I used a Special JAPANESE FUNGUS to dry-age steaks FASTER!

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Welcome back to Guga Foods everybody. I want to  thank today's sponsor Lords Mobile stay tuned   to find out how you can win up to five thousand  dollars in amazon gift cards. This is koji rice, unlike the traditional rice we eat it has a very special fungus called aspargirlus aurase.   Even if you've never heard of koji rice you've put  it in your mouth in one form or another and that's   because this ancient fungus is responsible for  miso, soy sauce, sake and many other things we use.   And many chefs claims this is the cheat code for  dry aging steaks quickly because it only takes   48 hours. So today we will be pushing the koji  limits by dry aging four steaks at different times.   To ensure that the koji rice will stick to the  steak the first thing I like to do is to run it   to a food processor, this will break the rice in  smaller grains so that it can stick to the steak,  and as you can see it worked like a charm.  Talking about steaks I chose to use ribeye  for every single one of them, and this one is  going to be dry aged with koji for a month.   If you take a closer look you can see that this  is a wonderful steak, that's because it has that   great marbling that we are always looking for. And  to make sure I keep this experiment consistent I   got all of the steaks the same size and weight,  that way we can really find out what the koji   rice really does to the steak. To prepare it  it's pretty straightforward, all we have to   do is to ensure that the koji rice sticks  to the steak. You can either press it down   like I am or just sprinkle a little bit on top.  The next most important thing is to make sure   that we put it in a cooling rack so that the  air can circulate throughout the whole steak.   As you can see once I was done I made sure that  every single edge of the steak had a little bit   of koji rice. Now that is what i'm talking about!  Now since this is the one that is going to be dry   aging for a whole month I made sure to prepare it  first. Now there's nothing else to do but put it on   the refrigerator and let it rest. Three weeks after  that was time for me to prepare the second steak   and as you can see this one looks as good as the  other one. And the process is the same exact thing   there's no difference you just gotta make sure you  cover the whole thing with the koji rice. Now I did   the same exact thing for the three-day steak  and also the one-day one, because once they're   fully covered with the koji rice the only thing  left to do is to let it rest in the refrigerator. Once the time was up I took it out and take a  look at this. From left to right; we got the one   day steak, the three days, the one week and the one  for a whole month. The next thing we have to do is   to go ahead and remove all of the koji rice. It  is very important to be very careful whenever   you're using koji rice you don't want to breathe  in any of the fungus and mold that comes with it,   think about it it will not be a good thing. One  thing that I will tell you is removing the koji   rice is a pain. I'm talking about a lot of work,  especially this one right here which was done   for a month. The one that was done for a week  is not that big of a deal. As you can see the   top layer easily came off, the edges on the  other hand was a little bit harder. But once   I was done removing the koji rice from every  single steak this is what it looks like. Can   you guess which one is which? And most importantly,  which one would you eat? Here's the one for a day,   then we have the one for three days, one week and  a month. I mean what else there is to say? I truly   hope that they taste a lot better than they look.  At the same time after removing all of the koji   rice i can say that it has a very nutty smell.  Unlike real dry aged these are very different   and at the same time I am excited to find out how  they're gonna taste. So for that the next thing to   do is to go ahead and season them, so I started  with a little bit of salt, followed by freshly   ground black pepper and garlic powder. As always  I made sure to season it well. I have no idea if   it's gonna be good bad or ugly but I'm gonna  give it my best shot. But now that we got them   perfectly seasoned here's the plan; the first thing I'm gonna be doing is putting a wonderful searing in all of them once that's done i'll be cooking them in indirect heat until I reach an internal temperature of 135 degrees fahrenheit. And for that I'll be using my wireless thermometers. So now i say it is enough talking and it is time  to cook some beautiful steaks. So let's do it! [rock music] Before moving forward as you know I have  introduced you to many different ways of   dry aging steaks including the one you just saw  right now, but I also want to introduce you to   today's sponsors Lords Mobile. It is the perfect  game to kill time! There's a real virtual world war   going on in this game and everybody is fighting for the throne. With a simple tap you can choose army  troops and hero formation the way you want. Create an awesome city and make the best alliances to annihilate millions of players. This game is not only about the brutal fights there's a guild supporting you for every war you participate in and the guild members can be your friends and they   also can be your companion to keep you away from  boredom. For the $5,000 amazon gift cards giveaway   there are two ways to win. Just click on the link on the description below and the top three players   in the mighty ranks section can win a $500 amazon  gift card each. Besides that you can win additional   amazon gift cards and other awesome prizes  every time you upgrade your castle. Check the   link on the description to see more rules and  download the game and win up to $5,000 in amazon gift cards and $350 Lord Mobile  gift packs. Thank you once again Lords mobile but   now let's get right back to the video. All right everybody here we have our beautiful steak spread today. What do you think about that Angel? Are you excited? Why? Why are you shaking your head? Look at him. Huh? All right that one that one look a little weird. -Bro that looks... this is not astronaut steaks? -No, no, no, no, you remember that that? -That looks... -Angel did not enjoy the astronaut steaks everybody. -That looks worse. You   know I... -Well let's let's start here. -You brought  this one out and I was like oh yeah let's go   -And then I brought the last one? -And then you  started it started getting like oh they oh you're   kind of overcooked now compared to the other one.  -Well let's see right now. Are you ready for this?   Let me know. Let me see, let's see if you're gonna  get excited for this one. Cheers everybody! -Cheers. -What do you think? -This is the control.  This is a Guga steak. -It is a Guga steak. Give me five, I agree.   That is a Guga steak um not much to  say it tastes incredible everybody, the flavor   is there. -What do you think? -It's a Guga  steak bro salt, pepper, garlic. -Yes! -Cooked good . -Do you feel any difference at all whatsoever?  Because there's something very unique   but it's very mild, don't know if you can tell.  I could tell because I know what it is. But you?   -Like I can't really put my finger on it  at all like I know that there's something   in there, but I don't know what. -What it is. I got you. -It's not something that I would eat normally I guess.   -Well you see you cannot really tell with this one  so much hopefully you'll be able to tell what it   is on the second one. Did you like the first one?  -It's a Guga steak almost. -It's a.. almost? -Yeah.   -It's like a barely scratching the surface  of a Guga steak that's what it is. -That's   exactly what it is. -All right well fair enough.  You put your finger right on the money. -Second   one cheers everybody. -I got the cheers out before  you. -That's good all right cheers to you buddy. -Oh yeah. -Come on now! Do you feel it now? -Yeah dude  I'm gonna say this too. What? -The crust is a little   bit harder too. -Yes, it's drier the crust. -Yeah. Which  one you like better this one or the first one?  -I like this one. -I agree with you. -It tastes  like it's not, but it feels like it. -What are   you talking about you're not making any... -It's like dry age, but not really. -It feels like   dry age but not really very interesting. -Cuz of the crust. -Because of the crust. -There's like...-Look at him his eyes are even squeezing like he's his brain is working really hard. -Trying to get the answer out of him. -Hey i'll tell you one thing you are very close.  It feels like a dry age steak but it's really   not, it resembles a dry-aged steak but it's  not a real dry age steak especially if you   had it before. Do you like this one better than  this one? -Yeah. -This one is the winner so far.  -So far is this one this one. -I agree with you  it has a unique flavor, it's not dry aged,  it's not a fresh steak, it is obviously drier  than this one here. It has a more beefy flavor,   but it is not a dry aged steak. Are you ready  for this one here? -Let's do it. -All right let's go. -Oh. -I don't like that one. -Oh you don't like  that one? -No. -What do you mean you don't like that one?   -No. -That is... -It's too intense. -It's intense and  it's dry. -This one had like the perfect amount.   -Yes. -Whatever it, it, it had the perfect amount of it. -Whatever it is. -But that one...-It's like it's like you went to a hotel and you stay your stay. Maybe you stay for a week that give you a hint of anything?   -It's dry aged? -You're gonna find out in a few seconds are you ready? -It's not dry age because one   week dried it tastes good. -Yeah it doesn't taste  that bad, yes. -One week is tasty that's disgusting. So whatever that one week did it was terrible. -Fair  enough that's what we have to say about this steak   over here. I am excited for this one. Are you pumped Angel? Look at the color of it. Come on give me a  break. I mean look how, look how wonderful this looks everybody and the smell is  fantastic. Are you ready Angel? Huh? Oh you already  went for that one? That one is really good?  I thought you liked this one better. Yeah? Yeah.  All right let's do this. -This one is just farther   from that one so I went for this one. -Fair enough, fair enough. All right let's try this one. Get yourself  choose your weapon. That sounds like mortal combat. Anybody play mortal combat out there let me know in the comments down below. Tell  me how hard, describe to them how do you cut it.   What are you doing bro? What are you  doing? Is a chopping block that's   what it is. -You go first yeah? -All right  cheers everybody. Cheers. Oh you did it. -What was that? That was too quick.  Excuse me. -This is way better. I'm mad   that I put this in my mouth after that, because  now this has a little bit of that. -It has a little   bit of that. What is that? How do you describe  that? -An abomination, rotten, disgusting.   Words like this like. -Sometimes you gotta  exaggerate to find out what something will taste   like. This is horrific! It tastes like...-And it's like  a brick, like i spit it out it's like I didn't even   chew. It driest to the max, extremely unpleasant  smell. -I think I bit it and it split in half.   -That was a quick throw out. That was  incredible. -I think I gave it like two bites.   -That was not pleasant everybody. D not give it a try it's way too long. Are you ready to find out   what this is? This is the koji rice experiment. You know that rice that I have that has that fungus,  special fungus. Huh? So we got one day here, we got three days, we got one week and we got a  month. -No wonder okay. -One month. Definitely we recommend you go in three days. -Yeah anything past maybe... -I think  four days. -Four, five?-Yeah it starts getting a little bit too funky this steak right here which is the one   day it is a lot more juicier, but this one has that unique flavor and very mild. -This one will  make you think, uh is this dry age? -Yeah. -Is this dry age or what is it. -It resembles. -It'll it'll give you  that like huh you know. -I agree. -That one is more just it feels like the way that a dry steak feels right? -I agree yes. -That's how I get it. -We are in agreement, that's what it is. -That was disgusting that one feels like a brick. -Come on Angel a little bit more bite. -Get that away bro. -So here's the deal first of all if you want to try a real dry age steak I recommend doing the real deal. -Yeah.   -You have plenty of videos about I show you how  to do that. If you want to give it a try to a   fast unique dry age experiment for your family I highly recommend the koji rice for only three days. -I mean you gotta be careful, with koji rice. You don't wanna breathe that thing. I already explained that on the video. But, if you wanna just give it a try I highly recommend because it's a unique flavor that you can taste at the same time. -Or maybe you're just like impatient. -Yes. -Maybe you want it and you want it now. -Listen everything in life that is wonderful takes time right. -But sometimes you   don't want to wait. -But sometimes you don't want to wait. -That's why you order from uh like amazon   because you want to know right. -It's quick -You want it tomorrow. -Exactly. -Not today, no you can't do that   that's like impossible, but tomorrow... -Yes. -You need it. -Anyway guys these are the results. I hope   you enjoyed this video. If you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber   be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are interested in anything I use everything  . is always in the description down below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys   on the next one. Take care everybody bye-bye. -One month. -One month bro yeah I'm gonna go back for this one right now.  Yeah I agree. -A month. -A month is too much.  -How dare you? -Don't do a month everybody.  -Why would you? See you guys on the next one, take care.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 990,826
Rating: 4.9254279 out of 5
Keywords: steak, dry age, quick, fast dry age, how to dry age, grilling, cooking, best steak, how to cook, how to grill steaks
Id: rcSF7yD_FUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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