I made STEAKS using a 19th CENTURY recipe | Guga Foods

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Confit what exactly is that? To make it simple to understand it's basically food cooking fat. You could either use its own fat or some type of oil. This is centuries-old process of keeping food preserved. Since this is an old technique I have actually never done it. And I'm curious to find out how it would taste in two beautiful porterhouse steaks. So let's do it! In order to make confit the most important thing is the fat or in this case oil. You can literally use any type of oil for this and I would recommend one that you really like. I'm hoping that it actually produces some type of unique flavor into the steak. Talking about oils it is important to determine which one will be best. There are so many varieties out there that it's easy to get confused, but in the end each oil is designated for its purpose. Here's an example; canola oil it's great for cooking, it has a high smoke point and to me has a very unique flavor which I enjoy. And here we have grapeseed oil. As you can tell right on the label its high heat cooking perfect for searing, saute, and baking. This might be one of my favorites to use when searing a steak on a cast-iron. Another reason I like it so much is that it has a very neutral flavor, it almost tastes like nothing, so it's perfect for searing steak. Talking about searing here's another great oil it also has a super high smoke point, and you can see right here on the label says 500 degrees Fahrenheit. And I mean we got many other types of oils that you can use; vegetable oil, extra virgin oil. As you can see you cannot cook with this one it even tells you right here it's good for salads and marinades not for cooking, not for searing, not for basting it on the grill. No just don't do it! There are many better options for that even the bottle itself says that 45 degrees Fahrenheit will get cloudy. One of the great things about extra-virgin olive oil is that it has a wonderful taste. You just put a little bit of olive oil, some vinegar, a little bit of salt and freshly ground black pepper mix it with a little bit of balsamic vinegar and just use this with some bread and it is absolutely phenomenal. It's an easy simple thing to do that is wonderful. Extra virgin olive oil has a very low smoke point. However olive oil on the other hand has a higher smoke point and if you do not exceed its smoke point then it should be good. Usually the smoke point of olive oil is anywhere between 300 degrees Fahrenheit all the way up to 400 it all depends on the one that you're using. But since it has a wonderful flavor that's the one I'm gonna be using for today. Now I want my steaks to taste amazing and the first thing I'm gonna do is to flavor these oils. I'll be doing two of them to let you know which one is best the first one is pretty straightforward got a bunch of garlic in the pan and filled it up with olive oil. Remember the key is to keep it under low hea. You don't want to exceed 300 degrees Fahrenheit, so if you're doing it on the pan I definitely recommend using a thermometer. You wanna keep it anywhere between 250 degrees all the way up to 300 Max and let it cook nice and slow for one hour. As it cooks you will notice that it will slowly start floating, that's a sign that the garlic is infusing into the oil which will give you a wonderful taste. After the one hour was done my first oil was ready. For the second one I wanted to add a lot more flavor, and for that I started up with some bacon. I just threw it in the pan until it was fully cooked. Usually a good sign that bacon is fully cooked is when it starts forming up like this. As you can see I cooked it all the way through. It's nice and crispy and I've extracted all the fat which I'll be combining with the oil and let's not forget that we're gonna putting this back into the oil itself. For this one I want to show you a different method of doing confit. So I throw everything into the bag starting with the garlic, followed by the bacon, and to have even more flavor a little bit of thyme. Fill the whole thing with olive oil and also the bacon fat. I mean is there any possibility that this is not gonna be amazing? I don't think so. The next thing to do is to vacuum seal it and get it ready for the water bath. I'm gonna be cooking it at a hundred and eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit for five hours, this will ensure that the wonderful flavor of garlic bacon and thyme will infuse into the oil. But once the five hour was up it was ready. All there was left to do is to quickly take it out of the water bath, put it in a safe container and I was ready for my steaks. Talking about that I have these two prime grade porterhouse steaks. As you can see the marbling throughout the steaks already lets you know that this is gonna be something special. If you are unfamiliar with the term porterhouse this is what you need to know; in one side you have the New York Strip and the other side the filet mignon, and to be a porterhouse it needs to be at least three inches thick. By me doing so many cooks with sous-vide it has taught me quite a few things. I know for a fact if you cook anything in fat it dilutes the flavor, especially salt, so to make sure that does not happen with these beautiful steaks I'm gonna first dry brine them. And I know that's a fancy word but what it really means is just to salt it and let the salt penetrate deeply into the meat. And if you have not tried dry brining you should it is one of the best things you can do for a steak. But after seasoning them well all there's left to do is to put them on a cooling rack to make sure that we have air go all the way around. Now there's nothing else to do but let it sit on my refrigerator so that the osmosis process can continue. The very next day this is what it looks like. As you can see the darker meat is a sign that this worked perfectly. It's perfectly salted and ready to be cooked. Now there's no way that I can season this with freshly ground black pepper. Why? Because it would just completely fall off think about her we're cooking it in oil so it's just gonna basically wash it all off. But now that I have my oils ready, I also have my two beautiful steaks ready, I say it is enough talking and it is time to cook some beautiful steaks confit style. So let's do it All right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks. What do you think Angel? They're definitely beautiful. Porterhouse steaks man you get two for the price of one. You got a filet mignon which is one of your favorites, and the New York Strip which one of my favorites. With that being said, Angel we have an experiment today. They should slightly be different a little bit but I'm not quite sure what to expect. This is my very first time doing this type of cook I've never cooked this way. I know you haven't seen it, but I'm excited to find out the taste. You ready for it? Go for it buddy. You gonna go for the fillet? Ofcourse. Cheers everybody. Oh I like this. Mmmm. That is a wonderful, amazing, delicious, mmm. It's such a nice flavor everybody. I mean I could taste some garlic. Garlic. It has a little bit of garlic. I kind of like, it makes you want to go more. Keep going, keep going, keep going. But yeah I definitely taste garlic. I can't taste too much of anything else, but I'm not complaining. No not at all it is a wonderful flavor and it is extremely tender. Yeah I like that man that's good. The filet is like butter. You know what I mean? You just take a bite of it is just basically dissolving because it was cooked for such a long time. It's juicy as hell. Let's try the New York Strip and see if there's any difference. Alright. It has a nice wonderful fragrance, but the most important is the taste. Cheers everybody. Cheers. Oh that's just as tender! Super super tender. I like this one. You like this one huh. Sometimes the experiments come to bite me and you know what. That was phenomena everybody a nice wonderful flavor nothing overpowering and the secret of this method is to dry brine because I feel the salt all the way throughout the meat. Do you? Yea. It's nice and well-balanced. If you don't do it that way you would just wash it all off and you want to have that much flavor. Okay so for the second one see which one we prefer yeah. Let's do it. Mmmm. Well that's tender all right! That's just butter. This one still has garlic? Yeah. You just go take the garlic. Yep. but this was a little more like herby. Herby yes. Yeah it has a little bit more like like maybe like a like a thyme or rosemary something like that. That's right it does have it and it has a different kind of flavor and you can tell. But I must say it's not a strong flavor. You would have thought that it's very very powerful the flavor but it's not. It's just a nice like a well mild mild mild flavor and... It's there, it's there, you get the flavor but it's not like mmm. Punch you in your face. It's more like... It's a nice gentle flavor. The thing with this method everybody is that it's very very mild. Yeah. And it's not a very strong in your face flavor we're like I mean me I like strong in-your-face flavor. Right. But at the same time if you can get a little bit more tender and you can get it a little bit more you know like juicy yeah I'll give away a little bit flavor for that. That's one thing that I'll tell you about this method right now it is much tender than we ever had before. On the grill we don't get that tender. Yeah no we don't. But the tenderness everybody is off the chain I don't know if he was the oil, or if it was just because it was cooked similar to sous-vide which is nice and soft and gentle. Because it took a while to cook this you know. I cook in very low heat under the oil until it reaches temperature then we went ahead and we seared it off. So if it was the method or if it was the oil but I could tell you one thing it is tender more tender than usual. Agree? No that's for sure that's well you got to think about. Yeah. For sure. Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy this video make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye-bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 3,267,208
Rating: 4.8954263 out of 5
Keywords: steak, grilling, confit, how to grill, how to cook, how to cook a steak, old steak technique, vintage, porterhouse, tbone, steaks, cast iron, cast iron steak, oil, olive oil, best oil for cooking, porterhouse steak
Id: harsrgAv314
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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