I Spent 100 Days VR Skyrim... Here's What Happened

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my man's how's it going i gotta like just take a look at this you know that is vr skyrim okay now you already know where i'm going with this yeah i spent a hundred days in vr skyrim and i want to tell you right now i'm a man who suffered it took me a year to record this okay one full year and you know what it was uh you're gonna see some uh crazy things in this video some of the wild things what is that thing he's locked up or something oh look up he can't come in here he can come in i can go before i start you know what i gotta i'll just tell you one thing why not consider subscribing to a man like me okay yeah we could you press that button right there yeah that little red one wow you do something like that it's uh it's gonna be good that's all i'll say it's gonna be real good while you're at what you know why you leave a comment saying wow can't believe you did this this is a this is a crazy what a what a thing you've done you know what that's a that's a good comment why don't you go ahead and leave that and leave a like too something like that you know what do all those things it's all good okay enough uh i'm not blabbering about this here's here it is 100 days in vr skyrim okay hey here we go first day and you know what it did uh did not go well i chose an argonian a lizard man i came up with the uh the name gunker okay good name i was using the alternate start mod so i don't spawn in the you know the wagon that everyone talks about i didn't spawn there i spawned in this floating platform where you could uh choose where you want to start in the world and get your uh some basic gear before you go out i spoke to this guy named uh maike are you ever talking this guy a weird man wait a minute didn't you do something magnus match and tells some my ignorance many things others do not okay didn't you do something weird in oblivion malik has heard it is dangerous to be your friend what my eek is walking in the fire what's more dangerous near the fire my eek oh you heard me okay so i was walking around looking to see what i could take before i jump in the world you know i got a bunch of armor i got some spells got some good stuff i even uh joined the bandits yeah look at that some bandit guy so once i was all ready i chose a random uh crystal which teleports you into uh a point in the world and you wanna know where i went jail yeah look at this my first moments of the world a man in a jail cell and you know what this is yeah get used to seeing these bars i'm telling you right now hey but you know what look at this i i had a lock pick yeah very lucky to have this and i managed to break out of the jail cell and start looking around to see where i was turns out i was in a bandit camp and i was very very happy that i decided to join the bandits before coming here because otherwise this would have been not good at all i looked around a little bit and uh this wasn't a great place you know you guys were just like sleeping in sacks on the ground and yeah you know i was second guessing being abandoned that this is the type of life that these guys live this does not look good at all i mean not interested in this so i left i started walking towards the white run you ever go there wait run but it was a bit of a walk and uh i didn't get too far before night fell so i i stopped at a little little town called riverwood yeah they had a little inn figured i'd go in there and uh maybe get a room for the night so i walked up to the bar to get a little you know little guzzle of some ale and uh wow the ale is going bad we need to get a new batch what this is about you hear me my man how's it going get that back out oh there once was a hero named ragnar the red who came riding to white run stop staring at me remember what bragger did swagger and brandishes his new face an ugly one no offense no offense out of my way stranger no more again rolled around i yield i yield are you i ended up punching a man in the head they then all hell broke loose look at this they all started chasing me with a lit torches oh okay go go go go go go i don't wanna i don't want any trouble oh my god they're coming okay i had to kill this man yeah i warned him okay i didn't want to kill anyone i don't want to be a murderer but this man he had to die but when i got to whiterun uh the guards oh they were not happy with me he killed me yeah dead day one a murdered man you know i kept trying to get back into the city and every time they killed me they were not accepting my yield whatsoever so i had to figure out what to do i came up with a plan i thought you know what maybe if i leave these guys will forget about me you know they will won't remember what happened so i started running across the field and the guards kept chasing me and i realized this was not going to work oh and it looks like i murdered two more people oh and a horse as well i do not remember doing that but uh it looks like that's that's something i did in my notes i just wrote gunker means no harm what do you mean gunker means are you you killed two people in a horse i also wrote gunker is just a guy looking to help with the dragons what does that mean at this point my bounty was over a thousand gold and uh i did not have that type of money no i was a broke lizard running around so now i had to uh figure out how to get a thousand gold to pay off my bounty but then a woman came up to me she told me that she had escaped from uh bandit camp or something if you can stop them you'll be a true hero a hero you say i think enough to allow me to go back into the town you know what that's when i came up with a plan okay if i became a hero as uh her words not mine they would have to let me into white run okay and you know what who's to say that she might not give me a little gold you know i was desperate for gold at this point so uh i agreed yeah i'll go go to the bandit camp and do whatever whatever you need me to do no problem but on my way there uh i came across these uh guys soldiers or something and they they did not seem friendly at all a good guy or bad guy okay i'm trying to get to this watch may i pass i cautiously walked past him and i killed some molds it was cool uh i found this ford along the way which i'm gonna be honest i thought was i thought this is where i was supposed to go so i tried to enter it and this guy he told me to stay back and i uh did not listen to the man which was a big mistake it's the sith oh man okay okay we're gonna try miss watch again yay so uh i found the actual place i was supposed to go and uh it wasn't too hard to get in these guys are guards were kind of dumb to be honest i found this guy uh standing around and just as i was about to uh kill him he told me that he's here looking for his wife yeah so i told the guy i said my man hey no worries i'll go find your wife for you you just stay down here no problem i'm just gonna grab some stuff from the shelf right there grab some supplies and head on up what do we got here until you can find out whether fiola is here there's nothing i care to discuss are you serious right now i'm trying to grab a potion so you can find out whether viola is here there's nothing i care to discuss i'm about to you're about to get the gunker special okay you're going to relax i'm grabbing that too you can find out whether fiola is here there's nothing never should oh no no no no no sorry yeah i will knock down you should back down [Music] i don't want to kill you okay so that uh there goes the whole plan on my second attempt i did not kill the guy i let him let him be give him a warning so don't don't disrespect gunker okay so i started going up the tower i was uh killing all sorts of enemies going through this thing no problem so i got to the top of the tower and uh i found her yeah there she is turns out she's the uh leader of all of the bandits here yeah in charge of the whole tower she told me that she ran away from the guy because he was like weird or something i don't know uh she asked if i could lie to him and say that she was gone or dead or i don't know my other option was to kill her i thought you know what this woman right here she was not rude with me like the guy downstairs was so i went down there and told him hey she's not here somewhere else go look for her leave don't come here hey anyways with that all out of the way it was time to go back to whiterun because i was now a hero you know save the day when cleared the bandit tower out no problem but uh wow no the the plan did not work at all because when i went back to whiterun the guards immediately came running after me but this time i was able to uh talk to them you know before they just slaughtered me on the spot i tried to explain my situation to them but uh no it did not they're not working at all they just they threw me in jail with look at this a dead guy laying on the ground okay whoa you put me in here with this guy but here's the thing when you're in a situation like this you got to be smart you got to think okay so i i started looking around the jail cell for anything i could use to maybe break out and when i checked the dead guy this man had a lock pick on him so i grabbed that lock pick and immediately started trying to pick the lock to get out of this jail cell and uh you know what i did not get out no not even close it broke it immediately so my next course of action was just try to talk to them okay let them know that i i'm an innocent man didn't do anything i want you to leave a comment saying uh wow can't believe you they arrested you you didn't do anything wrong you're a very innocent man this is come on let a man out let a man out hey how's it going yeah there's just a big misunderstanding here they say helgen got hit by a dragon one of those horrors comes here we'll be ready yeah i'm trying to i'm trying to help with that here come here come here no no no no no no come on come back my man please anyways i uh served my sentence got out of that prison on day eight oh my god i'm free you guys really did a number on me first thing i did was go see the the y'all you know see what that guy wanted i was told to go talk to him so he told me that i needed to go get some dragon stone or something and it was i don't know i was in a cave so i went there and they killed everyone there give me the claw last chance give me the claw oh my god he's getting up oh my god they're skeletons they're going for him and they've killed them golden claw there it is oh hey how's it going oh you're coming right for me oh my god oh yeah you're gonna die yeah i fought this guy it was good the next day i went out and uh fought a dragon yeah look at this big old dragon had to take this thing down and i did no problem pretty easy it's a first dragon you fight in the game not really a challenge but doing it in vr yeah things big you know real big much bigger than you think anyways i killed the dragon and uh got my first dragon shout out okay you know there's no point in me explaining this because it's the main quest line in the game this game's like 10 years old so i'm not focusing on this don't worry i'm gonna do other stuff no you know what i wanted to do i wanted to join the thieves guild okay this is a a group of thieves they sneak around they go into those houses and they steal things like apples and uh plates and stuff like that that seemed like the type of thing that i wanted to do the thieves guild operates out of a city called rifton okay this is a there's like a river that goes through it and there's a whole bunch of uh bad slimy people here okay this is like the criminal city there was absolutely no way i was walking all that way i would have got extremely motion sick if i were to try to do that on foot so i took a carriage and hire this guy who's got a horse and a wagon to drive you all the way there you got to pay him some gold but it's worth it you know save yourself some trouble so when i got there it immediately started happening okay the guard at the gate tried to swindle me before i let you into riften you need to pay the visitors tax all right keep your voice down yeah you want everyone to hear you i'll let you in just let me unlock the gate trying to get some gold off me i gotta put a sword in your back how about you you see my advice don't listen to that talk of the face sculptor down in the ragged slagging so i get into the city and the last thing in the world i want is anyone knowing why i'm here okay yeah i wanted to keep a low profile and just figure out a little bit of information about the uh thieves guild so i started talking to one guy and this man immediately knew why i was here yeah i was i've been here for like 30 seconds like i already knew that i was a thief he told me that if i wanted to prove myself that i would have to steal something from the market square or whatever and that he would set up some sort of distraction today you know what okay no problem let's uh see how this goes and uh wow it did did not go well at all shut up [Music] oh my god i'm gonna break all these this is not this is not who i'm supposed to be doing this too oh my god i'm gonna lose all my lockpicks but this item is the real thing i can't i want to know what i'm doing mystical beings who live in legends of great magic oh my god come on come on it's an apprentice level lock why can't i get it how did you get the problem is your disrespect for the lord of this land oh it is time to face the y'all's justice no [Applause] so after that went uh really bad i thought there's no way i'm getting in the thieves guild now but my man bring you off here he said hey no problem uh you can still join just as long as you can make it to our hideout alive it's uh hidden underneath the city in the sewers or something no problem is for a man like me and a lizard guy crawling through the sewers to walk in the park but before i did that i wanted to go check out the meadery and the black briar meaderies it was going on in there okay here's the thing about uh black briar mead it's got it it's apparently the best in skyrim okay the best stuff you can get and see if you come here you gotta you know try some so i uh i did and you know what i accidentally spent 500 gold yeah i just meant to buy one i bought i bought 10. just wasted all my money on this uh mead so i sat there and just i drank it all night long before you know what uh one thing led to the other and uh why just things got a little bit out of control you know good afternoon yeah good afternoon to you too it's been a rough you know i was told a long ride to come here what do you need i just i just gave you 500 dollars on beer you need more money yeah i am an argonian so what what what does it matter what are you doing that for because i'll throw another one on you here you keep asking me questions i've already answered yes you got a problem you got a problem i'm the brewmaster around here here what did you want i want i want my money back what do you got back here what are you doing you're because you guys just took my money give me my money back i started to feel like i owned the place or something i was just walking around taking things and smashing stuff i started talking to this guy who told me that uh he is stealing mead and selling it to ins and skyrim and that he wanted me to deliver some for him uh you know what that sounds uh i can do something like that look at this guy i mean just look at this guy's face who wouldn't trust a face like that so i took the mead and i left to go to do what he wanted me to do on my way out i threw something like what what was he doing here i'm throwing fish in the what's the point of this they're throwing a fish back into the water and i started talking like why am i just what am i doing i'm starting talking to another argonian here anyways i needed to bring the mead to uh wilhelm which uh i made a big mistake here i thought he said windhelm so uh i went to the carriage and uh traveled to windhelm and when i got there i was very confused it took me a couple minutes but i found out that uh wilhelm was a person that was in uh iverstead which was a just up the road from rifton so i went back to rifton but after all this traveling back and forth it was night time and i wasn't gonna run there in the middle of the night and get killed by like a gargoyle or something so i decided to go into the inn yeah get a good night's rest i'm gonna sleep in the morning i hit the road started uh walking to iverstead and uh very quickly i got distracted yeah just minding my own business walking down falling the river and all of a sudden i hear release the hounds hey give them the dogs boys the dogs and that's when i discovered skyrim's biggest underground dog fighting operation okay this is uh faldor's tooth okay yeah i know that i got distracted doing something then got distracted doing that thing and then distracted with another thing but that you can't walk away from something like this okay you find you find a dog fighting operation you gotta stop what you're doing and take it down so i went in and immediately proceeded to kill the first two wolves no problem dogs aren't doing anything okay so uh i started going through the entire place killing everyone i ran into i ran into a man took him down and the thing was was that because these guys were bandits and i was still technically abandoned they weren't attacking me not at least until i attacked them first and you know what i was going to use every advantage i could get to get this place cleared out so i did that as i went from room to room killing everyone i was releasing wolves from cages until i eventually ended up in this big open area where there was a big huge arena where i guess they had the wolves fight i killed all the spectators and then i made a big mistake went up to the cage and uh opened it to let the wolves out and you know what they uh you know how would you just watch what happened you're free my mans come on out come on out okay okay what the hell okay so on my second attempt i released them and i let them kill everyone else in the room before uh killing them myself and to put these guys down yeah it's nuts oh the wolf got her and i kept going and uh killing everyone else in here clean this place out hey how's it going you guys having a good time oh sorry okay let me fix those arrows for you on my way out i did one last thing i i pushed the guy who yelled uh released the hounds at me off the wall oh that was good okay back to where back to what i was doing okay back on the road at this point kind of forgot what i was even doing out here where i was going and why i was here and uh it doesn't matter because i got very distracted again i'm a man who could not stay focused i found two guys just uh doing something you just tell these guys we're doing yeah they're up to they're doing something over there so i went over to figure out what was going on and uh they attacked me so i had to kill them there's no way is going back to prison all right so i had to think quickly and dispose of these bodies you know the best way to do that is just throw them in the river they're gonna go over the waterfall i murder these men and they're gonna go over the waterfall stay away from them oh my god the foxes are coming out to eat them no they're going to wash up on shore here nope there we go come on you guys are almost there i can't even might even be able to push you come on go and get you into the middle of the lake i really want you to go over that just like my sword oh okay bring it back before it goes over [Music] there we go see you later buddy oh are you kidding me i need you out of here i need you down there way out of here okay see you later there he goes oh oh [Music] there it goes well it turns out these guys were treasure hunters and they had already done most the work for me so i just took everything they got got all the loot that they found and i was on my way i made it to the end and before i gave the mead to wilhelm i guess that's what i was doing kind of forgot about that uh he said something interesting if i were you i'd keep away from the barrow on the east side of town it's haunted hmm what did you say to borrow on the east side of town man says something about a haunted place you got to go see what's going on there so i gave him the meat and went yeah it's one distraction after the other so when i got over to this the borrow or whatever it's called uh there was a ghost floating around this guy was like yelling at me or something so i chased after him but there was a whole bunch of puzzles and traps that i had to make my way through and eventually fight him as i was doing it this man's electrocuted me he used that sith lightning move on me almost killed me but i got him and uh looted him he had uh filter i can't read these advanced words filter of the phantom yeah that's what he gave me but yeah it gave me it makes you look like a ghost for like 30 seconds which explains why i could hit this guy with a sword it wasn't a ghost it was a guy who was just making people think that he looked like a ghost and he was trying to and get them all spooked so they could find some claw in here but drinking all these potions made him go crazy and uh just i don't know you don't drink this stuff oh no it looks like looks like i drank it so then i went back to the bar and uh showed my man wilhelm the uh journal that i found from that yeah fake ghost yeah there it is problem solved no need to worry about that ghost anymore hey anyways back on track let's get get back to rifton you got a thieves guild uh figure out is it absolutely necessary for you to bother me right now i think you should continue with your performances okay what do [Music] should have done this oh okay i yield no no no i yield oh my god oh my god i'm yielding i don't know how to yield in vr hey here are you are you no oh my god this is so bad you guys i don't want to fight you i don't want to fight anyone look you too what this whole give me your cabbage i'm going then oh jesus christ i'm out of here okay i had to get out of there fast you know the best way to get out of there you remember that waterfall just jumped off it and ran straight into the forest where i found a small little house in this slept there for the night hey day 11. good day so when i woke up i headed back to rift and hoping that i could uh pay my bounty and i did it was just 80 gold i don't know that much gold left and this was starting to add up you know with that out of the way i could finally head down to the raggedy flagon or whatever it is when i got down there i was told that if i finally wanted to join the guild all i had to do was go and get some money that was owed collect some debts just had to beat up two people and uh the third person just gave me the money no problem and with that i was uh finally in the guild my first assignment was to go to yeah i don't know i got distracted when they were explaining it i suggest you listen sorry my assignment was very simple okay all i had to do was go to this place called golden glow estates and uh burn down three beehives okay he expressed it was very important and i burned down exactly three and not any more than three just three don't worry i'm not burning the whole place down not a chance don't worry yeah no problem no problem with a man like me easy so i found the place and uh who almost immediately started drowning when i tried to swim in vr oh my god oh my god with that out of the way i started sneaking around you know what yeah these guys found me almost immediately i don't know what i was doing here but dad whatever it was was not good i was forced to kill everyone around the premises to and get in but when i tried to get there there was the door was locked so i had to use a lock pick but the problem is that i am not good at lock picking at all but after several attempts i uh i made it in and uh very quickly got found again so yet again i had to fight my way through the entire house eventually i found the man i was looking for and uh told him i gotta get gotta get that safe open you know what's in there open it up oh you're trying me hey you're trying me okay man wants to play probably shouldn't have done that try again come on get up get up come come at me try again [Music] i'm gonna give you one more try okay open the safe open the safe last chance [Music] do it once i got the deed i uh left the only thing i had to do now was uh burn down three beehives okay exactly three in the morning i went out there and i started to okay burn em boys burn three oh i was only supposed to burn three oh no now i want you to i want you to consider some things first don't come at me stay where you are stop hey stop okay you know what [Music] you're both done here we go there's three of them oh i'm going too many see you later boys okay i'm out of here i didn't mean i'm sorry [Music] oh no i just i don't know what i'm doing oh my help me with this guy help me with this guy this guy's attacking me they're here they're back guards help me look at this guy look at these men coming after me [Music] the guards did nothing so i returned back to britain off and uh he was this man was not happy i'm back boys minute mission successful let me tell you it was perfect no problems the guy is still alive and uh all the time and even furious i told you not to burn more than three of the hives i've smoothed things over with her for now but you can forget your cut i tried my best okay i tried the moment his this guy brought up the dark brotherhood i stopped listening and i was thinking about a plan in my head dark brother yo that's you want to be a part of something like that okay these are trained assassins okay you want to get in with these guys but no one knows where they are or how to join them and by no one i mean me i completely forgot how you joined the dark brotherhood in skyrim and because i didn't want to look it up and i wanted to figure it out on my own i came up with a foolproof plan okay the plan go to jail on purpose yeah go there and start talking to all these criminals maybe one of them knows something about the dark brotherhood and will tell me how i can join but here's the thing i'm not staying in jail no because once i'm inside and i learn what i need to learn i'm breaking out of there yeah yeah i'm gonna break out of that jail cell and run straight out of there they they'll have no idea because let's be honest here yeah i i am not cut out for the thieves guild yeah the first mission my first assignment was a total disaster i want to join the dark brotherhood i don't i don't want to be in the thieves guild anymore i i i don't want to get with you skilled i'm done with this i'm done living in a sewer i'm not doing this done getting out of here okay so the only thing i had to do now is just uh go to jail so i went to the market and just stole this woman's fruit and [Music] i'm talking to this guy right here do anything and put someone to sleep okay here we go okay that's okay here we go [Music] hey have you come to gawk at me or is this a social call i was about to let that wench marry into the richest family in riften and this is how she's so loud you are so loud right now i'd do anything to have that head on a platter okay this uh loud loud man he was uh he wanted me to go find his ex-wife figure out where she was so that he could have her killed so i thought okay here we go this is this is it this is what i've been looking for so maybe if i found her i could uh do the deed and then the dark the dark brotherhood would take me in that's good the only problem is when i tried to leave the prison i was uh slaughtered by the guards ain't no doubt about it the thief's killed his back that's not back anymore you just killed me okay there was a small problem with the plan one tiny little problem i i couldn't get out of jail i tried to break out like a hundred times and just kept getting caught or couldn't break the lock or i couldn't do it i was stuck here but then i saw this yeah you see that that's a crystal yeah one of those crystals you use to teleport to the starting area so i did that and there's a whole bunch of weapons left over that i didn't take at the beginning like this beautiful daedric mace okay this thing is a you get hit by something like this a man's going down i got enough stuff that breaking out of the jail yeah no problem so i went back and after a few more attempts broke out that was a finally a free man finally i'm a free man oh come on come on i surrender i don't want to fight whoa look at all these boys come on go jump jump jump jump jump go go go go go run into the thief skill they're going to protect you they had to run i had to get out of that dead rifton because i was going to get caught by the guards so i ran to the only place that i could uh thieves guild hey uh you guys know when i yelled i don't want to be in the thieves guild anymore and i don't want to be in the sewer well guess what i changed my mind i would i'm i'm very happy to be down here right now i thought that if i uh slept down here that they would stop looking for me you know they're no longer interested in the man who escaped from prison uh but wow no in the morning when i walked out no they were they were there waiting for me ready to take a man like me straight to prison no no second chances you know so uh i had to go with him when they uh finally finally let me out of that place it was a day 21. yeah 21 days 21 days i've spent here and accomplished next to nothing but you know what no problem because now it's time to get to work go find that a woman i'm supposed to find only problem is i had next to no information about where this woman was or how to find her i was walking all over the town talking to people i went into the inn spoke to the argonian indian keeper he did not help me i spoke to someone at the black briar who i don't know who this was just talking to every anyone i could talk to was talking to them trying to see if they knew anything about this woman no one had a clue but then i went into the orphanage hey look at this there's like a hundred kids in here constance the kind is the meanest person oh these kids are nuts it's too bad i was named the lion makes who's aventis i can't adopt you my parents drop me off here okay you know what you guys are you guys are not making it easy because you don't shut up okay no stop you're all talking to one stall please please need something no i need you something you look kind of scary jesus christ scarier than old ghrelin okay these uh kids would not stop talking about this uh kid named aventis yeah ventus you ever heard that name before sounded very familiar very familiar and then i realized this is uh this is how you join the dark brotherhood this these kids yeah they'll tell you to go find this guy and because he's trying to summon the dark brotherhood so i figured you know what i'm going there yeah he's summoning me now so my man juventus he was in windham and hey no problem been there before easy to get to so i went there and uh broke into his house very weird stuff going on up here he had some sort of summoning circle or something going on jesus christ hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey whoa whoa look at this blood and fear jesus come here get up you come at last i knew you would this man wanted me to kill uh gruntilda or whatever granula i don't know the old lady from the orphanage and wanted her gone so i said uh my man don't even worry about it no no problem me that uh dark brotherhood gonna do this for you no of honor problem orphanage but not for long yeah not for long dory i'll be right back so i traveled back to rifton a lot of going back and forth between these cities and uh this guard mentioned something about the dawn guard you know what i'll figure that out later for now i had a job to do and to take care of a gruntilda okay so i uh went into the orphanage to uh do what i had to do so now let's try to figure out world we're gonna go ahead and close that door stay out there time is the meanest person all of skyrim yeah don't worry about that kids and you you're gonna be going to bed in a minute i think [Music] yep sorry what do you want no no no business being in here yeah sorry here i'll leave here we go here we go [Music] wasn't me it wasn't me no no no no it wasn't me it wasn't me okay this murder this one was different before i was killing in self-defense but uh this one yeah this one was murdered an old woman you killed her in her sleep hey you know what no no time to think about something like that i had to go back to see my manaventus how's it going salmon windom this man was so happy to hear that uh gruntilda was dead i couldn't be happier after doing that i went for a little walk to check out this city you know what's going on here in windhelm oh don't worry so i went back to rifton the next day and yeah you know what yeah i thought our body might have disappeared but oh no hit us know still laying there right in the open what are you doing drinking this wine if i steal this you're gonna freak out shut up didn't see anything yeah look away i was officially a murderer so i walked outside and like 30 seconds later a mailman showed up and uh gave me a letter telling me that the dark brotherhood knew what i had done and there it is trying to join these guys and they send you a letter in the mail only problem is that there's no information on it it's just a handprint what am i supposed to do with this i was feeling like a very confused man not knowing what to do next so i left rifton and before i knew it a dragon attacked you hear that oh my god a dragon where's my bow oh there it is my god oh my god it's fighting these people okay look at that that's not good [Music] um oh my god that doesn't do anything the shield doesn't do anything here's what we do i got the daedric mace going i add the paralysis potion to the daedric mace i have enough stamina to throw this thing at him there it goes down yes yes since i had absolutely no idea how to get in contact with the dark brotherhood because the only piece of information they gave me was a hand print i had no idea what to make of that so the next best thing for a man like me uh the dawn guard okay these guys vampire hunters you ever watch a show buffy the vampire slayer yeah that's a good show you should watch that yeah killing vampires seems like a good job for my man uh gunker here so i went to their uh castle started going there and on my way i met this guy outside who i guess he had the same idea as me he also wanted to join so the two of us we see started walking up to the castle fort dawnguard wow that must be it yeah that's what i said see that's how you make an impression you kill someone in front of them you just hunt vampires where is it buddy this looks almost deserted someone right there hello hey hello be careful i'm not gonna hit you relax i'll put these away don't do that i'm not going to relax man you don't embarrass us new recruits yeah hey yeah so i get in there and start talking to this guy look how big this guy is this is a tough guy anyways they were they'd let me join right away no problem with it they said come on in let's do some stuff so they told me about uh dim will hollow or man something like that i don't know so apparently there was some vampire artifact there and uh brother adaval said that he was gonna go with all some of his v who i don't know okay i can't remember exactly but there i had to go there that's the whole point i'm trying to say here so i agreed the only problem was i uh he accidentally punched my man in the head you vigilant oh no no jesus christ i'm god damn it i know i keep my hands on my side man everywhere whatever the crypt okay we're gonna call the crypt it was uh kind of far uh so first i had to go to whiterun which was the closest city but yeah when i got there this guard started going on about a murder in a murder over in drifter some old lady who runs an orphanage those poor children must be heartbroken uh don't worry about that okay don't no i don't know what you're talking about i got attacked by a bunch of bandits on my way there on the road these are yeah it's not safe and i'll be looking out for these guys but that eve wasn't even the worst of it because eventually i got completely lost in a blizzard yeah look at this i'm on like the side of a mountain and the blizzard roaring and uh i gotta tell you one thing doing this in vr what makes a man feel very motion sick hey i this i was having a very tough time with this oh my god i'm actually climbing the mountain like this i gotta get over there oh my god this is not good this is not how i should be doing this oh my god look at that after being on that slope for like what felt like an hour i eventually realized i wasn't even in the right place there was no point in being up here so i climbed down and tried to figure out where i was going eventually i got to the hall of the vigilance which had been burned down i followed the uh nearby path up the mountain and uh just as i thought that i saw some uh friendly people yeah it turns out that uh just look at this they're vampires [Music] i have no stamina i'm gonna die i'm gonna die hey those uh those vampires they were killing me quite a few times i was having a really tough time killing them but then i did what i always do when i'm having a problem i come up with a plan okay here's the thing about vampires they do not like sunlight yeah they walk in sunlight burn up they don't like it so all i had to do was just wait for the sun to come up no problem problem solved there we go a beautiful morning and you know what's great about this is the vampires hate this stuff see gone use my brain to solve the problem there these guys are inside hot i don't know what you're doing i don't know what you're doing i don't know what you're doing okay yeah i'm just gonna cut to it okay i've gone to the cave and uh tried to sneak around these guys i didn't it didn't even come close to working freaking there's freaking detective oh my god jesus uh so i guess they know i'm here i don't like their oh so i cleared the whole place out had to kill a lot of vampires in here there's even a puzzle which i had to solve and when i look there's like i got so confused with what was happening here one minute i'm putting blocks in a hole i don't even know this thing opens up and there's like a woman inside of it and i find out that she also is a vampire and now all of a sudden she has an elder scroll but she is not hostile oh what was going on here i did did not trust her no idea what she you she's a vampire come on i don't like her walking behind me like that is that a gargoyle something going to come it's over here oh it goes down really easy she told me that there was a some castle that we needed to go to some place in the distance and see what was going on so i said all right let's go let's go see what's going on over there but when we got there oh wow there was a lot of vampires here and they were just eating bodies all over the place she's eating a guy right there you got hands in a bowl a rib cage over speak to your stranger i don't wanna i don't wanna walk in the middle of this room man i don't wanna do this oh my god oh imbued with power i will never uh i was supposed to shout there gonna wait a second okay yeah yeah not going in there again and no way so i went back to castle dawnguard my man told me that i had to go if we're gonna fight vampires i'm gonna need some help so he told me i have to go to find some people first guy was this guy i i don't know i had to kill a pair to get him to come uh then there was this other woman who said she would come if i helped her find some uh gears or something i i don't know i got them both to come and you know what now they think about it never saw these guys again when i got back to the castle with them that vampire girl was back and she said something about her dad the elder scroll like it's getting hard to follow this stuff especially when i was looking at all this torture stuff they had around anyways we had to find a someone who could read the elder scroll the only person who can do that is a moth priest apparently there was one in skyrim right now so we had to go find him on the way i did fight look at this yeah i fought the little goblin guys and jumped out tried to get us when we found where the moth priest was supposed to be he had vampires attacked the guy took him somewhere but they left a note thankfully so he followed that and it took us to four bears hold out hey you'll never guess what it is it's a another cave i don't know what it was with these vampires in caves always sneaking around in the cave hiding out in there i was starting to feel like a vampire with that how much i'd been playing vr at this point there's a headset strapped to my head anyways i fight through the cave he killed a lot of vampires getting real good at taking these things down and then i uh we found our man the moth priest but the guy was being a little bit crazy he started attacking us so we had to beat some sense into him and eventually he agreed to help us so he read this the scroll and it tells us that we need two more elder scrolls luckily the uh whatever this girl's name was like i can't even remember she knew that there was one in that castle the one with all the vampires so we go back there and uh yeah he had to sneak around get in there you know and fight some zombies or something outside so we get into the castle and just like this is a not a good place i mean look at this oh look at that yes what did you need piles of bones down here man so they just throw all their trash this is disgusting oh my god think about how many people they've killed and i also fight some giant spider these things just crawling around the castle just cut down the spider well oh my god look at this thing geez you want to fight this my ex now oh how does the spider even get this big so we found the courtyard and uh like usual there's some puzzles to figure out and uh you know anything about me i'm a man who's not good with puzzles i can't figure them out too much for me after figuring it out we uh he went down somewhere and went to a hallway or something and fight more vampires or ghosts this whole place was full of spooky stuff what we were looking for was her her mom's secret room apparently there was a room here it had an elder scrolls in it so we found the room but the problem was was that there was some portal that we had to go into it's called a soul cairn you know there's a i guess souls that have been captured or something i don't know i didn't want to go into a place like that you know who would want to go in there it turns out me yeah i had to go in but when i tried to go in it did not work yeah it turns out you gotta you gotta be dead to go in here she told me that uh she could turn me into a vampire and then i could go in okay yeah nice try not yeah you're not getting me with that one instead i had part of my soul trapped in a gem something like that so uh we did that and i was able to go into the portal come on now look at this this is a not a good place it also did not run well in vr it just yeah it made me feel very motion sick walking around here made me want to throw up it was a truly draining my soul trying to play through this so her mom was supposed to be in here and eventually we found her she was not happy she had some sort of barrier up and then we had to kill some guards or something to take the barrier down that we could see her and get the elder scrolls so he did that had to take these guys on one by one look at this guy look how bad i got this guy watch this ready there he goes easy easy kill once we killed him all we went to her mom and i got the barrier down and uh we went with her to go get the elder scroll but yeah sure enough yeah of course there is a giant dragon look at this vampire dragon you guys gonna do anything i don't know how to get it on the ground i've killed maga onto this guy's no problem well there it is okay here we go watch this ready diedrick mace magic oh he bit me in half he's down oh look at this thing look at this beast so we got the elder scroll and just pretty much at this point i was crawling trying to get out of here thank god we're going to be out here so soon get me the hell out of here oh my god back to regular frame rate thank god after doing that i i wanted a break from the dawn guard these guys were asking too much of me sending me into the dead portal is asking me to drain my soul into a gem too much you can't ask that of a man they just meant way too much i still wanted to join the dark brotherhood but the problem was was that i had no idea what to do you can't give a man a piece of paper with a handprint on it and expect him to figure that out so i came up with a plan to try to get their attention again i figured i'd uh go to a town and uh uh kill another person so i picked a town that i hadn't been to before but when i got there a dragon attacked oh my god there's a dragon we gotta take this guy down yeah get the dragon where are you it's up in the sky here he goes oh my god he's blasting that guard [Music] use something go go inside go inside get it's a dragon kid this kid is not gonna oh my god oh my god the kid's gonna run towards the dragon the kid's gonna the kid is running towards the dragon that kid is about to turn into a chicken wing how that chicken live it's down so i got into the inn and uh okay looks like everyone's calming down i'm gonna wait till 4am yes dead oh my goodness [Laughter] [Music] i tried to go for a second kill but a kid did not go well so i ended up having to flee ran right out of the end where i outside there was vampires waiting for me what was going on with these vampires there was none of them before and all of a sudden vampires all over the world these guys just wouldn't leave me alone anyways i fled and uh i made it to windhelm where i stalked a man and uh killed him in the dead of night okay i'm ready i'm running getting out of here sorry i fled to a white run yeah what am i doing here i'm just throwing my mace at that guy why are you doing that you're gonna yeah of course look i had to flee from a white run as well what am i doing here it looks like the guards aren't chasing me there's some sort of green smoke coming from the city i don't know what it is now i'm in the into winterhold college what what is going on i'm getting so distracted this is my nightmare you know look at this get some cast a friggin rapero and fix this up man i could slip off that score gordon ice too i think i actually ended up becoming a student here somehow i was just talking to people and before i knew it i was enrolled they were giving me a tour of the place and uh when i saw that archmage's robe sitting around when no one around i came up with an idea i stole them these things worth a lot of money tons of tons of gold you can get if you could sell these only problem is is who are you gonna sell as stolen items to well you know what that is thieves guild so i went there to sell it and uh i don't know what happened here i i remember getting confused at this point so i might as well might not have i don't remember you know you can look at the screen right now did i sell them i don't know this was like a year ago anyway so i went back to the mage guild and uh i don't know i did some quests there's a guy in a jail cell i had to rescue or he had some book or i don't know i did i did some a few quests for these guys and thought the mages guild is not for me what am i what am i doing here okay i'm an idiot yo you wanna know why i deleted two hours worth of footage don't know why but i manually deleted it who knows man just take a guess what happened in those two hours yeah joined the dark brotherhood figured it out went to bed or something like that and woke up in a room with those guys and had to choose to kill one of them and uh i smashed my vr whatever the grip is on my table downstairs caused a big problem stuff got knocked over was a huge thing that i really wish i had on camera but no just gone all you need to know is that i joined the dark brotherhood and had to kill some people in a house yeah that that's it what whoa why are you coming to me whoa whoa say hey hey i'm warning you stay back say what do you want okay this man's going nuts here don't cross that line good oh oh i've been looking for you oh it's not something i'm supposed to deliver oh you're the mailman so i took a ride to the folk reach i don't know if i'm saying that right uh because that's where the dark brotherhood's hideout was apparently there's a door or something around here that you'd have to say uh silence my brother to and it would let you in so i found the door and just look at this thing you see a door like this somewhere zero percent chance i'm going in here but i went in and look at this there's a kitten who led a kid in here so one of the guys i was speaking to was uh nazir who he tells me that i had three targets i fell in some water and he didn't know how to swim this was just a big mess being in here i was gonna destroy my reputation with an another uh faction here in the game so the first target was in uh ivor steed so uh i went there and found the guy he's just a dirty guy and killed him so then i fast traveled back to rifton to catch a ride and uh oh look at this i guess i had a bounty and i uh had to go to jail because i had no money it was very broke and if i were to pay my fine i would not have enough money to get a ride to dawn star where my next target was man jail once again i'm a man who loves jail so i came out of jail and uh when i got out there was a weird looking guy you married that fisherman oh look at this guy here for the fishing i guess yeah here for the fishing that's all right the woman who runs the orphanage has been murdered you see that look at this [Music] hey so with that all out of the way i went to a dawn star the woman i was supposed to kill was surrounded by a lot of people and i had no idea what to do how to how to get to her without everyone seeing me so i just waited until night and followed her eventually she went to her house and i took a good look around to see if anyone was looking anyone was watching and uh i broke in i figured that eventually she would go to bed and while she was sleeping i could uh do the deed but she did not no she didn't go to bed i'm not leaving you need to leave nope not happening you need to leave it's not happening you need to leave no what well we'll see about that now won't we i'm about to get a pickaxe through the head so then i just killed her two down one to go the only problem was was now that when i was leaving i was worried that uh someone would see me leaving the house so that when they discovered the body they would go hey yes there's an argonian guy coming out of here and it's got to be him but as i went to leave you look who showed up my my favorite man the mail guy everything's fine hey hey how's it going i've been looking for you got something oh my god yeah you're gonna deliver a letter to me at four o'clock in the morning in a random place as i see no crime don't do that i want you to know who i am nope sorry nothing you don't know who i am you nope sorry don't go back that night i went to an inn and i wanted to order a nice fine argonian blood wine but i i couldn't afford it because i was so broke so i just got something cheaper and had a nice night the next day i was on my way to the next target who was just outside of windhelm so i fast traveled to windhelm stables and before i knew it look at this another dragon attacked me oh oh that's uh there that's for the city to deal with i'm not dealing with that and that is not for me oh maybe this oh it's for me look i'm not gonna do anything with this crossbow oh my god just run just run run no no no no no there's carpet bombing the place go run i don't know how i'm going to fight this thing this thing's going to torch me i don't want to go in the water where are the guards where are the guards look at this i have no arrow i have no way of dealing with something like this he lands like this i shoot him in the chest he's he's torching the he just killed the horse land i have no idea how much help this guy has i'm here come here land right in the neck oh he's here he tricked me getting stuck that's what i wanted oh you're an idiot my man sorry you shouldn't shouldn't have went down come on any second house man said i think i'm walking there it is oh my god so after i took the dragon down i kept heading up the path and uh little goblins jumped out and tried to get me oh goblin full goblin here comes oh man hey also look at this i was so short in the game before that everyone around me seemed super tall but now something's screwed up with my bass stations or something look how tall i was like i'm talking to someone i'm like three times taller than that anyways i reached the village and uh i found the guy i was supposed to kill next by uh by the river you're right hey you know what you're right to be uh what what do you mean oh oh no no i know where you going you're gonna go you're gonna go in the water oh i missed you here we go oh let's do again oh hey how's it going there we go got him oh going down the hill i fast traveled back to the dark brotherhood and there was a little clown guy there who showed up a man like this shows up your house you don't let him in my man i'm back guess what they're all dead killed them all we got here oh what's that little fork here throw that out of there hey you like that here this how about eat that throw that around you got a good meal going here here yeah so getting pretty good at this dark brotherhood was liking me but uh they gave me a new target he was in marcos but the problem was was that i'd never been there before and when i tried to use a carriage to take me there hey they told me no he did not have enough money i was a very broke man i don't do charity no gold no ride what i got no money so i figured that i would just uh sell some stuff in whiterun so that i could have enough money to use this carriage but when i got there i got arrested what was going on here i was an innocent man i just walked up to the gates and they were arresting oh oh me close let me try again oh right over his head one more time oh that one wasn't even close oh domed oh okay yeah i forgot i did that i hadn't played this in like six months how was i supposed to remember that there's no way you could remember doing something like that anyway since i uh had no gold it meant that i was a man who was going back to jail i spent 100 you put me in here the dead guy you got the wrong guy i'm innocent i don't even know why i'm in here i i don't even know what i did okay yeah when i finally got out of jail it was it was day 47 pouring rain and it's just the man walking around the city looking for someone to sell my stuff to eventually i stumbled into the battered mare or whatever it's called except i had no idea how to sell stuff to the vendor switch tab okay that is what i want i don't know how to do it do i press this to press this i don't want to risk buying this do i do this no drink for the thirsty food for the hungry i do not want to attack you okay i walked outside and waited for the morning and i tried talking to some of the other vendors but i just could not figure out how to sell stuff i could not i had to look this up you know how you do it you just you click left and set a right on the thumbstick that had me stumped for like 20 minutes yeah look at that figured it out so i started selling everything i had to everyone in the town i eventually had like 3 000 gold i was feeling like the most rich man in skyrim so i went over to the stablemaster my man guess what i'm back tons of money now i'm rich need a ride oh yeah where do you want to go mark off finally i arrived at uh mark roth probably not saying that right but you know what it doesn't matter i'm here and uh look at this oh dog got some horses out there little dog how's it going hey good boy you're a good boy yes yes you are you're good please relax good guy yeah yeah good guy before i walked in this guard told me that it had to be the safest place in skyrim but when i walked in immediately some guy tried to knife a woman i love this this is a cool thing that guy just killed someone i don't know what's going on here who's this guy if i take him after it was all day i started talking to the guard people the guy over there said safest place safest city i'm not even inside for two seconds you got hey watch it who even watch it this guy just tried to slaughter her two seconds i'm in here you see got this stuff going on what the city is this looks great but what are you talking about hey what are you doing be careful i'm not going to hit you with the mace relax i'm going to put it away okay so i started walking around markov yeah the place is pretty good there's some cool looking buildings uh there's a like a river or something there was a guy out front who was going on about how he buys meat from orcs yeah it's not a bad place anyways i found a woman who uh was supposed to meet up with who was going to tell me about who i needed to kill and uh she told me that if i did it a certain way that i would get a bonus or something i didn't write in my notes so i'm just trying to remember here but i agreed to it because i desperately needed money i was a very broke man after buying that horse and uh did not want to be broke anymore the target was in windhelm so yeah i went there but uh wow when i got there yet again i was uh immediately arrested i was a man who was going to jail again why am i going to i just i just got here i'm going to every jail in this in skyrim i ask only for a little charity you don't even give me the options either go to jail or die i gotta i gotta kill that person's what i guess you're smarter than you look oh my god okay this video is becoming i spent 100 days in skyrim jail what did i even do here yeah why was i in here anyways i uh i served my time served my sentence you know got out of there in like two days so it wasn't that big of a deal it was like day 54 by the time i got out but you know what i was very happy to be a free man that wasn't that big i was only in there for two days you're you're a vampire yeah i knew it yo the vampires yeah forgot about these guys they were popping up everywhere don't worry about them though because i'm doing dark brotherhood stuff right now i'll figure out the vampire problem later i found the woman i needed to kill and i followed her home i had to wait for the guards to leave and uh for the coast to be clear but i snuck in her house the first time i tried to kill her i ended up dying because the person in the other room woke up and the guards came in the second time tell you right now same thing happened uh so i tried sneaking and it still didn't work then i realized i had to kill the other person first and then kill her so i did that and it worked i got away safely i did it nice clean murder no problem so i ran out of the house and fled the city i needed the town close by where the next target was uh but it was night and i heard a dragon so i just i think i just ran away from it in the morning i started uh going after where i was supposed to go this guy was on top of a mountain and uh wow love that love going up a mountain gives me a real good motion sickness you're like a very sick man trying to do this so uh i started the journey in it very quickly got attacked by some wolves don't try it come on no no don't do it you stay don't try it bunch of enemies up there oh it's a pack of wolves okay oh you're just frozen you know you know you don't have the pack line hey you have big guys hey you like that man digging down wolves yeah pretty good you know it's not good though my aim now look at this okay okay okay okay okay okay okay not gonna hit it so i made up the guys hideout and uh went up i had to fight my way up the stairs this man's arrow yeah starting starting to get pretty good at this man who was learning how to fight in vr pretty good i spoke too soon though because i died three times trying to get to this guy in the dungeon or wherever it was hey how's it going did [Music] hey come here what are you doing there you go how's it going everyone oh okay one second she's gonna switch spells here to flames i'm gonna eat an apple i'm gonna need some bread i need to let it go apple some cheese that's gonna heal me right up okay and i'm dead i'm dead for sure i'm 100 i'm definitely i'm definitely dead i'm after getting past the bandits in the first rooms i made it to the guy in dag very quickly died again so i changed things up i i put the sneak armor on and got a bow and approached him very slowly very slowly sneaking around here and i fired i killed the man in his uh bodyguards and got out i traveled back to marcoth and uh told the woman that the job was done and i got my money you paid me 600 gold yeah if i if it kept this up that's gonna become a very rich man so then i went back to the dark brotherhood and uh told astrid that the job was done uh but she said that that clown guy remember like i said to watch out for it was acting very weird being a weird guy she asked if i could spy on him she would see what the guy was up to but to do what i had to climb into a coffin oh yeah get right up on in there you know okay i wrote in my notes here uh this guy balba bird that that is definitely not the guy's name i don't know why i wrote that anyways i don't know what he was going on about but uh the night mother started talking to me told me uh that i'm the listener never hear that man the listener and that's that's me anyways uh the night mother told me that i had to find some guy in vollroon i told astrid about it and she got a real mad i don't know i have no idea what was going on here but i was told to go talk to nazir for some other contracts while she figures out what to do so nazir told me you know what there's there's too much going on here just i'm gonna skip to the good part here like look at this i equipped two daggers and started uh practicing with them dummies okay look at what am i doing here my aim is just not good the guy i needed to kill for the next contract was uh and more side in so i went there and found him sleeping and uh practiced my dagger throwing on him but then the innkeeper tried to kill me so i had to stab her too and then some guards showed up and you know everything just it all fell apart so as i ran outside more vampires showed up and then a dragon came there's way too much stuff going on here i need to get out of here i don't want to play the dragon right now it's the worst time possible so i ran and luckily found one of those crystal things that you can use to teleport and it teleported me back to the starting area so to use that and save me when i got there i used the opportunity to get some new weapons and uh sell some gear even a lock pick something out of this weapon display case expert lock too by the way great that i did this so i got this nice elven dagger and then i found this shield mounted on the wall that looked to look pretty good so i took it and left and used a crystal to go to white run now take a look at this there's like dragon bones in the gate there classic uh skyrim good good stuff right here the other guy i needed to kill was uh near the dark brotherhood so i fast traveled there but there was a problem my god dragon shouts weren't working i had no idea what was going on here they just would never recharge so it looks like i was no longer the dragonborn or something i have no idea what's going on anyways on my way to get to the guy i found this a weird looking rock i want to know what was going on so i walked up to it oh my okay i'm good i'm out here i got to the house and i found the guy and i had to kill him and his wife guess what they were vampires last witness killed 1000 bounty removed yes so i'm back to the dirk brotherhood and uh astrid says finally ready finally good for me to go and see the the guy that uh the night mother was talking about and roger or something whatever his name was but before i went did that uh told his ear job's done you know everyone's killed so he paid me and i was off on my way to voldeer only problem was this place was uh on a mountain and i was getting very sick of going everywhere on foot and real tired of running across you know everywhere so i bought a horse yeah look at this i bought one in whiterun my horse is it my man how's it going you're a horse i'm a guy i'm going to name you let's get up close i can look in the eyes know what i want to name you oh where you going come back all right you know what your name is muscle i'm also the horse that's good here good on you i rode that horse you know what it was good oh my god okay okay how do i how do i speed this thing up there we go okay i love this oh yeah this is good can we jump i can jump there's a there's a rhino okay i'm standing on the horse i don't want to stand on the i'm standing on the horse i'm gonna take this thing down and now we're gonna run out of here i'm standing i'm surfing on it's coming it's coming run go i don't know what this thing is it's coming go go go just go go go i'm standing i'm standing on this thing again i rode the horse all the way up to the mountain uh straight to voldeer and found the tomb and uh went in a lot of dead things in there dead guys everywhere but you know what i found found the man i was looking for his uh his name was not roger someone else the real reason i'm speaking with a cutthroat in the bowels of this detestable crypt for i seek the assassination of the emperor oh want to take down the emperor so i went back and told astrid and she was very happy loved the idea of gill and the emperor but at first she wanted me to take the amulet to some guy in the thieves guild remember that place showed them the amulet and i asked if you'd buy it oh yes oh yes it did hey you know what it never got anything for that didn't get a didn't get a dime don't know what what happened there yeah with that out of the way we could finally start the plan to kill the emperor first person that had to go down was a bride so i had to go to a wedding victoria or victoria i don't know vc yeah that's the name the bride it was in solitude and i had never been there before but she's the emperor's cousin or something and i don't know why we had to kill her but she had to go down you know and do what i'm told so i got in the carriage and rode there from rifton you know what this is look at this place this is a good looking city classic looking castle you know i should have should have made something like this when i was doing my uh minecraft medieval video it looked a lot better so i walked up the path and uh there's like a public execution going on yeah this place loves the emperor or something i don't know so i found the wedding reception and i started looking around you know trying to find somewhere that i'd be able to uh take the shot if you know what i mean to take the the bride out i found a little ledge up top that i might be able to do the job from so i went up there i waited around a little bit and she started giving a speech and uh just as she finished i took a shot oh i got a second chance though when she came back down and this time i hit her straight in the head yeah had to get out of there had to get out of that city fast they were not happy with what i had done and yeah even kill a guard on my way out when i got back to the dark brotherhood i told them that the uh the job was done and they said hey you know what a new target but i could not focus because there's a spider walking around there's a spider right there a giant spider right there no one cares about that you're staring at you don't care about the spider okay the next guy his name is uh you know i'm not gonna bother trying to read that the idea was to plant a letter on him that made it look like he was the one who was trying to kill the emperor i get a bonus if i killed this man in a major city and not out in the field somewhere because that way the body would be found faster apparently he was in dragon bridge so i went there but a big problem because the moment i got there i was immediately arrested i had to pay a thousand gold i was losing money all over the place here anyways i need this guy's schedule to know where he's going to be and what day and stuff so i broke into his house and found it how's it going going to bed i'm just going to take a seat right here yep see you later no problems here there's no said he would be in windhelm's uh palace of the kings on uh whatever the skyrim word for tuesday is so i fast traveled to uh windhelm and uh went to the palace of kings and just you know waited for the man and eventually he showed up so i followed him in the guy walked around for a while and didn't do anything and uh didn't walk into a position where it would be easy for me to kill him without anyone seeing at one point he was just walked into a room full of guards yeah i'm going to kill him right here because in the car room now the schedule said that he was going to walk around at night time so just waited for that to happen too eventually he left i mean what is this guy doing he's just walking around places not even doing anything but you know what i assassinated him right right in the middle of the city and no one saw that perfect it couldn't have gone better so i planted the letter on him and fled but when i got back to the dark brotherhood that dead little clown guy apparently he went crazy he started attacking everyone and uh astrid said to take my horse and go get him you can put this guy down ah that's good really happy i just spent all of my money buying a horse and like two minutes later i get a new one yeah good i'm not a rich man would have loved to know that i was gonna get a free horse soon having sludge oh okay look at this oh my look at that horse wow [Music] [Applause] good horse i tracked him down and i had to go through a dungeon and kill a bunch of stuff a whole bunch of stuff around here and eventually though i found him i was given the choice to either kill him or leave him he was wounded in the sky he was very annoying so i thought you know what time to put the man down i loaded my crossbow and now put it to his head left what my man got off he just tried to kill me what was going on there he's begging for his life one second and going crazy the next but uh after fighting with him i killed him just happy that was over with okay back on track with this emperor stuff the next target was someone called the gourmet apparently this man's the best chef in all of skyrim okay he makes you something you eat it it's good stuff and he was uh he's gonna be cooking for the emperor soon so the plan was to go find this man kill him and uh take his identity and i become the gourmet yeah i get to cook for the emperor which gives me an opportunity to kill him only problem is this no one knew who the gourmet was a secret identity secret chef except apparently one guy did and name was anton he lived in marcraft so i went there but uh immediately got distracted by this uh guy outside of the house he started questioning me asking if i knew anything about a demonic or something daydragged i don't know but told me that he was gonna go in and see what was going on and i said you know what i'm coming in with you i'll see what's going on in there went in the house looked fine no problem here except uh he said that he heard something in the basement so i just followed him down there and that's when the uh his demons started talking to me guy freaked out and ran look at this there's stuff flying all over the place it felt like i was playing phasmaphobia again okay oh oh oh okay okay okay we tried to run out of the house but uh the door was locked we were stuck in there and the voices started telling us to kill each other it's not good you see what's going on here you're me no no i don't want to kill you i killed him and then the voice loved it and told me to come down to the basement so i did that and when i got down there there was this cool looking mace so i walked over to it and wow look at that you walked right into a trap and got put in the cage it was the voice of uh mogo babo i can't remember this some sort of danger prince that told me that uh the mace could be mine all i'd have to do was uh bring him some priest just a guy named i mean i can't read that name bowathian that's that's not it but something like that okay why did i even bother writing the names down in the script there's no way anyway so i went there and tried to find out where the priest was he was apparently in this uh freaky camp oh look at that goat head on a stick oh what is that a wolf head something's on sticks oh i went further in and there's a lot of enemies around so i started sneaking using my bow to take a take a few men down yeah pretty good if you sneak around with a bow you do a ton of damage but the only problem was was that uh i'm not good at sneaking everyone found me very quickly and then i made a huge mistake a few quests ago the dark brotherhood gave me a spell to let me summon a spectral assassin okay this guy is uh apparently he's the best of the best and i thought you know what let's uh try this guy out and little did i know that this man he never never stopped talking he just kept going killing the gourmet will leave an emptiness in the collective soul of skyrim killing the gourmet will leave an emptiness in the collective soul of skyrim i have won this contest before ah spitefulness an ancient city okay yeah really enough of yours okay i gotta beat this guy in the submission after i got the priest back i did it beat him into submission but honestly they wanted to beat that ghost so you just stopped talking this man he had so much to say so much anyways i made the priest submit to mogalo i why don't don't mogulo is not his name why is that written in the script anyways i got the mace yeah look at this thing it was good the mace of molag bal i give you its true power mortal all right yes kill the chef and then steal his very identity for that is the true death okay enough yeah the the ghost would not stop or reminded me of this guy i knew back on xbox live why why that what what a bad joke why did i write that in the script what what guy am i talking about on xbox live how would anyone know who that okay anyways i had enough of this ghost okay back on track got a little distracted there but uh glad i got this new mace this is a good mace being silly been looking for you how's it going okay so the the gourmet he's an orc and he's at the uh night gale or night gate in some place like that i don't know i told him it was a pleasure doing business with him and by that i meant that i stayed in his bedroom until he went to bed and then closed the doors and did what i had to do if you know what i mean crossbow to the head no witnesses and no problem got on my horse and started riding to the night gate in oh oh what are you doing what am i doing oh come on oh trying to kill the wolf okay don't worry about what was happening here okay just uh i got to the end yeah the night gail in what's going on here so i found the man in the basement and uh you know what i killed him looted his body and uh got the right of passage but i was not done yet no a huge problem about to happen so to get the bonus i had to hide his body so no one would find it i thought no problem just uh pick him up put him somewhere else hey no you can't just can't just pick up a man like this he's too heavy so i thought all right you know i'll take his clothes off maybe make him lighter no that did did not work either but then i saw that you can kind of nudge him and he kind of body moves a little bit but then i spent like 10 minutes trying to move this big naked orc anyone gonna see this come on get in there i gotta put him in a barrel come on come on come on get him someone's gonna see this someone's gonna come down and see this is the worst thing they can see [Music] i'm getting out of breath doing this come on like uppercutting oh come on come on nope let me do this oh oh oh [Music] oh oh oh oh i got him i got him i got him i can physically pick him up where where do i put this i'm just gonna throw him oh he hit the i'm gonna just get it you gotta go in the barrel my man you're going in that barrel there it is he's in the barrel okay okay okay let's get out of yeah i here there's no dna around here hey you know what i found out after watching this footage didn't need to do any of that yeah i got credit for hiding his body when i killed him in the basement it was all pointless anyways with uh that all done i went back to the dark brotherhood and it was finally time to kill the emperor the plan was for me to go there and uh tell them that i was the gourmet and you know what i've already explained all this anyways the plan worked flawlessly i was in the kitchen preparing the meal vampire dust seriously hmm yes i guess i can see how that would add a more earthy texture but oddly enough we do have some on hand yeah all right what next then got it i poisoned the pot of soup and brought it to the emperor you know what justin the man ate it almost immediately he was dead yeah just dead emperor on the table no problems i grabbed his robes ran out the door and you know what huge trap why am i wearing the emperor's ropes that man was by far the most insufferable decoy the emperor has ever employed oh no apparently the woman from the dark brotherhood astrid set me up and now these guys are gonna kill me and burn the dark brother to the ground but you know what he did not let him i went back to the dark brotherhood and fought my way through the sanctuary place was on fire big huge mess and i had to kill a ton of guards but eventually i reached his ear real happy to find out that nazir did not betray me he was a good guy so uh yeah we fled the sanctuary but just as i was about to walk out the door the night mother says come here get in my coffin so i did that and then woke up the next day or something the fires were out and the night mother said okay astrid still alive and inside this tank tree so go find her and kill her for betraying you and i did now look at this just burned singed laying on the ground she uh she apologized for betraying me and said take my take my dagger and put me out of my misery so uh i did yeah blade of whoa not bad started using this thing a lot very good dagger uh so the dark brotherhood yeah is now the leader of it pretty good but uh problem was it wasn't over yet because the night mother still wanted to honor the contract and uh kill the real emperor i had to go talk to uh whatever his name was again i'm on more tier told him you know what the hit's still on emperor's going down just tell me where he is apparently he was about to get on a boat in solitude and the boat was going to leave real soon so there was no time to waste got to go there straight away but instead of that i said you know what just hold on the emperor can wait i want to go to the mages guild i guess i went there to get some training and destruction magic i feel like my man doctor strange you don't cast all sorts of spells so i walked around that college for like 10 minutes looking for someone to train me in destruction talk to like 25 people and none of them could do it but then i found my man the destruction trainer very last person i spoke to and they had helped me after getting some training i was i was off ready to go so i went to solitude okay hold on i gotta point something out you might have noticed that i have not been using any dragon shouts you all know why it weren't working i don't know what was going on trying to use them just didn't work every time i looked down on my bar it was constantly recharging i have no idea what was going on here occasionally one would work not okay it doesn't matter anyway so i walked down the long foggy path towards the boat uh there's a problem though to get to the boat i was gonna need to swim and i'm telling you right now trying to swim in vr not good i'm being pulled by the ground i don't know how to swim i'm just being pulled [Music] save me someone i don't want to swim no because i was like a flailing argonian trying to swim desperately i found out though that you can uh change realistic swimming in the settings i was able to swim using the joystick so i just swam up to the boat and uh got on board okay here we go finally on board the boat the emperor's supposed to be on here so i started carefully creeping around the deck looking for people had my bow equipped and uh shooting everyone very stealthy quite the assassin at this point i went from room to room killing everyone i saw on the boat and not a single person got away after the ship was cleared i entered the emperor's room now there he is emperor there's the man who needs to go down so uh shot him in the back of the head with a fireball done so i went back to the battered mayor told uh mon mortier hey you know what emperor's dead took him down myself and non-more cheer paid me and i said you know what you're going down too tried to run out of there as fast as i could without uh getting caught but you know what a man with an arrow through his head and it took me down it was all good paid off my bounty no problem because i was about to be so rich my mom told me that he stashed my payment in uh in a cave back where i first met him and i had to go pick it up so i went there and yeah just look at this oh look at that 20 000 gold okay okay yeah now that i was a rich man it was time to start going after those vampires again i opened up my uh quest log because it's been so long since i had done anything with the vampires and uh i was reading through it and i said that it was transcribing the lexicon or something like that so uh i could find an elder scroll in a dwarven observatory yeah so i went there and uh couldn't find where i was supposed to go eventually just sort of bashed my way through over to a lever and was able to press it i don't know if this is what you're supposed to but you know what in vr anything goes so it's fine when i got down there i had to fight a dwarven robot thing wow this thing was it was tough man did a lot of damage to me and actually uh killed me on my first attempt and if i like two goblin things vicious creatures she'll bash them in the head and uh got real close to dying to these things as well with that out of the way though i ran across this giant glowing cavern until i was stopped by a big mosquito yeah finally made of this big room with uh some sort of a wizard up top i gotta fight this guy there's like a wizard up there oh oh i can't move okay okay i think that paralyzes me are you gonna punch me [Music] no no no no no don't do hey where are you gonna go harry's down after i killed that man i uh went down to the lexicon thing tried to figure out what was going on there although i had absolutely no clue what to do i was just uh pushing buttons flicking things walking around i am not good at these puzzles so i just looked it up i don't know how i did that i mean i looked it up but that's not that is not the instructions the guy said we'll see what's in here what do we got oh another scroll i brought the elder scroll back to fort dawnguard and haven't seen these guys in so long so i spoke to that dexton guy yeah he's blind now rag tide right around the head can't see anything told me that that elder scroll i just got not a chance you can read it if i if i want to have it read i gotta learn how to do it myself and that uh if i wanted to learn how to do it i had to go to some tree and dig capture some moths or something i don't know so i went to this tree and uh yeah look at this you see this this is crazy wow look at this place yeah no one's been here in centuries we're gonna get attacked very soon i guarantee it so i got the the bark from the tree and then i had to walk around getting moths to follow me and you know what hey i did not like this yeah doing this in vr made me feel like i had legitimate giant bugs flying around me okay it's starting to it's starting to freak me out okay it's starting to make me feel creepy look at this moths all around me oh yeah look at this whole bunch of moths flying around me it's all good and with all these moths i was able to uh read the elder scroll yeah very smart man he can read anything he showed me anything when i got these moths it's all good i was a little bit worried that i would go blind too though because of how much vr i was playing found out that there was some sort of bow in a cave darkfall cave and i had to go there to get it you know what don't ask me what's going on in the story i have no clue i had absolutely no idea why i had to go get that bow or why it was important or anything i was just the man who wanted to kill vampires that's all when i got to a darkfall cave it was super dark so i had to cast a candle light spell yeah look at this but as we were walking across the bridge it just fell out beneath us oh good okay whoa the water swept us along for a while and eventually ended i mean to fight like five spiders just look at these things i was just wildly shooting at fireballs and everything hoping that even just one would connect because my aim was so poor eventually we killed them and just pressed on okay okay do you have any idea what this is like in vr seeing a giant spider like this it's just just look at this i had nightmares after this yeah i did not like this cave so we kept going and i had to kill a lot of spiders they were everywhere crawling all over the walls stealing everything this was not a safe place okay i'm gonna jump over it do not walk through it please do not walk through that trap okay okay okay what'd i say i say don't walk through it we got out of the spider area made it into a clearing where we had to fight some cave trolls after all that we reached this place where the bows were supposed to be but uh it wasn't there there's some snow wealth instead this man was a paladin he told me that if i wanted the bow we had to kill his brother or something i don't know and then he opened up a portal and said go in there so i'm like all right going in so i went in and uh weird place lots of tentacles and a big mosquito i kept going through the cave and i had to kill more of those things in this giant saber-tooth tiger oh okay oh my god i got to the end and there the first portal thing opened and uh went through it the portal brought me back into skyrim and i think i don't i don't know it was outside now killing stuff apparently i had to go open more of these portals pour some water in a bowl or something in all of them i i don't know why we're doing this just had to do it and you know what you don't need to hear about every single one of these things so just uh how about this okay my man wise fish you pick a random royalty-free song and make a montage of me going all these things okay real quick how's it going okay big one big one get it open let's go i gotta get over there i gotta get up there how am i gonna cross this imagine doing this in real life oh i just crossed the river how's it going my man i can't do anything hit hit this thing why am i glowing okay man just walked right off straight down there there we go finally lost one of these things my man you have no idea what you went through to get this okay with the last one of those portals up i could enter the temple and uh you know what this is a weird temple here hey hey who's saying hey who's saying hey okay is it coming from here okay it's just saying hey he's just saying hey what is this okay this guy says hey one more time [Music] what am i supposed to do here he's just saying hey okay i reloaded and waited till the next day and uh it finally worked no idea what was going on there but when i got in there was a lot of frozen guys here lots of stuff in their hands too but when you tried to grab it they broke out of the ice and attacked tried to kill a bunch of them but uh eventually made it to this the main guy that i was supposed to kill he was sitting on a frozen throne a lot of frozen people around him so as soon as i started talking to him they came alive and that they fight a whole bunch of these things they got frozen frozen beetles and a random a whole bunch of these things yeah after killed all those things uh the guy chased him right up to a balcony he started going on about something and his kind are easily manipulated fools give the bow you're going off the edge into my eyes don't even don't even let him get up oh god i just smashed my computer look there he goes yeah i got the bow look at this ariel's bow so i made some sun arrows or something and took the portal back into the cave and ran out and fast traveled to winterhold yeah right back to the college more spells i added a new mod this apocalypse mod apparently there's a whole bunch of cool spells that i could now get and i wanted them but you know what high med i'm the biggest idiot in the world i i thought i was buying spells no i was just buying scroll after scroll these are scrolls i'm buying i've been buying scrolls not spells i'm so stupid i'm so stupid anyway so i bought some spells with a little gold i had left after that and you know all the gold i made from killing the emperor you're pretty much gone okay just wasted it right but you know what on the bright side i got this very cool spell i can use now big explosion my character gunker he was still glowing no idea why this man was glowing and i never actually figured this out so just to get used to seeing this anyways i went back to the vampire place and i told him that i had the bow and people started running out to see it or something i have no idea what was going on here if i'm being honest next thing i know we're all at the castle ready to attack started charging up the like gargoyle came alive there's vampires all over like i mean just look at this we battled our way into the castle this is i don't i don't even know what i'm fighting right now we got to the main guy and he started going on you know everyone just everyone's going to give a speech in this game everyone's got something to say let's fight this guy what are you doing stop talking to him he's a vampire whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where are you going slowly oh this man's floating around wait wait no where are you going just come up to me he asked me if i wanted to become a vampire again you want the bow i'm gonna give you the same answer i gave you the first time all right no way my man very well then you leave me no choice [Music] go [Music] there we go i killed the man ended up having to beat him with my shield glad that was over came out of the castle feeling good told my man that she should not be a vampire time to get that cured get that looked after her so not not good she said she would figure it out and come back to me in a few days and you know what you never saw her again just uh gone i on the other end yeah i went to rifton time to time to go see what was going on in the thieves guild so i went back and uh just picked up where i left off i had to go speak to maven blackbriar she told me that she wanted me to go put some rat poison in this guy's brewery to make him go out of business or something so i said you know what no problem my man can do that easy so i found the guy and told him that i was gonna i was here to exterminate the rats he had deal with them so i went down to the basement and got to work killing them thought it was going to be easy but uh wow rats almost killed me hey not in the sewers anymore you know why because whatever happened to my file i don't know got deleted somehow you know what it doesn't matter he didn't miss much i just completed the quest and came here i was told to find this argonian guy in a bar and see what he knows about something i don't remember he told me he'd tell me what that was if i just stole some wine for him in the blue palace hey blue palace looking good this actually looks nice i guess what you got in here fame bryling at your search oh no no i yield i immediately yield i immediately yield okay okay enough okay okay so i gave the guy the wine but i was told to follow him after i do so he was probably lying to me so i followed this man through the town down the road and right into the east empire company warehouse and what was this man doing i don't know but i kept following him i snuck through the whole place killed a bunch of bandits and confronted him yeah still have no idea why i went down there and did all this just a big waste of time and so i went back to the thieves scale to tell them what what are you doing sending me down these places like this why why am i doing this mercer said hey don't worry about it just uh meet me in the snowville sanctum near windhelm so uh i went there but when i got there i stopped at the end i met this guy named sam he told me hey why don't you have a drinking contest with me so i said you no problem had a couple drinks with him and uh next thing i know i woke up in a temple the next morning no clue what happened here but there were a bunch of people real angry at me very upset i asked him hey where's uh where's my man sam they said you were going on about a staff staff in roark's dead he's there so i said all right i'm gonna go find him one on my way there big storm rolled in a huge storm oh got a storm coming in lightning oh close oh we got a dragon okay yeah no problem here come here well i'm taking this thing down shoot it with an arrow come here oh there's a spider duck in it what's going on over here it's down oh the spiders are coming okay okay oh that's a lot of spiders like four okay [Music] when i got to the farm in roark's dead i was told that i don't know what happened here i guess i stole some goat or something yeah i was told to go find the go but you know what did not have time for that i didn't want to be looking around for a goat so i just paid the guy i had to pay like 500 gold for this goat or something yeah i don't remember how much but it was it was a lot apparently i was trying to marry the goat okay yeah what went on the night before apparently the ceremony was supposed to be at some uh cliff for some i i don't know i just i wanted to know where the sam guy was so i went to this dungeon or cave or fortress something i don't know i went in and there was this beast what is that thing what what is it it's locked up or something oh not locked up again he can't come in here he can come in i can come whoa swinging it's good giant club a massive club okay okay i gotta go gotta go on my second or third attempt i i killed the thing and i got a massive club yeah just yeah look at this thing yeah not bad a huge club you smash a man's head with this thing i went through the dungeon and had to go through a portal and i found sam and it turns out the man was a demon daedric prince this was all just a big prank big elaborate scheme to get a man like me to marry a goat so funny cost me a bunch of money and tons of time but you know it's all good because he uh gave me a staff he's summoned a someone's a daedric knight trust me you're gonna see a lot of that guy later anyway so i went to the palace of kings and windhelm and spoke to the y'all i was interested in joining the stormcloaks figured these guys might be the best fit for me because the thieves guild wasn't working out too well but in order to join i had to prove that i was worthy so they made me go to some iceberg in the middle of nowhere and kill this worm or something like that i thought it was gonna be this big fight but uh no this thing was very easy to kill just a big waste of time doing all this i had to ride my horse through a frozen glacier water when i got back they said hey you're alive it's all good you're a storm cloak now and it was perfect timing because they were just about to uh go get some like you know crown or something or some i don't know so i had to go to some place and meet up with a bunch of them what's going on down here yeah hold on you know what i got an idea hello there okay that wasn't oh the crown was supposed to be down here in this uh crypt or dungeon or something and we have no idea why we needed it but i said you know what they all get it no problem um so i was using my bow and i was getting pretty good at it look at this shooting it pretty good so we found the crown and uh i did not waste any time i put that thing on right away i was gonna wear something like that and i went back to windhelm next my man that y'all wanted me to uh bring an axe to the girl of a white run told me that something about how when two men know each other they need not speak any words okay whatever you say my man so i brought the axe to whiterun and i just made one tiny little mistake one small tiny tiny mistake i uh accidentally put a flame ruin on the floor in the y'all's palace someone's gonna walk on that i'm gonna go to jail because of that sure enough when i was talking to you all someone that stepped on it exploded them i had to pay off a guard to stop trying to arrest me i was going to run out of gold having to pay off all these people buying goats telling people not to arrest me paying for a man who was going to become broke very fast anyways i gave the axe there all and he uh started talking about it for a while and said don't want it so i brought it back to the other guy and said he didn't want it and didn't take it and uh next thing i know we're getting ready to attack white run okay look at that that's coming in some of these are coming in a little bit close we doing this what's going on i don't know if that was the time for speeches my man we got to get in there this man gave a huge speech while he's a giant flaming balls were landing pretty close to us but eventually stopped talking we attacked the city charged right in there bow drawn firing arrows and everyone we fought through the city and uh right into the rolls hall all right you wanna do this i froze them there's the y'all it's frozen frozen solid [Applause] what do you want to do with them you see that i froze the man and they did not care at all eventually got up and yielded so we captured the city and told the man to get out pack your stuff you're gone the city now belonged to the stormcloaks i'm pretty good but it turns out these guys we're not the smartest if this was my empire what do you mean what happened what happened what are you guys talking about we just had a battle look this guy's got an arrow in his head what happened what do you mean but the war was not over we needed to uh free some captured soldiers from an imperial holdout when i got there these guys had uh had a plan to like sneak in you know what yeah i was not interested in that i had a different idea keep your eyes open okay i got a better plan a much better plan i'm gonna show you guys it's called this it's called you walk right in how's it going hello anyone here i'm here for one reason you got some guys up there i'm coming to get them right trust me you don't want this you don't want this this is your last warning yeah it's your last one you go down that go down that path right now you don't yeah i tore through that fort and got all of our guys out no problem the girl though was uh so pleased with me that he told me that i was now allowed to buy a house in windhelm yeah i could be a homeowner pretty good uh so when i talked to this guy to do it yeah he said he wasn't the house wasn't ready so i just i i don't know then they're all sort of talking about dragon shouts and i remembered yo yeah you know what that's something i can do i can do more of these i think by this point it it had fixed i was able to start doing shouts again yeah i did because i froze to y'all yeah yeah so i it fixed itself i guess he kept going on about the graybeard so i thought you know what let's go let's go have a chat with them see what they're going on about it only problem was that they were on a massive mountain so i got on my horse and started the long ride up i made it up in no time got there and i met them showed them my shout and they uh showed me how to improve it that was good just hanged out with these guys for a while they're the pretty good guys next thing i know they're talking about some sort of horn of jurgen that i had to go get or you're getting i don't know he said go get a wind caller guy go get the horn for us and i said you know what no problem just for you and just for you i'm not gonna show you this because you've probably seen it a hundred times already all you need to know is i went in the horn wasn't there there was a note said meet uh meet me in riverwood so i went there but on my way yeah yeah i got distracted by a chicken all right let's take a look at this thing how's it going oh chicken right here i'm walking around oh you died oh you're the one they call dragonborn yeah just look at the chicken let's take a look at that thing right there when lord merak appears all shall bear witness none shall stand to oppose him no i was just looking at the chicken yeah i thought the guards did i've done anything i just wanted to see the chicken so i let the uh the guards take care of those guys and when i looted them i found a note saying something about kill the dragonborn gunker before he reaches soulstime soul something soul whatever this says and uh there's this guy mirak a whole bunch of stuff about that but you know what i'll figure that out later for now i want to go to the end meet whoever left that note who are you so you're the dragonborn i've been hearing so much about yeah i think you're looking for this yeah i need that we need to talk follow me okay what are we talking here i'm not doing that so i went back to the graybeards and told them about what had happened how's it going okay but just so you know some weirdos uh i was looking at a chicken they tried to get me so hopefully it doesn't happen again they gave me the last part of the unrelenting force show and i wanted to know what that note was about and uh what was going on in seoul what is it soul sign soul okay just that's what i'm gonna say from now on that that better be right so i went to windhelm to get a boat there but i got distracted when i arrived by some cat people oh how's it going got some fish here [Music] that's one of the fish i just wanted the fish anyways uh when i found the guy he was has a boat to travel there he said not going there again it felt all weird last time i went and he was not interested in going back so i told him hey you know what here's 500 gold bring me there he said all right no problem immediately after he arrived this guy came up and said don't cause any trouble here okay you're in you're not in skyrim anymore uh but i couldn't help but look at the guard's armor some good looking armor very interesting look real good on me if you know what i mean so uh came up with a plan to steal it i waited till night and uh watched these guys followed them around crept up onto a perch and then fired an arrow at one of them i took the man down and quickly looted his gear you've committed crimes against the dunmer people of soulstime what say you in your defense uh a thousand gold i i don't want to go back to jail there's a man back in jail no way i was paying a thousand gold i only had like 1300 left and i wasn't gonna waste it that's a huge jail and trust me i've seen some jails this is a good one get that going so fire going give me some little meat here take a seat it's not so bad here i was out on day 88 i started asking around about this meerak guy seeing if anyone knew anything about the man this guy knew something told me to go to a temple and on my way i ran into a couple bandits oh when i got there there was dragon bones everywhere all over this mountain i got up to the top and there was a yeah people working on this thing building it chanting weird stuff and this there's a woman walking around telling people to stop but uh they weren't listening like they were brainwashed i tried talking to the rock and then you know what i ended up working on the thing myself but then i snapped out of it and followed her down to whatever was going on down here it was a huge dungeon had to go through these uh swinging blades you ever do something like this in vr it's not good i had to fight my way through a lot of skeletons and these guys were everywhere eventually we found a book when i read it i went somewhere weird hey how's it going hello hey that was i thought was mirac and he was doing something not sure what because i was too focused on whatever those things were next to him but uh something was going on here so i came out of the book and uh that woman told me that we needed to go tell her dad so he ran to her village these guys were going on about the book and eventually they told me that if i wanted to free those people who were working on that temple chanting weird stuff i needed to get a special dragon shout that i could learn by going to this place in the mountains so i left this guy's just got nothing you want to fight him i don't think should we fight these guys oh oh he's becoming a bear oh whoa okay okay okay okay the bear the bear is gonna kill me i found the shrine but a dragon was guarding it so he had to fight the dragon it's gonna fly okay it's easy i have no arrows there's a dragon right here there's a dragon give me this just keep it i'm never gonna hit him with his meteor land land okay okay i'm gonna die oh good arrows how come nobody's got arrows there we go get out there yeah go get them where's the dragon did the dragon die up there there we go took the man down yeah i killed it uh but i didn't get the soul and that uh mirak guy did what was going on there was a man could just steal dragon souls that was a big problem that uh i needed that dragon soul to uh learn the shout that i just found and without it i couldn't free these people which meant that i had to go uh back to skyrim to look for dragons to kill to get a soul so that i could figure out how to use the shout i was trying to remember where one was and i remembered uh last time i was in morthal there was a dragon attacking and i just fled and ran out of there as fast as i could so maybe it might still be there there's this one there it is okay i knew it because of the odds stop are you joking me yeah focus on that not on me oh yeah i had to flee morth all again i was a wanted man i fought the dragon out by the river and it took a while but i killed it and got its soul so i headed back to windhelm and uh now when i got there you just look at this who are you shooting arrows [Music] you guys are shooting arrows at me wait no you're shooting arrows at him are you shooting arrows at even that thing i make for who are these guys [Music] these are the guards from morthal [Music] a thousand i can't afford this they chased me all the way here [Music] can you believe that those guys followed me they followed me all the way to windhelm just to arrest me i'm a man who absolutely cannot go back to morthal okay that is not good not a place for a man like me i step foot in there i'm going straight to jail and i cannot afford that as i was about to leave the guard told me about a another dragon that was nearby and i figured you know what i need more dragon soul so i'll go take care of it but when i fast traveled to a point that was nearby that remember you remember that big mechanical dragon that got killing me before it was back and it killed me again but then when i respawned it was gone so i just followed the path up and found the dragon and i fought it come on yeah you can get them no problem go get them i love this guy shield bastion dragon in the head there we go he's down i killed it and i used his soul to learn the bend will shout the one i needed to free the brainwashed people so uh it was good i went and used it how's it going good to see you you guys all feeling a little bit weird now oh there's like a swamp there's a swamp creature get it take it down look at that thing oh my it's got like a fish head look at this thing how's it going i like that guy okay so big tentacle arms i had to kill whatever that yeah what was that thing yeah a worker and i took it down and uh used my daedric knight was that his man was fearless but the people freed i went back to the guy who loved doc and he told me that there were some other stones on the island that if i had some free time i should try and get rid of them so i said you know what don't even worry about it consider it done my man i would love to see more of those fish men what is that what is that thing he's looking at me okay i'm going this way it's coming i do it you turn your back to something like that it comes for you at one of the stones i uh i tried to summon that uh dragon that i met back in the vampire dimension the cv was any good but uh wow things did not go according to plan okay here we go oh it's a blue one here we go let's fight a dragon fight him don't talk right now fight fight the fight the swamp thing are you kidding me oh there we go fight him don't fight him you're coming for me okay okay please not now no chase down who's gonna get this one do i get this one or does the mamar get it or whatever his name is tell me i get this one not this one's not from omar or mar marak whatever his name is come on okay it's good i need i need i needed this hey i'm just gonna fast forward here i got all the stones okay i went from stone to stone getting everything uh freeing all the people it was good with all that done i went into this big mushroom town and find this wizard you might know something about the black book i found he told me that he knew about the books and he even had one himself but uh there was another in this nearby dungeon i said you know what let's go get it when we got there there was guys all over the place had to had to kill a bunch of them to get in and uh inside it was not much better in my man's this place was it was not good there was tons of puzzles a whole bunch of the water some other stuff going on some stuff that just gave me bad motion sickness and this guy he kept going on about these cubes remember to pick up the cool bite of course of course i did not remember to pick up the cube these cubes too many too many cubes if you ask me here give me the cube yeah i'm going to spare you all the details and just tell you that we got the book all right i read it in it i went back to that weird place a giant eyeball nothing okay this place yeah not good for a man with motion sickness it does just i mean look at this oh you own near the water they don't like that tentacles come out do you need to get over there this this is the worst thing this this is not this is not good for vr oh i don't wanna do i gotta fight that thing i can't i can't fight this thing right now i got nothing oh there's another one i had to fight tons of those floating guys yeah i like these guys but wow they are they're annoying to fight i'm telling you right now and uh to fight a lot more of those fish men too go get them right turn around what are you doing get out of the box go for the big guy hit that guy okay there's the one what are you doing you gotta get the guy you pinned me play the big beast i got through the whole place right up to the end where he had to talk to his big eyeball guy i think his name was like i uh did i write in the script here i said his name was i of the future there's no way this guy's name was i of the future like why did i write that what was the point of anyways uh he told me about mirak and said that he was also dragonborn then he gave me another part of the ben will show and said that if i brought him the the secrets of the skull he would uh give me the last part of the shout hey no problem my big eyeball man consider it done there there it is boom look at that i got the last part of the the shout only problem was was that i needed more dragon soul so i went back to the alphond or wherever the place was with the big mechanical dragons and uh you know what this time there was two of them look at this yeah i died once but the second time when i came back i i finally killed them you know what i did not get a soul no and yet my man meerak did it was good so i needed more dragon soul still so i traveled somewhere and i forget the name of the city and you probably know it i talked to a garden he didn't know about any dragons and i asked around on a farm they didn't know any no one knew where any dragons were apparently it was a big crisis before when i didn't need them but now a man like me needs a dragon no dragons in skyrim they're gone no problem so i went to mark roth i figured that i would uh go there and ride until i found a dragon but when i got there i started talking to this farmer and he told me to deliver a letter to his son i said you know what i'll do it maybe i'll find a dragon on my way and it didn't work when i got there the next day just gave the guy the letter and didn't find any dragons so you know what i went oh okay i'm going to rift in now maybe there's one there still nothing nothing i was a man going all over the place looking for dragons traveling all across skyrim just hoping to find one and there was nothing eventually i remembered about that uh woman in in the riverwood inn she you know maybe she knows about a dragon so i went there and you know what she did she told me that there was dragons coming back from the dead and that she suspected one was near windhelm so we went there hey how's it going take this man down oh okay oh okay yeah fought the dragon it took me two tries to take this thing down and then uh you know what my man mirac he was back again stealing more uh more souls this guy was really starting to make me mad i hate this guy i hate this guy i needed arrows badly so i read online that i could get some from the drunken huntsman in whiterun so i went and spent all of my money and got tons of arrows yeah not running out of arrows anymore i also read that i could ask the greybeards for the location of a word of power which would sometimes be guarded by a dragon so i went to high haggard or whatever it doesn't matter okay you know you know where i went all right i went there and spoke to one of the guys the man told me that there was one in shear point and uh when i got there sure enough yeah there look at this big old dragon i had to fight this thing i was getting good at fighting these dragons i'm telling you right now as a man was pretty good especially now that i had like pretty much unlimited arrows and my man the daedric prince i took this dragon right down come on iraq you better not show up oh what is this thing who's this guy that thing was a dragon priest i remember those guys yeah drop masks this one had this one that made you better at the lock picking archery and alchemy 20 better and not bad especially since i had not been wearing a helmet for the past like 30 days for some reason yeah i don't know don't know where my helmet went just i guess i was not wearing one so i got the soul and i went back to uh high hog garth is that right i think that was right anyways i learned about the another location and i wanted to get as many of these things as i could as many dragon souls i was gonna need lots of shouts except this one was in uh i'm not gonna try to read that okay it was a cave and there was no dragon but i went in anyways and went through the whole thing gonna watch out for stuff like that okay here is this the i'm here for one reason oh okay oh my god these guys are just gonna keep hey don't worry i didn't do okay that right now right there's the combo you see that get up here go go go again try it again i walk into it as well are you done i got the show but there was no dragon so i went back told the guys i said you know what show me where a dragon is not a cave not interested in going in any caves and they said all right got one on a mountain go get it okay went and killed that dragon yeah took him down he was flying around no problem just an easy one to kill got the swole and was good getting closer miranda miracle coming for you i am coming i went back to the graveyards and used the souls to unlock a couple shouts including the last part of bend will so i could finally fight mirak but i wasn't ready for that yet i wanted to train first i want to fight more dragons get more souls and learn more shouts and you know just get better at fighting before i went and took on this guy i spent another soul to learn this other shout slow time yeah that'd be cool but you know what it was a big waste of time because i'm a man who couldn't figure out how to use it properly i also wanted more spells specifically restoration spells because right now my ability to heal was not good every time i got hurt i just hoped that i had a healing potion and uh it wasn't good at healing so i went to the college of winterhold to try to find the the trainer or whoever sold the healing spells and i was having a hard time finding her but eventually she was upstairs or something i don't know and uh her selection of spells that wasn't very good i still bought a few after that i went to seoul helm it's not soul helm it's soul why did i write soul anyways uh real hard to keep track of these names a lot a lot of weird so uh apparently there was this cave here where there was a black book in it and if i got the book i could uh get an ability to summon a daedric merchant who i could then buy daedric armor off of and if you got to know one thing all right daedric armor real good real strong stuff it would be perfect for fighting mirak anyways this cave was full of these little goblins tons of them in the head i gotta stop doing that but i found something out well i felt like a real idiot you know i've been that throwing my weapon this whole time well it turns out you can also throw your shield yeah look look at this it could have been like uh but captain america whole time throwing my shield around but uh i was not good at this oh those goblins blast these guys back here there they go hit him with the shield nope hit the wall with the shield okay i found the book yeah i went in had to go through this place again not bad though because my man the fish guys were here and you know whatever these guys are here it's a good time these guys are getting good throwing my shield though i'm still annoyed that i didn't learn about this like day 97. anyways you don't need to see me going through this whole place all right there's there's here's me going in me coming out i got the book got the ability it's all good but when i summoned the guy uh it turns out that i was too low level for him just tell me the daedric armor so this was just another big waste of time yeah good i went back to riverwood to meet with that now dragon woman again to see if she was could direct me towards one more dragon just needed one more you know one more soul but she kept going on about this falmore embassy and as soon as i heard the word embassy i immediately lost interest that's boring so i started walking around riverwood talk to a guard you know i don't i don't know what i was doing here well why was i doing this tonight anyways i just left and went to a white run i went to the white run in i got there by nightfall i spent the night of day 98 in the end tomorrow i was going to take on mirak and finish this i slept and walked out of the inn and got ready i traveled to seoul sign and read the book and entered the domain of meerak okay this is uh going up there i had to fight a lot of these floating things i'm trying to use my shield to throw at them but i was not very good at it and there was a lot of tentacles too oh but eventually i made it to the top and uh dragon came down to attack me but i used the bend wheel shout to calm the guy down you know what i rode this man yeah look at this a man riding a dragon in vr he flew me all around and uh to be honest did not like it made me feel again very motion sick but he got me right up to where murak was and you know what no this was it this i was here's the battle okay okay now hit with a scroll that fireball where you going now yeah killed him killed mirak it was done i returned to windhelm on the morning of day 100 and there was only one thing left to do i traveled to morthal and turned myself in you have committed crimes against skyrim and her people what say you in your defense don't even have an option just take me to jail i guess you're smarter than you look this is where it ends with gunker in jail you know what it's where he belongs hey how's it going you and i are gonna get to know each other real well gonna be in here for a while there it is my man it's done and i'm gonna tell you right now yeah it's gonna be a long time before i play vr again this was uh this was not good for a man like me i i suffered okay this was yeah i got so motion sick doing this i can't even put i was going to bed thinking about like i i don't even want to talk hey it's not i'm not doing this again i don't want to see a single comment saying 200 days i don't okay it's it's done gunker he's staying in jail there is no force on this planet that will take that man gunker out of that jail and go on you can go say free gunker all you want put on doesn't matter gunker's not coming out of jail and i am not playing skyrim and vr again [Music] you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 11,275,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, luke thenotable, hardcore mode, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, Skyrim, VR Skyrim, VR, I Spent 100 Days VR Skyrim... Here's What Happened
Id: 1o8j2aSSEBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 43sec (8443 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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