I added MSG to everything and this happened!

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I put msg on all my food

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mr-frost 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/someone_is_myvioleta 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thank you Raid Shadow Legends  for sponsoring this video.   This is MSG also known as monosodium glutamate.  Everyone that loves it always say that it makes   everything taste better. Niece and nephew have you  used MSG in your life if you have job you hate   sprinkle MSG on that you will be promoted to  manager. If you get bad grade sprinkle MSG on   your exam it will be a plus, plus, plus. After Uncle  Roger reviewed one of my videos he really got   me thinking; does MSG really makes everything taste  better? Well that's what we're gonna find out today   even if we have to sacrifice our taste buds. Listen  to this. -So Guga I know you're giving me a lot of foods and   stuff but like is there a reason for like my  roof of my mouth feels a little bit numb bro. -Uh-oh.   -Uh-oh! What do you mean? -Don't worry about it you're good.  -Oh oh, what? Oh my God I'm gonna die!   -This is I put MSG on everything and here's what  happened! And we're gonna start with something   very light, strawberries we all know what it tastes  like and under some circumstances it is delicious,   but hey let's add a little bit of msg right on  top. -Let's see what my cousin has to say about it. -Wow big difference there's not any sourness,  it's a little bit extra sweet, it's extra juicy   my mouth is watering more, big difference this  one is the winner. -That is a great start and   if you put MSG on strawberry it's gonna be  better. But now how about chicken nuggets?   Believe it or not it already has a little bit of  it. These are chicken nuggets that you can find it   in any Mcdonald's we're just gonna go ahead and  add a little bit more and let's see if it makes   any difference sprinkling it on top just like  this. Here's what my nephew have to say about it. -This one turned a little bit like spicy.  Yeah this one has a different flavor that's   not salt. What's going on here Guga? What is  this? -Turned out spicy huh? It seemed like   it not only enhanced the flavor but  he actually modified it a little bit, very interesting. How about a chocolate chip cookie?  These are not homemade they're just store-bought   and if MSG can enhance this one just imagine what  he can do for the homemade version. -Oh this cookie   tastes a lot better than that cookie. I'm gonna  leave that one so you could try it Guga. That cookie   tastes a lot better than that cookie. Check it out!  -After trying it for myself he is absolutely right.   Not only does it taste better but it also  seems like the tastes stay longer in your mouth,   it is definitely a plus. Moving on to the next one  we got french fries. This is just regular plain   old french fries that you find it anywhere and I'm  wondering what MSG is going to be able to do to it.   -They're not too different maybe this one  tastes like it has a little bit more salt.   I will eat the one with more salt though.  -Even though he prefers the one that has   MSG there's not that much difference so if  you ask me adding msg did nothing to these   fries. But now how about something completely  different, we're talking about chocolate ice cream.   Is it gonna be better? Well let's see!  -Did you save all the dairy just for me?    I'm gonna, I'm gonna be thinking  about you later on tonight. Okay has a little extra flavor of like more  milky and more chocolatey at the same time.   -Now it's getting salty. It's weird but it's good.   You know like salted caramel, salted chocolate ice  cream. -This one is extremely interesting because   not only it enhanced the flavor it also changed  it a little bit. Totally unexpected! Talking about   unexpected how about some whiskey? Yeah why not!  At the same time I'm only adding a little bit   that should do the trick if anything. All  right Maumau, the next one. -Oh what is this? -Smell it.   -Ah the Guga, the Guga got my  back with my Jack Daniels here! Cheers! Wow that's a nice one. Huh okay let's see this one. Wow that one that one went straight  to the back. -Oh, ah it has that taste.   Whatever you put in taste, I can feel, taste that  on the back of my mouth. You know what actually   I think I need I need another one just to make  sure that I got the right opinion. -Final verdict Maumau? -Original. -That's my cousin trying to get sneaky on  me. The MSG did absolutely nothing to the whiskey.   But now I want to try with something a little  bit more complex with a lot of different elements.   How about some Korean sushi? If you are unfamiliar  with these I'm going to show you how I make them   and here's my take on it. These are all the  ingredients I'm going to be using, remember   exact amount always on the description down below  for you. The first thing I like to do is to start   up with some scrambled eggs. I just lightly  seasoned them with a little bit of salt and   freshly ground black pepper. The only important  thing about making eggs this way is that you   want to cook them all the way through and that's  because we're going to be adding it to the sushi   and if it's moist everything is just gonna become  a big mess. As you can see once i was done this is   what it looks like, and that is now ready. I wish I  had a little bit of bread to eat with these eggs   talking about that how will bread taste  with MSG? I got these little croissants   and split one of them and add a little bit  of MSG I'm wondering if my nephew is going   to be able to tell any difference hopefully  it will make it better. Now let's find out. -Nothing different here. I think this is  the same. -Wow no difference whatsoever   with bread. But how about some jamaican  patties? I mean yes this one does have   dough but it also has some meat maybe  that's what he was missing before.   As you can see i added a good amount. Let's  see if my cousin can tell any difference. -They're the same. No difference  they're the same. -How can that be?   Now I bet you were not expecting this  from the jamaican patty and neither was I.  Moving on to preparing our sushi the next  thing we gotta do is to prep our vegetables.   And for spinach I just blanch them on boiling  water for a little bit. When I say a little bit   we're talking about 35 to 45 seconds no more  than that. To season them is very simple just   a little bit of garlic paste and sesame oil does  the trick. For a nice crunch I like to use a little   bit of carrots on this sushi. Talking about that  how will it taste with MSG well let's find out. -Wow surprising! It tastes fresher and crisper,  tastes like a better carrot. But it does leave   a little residual flavor in your mouth but  I'll take this one chop it up put it on a salad   it's gonna be good. -Wow MSG for the win in a  carrot, but since bread and msg did not have   a good match how about a cheeseburger. I'm  talking about a good old plain cheeseburger   from Mcdonald's and yeah I added quite  a bit of it. Let's see if it's better. -This one has a little bit  of something else going on.   It tastes a little stronger, I don't know that's  all I got. -Here's where I'm making conclusions   if the food that you're tasting tastes good  it will taste better, but if it tastes bad   it's just gonna taste worse. Here let's use  this as an example, we got zucchini and I'm   talking about raw zucchini. Just sprinkle a  little bit of MSG and let's see what happens.   I'm telling you right now my cousin is not a  big fan. -Green stuff you should have Angel try this. -Glad it wasn't me. -So zucchini if anything is a little past due.   Again, it changes the flavor, but in this case it's  not better. No that goes down stay. -There you go   even though he said he changed the flavor a little  bit it's just not better. Talking about vegetables   this is the next one I'm gonna be using for our  sushi, it's called pickle radish and if you're   making korean sushi you gotta have it inside.  It is the only ingredient that is required   and it comes fully ready all you gotta do is chop  it up. If you've never had it it's a mix of sweet   and sour it's really good. And of course there's  no way you're going to be making sushi without   rice. I've already shown how to make sushi rice  on the channel before and if you have not seen   that video make sure you check it out in the  description down below. I'm going to leave a link   describing how easy it is to make it. Talking  about making it homemade pizza always taste   good. But how about the cheapest one you can find?  Can MSG bring this one here back to life? I mean   it looks horrendous. Well let's find out what  happens when you add msg to a slice of pizza. -This one just tastes like it has a lot more cheese.  I'm gonna say that right now. This one tastes like   cheesy cardboard, okay. I must admit I'm not a  fan of cardboard. -If you made it taste like more   cheese how about we just add it to cheese itself?  These are little miniature gouda and I'm hoping   that if I add a little bit of MSG it's gonna  become fantastic. Well let's see what happens.   -Something, something here. More pungent like  more towards a little bit more like towards blue   cheese tastes like. Yeah something like that.  -Which one's better? -I prefer the original one. -I bet you did not expect these results, well  neither did I. It did not make it better. But how   about a good old apple? Just a tiny bit should  be good enough and let's see what happens. -Whoa a lot of things happening here hold up.   It's like some salt and sugar and some  spices were added to the apple. That's crazy!   Wow! This one is good but it's it's kind of weird.  I like my traditional apple. -What's going on with   my MSG is it going downhill from here? Before  moving forward I want to thank today's sponsor   Raid Shadow legends. Everyone already knows Raid  Shadow Legends by now, but did you know it's Raid's   second anniversary? Yep it's been two years since  Raid burst into the scene and completely took over   mobile gaming and since then raid only got bigger  and better. Raid has been consistently releasing   new content, more areas and a ton of new champions  so there are always something new and challenging   to do. For today I thought it would be nice to  cover how to defeat one of these bosses from   the latest area; the doom tower. And for today we  are focusing on the ice spider. The main thing   you gotta keep in mind is that if you defeat the  ice spider without it having hp burn she'll come   back to life with up to half of her hp back. So  you will need champions that can apply either   block revive or hp burn like Jotun. To celebrate  Raid's anniversary they ask me a few questions.   My favorite place to play is usually when I'm  waiting for something to get cooked. I also like to   set my multi battle to run overnight so I can play  more during the day. If I could pick anyone in the   game it would probably be, hold on one second, let's  just say Galek yeah and I'm not saying that just   because they're standing right here next to me.  Since this month is Raid's second year anniversary   the game is absolutely packed with amazing events.  They got six straight weeks running from March 1st   all the way through the middle of April. They're  even launching their first ever clan vs clan   tournament to give players a chance to compete  directly against another clan to see who comes   out on top. And if that's not enough they are also  releasing their first champion in the brand new   shadow king faction which I can't wait to try. If  you want to get a huge head start with Raid all   you have to do is hit the link on the description  down below or scan my QR code and you will get a   free epic champion Jotun, 100 silver, 50 gems  and three asian shards so that you can summon   more awesome champions as soon as you get in game.  All this treasure will be waiting for you here. So   thanks for Raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring  this video because now I gotta get back to this   party right here, and you guys gotta get right  back to the video. How about trying some msg with coca-cola. Again I'm adding a good amount to see if there's any difference, hopefully it's gonna make   the coke taste more cokey, if you know what I mean.  -I love that, I have one of those every now and then. I don't really taste anything different.   I can't taste the difference here. -Absolutely  no difference whatsoever. Maybe when it gets   mixed with liquid it does nothing. Just like  the whiskey before it did not do anything.   But how about we try something weird I'm talking  about applesauce just a tiny bit is good enough. -The original is better. This one I can tell that  there's something on it but it's missing flavor.   Yeah weird. -What in the world? It was supposed  to make it better not missing flavor. Well   that's the result. Well now that we have all of  this information let's go ahead and finish our   sushi and for that I'll be using crab meat but not  only that we also need some steak. And for that I   have these two beautiful wagyu steaks, take a look  at this marbling. That is what i'm talking about!   You don't see the marbling? Well let me slice  it open to show you the inside a little more.   Take a look at this now that is marbling friends.  Adding these pieces of Wagyu into the Korean   sushi should take it to a whole new level. Talking  about next level I kept the seasoning very simple,   a little bit of salt, followed by freshly ground  black pepper and garlic powder is good enough.   And as always make sure you season both  sides and the edges. But now that we got   it ready the only thing I have to do is  to go ahead and cook them and for that   I'm first going to be putting a beautiful  sear then I'll be cooking them in indirect   heat until I reach an internal temperature  of 135 degrees fahrenheit. Once that's done   the only thing left to do is to assemble the  sushi and see if MSG can make it better. So   now I say it is enough talking and it is time  to cook these beautiful steaks. So let's do it! All right everybody here we have our beautiful  surprise today Maumau. I got a present for you. -An   extra surprise today? -Yes it's an extra surprise  you tried a lot of different weird things today.   Can you guess what you were trying? -Uh  guessing you were putting something like   MSG or something. -Yes Maumau that's correct, to be specific.    You know what's interesting some things work  great and others just don't work. -Didn't work   at all. -Yeah so Uncle Roger you keep saying that  you sprinkle everything in MSG makes it better   huh. -I mean the stuff that you're supposed to  sprinkle it gets better. -Yes I think what it is   is if the flavor is really good it gets better,  if the flavor is really bad it just got worse.   -Yeah. -You know what I'm saying? -Something like  that. -Yeah but some of the things were weird   comment down below tell me what you guys  think about everybody I'd love to know.   But now we got the surprise here for you  Maumauzin something you've been asking me for   a long time. You ready? -I don't know what I've been  asking for. -Open it Maumau, open it. -Ah Korean sushi!   -Yes Maumau! As a gift for Maumau trying all those wild wild west stuff. -Oh yeah! -Maumau is ready but here's the deal we're  gonna that has no MSG okay. But we're gonna put   a little bit of msg and find out if it's gonna  be good. -I forgot where i was for a second here.   -Welcome to Guga Foods everybody. -I'm picking here  which one I'm gonna put the MSG on. -Are you picking   which one you add the smallest one. What if it's  better? Huh? -Then I can put on the other ones. -Fair   enough Maumauzin. Okay let's go let's go for it let's  uh let's try the very first one cheers everybody. Exactly what you were missing Maumau? -It's  really good I want to continue eating I know.   For you guys that don't know me and Maumau used  to be martial arts instructors for many many years   and uh we always have this all the time together  with our korean masters. This is phenomenal   everybody I highly recommend for picnics and other  things. Now let's see if it's going to make it   better. You ready? You want to put in the little  one Maumau? -I ate the little one by accident so   that's the second smallest one. -All right Maumau just  a little bit. We don't want to overdo it, that's the   thing you know if you overdo it then it's too  much everybody, you don't want to overdo it. Just a   little bit is good enough. Let's see if MSG makes  sushi better. You ready? -Let's do it. -All right cheers everybody. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes -I'm processing  this so I can describe it for you guys.   -Definitely it makes it better a hundred percent.  It just has more flavor. -It enhances everything.   When you first put it on your mouth the sweet  radish is the first one that you taste. -Yeah. -And   the sweetness just comes to the front and then  after that you start to taste all the other   the crab, the eggs and everything else and all the  flavors they're all coming in one at a time but   like super enhanced. -I agree 100 with you Maumauzin definitely this is some magical stuff everybody.   Just please don't overdo it you know what I mean.  We try this experiment here so that you don't   have to. Maumau took it for the team together  with Angel he had to leave a little early today   that's why he's not here in the end of the video  by the way. Oh you're putting more. -I'm putting it more   but now I put too much so. -So you're going  to mix. -Share the love. -Just like everything   you do not put too much salt if you put too much  salt it's gonna be salty and completely unedible   and just put a little bit everybody sprinkle  a little bit of MSG and most of the things   will taste good. Anyway guys these are the results  I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy   it make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're  not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always in the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll  see you guys on the next one. Let me know in the   comments down below if you want to do a version 2  of what else you want us to put MSG on it because   we'll try it. -No problem at all. -All right see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,184,287
Rating: 4.9296317 out of 5
Keywords: experiment, taste test, food, uncle roger, steak, sushi, korean sushi, best steak, how to cook
Id: 3nXvzKE7q5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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