12lbs. Microwave Brisket Experiment, It's Insane!

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This is a war crime.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/blood_rug 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I stopped watching him. Learned a fuck-ton on the sous vide side, but the aging/nutella/msg/donkey jizz coating experiments jumped the shark and I quit .

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Fnord1966 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I actually feel sorry for Guga. Clearly there is something wrong on, a very deep and foundational level, in his soul to allow him to birth such an abomination.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/nakmuay123 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just can't.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wheres_Jay 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love guga. I don’t usually watch his goofy experimentation videos. I also don’t mind his sponsors because I know he’s just getting the bag. Still my favorite food youtuber. I really relate because he usually uses a kettle and all I have is a kettle and an electric smoker

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/qurplex 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you Raid Shadows. Brought to you by Raid Shadows. Concession consideration by Raid Shadows. End Credits by Raid Shadows.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Wildrubbaduckeee 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is actually sorta a thing already. I have a Jewish cookbook today basically says set the microwave at 50% and cook for two hours. It makes a more traditional brisket instead of the Texas style smoked brisket, but it is still quite good.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Luke-from-Sooke 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Psst Weber, here’s a whole new range of bbq products to make. The microwave line

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aggressive_Dig2173 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Guga foods. Brought to you by this weeks sponsors...

Omnipod: On demand insulin pumps for your Type 1 diabetes.

Omron Heart Guide: Test your blood pressure and manage hypertension from home!

SoClean 2: Get your CPAP machine as clean as the day it was purchased.

Thank you sponsors for keep Guga foods alive on the air!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cheddarburner 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thank you Raid Shadow Legends  for sponsoring this video. Listen to this, Guga I love your channel I watched every single one of your videos. I  would like for you to do an experiment for me. What  happens if you cooked a brisket in the microwave?   Is it gonna be terrible and completely unedible or  is it something that can be done? Can you show us?   Some things should not be tried.  You don't need to try everything,   you don't need to try it, I'm telling you there's  no need for it. Since you have a lot of experiments   I have one here for you. What about if you  microwave a full brisket. Yes this is a challenge   Are you good enough? What do you mean if I'm good  enough? There's nothing to be good about putting   anything in the microwave. You just put it in the  microwave set it and forget it and leave. That's   all you do! And of course it's gonna turn out... Sometimes these comments drive me crazy everybody.   I love brisket but I'm a college student and I  only have a microwave available to me, nothing else.   Is it possible to cook a brisket on it? Would  love for you to give it a try so I don't have   to. How, how do I say no to that? How am I'm  gonna say no I'm not going to give that a try   and forget about that that's a terrible idea. Which  that's exactly what my heart is telling me to tell   this guy, but at the same time how am I going to  say something that I have never done seen every   no one else do it give an advice that I  have not experienced? Sometimes you might   be surprised with what you get. Is this going  to be the case? I have no idea at the same time   guys you asked for it, I am not going to let you  down. Here it is the microwave brisket experiment! And everything starts off with this beautiful  brisket. It is a 12 pounds beast and as you   can see it's a full packer, that's because it  includes both muscles the flat and the point.   If you are unfamiliar with that this part right  here is the point and the skinnier one is the flat.   The point is everybody's favorite because it has the  most amount of fat, so for that reason I like to   take all of the external fat out. However the flat  since it's a lot leaner I like to leave a quarter   inch. Once I was done with the trimming this is  what it looks like. As you can see the point I  removed all of the external fat, and the flat just  like I mentioned. Now in order to give this brisket   a chance of becoming good after it's cooked in the  microwave we gotta do something that is called dry   brine. This is a phenomenal way to cook any type  of meat, especially large cuts like this really   benefit from this method, and by the way I know  it sounds fancy and all that saying dry brine but   trust me all you have to do is put salt on it and  let it rest on your refrigerator overnight. There's   absolutely nothing fancy about it. The most crucial  part is to ensure that you season everything well   because if this brisket is missing seasoning  and it's cooked on the microwave oh forget it   there's no chance. So as always regardless of where  you're cooking it make sure you season it well. But   now that that has been achieved the only thing  left to do is to let it rest in my refrigerator   overnight. Once the time was up I took it out of  the refrigerator and this is what it looks like.   The dark color is a sign that the salt penetrated  nicely and deeply into the meat that is exactly   what we're looking for. The great thing about this  method is that the salt not only seasoned the meat   but it also kind of tenderizes a little bit. If  there's one thing I like on my brisket it's also   pepper, I don't like too much or too little this  amount right here is good enough for me. Now that I got my brisket fully seasoned the only thing left  to do is to cook it, and for that i need a special   container because we're going to be putting this  in the microwave, and I was able to find one that   was large enough. The most important thing I was  looking for is to make sure that it was microwave   safe especially because we're going to be cooking  it for a long time, and as you can see this one is   not only microwave safe but it's also bpa-free, that is crucial. And putting it inside of the   container oh boy it was a tight squeeze but  hey after fighting with it for a little bit it   actually fit. Since this is an experiment i have no  idea for how long I should put it in the microwave.   So I started by setting my microwave on high and  putting it for 15 minutes once that time was done   I took it out and check what we got. It's starting  to get cooked but by no means are we even close.   I can clearly see that there's a lot of pieces  that is still completely raw and most importantly   this does not look appetizing at all. So into the  microwave we went one more time for 30 minutes.   Once that time was up this is what came out. I mean  I don't know about you but I'm getting a little   bit surprised. The fat is getting golden brown, it  looks like it's generating a bark, I mean what's   going on over here. I did not expect these results  and trust me this is not ready yet so I went ahead   and did what I normally do with every brisket.  I wanted to give it a good chance so I started   basting it a little bit. Using its own juice  I went to town. The next thing to do is to   put it in there for the final minutes and as I  remove from the microwave these are the results.   Take a look at this! Let me remind you that  this was done in a microwave for exactly   49 minutes. It even has a nice golden brown  color and a little bit of bark. Come on! This   is starting to get a little bit ridiculous. As I  check the internal temperature look what I got.   Man and it is leaking juice. I said you  know what I'm gonna call it, this is it.   The only thing left to do was to put it on my  cutting board and present to you the results.   So now I say it is enough talking and it is time  for you to experience this with me. So let's do it! Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Raid Shadow Legends. As you guys already   know Raid is one of the biggest rpg game in the  app store and it is one of my favorite games to   play. Make sure you use my link below to download  Raid to your mobile phone or pc .Today I'm going   to be talking about Raid factions including my  favorite the Orcs. Orcs live in a tribe spread all   over the land. They used to be bred as warriors  so it's no surprise that they are some of the   best fighters in the game. I mean take a look at  this champion they recently released King Garog.  Look at this crazy weapon, he's a beast and his  attack hits like a truck. Pair him together with   Shaman that has the ability to revive characters  from your team then you have a really awesome   duo. Besides that raid also has 15 other factions  each with their own unique champions like elves   barbarians, lizardments and more. And recently Raid  released their biggest update ever, the doom tower.   It is a giant tower with 120 floors, a bunch of  secret challenge rooms and 12 super tough bosses   to take on. With a load of tournaments coming up  along with some special valentine's day events.   There's never been a better time to dive in  and get started. So go to the video description   click on my special link and if you are a new  player you're gonna get one clan boss key, one energy   refill, one day xp booster, five mystery shards,  fifty gems, fifty thousand silver, one free champion   executioner. All this treasure will be waiting for  you here. Once again thank you Raid Shadow Legends   for sponsoring this video. I hope to see you guys  there, but now let's get right back to the video.   All right everybody here we have our insane  brisket. Is that juicy or what? -That thing is   it's overflowing it's got like a little  moat going on. -Look at my face everybody,   look at my face. -Look I don't care what you  did to this, but look. -It looks juicy. -You cannot   tell me this doesn't look like a juicy  meat. -It is a very juicy brisket I am   um um um. -Bro! -My my words right here  right that's all I like I can say.   It's an experiment by the way, as you can see  we have no smoke ring I apologize for that.  -Look, look. -Yes they can see it Angel trust me they saw  how juicy it is they can see that trust me. So   here's the deal I want to know your most crucial  honest opinion on this one and if you to go how   if you need to go as harsh as possible go harsh as  possible because I am at the same time... -It's that there's no   comparison? -No this is it, this is it. This is it!  Anyway I'm probably sounding very stupid and   you guys understand the reason why. Anyway, I want  to know your honest opinion. Obviously we got the   point and we got the flat which is the flat  is the driest part as you can see. -We are going in? -Yes. Is it   tender? That is the question let's do this. Yeah,  it does not pass the tender test uh to pass the   tender test by the way it's supposed to bend all  the way. And I cut it kind of thin just in case.   -But i didn't do it anyway. -I just licked  my finger and my finger tastes good. I'm sorry. -I feel like, I feel like just talking  crap about it just because of the reactions that   you're doing. -Oh my god this is terrible. -I'm  gonna stay real though I'm gonna stay real. -Listen all right here's the deal all right, this  is what I'm gonna say, if there's one thing that   is important to me is authenticity. If it's  good we're going to tell you if it's good   if it's crap we're going to tell you  if it's crap. Are you ready Angel? Cheers! -Tastes like a brisket. It doesn't taste bad. Tastes pretty good, it is a little  chewy. -It's chewy, but it's edible!    I mean. -If I buy this at a restaurant... -Yeah? -It  tastes like a restaurant like. -It tastes like   a restaurant please I'm about to cry right  now. All my barbecue friends please, please   hold back, hold back. -If I buy this at a restaurant  it's something I expect from a restaurant.   -It is not tender whatsoever, there's no way. -Look  okay -There's no way you can you can oh well maybe   well. -It's not terrible, the tenderness is not  terrible I want to try. -Look at you going for seconds   oh lord. -When you put the juices on it maybe it's  a little more. -Mmm let's let's you see this? -Uh-huh   -You know what this is right? Okay -The rest  of the juices -Exactly all the juices. -Wasn't even all on this. -Now let's do this, let's do this Angel, dump it in there. Oh!   -Dude like that? -Yeah like that go like that.  -The whole thing? -The whole thing dump it in. -I   don't know. -All right let's go let's try like that  you tell me. You ready? Cheers buddy! -Cheers. It went from   okay this is all right this is okay and it's a  little more juicy. Let's try the the fatty part.   -Okay let's try this one here and stop. I am  uh out of words it even seems like we have   a bark everybody. How does it seem like we  have a bark? That's not humanly possible. -It does look like it.  -Oh my god I'm about to cry. I can't believe this  happened okay enough cheers everybody. -Cheers. -All right that's chewier. -Yeah. -That is  chewier. -It is thicker though. -Mm-hmm mm-hmm   and it's chewy, chewy, chewy. If we chop this  up and you put it in a taco it'll be amazing.   -Yeah. The thing is you know what the  problem is? The last brisket we ate   -Yeah it was the Japanese wagyu A5 Angel -It was a  Japanese wagyu A5. -Yes! -It was literally top tier. -Yes.   -That's literally you're not never gonna get  nothing better than that. -Yeah but if I when I   tell you that I'm I'm gonna tell you right now you  know what I did with this? -Tell me what happened bro.   -I cooked this brisket exactly to the T  49 minutes. -That's pretty efficient!   -I know! You know why? -I can see why it's not tender though. -You see  this container, what is this? This is a container   that I put on the microwave and I put it in  there for 49 minutes and that's one came out. -For real bro? -For real bro! You put this on the microwave! -Oh I want to curse so much more bro. -We do  experiments that no one else think about and   you asked you saw it in the beginning of the video  I can't even speak I am out words. You saw it, you   asked for it and my initial thought is you're  absolutely it's it's crazy, but the authenticity   to let you guys know exactly what this  result is. We got to tell you the truth everybody   and uh if you make tacos out of this brisket it's  gonna be a good taco all right especially if you   put sauces. You save the juices and like one of  the comment and say I forgot his name right now   you know he lives in a dorm and all he has  available is a microwave. If that's the case   and you put it in there and you're craving some  brisket meat I'm telling you you're gonna get   this kind of results. I don't know if it's because  of my microwave how my microwave is if you put on   those little door microwaves you might not have  the same result or you might even have the same   result you just got to do it for longer. I don't  know. But you saw my microwave, that's the results.   I don't recommend you doing this if you're trying  to get the best results out of your brisket   not at all all right. You smoke it it's  gonna be a hundred times better. If you   put it in the oven with aluminum foil it will  be better because it will be a lot more tender   and you will have a much better result. -In 49  minutes? -No way. That's gonna take probably at least   three to four hours, at least three to four hours.  We hate microwave everybody I think microwave is   good for one thing all right microwave is  wonderful to melt butter that's all it's good for, and  heat up milk, yes. -Chocolate milk. -Yes that's what  microwave was made for, not even listen not even   popcorn inside of the microwave I like it  that much all right, I'd rather do it on the pan. -That's actually a fact. -Guys anyway I know it  sounds crazy, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, I   hope you learned something new. I learned something  new. I always say it and today I actually eat my   words never judge something until you try it. This  is the truth of that uh the results uh are in.   You tell me, I would love to know your comment down below  what you think of it. Again, I don't recommend it   all right but if you are in a crunch this is all  you have make sure you save the juices as you   can see Angel is enjoying this quite a bit. And  you better believe I'm gonna make a taco right   now it's gonna be my juice taco. -Yeah you, you  know me me and my microwave brisket! -That's right! -Just   eatin' you know. -Anyway guys these are the results  I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy   make sure give it a thumbs up. If you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.   Remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll  see you guys on the next one. Make sure   you put it on the comments down below what  other crazy experiment you wanted me to make   that sounds absolutely ridiculous that uh I'll do  it for you. See you guys on the next one everybody.   Take care bye-bye. -This is a problem this might  change the world. -This is the problem that it's   actually edible. -It's it this might  change the world of brisket making.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,355,928
Rating: 4.9397092 out of 5
Keywords: brisket, bbq, how to cook a brisket, low and slow, hot and fast, tender brisket, juicy, experiment, cooking, oven brisket, oven baked, microwave brisket
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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