can you beat palworld using only humans?

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ever since I saw pal world I had one question can I beat the game in the most unethical way possible with an army of food I mean humans it's it's people I'm not capturing Pals just [Music] people our goal is to beat the first Tower with only human Pals as soon as I get into the game the first thing I do is crank up those XP values as well as combat damage and then I made myself green because I'm in love with that guy from Street Fighter and Shrek as our jour began I immediately started Gathering materials and testing out my new Godlike powers and curiosity got the better of me and I decided to try and enter a [Music] [Music] dungeon I failed to capture the green Mony but that was all well and good my first dungeon clear turned out to be a great success after all who needs Powers when I have people after my dungeon Expedition I pissed off a mamist and learned a very important lesson about being humble we actually did decent damage I just need something better than a wooden Club I think fair enough enough as soon as I returned to the plateau at the beginnings I attempted to catch my first person yay we got our first person after that lifechanging success I decided to grind for experience and test my companion strength but alas I was too strong to actually test the power one thing's for sure though I needed to find more people we encountered another person and as you can see it did not go well human this resulted in me being chased across the continent by the PF while running from them I stumbled across the I had a brilliant idea this eventually led to me losing them and challenging the boss well you're very cute I'm so sorry after yet another successful Conquest I decided to step up and set my goal to level 30 to take on the first boss this led to me taking on more and more Dungeons and allowed me to make some amazing captures this was going to be a rough Journey but then I discovered something incredible that's right combat sliding baby hell yeah holy I'm like a human to bog in no a human Comet I'm a [ __ ] ball after I had my fun I stumbled upon a king Packer and thought it would be GG easy but it was not it was not GG easy wait one damage you kidding [Music] me okay he wins oh my God God don't [ __ ] with the alpacas and as you can see I got no diff so hard my head could not stop spinning after that experience I realized that the difference between Pals and people are too great so I resigned myself to starting the boss fight hey let's get him pal man and it was here that I realized that I was correct that my human Pals were too weak and that it was really me the whole time who was doing the damage gotcha getting the ball get get in the ball all right seems like we can at least beat some of the bosses with a human thank you so much for watching but can you beat the entire game [ __ ] no of course not don't be ridiculous thank you so much for watching if you liked this video check out this one I made on talking about Skyrim Under the Sea it's pretty Seafood [Music] delicious
Channel: Loaf Man
Views: 6,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld
Id: yChS97FDhjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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