Can the KING of FLAVOR make a $500 Wagyu Steak BETTER?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/joseph146813 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thank you simplisafe for sponsoring this video.   This is the best steak in the world, it tastes as  good as it looks and I have been on a quest to   find out the best way to eat this piece of meat. I have done some insane experiments with it and the   reason I do this is so that when you get your  hands on one of these you know the best way to   enjoy it. And today I'm going all out! We all know  msg is the king of flavor however can it enhance   the best steak in the world? I mean, take a look at  this piece of meat, it is already the best of the   best. Well today we're gonna find out. This is the  Japanese Wagyu A5 MSG Experiment. So let's do it!   And everything starts off with this beautiful  steak. It is a monster, to be specific it is a   Japanese Wagyu A5 Kobe beef steak and the marbling  is just ridiculous. Some people say that this is   not a steak it is fat that has been marbled with  meat that's how crazy this is. But friends by no   means is this a regular fat, it tastes different, it feels different and it is nothing like a   prime steak. Believe me when I tell you it's an  experience! And one large steak like this will   feed the whole family. But with all that being said  the next thing to do is to go ahead and season it,   and for that I'm gonna start off with the master  of all seasoning which is salt. Notice that I'm   using fine salt that's because I want it to  penetrate nicely and deeply into the meat quick.   One of the disadvantages of fine salt is that  it is hard to measure how much you're putting on   but if you want it to penetrate deeply into  the meat quick, it is the best salt to use.   And that is exactly what I'm looking for because  my goal is to cook this steak as soon as possible.   At the same time I want it to dry brine, so now  that I have it perfectly seasoned the only thing   left to do is to let it rest in my refrigerator  for a few hours. Once i removed it from the   refrigerator the next thing to do is to go ahead  and add MSG. But first we gotta split them in half   so that we can compare steaks and as I did, check  this out. Every time I post a Japanese Wagyu A5   video everyone says the same thing that is not a  steak it is fat marbled with a little bit of beef.   And taking a closer look like this now I can  understand why they say that. And I'll tell you   one thing it is delicious. But now that we have  two halves the only thing left to do is to go   ahead and season one of them with MSG. And for that  I am being quite generous. As we take a closer look   MSG will have the same effect as salt, it will  first draw out some moisture, make it a brine liquid,   then the steak will reabsorb it inside making the  whole thing fully seasoned with MSG. But now that   we got these steaks seasoned it is perfect because  it allows me time to go ahead and make this   incredible side dish. And if you've never had these  my friends oh you don't know what you're missing,   not only is it easy to make it is delicious  with any type of meat. As always remember exact   amount and ingredients always in the description  down below for you. I first started by throwing   everything into the blender. First was the eggs,  followed by melted butter, of course we can't   forget about flour, salt and milk. Now all there's left to  do is to blend it well because your dough is ready   because to cook it it's all about technique and  here's how. I first preheated my cast iron pan to   400 degrees fahrenheit, then I threw in a little  bit of oil and make sure that my entire pan was   covered with it, especially the edges. You want  to put the pan back in and let it preheat for   an additional 10 minutes because once that's done  the next thing to do is to pull it out and pour   all of your batter. Push it back into the oven  and let it cook. As it's cooking you're going to   notice that it's going to start rising, that is  a sign that you did everything right, and let me   tell you it will rise quite a bit. But after 30  minutes of baking it in the oven I took it out   and this is what I was left with. That my friends  is yorkshire pudding and let me tell you something   it's delicious. It is not a bread, at least to  me it's a mix of croissant and french baguette   and hopefully it's going to be perfect for our  Japanese Wagyu A5 steaks. Talking about that, the   only thing left to do is to go ahead and grill  them and in order to do that the first thing I'm   going to be doing is putting a nice beautiful sear.  Ince that's done I'll be cooking them in indirect   heat until I reach an internal temperature of 135  degrees fahrenheit and for that I'll be using my   wireless thermometers. So now I say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! Before moving forward I want to  thank today's sponsor SimpliSafe.   We have been working on new studio  setup and I am happy to announce   that very shortly we will be introducing  you to new sceneries just like this.   So when it was time to decide how to secure  everything it was simple with SimpliSafe.   You see SimpliSafe is an effective and reliable  home security that will make sure my home is   safe and it is super simple and easy to set up. So  now I don't have to worry about break-ins and if   anything happens we have professional monitoring  24/7 and they make sure the police gets called.   The name says it all, it is simple and easy to  use and you get around the clock protection   for just 50 cents a day with no contracts.  They have won U.S News and World Report's   best overall security system of 2020 and for good  reason they are totally amazing on keeping your   home safe around the clock. Let me show you  how they work these are the sensors, we also   got cameras and of course the home base. Arming  it and disarming it is a breeze. Check it out! So there you go easy to set up, reliable,  easy to use and there's no contracts.  so get your SimpliSafe security system by  clicking on the link below   That's it, simple and safe just by  going to for your   security system. Thank you SimpliSafe once again  for sponsoring this video and keeping me safe.   Now let's get right back to the video. All right  everybody here we have our beautiful steaks today   and a little wild, wild west bread. Yes Mamau? -Yeah  what's up with that? -I know, I know yeah don't worry   that it's missing a little bit, I had to show the  camera what it tastes like. --Sure. -Yeah let's just   go with that yeah? -Okay yeah yeah. -So here's what  I will say, we have an experiment. As you can see   this steak has absolutely zero marbling you see  that. -That looks like it's going to be tough man.   -I want to know which one is better and I want to  explain to the audience what is the difference.   Sounds like a plan? -All right. -I'm talking too much.  Oh my god you just put it with your fork it's like   -The only thing I felt resisting was the board.  -Exactly it just goes straight. I think that if   you stab it like this and if you go directly on  the board it's the same. -It's pretty much the same.   -It's the same. For anyone that never had this steak, give yourself a treat everybody whenever you can   you will not regret it. Are you ready Maumau? -Oh  yeah i'm ready, yeah I'm ready. -Cheers everybody! It doesn't get old. How do you describe a type of steak like this for  someone that never had it? -Get a very tasty butter   and then add the flavor of steak into it. -The  best steak? -The best steak. Yes like the best picanha   in the world and you put it together that's  what it tastes like everybody, it is difficult.   It is a steak that is extremely memorable, once  you eat this you will never forget. Do you agree?   -Yes. -Okay, phenomenal. Maumau try this piece of  bread tell me how you like it. Cheers everybody.   -Wow, wow! -So easy to make Maumau. How you do it you  put it directly in the blender and then you put   it on the cast iron and that's it. -Really? -That's  all you have to do. -It's not like a regular bread.   -No, no, no and it's wet inside. -Yeah. -It's not dry  like a bread. -It's a mix between a bread and a cake.   -Yes but savory but nothing sweet. -Not  sweet. -Here's what I really been wanting   to try for a long time Maumau I'm gonna  put a piece of Wagyu in the middle. Huh?   Let's go with that. I'm not even  gonna wait for you. Cheers everybody. -That's what is missing. -Let me  explain the Wagyu is very fatty   and when you put it with something  else it just becomes better everybody.  It is incredible, man! Let's go ahead and go  to the second steak Maumau. Are you ready for it?   Okay now I want your honest opinion see which  one is better, the first one or the second one.   -Okay. -Let's see which one Maumau like best.  You ready? -Let's go! -Second one, cheers everybody. -Whoa, whoa! -What happened Maumau? Tell them! -I don't  know what you did over here that's that's better.   -How can you make a Japanese Wagyu A5 better? Well there you go! -It's tastier. -How can it? -Like it's still super fatty, -yeah  -still beefy, -but just better -but it's better   there's more flavor into it. -As you can see this is  the experimental steak yeah. -Yeah like I was going   to say it's more umami but it's not the umami flavor. -No, no. -It's just what is there is more. -Yes   exactly! I'm laughing because it is phenomenal  everybody. If you want to make a Japanese Wagyu A5 better all you got to put is a little bit of  MSG Maumau. Look at Maumau, you put a little bit of   MSG in there it's gonna taste better, I'm telling  you. his thing is magical I know a lot of people   hate it and there's this and that you know what  I mean. -Hey. -There's a lot of controversy about it   but let me tell you something. -A little dab, a little  that would do you. -Yes everybody just a little   bit, don't overdo it right. Don't do like I did  with the dry aging you know that was ridiculous. It is better! Now here's the deal. -Before you even go on, get that bread and taste it with bread.   -Taste it with the bread? I mean now you, now that  you stay like that I have to give it a try.   I mean i'm not even I'm just gonna make it like  this. You know I'm gonna get a big piece Maumau oh   boy. -The bigger the better. -Tell me, tell me that's  not steak heaven on earth? -Oh boy! Fatty, deliciousness,   the flavor just keep on coming, hitting you in  the face, it doesn't stop. This is dangerous, this   is dangerous everybody because you can eat the  whole thing. -Yeah. -It is so ridiculously good that   it is hard to describe it, you have to experience  it. Now I will tell you, look i'm running the fat.   -It's too powerful, I need something a little bit  milder. -You, you don't even want the extra Wagyu?   You just want the fat ah Maumau? The fat is good  enough everybody. -It's just the flavor, oh my God.  -To answer the good old question does  Japanese Wagyu A5 gets better with MSG? -Yes, yes! -I say heck yes it does! Sprinkle a little bit  of MSG you'll make everything better. If you   have bad grades like sprinkle a little bit on your  grades like Uncle Roger says sprinkle a little bit on your grades over there and it will make your grades better.   Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you  guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy it   make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.   Remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. I highly recommend   you do this. Do this today! Japanese Wagyu A5 a very special occasion. -Yes.   -This you can do it right now, you have  all the ingredients go ahead and do it   and thank me later. See you guys on  the next one. Take care everybody. -See you! -Bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 758,592
Rating: 4.9553113 out of 5
Keywords: steak, wagyu, experiment, grilling, how to cook a steak, best steak, how to grill, a5 wagyu, steak experiment, steak and bread, quick, fast, best
Id: Zsw_1woOY7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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