Palworld - What Happens if You Breed the Boss Trainers? (Palworld Secrets)

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so in this video I'm going to be showing youall what happens if we breed the balls trainers that we fight at the balls Towers I was generally curious if anything interesting is Created from these I figured some others may be as well also stay tuned for after uh this experiment over testing out if anything interesting happens over breeding each of the bosses because I'll be showing you all how to get the boss trainers as well if you don't know how but yeah let's get into this so of course the only way we're going to be able to breed is by having a female and male and there's two female Tower bosses and three male Tower bosses so this is a possibility of doing there's quite a bit of different combinations we can do with these five Tower bosses I guess let's start this off with using Lily and lilene with Axel and orer see if anything happens so let me pick up Lily and Len right right here that's so crazy all right there's a female here's Axel and orer all right now let's add the cake all right cake is added now we wait love is blossoming between the two Pals oh this is so ridiculous all right what did we get a common egg a common egg for these two all right I didn't expect that before we go ahead and check what we got from this common egg let's try another combination real quick here let's try Zoe and Gris bolt with Marcus and feris let's put them in the breeding Farm together see if they create anything unique all right all right so another common egg let me go ahead and build some egg incubators and see if we get anything special for these all right what do we get a Chickapea of course it would be something like that another Chickapea so those combinations both made chicka peas wow um I got to say I didn't expect it to be a chape out of all things that they make but anyways now let's uh use Victor and we'll use Victor and let's go with Zoe not enough cake whoops another common egg I wonder what it could be oh look it's another Chickapea I would have never guessed but uh yeah it seems like we're just getting Chiapas over and over from these I'm not giving up I'm not because I don't know is the developers have plans to patch out being able to have these boss trainers around at her base I don't know because it is a glitch after all that you have to do to catch these so might as well get this experiment out of the way before they may remove them from the game it's kind of interesting though that they are able to create something although it is just a chiap from like some of the toughest creatures that you can fight in this game at the moment I don't know if they had to code that for that to happen or what but it's interesting they have their own name too so I don't know if they're going from you know that specific ID code and then mixing the ID code with another ID code like for example Lily and lene is one ID code and then just maybe lilen has a different ID code too you know the regular old lyen that you find around without Lily I think they may have different ID codes so it's interesting how Lily and lene are able to breed anyways let's keep this rolling this next one let's check out what happens if Zoe and Gris bolt breeds with Axel and orer after all these are both electricity so there may be some better odds with these breeding another common egg and yep it's another Chickapea so this time let's try Victor and Lily come on guys let's see a good breed here let's actually get all right got Lily in there now come on Victor let's see something good happen here before they maybe take you away so I can't have you as a pal anymore I don't know if the developers plan on doing that but it's worth experimenting with them while we still have them around right let's get to work yeah so far it's just been Chickapea every time though all right so it looks like we got another common egg I guess I'll just go ahead and set this one two in the incubator sheesh what's up with all these common eggs and another chiap and another chip was born these bosses are literally making the one of the weakest Pals you can get in the game I did not see this coming it seems like the common denominator is chiap that's who we get every time but uh anyways now let's go ahead and get into how to capture these trainers with their Pals if you don't know how it's a glitch that you can do all you have to do is just fast travel over here at the small settlement it's not too far from the beginning start of the game if you do spawn over here at the plateau of beginnings and then when you're over here you'll just have to get wanted and you can get wanted just by attacking human NPCs around in this settlement I typically try to get assault x 3 just because the officers with the machine gun start spawning in at times three you don't have to technically get it to that assault level though just makes it a bit easier for this next part in my opinion so anyways once you get wanted you then just want to head over here to this fast travel point that you spawned in at and then head to one of the boss fights one of the tower bosses can be found right here another one can be found right here another one can be found up here and another one can be found right here so yeah let's head on over to Zoe and Gris bolt Tower boss that's the weakest one out of them all but this trick can work with all of them so once you spawn over here as you can see there's an officer that followed me over here actually tons of officers will follow you wherever you go so next up here you might be guessing what I'm already about to do I'm just going to enter the tower boss fight while these officers are following me now once you enter here I suggest not skipping the cut scene it seemed to have some technical difficulties when I skipped the cut scene when entering into this place just let the cut scene play out you can already see the officers in there just firing that's how you know this is glitched out also this music plays over the original cutscenes music yeah this is one huge glitch and and I think the developers are planning on patching this out sometime it's really broken you're typically not able to capture boss trainers they're typically immune to the pow balls now the goal is to get the officers to shoot Zoe and Gris bolt keep in mind do not attack the boss because that will mess up this glitch they have to attack them yeah now once they shoot them they're going to glitch out like this and you're able to catch this PO with any pow ball literally any just throw it at the back of them see bam bada bing bada boom you now have Zoe and her pal GIS bolt now in order to get out of this place easily you just go to options and then choose to respawn and you will have Zoe and GIS bolt to use wherever you want it's that easy and also you get a lot of experience too from doing that here's my level 10 Zoe and GIS bolt so I got two of them now hanging out here but yeah I guess that's wrapping up this video everyone hopefully you all found this enjoyable and it helped break some of your guys' Curiosities that you might have had I'm mad if you're there everyone as always thanks for taking the time watching and listening until next time
Channel: Rifle Gaming
Views: 20,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld bosses, palworld secrets, palworld breed, how to breed, palworld breeding, palword cake, palworld secret, gameplay, gaming, game, palworld base, palworld tower bosses, palworld tower boss, lily, lyleen, axel, orserk, victor, shadowbeak, marcus, faleris, zoe, grizzbolt, palworld tips, palword breeding farm
Id: xLew7Ct7iqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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