Uncle Roger React to MSG Dry Aged Steak (Guga Foods)

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- Uncle, Roger don't know much about this Guga guy. But I think he's divorced. Because only a divorced man fridge, can be as empty as Guga's fridge. This video is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Niece and nephew, when you use the internet, internet provider like BT or the Verizon, they can see all the websites you visit. Even when you use incognito mode. So sneaky. That's why I use ExpressVPN. So nobody knows Uncle Roger search for, Where to buy chili jam. Just kidding, uncle Roger never searchs for disgusting thing like that. I also use ExpressVPN to unblock content. Netflix UK and US, both don't have, "Crazy Rich Asians." Haiyaa! So popular movie, they don't have. But watch this, Uncle Roger use ExpressVPN, change country to Canada, and now "Crazy Rich Asians" is there, fuiyoh! With ExpressVPN, you can unlock thousands of show and movie. Find out how you can get three month ExpressVPN for free, by going to expressvpn.com/uncleroger or click link in description below. And now we start video. Hello, niece and nephew, it's uncle Roger. Do you like my new hat? So festive. What you think? What you think? Because holiday season coming up, I want to review video that will make me happy. So many niece and nephew send me this fuh good video, "Insane UMAMI Dry Age Experiment" from Guga Food. If you don't know, dry age is a process, where you leave steak in cold environments, so the steak becomes more tender and gain flavor. But this Guga guy do something different. He dry age steak, but cover it with MSG. Fuiyoh! I think this is gonna be good video. Let's see, let's see. Before we start, remember at 3 million subscribers, Uncle Roger gonna do, my egg fried rice reveal. 3 million, almost there. So smack subscribe now if you haven't. (suspenseful music) - [Guga] This is MSG, also known as monosodium glutamate. - Also known as key to my heart. - [Guga] To be more specific, it is the sodium salt- - Uncle Roger loves this video already. So much MSG. So much white powder. Look like a scene from "Narcos." - [Guga] And today, we're gonna use this stuff, to dry age beef. I have no idea what the MSG is gonna do to it, but I'll tell you one thing, I'm very excited to find out. - He says he's excited, but his voice don't sound excited at all. He sounds drier than the beef gonna be. Haiyaa! Where's your energy? Where's your energy? You making YouTube video, get a coffee before filming. When Uncle Roger have my white powder, I'm always full of energy. (dramatic music) - [Guga] That right there, is something you might never see again. I like to call this the MSG dry age cake. - Fuiyoh! I think this is Uncle Roger's favorite cake. This is the only cake I want for all my birthdays from now on. Fuck carrot cake, "Great British Bake Off," this is the cake you should be making. Not Japanese week making Chinese bun. Haiyaa! - [Guga] Now the only thing I have to do, is to let it rest in my refrigerator for a total of 28 days. Once the time was up, (suspenseful music) I opened up my refrigerator, and this is what I found. - Uncle Roger don't know much about this Guga guy. But I think he's divorced. Because, only divorce man fridge can be as empty as Guga's fridge. That is one good thing when my ex wife Auntie Helen left. More space in fridge, more space in cabinet, more space in dresser. Best part about your wife leaving you, is more storage space. Worst part about your wife leaving you, is everything else. - [Guga] The MSG completely transformed in something else. But the most impressive thing to me is that then when I look really close, it almost looks like popcorn. - Popcorn? Popcorn? I don't think Guga knows what popcorn looks like. If your popcorn looks like fungus, you fucked up. - [Guga] I actually had to take it outside and use my leaf blower. But once I was done with the cleaning, this is what it looks like. - Ooh, trigger warning, for vegan people. This video, might contain flavor. (suspenseful music) - [Guga] After dry aging so many different pieces of meat, this one is the prettiest one of them all. - See, MSG can even make steak prettier. Fuiyoh! Uncle Roger should have put MSG on my face. Maybe if I prettier, Auntie Helen won't leave. (sighs) But who cares? I have so much space in fridge. - [Guga] So now I say, it is enough talking and it is time to cook these beautiful steaks. So let's do it. (rock music) - Now he starts cooking. (rock music intensifies) - Why this cooking look so much like action film? Who's doing the cooking, John Wick? (rock music) - Ooh! So much fire. So satisfying. (rock music) He don't have wok hay, but he has BBQ hay. (rock music) Mmm, look at that, look at that. Outside nice and charred, so nice. (rock music) Fuiyoh! This is medium rare. Perfect! Perfect! Medium rare is uncle Roger favorite doneness. And he put MSG on this beef. This is now beef on crack. (explosion sound effect) - Before moving forward, I wanna thank today's sponsor Dal- - Haiyaa! He jumped to advertisement section. Haiyaa! I know you love knives, but how many knives does a man need? You look like serial killer, haiyaa! Are you sure your fridge's empty? Are you sure, next to the dry age beef, is not your wife's body? I think police need to search his house. Guga, if you have so many knives, why don't you donate one knife to Kay cooking. She chopping garlic with paring knife. Haiyaa! Also, how many green sauces you need? - Look. Let's be honest, knives are just cool. But most importantly, they have to be useful, right? If not- - Knives so cool, but you use it to cut lettuce. Lettuce, taste like sad. It's mostly water. You go to restaurant, pay £8 for salad. That mean you pay £8 for almost water. Haiyaa! Money don't grow on tree. - And you know, if you get a knife like this, it will last for generations to come. - Yes, it might last for a generation. But if you give this to your kid, that is the saddest inheritance to receive. Most people inherit houses, inherit money. But Guga's kid inherit lettuce knife. - As you know, the holiday season is just around the corner and no matter who you give a knife to, I can guarantee you, you will put a smile on their face. - No, no, no. Don't give knife to people as present. This mean bad luck in Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, if you give your friend knife, that means you want to cut off relationship with them. Haiyaa! This Guga guy, destroying people's family. Destroying people's friendship. Don't listen to him. - Steaks today, are you ready, or not? - Okay, okay. Finally taste test. - Why do I feel like this is an experiment? - Because I have more than one steak. If I just have one steak, its just no experiment. - This Guga guy, looks like professional chef. But his friend, looks like he works in IT. Why? - Well, yes, I'm very excited about this experiment. Are you excited Mau? - Sure. - Cheers everyone. - Cheers. - Okay, he's eating the MSG steak now. - Oh, that's a different steak. In a very nice way. That's a very nice steak. Man, that's amazing. - It's nice. Okay, this is what's happening in my mouth. As I'm taking bites, my cheek are squeezing. It feels weird. It's squeezing my cheeks. - Your cheeks squeezing, hmm. That's because your cheek having orgasm. This is what MSG can do to you. It can make your cheek cum. (groovy music) Sorry children, this is supposed to be a family friendly channel. - (indistinct) My cheek's still squeezing. That's a weird feeling. - His cheeks still cumming. Hmm. - This one I dry aged with MSG. - What the heck. - (laughs) With MSG. And if you ask me if it makes a better steak, absolutely. It makes a better steak. And you- - See, what I tell you? What I tell you? MSG makes everything better. Including steak. Niece and nephew, have you used MSG in your life? If you have job you hate, sprinkle MSG on there. You will be promoted to manager. If you get bad grades, sprinkle MSG on your exam. It will be A plus plus plus. Hope more people start using MSG, from now on. Uncle Guga, so good and making steak. I hope I get to visit you someday and eat your MSG dry aged steak. Fuiyoh! So umami, so nice. This video, very good video. Uncle Roger like. Two thumb up. Niece and nephew, this is also Uncle Roger last video of 2020. For first video of 2021, Uncle Roger want to reveal my favorite Reddit submissions to the Uncle Roger subreddit. So if you haven't joined, go join uncle Roger subreddit right here, r/UncleRoger. Submit your meme, submit your fan art. Submit photo of your egg fry rice, and Uncle Roger will review in next video. Thank you for a wonderful 2020. This year's been so tough, but niece and nephew support, make uncle Roger feel so special. ♪ You make me feel special ♪ Wishing everybody happy holiday. And now, let's watch some outtake. Fuck carrot cake. (laughs) If your popcorn look like fungus, you fucked up. (laughs) If your, if your popcorn look like... (laughs) So many F words in this video. (bleep sound) - As you know, the holiday season is just around the corner. (notification sound) And no matter who you give a- - Quit WhatsApp. 'Cause Frankie, you're seeing my private messages. (laughs) I didn't think about screen recording. My editor sees all of my private WhatsApp messages. (bleep sound) Sorry children, this is supposed to be a family friendly channel. (sighs) Sorry, children.
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 5,008,658
Rating: 4.9076471 out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy, guga foods, uncle roger msg, guga foods dry age steak, guga foods msg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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