I Can’t Believe Palworld Allows This

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I caught a human forced him to work for me and then put him inside a zoo I bought illegally obtained Pals for huge sums of money I kept my employees in line by slaughtering their friends and you won't believe the lengths I went to to destroy these Alpha Pals and I'm able to do all of this in power world the ironic and realistic take on Pokémon that's taking over the world I got my hands on it a few days before release and I was blown away by how much I loveed this Pokémon Ark and volheim lovechild but I could not have imagined how much it would have popped off and neither could the devs they sold 2 million copies in the first 24 hours alone and hit almost 1 million concurrent players on Steam that's not even taking into account Xbox and Game Pass hey I'll go on the record and say this is what I wished Legends arus was now I enjoyed that game don't get me wrong but this feels like the next Evolution and it takes all the right boxes it's incredible the amount of things that are still catching me by surprise or impressing me me the longer I play and today I'm going to continue to share with you more of the wild adventures and shenanigans I've done or seen in power world and this video is jam-pack between the last video and today's we'll be covering over 16 hours of gameplay and there'll be plenty more to come as I document my journey through power world and the out- of pocket chaos starts right now with bandwagon fan girls what what what are those things guys guys go what the fud is this thing hold on wait wait wait let me catch this thing hey hey chill with it let me catch that POG let me catch that one wait two captures for free n n wait you you guys aggroed the boss okay whatever sure fight the Boss look alive people oh you guys are Bing this okay hey okay this is furry bait seeking a night of love it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in other pal but in recent years even humans have become the target of its debauchery huh lony fans Rejoice there's something for everyone in this game if the you know what I'm saying while fighting together grants the player and low Vander the life steal effect which absorbs from the reive damage and restores HP oh my God it's it's number 69 you're right I bet it has a high level handiwork oh wait pause eggs going to hatch dazzy who's a workaholic o I like that I like the sign of that often kind to Lely Pals however the moment a pal mistakes this for actual companionship it sees the opportunity to blast him with a thunderbolt I don't actually care I don't know man upset and not willing to do any tasks upset not willing to do any tasks yeah what is this about I just made you guys a hot tub Pal's going to meet the butcher come here wait I'll pet you are you is this good why are you your sanity whatever I don't know get your sanity go in the freaking go in the hot tub dude why are you down here my brother in Christ that seems like a you problem my dude oh okay what do we think dungeon time I can leave whenever now we're talking you are huge okay yeah we're fine our first dungeon these are procedurally generated instances in the world that anybody can join and they reset every few hours there's always a boss at the end of the dungeon but more importantly loot to be had huzzah oh we've got a lot of Syndicate thugs do we a lot of Palladium though let's get her started they're like huh get him chill it chill it do something nice I didn't make any spheres although I just got a couple off of them what's that man killari we could catch it if you don't kill it let's see how much damage you do holy suck a lot of damage oh God oh [Music] God they never stood a chance WAOW what you doing buddy oh you're stuck stuck on the Rock oh that's unfortunate all right we don't have to be sneaky anymore get him oh Jesus very aggressive like that back flip come on hit me yeah we're actually getting a lot of pal spheres from them this is pretty uh there's a Mau I wonder if uh some of these PALS like kill Mario Ma you can only find in um the dungeon okay I need you to not kill this soften it out okay I threw it in time I think oh we win those now it's hard tail does not deteriorate even when cut off some believe these severed taals to be good luck but for the innumerable now who were poached as a result they were anything B sounds like my wife H nice one I still cannot believe this game is so good me either I had no expect it oh POG you don't even have a ruby but we have a chance to catch a boss now because this is a dungeon I'm assuming that's it like we'd have to wait for another random dungeon to have this as a boss but if we get it low enough get him chill it oh God all right I'll take I'll take the easy one you can take the okay or you can get the you know what I'm going to catch this one probably maybe fudge I didn't catch it okay I don't want to waste more than oh my God wait they killed chill what the fudge ah I don't have any healing kativa go use fury swipes wait you're not hitting the right one let's send that little uh dire yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's some good damage how much damage you doing 67 okay getting weak getting weak I'll let him Attack One More Time time uh okay you're almost dead okay I'm going to try and get him as weak as possible uh if I crit it'll die so I don't trust myself here we go wait no what the fu no oh duh that's the wrong button okay 24% that's little mon I'm going hit him with an axe it shouldn't do much didn't even get to hit him seven damage okay five health it it doesn't get easier than that or lower oh let's go oh my God I don't know why but I can't not catch boss Pals a boss pal killed is a boss pal failed I think I'm going to hang that up as a motivational poster in my sweat shop I mean uh place of employment wild Ruby surprisingly never gets sick eating one piece of charcole A Day Made by burning a branch is the secret to its Eternal Health the more you know the rest of this place but PA crossbow schematic a yo a ruby another Ruby and a high-grade technical manual look that contains secrets of amazing technology use it to obtain a few oh easy I'd say that was worth it I wonder if another enslave Pokemon appeared here it did oh we got to free it this won't do yo could I just like borrow your guys' pistols all I'm saying that'd be sick stupid stupid cool thing too is whatever is in that cage we don't have keep it distracted knock yeah get this dude get this dude get this dude stupid all right how do where are we how did we cuz we came out of the dungeon we can TP back so now I need to craft with all my platium and I need to check out that boss Ruby we just caught the uh the BOS chillet has respawned again so I could try and catch it but also just killing it I think get just like those ancient parts or whatever a common theme you're going to see through my playthrough is that I bully this Chile placing my base near its habitat has proved very fruitful it spawns I obliterate it I collect the rewards rinse and repeat it's kind of crazy how easily I adopted the life of a poacher which is uh pretty good prepare to go to Arms everybody bandwagon Fang girls not again oh God bad timing get him Lads okay I don't even do damage oh God the the leanders are here too oh it's a fiesta oh what the [ __ ] is happening okay the deer is actually okay that thing's dead I'll try and catch the low Vander if you guys don't kill it uh survey says well I need to try and catch the boss too I mean I might as well try right he it's dead I don't think I caught the low Vander either okay everyone died oh okay I can make LIF monks submachine gun I got to oh my god oh that's incredible so it just has like a certain amount of ammo it's so great too that he's so much bigger than normal I think I'm getting memory leaks or something though we are starting to lag a lot more than before I'm on the road to the radian sh my friends along the way there's a technology for the ghost that sucks out people's in oh oh welome I've got some good items in stock I'll be the judge of that got ping fragment for 200 gold you're crazy skill fruit implode mind control meds now that is a booming business venture just waiting to happen I'm just saying uh I got rubies precious pelts hly that's a lot of money 7500 gold don't mind if I do we'll just keep saving up I have everything they need I don't know why they're always so unhappy once as if I'm just forcing the work all the time W you know what I'm saying grow up and that's enough to make the crossbow all right hopefully this is worth it this is a bit of an investment and that is a very slow crafting speed approximately 10 hours later this better be the best crossbow item ever seen all right let's see compared to my old bow which grants I have an upgrade in a while 65 damage 364 it's wabbit hunting season by this dude 671 damage okay what about a deer let's find out okay oh and Next Level I get to make another base oh wait wait wait okay hold up the boss is back you ready so definitely scales a little bit off level and stuff but what I'm actually like doing just as much damage if not more than what my um oh Heavens my people are doing before see if we capture this for the fun of it all right sweet another boss caught like I said off spawn baby stons he's so cute isn't he oh you're you're getting hard to work that's so cute buddy but listen listen come here come here buddy come here pal we uh we got to make some budget cuts around here and um ah so he's dead L balls gone it's important to keep your pals in line sometimes they need a firm reminder as to why they shouldn't unionize oh I also bought the um pal Essence condenser check it out so let's say fre okay this lamb ball has Burly body it's a rare trait we love that throw him in there and then we can level him we star him up cuz he's currently zero Stars more HP more attack more defense and the ability levels up but you need other lamb balls to consume their souls and level up your current lamb ball I mean I might as well right although I've butchered so many lamb balls I can get plenty more though oh he's a ho again I'm not going to kill him I like that for science condensation complete the pal has become stronger thanks to the noble sacrifices of its companions Noble indeed you will not be forgotten oh my to go from one star to two you need 16 so then what like from 2 to three 3 to four how many lamb balls am I oh my God okay we can make a megasphere which is noticeably more expensive cuz it need ingots but as we get higher level two I think this is worth it we did hit 15 which means you guys ready oh the world is our oyster now my friends plus I got I got freaking tornado attack uhoh wait wait that takes a lot of stamina wait wait wait no stop what are you doing you're going to kill us all get down well first order a business we're going over there all right I'm assuming we would normally have to climb this but I'm cheating aha that I should get some more lith monks so I can absorb them into my uh shiny dude but a small settlement is this friendly or not gossiping villager there's been NPCs this whole time and I've ever EXP the cave I have all right and there's a merchant you got schematic wait this whole time well rip a dip B what else we got in here hello you guys need to learn how to furnish that's all I'm saying W all these Merchants man how Merchant this isn't the black market either he will just sell us Pals who gobin looks cool okay there's a literal okay I wonder if that's that's some furniture uh we can buy an electric chair too torture chair okay I don't feel that no yeah I'll come back I'll be a return customer I like the way you deal support local businesses you got to respect the hustle of the young entrepreneurs he's just trying to lift himself up by his own bootstraps I admire that no oh they have a lift monk caged up this will not stand fight okay oh you lived by The Gray beard wait wait we're going I'm going to capture him don't question it fudge come on come on come on dang it Syndicate Gunner level five escape the sphere cheeky bastard all right what if I change that's not worth the no it's like nothing who I captured a human look see people are like dude this is inhumane if I have slaves of both Pals and and humans that's got to even it out a little bit right so yeah first off you can catch humans too and I mean it makes sense right if we discovered some sort of device that could capture and contain organic matter why wouldn't that work on humans too this game is goated and remember I don't discriminate people think I'm terrible to Pals no no no no no no no I'm terrible to everything that could possibly do unpaid labor for me forever and ever until the heat death of the sun another egg oh sheesh we're going to be hatching Pal's days my dudes another dungeon I'm assuming that's going to be too high level we haven't gotten to use this against humans it's time to give them a dose of their own medicine to me not so fun when it's on the the shoes on the other foot huh Adrian oh no you look at that that's an angry little luster bigles yeah he's like look you said you said fire you're not wrong buddy it's kind of cute oh it's actually really cute okay good news we got more of them fight back our socks defend my honor oh they're battling okay just don't kill it just don't kill it weaken it now you're hitting a rock okay whatever I don't want to crossbow it cuz I think I'll kill it it puts those it is interested into sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them you know that first part I was like wow this sounds great there's a business opportunity here H but then it comes around you going to put me to sleep forever and kill me huh don't think so good luck with that you're going to be my forced laborer now we're at the boss okay oh and it's a do you hear it do you see it we have found ourselves another one that's a chunky boy okay ca you need to not we not do not kill that thing I will I will recall you ASAP okay so it's not the boss that would have been crazy I I'm going to let you do a little bit of the damage but then you're going to need chill do your swooop you didn't do your swoop come here ow it's going to wilt you down ow punch me one more okay are you swap after this I like that catch rate let's go another lucky which which is this game shiny I think the rate is a little more generous than shiny Pokémon however it does remind me of Legends arus when arus released people thought that the shiny odds had been manipulated or changed but in reality it's the fact that you just saw all the Pokémon around you for the first time and that meant the sheer amount increased your odds drastically so I think the same applies to this game a worthy adventure oh wait now is it another territorial battle it is leave hurricane okay that's my that's not my queue yeah I'm need to get a little further away okay but depending on if you get him to a bees dick there's a world where I can try I have a feeling he's going to kill him capture rate 07 okay oh wait this is close oh and now it's not close you're done so far the only shinies though we found are both grass timee that's a special looking chest 450 gold not bad we got a megas sphere from that one yeah I was super skeptical when I saw I was like Ah that's fun but then uh Rocky egg let's check out our human there he is Syndicate Gunner partner skill humans are not pals therefore they do not possess partner skills they have punch punch with conviction that's they have handiwork I mean I'm curious oh man I all right we'll just let him all right everybody we're we're attacking this thing that includes you Mr Syndicate get ready let's see if he shoots it Syndicate I know I've captured you and your life has been sucked out of you but fight back come on use gun they're going to kill it bro you got to some some tells me he would just run up and punch it he doesn't even use his gun what good is this human if he won't even use his gun bro sick and you make me sick I'll have to think of some way to make him useful let's put a large large one in here first let's go large dark egg holy let's say I get rid of the campfire okay well that's nice so the large dark egg is comfortable how much is it to make an incubation I need ancient sa Parts but that's not that bad I just need to make some cloth oh wait is my is my buddy going to come help me where are you come come here little Syndicate Gunner you fool he's vibing with conviction oh that made him happy yay oh we got to check our shiny though that's right that's right H comes with the rare work speed and attack it's planting level two but who you going to replace I feel like we should get rid of depresso for obvious reasons it's actually because there was a shortage of ssris and he was having withdrawals it's okay I can make that joke because I am clinically depressed and I too have used ssris experienced withdrawals because of a shortage and got to tell you I was miserable have you ever experienced brain zaps I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy had them every few seconds for days anyway hope you're having a great day you're loved you're valued and you're appreciated now go do your body a favor and drink some water that's a big boy that's a big c pry Jesus I'm so proud of you we're going to be making us berries for days okay I got I got my cloth which means I can make another egg incubator it's hard to say where to put it we already have one indoors I could do one outdoors and then here large damp egg seem comfortable okay all right let's get you guys to fight this let's see if he'll if he's still just going to punch with conviction or or what what his deal is okay let's see here you go Syndicate here you go buddy oh he got knocked back come on come on what do you no you running back with conviction hold on see if I can catch another boss guys's go back to work oh I think it's on my third or fourth of this boss I've got never mind I think he ran away with conviction this dude's useless but it's still too funny to not have so you're just stuck there sorry buddy I finally found a way to make him useful to us and in the most Humane and ethically sound way possible it's a zoo I made a human [Music] Zoo hi buddy hi how you doing oh don't look so sad wait you can actually put a lot of people in here I think now you know we'll put him in depresso it's fitting yeah uh okay it says there's a boss here I don't know how I know that I don't think I've ever been over here but I'm just going to say yes of course I knew that if it is water though I've got grass with a submachine gun oh boss level 15 sealed Realm of the Frozen wings oh he's ice type what's the worst thing going to happen we're going to die okay I can't es what the fud oh God okay oh it's also water type though that does make things difficult I'm going to go for all little friends first oh yeah our Sox is getting the dick in I'm going to swap him out and actually what the fud wait I'm getting the dick in holy suck I'm frozen oh my God I'm dead oh my God oh my God get me out of here Escape Escape [Music] okay you know um we'll come back I'm level 16 and my mons are 15 and that was like what the that wasn't even fair I wasn't going to take such a humiliating defeat lightly thus began my anime training Arc I sore to do everything I could do to come back and absolutely embarrass that penguin Jesus this game does not hold back yeah I guess I need to come with something that has type advantage but I don't really have any like I haven't seen any electrics or abandoned M shaft H that's sus they're baiting me so many Guillotines what is this place okay do not shoot the barrel there is a Gallow oh my God and it's the irony that I'm here for ironic Pokemon I love it waa 12,000 what hold on $112,000 for an inceram 30,000 for a relaxa surus relax what the yeah who do they got lock locked up it's somebody cool I'll help I don't think it's somebody cool but but whatever I'm here why are there bombs going off actually I don't I don't know what that is all right cool we'll take that hey stop throwing bombs man they're frame bombs destroying my frames they don't even do damage feel your own W he's got to reload all right I've come to free you my friend and by that I mean you're just going to be stuck in my prison now but what we get ice type crawling along the ground it eats microscopic organic matter or organic why did I say organic after a while it discharges any substance that provides n nutrition by using it as a mop for cleaning everyone wins it do kind of look like a mop don't it take a little stick and all right let's check our eggs what' we get large dark egg come on come big for us a combat wa oh transporting Mining and Gathering level two I like that often appears out of the blue to flaunt its prized Wing in front of other pal although this appears to be an intimidation tactic the pal seems to derive some kind of pleasure from the display I like that now what was this large dag oh we got pen King surprisingly it is unrelated to pen goet well there you have it every W you to be the center of attention this pal will strut it stuff for any onlookers holy transporting cooling mining handwork watering level two this is a good time to mention Pals do not evolve like Pokémon perhaps that helps with legal infringement or something I don't know these are my vibes man yeah so we can't fight anything cuz we'll get absolutely bodied oh what is this well 17 aerob aerob on the water just going to go catch things I guess I'm going to go try and catch anything we don't have 10 of sorry Raiders okay that just disappeared you can't run yeah fight back ooh that's nice yeah you can't escape I could Escape in the water you fool cheeky bastard indeed all right that's a capture just going to destroy these [Music] thugs warning what you're about to see isn't for the faint of heart this includes indiscriminate capturing of wild helpless and sometimes sleeping Pals real Pals were armed in the making of This production he's like I'm sorry everybody's sleeping this is the perfect time well I want to see if if yeah like some new guys do come out oh that's perfect very night surprise [Music] attack that's [Music] better well now you now you're so healthy what the [ __ ] F gosh dang it just need to hit you like once with missere you'd be so kind me swap we're one level away I need high quality power oil okay I don't know I'll figure out how to get that later yeah he's like dude get out run while you still can hey yo where you going don't be afraid of the inevitable you can't run forever this is the one thing humans have stamina oh we got the dinos or whatever I haven't caught one of those it rages on and on like an inferno the phrase step on a dinosaur's tail has come to mean enraging someone it's a phrase we all use quite often okay large common egg pause a gr tail oh gr Tail's eyes light up the moment anyone enters its territory this is no figure of speech its eyes literally light up oh possible drops high quality pal oil that's what I need to make a musket oh it can't be ridden what how big is this thing hold on oh that's a lot bigger than I thought it would be I know he has a chance to drop the oil but I've never even seen one all I know is there's a boss gr tail there and that's it so he's only active at night and only not where I've literally ever been okay so I guess we got to go further huh w wow those levels went up fast oh heavens only 50% no don't hit the oh my God wait wait wait surely one of those is going to get caught right oh they gave me wheat seeds now we're talking oh and a Gil CLA okay we just just moved over just a little bit cinemo okay now there's all these new dudes what the fudge whoa huge dragon egg I really want to try to catch that though oh wait wait you know what that sound is come on level 24 Fu I don't know if I can catch this come on come on come on come on come on Wow we are in trouble it's got a Gatling Leaf gun if this thing hits me oh my they're dead ah okay oh my do something come on chill it no shot I'm catching this thing even if we weaken it what are the catch rates going to be for the rest of our life buddy come on I I'm just tickling this I'm here for moral support for chill I don't want to look at catr yet it's going to be depressing oh my go a Spirit Bomb okay it's weak okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill come on come on come on come on come on oh no wait you're stuck in the Ain't No Way Ain't No Way Ain't No Way ain't no way what the fudge is that the heler oh come on come on come on fud I only have two two more of these I'm not catching otherwise it's about to kill me come on come on come on come on no baby ow oh my God I'm going to die I'm I'm going to die I'm going to die what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Serpentine unlucky but also lucky another lucky there was something even more magical about finding it at night because it is impossible to miss um I kind of need to go get my stuff real bad oh my large dragon egg is over there oh come on we got to go oh good stun uh oh that's no don't you actually had it at the perfect health why' you oh my God I'm going to die again stupid thing I'm going to die to a I'm going to die get me out of here get me out of here holy suck I don't want to hear it okay well this is I just want to see the doosa whoa K you that thing freaking Dragonite looking gentle Sky Dragon that dude looks cool with his is that it's dangerous to go alone take this there's a little Camp wait what no one's here hold up oh they're here but they're fighting hold on it's just a different kind of dinome Lux I I don't know how we I don't know what that but we got it stupids too busy fighting the other things the better question is what is this place it's a boss level 28 yeah about that you guys are doing great here I'll help um yeah air cannon stupid if anything fights me here I'm running I a look going to fight anybody stupid uh okay there is a jail cell are they fighting things they are some of them so again if I can get a little sneak here oh yeah oh yeah now I'll fight them oh they don't want they don't want none of this I just want their loot ooh I need electrics please tell me it's a large it is and also yeah the dragon egg was huge dragon [Music] egg easy I'm just trying to understand why the free pal cultists you know the guys that seemingly want to free Pals and not have them captured have a pal in their Camp imprisoned in a cage maybe it's sort of like real world companies and Brands you know how they just choose to support whatever's the most popular social issue at the time to try and pretend like they care but in reality it's all about the bottom line and they're just saying that because it makes them more money something to think about all I'm saying you light me up inside like the 4th of July two yeah it do be a huge dragon egg we're going to sell this and this and this that's almost 12,000 gold all right show me something sick buddy o you had way cooler stuff before man but the fudge man you had that didn't he wasn't he the one that had like the $16,000 Beetle before or whatever come on we're losing night time Brothers we got to get the oil a gr tail 27 I thought we'd have a oh my God I didn't I know may maybe we can take it I know Nightwings got it Nightwing wins these wait Nightwing's kind of real with it tornado attack oh wait what are we fighting oh no not the hell uper I only wanted the gr tail oh Jesus Christ now it's bad wait wait no now it's attacking the wait no come here maybe a capture we got a high quality power oil holy suck y I'll try and catch this thing bet okay it's it's Shadow balling me oh my God no I can't how the fudge did it die okay all that for one grin tail now there's another okay you're almost dead capture right not great if we don't capture that's fine yeah right hey pick it up three now we got seven and we're fighting this dude no we're not no we're not no we're not no we're not all right show me something sick buddy oh he still has the the freaking War SEC but look at this dude and a king PKA but cry cry linkx 21k I that's got to be good right comes with bottomless stomach though which means he's really hard to feed yeah the B the bottomless for 21k I don't love plus everybody seems to like War anyway so let's go he's low in the pal deck so you like that when fighting together increases players defense and applies fire damage to the players attack the ultra hard armor surrounding his body is extremely strong in heat resistance even a Napal blast would hardly leave a scratch look at this dude oh everybody get ready oh there's my big boy oh he's seating oh what a nice guy he's a beefy boy one of my favorite Pals design so far go so hard I have to admit all the designs are pretty fire now is that because all of them are pretty adjacent to Pokémon or dare I say maybe pretty blatant in their uh imitation maybe that's why I like them anyway I got a freaking giant battle Beetle and I'm on Cloud9 did I get him illegally maybe but these forged papers the black marketeer gave me say otherwise it's a gigantic axe my dude that was a that was a good purchase it's time for gun oh boy that's going to take a second who's the biggest handiworker cuz I swear to God handy you have handiwork you have handywork you have any come here come how do okay that's SC I'm doing this I'm doing this come here you're you're going to you're going to you're going to go right here thank you okay God you're taking a snack break really yeah get back here gun 1,000 damage now I do need ammo I'm sure the reload is abysmal I just want to take a second to remind you that the last 15 minutes or so of this video and what was hours of gameplay was all in service to equip myself to kill a penguin Overkill is an under statement you see what I did there the reload is pretty bad oh go War hold up let him cook m n n you got this you got this homie yeah there you go we got to we got to let War get his first dub I know it sounds terrible the game's already terrible but it reminds me of Django and chained this is my best man Dango spent a lot of money on him a lot riding on him that's my boy let's give you fatty attack pause now what's going on here well I believe I mentioned it in the first video but if you use statues of power and The Souls of Pals you can imbue your pals with them enhancing their latent power it's very similar to EV training in Pokemon some fatty defense fatty HP there you go it's all I got you're still over here I can't pick you up you're you're ridiculous okay can I get you through my door yeah I can but now you're work what okay whatever now you have friends you know what it's a threesome never mind you're not what are you oh my God are you breaking what are you doing what are you doing just go do whatever all I give up on you useless I feel like this is excessive for the pen King but we got a marith saddle who is not leveled at all and my my War Beetle isn't leveled either like this is the most recent thing I I'm able to mount so this thing better be zooming okay it looks sick how about riding it oh it has a very lofty jump you've probably been laughing it up about the last time I tried to fight you the horrible display how I tucked my tail and ran immediately but no longer I've got a gat brother that's right my brothers and sisters today we fight back against tyranny and appr oh oh uh wrong letter that's the letter i confiscated from one of my employee Pals they were trying to organize an uprising but don't worry squash that it's time I take back my rightful Throne our rightful Throne as humans a top the food chain this penguin is going wish he found himself back in the Arctic when I'm done with him yeah peno's not having a good time now is he ow hey why are you what dinosaur no go for the big dude there you go oh look at that damage ready I love that I'll Focus these little plebs oh and I've got the little the rotation here okay dinome again not necessary okay how much [Music] damage hold up how did I struggle with this guy pause I'm throwing in I'm throwing in war SEC so he so he can get some XP or feel good about himself oh my God I missed my there we go you'll get the kill buddy he might get the kill oh he was so close should I wait 10 Health yo you got it buddy you got it w war SEC he's just dramatic suspense okay M oh let's go War sack you're nuts dude that was all you never mind the fact that my musket did a quarter of his health every time that's crazy yeah I guess we way over prepared this time that was night and day what the fudge okay it's time huge dragon egg took an hour and a half this better be something juicy oh it's that level 30 we were never going to be able to fight relaxasaurus look at this dude Dragon water oh no no that's different Oh that's aladan oh wait contrary to its Blas appearance it's quite ferocious it perceives everything in its sight as prey and will stop at nothing to devour it m can be ridden can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted now do go on level 44 for his missile launcher oh my god oh that's a big boy yeah cannot Mount him unlucky but look at him he is a cutie no don't hit the tree okay that was okay all right all right already enough damage buddy oh God wait okay relaxasaurus just leveled up 10 times so after taking down pen King I felt emboldened I decided to try and take down as many boss BS as I could ones that I never dared touch before and thus began the Coen okay chill it you ready let me see its face show me your face stupid chill it you okay oh use your dragon attack not your ice attack oh big freeze I'm reloading sorry still reloading still reloading okay I'm ready moved its face away it's not fair you're dead let's go oh that is adorable what is that mat Serina look at this thing it's kind of sad look at this dude okay join the team buddy let's go Moz Arina milk pours from this pal like water from an open faucet regardless of its gender truly Mystery of Life although this mystery may be better left and solved Oh that's oh well there's the van worm oh missed that oh my God you got to be kidding oh my you just get in the I want to have to use a y oh oh youve got your little boner friend that was the only one I had of that now now I'm I'm pull pulling out the musket screw you sick of it now you're going to get in you're going to get in this thing you're oh my God you're going to get in this thing you're going like it okay I don't really have a way to weaken it problem is I'm almost dead that could not have got worse lost all my good balls too [Music] you oh my God and now you're you've look at what you've done you've done this to yourself wait wait wait wait for the wait for the wing okay screw you I hope you die to my Nightwing get him oh God I wi do something oh my God the Jukes let me let me wait where's where's my spear oh God come here I I swear on all that is good and holy that was not worth it that was not that was not worth it but I I wasn't going to just in that without capturing something looks cool Arrow Marauder can be ridden as a fine Mount increasing damage to enemy weak points while mounted The Melodies of a flute made from the exoskeleton of a vorm are said to cross whole mountain ranges in ages past such flutes were used to signal attack not as cool when am I I I could ride him okay let's see if I can catch a wool Pop level 15 though probably not great odds okay that is as weak as that thing is going to get if it comes out it's going to die to burning oh my God high quality po oil okay well now we know where to get high quality pal oil okay it says it's just straight on well yeah there it is water dragon oh what I need ice dragon so I found the type chart for power and it helped a lot when trying to take down boss the type advantages don't work quite the same as Pokemon as you'll see like grass isn't good against water it only has one Effectiveness in fact all of them only have one trait they're good against unless you're fire because Fire's op I guess well chillet would have been big here but I didn't bring chillet so but I did bring din some Lux go oh big Damage Big electric attacks why is it doing so little damage highly effective does four damage still reload okay every time I have to dodge stops the reload and it's a long reload so I have to make sure I hit my shot stop moving for one second let me just reload it got to take a couple attacks otherwise I'm never going to reload okay okay I the aly's right there buddy you just you know I got it boom yeah that was more painless than I thought and why are you still heating this thing I'm going to it's gone yeah you can't do go do something else it doesn't do anything oh we got a hungu though I have no idea what that is we haven't seen this gigantic arms can rip apart even iron as a particularly cruel form of execution serious criminals would be strung up in a public square and a hangu would tear the skin right from their bones glad to have him on the team could use somebody like him now I know this was a long video jam-packed with content so let me know if you prefer to see these longer versions or would rather cut them down to half and make them more digestible in the next episode you have a lot to look forward to though because this time I get my friends to hop in on the power font and we do something I did not anticipate doing and if you haven't seen the previous Power episode well I suggest you go do that right now if you enjoyed this video I think you might enjoy this one with that said thank you very much for watching have yourselves a fantastic I'll talk to you in the next one very well
Channel: Mr. Fruit
Views: 492,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld release, palworld review, palworld funny moments, palworld vs pokemon, pokemon, pokemon with guns, violent pokemon, pokemon if it were realistic, survival game, crafting game, palworld guide, palworld how to, palworld best pal, palworld best base, palworld survival guide, palworld 100 days, palworld meat cleaver, palworld black market, palworld hack, palworld coop, palworld multiplayer, palworld pvp
Id: C0P0ThYouiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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