I Discovered an Amazing NEW STEAK | Guga Foods

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Thank you Honey for sponsoring this video. Here we have the star of the show.I have never seen this, I've never heard of it, and most importantly I've never tasted it. As you can clearly see it is a wagyu piece of steak and the marbling of it even though it's inside of the cryovac is incredible so   the first thing we need to do is to go ahead and  open it. As always if you are a meat lover like me   it is the most exciting part. And once I opened it  up and set it on my cutting board take a look at   this steak. That my friends is the new steak I just  discovered. Even though it has a name I've never   heard of it. It's called lifter meat and if you  are like me and never heard of it let me explain   a little bit better. This is a regular ribeye. Right  here on top of it we have the ribeye cap and on   top of the ribeye cap we have the lifter meat. That  is what this is usually it is almost impossible to   find on a butcher shop however if you have the  hookups with your meat dealer he might just get   you some. And this is the first time I'm gonna  be trying this out and since I have two of them   the next thing to do is to go ahead and prepare  it. As I can clearly see we do have a little bit   of external fat and silver skin, but at the same  time you can appreciate the marbling of this cut.   Oh man this is gonna be good! So I went ahead and started cleaning it all up. The only thing that  important to me was not to remove too much however at the same time it did have a good amount of intramuscular fat, so I chose to remove all of the external one and once I was done with the trimming this is what it looks like. Again marbling  like this is just awesome and it should always be   exactly what you're looking for. Now since I have  two of them and I've never tried this meat before   want to do an experiment. But before doing so we  have to start off with the master of all seasoning   and I'm talking about salt. And if you know me  already I'm a huge fan of dry brining that is   just a fancy word to say put salt on it and let  it rest in your refrigerator overnight. One of the   important things you got to keep in mind whenever  you dry brining is to make sure you put enough   salt and obviously ensure that every single edge  is perfectly coated. I like to put it on a cooling   rack to make sure that i don't waste any of the  salt. Once that was done the only thing left to do   was to let it rest in my refrigerator overnight.  That was perfect because it allowed me to go   ahead and make an incredible side dish and take  a look at this one. Oh come on! This is delicious! And you're going to be amazed how easy it is to  make it. The first thing we start off is potatoes   the only thing you've got to keep in mind is to  make sure they're all the same size. To cook them   we have two options you can either boil them or to  make it even easier for you i'm going to show you   how to do them in the microwave. For this amount  of potatoes I throw in 2 tablespoons of water   through them in the microwave for 8 minutes and  let them cook once the time was up you can see   that they are nice and soft. I like to cook them in  the microwave because that does not dilute any of   the flavor. Whenever you boil them trust me you do  lose a little bit of that flavor. Now if you have   a potato ricer like this I highly recommend using  it. This ensures that we will have no lumps and as   you can see it is super easy to use. The next thing  to do is to add a good amount of salt followed by   corn starch. And as always remember exact amount  and ingredients always on the description down   below for you. Now the important thing to do is  to mix it well and let this dough cool down. As you can see using a potato ricer will ensure that  we have zero lumps. For the cheese part you can   use anything you like just cut them up to size, using a little bit of the dough throw the cheese in there,   form a ball and that's it. That is as easy as it  gets. And if you have kids this is the perfect   thing to do with them, it is not only fun they will  enjoy eating it. As you can see once I was done I   have my balls ready to go. To give a nice external  crunch I like to go ahead and add bread crumbs. For   that I first rolled them in flour, followed by  egg wash and finished it off with panko bread   crumbs. These are super easy to make and it will go  perfect with any steak. The only thing left to do   now is to fry them. For that i like to set my oil at 350 degrees fahrenheit. Once that temperature is   reached the only thing left to do is to throw them  in there. You want to fry them up nice and slow   the only thing I like to recommend is not to move  them around in the first minute, this will ensure   that the bread crumbs will stick, but once that  one minutes is up feel free to move them around and make sure that every single edge is golden  brown. Because by that time the only thing to   do is to remove them from the oil and strain  it. And this is what they look like when you're   done. Definitely let them cool down before you  take a first bite you don't want to get burned.   But after about 5 minutes I open one up and oh man take a look at this! Cheese potato and bread   crumbs that is amazing and it should be a perfect  side dish for our steak. Talking about that   by this time my steak were fully dry brined. That  red color is a sign that the salt penetrated   nicely and deeply into the meat. Since this is  the first time I'm trying this meat I want to   know which way is better; to keep it simple or to  add more seasoning. So I started seasoning both   of them with freshly ground black pepper. One of  them I'm gonna keep it just like that. The other   one I threw in garlic powder, followed by onion  powder and smoked paprika. This way it's gonna   let me know to find out which one is best so that  I can let you guys know. As always I made sure to   season both sides including the edges. The last  thing we want is unseasoned meat especially when   we're trying out a brand new steak. But now that  everything is perfectly seasoned now it's time to   cook them. The first thing i'll be doing is putting  a nice beautiful sear and basting them with butter.   Once that's done I'll be cooking them in indirect  heat until I reach an internal temperature of 135   degrees fahrenheit and for that I'll be using  my wireless thermometers. So now I say it is   enough talking and it is time to find out how  these new steaks are gonna taste. So let's do it! Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Honey. These days it feels like online   shopping is the only shopping I really do. I mean  seriously including groceries, clothing and pretty   much everything. And that is where Honey comes  in, it's a free browser extension that scours the   internet for promo codes and automatically tests  them whenever you're checking out. You get Honey   on your computer for free in two easy clicks. Then when you're checking out on one of its 30,000  supported sites honey pops up and all you have  to do is click apply coupon, wait a few seconds and   Honey searches for coupons for that site. If Honey  finds a working code your price will drop. Now that   is cool! The awesome thing is that Honey  has found its over 17 million members   over two billion dollars in savings and Honey  supports all kind of retailers from food delivery   to tech and gaming to clothes branding and  many more. It's simple if you have a computer   Honey should be on it. Remember it's free  and it works with whatever browser you have.  Get Honey for free today by going to joinhoney.com/Guga  That's joinhoney.com/Guga so they know I   sent you. Once again thank you Honey for sponsoring this video. All right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks today Maumau perfectly medium rare with some I don't know if this is would be a brazilian stuff or cuban stuff or latin stuff I have no idea. -What is that?   That's looking very interesting. -You're  excited for that one? -It looks like coxinha but   I'm guessing it's not coxinha it because you  didn't do the little dip on the top. -No it's potatoes and then inside there's a surprise for  you lactose intolerant friend yeah. -Oh great! -So here's the deal with this steak it is a brand  new steak I just discovered it i don't know if   it's going to be good or bad but apparently  you're going directly for the side dish.   -Come on! You told me there's cheese I have to try it. -You see he is lactose intolerant everybody and he still  loves cheese. Huh? Are you cutting the cheese? -Yeah -You know this is almost kind of like finger  food. We'll try this first then all right to   get your you know appetite open yeah. I am  salivating. -I am salivating here. -Cheers everybody. -Wow the potato is really good. -I  know right? -It's just mashed potatoes is not potato dough? -I mean you can't go wrong with this. -So good. -This is addicting .-Oh my god you're opening  a whole realm of possibilities here now.   -I know right this is a very addicting everybody  be careful you can stuff it with other things   you can put either ground beef  or a little bit of ham or I mean   the possibilities are endless just  like Maumau said. -Cheese and goiabada. -Oh goiabada is guava paste. -Sorry guys. -That would be absolutely insane in here. This is phenomenal. I recommend it. You recommend? -I recommend it. All right so here's the deal these are the same exact    steak and we're gonna basically be judging between this one and this one they should taste a little bit    different but at the same time the most important thing which one is gonna be better. I'll tell you one   thing everybody as soon as I was slicing up  the steak it feels so tough. -Really? -It feels   tough it feels extremely tough you guys saw the marbling score by the way this is a wagyu Maumau   so but it feels tough and my brother Emilio  aka my meat dealer said you definitely want to   cut this one against the grain if not it's not  going to be as good as you might want it to be. But i'm excited to find out the taste you ready  for this? -Let's do this. -All right cheers everybody. -Wow. -That is tender. -That is super tender. -Wow that is extremely tender! -Super tender, super flavorful   But, but that that's just crazy because when I was cutting it didn't feel tender. No no no no   -When you chewing is really really tender. -Super tender. -Wow! -Almost feels like a wagyu ribeye.   Is extremely tender but I promise you everybody when I was slicing it it felt like a shoe leather, it did.   But it's so tender and it has a very nice flavor.  -Very nice flavor, has a little bit of a tug. -Yeah   it does it has -But it's still soft and it's  still super super tasty. Wow. -Super tasty super   tender very unique. I just discovered a new steak  basically because I've never seen anything like it   you cannot buy this one here on the supermarket  it is not very popular steak but it is a very very   nice and different steak. If you're thinking it's  like a flank steak it's not. -No I thought it looked   like a flank steak. -Yeah. -But it does not taste like  a flank steak it doesn't feel like a flank steak   and um wow. It pays to have a butcher friend. -I know right? So now here's the deal, this one here   is just traditional salt, pepper and garlic powder.  This one here I want to try it with something else   so there's additional spices. -Okay. -So for  us to find out if it's worth putting extra   spices on this since it's a brand new steak I've  never had it before. You ready Maumau? -Let's go. All right let's try this one with  all the seasonings. Cheers everybody. It's so tender it's crazy. -There's a lot more  flavor than the other one, different flavors.  -Yeah.  Tell me Maumau which one do you prefer more? The one that has a lot of spices and all the seasoning or just the salt and pepper that's it. There's not even garlic powder there I made a mistake   previously it's just salt and pepper nothing else. -I'm a simple guy the Guga salt and pepper is plenty.   -Salt and pepper, I have to agree with Maumau, for me I like to keep it simple if i'm gonna eat a   steak i want to eat the steak just with salt and  pepper I want to taste the steak not a bunch of   seasoning. Not to say that this is bad sometimes I  like to change it up but at the same time if you   ask me which one do I prefer definitely just keep  it simple. Anyway guys these are the results it is   very, very interesting to try a steak that you've  never tried before. It has a different texture on   your mouth it is a little bit it has a bite to it  I don't want to say that it's chewy it's not chewy   it's extremely tender it has a little bite to it  but it also Maumau is dying for the potato thing.  -Potato with the steak. -Oh that's I've been doing that, I've been doing that. You just did it right now? -I just did it right now.   Oh my gosh. -Yes eat these little balls together  with the steak you make it amazing. But as I was   saying it is a unique steak you've never had  it i definitely recommend you giving it a try.   It's something unique and definitely do with  the balls come on having a good time over here.   -I'm coming back to this one here. -I see you're going back to that one this one is phenomenal.   Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you  guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy it   make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.  Remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,245,999
Rating: 4.9484224 out of 5
Keywords: steak, wagyu, best steak, how to grill steak, cooking, lifter meat, cap steak
Id: xkuPllnxncc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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