I DRY AGED Steaks in HONEY and this happened

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I think the issue in the show is how quickly Soma does it: I think he only had like 20 minutes left, but I would think it would take at least 2-3hrs for the tenderizing effect to really play out!

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/pvith 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Looks mod

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/prgotothestore2006 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Don't let the title of the video fool you. He mentions that honey can work as a tenderizer in the video.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/skaro1789 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thank you Hello Fresh for sponsoring this video. I know what you're thinking why would you put honey on a steak and dry age it. I know it sounds crazy but let me explain. If you google what does honey do to meat look what comes up. Honey works like  pineapple juice that can also tenderize meat. Wait a second it can work like pineapple? Well I've  done some crazy experiments with it and it breaks down the meat like there's no tomorrow, and as far as  tenderizing it is the best tenderizer there is   for meat. Just make sure not to leave it too long  if not your meat will disintegrate. So I wanted to   learn more and I googled honey in meat and here's  what came up. The natural enzymes in honey should   help tenderize meat quicker similar to pineapple,  kiwi, milk and even yogurt. Wait a second yogurt?   I've also done that experiment and the results  were shocking. The things that yogurt does to   meat is quite impressive. Also you can't marinate  the meat too long as the process will continue and   your meat will turn into mush. Your meat will turn  into mush? Oh boy! I gotta run this experiment.    So the first and most important thing to do was I had  to choose the right honey for this experiment. So   when I googled how many types of honey are there  the results were 300 different types. How do I know   which one is best. All right how about this; Which  honey contains the most enzymes? Manuka Honey? Never   heard of it. Manuka honey has a considerable higher  level of enzymes than regular honey so I went   ahead and bought the best one I could find. This  is Manuka Honey, it is not your everyday honey bear   honey. It is not runny it has a wonderful smell  and it's actually delicious. And as far as how good   it spreads take a look. Unlike regular honey it's  not really runny so it's gonna be perfect for dry   aging steak. So the next thing to do you already  know, and for that I chose this beautiful piece of   meat, It is a three bones rib roast. To really find  out how honey is gonna affect the meat I decided   to split it in half that way we can use one piece  to dry age the traditional way and the other one is   gonna be with honey. And my hopes is that honey  dry age is going to be 10 times better than the   traditional version. Talking about traditional  version if you want to do it at home you can use   these dry age bags, they make the job super easy.  You just got to put them in the bag vacuum seal   them, put it in a cooling rack and let it rest in  your refrigerator for the amount time you desire.   The honey in the other hand takes some work. The  first thing we need to do is to spread a little   bit in some parchment paper because things are  about to get messy. Once that's done I put my rib   roast right on top and the next thing is one of  the most satisfying experiments I've ever done and   that would be to cover the whole thing with honey.  The smell from the honey is extremely intoxicating   in a very good way. And even though this is not  that easy to do it is extremely satisfying. So   I went ahead and continued working the spatula  to make sure every single edge was perfectly   covered, because after a little while once I was  done this is what it looks like. That friends is   something you do not see every day! And my hopes  is that this is going to be the best dry age I've   ever done. The only thing left to do now is to let  it rest in my refrigerator for a total of 35 days. Once the time was up I took it out and take a look  at this. Some of the honey dripped down to the tray   but a lot of it just crystallized on top of  the meat, and as you can see between the bones   it looks like it preserved the meat perfectly. And  believe it or not it smells even better than when   it went in. If there's one thing I've learned with  dry aging experiment is to listen to your nose.   So, so far so good but we still have to open this  thing and for that I grabbed a butter knife and   started to go to work. And as you might have  already guessed it it is impossible to remove   the whole thing. Most of the sugar has crystallized  on the meat. Some are soft others are hard but all   of them are sticky so I did my best to try to  remove all of it. And once I was done this is   what it looks like. This is the world's first dry  age honey experiment and it was going really well   until now, because the smell went from wonderful  to really bad. Do you see the discoloration of   the meat right here? That is oxidation but not like  any oxidation it's turning out a little green and   I can tell right away that the bones have to go.  So I grabbed my knife and started to work with it,   but once I took it out take a look at this. That  is beautifully red in the middle but the bones on   the other hand smells really bad. The inside looks  phenomenal though, I say let's go ahead and keep   this experiment going. Obviously like every dry  age you will have some lost and this one is no   different because take a look how red this part is.  And the other side is just no good. So I'm going to   go ahead and trim even more. You see I need to dig  even deeper. Check out the difference in coloration.  One thing I can tell you immediately is that the  honey really penetrated the meat so I had to go   to town and remove a lot of the pellicles and as  I was doing so I got super excited because it is   extremely tender. But I did my best and once I was  done this is what I was left with. From the whole   two bones rib roast I only got one steak. One steak! It better be real good! And as you can see it looks   fantastic. And for comparison don't forget that we  did the real dry age one, after removing it from   the umai bag it looks exactly like i expected.  And as I slice the bone off so that we have a   fair comparison, look, perfect. Exactly what I was  looking for! Now as you already know all I have   to do is to remove all of the pellicles and as I was doing so I was left with some beautiful steaks.  That is what meat lovers dream of, perfectly dry  aged, exactly the way I like it. And unlike the   honey dry age I was left with two beautiful steaks. But now that we got our beautiful steaks ready the   only thing left to do is to season them and for  that I want to keep it really simple because I  want to taste the beef. So i first started with a  good amount of salt, once that was done I finished   that off with black pepper. Because trust me after  you went through all that work the last thing you   want is to put off flavor on these steaks. But  now that we got them seasoned the only thing   left to do is to cook them. And for that I'll be  putting a beautiful sear first. Once that's done   I'll be using my wireless thermometers to cook  them until they reach an internal temperature of   135 degrees fahrenheit. So now i say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! Before moving forward I want to thank today's sponsor Hello Fresh. Hello Fresh is America's number one   meal kit and what i'm eating right now is one of  their amazing recipes. Every week when I come back   for my order I am amazed of the variety of the  recipes that I can choose from their huge menu. And   now their selection is getting bigger and better  every week including quick breakfasts, lunches and   some additional proteins and sides and awesome  desserts. You save so much time with Hello Fresh that you can skip that grocery store trip and get  everything you need to make chef curated meals   right to your door. If you know me you know I don't  like to waste any food so I really enjoy that   with Hello Fresh you get pre-portioned ingredients  so there is no wasted food. It is very flexible and   you can set your delivery preferences. Some weeks I  like to add extra meals and other weeks if I know   I'm not going to be home I can just skip that week. They are committed to making fresh delicious food   available and they take extra steps to keep their  employees and customers safe. Look let me show you,   Today I got my box with all my fresh ingredients  and I'm doing an italian chicken and pepper sando   with some delicious potato wedges. Prep and cook  is super easy take a look at that. Come on now!   Give it a try go to hellofresh.com and  use my code Guga12 to get 12 free meals   including free shipping. Again that's simple  just go to hellofresh.com use my code Guga12   to get 12 free meals including free shipping.  Thank you Hello Fresh for sponsoring this video.   But now let's get right back and try this insane  honey dry age steaks. All right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks today. Are you hungry  Angel? -I'm hungry but you know when you put two   steaks in front of me what it does to my mind. -Yes  I know it's an experiment yes that's what you're   thinking it automatically starts tricking -yeah yeah -your  brain cells ain't going like oh wait a second here.   I sit down in this chair and you always bring  something when you bring it out I look at it   I'm like hum. -Let me tell you something your brain  is correct my friend. -Look guys going into this   I already smelled the steak like five times. -You  smell good? -Smells good. -So here's the deal very   honest opinion I want to know if it's good, bad  or ugly. You just let us know. Sound like a plan?  -No it's not ugly. -No it's not ugly. -No it's not ugly, but about the taste you don't know about the taste. -That's the part that I can't tell you yet. -All right let's go. We'll go  for this one here first. It is so tender! One of   the things that you guys cannot see when I was  slicing these wonderful steaks is how tender   it is everybody. It is extremely tender. -Yea I will say  that it is tender I cut it and then it didn't go   all the way through so i just pulled it apart.  -It was resistant. Didn't even do anything for it.  -Oh okay I guess I'm breaking. -All right enough  chitchatting let's try this. Cheers everybody. -Oh dude. -I missed that oh man it's been a while.  -I'm about to say this, it has been a while since   I had some dry age steak. -Not overpowering the amount  of dry aginess. -Dude that's the perfect amount.  -Wonderful flavor that just stays in your mouth.  The steak is extremely juicy, tender to the max   beefy flavor, that little look at that look at that.  You enjoy it? -That's a good one. -That's a winner everybody   it is phenomenal, I highly recommend. Ready for the  next one? Since you know that this was a good one   you know this is going to be the experiment.  -Yeah so I know that this is the good one   so I know that's the one I'm afraid of. -Uh I'm  afraid of this one here too and you should be yeah.   I'm kidding bro I'm kidding. I'm joking, I'm joking,  I'm joking. It's just a joke! All right let's see   just as tender. Did you slice  it? -No I have not. -Try it,   just as tender huh.This is  more tender. This is more it tender. Woah smells wonderful! Cheers everybody! -I'm not dying today not that I don't know maybe. -Wow! -But  it doesn't taste like I'm gonna. -No it is amazing.   You went in scared. I took the bite and I was like... -Wow!  -Is this it? -And it tastes different. Do you feel   the difference? it tastes slightly different this  is not dry age. -No it's not dry age whatsoever it   doesn't have that dry age flavor, the strong  dry aged flavor. -I'll get that out of the way   this this one's not dry aged. - It is. -But it is. -But is not. -But but it is well it's a weird experiment.   -Yeah dude this is tender look I went to cut  this whole piece. -Tender to the max. Do you   do, you don't feel a little hint of difference in  flavor? Pay attention there's a very unique flavor   in there. I enjoy that quite a bit everybody. It  is more tender, the fibers broke down more on the   steak. It is missing one of that uh I would say uh  six taste right besides the umami. -It doesn't have the taste of dry age. -Exactly it does not. It's missing it's  missing that little. -I thought it was gonna happen   -Kick on there. You know why? So this one is our  regular dry aged steak which we love and we are   a huge fan of. And this one was dry aged in honey.  In honey my brother. -Oh you try to put the honey on it. -Yes   and honey I'm sure you guys are aware which I  mentioned on the video already honey is a great   tenderizer in different countries. So probably  that's what happened it penetrated a little bit   in the meat there and it tenderized the meat even  more than this one right here. -You know what? -Tell me. -You got a   big chunk, -Yeah. -You put a dry aging with honey  all over it. -Correct it is by the way let me just   be honest all right -Okay -a complete nightmare all  right. It is a nightmare, you're sticky everywhere   you know it's it's like it's you know even  after you clean it you're still sticky.   You know I don't know I don't recommend it all  right, I do not recommend it. If you want to try   something extreme do that. -okay. If you want a lot  of work you want a lot of work and you want to   get sticky all over, do it all right. But I don't  recommend it because it's just too much of a pain.   How would you describe the flavor? It's a little  bit more flat. It's like this has more juice more   beefy flavor, this is less beefy flavor -no no  all right so like it didn't get sweeter. -no. -It's   more like neutral in sweetness but like you have  that little end of honey. -Here's the final verdict   for dry age do you recommend the honey? Absolutely  not it is a complete waste of your time you   are going to get sticky up your nose everybody  I'm telling you don't do that at all. All right   -But if you're trying to just make it tender and  have the same process as a dry age for no reason.  -Lsten just do the regular dry age you're  gonna have it better it's better all right   the regular one is better. But i'll tell you  one thing I've learned a lot. You guys seen   that was a little bit of mold the white mold,  by the way are you eating mold congratulations   -Don't worry I never let you down, I won't  let you down. -Okay I hope I don't die.  -You won't. -Anyway guys these are the  results, I hope you guys enjoyed this video   if you do enjoy make sure you give it  a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber   be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if  you are interested in anything I use everything is   always in the description down below. Thank you  so much for watching and we'll see you guys   on the next one. And if you want to try real  dry age I highly recommend. If you want to get   sticky with it do the honey, you will probably come  back to this video and put a thousand different   comments how terrible idea this is because you're  gonna get sticky everywhere everybody. Don't do it!
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,449,883
Rating: 4.9288387 out of 5
Keywords: dry age, honey, steak, steaks, best steaks, dry age at home, steak experiment, bbq, grilling, cooking, cooking show, steak channel, cooking channel
Id: WOqK60u1zco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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