Bone Marrow Steak REHYDRATION Experiment | Guga Foods

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Thanks Keeps for sponsoring this video.   Before jumping into this insane experiment I  gotta show you how I actually got here. You see   I love grilling steaks. I like them juicy, I like  them fatty, I like them lean and I like them thick.   Just give me any type of steak and I'll be happy.  Over the years I have learned that the fattier   the steak is the better it tastes so that is the  inspiration behind today's video. And the first   thing we need to do is to remove the moisture from  all of these beautiful steaks. They are one and a   half inches thick ribeyes and as you can probably  tell they are prime grade. This is what you should   be looking for whenever you're buying your steaks,  marbling friends. These intramuscular fats that   you see is what makes a steak really good. Now  my goal is to insert even more. So to remove   all of the water from the steak I'm going to be  using something that is called freeze dry. It is   a fascinating process and here's how it works; the  first thing a freeze dryer does is that it freezes   the steak. Once that's done it starts pulling a  vacuum, then the temperatures go way below zero,   this allows all the moisture that is inside of the  vacuum chamber to go bye-bye. So in the end it only   removes all of the moisture leaving the steak 100  intact. Do not get this confused with dehydrator   it is not even on the same level. So now after  putting it in my freeze dryer the only thing left   to do is to wait 48 hours. That's perfect because  it allows me time to go ahead and concentrate on   the next important ingredient and we're talking  about bone marrow, it is also known as butter   of the gods. You see bone marrow is a hundred  percent fat, but unlike butter it tastes like beef.   It is amazing on a piece of bread and many other  things so we're going to use this to rehydrate the   steak. But if you want to have a very good tasting  bone marrow the first thing you need to do is to   clean it very well. These little pieces of meat  that comes attached to the bone is actually not a   good thing, they produce a smell that infuses into  your bone marrow as you're cooking it, so I highly   recommend you removing all of it out. I've done an  experiment and it makes a huge difference. To take   it out it's not a big deal and it's best to do it  while it's still frozen, just grab a cleaver and go   to town, because once you are done take a look at  what it looks like. Now that's more like and it's   going to give you a much better end result. Now if  you take a closer look in the bone marrow you will   see a little bit of dark spots that is blood that  is inside there. There's no way that we can take it   all out, however we are able to remove most of it  and here's how; On a large container with water you   want to make a salt brine. I know it sounds fancy  but it's nothing it's just a good mixture of salt   and water. Make sure that you let the salt dissolve  a hundred percent. As you might already know   salt removes moisture from steaks, but it can also  remove the blood from the bone marrow and since   it's on a salt break there's no way that the blood  can go back in. So to do that all you have to do is   to let it soak for 24 hours that's perfect because  by this time my freeze dry steaks were ready.   And take a look at this. Have you ever seen a  steak like that? Notice that the shape and size   is exactly the same, zero difference the only thing  is that there is zero water inside of the steak.   And I mean if you are holding it on your hand  you would say that it's a styrofoam. It's pretty   much weightless. You see before I put it in the  freeze dryer these steaks were all 16 ounce steaks   or better yet to be precise 462 grams. And take  a look at all of the moisture that it was lost,   half of it everybody. It's completely gone! And the  funny thing is that it did the same exact thing to   every single steak. Now I know that it's hard to  believe that all of the moisture is completely   gone, but let me show you a closer look by opening  one up. Take a look at this! As I slice it open look   100% bone dry. It is like the sahara desert. Now  that is something you do not see every day. My   job now is to bring this thing back to life and  for that we're gonna be using our bone marrows.   And after 24 hours on the salt brine it was ready.  You can clearly see that the water completely   changed color and that's because it's full of  the blood that was inside of the bone marrow.   So after removing it from the brine, patting it  dry real good, take a look. Most of the blood is   completely gone, now that will give the bone marrow  a wonderful taste. Now the only thing left to do is   first to completely liquefy this thing and to do  that it's just like butter, and the best way is to   stick it in the oven in the broiler setting for 10  minutes. As it's doing so a lot of the bone marrow   will melt and if you did everything right you  should have a wonderful smell. It's like roast beef   it smells like the holiday when you're roasting  a prime rib. But after about 10 minutes I took it   out and look at this. At this stage it is perfect  to enjoy it with a little bit of bread, however we   want to take it even further and that's to cook  it more so that we can extract all of it out. So I   popped it in the oven for an additional 10 minutes.  Once that time was up it extracted almost all of   it because now this thing is real hot, so all I had  to do was to make sure that I extract all of it   out. I did whatever it took because I didn't want  anything to go to waste. Now these solids are not   gonna do me any good for the rehydration of the  steak, however this is not going to waste. Trust   me! But what I was really looking for was this;  the butter of the gods. If you've never had it   you don't know what you're missing. And if you did  and you didn't like it try the method I just made   because if you go through the process of removing  all the blood it tastes amazing. And I cannot wait   to find out how the rehydration is gonna work. So  I went ahead and dropped it right on top of the   steak and this thing soaks it up like a sponge.  Even though it's a hundred percent fat since   it's still hot it works really good. But I had to  roast even more bone marrow because only those   three were not enough. So I made sure to add 200  grams to ensure that it would hydrate the steak.   At least to me that sounds like an overwhelming  amount and since I had more steaks to experiment   I decided to do something else and that was to  make a mix of 80 water and 20 fat hopefully this   will give me a better well-balanced steak. I have  no idea if it's gonna work but that's my thought.   And if you've ever tried to combine water and  oil together you know that's almost impossible.  Take a look at this. Now I know I can use an  emulsifier like dijon mustard or white vinegar,  however there's no way that I want to do that to  change the flavor of the steak, so I had to go with   my gut and use this exact mixture. And as I'm doing  so to my surprise it works. It actually works quite   well! This steak soaks it up like a sponge for real.  To ensure that it was completely rehydrated I kept   flipping the steak and as I was doing that I had  another thought which is to try something else.   To have a full comparison I want to just add water  into the steak this will really tell me if it's   worth adding the bone marrow or just water and  as you can see when I say it's a sponge i mean it.   That is why I love to make videos because if I  tell you there's a way for a steak to act like   a sponge you will not believe me, but seeing this  hopefully will make you a believer. But now that   we have all of our steaks ready I also added one  more to the pot which is a fresh steak. This way   we're really gonna know if it's worth doing this  insane experiment or not. But now like every steak   the next step is to go ahead and get them seasoned  and for that I kept it very simple. I started with   a good amount of salt, followed by freshly ground  black pepper and garlic powder, nothing else. And   as always I made sure to season it properly  because the only thing left to do now is to   go ahead and get them cooked. I will treat them  like a regular steak that means I'm first going   to be putting a wonderful sear on all of them. Once  that's done I'll be cooking them in indirect heat   until I reach an internal temperature of 135  degrees fahrenheit, and for that i'll be using   my wireless thermometers. And I'm hoping that the  rehydrated bone marrow steak will be the best one   I've ever had in my life. So now i say it is enough  talking and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! [Rock Music] Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Keeps. Did you know that two out of   three guys will experience some form of male  pattern baldness by the time they're 35? 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Keeps thanks again for sponsoring this video  guys now let's get right back to it. All right  everybody here we have our beautiful steaks Maumau. -Are we looking at the same steaks? -Come on Maumauzhin they are fantastic we got a little... -Listen I know you   have an experiment going on today I'm just  gonna let you know that this is the only   one I'm eating. -You're only eating that  one? These don't look appetizing Maumau?   Huh? -This doesn't even look like a steak, it looks  like a cardboard that you cut. -That is absolutely   correct, there's a very unique experiment with  this one let's just say it like that. But like   Maumau you have tried so many mystery meats with me  already this is nothing Maumau, this is nothing.  -It's cardboard that's what it is. -Maybe it  is I don't know. -Well that one might not be cardboard   that one look like shoe leather. That one  does look like shoe leather everybody I'll   tell you one thing with this method of cooking,  it's a method of cooking by the way. -Yeah? -Yeah   you know what that one reminds me? Remember  when we used to go to the farm and then the   boots will have caked mud. -Oh Maumau come on we're going to eat this thing. -That what it looks like. No Maumau c'mon.   -It looks like dried mud man. -That looks delicious everybody. I am  very excited to try this one all right. So here as   you can tell. -I want to try this one.-You want to try this one huh. Just the way you like it? -Yeah yeah. -This one is overcooked? -Not at all. -Oh wow well let's uh start up with a good palette  and see how this goes yeah. -I'm gonna just repeat   the same this same experiment over here. -Several  times? All right very first one. Cheers everybody! -Come on. -Look at this guy. This one you want to  take a second and enjoy it. You know what I mean?   Man it's so good everybody. -It's so good. Perfect crust, perfect doneness. -You don't   want to talk, you're like you don't want to talk  you're just going to keep chewing. -So good. -All   right Maumau so here what we got. Are you ready for  the first one? -Yeah sure first one. No Maumau we   got to go for this one. Tell me about the texture  right here. All right to my defense everybody   these steaks are all cooked to the exact same  temperature. There's a very good reason why the   stack steak is this color right here okay. You all  know why but Maumau doesn't. Maumauzhin, how does   it feel? -It's not a steak this is a potato chip. -It's breaking? -Yeah it's like crunchy.   -What do you mean is crunchy Maumau? -It's crunchy. I grab that and go like. -Exactly  it is crunchy. All right this one here oh man   it's hard to cut. Smells different. You're having a hard time cutting it Maumau what happened?   Huh? -I have to rip it apart to cut it. -Well  let's find out right now. Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Maumau what do you think about that one? You know  what it is Maumau? -It's like pure fat. -It's pure fat   everybody! It doesn't taste like a steak you  bite on it and the only thing that happens is   like it crumbles down and the fat  comes out flooding. -Yeah it's like oozing fat,   it's like a crunchy oozing fat. So like if you're  oh. -And the fat doesn't taste that good. Oh my god, golly, like you, what I'm sorry. Whatever I did i'm sorry! -Maumau your making me, I lost my breath over here. -You see the steak is trying to kill you. -It is  trying to kill me. Boy let me tell you something   everybody I've never laugh so hard in my life. It is like the steak took a mind of its own   and it has pure fat, that's what it is Maumau, there's no steak in it it's a hundred percent   fat and the fat is a mix of different flavors  which you guys already know what it is.  I'll tell you what i did Maumau I freeze dried the  steak and then I rehydrated with a hundred percent   bone marrow. -It makes sense. -It makes sense that  it's extremely, extremely fatty everybody. -Did   it rehydrate really? -Well kind of, you see what I'm  saying it's still a little. -Yeah it still looks dry and blah. -Let me see if i can put it next to the camera so   you guys can hear I mean next to the  microphone so you can try to hear it. Now this one here is different it's not bone  marrow. So let's try it, it's something else   completely, let's see if it actually made it a  little bit better or not. -To be fair it looks   a little bit better than the other one. -It does,  it does. It look like it rehydrated a little   bit better you know what I mean. Okay this one  cuts a lot nicer I can tell you that right now.   -Yeah this one's definitely rehydrated a little bit. -Yeah it cuts a lot nicer so   with that being said enough talking  let's try the steak. Cheers everybody. Come on now! Works like a charm fantastic. -Pretty good, I even go back for a second bite. -Yeah I can   eat that. -Not bad. -No not bad at all. It is a good  steak obviously. -It's little bit dry. -It's a   little bit dry, maybe I can rehydrate it for longer.  I only rehydrated for as you guys know 24 hours. -It   tastes like a steak and it's actually edible. If  I'm on a survival situation. -Oh I'll go for that 100%.   -And I have not eaten a steak forever. -Yeah. -A month  you give me this it's like the same thing if I go   to a five-star restaurant everybody. -Yeah you're  right. -That's what we're comparing it, not this one   Maumau. This one is a it's a different league you  know what I mean? -I know that's why i like it.   -All right let's go for this one last  one here. Now this one here obviously   is a little bit different. I put Powerade on  it. So we're gonna see if Powerade is good. I'm joking Maumau I didn't do  that. -All right. Cheers everybody! Absolutely I don't like it. -It's not as bad as  this, but no it's definitely not nearly that.  Exactly, the water one is much, much better.Maumau this one was with water and bone marrow.   -Okay. -The water does a much better job by itself. Agree Maumau? -Yes I agree. -There's nothing else to do if you   extract all of those uh wonderful juices from  the steak to preserve it for many, many years,   the best way to do it is just find yourself some  water, rehydrate it, forget about the bone marrow   it will be a much better survival steak. But in no  means will it ever come close to the fresh. -No, no way. -Anyway guys these are the results. I hope  you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy this   video make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're  not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always in the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll  see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody.   Bye-bye we out. Oh you're going now for the  fresh. Huh? How about this one right here?
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,163,865
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: steak, bone marrow, grilling, how to grill, best steak, wagyu, dry age, best way to cook a steak, cooking steak, grilling steak
Id: phWWC8u3Y2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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