Unlocking CRISPY FRIED CHICKEN Secrets | Guga Foods

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Thanks AFK Arena for sponsoring this video. Oh yes I love me some fried chicken, but let's be  honest not all fried chickens are good. Dang, dang!  Some are nice and crispy, others are wonderfully  spicy and a few of them is just terrible. -That one   is caca. -So my goal today is to find out some of  the secrets of crispy fried chicken and hopefully   by the end of this video we are all gonna know  how to make perfect fried chicken. So let's do it!   These are all the cut of chickens I'm going  to be using for today's video. Here we have two   young full chickens that are butchered. Here's a  good advice if you want to save money, the best   way to do it is to butcher everything yourself.  And if you've never done it I know it looks   intimidating but let me tell you something it is  not complicated, it is pretty easy to do and do not   be afraid of it. The first thing I like to do is to  start cutting up the drums, then I flip it on its   belly and work around the oyster which is the back  part. You should feel almost no resistance then I   flip it back and remove the thigh and the leg. Now  all there's left to do is to do the same exact thing   on the other side, and as you can see not a big  deal. Just make sure you have a nice sharp knife.   Then I jump right into the breast. Start by making  an incision in the middle and let the knife do   the work just like Gordon Ramsay tell us. Make  sure you stay as close as possible to the bone.   And to remove the wings it is not a big deal,  just find that little joint and remove it all out.   That's what we call an airline chicken, it's  basically the breast and the wings together.   Now all you have to do is to do the  same to the other side and separate   each one of them as you please and by the time  you're done this is what they should look like.   That is a fully butchered chicken. Like I mentioned  it is not a big deal and it's easy to do and don't   even think about throwing the carcass away because  that we can use for stocks. But we're not going   to be doing that today as we're only going to be  using nice large pieces for our deep fried chicken.   So the first thing I want to test is which brine  is better only salt and pepper or the good old   buttermilk. So to find out which one is best we're  going to put this to the test. I first started with   the salt brine and that's pretty straightforward  just combine the salt and water together and make   sure everything is dissolved. Throw your chicken  in there and let it brine for at least 2 hours in   your refrigerator. Now the next one is buttermilk,  now if you've never heard about buttermilk I totally understand especially if you live in other  countries, but it is super simple and easy to make,   and here's how; start by adding a little bit of  whole milk. As you can see the consistency is   nice and runny just like regular milk is, then you  want to throw in three percent of white vinegar   and mix it well. As you can see as you're doing  this you will immediately start to coagulate   and that is how you make buttermilk, and yes here  in the U.S. you can find it in every supermarket.  To make it perfect the only thing left to do  is to strain it. As you can see by the time I was done you got buttermilk. Now a lot of people  says that this is the best way to brine a chicken   and I have done quite a few and I actually  enjoy it, but I never put them side by side   just like this, and hopefully we'll be able  to determine which one is actually better.   So after letting them marinate for two hours  on my refrigerator I took them out, fried them   up and it was ready to give it a try, and I  know the perfect guy for it. -Cheers! I guess. Fried chicken man! Can't go wrong with fried  chicken. -Good you like it? -Yeap. All right now I go for   this one? -Time for the next one go for it. -All right  let's go. All right, oh it's crunchy. Okay, Cheers. Oh no! That one is caca. It's juicier, it's more tender   and it's more juicy and I like  it better bro. This one's better. What the heck did you do Guga? This is some good stuff. -There we go buttermilk  is definitely the winner so moving forward I'll   be using buttermilk for every single one of them.  The next one for us to determine which one is best   is either to use cornstarch or all-purpose flour  or use both. And the whole idea about cornstarch   is that it makes your chicken way crispier, but  hey we're gonna find out if that actually works.   So in the first bowl I threw in four tablespoons  of all-purpose flour and in the middle one I only   threw in two. Then I grabbed the cornstarch and  added two tablespoon in the middle one and of   course the last one I threw in four tablespoon  of corn starch. To make things even for the flour   and the corn starch I only seasoned them with  salt nothing else, so after adding a pinch of it   in each bowl it was time to dredge the chickens.  And by the time I was done this is what they look   like. The very first one is a 100% corn starch, the  one in the middle is 50/50 and the very last one   is only all-purpose flour. Now all there's left to is  to fry them up. And as you guys already know cast   iron is one of the best things to use because  it will always retain its heat. I set the oil   at 350 degrees fahrenheit and just in case you  are wondering I'm using vegetable oil. The main   goal here is to have a nice crispy skin, so I kept  flipping them to make sure everything was fully   cooked. I'm looking for 165 degrees fahrenheit  internally and of course a nice golden crispy skin. Once they were fully cooked this is what I got.  I'm wondering if you can tell which one is which,   because to my eyes they all look quite similar  except for one of them,and I'm talking about   this one because this one is the cornstarch. And  trust me it is fully cooked, but hey let's try it   out and see which one is crispier. And the first  one we're gonna go for is the all-purpose flour.   And as you can see it's nice and crispy, it's  also juicy and as I take a bite, yeah that's   a good chicken. It's crispy, juicy, tender and  some of the things that you definitely look for.   But now in comparison let's jump into the next  one. Whoa! See if you can hear this. Much crispier!   I think the cornstarch actually  did something. Check out this crust. Wow this thing is crispy! And even though I don't  have perfect audio because I didn't have my mic,   check out the actual audio.   Oh yeah it's almost like chicharrones. I would say  that this is a nice improvement from the first one.   And of course it's perfectly cooked and if  you ask me which one is better this one is  definitely winning. Now the very last one, oh  boy! See if you can tell me if you can hear this.   Folks that's a rock. I mean it's almost impossible  to cut, check it out. It came completely off by   itself. This is what we call way too crispy and  just not a very good idea. Here's my recommendation   if you want to break your teeth this is perfect  for it because it is way too crispy and too much,   so the 50 50 mix is definitely the winner. Before  moving forward I want to introduce you guys to a   new mobile game; AFK Arena. I always want to  build a strong and beautiful team that can   go on adventure with me and AFK Arena is one of the  few games that lets me do that. I've been playing   this game for a while now and let me tell you it's  fun. AFK Arena is a rewarding casual and strategic   mobile online rpg with a unique art style and a  cool fantasy background. It does not require you   to grind for days and you can get rewards even if  you're offline. All you need to do is enjoy your   adventures with these gorgeous heroes. In AFK  Arena you can build up a personalized team and   level up heroes from 7 unique factions. Using hero  unions, faction advantages, smart lineups and unit   combinations you can use a multitude of strategies  while exploring their adventure. My favorite hero  is this guy right here like come on do I have  to tell you anything, he's a beast he's also   like a tank so if you put him in front of the  line he can both take a lot of damage and deal it.   Add another defense tank next to him some  long-range attacker and support on the back row   and you're all set. If you are wondering how you  can get these awesome heroes here's your chance.   Hit the link on the description download  AFK Arena and play the game between April 6   and May 5th and every player will get 100 summons  and one special gift code. This bonus is unlike   anything they've done before so don't miss  your chance. Once again thank you AFK Arena for   sponsoring this video. I look forward to hearing  from you guys how you build your dream team with a   hundred free summons. The next thing I want to try  is the good old msg, to get a little bit more specific   we're talking about monosodium glutamate. And to  use it pretty straightforward, just throw it a   little bit in the flour, deep fry it and let's  see if there's really a lot of difference if   you add some and if you don't. Here's what my  nephew had to say about it. -Just go for it huh. This fried chicken man this I think this  one's as good as the last one you gave me.   It's good. I like that crunch. -Second one. -Second  one. Going for it. Oh I like this one more, actually.   This one I don't know the flavor kind of  just is more powerful, it just it keeps going. That one, yeah even when you swallow it  stays in your mouth you feel this one   a little bit more. I like this one. -So it has more  flavor. -More flavor on this. -There you go as we   all expected msg for the win. Now the very  last thing I want to test out is to smoke it.   Can we make deep fried crispy chicken even better  by smoking it? There's only one way to find out if   that's good or a bad thing. And at the same  time to add even more flavor I'm going to   be adding some spices into my flour mix. Of  course that's after adding 50% flour and 50%   corn starch. Remember exact amount and ingredients  always in the description down below for you. So I   started with salt, followed by ginger, white pepper,  garlic salt, black pepper, mustard powder, smoked   paprika, dry thyme, dry basil, oregano, celery salt  and the good old msg. Now there's left to do is   to grind them well with my pestle and mortar and my  spice mix is ready. This my friends is the good old   KFC secret recipe, and if you've never had it you  definitely should. It is an iconic chicken fried   recipe that everyone loves. But now all there's  left to do is to mix all of my dry ingredients   and you already know the rest of the process. The  only difference is some of them I'll be smoking   it and we're going to find out if deep-fried  smoked chicken is good or not. So let's do it! All right everybody here we have our  beautiful chickens. What do you think Angel?  -They look like the other ones that I ate today.  -You've been eating a lot of chicken huh? -At   least this time you're here with me man. -There  you go sounds good. Okay so we have actually   another experiment A and B find out which one  is better. -Best for last? -Best for last always so   -Oh hi. -All right enough talking let's give this  a try. We'll go for that one then the other one.   Ready? Cheers everybody. -Oh. -That's crunchy. -Crunchy  and juicy. -You heard that crunch everybody? I hope   you came through the camera. -Pretty good. -That is  a juicy, juicy chicken, very crunchy, crispy, very   very flavorful. -Yeah I agree with everything  you just said 100%. -And I'll say one thing   chicken is always good fried. Right? Because if you  like pan fry and stuff like that it's still okay   but when you deep fry everybody it's always better.  Okay ready for the second one? -Let's go for it man.   -All right second one cheers everybody. -Oh. -Oh that's different oh that's way different. -Smoked! -Yep! Right away. Oh my god that is amazing everybody! -That's undeniable. -Wow! You can tell right away too   right? Smell it. You can smell. -Oh you just know  as soon as you take the bite you taste it. -I think   i just might invented the best chicken in the  world right here everybody. When you combine some deep   fried together with a smoke it is phenomenal. What  do you think Angel? You tell me. -What do you say?   What do you say? This is the best one of  the day. -That is the best one of the day. Wow!   The interesting thing is that as soon as you take  a bite immediately you can tell this one is smoked   because you have that smokiness hit you right  in the palate and also and also you can smell   that smoke. You know what I mean? -Yeah it's it  you smell it and you taste it real quick. -Yeah.   -It's just all in your face boom. -Yeah and at the  same time you can have that crispiness together   with the fried chicken it's like the best. -Is juicy, is, they're both juicy but it's like juicy it's   smoky what do you, what do you? What else you need?  -It's like the best of both worlds right because we   love smoked chicken, we love deep fried chicken  combine them both definitely the best chicken   I ever had right here. You? -It's undeniable bro!  It's undeniable. It's like coming for you bro.   I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you do  enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up, if   you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for  future videos. Remember if you are interested in   any of the equipment I use everything is always  in the description down below. Thank you so much   for watching and we'll see you guys on the  next one. Take care everybody bye-bye. We out!
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 985,257
Rating: 4.9555779 out of 5
Keywords: fried chicken, best chicken, kfc, kfc fried chicken, deep fried chicken, fry, deep fried, how to make the best chicken, cooking, grilling
Id: aZ5gZHj4jJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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