I tried SPRITE on $1 STEAKS and this happened!

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Thanks Atlas VPN for sponsoring this video. I have been on a quest to find out the best way  to tenderize steaks and I have tested quite a   few things, including throwing sparkling water  on steaks. And if you have not seen that video I   highly recommend the results were shocking. I have  also done what most Asian countries do and that is   to add baking soda to your steaks, now that video  the results were not what I expected. You gotta   check it out. But so far the best way to tenderize  a steak has always come out to the champion which   is pineapple. The enzymes that comes inside of  the pineapple just destroy steaks and yes it   makes them extremely tender. And with all of the  experiments I have done with tenderizing steaks   I've always learned something and today is no  different because you have suggested I try Sprite.   Many people commenting on those videos said that  their grandmother always used sprite to tenderize.   Now i love to drink Sprite but not to tenderize  meat. There's something about this lemon lime soft   drink that is awesome but to tenderize steaks well  we're gonna find out. But I wanted to go a little   bit beyond, instead of only doing with steaks I  decided to tenderize every meat I had available.   This way we'll know once and for all what Sprite  does to meat. And the first thing we're gonna   try to tenderize is the toughest one of them all  we're talking about the one dollar steaks, aka the   eye round. Usually you do not use this as steaks  because it's way too tough. Most people will cook   it as a roast and let me tell you that is okay but  as a steak it is like shoe leather. So if Sprite   can do anything on these steaks then we're in for  a good treat. There is zero secret to this you just   gotta throw it into a safe container and add the  sprite. Notice I did not season the steaks at all   that's because if we do that before the Sprite it  will all fall off, so that is not a good idea. And   as you can see after I added a Sprite, check it out.  Just like the sparkling water it looks like it's   doing something. I'm wondering if the carbonation  is going between the meat. At the same time Sprite   has a lot of sugar, is it gonna make my steak sweet?  All of these things are running through my head   and I have no idea what to expect. And that is why  I do it so that we can learn what happens. But with   all that being said the only thing left to do now  is to let it rest on my refrigerator for two hours.   Hopefully it's gonna make my steak nice and tender.  The next meat we're gonna tackle is chicken and as   you can see I chose thighs. To make it even more  challenging for the Sprite I left the skin on.   As you already know there's not much to it, I just  added all the thighs to the container and threw   in the Sprite. I never really paid attention to  the smell of sprite until now, it smells good and   again I definitely think the carbonation is doing  something because take a look at it. How can it not?   Well, we're gonna find out real soon and I'm also  wondering if the chicken is gonna be sweet. The   only thing left to do now is to cover it up and  let it rest in my refrigerator for two hours. The   last and final meat we're going to be tenderizing  today is gonna be these beautiful pork chops.   As you can see they have two bones on them that's  where baby back ribs comes from. And even though   these are nice and tender I'm wondering if it's  gonna make any difference. But most importantly   notice that they are two inches thick, if Sprite  can tenderize a meat this thick man this thing is   real good. But again I have no idea what's about to  happen like every other one whenever you're adding   Sprite to the meat is extremely satisfying. You can  clearly see that this looks like a crazy science   experiment and my hopes is really up for this one  because everyone has Sprite on their refrigerator.   Now as you already know the only thing left  to do is to cover it up and let it rest on my   refrigerator for two hours. Once the time was  up I took them out and look at this. Now that   really looks like a science experiment. It pretty  much reminds me of biology class. If you know, you   know. The first one to get uncovered is the steaks, and check it out what happened to the eye round.   The red color is a hundred percent gone. With every  tenderizing experiment I do this is a hundred   percent normal and nothing to be alarmed by. If  I put a fresh steak right next to it take a look   at it. You would thought one is like a hundred years  old, but no it's just Sprite. Holding it in my hand   I can tell you right away that it's not extremely  tender. Yes the fibers are separating a little bit   but nothing crazy. But jumping onto the next one we  got chicken and I mean take a look at this. Uff That's   biology class right there. It's slightly pale in  color but at the same time it's not that much   different. If I put one right next to the other  they are almost identical. The interesting thing   is when I hold it in my hand. And I can tell  you right away that it feels way more tender.   Yes even though the coloration is different the  tenderness is definitely there. It is way softer.   Now jumping onto our last one, we got the pork.  Just like the steak it has also lost a little   bit of its color, however unlike the steak it's not  that big of a difference. The humongous difference   is actually when you hold it in your hand, it does  feel slightly more tender than the fresh one. But   now that all of our meats have been tenderized by  Sprite for two hours the next thing to do is to go   ahead and get them seasoned, and for that I wanted  to keep it as simple as possible to see if Sprite   added any flavoring to them. So I chose to go with  only salt and freshly ground black pepper nothing   else. The only thing I made sure was to season them  well and I am actually looking forward to see the   results. But now that we got them fully seasoned  the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook.   For that I'm first going to be putting a  beautiful sear in all of them. Once that's   done I'll be cooking them in indirect heat until  I reach a desired internal temperature. For chicken   i'm looking at 165 degrees fahrenheit, for the  steaks that's 135. The pork on the other hand   is 145. But now I say it is enough talking  and it is time to cook them. So let's do it! [Rock music] Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Atlas VPN. 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We got steak, we got  chicken, we got also pork chops. We got everything obviously we got an experiment Maumau. I'm excited  about this experiment. I don't even need to tell you anymore. -Don't need to tell me. -I even need to tell him, I need to  tell him about anything he already knows the   drill. Which one would you like to go first? -Let's  go with the chicken. -Chicken? -Yes. Why? -Get a bad one   out of the way already. Get it over with? -Yes! -As you  can see I made it nice and pronounced. -You gave it some extra love. -Extra char over there everybody.  Enough talking you ready for this Maumau? -Let's do this. -All right I'm not excited about chicken,  I gotta be honest. All right cheers everybody! But you see you do it on the grill it  tastes good man. -It's good. -That's what happens  when you do it on the grill. -Wow. -It makes the  chicken taste good with only salt and pepper   and charcoal that's all you need. -The Guga hating on the chicken, the chicken is good!   -That damn chicken is good everybody. Allright  Maumau. -All right. -So bottom line is we're   testing tenderness Maumau, that's what we're  testing all right. So if it's more tender I   want to know because flavor-wise it should be  exactly the same. Second one, cheers everybody! -It is more tender. -It is more tender everybody you heard it from him not for me. -It is more tender.   -What's going on over here? -Wow not like a filet  mignon and uh an eye round. -No, no, no, no, no. -But it is a little more tender. -It is more tender  I would say it is also juicier. Would you agree?   -It's juicier it's more tender. The verdict  did it work? -It worked! -On chicken thumbs up.   All right Maumau let's go for the next one before  you actually finish the whole chicken all right. -Alright.   -So the same exact scenario. That one is  yours all right, this one will be mine.   -All right. -Slightly pink, juicy just the  way I like it everybody. Cheers everybody! Salt and pepper man and smoke. It is  amazing, I'm telling you right now   not that much things on this thing and it  still taste incredible. -Its still good. -You ready for the second   one? -I'm ready for the second one. -Let's see  if he works on this one. Cheers everybody! Are you serious? -What the hell did you do here?  Wow there's a huge difference everybody. -Big,   big difference. -Huge huge difference I'm excited  for this one Maumau that's amazing. Absolutely   amazing! -Now it's funny? The first one is very  thin the second one is a little bit chunkier, the   second one is still easier to chew than the first  one. -I know right, it is amazing. It's more tender   and it is juicier the flavor is very similar. -The  pork I can taste a little bit of difference in   the flavor but it's not a lot. -Nothing crazy. -No  it's not going to make me stop eating the other one. -But it's definitely more tender and juicier. This  is going really really good for the experiment. Huh Maumau?   Maumau has no idea what it is. -I don't  know I know it's good, that's all I care about. -It   is good everybody and it does work. Enough talking  let's go for the next one. You ready? -All right. -All   right let's go. Let's try the very first one oh man  I can tell you right now it's like. - Hold on, this one I'm   going to get the middle. -Maumau tried  to cut the edge and it was like a shoe leather Maumau.   -It's not cutting and it's not because of the knife.  -That's what happened with me everybody. All right   Maumau are you ready for some shoe leather? -Let's  do this. -All right let's try it. Cheers everybody.   You're gonna get a little uh soreness on your  mouth, I just keep chewing. -It's tasty but it's   thank you for the meat flavor gum. -It is kind  of like a chewing gum that's exactly what it is.   Oh man hold on this is gonna take a  while everybody. It tastes wonderful   but there's no tenderness. It's the same thing as  if you're chewing gum. Let's go for the next one Maumau   are you ready for this? -Alright let's go for the next one and feels a  little bit tender already. -Oh I cut it right in the   middle and it does feel tender yep I agree  with you a hundred percent. Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -It's still chewing gum! -Um hum. -Huh Maumau? You still chewing? -It   feels softer. -It does. -But it's still chewy.    -No it's no of course it's chewy yeah it's an  eye round Maumau, but I would say that it is softer,   it is softer. it definitely worked in every single  meat that we worked on. Now here's the deal, you   know what I used for this? Sprite, sprite. A lot  of grandmothers use Sprite in many different   countries, I did not know about this, but they  do it. All the grandmothers out there you are   right. It works! -You just marinate them? -Just put it in  marinade for a sprite for two hours and that's it.   Does not give any off flavor. -No. -It does not  taste sweet, it does not change the flavor profile   almost nothing. Slightly different but not that  much and if all you have is sprite to tenderize   your meat it works. Now I will say this, it  works a lot better on the chicken and also   the pork than the steak, because the steak  is hard everybody, that thing is a shoe leather. -That steak is tough. Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you guys  enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy it make sure   you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber  be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember if   you are interested in anything I use everything is  always in the description down below. Thank you so   much for watching and we'll see you guys on the  next one. And if there's anything in your country   that they use to tenderize meat let me know I would like to try it. Maumau is still chewing.  See you guys on the next  one. Take care everybody bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,366,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, tenderizer, experiment, sprite, how to tenderize meat, steak experiment, best steak, grilled steak, how to cook steak, how to cook, how to grill, grilling
Id: FOnaHjFP5lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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