Wagyu GRILLED vs PAN SEARED - Steak Battle!

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welcome back to Google for everybody you know a lot of people have always asked me in the comment section Guga if you did not have sous vide or a grill how would you cook a steak today is the day I get to share with you my take on an indoor steak check it out [Music] today's cook I'm gonna be using these beautiful strallan why'd you score marbling seven and when you're purchasing it from your supplier this is what they look like when they come in as you can see the marbling is just ridiculous [Music] this is the grilled steak and I'm seasoning it with salt pepper and garlic powder now I know where you're thinking oh my god Google only season one side no no no no no I always season both sides a lot of people have asked me about my wireless thermometer and I really never talked about it too much I just love to use it but today I was so happy that I got my new thermometer which is the meter plus and the difference is that the meter one connects directly to your phone however the meter plus the base connects to your phone and the probe itself connects to the base so in essence you have a better connection than the regular meter and I'm trying it out for the first day today and I'm super pop one of the biggest advice I'm going to give it to you using this thermometer is be sure to stick it all the way through do not put just a little bit if not you won't get an accurate reading now for the indoor snake I am only seasoning with salt and pepper because I'm gonna finish with thyme and garlic on the pan and to ensure both steaks are cooked to the exact same temperature I am using my meter on this one as well and my sunup is pretty simple started off with a baking tray and a cooling rack add in my steak which will be cooked the same exact temperature as my cooker outside which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit now that we have these beautiful steaks ready it is time to cook them up so let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you can see both steaks look exactly the same even though one was cooked indoor and the other one outdoors but now it is time to sear them so let's do it [Music] to finish the indoor stage I threw in some butter garlic and thyme [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have our wag you see already guys are you ready I'm ready alright so we have a and B and I want to know which one you guys like best if there's any different enough talking I know you guys want us to try it you ready go for it dig in no freak it I know each other one let's go for this one first very good super super soft what flavor is it good mm-hmm here's the thing with why you guys tell me if you agree with me you bite on it it explodes yeah he explodes that's how he works you bite on it everybody he just explodes juicy as hell yeah you like it no let's go for the next one go for the next one and tell me if there's any difference go for a kala mmm you like that one better smokey you and yo what do you think try go bro mmm I'm surprised today why because today I think I like this one a little bit more really how come the flavor is different it doesn't taste like like it's just playing or anything how they go it has its own so you prefer this one versus this one today today yep Wow I'm sorry okay oh me too 100% man what's up with you this is one was made it in the pan it's good man look it is good not gonna lie if you don't have a grill get a grill but obviously a lot of people live in an apartment and you cannot get a grill and I believe this is a perfect way for you to cook a steak if you don't have one because it is good oh it is good now you're just missing that smoky flavor did not you know that charcoal flavor but I think I could fix that I could figure I think so let's try something oh we got a little if you live in an apartment this is your next best thing and we're going to basically smoke at everybody and this is how I do it put this on top grab your smoke gun stick it in here on the side there you go put very little you don't want to put too much because trust me you will smoke very little just about a pinch put the fire on turn it on that's cool I like it pretty cool there you go don't smoke that angel head okay enjoy Oh doesn't it smell good though it doesn't smell like a bad smoke or anything like smack it smells quite it's a pleasant smell so it's okay to do it indoors that's what it was designed to do now a lot of people always ask me when I use the smoke gun how long should I leave it there obviously the longer you leave it there the more smoky flavor you will have I normally only leave it about two minutes no more than that and it does the trick after a few minutes everybody would probably pass one like maybe one or two minutes no more than that you don't need to leave it too long then it's time for the review are you ready Kayla mmm and butter bing bada boom very good now try it kill it Tommy tell me what you think the smokiness yeah you angel you feel the smokiness mm-hmm this one is like a char flavor this one is like a nice wood smoke flavor angel you still like this one better yeah there you go everybody that's your results they are both fantastic if you don't have a grill go ahead and cook it this way but if you have a grill I don't think a grill can be replaced guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you do make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos and remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is on the description down below now here's the question I love to know how you cook your steak if you don't have a grill comment below let me know I also made a little potatoes over here everybody and there's nothing better than potato and steak you guys agree okay tell me the truth don't lie a lot of people don't know Kayla a lot of people do this is scale everybody and just girlfriend anyway Kayla tell me the truth don't lie tell me the truth which one do you like better Australian why you number score seven or Japanese why you a five you had both guys they want to put a next to each other so you're the next one we are out
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,065,541
Rating: 4.9040508 out of 5
Keywords: wagyu, kobe beef, grilled, pan fried, reverse sear, out door cooking, cooking indoor, steak, how to cook a steak, steak recipe, best steak, grilled steak, pan fried steak, oven steak, how to
Id: MyVLkhJJZz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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