The END of the GIGACHAD Lamball

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okay people it is time I am level 50 and it's now time for me to go ahead and capture some legendaries and make my lamb will have the legend trait this is definitely not the second time of me doing this intro cuz I definitely didn't blow up the Boss by complete accident I killed it because it was sleeping and it is now time to catch froston I've got a bunch of legendary spars I've got 17 I've got some decent damage I'm start off the fight with the pengull rocket just because why not it's funny and this music starts popping in and it's time don't tell me he's stuck don't tell me I made him stuck yeah we're doing decent damage how's my AR do I can't see anything oh my God AR is so strong but you like you melt through ammo I think it's that worth it I think my purple shotguns a bit better we need to be careful we don't lose a lot of HP considering this boss like that like that that's a lot that's my shield already gone ow I'm half HP I need to be very careful here these icicles are so over like so strong com in for a heavy attack ow ow okay we got to Chuck on a life pendant to increase our HP game won't let me move sometimes okay in the meantime I'm going to have to chill out a bit okay my Shield's coming back slowly what it pops like a grenade I'm stressing out I'm a lot more healthier though hang Cannon back yeah just in time hang on please get in your Cannon actually no he's quite low okay all right time to capture this bad boy ow come on get me out of this you're so weak you have to be captured one one don't yes let's go I was going to say don't Edge me like that we did it okay we got our first legendary that was tough oh I got so scared that I was dead there now we need to somehow breed down the legend trait onto the lamb ball I have no idea how I'm going to do that literally all the game knowledge I have is from you guys in the comments and me just playing the game I have no idea what I'm doing like I don't even watch any YouTube videos that's how bad I am plus 20 attack plus 20 defense I didn't know Legend was that good I thought plus 15 everything Plus 20 so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and breed both of them yeah I have no idea how I'm going to get these two like the legend trait onto Lambo but we'll figure that out you got 2% sanity that's insane all right so after maybe I don't know 6 hours of just breeding Pals breeding down the legend trait I've got one Lambo with Legend but it has brittle on it so I'm hopefully not getting brittle in any of them I want to get this Legend and Chuck this onto this lamble here and remove Zen mine from it so something's telling me this is just the beginning of the end I've just started now ladies and gentlemen boys and girls granddad's grandmothers old men old women whatever the Giga Chad Lambo has been born I've been doing this for about 20 hours straight people on Discord are like you have no life why have you been playing Power worlds for over 10 hours just for this lamb ball here he is ferocious Legend lucky muscle head this is the literal gig chat an 85% damage increase lucky ferocious Legend and musclehead now we got to go ahead get him to level 50 look how long this took me I have almost a full page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pages full of lamb balls we have 208 lamb balls and it's now time to condense them all into this Giga Chad I'm so happy this video can continue after almost two full days of farming and just like that he's maxed out we still have a crap ton of Lambo left these are probably all going to get sold I'm not going to lie and level one he's already sitting at 240 attack power okay so it's now been about 8 hours since Mr Fluffy kins that's what we're calling the Giga Chad now because that was the top comment and people wanted to call him Mr Fluffy kins and I'm spent that entire time leveling him up and getting the best loot I can legendary AR epic pump I've got some pretty decent gear I'm not going to lie and then also my Mr Fluffy kins is fully infused level five and has been enhanced to the maximum level has 1,200 attack damage on its own and I did you all a favor and I made it extremely clean with all the damage like look at that that just looks fantastic but for this boss fight we are going to need to use the dragon attacks considering that the boss is dark type and dragon attacks are super effective I've got a decent amount of ammo for this boss fight I really scared I've never been in here once so this is going to be the final showdown of the series this Mr Fluffy kin is going to take it down I also have a decal gun with lamble on it like at the very end of the boss fight maybe if I want to shoot it and just spray lamble everywhere I might just Chuck that on just in [Music] case all of this buildup the about 50 hours I've spent into this is almost coming to an end it's finally about to be over now just before I don't forget I'm going to load up my party full of my crises that I got I've got fuel from three stars yeah I got you three star I got you three star there we go so my crises are maxed out what Cris does it boosts neutral attack damage by 10% and if I upgrade it goes 10 to 10 to 30 so 10% 10% to 30% so now it's getting almost a 400 500 extra damage from all these crises almost 5K HP 650 defense is really good but anyway it's now time to go up there to that mountain and take it on and here it is the astral Mountain the finale of the series is here all of the effort has come down to this boss fight I'm really hoping I went to the wrong way I am really hoping that we first try this we should we got some pretty decent gear have a look at the scenery that's right your ancestors your previous Giga Chads have bred you and you have to finish their legacy let's do this oh boy I'm so I'm so nervous here Victor and Shadow beak here we go the final boss of the game we're doing a lot of damage come on Lambo let's finish him off we doing so much damage here let me switch my armor ow ow okay come on Lambo let's take him out you and I together we doing substantial damage Oh my days lamble is doing I'm just distracting him while lamble does all the damage or Mr Fluffy kins I need to get used to that name this guy's got so many different attacks it's insane hey Lambo oh my God okay here we go I hope he's not stuck in that wall because then that would make this really bad he's not stuck in the wall he was faking me out he was waiting for me to get closed you're fine buddy you're fine you're fine we do this together just be careful don't get hit by that one attack we're doing so much damage look at the HP bar just get shredded it's not moving much but I'm not sure if that's the intended way or lambo's just doing it absolute okay it hears me it's hearing me we need to be careful we need to be careful okay we' lost our Shield we need to be careful here Mr Fluffy kins is not even half HP he gained back a lot of his health but we running low on AR ammo so we might need to switch this to the shotgun soon who okay that definitely did too much damage to us I'm not going to lie all right fluffin don't get hit by that I'm going to take the damage he can't get hit through a team we are a team your ancestors have been here you have fought every single boss your ancestors finish off your parents Legacy finish off killing all of the bosses in the entire game with just a lamb ball we've got this buddy where is that going that's going to heaven he's shooting the ancestors we don't take that we don't take that disrespect we have a minute we have 1 minute left we have a singular minute my heart is racing we might not even finish it in Time come on 15K 15K 15K kins man I need you I need you okay we got 10K we got 10K come on budy come on buddy we got this 30 seconds 30 seconds let's in 10k L than 10K Health come on come on come on come on 20 seconds 20 seconds 15 seconds come on let's go we did it with 10 seconds left oh come here fluffy again we did it first try we did it we actually did it first try oh don't don't Deep Throat the gun pleaseed my hands have gone numb that was so intense I might have been screaming but I don't care your ancestors would be proud and there we have it we have completed the game of power world using just Mr fluffykins or lamb bols versing every single boss all right buddy I'm not going to drop you this time and if I do it's by complete accident the lambo only challenge I would guess will only in boss fights as my pal I can't believe we got down to the wire within 10 seconds that was actually crazy I literally thought don't don't push me off don't don't become the enemy I literally thought it wasn't even possible I did this video I did the first video as a joke I had no idea we could like get this far and I'm so proud of everyone and I'm so proud of Lambo for being an absolute tank now the next video is going to be your guys' idea whatever the top comment is going to be I will do it that could literally be do this all again but with a gamas I do not care and now I'm just going to say thank you to everyone making these videos so popular I really appreciate it we started this Channel or making power world content with 22,000 subs and we've almost doubled that in like a week and I cannot thank you all enough and I just I can't explain how thankful I am for having you guys you might be the very first people in existence to do this or like I'm not sure maybe someone's already done this before but I'm just so thankful for you guys and I really appreciate it so if you guys did enjoy this video please make sure to leave a like and a subscribe especially on this video I would really appreciate it and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: CDiinky
Views: 275,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDiinky, Grounded, GroundedGame, Bossfight, Challenge
Id: TstcvC2yF3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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