Palworld But with No Pals!! [No Pal Run] [1 - 30 days]

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welcome to Pal world this is a game I've been really excited about since the first trailers came out a couple of years ago now it's a game which has you washed up on some deserted beach with what seems to be no memory of how you got there or how this world even works you get this small cryptic Cuts scene at the start of the game to let you know there's a story to be told here but the game doesn't actually tell you it's your story to tell in this true crafting Survival game you are in charge of your own story you're in this Mysterious World with these creatures called Pals they can be captured for you to either enslave and have as workers or used to fight by your side to become one of the strongest people in the whole island and with everyone playing the game the way it's meant to be played I thought can you beat pal world without any Pals so with that in mind I set myself some rules the rules are I'm not allowed to capture any Pals in this playthrough I'm playing on the hardest difficulty without any custom slider modifications I've got 30 in-game days to progress as far as possible and I'm not allowed to use any exploit or glitches to progress my world and with that in mind I jump straight into the character customization because if I'm spending 30 ingame days looking at something I at least want to make it something relatively pretty and with that we jump straight into the Windswept Hills on day one of our adventure I got just a quick feel for the controls of the this game and then set for outside to be greeted by the level 30 plus Mammoth so with me being in this game for less than 5 minutes I was not about to start making that my first encounter so moved swiftly on and got the first fast travel location from that there was a person sat to the right of us so I had a quick chat with them leveled up to level two and they gave us some wood to make our first primitive workbench so that's the next thing that I did and as soon as I had a look through the workbench menu I I saw that we could make a club so I started crafting my first wooden Club of the run and instantly went to go punch a chicken in the face with it after taking the chicken meat and its unborn children I picked up the fruit which was surrounding me and went back to collecting Stone and wood to be able to craft some more I went into the technology menu and learned everything I could and started making my first pal sphere as of the Run don't worry I did go straight back to domestic violence afterwards um but as you're about to see it didn't go too well for me after respawning I noticed the person hadn't regained any health so I quickly rushed over picked my club back up and continued with my domestic violence and hoped for the best that I wouldn't get head shot again straight away but with me getting them down to low health I thre My Pal sphere and weirdly they went into the ball so with my 12% look I managed to catch a person after this I knew I had to escape the police but I did definitely run straight into them this screen is going to get old I promise you the reason I had done this is humans are not classed as Pals in this game so therefore they are actually exempt from the rules cuz the rules are I'm not allowed to capture any Pals so with this I could start my own human trafficking ring after this I started making my first stone pickaxe and Hatchet of the Run went and minded some more materials and went to get into a little bit more Mischief I explored around some more and found one of these cars that tells you the story of someone that was here before you I then looted up some chests and continued on my [Music] way we started traveling down the hill and I started to hear a strange noise I haven't heard before and it was my first shiny pal of the run with me not being able to capture this though I decided to engage it in combat I had fought a few of these further up the hill but this was starting to become a more difficult fight than I anticipated as my human companion was already running low on health due to this I started to focus on the small lamp ball to hopefully give us an edge this was sadly though when I realized that the shinies have special abilities as I was gunned down with a hydro pump to the face after dying to this shiny lamb ball I returned to the area to find it was gone so I took my gear back and took revenge on its Brethren even if they had other ideas I continued this fighting late into the night and trying to level up as much as possible but the world had other ideas for me instead and sadly the ideas didn't stop there but I persevered and with this we went into the dawn of day two for the rest of the evening I stuck with the chickens cats and lambs of the world and actually had managed to get myself to level four and was becoming a lot stronger in the game my only issue by this point is my human companions seem to have started gaining some form of blood lust or death wish as it started fights with the enemies I just wasn't equipped to fight yet so it did leave me having to uh evade and try and escape from as many fights as possible but after this had carried on throughout most of the morning I did manage to get to level five though and decided it was time to get a home base down after building the essentials I decided to continue mining some trees and some stone for the day I even built myself a bed which I was never going to use I did continue doing this late into the evening though after IID crafted myself a bow and some arrows I decided it was time to try it out on the local sleeping Pals and after I ran out of arrows I went home to begin prepping for day three for the start of day three I started traveling down the hill and continue to gain some more experience as I managed to hit level six we ran into a level 38 mest which we'll remember for later and continued downwards until we ran into our second fast travel point of the run there were also some Castle runes nearby and also a small red chest which we need a copper key for so we'll have to come back to this for later but at the castle runes there was my next human of the run so I promptly started violence and threw my balls at his face and hoped for the best after capturing this villager I continued to try escape the police but it went as well as it did the time before I I did promise you this screen was going to get old after returning back to where I just died I picked up my companions and all of my items and thought I'd try fighting out the enemies that give G me a hard time a couple of nights before the story was still the same I was too underleveled I did too little damage to be able to kill these creatures so I returned one last time and decided to spend the rest of this evening sticking to the weaker enemies that I know I had have an easier time with with this it was the start of day four where I continued fighting the weaker enemies and then proceeded back to base to get some more wood and some Stone to craft some more arrows I also then started crafting my first shield of the run but it was also going to be my last Shield of the run and I'll touch on that point in a few days time but I then decided I was going to go fight that mamores boss I saw the day before after shooting a couple of arrows at it and realizing I only did one damage per hit I thought my companion will carry me which I promptly watched it get one shot in the face so I proceeded to run for my life after running in a massive Circle away from this Beast I came to the really sad conclusion that I wasn't even fighting the mamores boss I thought I was it was just a regular mamores this is how weak I was in this world and after realizing that I went home built some beds for my humans and then proceeded to try out what my new uh companion was like and we sadly came to the realization he couldn't do any damage this was quite regrettable so I went back up to the top of the hill and luckily the first Survivor was there again so I started the violence threw a ball and hoped for the best after capturing my next human I again thought instead of trying to flee the police I'd try my best at fighting them after doing one damage a hit it ended the same as always and I then continued the rest of that evening in base getting more wood more Stone and crafting up as much arrows as I could ready to fight on the day ahead for day five I started by getting my revenge on one of these night owls since I was getting better with the mechanics of the game this fight went a lot easier I then replaced the arrows I just used on the owl and started traveling down the hill to gain more resources for my repairs for my armor and equipment I then came across what I can only assume as a glitch for the game but it did give me a bit of a chuckle after that fun swim we went a bit further away from home than we had before and came into this big open area with a large Tower in front of us and I had to look at the new Pals that was about to run into and decided it was best to go climbing instead so I climbed the hill that I just gone under and got some chests and then decided to Assassin's Creed my way back down after doing this though in the area that I was used to one of these deers had spawned and it went as well as you can imagine after another defeat for the day I decided I was just going to spend the day farming up resources and we move on to day six as you can see we just started the day with a nice swim SL run in the water over to this giant skeleton where we found a chest on it from there we started killing the pals that were in the proximity to it and traveled back to the mainland to continue gaining as much experience as we could we'd hit level eight so I wanted to keep trying to gain as much as we could to try and reduce that difficulty curve but that's where we had this interesting counter where this fox accidentally hit the boss and let's just say the mamores wasn't too happy with him shortly after this fight we found this llama wearing stilettos and luckily enough it got stuck for me which made it a little bit of an easy kill but sadly it didn't really give such a great reward in the experience compared to killing some of the weaker enemies after this we went back to the home bases I needed to start resupplying and repairing my gear as my armor was completely shot through by this point so we did some repairs got some more arrows building did a little bit more cooking and we actually ended the day there swiftly into day seven we continued on that XP grind with me and my companions now gaining a lot more experience it meant these fights were easier especially on these lower level enemies I wanted to use them to train me on being better at paying attention to my peripheral vision as a lot of the harder enemies would be in groups with this also in mind I went to go and collect my next companion as more people in my party would only make these fights easier I didn't sadly capture the rest of that footage but we did get that person onto our team and as soon as I made it back to the base we started getting raided by these syndicates so we started this fight and I weakened two of them down and continue to start throwing the pal speres hoping that we could maybe bolster our forces and have a few more people on the team and with this it looks like lady look was on our side as we managed to capture both of them at the same time finished off the rest of the Raiders I quickly had a look at my full now assembled team gave them a few names so I knew which one was which and then went out to hunt a few Pals to see if my new companions could do damage which luckily for me they could which meant that they were going to be viable to use so I did a few more fighting in the local area and then honestly spent the rest of this day back at the base cooking more food crafting more arrows trying to make sure that we could have a full day of farming going ahead into day eight eight day eight started the same way day seven ended I was still mining resources and crafting more arrows ready for the day ahead I was of course fighting any enemies that came close to my home base and this did knock me over level 9 in the night and that was great there was one issue though it was becoming more prevalent that I was starting to not struggle as much in these fights which was fantastic but the only thing I had no is just me having to constantly craft things was keeping me from being able to go out and get more experience so I did some revamping in the base made some more primitive Works spaces so I could have the people at my base craft some supplies while I was out running around I then leveled the base up to level four continued gaining a few more resources to set off some more arrows to craft and then found out there was a wheel that gave me a command that I could pet my companion even though it looked like I was trying to essentially turn on I then went and fought some more llamas and stilettos these fights were definitely getting easier now that I was getting better with with my Dodge timings and after taking a few of these downs we moved into the new area with the note I was making the day before that these would be more group enemies so there was a lot more things to pay attention to and Dodge so my training the day before was helping out a bit as I was able to navigate around the fights a bit easier and by the end of this day of fighting my way through this area I came across my next Way Stone and that unlocked fast travel location number three I continued to spend this night just looking around the local area and came across this pal capture camp with a few more of these Syndicate fugs I decided that it would be best to give it a go and continue to start firing my way into the camp but sadly ran out of arrows as i' been out training all day so it meant I had to start going in with melee and I was trying to be very careful to not be hit with these guns knowing how much damage they could do thought it was about time to catch one of these which went very well finally this fug remained in the B which at the same time my companion had finished the final one in the camp so we were successful over this event I then went over to the pal in the camp and saw this hold release pal button for anyone that's actually played this game knows exactly what's about to happen for anyone else have a watch I was Destroy by actually releasing this it meant that I actually captured the pal it meant my run was over oh so I was contemplating with me actually releasing this pal and and going into my inventory I hadn't actually used it cuz it went straight to the box and I saw this more as a lost dog that follows you around as I didn't actually actively try to capture it it just joined my team and decided to follow me along so I put it in the box and decided I was going to keep this run going but if I ran across any more of these bases I was going to be leaving them in the cages with the awful night8 put behind me I continued the evening mining up rocks and cutting down trees to be able to replenish all of my arrows I just spent so I spent the whole day doing this I would kill any Pals that come in the local proximity to the base cooked up some food to make sure that me and my workers wouldn't go hungry and had them constantly stood at the workbenches crafting as many hours as possible as I actually had a goal in mind for today as when I was running around the other day the massive Tower had an entance button on it I was curious to see what was inside so after crafting up some arrows I decided to head over and decided to head into the [Music] tower [Music] hey I had unknowingly walk straight into a boss battle a boss with over 30,000 health I didn't of course have the tools all the items to be able to fight this at the time but I had to give it a go I didn't know of any way of getting out of here and I didn't know if I was going to lose all my items if I died because I drop everything on death so with this in mind I had my companions taking as much aggro as I could as I launched as many arrows but sadly I had no knowledge of the boss's attack patterns and because of this it meant I didn't know how to avoid or went to dodge and they sadly became my downfall in the fight ah with another defeat under my belt I headed back to the Tower and luckily my items were outside of it so it meant I didn't have to rebuild everything which was fantastic news I did sadly have to go back and repair everything but that was fine did some Inventory management and was going to build up my base a little bit more for the day but the game had other ideas for me instead with another raid on its way to my base I prepped as well as I could and the synico fugs came back down the hill and I fought and weakened them and tried to capture as many as I could with me managing to catch one I then thrown a ball at the second one which I've been trying to capture the whole time and luckily that one stayed in the ball as well I then had one last fug that was trying his best to run away so I followed him up the hill well I threw a pal's fear at his head and he kept breaking free but I managed to capture him in the long run and return back to my base but this had sadly cost me a lot of time as it was nearly the end of day nine as as much as this day had been very eventful and a lot had happened I just needed to build up my supplies again so I went straight through to mining resources for the rest of the night with Day N behind us I started by fighting this weird grassy dinosaur that had wandered into my Camp I thought with it being in my Camp's proximity maybe my people and workers would help me fight I kept trying to dodge as many tacks as I could but realized that this wasn't going as planned as the area of effect attacks were killing all of my followers due to this I decided it was time to flee again I ran up to the top of the hill waited for it to follow me and jump back down into the river thinking this would hopefully make its paing lose me but sadly to my surprise as soon as I came out the river it was ready I kept trying to run as much as I could but decided the only way away from this thing was going to be to fight as it knocked down another one of my followers so I went with the spear and swiftly got taken down after this I had to put in my dead followers and my dead workers into the pal box so they could heal which takes over 10 minutes so I repaired all my gear which had just been broken and newly repaired from the night before crafted a bunch of more arrows which my lovely followers had done for me and then proceeded to go back out and start gaining some more experience if the Tower and the dinosaur taught me anything is I was still majorly underleveled and I needed to try and change that whilst roaming around and killing the enemies I found a cave which I had apparently missed and even my live recording self was surprised wait how did I miss this massive cave with this I decided to go into the cave and start an adventure as this was a dungeon which I could do once entering I threw down my companions and started fighting the enemies within I started fighting new enemies I hadn't seen before but I was at least getting quite aware of what most of their attack patterns would be that they always have a melee and a ranged attack for the normal enemies so with dispatching these I ran through the cool looking dungeon found some chests along the way I even found one that had a copper key in it which I needed for that red chest outside but with this also in mind I continued through the dungeon fighting off the fugs and the people inside mining some of the materials which were found within the dungeons caverns and found my way to the boss room after entering the bus room I threw out my companion and started sniping away thinking if I had the distance Maybe they wouldn't be able to Agro onto me I was sadly mistaken though as I got hit by an ice ball to the face and then nearly fell to my death I continued trying to evade but realized I was in a horrible position for this fight and swiftly died due to this after respawning out of the cave and going back and getting my items we were actually into day 11 so I headed straight over to that red chest and found an old bow schematic which I thought the old bow was but this was a rare schematic so I was hoping that mean this bow would do more damage than the regular old bow so I went straight to my base found it in the area it didn't really give me much details on the damage but I needed these ancient civilization parts to craft it and with no knowledge of how to get it I decided to go back to the dungeon and it was now shut since the dungeon was shut I proceeded to start going up the stairs and fighting some more enemies to get some more experience as as much as I did okay in the dungeon I still was really really hurt and needed a lot of repairs by the end of it so I traveled around the local lands killing all the enemies that I could finding some new Pals along the way again and continue down the river bed after following the riverbed around it took me back to the area I was used to and I saw this weird goat grass ball bushy monster so with it being a new encounter I decided to give it a go it did get a few hits on me but I did start learning its attack patterns and was able B to start getting some good Dodges in and we managed to take it down again the only issue was as much as this fight was hard and rewarding it didn't give enough experience to make it worth the resources I continued into the new lands found some chests along the way and continued traveling to see what I could find I came across some old castle like runes again picked up some more of these history cards and whilst looking around the cliff hedge came across the best thing I could currently find for my run I jumped off the cliff and parag glided straight into the small settlement I first started talking to all the people inside of it see if they would give me anything or tell me anything useful I then found that there was a fast travel Point within the town so I instantly went straight over there in case anything attacked me and killed me so I had a way of getting back cuz I was quite far away from my home base now after traveling around the town I actually found the merchant I had a look at his Wares and noticed he didn't really have anything as far as a weapon upgrade for me but he did have some arrows and I kept that in mind for maybe later on I then sold the few things that I could sell to him went and clicked onto my Technologies and whilst I'm trying to get this old rare bow realized I had a free shot bow which I could craft right now so with that in mind I went straight back to my base and started crafting the free shot bow I put it on the table to begin the crafting process had one of my followers start making it while I started getting resources for the furnace I don't also just unlocked as this would be my next skill tree of items I'd be able to unlock and do more damage with as soon as the bow was ready though I shot it and was delighted to see it was in a vertical fashion and then got to building the furnace but do you remember a few days ago I told you that I was going to explain to me in a few days i' also then started crafting my first shield of the run but it was also going to be my last Shield of the run and I'll touch on that point in a few days time this was the reason to use the furnace you need a fire how to do so which I can't catch a one so the furnace and all of its unlockables are useless to me I'm stuck in a primitive state after wasting the evening of day 11 by using the bed I continued The Adventure on day 12 I went down into some new areas and fought some Syndicate fugs using my new bow and making some Swift easy work of them after this I picked up the spiles from the fight and continued adventuring my hopes were that I'd maybe find a merchant that would sell the iron ingots I need so I could still craft these items or have some form of automatic smelter or city or civilization that already has a fire pal working so I don't have to tame one and I stay within the rules whilst exploring though I found this weird grass looking squirrel thing and it was very tanky with what I was trying to do so I continue trying to hunt it down my only issue was my free shot bow didn't of course do enough damage so I started returning back the way I went and I was met by a mini boss that came and started sniffing me so I decided maybe it was time to try my look on this I kept weaving in and between the rocks to hope to get some angles on this without it being able to hit me as it managed to hit me once and took a lot of my health and my shield away I kept dodging where I could and fired off some shots every chance I could get I even went and hid On Top of the Rock at one point thinking maybe it wouldn't be able to see me sadly the chiller wised up and quickly sniped me from On Top of the Rock after losing the fight I went back and grabbed my stuff and saw there was actually a dungeon open nearby I went into the dungeon explored it through its caverns and made my way to the boss room which I saw it was a fire boss so I put on my fireproof robes that I had crafted and began the fight yeah I started by taking down the small followers as this would make the fight a lot easier whilst my companion had the aggro though I thought I'd be safe at the side but I was hugely mistaken after losing this fight I fast traveled back to where I died picked my gear and and instead of heading back into the dungeon I decided it was time to go home but in the way was another one of these Syndicate Bandit camps where the downfall of the free shot bow finally came around I accidentally hit a deer whilst trying to kill the humans that were trying to tame them and this defeat screen was the end of day 12 well day 13 we started by getting a raid on the base and we finished these off quite quickly and moved on to our next adventures in the day we started by crafting up some more arrows and actually increasing the amount of workload that I can have done at once now with three primitive workbenches I can have three items all crafting at once and leaving the people at home to do it for [Music] me I then started leveling up number one to make them a little bit more tanky as the one issue I was having is they were dying a bit too quick I actually helped crafting some of the arrows myself and then continued to gain some more resources and level up the base which we managed to get it all the way up to level six we moved back into a dungeon and proceeded to work our way through there we managed to get all the way over to the boss room quite quickly in this one and we were then encountered by a giant chicken with this fight I decided to focus on the small followers first then move over to the boss afterwards the fight was getting quite intense as I accidentally hit the inventory key instead of dodging which meant I was one hit away from death but luckily my follower had managed to take the aggro so I could finish off the chicken and we could win the fight and this is where I found my first piece of ancient civilization I now knew where I could get these from to start making the next bow that I needed but on my way out I went into the loot room opened up my two chests and managed to get a defense Medallion which is going to help me take less damage in the long run after finishing off the dungeon and taking my spoils I left the dungeon and continued on my Adventures for the day this proceeded with me getting into a few scuffles with some of the locals in the area around a bandit Camp they were all seeming to fight each other so I just picked off who was left on my way back to home base I actually noticed the first dungeon was back open so instead of doing so I decided that this was going to be my next stop I went through the dungeon managed to get a few more chests from the loot rooms inside kill a few more of the enemies roaming about and made my way to the boss room to my surprise in the boss room was a dinome this was the same Beast that I tried to fight a few days prior and it it put me down into my place very quickly whilst I was trying to keep my distance I managed to get hit by one of his AOE attacks where I then got entangled with roots which stopped me from being able to move properly and Dodge meaning that I was wide open for it next attack I then made my way back to where I just died picked up my gear of my companions and tried the dungeon again made my way to the boss room but had no lu and I then tried again and returned for a third time and sadistically decided to come back for a farth after being put into my place way too many times I decided it was time to start resupplying so I went back to base crafted up some arrows realized I needed some materials got what I needed and headed back into the dungeon started seeing an enemy I hadn't seen before and whilst trying to get some space to be able to do some damage I was swiftly dispatched once again I then went back into the dungeon one more time after this continued to start fighting and doing what I could luckily some of the enemies were getting stuck on some lower platforms and my companion was able to finish the fight for me while this was great it meant I had my second ancient civilization part so I could now craft the bow I was waiting to do I of course then hit up the loot room took my spils from defeating this dungeon and proceeded to continue I then went back to the base and found the it items that I needed to make the bow and realize I didn't have enough resources for it so I spent the rest of the evening for day 15 and the start of day 16 getting up the resources I needed and bolstering up my stock piles again after having everything I needed for the bow I crafted it and went to try out on some of the local Pals and realized I could now two and threee hit some of them this was a massive jump in my damage there was some chests nearby as well which I went to promptly Loot and continue to resupply the wood I just used making the bow leveled up the base to level seven and then tried out the wood cutting pal farming build that you make and realize it's useless unless you have a pal to do it for you I then used this evening to actually go roam around po area and see if there was anything new for me to find in the world after running into a few chests and a few enemies I hadn't seen before I started Crossing this large Bridge noticed that there was a bandit Camp across from it so promptly decided deed to take a turn in the opposite direction then came across an abandoned M shaft after reaching the abandoned M shaft I realized it was way too dark for me to see in here so definitely turned around and left straight away but there was a nice little green squirrel collectible for me to get and a chest to the side of me and actually took us into the dawn of day 17 he started roaming some of the other areas that I had started coming across came in contact with a large fight going on between some Pals and some capturers tried to capture one myself and then accidentally shot him in the head and watched him go down like a sack of potatoes I then found another dungeon and started crafting some arrows ready to go inside once inside I proceeded through the dungeon as usual collecting the chests along the way after collecting these I made my way to the boss room and this time using the new bow which did a lot more damage I felt a little bit more confident I managed to get some distance away from the boss so I had a lot more time to dodge and companion was able to keep him there so I could keep sniping the damage it meant it was an easy fight so we looted the loot room managed to get another defense Medallion and moved on on my way back out though I came across another poaches camp and instead of releasing this one I tried to kill it hoping that it meant it would disappear but as soon as it hit zero Health it just stayed there so we left the fire lion thing with no Health in the cage and went back home to continue building back home we were then raided though and this was by pal world's kind of furry fan rule 34 monster so we're just going to not give it too much time on the screen so after we pretend that didn't happen I repaired the rest of my items and we moved into day 18 I leveled up the base level eight and then sadly came the realization that that's as far as we'll go because we need metal to build any of the next things so with that in mind I went over this bridge and went back to fight the large chillet that I had struggled with a few days prior I continued to keep trying to weave in between the Rocks but the chillet had another idea with that embarrassing defeat under my wing I went back collected my goods and started the fight again this time knowing it could climb the rock I decided I'd fight in the open and for me this worked a lot better as it gave me so much more room to dodge and to get the hits that I needed to and with that we actually killed our first World boss and because of this guy giving me such a hard time I definitely gave it the burial it deserved after this we moved on and kept exploring the lands found some more chests climbed some more rocks and actually then went back to base for the rest of the evening crafting up some more Supply and some storage areas cooking some food and then we were hit with another raid by the fan girls which after we just pretended this didn't happen they obviously must have heard us and come back again so to give them just that little bit extra screen time to hope this doesn't happen a third time we then dispatched them and started building some stuff for the base then went off to the small settlement and decided to start buying some arrows from the Traders so I didn't have to make them anymore now being all stocked up I returned home and finished the day there and we going to day 19 the dungeons were back open so I made my way inside of them started dispatching the enemies as I did before and made my way to the boss rooms in this room we again just fought the boss as usual slowly powering it down with the old bow and managed to get level 13 did the loot room and then we went back and sold the spoils to buy more arrows with this now seeming to be my routine of doing a dungeon to sell an item to buy more arrows to explore more that's kind of what I started doing so I came towards these castle ruins explored a bit found another fast travel point and continued on my way after exploring the land a lot I then went back to the base for the end of the day organized my inventory did some cooking and we moved into day 20 for the start of the day we crossed into some new areas again sadly these were areas with much higher level enemies than what I could deal with so I did spend most of the time watching and seeing what was going on in the world I did try my chance at a fight and managed to kill one but with' seeing how much damage they did to my companion I thought it best that we try and leave straight away after running around a bit more we found some more chests and I found another fast travel point so I made my way towards it but sadly didn't realize that the enemies in this area actually will Agro as soon as they see me so my shield took a hit for me while I quickly tried to fast travel out there as soon as I could picked any fast travel location that I could and started just moving in a direction again I then was able to come across another fast travel station and even the sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings dungeon which I definitely went straight into without thinking about it once in here I started the fight when a bunch of penguins spawned and I was slowly watching my companions die one after the other while I tried to constantly keep avoiding the Penguins blasts after running around the room and avoiding the boss as well I kept fighting off the small minions to be able to then slowly focus on the boss after all the Minions were gone we were able to startop focusing on the boss I was only down to one companion left by this point so I had to be careful about when I decided to deploy him I did do so in the middle of this fight and sadly he died too so I was down to just me and the boss and luckily he dived and went straight into this pillar which made it an easy few glass head shots and secured me the win I left the dungeon and went back to my base as I had five companions all down and I needed to get them healed which takes 10 minutes to do so so I went to base and it's like they knew I was on my own so I took position on the hill ready to snipe down on the as they were coming up to the base this worked really well for me though cuz only two managed to make it to my base area in general so I easily dispatch them off without any need for resistance I checked on to see how much longer they had until they were back up and with it been a while I'd spent the night cooking day 21 was honestly a relaxing day I just moved around into some new areas I hadn't been to yet I found a dungeon I made my way through it and got into the boss room and proceeded to defeat the boss without even needing my companions I was getting quite used to the actual mechanics that I needed for this game now so after defeating it I went into the loot room and proceeded back on my journey to see what I could find I stopped off for a quick snack break but was promptly back on my Journeys and i' spent the whole day doing so and was luckily enough able to find a way Stone towards the end of the day day so I could fast travel home and that's all that would happen of any noteworthiness unless you want to acknowledge human trafficking for day 22 there was something quite interesting that I saw on the map which was a giant Lama so I obviously wanted to go see if I could take on this level 23 Behemoth so I started off with the llas wearing stilettos and moved on to the boss but sadly I couldn't do anything more than one damage per hit to him no matter which bow I used so I tried with the triple bow for quite some time and lost a few companions but it just wasn't going to work I was burning through too many arrows and it seems like the Lama agreed too as we both just called it quits after that there was a dungeon nearby so I went into there climbed inside destroyed the boss again and went and took my spils of War moved back on went to the merchant sold all the spoils bought more arrows and went back to my base to let the people that had just died to the llamas start healing back up but I even started doing some crafting at home which I usually don't do anymore but I decided I was going to do something for day 23 so I went back to the merchant and bought a lot more arrows to be prepared for first thing in the morning as it was going to be a very eventful day yes I returned to the tower I wanted to give this boss another go now that I'd got some better weapons and had the triple bow and the old rare bow I thought maybe I'd had enough damage now to do this I continued to keep hitting the boss as much as I could on every chance I could get but the timer was not going in my favor I wasn't able to put out enough damage and it was becoming very blatantly obvious as this went along I man managed to get down to 3 minutes and I hadn't even got him down to half Health with this in mind I knew it was going to be a defeat so I quit trying to do damage to save up some arrows and and let it take its course I then returned to the base and put all of my people into the system cuz I had actually heard of a city that may have been able to assist me in getting a gun so I put everything away killed myself so I could respawn on one of the other spawn points and set off on a naked journey I stopped at one point when it was getting late at night to make a torch to make sure I didn't freeze to death and continued on my way Crossing some really weird Landscapes which I of course hadn't seen before yet as I was used to The Greenery and even the redness of the land not the deserts and the weird Stony metal Cubes but there it was in the distance that there was a town and a waypoint I had found the fishing Village which i' had been told about by a friend of mine and I instantly went in and went and spoke to the merchant and there it was he sold a gun and a crossbow knowing that this was now going to be my next goal I went back to my house and went and started hunting out for some Dungeons and this is what I did for the next few days [Music] k and there it was I defeated every dungeon that I could currently find in the last couple of days and I had enough for the handgun I went and bought it and bought as much ammo as I possibly could returned to my base to see how much I had in total realized I was going to need a bit more than this I then thought I would should definitely increase my armor as well so I made the best armor I possibly had at the moment tried out the pistol and was pleasantly surprised with the damage it could do knowing what I needed to do now I continued my farming to get as many bullets before I took on the tower [Music] again [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] B [Music] and there we were day 29 I started the day by crafting some arrows and had to deal with a raid that came over to the base and we dispatched that as quick as we could to continue with the crafting as as much as I had some pistol bullets I needed to make sure I had a strong amount of arrows set aside in case of the worst happening and I wasn't able to finish the fighting time I then did some exploring did my final load of course ammo purchase at the vendor and that was the last I was going to see this place at this run I then decided to spend the rest of the day just venturing around the areas I haven't seen yet and I actually spent the whole day doing this as there was no more pressure of me having to do more and do as much as possible as I was happy with my progress and I felt ready for this fight with that in mind I went back to the base finished off the final arrows and this is the gear set that we're running into day 30 with we have the blue bow the blue head piece two defense medallions and of course a spear and the other bow set aside with the handgun and with everything as ready as it could be we headed to the tower for a final fight and we were in the pistol was great the damage was high the fire rate was better than the bow so this should have been a breeze we of course still had to be careful of all the damage the boss could do so we had to keep cting it around I continued to Pepper as many bullets into its head as I could by still avoiding its attacks to make sure that I didn't have to go down as the boss could still kill me in two hits I used the bow when I had long range as an option as I didn't want to use all of my ammo whilst he was further away as there seemed to be a bit of damage drop off at further ranges I was starting run out of ammo I only had three bullets left with all the bullets gone it was now back down to the bow there was still 3 minutes left in the fight though so it was still possible I continued firing where I could and as soon as the boss turned the corner [Music] that was it we beaten the final boss and my final boss I mean the first boss but the final boss for these 30 days it' been an adventure and we' done a lot died a lot and progressed quite well saying we couldn't use any Pals at all the world was still very fast and I didn't even discovered most of it there were Towers in the distance so if you enjoyed this world and you want to see some more please let me know but other than that all I can say is thank you for sticking with the video and watching it to the end and I hope you [Music] enjoyed
Channel: kingphoenix29
Views: 4,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, gaming, challenge, video, no pals, 30dayys, 100days, lofi, relax, youtube, soundtrack, twitch, pal, sandbox, multiplayer, run, primative, monsters, funny, clips, racing, game, nopals, no, palfrey, can you beat palworld with no pals, palworld no pals, pal free run, newgame
Id: -o-lbZC8H7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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