good place to earn xp so i think it's worth it i ended up going through it pretty quickly and i get the ryolo egg from riley who helped us go through it but i just leave it in the pc since i really like the team we have so far to give a quick little team recap we have cause of the cadabra which we traded for back in oroberg city for a machop that we used in the very first gym flora ii which is a recent addition to the team that i'm trying to level up lady thor the luxia which evolved during the fantina gym by the way and i just realized i forgot to write that down in the script are starter pokemon sun wukong the infernape garuda the star avia and finally neptune the wishcash this team is a little different than most teams i use when i play with your pokemon diamond in pearl besides starievie and lexia which are two very common pokemon a lot of people use but i'm still really enjoying this team so far now that wishcash and infirnate by higher levels i head into byron's gym since the types of the guide recommends here are water ground fire and fighting all of which are types that wishcash and inferno have i use my fire tight moves on sun wukong to dispense his bronzor and stelix as the guide says then switch into neptune and use ground type moves on his masternode to get the victory now with the 6th gym badge we can use the hm of strength outside of battle an hm that we got quite a while ago now and we also get the tm for flash cannon which is a pretty good move as i head out of the gym barry shows up again and brings us to the library where we learn more about what team galactic is doing with the three lakes in sinnoh as well as a little bit more about the lore of the sinnoh region in general each of us are then tasked to go to one of the three lakes so next we have to head over to lake valor and see what team galactic is up to i head into lake valor see all the flopping magikarp in the grunts and eventually make my way to fight the team galactic commander saturn and on the way garuda ends up evolving to star after then i begin the fight with saturn and lead with lady thor since it has a dark type attack for his kadabra just like the guide suggested i then go into a psychic type for the toxic card that they have and defeat the bronzer with sun moo kong although for some reason the guy doesn't specifically tell me what to do against it it told me the exact types used for other pokemon but not for this one after defeating saturn the guide tells us to backtrack back to page 48 one of the first pages of the actual walkthrough by the way to take on the team galactic battle commander mars at lake verity the guy doesn't give me much direction in this fight either and all it tells me is that her ugly has a citrus berry so you know what that means pluck strats with garuda yet again after dispatching mars and clearing out this lake we have to head back to celestic town to make our way into mount coronet we'll come back to mount coronet again later since for now we just have to use it to get to route 216 but the guide has an interesting bit about fibas and mount horinet fema's is one of the hardest pokemon to catch in pokemon diamond and pearl since it only appears in one of the rooms of mount corona in the water on different tiles every single day to make it even more difficult i never bothered to catch a feedback myself as a kid in these games because of how annoying it was but let me know in the comments down below if you ever managed to catch one of these pokemon before the next few rounds are really snowy which i never really liked as a kid since you would often get stuck and move even slower than the game normally goes at we do have to stop and pick up the hm for rock climb though on the way since it is on the main checklist and we do need it for some other areas of the game and on this route it also mentions the icy rock which you need to level up evie near in order to evolve into a glacion in this game here the guide specifically says that the icy rock is needed to evolve even into glacion but for some reason earlier on when we found the mossy rock it only hinted at the idea that eevee would evolve into leafeon near it now we have to get into the last lake which is like acuity but in order to get the guns to move out of the way from blocking it we need to get the 7th gym badge from candace and snowpoint city first this gym puzzle is similar to the ice puzzle from generation 2 in the ice path however in the guide they don't do a great job of telling you how to get through the puzzles the prima guide for gold and silver had many detailed pages for just about every single puzzle which was neat but this official nintendo power guide for diamond plural just throws you in there and doesn't give you hints for any of the puzzles i'd imagine that at least a few people turned to this guide if they couldn't figure out this gym puzzle or any other puzzle in the game and they were annoyed to see that it doesn't even tell you how to do it properly i eventually make it to candace after defeating all of the junior trainers and use sun wukong to knock out three of her four pokemon without taking any damage myself even then against her mehdi cham don't really get why she has one of these in an ice gym by the way i get that it has ice punch but it's still kind of weird to see i use my garuda for it medicine ends up stalling a bit with bull cups and she ends up using full restores on it but i keep hammering away and eventually get the victory and what had to be the easiest gym battle this entire run so far surprisingly we didn't lose a gym battle on the first try yet now we have to backtrack to veil stone city which the guide tells us is back on page 82 which is about 25 pages back of where we are now now even though the guide has a lot of backtracking as well like some other guides we've gone over in this series so far i do like that it specifically tells us when we have to backtrack and what pages to look back at unlike in the prima guide where it just kind of ignored that once in veilstone i make it into the team galactic base and i don't think that the guide could have made the map for going through here any worse than it actually is the first room that it shows is actually the fourth floor then under that it has a panel about the room you enter from and the room that leads into the first staircase then it has the third floor page above the second floor and then after that it goes back to the first floor it doesn't even tell me where most of the warp panels lead to in this place and although the stairs are marked alphabetically i don't understand why they didn't just put each floor in order to make it a bit easier to understand i eventually make it into the restroom area near where you fight cyrus so i take a nap in a terrorist base that i broke into nothing could possibly be wrong with that and then make my way up to the fourth floor where i find cyrus i lead with lady thor in this battle as the guide recommends that he use electric types for his murkrow and golbat then finish off sneezel with sun wukong it did mention how sneazel has a citrus berry so i was tempted to go for pluck on it but the guy told me to use a fighting type move instead so i listened which was also probably the better play i end up defeating him pretty quickly get a master ball and surely after the fight we have to go fight saturn again and luckily this time we do get to utilize pluck strat to take her toxic croaks barry and then knock it out now we can set the three mirage pokemon free being uxie as elf and mesprit i don't think i've ever heard of these pokemon being referred to as mirage pokemon but i free them and head out of the base now we have to head over to mount coronet and make it to the top for a few more team galactic fights first we have a double battle against mars in jupiter which barry assists its on although his munchlak doesn't really do much of anything here my pokemon ends up knocking out everything and then barry heals my pokemon as i get ready to fight cyrus for another time his team is a bit stronger than the team we battled like five minutes ago and he somehow has a gyarados now out of nowhere the guy does give me recommended types for this fight as usual but then it goes on to tell me to figure out which pokemon are best to exploit his weaknesses i am a bit under leveled but i hammer away and defeat cyrus for it looks like the last time in the game now we are prompted with the chance to catch diago or palkia in our case diago since we're on diamond version so i saved the game right before the fight as the guy suggests and head into the fight with the alga it's level 47 which is kind of an awkward level but i just used my mask rule on it to ensure that i caught it and i aimed it big ben i kind of forgot about the whole mythical theme here and big ben isn't exactly mythical but we'll just go with it anyway now we can finally make it into sunny shore city since the guy that was blocking off from the valor lakefront is gone and when we get here we first meet flint who tells us to find the sunny shore city gym leader vulcanur in the lighthouse and convince him to get back into battling since he wasn't in the mood to battle i end up finding him so he goes into the gym waiting for us to challenge him i am a little bit under-leveled here still but i feel like i have a pretty well-balanced team so i go in leaning with a neptune and use magnitude to defeat all of the junior trainers in this gym now all that's left is to fight faulconer and get our final gym badge in sinnoh the recommended types here are ground flying and electric since although he is technically an electric type gym leader two of his four pokemon aren't even electric types i leave with neptune to knock out his lead raichu and then the guide says to use ground and grass type attacks for vulcanur although grass wasn't even one of the three recommended types at the start which was weird for his activity i just used lady thor then for his luck so i go back into my neptune although neptune gets knocked out here unfortunately i then send out big ben here who i had to replace our beloved floor of the second with unfortunately since the guide also says that i should use my new legendary pokemon in this fight i go for a couple of roar of times and defeat volkler to receive the 8th and final gym badge now we have to go to the shore of sunnyshore city to meet jasmine a gym leader from the jotu region who coincidentally is also found in a lighthouse in the games that she is in she also gives us the agent for waterfall which is needed to get to the victory road at this point i go back and check the big checklist at the start of the guide and see that's all that's left for us to do now is go to the pokemon league defeat the elite floor and become the champion of the sinnoh region after teaching waterfall to neptune i surf north of sunny's first city and head to victory road the guide for victory road makes a lot more sense than the part about getting through the team galactic headquarters and it's pretty short for victory road so i get through it pretty fast now that we're on the other side all that's left to do is one final rival battle then challenge the elite four and the champion i noticed that my pokemon are still under level which has kind of been a running theme in this video and although we've been managing with under level pokemon for a while the gap between my pokemon and some of the first elite 4 members is over 10 so i grind everyone up to be around level 50 to at least match my rival before the last fight against him the gun recommends 5 types for this fight which is quite a lot but luckily we have all of those five types covered it also says how barry has been busy and all of his pokemon have reached their ultimate forms didn't realize we were playing digimon now and that we should leave with an electric type pokemon to counter his lead star after which i do with lady thor it also recommends that you use heal block if your dialga learned it by now to counter snorlax's rest but then it goes on to say that you could also just use a strong fighting type move which is arguably better so i do that since i have sun wukong which takes out the snorlax in one hit the last sentence in the paragraph explaining this rival fight says your rival has grown more candy about switching to pokemon to type trump you so be ready to zig when he zags i do indeed zig when he zags in this fight in order to type trump his pokemon and lay down the law for the victory of this rival fight now we have to prepare for the elite four the guy recommends that i buy some healing items and a couple of pages back it even says that now that you have all eight gym badges here any traded pokemon will obey you regardless of level so you can borrow a strong pokemon from a friend for challenges to come the funny part about this is i actually did this when i first played through pearl as a kid i couldn't beat the elite four so a friend of mine traded me his lux ray to help out since it was a higher level than my team we're not gonna trade any pokemon this time however but the guy does have some recommended pokemon which is cool it says that the best pokemon to include would start with our starter pokemon in this case sun wukong and diago or palkia and then it gives some other recommendations of them the only other ones that we have are luxray and star after but wishcash fulfills the same rules that the guide says gastron will do and it suggests that you use gastrid on and we also have cadabra that we got from the npc trade a while ago which is very strong so i feel very confident heading into the elite four i look ahead a bit on the pages of the elite four members to better prepare myself and then i head in for aaron the first member of the elite four the gun recommends i leave with my fire type since he can take out up to four of his pokemon pretty easily for drapeon i use wishcash which is a ground type as it's pretty similar to gastrodon which the guy directly recommends i use for this drapeon then i make it to vespa queen aaron's final pokemon and have a little bit of trouble here since garuda didn't one-shot it with fly because it get boosting its defenses by using defend order i keep hammering away with other team members anyway and get through aaron with only one pokemon fainting in garuda next up we have bertha and the guide recommends water and grass tights for her although grass types are a bit better since she has a quagsire and wish cash which are both four times weak to grass i leave with kaza here since it has energy ball and the toy specs item but eventually he falls so i go into neptune to finish out this battle rather quickly at this point i'm feeling very confident again since the first two trainers weren't very difficult at all and then i fight flint he leads with rapidash and the guide says how he likes to use sunny day first turn which flint actually does i leave with wishcash thinking that an earthquake will knock it out but this rapidash was a huge pain for me and i don't knock it out in one hit i shuffle in a lot of pokemon here since it knocks out my wish cash user revives and other healing items and eventually he just keeps going for useless moves like sunny day which doesn't really help him after i knock out the rappanash luckily lady thor takes out his last pokemon driftwood with spark and now we can finally take on lucian the final member of the elite four the fight against flint was actually pretty difficult so i'm a little scared heading into this fight now for lucian the guide specifically recommends that i use luxory with crunch which i do and i even give it a black glasses item as a whole to boost the power of its crunch by a little bit it then goes on to say that fire types are important here as well for lucian's bronzong since in this generation it's only weak to fire since it has a levitate ability i do have just about everything the guy says for this fight but it was still a very difficult fight i honestly thought i would lose here since all of his pokemon did at least half damage to me most of them were faster and i was ready to just head out of here and grab to my team a little bit and come back again i get pretty lucky though since infernape lives a hit from his alakazam somehow and knocks it out leaving giraffe rig and metacham on his team giraffe rig outspeeds me though and i thought sun wukong would faint but the giraffe right goes for crunch which i surprisingly lived since it was not very effective and then landed closed combat followed by a mock punch to knock it out all that's left now is many champs so i go to wish cash and screw it of fame did earlier in the fight wish cash does pretty well here since many champ kept doing for fire punch so i used this time to revive and heal up garuda to eventually knock out his medecham this was a very rough fight and at the end of the battle lucian says you're getting past the three before me was no fluke your power is real although to be honest i think i did get pretty lucky getting through lucian and you could argue that this fight was the fluke since i was sure i would lose here and now all that's left is the final fight against the champion cynthia one of the strongest trainers in all the pokemon and arguably the hardest champion battle this guy doesn't say much here surprisingly all it says here is that cynthia will lead with her spirit tomb here which can't be type trunk by any other types in this game due to its typing of ghost and dark and at this point fairy doesn't exist so it has no weakness i just leave with the alga as i think it's my strongest pokemon to kill it quickly although because of its pressure ability i end up going for roar of time and actually end up running out of pp on it i get this spare tune pretty low but then cynthia actually ends up switching here into her lucario i switch to neptune to try and earthquake it but lucario does over half damage with dragon pulse so i knew that my wish cache would fall i then go to sun wukong to mock punching since i was sure the lucario would out speed me and kill me in one hit but somehow i live an earthquake from and get off a second mock punch before sunny kong falls getting lucario pretty low i then go to garuda which gets knocked out by one aurosphere attack and then i go into lady thor hoping they could take it from lucario thanks to its intimidated ability which it thankfully does my team is decimated at this point but i get a good break by taking out her gastron pretty easily with kadabra although i do get poison from its sludge bomb she then sends out her spirit team again which i stay in with kaz and kill with grass not since her spirit tune was pretty low and then she goes into roserade and i have to switch out here since my cadaver is choice backs i go to dialga just to stall it out a bit and revive some of my other pokemon at this point my strategy is to kill rose grade with either garuda or kadabra then spam intimidates from lady thorne garuda on the guard trump so that'll be able to kill it with the alga and take it much easier i knock out the rose raid and then cynthia sends out on my logic which i completely forgot about because i thought that chili had one pokemon left after this i get a lucky paralyze on an effort going for spark with lady thorne doing some pretty decent damage and then milotic goes for aqua ring to heal it up a little bit each turn kind of like a leftovers i use this time to heal up my other pokemon some more before hammering away my lotus to knock it out with lady thorpe now all that's left is cynthia's garchomp for real so i shuffle in my two intimidate users until i get five intimidates off her guard trump goes for giga impact which i live and then i think that this is a great opportunity to go into my dialga since regard trump will have to recharge for a return and i think this is better than going for a sixth intimidate i go for dragon claw with diago which looks like it'll be about a three or four shot which isn't too bad and then i see how little damage it does to me thanks to all the intimidates i racked up against it dialga finally ends up taking out her garchomp after hammering away for a couple of turns making us the champion of the sinnoh region and with that we beat pokemon diamond and pearl as nintendo intended this was a lot of fun to make and it took me a little bit longer than other nintendo videos in the past and i tried my best to follow the guide as closely as i possibly could and do everything on the main checklist except for use defog that one time i accidentally forgot about overall i think this was a pretty good guide though it did make you flip back to previous pages a couple of times but at least it made it clear when you had to go back although it didn't tell you how to do any puzzles or have much information about random trainers or pokemon you found in the wild which i thought was strange there really isn't anything on the post game in this guide although there really isn't much post game endowment pearl in general or any other specific instructions on catching some of the other legendary pokemon like heatran or gracelia overall this was as close to as nintendon as we have ever got through this series since this is the official nintendo power guide and i think i followed it closer than i did with any of the previous guides we've done so far i already have an idea on what the next few intended videos will be like but still let me know in the comments down below which games you want to see me play next and also check out my other nintendo videos if you haven't already i also encourage you to check out some of my other non-intended videos as well since you enjoy these videos you'll probably enjoy my other videos too make sure you leave a like as well if you enjoyed if you want to support the channel as one like really does go a long way and subscribe so you don't miss any future videos maybe even consider ringing the bell as well so you get notifications just in case you missed the videos in your sub boxes and with all that being said i want to thank you all for watching hope you all have a great rest of your day i'll see you all next time and bye you
Channel: PaPaSea
Views: 834,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon diamond and pearl, beating pokemon how nintendo intended, pokemon challenge, pokemon videos, pokemon challenge videos, diamond and pearl, pokemon diamond, pokemon pearl, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon, papasea, nintended, nintendo switch, generation 4, 4th generation, pokemon games, pokemon diamond and pearl remakes, pokemon diamond and pearl remake
Id: D_F2N_r14C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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