🔴SKYBLIVION Live Gameplay Demo and Q&A[Liking The Stream Is Appreciated]

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Thanks for posting the vid. When this finally comes out, I think a lot of folks are gonna clear a month or two on their calendar and play the shit out this.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/OldIrishWhiskey 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

This isn't my video but I seen this in my Youtube recommendations. I didn't see this posted in this sub so figured I'd post it.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/slytherin1221 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I know the original Oblivion had a lot of bloom but this is a bit much.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/superjake 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh man I can’t wait for this to come out.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dash_Rendar425 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] okay i think now is as good a time as i need to get started um welcome everyone hello uh today is a pretty special special day in a special stream um i don't think we've done anything like this in a in a quite a while yeah we decided to do a gameplay demo of sorts we will be running through sky oblivion um as it is right now um and we're going to be um we're going to be showcasing uh some of the regions that you guys have seen in the development diary so yeah i hope you're looking forward to that i'll quickly do an introduction you may know me as rebel size i am the project lead for scablivian and i am also joined by two other leads which are shadow who is our 3d lead who specializes in creatures um and deludist who may want to introduce himself so ludust go ahead yeah hey guys um i'm the implementation lead and an exterior level designer for skype logan i worked on the full forest area from the um from the dev diary so you may know a little bit of my work all right great um yeah having that said i think i think we can get started oh actually i just remember um we had uh just before the stream started because we're continuously uh improving the game right it's it's always in development um we had an update to the um what's it called gold coast grass yes the gold coast i did forget yeah i also forgot to remind you so yeah my bad your bad all our bads um yeah we had some feedback from the developer diary um that the the grass in the gold coast wasn't gold enough and we agree with you um it's something we noticed ourselves as well so that's something that we have now fixed um see that's why it helps when you guys you know leave your comments in the videos we read them and we listen so yeah having that said it should be enabled now um so i think we're just gonna jump in the game um i'll switch to the other screen and i'll see you there all right so far so good almost almost flawless stream we're very close let me pause the music yeah um loot i'm gonna ask you to uh keep an eye on the chat because i i can't read anything except for twitch i'm afraid so yeah yeah i'm in charge of youtube yeah okay um right on i'm here hey dude good to see you dudes maybe you want to do a little introduction as well uh yeah hi i'm d keys and i'm the lead level designer on the project great um first thing that i always love showing to people is the main menu which in my opinion already looks pretty kick-ass it's pretty awesome but uh not what you guys are here to see so let's just jump in instead i have to admit i i had a character prepared for the stream the the stream itself is very uh impromptu like it's it's very last minute but i did prepare a character so at least there's that um i see a first question about dlc which might be a very good one to start off with um so uh i think i think we can all agree that in elder scrolls history one of the best dlcs hands down was the uh the shivering isles um and i think dlc that all of us at scableview are very interested in in working on um but the dlc itself pretty big and uh oblivion the main game alone also pretty big so really our focus at the moment is to release sky oblivion uh as the base game so none of the dlc just the base game uh and once the the base game is out that's when we will start looking into the dlc as well it's it's purely because um i think i speak for everyone on the team we want to get skip oblivion out as soon as possible and as much as i love the shivering house and as fantastic as i think it is simply put if we don't work in it now skype living will be out sooner and then afterwards we can you know get crazy with um the uh the dlc um yeah as i said i've prepared a little character for this stream uh we are in the imperial city waterfront district which is a kind of a lower class district if you will um i'm wearing the elven armor which you guys saw in the update trailer or the update developer diary you haven't seen the shield though it's actually the first time i've seen the in-game as well the gray aegis you uh can come across this in the um what's it the yeah the arena questline um also something you've probably not seen in development diary is the new ui which is uh um very much inspired by oblivion and we try to make it look um a lot more pleasant um which i think we did a pretty good job at but hey that's me speaking so let's go with a shield yeah yeah there are lots of questions coming through chat um obviously if someone's talking we're not going to just interrupt mid conversation to chat and switch questions just so you guys know we'll have to finish up the current question of the current topic before so you can post your questions again if we don't get answered right exactly um why do we need oblivion for the mod um because the converter will take your parts or oblivion files and like your voice lines and stuff because we're not able to distribute them because they copyright um projected and whatever um so we can't distribute the files so that we're gonna rip out the installer will rip out the voice files from your oblivion install so that the game can use them and there's no enb no um this is all just the weathers from the engine yeah that's actually a very very common question i see it's um one does scabbing support neem b and the answer is yes because it's it's it's a scary mod so you know you're still using skype engine enbs will work just fine but the the weathers how how bright how colorful everything is um that's just really fantastic work from uh our our old lighting artist state who did an absolutely incredible job with with the weather so it looks it looks superb will spell making be implemented uh we've actually gotten pretty far with that haven't we it's pretty much implemented yeah it's it's well the the spell making itself is is is done uh it's not yet implemented but it's it's kind of on our to-do list because we still have to create some of the ui elements i believe um so until all the ui elements are in game we're not merging either the the spellcrafting or the rest of the ui uh currently it's a separate separate package um kind of but um good news is it will be yeah we can do it yes yeah i mean this the spark crafting is hilarious we we've we've uh had yeep who uh who made the spark crafting show as a demo and it's it's uh it's just as as fun as it was in oblivion to make to make your own spells i've played with myself it is a lot of fun i think it does it all work completely and the ui is done i think there's not much to do left like there were some keywords that would be assigned the certain spells so that they couldn't be used in the spellcrafting like the the test spells and stuff all right gotcha stuff like that um something that might be interesting to talk about for a little bit uh by me is the imperial city aisle which we're walking through right now um as you can see first of all one of the interesting things about doing a a gameplay demo and a live q a is that there's there's no um there's no scripting for the developer diary we try to make everything look great we only show you the best of the best uh but for instance now you can see that there are some holes in the in the landscape because that's areas we're still working on um it it's it you know it's a work in progress um but yeah in any case uh something that's interesting about the the imperial city in the imperial city aisle that that it's it's located on is that in oblivion the area around the imperial city the island was completely empty um why time constraints maybe uh you know we can make our educated guesses but the fact of the matter is there wasn't too much uh going on this island since the imperial city is the the capital of the imperials what we decided to do is kind of transform it into a bunch of smaller farms so there's animals being kept there's crops being grown over there further down there's a fishery and a wheat farm we have mills over there we have farm houses located on the islands which is something we try to do throughout the map of cyrodiil oblivion fantastic game by far favorite game of all time for me but let's not pretend that it was perfect a lot of the the world map felt a bit empty i'm really trying to fill in that space with well whatever we feel fits uh fits that area so you know a hunter camp uh bandits that have taken over affords small little details like a chest that's half buried um you name it uh i think maybe ludus and d you can probably talk about this a bit more uh in a bit more detail than i since you guys are the uh the landscapers for this project or one of the landscapers dude uh i'll go first i guess then yeah i'm in the fall forest especially the moment i've been adding lots of like minor locations um the other day hour for the day a while ago there's i added like um a half buried like coffin with treasure in like something the dead bandit with like some wolves around like just bits of visual storytelling that skyrim did a lot um you'd love to come across little things other than skyrim right and i believe that just doesn't exist in oblivion they just weren't around at all so that's definitely something to add in brings a lot more life to the world than a point to explore trying to go up the beaten track if you know you're never gonna find anything from exploring and eventually you stop exploring you just fast travel around but if there's always something to find then yeah keep going right yeah that's that's probably one of the most important pillars when it comes to uh level design and landscaping for us it's that we we want to reward uh exploration we we want we want the people to you know who who go into the world and and look under every stone and behind every bush we want to give those guys uh something to find um and we want to encourage them to keep looking uh because that's i think in the end that that's maybe the best compliments you can you can get is when someone finds that secret you know you've hidden so well and you've thought maybe no one would find and then you see a screenshot maybe after release and someone says yeah dude i found it cool i like it hopefully yeah um you're asking about uh lag um i'm guessing that's not from the game i'm guessing that's the stream right kyle yeah the moisture does and i don't think they're done that's in the game the game runs pretty smoothly it runs like skyrim right i'm watching i'm watching both and i think the youtube one is suffering a little bit okay okay yeah my my game is running at a steady 60 fps at the moment um so i'm guessing you asked me if i'm from cardiff that's kind of a project question but i'm from near cardiff fight yeah i thought funny i've actually been doing something similar with um what you were saying about the imperial uh with the chain hollery she's just adding a lot more farmland around it you know just kind of building up that that sort of story that these cities you know produce food it's not just every city sort of takes care of itself do you guys think it's an idea to maybe start off with the uh the fall forest since in the developer diary we didn't show off a lot of the uh imperial city um so it might be good to just travel there straight away or should we go for a little walk go for a picnic if we want in the fall forest yeah making sounds good all right this is probably something that a lot of people are uh interested in as well like i always get questions about show the world map show the world map so maybe i'll show that really quickly here's the world map we have so far i think the uh the areas that need the biggest amount of work right now uh would be the great forest which is located here which is being worked on by uh cairo who is one of our uh new landscapers who was a or who still is uh an interior level designer um the nibben area which is over here is currently getting a um what do you call it like a polishing pass yeah and i think that those are the two major yeah yeah those are the two major areas with maybe bruma needing some more work as well right jack uh yeah the city of broome needs to be fixed up there's actually a bug that's going on at the moment due to something we have to fix and also it's in the area surrounding i want to do a sweep over uh lots of asking about vr support um uh we can't say for sure i don't really have any does anyone have a vr headset on the team who can actually test i don't know yeah there's there's a few people actually but from what i know um skyrim vr basically is the scary ss e engine just with the beast attacked on so i think sse mods normally work um i'm not sure if i'll be doing any actually necessarily at launch at least to support vr maybe that's what we could lock into later if there are issues with it but at the moment we are just focusing on an sse launch if it works naturally then it works but i can't say for sure [Music] we have arrived in the uh the fall forest so this is uh this is an area you guys have seen in the the new development diary um which is actually it's it's worked on by the lootest uh so maybe luke you can you can talk a little bit about this area and uh maybe also tell me where to go because you know it better than anyone uh i suppose um if i forgot the lake just follow the path up and then go up to the road and go left um this path up or go straight to the like i'm a bit behind you so i don't really know no worries the left the lakers like northeastern north um yeah so this area in oblivion um it's very small um i think i'm gonna talk in terms of cells probably you don't know how big they are um i can sell well i don't know i'll just try it's a very small area in oblivion um just a little stretch of road really going with no real major locations inside of it there's one location inside of it and then like one on the edge but now we've expanded it and it's got like there's a few caves inside of it now it's about four times the size it used to be um replacing some of the generic forest with all the full forest now so it's like a full-fledged biome rather than just a speck of nothing really um we've also added in a few more different types of trees it was yellow i think it was just yellow and orange before we added like these red ones that you'll see around as well and also statues of green as the pine trees for like a bit of contrast also more um bushes with colors as well yes yeah i used to browns before so it wasn't very colorful for forest we've definitely at the color from oblivion yeah for sure someone actually also uh asks an interesting question uh about falling leaves if we're adding those into this fall forest if we have any plans for that there's an effect from dragonborn um we should be able to reuse um i can look into that actually so i will do that at some point but um you can add them in the weather so there's constantly falling leaves everywhere or you can add them as like an effect so um we were talking about them as effects so that we can control where they fall and maybe a big certain area is a bit more cinematic so it's not just leaves everywhere but so certain parts look there are fallen these in certain areas maybe we can do something to uh think about what we're actually doing it'd be pretty easy to you know change the textures on them a little to fit each tree that might be placed under yeah i can hopefully i can just take the actual files from the leaves and use those who knows yeah sorry everyone will it cost money absolutely not be 100 free as long as you have oblivion and skyrim special edition and each of their uh dlcs yes this is what uh our imps currently look like by the way she has placeholders yeah you gotta throw actually know that i uh none of that whip out this weapon uh might be an interesting one to talk about as well we had someone join the project very recently uh last week two weeks ago uh he goes by the name of heir of septums who is currently overhauling the unique weapons in our game um one thing i think we're pretty proud of at skype living is that we're making a lot of unique weapons so we're making a lot of unique models such as this shield and the sword but we now also have someone who can make very cool animated effects for them so the sword i have in my hand right now it's called goldbrend and well maybe i'll just show you what it does so yeah it's pretty [ __ ] awesome i haven't actually played with it myself it's the first time i'm using it but i mean this kind of stuff will make it so much more worth it for you to to go out and find those artifacts um whereas in oblivion and in skyrim as well to some extent a lot of the unique weapons uh use a generic model and even though we are playing and living in a world that's you know very magical uh the the magical effects are not always as interesting as i think they could or should have been um so yeah it's pretty cool um and if you're wondering why i'm diving into the the lake because we were talking about uh landscaping before and level design um and trying to reward players who are um you know explorers who like to um you know go out and find everything there's to find so for for those people you may for instance come across something like this like two little mud crabs having a picnic it's it's it's not a a sack of gold or a really cool unique weapon but in and of itself it's it's uh it's a pretty cool report i think anyway um and this is the kind of thing that will encourage you or at least would encourage me to explore more go out there and see what there is yeah because you you'd be questioning as to how two mud crabs are having a picnic well there there's a little bit more to the story so i suppose that's maybe left to for when they get they get their hands on it yeah um lutes is it the right way if i uh go to the west and then kind of try and find a way up towards the north where we had those atrium acts that we filmed in the dev diary or is that the other yeah yeah that's north of you pretty much directly north of the of miranda which was the idiot room you went to okay and can i can i take the the road west and then take a right because there's a wooden bridge that crosses the yeah you can go that way fantastic level skilling work the same way as oblivion no i think we're even more for skyrim uh difficulty just because it plays a lot better for higher level characters and maybe lewdis can actually talk about leveled lists uh in this section as well because i think something we all remember from oblivion is bandits at some point walking around with ebony weapons which uh they are yeah so yeah um yeah obviously i remember oblivion you you get to like level 20 and all the bandits have the best gear in the game it's very easy to find at that point um we've changed that now so bandits will only spawn and generic npcs will only spawn with generic quality gear so iron steel leather chainmail and fur so they can spawn with and then boss level enemies so that you go to the end of the dungeon you fight the boss that is the bandit which has the chance to spawn with a glass chest piece an old ebony helmet or whatever so much more like well the way skyrim did it basically um will this work with skyrim together um i think if we might people test it haven't we yeah yeah i think i think they support um as long as they support playing mods then it should work which i feel it does so i don't know myself so i think it's going to be one of those questions that maybe probably will see [Music] time will tell yeah it's stuff like that um scare them together and skyrim vr it's not something we are working on it might be something we will look into after release or someone will someone else will beat us to it yeah probably hopefully i'm kind of counting on the modding community to uh to do a lot of that work i have disabled the combat ai by the way in the game so we don't get attacked by anyone or anything so we can just walk through the world um another reason that we featured one of our departments which is knav mashing is because uh in order for these npcs to move in order for this wolf to see me the world needs to be navmeshed which currently a lot of it is not um so you know should you have any experience with um creating navmesh and skyrim you know we would love to have you um we're a pretty fun team if i do say so myself uh and and yeah also i accidentally uh maybe i went the wrong way i'm not sure if i'm supposed to go ahead uh it only has like east from here you want to go over like the mountain peaks all right well i think since we're here uh sangra tour you know we showcased tour in the new dev diary it's probably one of our best fortresses in the game right now um so it might not be a bad idea to just kind of show that off because you guys have only seen it from a few angles as you can see the the landscaping around this area is very rough it's kind of in between to claim so excuse any of the holes in the ground or the empty landscape that's going to be patched up but the ruin itself is uh is pretty much finished um so yeah i think might be interesting to take a little peek inside um also i'm not sure how many people are watching on youtube but i see 500 people on twitch which is 3 400. oh my god yeah it's a few um i'm noticing repeat questions if anything is a repeat question i don't want to give a short answer to so the spellcrafting came up again that spellcrafting will be in yeah and it's currently working would this include locations from unique landscapes mod um some of us well i think a lot of the landscaping team love those mods and i've actually taken some inspiration from some of those mods for our own you know landscape remastering so you'll probably see some influence from those mods in our own landscape um now that we have so many people actually watching this on uh on both youtube and twitch it might be a good time to do a little uh self-promotion because uh the skype living project is on social media we are on twitter on facebook on instagram reddit and we have a discord server as well all of that is linked in the description uh of the youtube stream so if you if you're really interested in what we're doing if you want to see the progress and not miss any of our updates it would be good to give us a follow there uh would be very much appreciated um and also we're we're still looking for developers if you are a 3d artist um if you have experience with the creation kit if you know how to implement quests these are all skills that we can uh we can use maybe your texture artists um yeah we would love we'd love to have you so by all means sign up on our website www.scamliving.com volunteer thank you very much questions about your own easter eggs um yeah i've added a good few easter eggs um already myself so again they're definitely new as easter eggs plus the ones that's already in oblivion um i worked on a fault of the day if any of you guys know the uh ford cold corn easter egg you've got to follow the sword to the chest um i was making sure that was still in the game as well the other day so all the oblivion's easter eggs should be in um i'll see why they wouldn't plus there'll be plenty of new ones i've added easter eggs that um i i just can't remember anymore so they're not easter eggs to me as well i think that's an easter egg in this location kyle oh yes yeah i already forgot about that um something uh interesting about this location and i hope you guys have been paying attention actually you know what let's let's make this a quiz uh what what is what is so significant about sankratore why why is this such an important location not only in the in the oblivion quest line because you go to this place to get something but also in in elder scrolls history because something really really magnifi or not magnificent but important happened here um i'm curious to see if people have been paying attention to the developer diary because i the latest developer diary i wrote in such a way that it's kind of almost a novel uh the narrator kind of talks you through a lot of the story and uh i very specifically mentioned who has been here at some point and what happened the ninth divine yeah people people have been paying attention good again the the skeletons are not attacking me because i have combat uh disabled um it's probably for the best anyway because uh you know i'm not that good should i go into the chapel by the way or should we uh yeah you can show the strike there right yeah because someone was at was asking about an easter egg earlier also it's worth noting really quickly before i go inside this dislocation has been built out of loose pieces i think if you were to count them you guys d and lude you've been working with the ford assets like how many how many loose assets do you think were used to create all of this rough estimates i'm gonna guess something around i think up to maybe 400 maybe more because this place is big um and like sometimes i think i average maybe 200 to 300 pieces for a fort and this place is massive so i think it might have hit like 500. i would love to find out yeah so what's really cool about this place this this chapel uh like like we said it's it's built out of pieces so it's it's not a pre-built uh uh set it it's been built out of loose pieces uh the landscaper who's responsible for this clef j has been on the project for a couple years absolutely fantastic landscape and i think it's safe to say that these kinds of forts are his strength this is what he does best um and he he made this this was his own idea uh none of us knew he was doing this until he showed it was finished and i think it blew everyone's minds and we were talking about easter eggs earlier um and yeah i think i think the people who have played certain games that are really difficult and i don't touch because i just get frustrated something to do with souls have noticed a little easter egg that was uh but was put down there all right cool um lutz that's that area we were originally going to visit what which way is that um like backtrack a little bit yeah backtrack might be an easy way to get there actually if you go back down the road the the paved road paved road yeah right also this place has a custom weather which is why it looks so spooky and there's uh uh thunder in the distance and why it feels so magical it's a some people i see some people asking them a few people asking in the youtube comments um about other languages um i think what we're what we'll be able to do is any language that oblivion was translated into uh dubbed into um i think we'll be able to just support those over the exact same way we did the other uh voice lines so yes hopefully yeah i'm not sure if subtitles will work quite right though because all that is big it's all in is part of the actual esm file so that might require translations for subtitles i don't know but the voice line should definitely be in other languages yeah um also someone in chat when they asked by the bank attorney question um someone which uh spiked the inner vlog node in me brought up that it was the the birthplace of riemann cyrodiil so i just kind of wanted to little congratulations to them not many people know yeah yeah yeah that's probably like deep elder scrolls though but he talked as a baby and said that he is certain or something something along those lines i don't know also this this i have to highlight this the the the arm i'm currently wearing is the alvin armor uh my guy is really angry um which was made by mccarthy uh who's another 3d artist on the project has been it for a while absolutely fantastic artist and the shield the grey aegis is made by borgx or borja another honestly fantastic artist i have a lot of their equipment in my inventory we're going to be flipping through them but what i found really cool is that coincidentally these two match so well like the the gold lines and the engraving are almost the exact same color as the armor set which is completely coincidental but um it might even go with our steel set as well you never know oh yeah yeah true you know what let's let's give that a try because uh that one's been implemented as well now the the fine steel armor i see some people asking with other graphics mods um other graphics mods really aren't going to work and i'm guessing you aren't really wanting to play with them either because lots of them are done in skyrim style right you don't really want skyrim style landscape textures and they won't work out of the box anyway because of just how the game works won't go into it yeah a good thing to note is that um skip oblivion i mean we are we are a modding project we're fans of the series and uh a lot of us anyway are are very much amateurs but it doesn't mean we don't take this project seriously uh it it's it is a proper game in and of itself we have an art style we have an art direction um and we stick to that and as you can see it's it's completely different from skyrim um as much as i love skyrim the uh the colors are are nowhere near as vibrant um and it doesn't have to be because it's a different province so that's that's completely fine um but if if you were gonna mix and match mods from the nexus all willy-nilly without really giving it a second thought um i can guarantee you you're not gonna like the uh the end result um but i hope though uh what will happen is that the community the modding community um will start picking up uh making mods for skiplivian that honestly that that that would be fantastic i really really am looking forward to see what the community will do what they will improve what they will change um because i think that's what's so cool about pc gaming and about uh you know this this fantastic modding community around skyrim is that you can make these games your own however you want to play skyrim up to you you know so i'm really really keen to see how people will change our work in the future as well uh it's stuttering because of the stream by the way guys it's not the game stuttering this isn't how the game runs it's just that i'm guessing something on the stream end i don't know yeah yeah so things like reshade and emb they will work but they will need their own um you know presets made for skype oblivion's weathers so things uh graphics mods like weather mods that add weathers to skyrim you know they'll work for skyrim but they won't be added to cyridel it's world space yeah so there's the types of things that won't work but um you know if you want to try an emb with this you know you don't have to get a completely new env it's the same skyrim special edition emb you'd need other it will work i hope i wasn't i was clear with that you will be able to download weather mods and stuff but they will be need made for skateboarding specifically we've also used skype and armor weapons in skyrim um i'm guessing once we release that we could probably release more standalone mods that people can play with yeah escape moving stuff we could always look forwards as well you are getting close to it by the way kyle it's it's a little bit higher up isn't it yeah yeah you just gonna pass a little thought thing for me yeah i think my potato pc would be able to run run this um we've actually been thinking about um maybe implementing a possibly like uh a lower graphics option esp yeah those you know uh less dense grass of metrics like lighting off because that is a big chunk of performance yeah obviously i think we want as many people to be able to play this and experience this as possible so we don't want to have we don't want to cut anyone out it's it's bad enough that we can't bring this to consoles we would absolutely love to but yeah that's unfortunately limitations [Music] ooh i see something in the distance well khajiit now goes look like the original designs um the mode we're currently using all skyrim stuff but we do actually have someone who's just joined the team very recently who is working on race textures and some small changes to the braces um recently he was working on uh the orcs and he's been tweaking like the noses and stuff so they have like the old pig style nose from oblivion again maybe small changes like that would make it to the races we're not going to do a massive race overhaul though deadlines progress um i actually kind of just finished up the first uh like oblivion realm so i have i don't know if you have the latest esp account no i do not oh yeah we we said we would maybe do that right show uh the first oblivion realm we can still do that if you send me the usb i'll um maybe uh this isn't the uh first uplift this is the burma living get but it's the first one that we've completed and uh hopefully you guys like it when you see it because it's supposed to be the direction we're looking to take with them [Music] we do plan on adding more uh oblivion gates just to kind of vary it up a little because they were very repetitive having eight realms spread out over a hundred possible gets inspired to get repetitive leveling i've seen a few questions about um it's gonna work the same way skyrim does at the moment we have we don't have any real plans to change that at the moment but who knows what the future will hold really yeah i think a problem with a lot of these ideas and and ways to improve the game is that as much as we we want to make the best experience possible and and many of us will agree with you know improving or making the the leveling a bit more unique interesting um we also have to make a choice between um when something but when do you want scribbling to release because we can we can change virtually anything um with with the tools that we have for skyrim uh there are very little things that we we cannot change but at the end of the day do you want oblivion sooner or later because all those changes are going to add up um and that they will keep us oh [ __ ] first crash um and they will keep us from releasing the game so um you know in order to to get this out asap um we uh we're kind of trying to to to hyper focus you know we have an mvp our minimal viable product and that's what we're trying to uh try to focus on and that's what we're trying to get out to you guys all right now whereas i'm just restarting the game really quickly not a problem i'll find you the uh the world coordinates if you want i got him for the where you were yep um minus 6 31. it's spellcasting is working yeah the youtube stream's a bit delayed but someone um someone just before you crashed asked will it just work i guess it just won't uh something that's that's worth mentioning is actually the game itself is really stable um i don't think i've had a crash in in forever the reason why the game is a bit crashy at the moment is because we had new lod uh distant detail um which is too too high quality uh which is currently causing the game to to crash a bit um so you know keep that in mind the game itself is running fine uh it's running smooth even though for some reason it doesn't really show that on youtube but yeah don't try not to worry about it too much um right what were the coordinates again -6 and 31 if there is without this is footage without an emb there is no emb enabled at the moment this is just ross oblivion ss basic as it gets no changes whatsoever dlcs will come out after release and we don't know if he'll work with scare and vr possibly i'm answering questions we've added already shortly sorry i mean we're going to be answering questions 10 30 times maybe the cooperation between you and the skyline guys um if there's if there's a certain assets that we uh could use both um sometimes i would say we we would probably coordinate with beyond skyrim's here with cereal a bit more since that's uh we have a bit more in common uh just due to the fact that skywind a lot like us has their own um sort of very specific art style for skywind yeah so you know us sharing or them sharing like a like a particular heist model with us might be they're quite the right architecture for us but there are some things we we do share in common um someone asked how much of pain is lip syncing as far as i know i don't i'm not too much into npcs and stuff the skyrim generates something like a lip file from the voice file it has and it generates and then it knows certain sounds and it generates the lip movement for you it actually looks and feels great for skeleton like i've played through a couple of the the quests that are in the game uh and it was i was really pleasantly surprised with how good the the lip sync looked i get i didn't have anything i mean sure it can be better but uh in my opinion look quite good you think the mod will release in smaller increments like beyond skyrim uh unfortunately not just due to how um well the way the game is structure we just can't split it up in chunks like that i think the beyond skyrim guys uh like planned that very far in advance to be able to do that which is why they were able to kind of uh have this just that little small chunk of burma work separately yeah this location calls that with the acronax is one of those examples of um minor locations or unmodifications or you never know when to come across something i worked on there's a bit of a story to piece together you guys might be able to figure out on stream i don't know what i'll show but maybe so you'll be able to actually figure out probably once your in game yourselves also someone asked for a close-up so that's why i'm uh walking closer up into to the a truck um another location where we should go to any suggestions guys because uh ideally i think it would be cool if we go past every uh fort for instance that was showcased in the dev diary um not sure if you loot want to show off anything else in this area um and nothing always comes to mind at the moment we've shown a lot of full forest now as well maybe we wanted something else yeah we've been we'll leave some things for you to find right yeah we've even live for an hour already yeah okay so uh yeah what do you guys think where should we go next i see a lot of requests for black marsh the romance and marriage options we're not doing because those voice it'd be kind of cool to do to bring over and i'm sure there'll be mods for it but there's just no voice lines in the vanilla game which we can really repurpose to use and create yeah um i'm not releasing them from really quickly uh what might be interesting is that cyrodiil is one of the most diverse uh games in the elder scrolls when it comes to the the biomes that it has so up here we have the geral mountains which you know from skyrim uh we have the uh golovian highlands which is another mountain range but it's it's a lot more you know dry and arid we have the gold coast we have the west welds the heartland which is situated around well the heart of cyrodiil around the imperial city very aptly named we have uh blackwood we have the nibben basin in the nippon valley and we have the valas mountains which are next to morrowind all of which we try to give a very unique look and feel and i think you'll be able to appreciate that when you explore the game uh that the you know the location you go to as as you go through the map it feels unique and it feels a bit more um well special maybe for the lack of a better word someone suggested um bill varen if you can show the entrance from the sewers sometimes oh yeah yeah yeah but that could be a nice nice shot for people who haven't seen it before yeah maybe maybe after we go through blackwood since it's very uh murky and and it could probably start from the top can't you could walk a little bit down i'm doing the opposite i'm starting from the bottom they already traveled there but that's okay too right well the bottom is just the top if you're upside down all right that's where he brought you oh yeah dee you might want to talk a bit about this location because it's an interesting one even though it in you know for the base game it won't be anything other than just a really cool location still might be worth talking about yeah so in original oblivion um this was if you didn't have the uh vile lair dlc there was still a little island uh that was off the coast of blackwood with this either it was a demolished house or it was a uh a heist that was undergoing construction and then abandoned uh i don't think there was ever any sort of clear story to what it was supposed to but uh i basically took that to kind of mean that maybe that was a house that was built on top of the vial lair and so i thought it'd be nice to add in add in evidence of that even for the people that don't have the valor dlc so uh i built this this burnt down house that perhaps belonged to the previous owner which i think is supposed to be a like an ancestor to the player but i i just continued building and i think it turned into like just like a small little settlement and as i was doing it like a little story was starting to build in my head like uh it usually happens when you're designing levels you know you try to try to justify what is the reason why you're placing things down and why this place looks like this and uh i started just imagining this this village of peaceful vampires these vampires who you know just want to live their life they uh they have the disease they can't quite get rid of it but they don't want to bring any sort of trouble to them but uh unfortunately trouble still comes to them uh this here is actually another little example of visual storytelling you see a beehive here hanging but you see some poor soul that tried to try to grab it at the bottom oh no oh no that's that's good i hadn't seen that before that's super sad though that's all examples visual storytelling but yeah so um that's uh our first that settlement is like a former vampire village that the citizens of leon took uh upon themselves to uh take some pitchforks and torches too as well as the uh current at the time there's a there will be another little um attachment to that story that'll pop up in a quest later on i think that's that's all i'll see what's also maybe good to note is that maybe people haven't picked up on this yet but this is blackwood this is the the swamp of cyridil the marsh which is uh well it's not the most colorful area in the game but i think it's one of the coolest because it's such a big contrast compared to the rest of the game i really love it and we've actually arrived at is it fort blue blood this one is it is for blue blood which was a big part of the dev diary i think it was the fort who uh who was defeated by peace one of them i think there's quite a few forts that just weren't needed in cereal after a while someone was asking for uh i'm sorry you can see uh forts in blackwood particularly don't age very well that's the moisture the vines it just rips them apart from the basket for some boat about maybe any cool bows i'm not sure if you're going to character the bow and fiddle frost is pretty really dope oh i don't have that one i do i i i can show you guys some weapons really quickly sure i have a couple of bows none of the unique ones i have the ebony bow fine steel bow iron bow silver bow and the steel bow i guess the silver one is kind of unique yeah so that's nice someone asked why you build a a bridge a bridge to a tree i think the idea is that the tree grew and destroyed the bridge right and these are very old from like ages ago they can be so that's a that's a tree that's just through time just slowly you know broke its way through the bridge just kind of the showing how strong these trees can grow this is the uh one of the shots from the dev diary oh look at that border gates we're asking for maybe you can visit the black marsh watergate while you're here yeah trying to actually get a bit of a brighter weather because it's hard for me to see i can imagine it's hard for uh there's a fun little uh parkour uh section here i think i found it yeah yeah [Music] same separate launcher the idea is we will have a separate launcher yeah um dude it's an elaborate parkour uh eat weak potion of the spell with artwork by carol and the potion bottle by doick right portion balls by andre and i'm implemented by doug oh influence my doink my bad i mean me and doug worked on the different cube maps so that every potion looks unique right it's a massive collaborator over there between like four or five people so that every potion has a unique look without just having to do a lot of work modeling them all people there's a lot of people asking where the npcs are um i think there's a few of them currently our thing could be empty the way it's set up here um i've noticed because there's i think there's a total of three enemy markers in this zone and they don't always appear sometimes it's uh two sometimes it's three uh so i'm not too sure what determines that i think it might just be the player level i think it's a random chance it should have like a number after it mm-hmm um there's also uh the addition of the lag of navmesh so there there's animals there's npcs in the world uh but because a lot of this is not an avmas yet they can't they can't um sandbox they can't walk around they can't you know go on their patrols uh go and and do their chores that their ai packages are telling them to do because they can't find the door to leave their house for instance um it sounds silly but that's that's that's kind of what's what is keeping them from from going anywhere um and that's also why we mentioned the nav matching departments in our development diary because it really does help to get more uh more people to work on that last month world encounters that's something we could possibly add at the moment there's nothing we've started on our quest in department currently is very busy implementing the base quests of the game yeah whenever they get done that's probably something they would start looking into for some of the actual extra additions through the trees we can uh i think see leon right about now it's an independent game or a really big mod it's technically a really big mod a really big independent mod yeah it's the game maybe uh d you can you can start talking a bit about leon as we approach the city you know i'll go in through the uh the front gate maybe go through the um the settlements a bit before are you going through the poor district side or uh whichever one which whichever side this is uh that would be the poor district you're going through so you're not getting a good first impression of the beauty but that is leo and you'll be seeing the uh well the disgust and rabble of the city the the the filthy beast folk the you know no upstanding imperial would dare find themselves in that part of the city so i i'd recommend you stay clear that side we'll just run through it then okay all right but um bring a dagger i gotta i got a flamey sword i don't think anyone's gonna mess with us thomas morris asked about uh what a pc you um you probably need a fairly substantial gaming pc um we haven't got any hardware requirements yet um to play the basic oblivion you should be fine running on uh that's the whatever the skyrim requirements are but for the remaster you're looking at uh a pc that can run a heavily modded skyrim pretty much because essentially what this is what did you do kyle why did you unload the door i don't know i have that bug with the door again i'll just i'll just spawn in like this yeah we seem to have bugs with doors as well sometimes we do sometimes we don't but yeah so i i designed leon um i think it took me a total of two days nine hours and 25 minutes i streamed i think the vast majority of its development on on stream and uh yeah it was really fun um so leon in what it was being originally designed in oblivion was supposed to be split into three sections that would allow you know the ships to pass up the the nibben uh but i think just due to um either time constraints or uh you know console limitations at the time they uh they just couldn't do it uh fortunately we don't have that issue so we were able to you know bring that realization to life so i uh i think i had had one of our 2d people work up a concept a lot like the original concept for oblivion only just sort of detailing the uh which which district was in which part of the town and uh i noticed that they'd spec specified the um the rich district was near where the shops were and the poor district was uh you know separated which i thought suited very well because the contest of this city is very um well she doesn't she doesn't like the beast folk very much or the uh the common rabble so uh it made sense to make leon uh this this beautiful city on one side and then this this forgotten uh city on another side uh just showing uh you know how each citizen class is treated and i definitely get a clear weather so it's actually you can actually see what's going on so sorry it took so long yeah i i well i i've often wondered because we've struggled to find out what our weather codes are um could it just be the oblivion ones don't go up to those uh toilet stalls have you seen how fast they get slammed open [Laughter] you have me there for a sec dude yeah so this is the fourth district this is the poor district and i kind of wanted to make it look lived in if you look up like that main street you'll see you know it's just uh well it's littered there's like tur chairs and tables that look like that they've been thrown out onto the street during you know arguments between spices um basically i i modeled it after my own childhood street more or less so it wasn't very hard for me to draw from inspiration but yeah i liked uh and i i like making their little back gardens in their city or in the behind the houses uh one of them even tells the story of the residents who live in there uh and that's the uh these are the the canals so these are the spaces in between each district uh this is the the poor district canal um i i like to imagine you know this is where the the scrumma traders come in and smuggle their goods in tonight yeah they don't want to come in the this is probably where the more corrupt of leon's guards would would be stationed maybe succumbing to uh well the corruption oh you didn't miss the chest did the boat in in the room boat the broken one yep oh there it is see i i i thought oh and it has skooma oh yeah probably one of those uh school dealers who uh couldn't keep it afloat well no they just didn't they didn't want to pay the uh the bribe uh yeah i always pray pay your bribes come on ooh d i see some clipping there i hate i hate to out you uh like that live but uh there's a box coming out of the uh the boat although that's that's standard you know you can if you want to let the fish go you just open up from underneath and you know it's swimming okay all right all right [ __ ] mode activated you would do good in pr will there be underwater combat uh yeah uh we're still working on it though um i think i think we had it in kind of at some point but we we wanted to you know get it a bit more i don't know what the term would be stable or less isn't it feeling a bit more responsive but yeah now we're in the uh cathedral district which is the uh the very tranquil shield that uh guards the rich from the poor if it ever comes to it our stained glass windows are something to maybe highlight as well they've been made by shadow not too long ago they look absolutely fantastic before people say the text is the wrong way around uh it's the wrong way around when you're outside but on the inside they're actually not mirrored so sharp eye but uh yeah we were kind of ahead of you there yeah they are lovely looking yeah yeah we the reason we actually had to redo these windows was due to the fact that um the cathedral model was actually made by the beyond skyrim uh team yeah and one of the stained glass windows actually since i sat in the skyrim's era it wasn't allowed to feature tiger septum so one of the uh glass stand windows featured martin septim which you know was a bit of a spoiler yeah because he's still alive yeah yeah so it was kind of ridiculous because we we were developing the game and sean beam was still already dead let's be compelled with combat mods um i imagine so um i'm not tech no one's really tested as far as i know but some mods will work some won't i think the key thing will be going in is not expect your favorite mod to work it works as a bonus but you've gotta try to frame this as you're playing a new game and maybe experience it the winner the way we intended is the best way to do it first that's the way i experienced because the games i always play non-modded first and then mod the hello but your second playthrough yeah exactly we uh we just uh visited the the castle the castle skin grad it'll visit to the counting contests actually let's let's go to the graveyard as well really quickly i'm here now anyway right it's black and rob's the robot that light dab i think it's gonna be a robe still yeah i think it was whenever i was making this city one of the things i wanted to kind of show was you know it's it's old so a lot of people have you know been born and died in this city so i i thought there was always maybe a little too few uh tombstones and gravestones in the in the cities well you know yeah that was someone's ship you just ran so yeah well off luck not my problem people starving in that that that section of the city you just went out of and you're just throwing apples in the in the river yeah this is this is the uh well the much nicer uh probably more legal side of the uh canals or the you know probably the the shops get their genuine goods from good shipped into d you forgot to remove for jeremy i always do for anyone curious who this um you know bald idiot is uh jeremy is the skill test that we sometimes use because sometimes when you're building like a fort a dungeon you just you have to get reminded as to you know how big the player is in comparison so i usually plop down a jeremy just to test it and i often forget to take it out in fact i'm amused you haven't come across at least six more here we are in the rich part of the city uh where the finest of people live um you know the the best of the best also the most ignorant i think yeah nice little clock tar oh well not clocked or a beltar but i just had to add as a nice little centerpiece to that uh well center something i uh i noticed in the developer diary is that there were some comments about the uh about the trees and how we removed the trees the the trees are are relocated it's not that like there's no trees in the uh the upper district it was just the angle that we were showing that didn't have any of them it was shot from there so we were looking this way uh but there's still trees over there there there's trees where it makes more sense uh i i think so anyway yeah i mean if you go up here you'll get to the the nice little park so yeah there's a little park uh this part of the city is still getting kind of cluttered up um there's some stuff i can do here but uh i think you're heading towards the guild district now because the fighters guild mages guild and the blackwood company and i i i think i think it was positioned this way and originally in oblivion but i i made sure that i kept the fighters guild and the blackwood company facing each other you know like two cats on each end of the street just uh hitting each other but uh this little pond here is where a certain certain city palace guard will retire to and often swim in this is coming up with the ti 30 graphic calculator or just pc it is coming out for the calculator yeah i thought we're allowing oh good i was worried about that for a second yeah it was important um in the interest of time is it maybe a good idea to go from here uh to something completely different like either the the sewers or maybe the gold coast you could show the little baron part maybe explore around there a little bit maybe yeah going off to the gold coast what do you think dee yeah that's good do you want to show some of the faults as well right yeah yeah we can we can sort of like travel across the map crisscross it's just farthest around this tower you haven't properly covered right out of the three main yeah we also have that vineyard that kind of overlooks the imperial city which might be a nice one to uh yeah the visits you know let's do that we'll we'll go to um the the sewers and then we'll go to that chalman and i think that place is around there so yeah it's on the way anyway could you show off the shield yes there there is a someone asks is there going to be a painted world and i'm sorry if i'm i'm missing a lot of questions but i'm trying to to focus on the game as well it's a bit hard to multitask but the the painted world is there yeah and it's actually worked on by uh d um maybe before we move on uh something you may notice is the the loading screens look horrendous but it is the original oblivion artwork um we actually have a new artwork for this that we're trying to implement at the moment which i hope we can maybe show off one or two loading screens in the next development diary or the one after that uh we will see what happens uh but just so you know that this is not really what is our intention when we think oh fantastic loading screens look look at the pixels will be able to hold the loot and stuff that's something i've actually worked on myself um we've had to change things because max level of gear was not spawning like data with support level 20 in oblivion which is very low in skyrim right that's a 20 hour year old character can get a little 20 pretty easily um oblivion that's much more gameplay so we've had to extend all those levels that level has been rejected pretty much being doubled like well put up the skyrim as a base and then we can tweak it from there even more if we need to i think my game might be stuck you've stuck yeah i thought so let's scare him up be in sky oblivion um you can console command your way to it but we won't include any sort of way to travel there um you know immersively uh due to just the fact that um i think we we change a lot of uh skyrim assets to fit skype libyan as well as uh well the uis changed i think there's a lot of other things that we're depending on that might break a person's skyrim experience yeah so yeah we we'd rather kind of leave that out will paint brushes still fly it's a question after my own heart that one um maybe you'll find a few all types will be 4k by default um basically yeah there's no point in every texture being 4k you don't need 4k text for cups and stuff well that's the nexus mods dude 8k spoons all the way unless you want to download 500 gig the aim then you probably won't want to download everything 4k but we will have lots of things at 4k all the armors weapons the 4k um basically the things that matter is yeah like i did a breakdown for the implementation team i think a few weeks ago i'm showing off like what can be no it's like you don't need a 4k roof texture right you're not getting close enough to the roof to see 4k a 1k roof deck is just fine yeah exactly that it all goes into your performance and how much stuff is loaded into your video card and how much hard drive space you have someone asked to see the uh the shields correct also changing my uh that doesn't look too bad with the blades armor yeah it looks pretty good eh also uh someone asked about the dream world as well here's the dream amulet that you have to wear to get into the dream world which is kind of cool where's that shield so it's a great age it's so good i need a good you know if you're showing the blade shield off no no yeah but i figured you know very cool i'm blind oh it's d great ages did you implement ssc creation club creations like goblins saints and seducers and umbra sword um things like that we we do ourselves we have done our own umbra sword and armor and goblins i feel like the uh blade shields i've seen a few questions about werewolves and i don't think there are any plans to there's no depth you will be looking away well that's definitely not in a scope um and i don't think there's any plans to add any like natural werewolves in it's definitely something that wouldn't be too hard to do though that could happen but then you won't be able to get away with it'll be full frontal nudity they won't they'll be nudity well for the for the wolves yeah um the bars yes i think some of our goblins will be topless at least the females will be they might be yeah but no no player nudity or characters and those let's not be sexist like the the male goblins are naked as well show some love to the boys i have to say i i haven't i haven't seen this place with the new lod even though the lod crashes our game every once in a while this does look fantastic holy [ __ ] so um for those who maybe just tuned in or not sure what they're looking at this is what's gonna be your view when you leave the sewers behind the these gates uh is where the tutorial dungeon takes place and we're kind of introduced to the story um so yeah once once you get out of the uh this the sewer this is gonna be what kind of greets you although you won't be wearing blades armor you'll be wearing leather or iron will be more npcs in cities um very unlikely because the problem is with that there's a lot more work to add in full schedules and all the following and there's also no real voice lines for them to flash out those npcs so if they are they'll just be able to do is really spit out the generic rumor dialogue which isn't fun right elder scrolls games aren't about massive empty cities they're about intricate cities with lots of people who have all of their own sort of schedule and they do things and you know live a life not like the witcher 3 where you talk you can't there's not just peasant and noblemen walking around yeah great game by the way but totally totally different yeah oh crap came right yeah yeah i just don't use disabled combat really quickly so that's why they won't attack me just so people aren't working will you be able to get unique weapons from the arena combatants night that's that's a yes for certain weapons we have done it for um obviously there's no point in us doing it for the the arena combatants that just have the standard like uh you know iron weapons and state weapons but those um i think it's an elf that has a certain magical dagger um we we went through the process of you know giving it a complete given its own concept art and then we had a 3d artist completely make that a unique dagger and when you go through that trouble you know you realize you have to give it to the player you know it's pointless just to tease the player with that and never let them get it as to how the player will get i think we're still kind of trying to figure that out it might involve possibly a uh a grave and a shovel and uh you know illegal activities sounds weird you won't be able to pick that from the arena though those rules will still apply uh if you were to fought charmander in the wrong way you go into the fort which is currently nothing by the way girl i thought i was going to the uh the vineyard oh no i'm watching it i'm sorry i'm watching the youtube channel let's watch because it's way more today i i know our own game don't worry okay i know where i'm going this uh this this place gave me real blood and wine vibes from the witcher 3 dlc it's exactly kind of when so it looks so serene so fantastical and just great i love the beehives as well but hey that's just because i love bees well how one-to-one is the small going to be to original oblivion in size um maybe just the tiniest bit bigger um but a lot more dense in terms of content it's good to note that uh um floating bottle uh it's good to know oops all same quests all same voice acting so pretty damn close it's what we wanted yeah but it's good to note that if you if you haven't watched all the development diaries i highly recommend you watch the first one since it talks a lot about the the scope of the project uh how we started out and one of the topics we uh we discussed there was also the scale of the game um oblivion's world map is actually a lot bigger than both morrowinds and skyrims so you know as as landscapers not only do we have an impossible task ahead of us because we're kind of doing this in the free time uh we're modders we're in you know some people's opinions uh not professionals um i think at this point i'm willing to say that in some extent to some extent we are but we're also working with the world map that's a lot bigger than what the developers for skyrim for instance had to work with um so you know just just keep that in mind um when you take a look at our work it's it's pretty pretty damn impressive um but that's you know me project lead i'm super proud of what we've done i'm incredibly proud of the people who work in the project uh we have d keys with us today and the lotus um who both when they joined the project did good work uh but they've they've grown so much like your guys's work is is miles better than what it used to be and it's it's really cool to see that that growth uh across you know all the different people that are in the project um that's that's something that yeah it's cool when you're landscaping miles worth of work you're you're gonna get you know miles better than what you were before yeah you'd hope so how much deviation is there from original oblivion storyline none exact same storyline i also see a lot of hearts in the chat just want to say really appreciate that because um i think one of the really cool things about this project is for one it's that we we get to work together um i i honestly i love i love our team i love the people that are working this project um the other thing that i i really really love is uh the the community around it i'm not gonna say fans because it sounds kind of weird to say fans but the people that are are following us um that that are you know watching the streams that are going to youtube and telling us exactly what they love so much about oblivion and i think i think i think that's really cool and and very unique and yeah i think this is probably an experience that i'm going to be talking about for the rest of my life and it's it's really cool to have been been a part of this and you know i've met you guys as well because uh you know i know i know i sometimes give you guys a hard time but i actually do kind of appreciate you and would even consider you a friend but don't tell anyone he said on the internet this place is awesome as well so this is uh one of those remade forts um in in oblivion all the forts are really towers um not so much fortresses and they they're kind of generic like they all use the same layout more or less um one of the things as we mentioned in the dev diary that we've been working on really hard is to um remake these forts give them a bit of a unique story depending on you know what they're involved with um and make it a lot more interesting for you guys to come across them um again it kind of comes back to that whole we want to reward people who are you know explorers exploration should be rewarded in open world game in any open world game because it's it's one of your your core pillars if you don't want people to explore then you know make it make a boring world um but yeah i'm i'm willing to say we kind of nailed the whole exploration thing and uh we made some really cool uh really cool areas sometimes if you can show off the uh model which is then we haven't showed off before oh yeah we could do a first time kind of yeah reveal i mean to be fair i think i think we're showing a lot of things that we haven't really shown yet to people um so i mean that's what's kind of cool about this live stream so stick around i'm sure there's a lot more but yeah let's let's when when when people say umbra do they mean the umbra swords or the completely unique umbra armor no one has seen or heard about um why not both that's so greedy yeah that's pretty greedy wasn't the armor in the dead diary oh yeah it was people didn't know it wasn't it wasn't named specifically people didn't know what it was it was just a new armor set uh but yeah umbra umbra is a unique character in oblivion that you're going to be uh slaying and she actually yeah let's let's just turn or put it on he has a unique armor set at least it has a unique name but it was using i think the ebony uh model in oblivion uh with the only difference the plume that was removed from the the helmet and a unique weapon which is a daedric artifact but now we also have a really really beautiful armor set oh i think there's a bug with the helmet add-on yeah you might i don't put your old helmet yeah that's my problem that's my fault that one is you can blame me for that yeah okay expectation leads cheese and uh the sword i think maybe for the for the youtube folk i think since it's a bit blurrier maybe you could get a bit closer to the helmet the um the armor was made by uh one of our older artists when i say old i don't mean age but the amount of time he spent on the project uh borja who's also the 3d lead of weapons and armors you can probably tell why he was also responsible for some other sets like the um [Music] the blades armor uh he made the anvil guard armor who we've not shown off yet myth armor and the weapon is made by our 3d lead shadow who is uh mostly the lead of creatures but does miscellaneous uh assets as well and what doesn't he do honestly the shadow is kind of this swiss army knife he'll do whatever he finds and uh he'll do it insanely well like look at this sword it's it's so cool and it's gonna have a unique visual effect as well um because the the blade sucks souls so there will be should maybe maybe it's better to leave some things yeah secret actually a lot of times if they'll be on steam um and at the moment there's no plans for a steam release um that's definitely something that you know that might happen down the line after release yeah um but we would need help from people much much more capable of that talking about people are capable um the scablavium project as fantastic as it looks is still looking for 3d artists uh texture artists quest implementers people who have general nav mashers people have general knowledge of the creation kits nav matching is a big one that we can use some some some you know motivated dedicated people for um so yeah i mean if if you want to be part of this project of this undertaking and we would be more than happy to have you um also if you are just a quote-unquote fan if if you just want to follow the project we are on twitter facebook instagram reddit we have a discord server as well um and if you have a a question that people ask a lot is hey i have no skills how can i help and it's going to sound stupid but one it it's seriously always more than fantastic to see you guys you know being excited with us that's super motivating but a way you can actually help uh is to do something like share our video share a post on on social media because that might help us reach you know that 3d artist or that landscaper that interior designer that quest implemented that nav measure that will be able to help us you know complete this project sooner um it sounds simple enough and we know it it probably is but yeah it's something that helps a lot a lot of people ask like is there a place they can donate and stuff like that um we we want to be paid in more volunteers yes send us send us souls yes thank you very much fresh meat fresh meats fresh meat uh someone's asking if this is the um this is not the ebony armor this is umbra's unique set yeah it's a unique armor set we have a different set oh ebony yeah involve young squirrels to use his songs i would love young scrolls to make like a nice little bard song for us [Music] many developers played end roll just curious i have i still haven't got around to it um kyle you are friends with some of the developers yeah yeah i actually had a drink with nicholas um from sure ai fantastic guy really really nice dude i was um i was in germany in 2018 uh at the gamestar uh headquarters who have like their their own gaming magazine in germany and they invited me to do an interview with them uh and nicholas was uh in in the neighborhood so we kind of uh met up uh he joined us for dinner and a couple of drinks that was great it was really cool to be able to talk with someone who's kind of been through the same thing you know he was he was kind of the project lead friend or all and was really refreshing to be able to kind of talk to someone who you know had a similar experience and you know they have a fantastic team i've played enroll for a little bit i never finished it though and i think the problem with working on something like skype oblivion is that it kind of takes up most if not all of your free time so you will find yourself not playing a lot of games anymore um but you know a sacrifice that i will make any day of the week no regrets either you real or martin models yet they're not really new models they're just car skyrim characters they've done at the moment and then they get tweaks in the future to upgrade some concept out to make them look a bit more like the actual actors who played them i guess what they tried to do in oblivion but everyone knows oblivion's character creator is pretty goddamn awful so i think they did very well at trying to do that we actually got a guy on the team recently who's pretty good at um you know making unique looking npcs didn't we yeah he might be able to take a look at those maybe yeah i saw a lot of people asking about the ebony armor so allow me to oblige is this my tweaked one it is yeah moving helmets sorry you still need voice acting and we don't we've we've never needed voice acting um other than you know our trailers and stuff like that and dev diaries uh we'll be using oblivion's uh voice acting and porting it over from users existing oblivion installs um ludus uh actually let me let me talk for like two minutes and then i'll give the mic to you because this is an area you worked on it has an interesting backstory you may want to sort of talk about for a little bit um before i do that though i was going to say something i kind of lost my turn of thought oh yeah um should we should we show off that uh oblivion realm later if so i will need the files uh d and it's been sent all right it's cool then if the game crashes because it's it's been surprisingly stable we crashed once in almost two hours knock on wood in front loading screen uh yeah okay twice i guess that's a skyrim bug though right that happens in skyrim anyway yeah i guess so uh but yeah in that case um to everyone who's watching right now please stick around uh because we will show off kind of a premiere of the oblivion realm we've not shown enough before um so that's going to be exciting actually tomorrow we're expecting an update from stade who is uh as i mentioned earlier today the lighting artists who made the weathers um with some volumetic lighting add-on by ludust and he will send us some new lava which supposedly looks even better than what we have already so yeah okay anyway uh ludas you might want to talk you know i'm going to take a step back again so we can we can admire this place from a distance and you can sort of be our guide and talk us through what we're looking at okay i think this was the first bit the first thought i did i think or one of them it's um did it roll on stream um it's used in the zero visibility quest i think it's called yeah as well all the people are disappeared and who doesn't know it's um there's a mage in the fort doing uh magical experiments and stuff and he's affecting all the creatures and stuff around neighborhoods and everyone's invisible it's all the creatures you find you're invisible at the start of the game um probably one of the first side quests you'll come across if you choose to walk while you have to choose to walk to win a priory so it's been expanded a lot before it was just a tower and i actually worked with one of my friends who's kind of like a big history buff to kind of plan out something that was a bit more realistic around on the hillside uh instead of just a tower so it's good for the big gate house now we've got this uh guard house building you're right next to if you want to go inside there's um a series of skeletons and stuff you'll find from when this was once a thought maybe the the battle that happened here or whatever you want to piece together who knows what happened right it's kind of the beauty of it you uh yeah yeah i think i think that's a really important part of level design is you you try to create snippets of a story but it's it something i don't like in in some games is when you walk into a room and there's this note that kind of you know talks you through exactly what happened here from a to z and that someone supposedly wrote in their deathbed i much prefer you know walking into a room like this and trying to you know make up the story in my own head you know there's some guys laying around covering blood holding weapons exactly show don't tell exactly show don't sell whoops that's a that's a good storytelling technique that's used in movies as well as games yeah very much doesn't work as well in books though works horribly in books you have a really cool view of the uh the can you go through this yes you can great yeah yeah just about i think but yeah um like i was end of the note thing uh something i don't really agree with too much either if you're gonna do notes they should be say this is the well i don't know if this strictly is but say this is the soldiers that defended this fort it'd be a nice way to instead of saying we're under attack right now or whatever to have like a series of notes you could find displaying like a conflict between this cat this forward and another fort or something oh yeah for sure this is the main partner where you'll find i don't know the guy's name that's you yeah i i didn't mean that i think i think notes in these kinds of areas is bad uh but i've i've seen cases where you know you have this really long story and i just yeah i i kind of i kind of figured you know like a lot of a lot of things you put on paper you can sort of decipher your own right yeah yeah and i think that's a lot better uh in the end white gold tower um you can't currently get this off the word gold tower and see any view because of the fix we had to resolve without going too technical we had to disable the lod in those world spaces because it was causing a bug where we couldn't edit the land data all right lads do we go to uh the gold coast next or should i go to another place that's maybe close to this um oh supposed to be nice we've got the new stuff from cynthia yeah okay there is there's the data there's a data shrine though a follow shrine i kinda forgot or should i not do that does have kind of a cool view from uh from up there i'm not sure if you have um my esp for the gold coast scout um i might i'm not sure so nothing to the waterfront we've already been to the waterfront so why did you choose to remake oblivion through skyrim's engine instead of remaking oblivion through unity i think that would have brought us into some legal issue uh because it's it's much different when it's all that data that belongs to bethesda going from one engine to another engine that doesn't belong to bethesda and i think the their their archive formats might have something to do with it as well i think as well it was easier yeah i mean if we'd done this in unity or unreal that would have been impossible really that we we as a community like as the modern community is so much easier to find uh people who are interested in doing this kind of thing you know we all know these tools better than any other and a lot of the mechanics are also already there you know from skyrim creating a magic system a combat system and all that even though it's an open source yeah conversations and branching quests i mean that that that's so much homework it's not impossible definitely not but it it would be a lot of work to try and build that from the ground up instead of using um skyrim which already had a lot of that baked in doesn't doesn't mean that this this is not a major major accomplishment um and in its own right it's it's almost you know a completely new game but still the the fact that we could build off of skyrim systems was a really big help and it did save a lot of come this on time this is there's no emb at all there um this is all lighting through the engine it's very tweaked any progress they're already finished aren't they uh pretty much yeah i want to redo some little parts but other than that and we're out of the forest so i'm going to go to the gold coast will we see the cut city of such in the game somewhat yes um it it won't be a city that you can go to talk with citizens and you know go to shops it'll be a ruined city so a lot like it's it's sort of the middle grind between uh it being a city and a ruin so uh hopefully it should provide a bit more uh interesting grinds for the player to explore what should daedric artefact use or create um i think one of my favorites now after we got the new um effects is gold brand really awesome now let me let me pull it out in first person there it is [Music] across both youtube and twitch we currently have about 4 500 people watching oh my god yeah that is so god all right no pressure picture all those people in a room that's a stand worth of people right oh my god i mean oh my todd this is also really cool shot you can see kovach burning in the in the distance which is not something that was in oblivion it's something that uh we added or i should say stayed added all the credits goes to him but it's such a cool distance or a detail being able to see the city burn from all over pseudo it also draws you to the location if you if you decide not to do any fast traveling um you can just organically see the the city burning and it'll catch your eye and if unless unless you're an idiot you're gonna go to to that to see what's up uh someone asked about alchemy which is a pretty good question actually um we are using um so alchemy won't work like it did in skyrim there's no alchemy station um it will get in oblivion where you have your mortal and pestle and you click e on it and you'll enter a crafting mode like that again um and i think i think that i think it works the moment is you need the mortar and pestle uh to start the crafting and then the other ones give bonuses to the different aspects of alchemy i think i don't quite remember but having the other the retort the alembic and the harley evelyn's name those will give bonuses to alchemy though um i have two questions i kind of want to answer in quick succession someone asks will smoke forever uh which is a good question and i think we talked about maybe after you defeat melron's dagon it'll stop smoking another question from someone is are the grasses changed which is a very good question and something i want to quickly highlight uh in our latest developer diary which came out three days ago four days ago um we talked about the gold coast and how it's a kind of like a mediterranean area lots of nice beaches gold grass and how the the name gold coast is kind of derived from you know the the look and feel of the area which is supposed to be gold some of you gave us some feedback on the developer diary and said that the grasses looked kind of brownish or not gold enough which was excellent feedback it's something that we agree with and something we've talked about a couple of times in the past but we just didn't really do anything with it yet uh but seeing those comments coming from you as well made us go hmm maybe we should change it so now the grasses are actually in my opinion pretty golden and they look a lot better so i mean that that's that's why we really appreciate and we mean it when you when we say on the youtube videos you know let us know what you think if there's something you don't like let us know it doesn't mean that i'll guarantee we will make changes because you know changes even small ones take time and you know we don't want to go back and forth uh to our old work all the time but a change like this was made in like 30 minutes by cynthia who's the landscaper for this area and it makes all the difference and it looks fantastic now looks really great have you remade it to hector yet not yet that's that's uh in the great forest that's currently under construction i also wanted to quickly put on another armor set which is one of the uh lower tier ones the iron armor which was concepted by geese and remodeled or modeled by roy which for a low tier weapon armor it looks [ __ ] awesome i really love the way it looks i really love the shield as well i love the material it looks so good so [ __ ] good i'm always a light armored guy but uh i think in skip oblivion i'll go heavy armor for once because the heavy armor sets look really really good also knows many things others do not the fighters guild is recruiting oh god wrong voice actors someone just commented someone from bethesda is now watching this stream i'm not sure if that's true or not will be awesome be awesome yeah jinx i see roy is in chat on twitch as well um if if anyone's watching on twitch give roy a follow uh he streams developments like he works on these armor sets on twitch every once in a while which is really cool hello and i see someone in in chat with the name maek as well saying that was me nice but yeah roy does fantastic work he's also doing a lot of the cityguard armor sets oh i actually have uh the skingrad armor on me as well uh dwight do i yes i do which was made by the same person which looks fantastic that's one of the things that i was talking about earlier how we're trying to make uh the game feel a lot more unique that also goes for in this case the armor sets that the city guards are watching so in oblivion the city guards use more or less the same model but with different texture variations which is fine like it does the job but since we have a couple of guys who really love doing armors and we think it was worth it to make this this addition um the the city guard armors are now unique and this is the uh yeah this is the heavy skin red armor set um something we keep in mind when we design these armors is who is wearing it so skingrad is a very very wealthy city uh in oblivion um it has a lot of lucrative trade it's it's surrounded by vineyards uh and it's doing pretty pretty damn well for itself um and we try to make the you know the area represent that the city represent that but also the the city guards um represent that visually so i think all of that work you know just comes together so nice and i think that's that's one of the coolest things um i've seen in the skype living project is that we we work with people from all over the world it doesn't it doesn't matter who you are where you're from all that matters is if if you know if you're a cool person um and if you love to do cool work then then you know we're more than happy to have you and we're we're all just coming together and making this uh hard to describe but i think i think this is just one of the coolest things i'm ever going to work on in my life and uh it's it's really awesome to see everyone's work just coming together so nicely and and you know it just works it really does i finally get it it just works this was the imperial dragon armor um that's not currently done i do have the new palace armor installed i i don't know no okay if you've seen the palace amex the content is very similar to that but it's like an it's made of ebony i think we don't we don't have the model done yet though uh we have new redesigns by geez it's very it's quite similar to the old concept but very very much improved much more fine details and stuff but it still look very familiar someone just happened to ask i'm going to assume this is a no but will there be any poll arms in the game oh there'll be there'll be one but it it won't have its own sort of uh you know unique animations or anything like that um yeah but there will be a pole arm in the game yeah it's used by the uh captains of the guard in imperial city also quickly wanted to show off this one um oh yeah the uh the arena questline i don't have the boots really oh man uh no no no no mesh aren't they uh not anymore also there's a seam with the neck but we can fix that later um one of one of the coolest things i think from oblivion one of right not the coolest but one of um is the uh the arena quest line where you go you literally go to the main capital of the province to fight gladiators to the death and i think that's such a cool concept and originally in oblivion you were gonna do this in every city before you go to the imperial city where the you know that you would fight the grand champion um but yeah too bad we don't have that uh we're not gonna add that by the way before people get ideas um but what's really cool is if if you you know if you fight your way to the top uh and you become the grand champion you get a unique armor set which as you may have guessed we have uh made a unique concept for and modeled to be uh unique as well which is this one whereas your regular um arena armor is uh either this one the heavy armor raymond or the light armor raymond which has an issue oh no it doesn't have an issue no it kind of has an issue with the gloves they go invisible sometimes um what the hell never seen that before there's one for the bug list someone was asking you know can you take off the amulet uh yeah that still doesn't okay someone was asking um if we could see the dark brotherhood armor oh yes a crowded of people also asked for oh do i not have that why didn't you show up oh it's it's it's in the build yeah i don't i just don't have it on me maybe show off uh the unique one might be an i in there help me chat it's double e i think bit of i o yeah all right player dot place at me [Music] oh controllers work uh yeah it that it works for skyrim so same engine it'll work straight out simple so this is um a unique set we have just for achiever in the game um you don't know who achiever is she's probably the person who deal with the most through the star the mid stage of the dark brotherhood you should join you get a lot of contracts from here and um for those of you who know the dark of the quest i won't spoil it but you all you can get the honor oh can i i'm gonna guess she's not killable right she's probably essential she when you search if you if you do help achiever iran comes up there all right yeah it's called up chivas i want the regular one as well but sure okay zero six oh nine three you'll learn one day not to put that starting zero i know i just i'm used to it i know you're gonna connect you're gonna say it as well i say it every time yeah let's go for a little jog how many people are watching now i'm sorry i'm curious because it's it's going up twitch and 4600 so slowly creeping up yeah if you're on youtube by the way something that kind of helps to get the stream uh discovered by more people is to like it sounds stupid but it really does help so if you haven't yet it's my fault i was thinking i didn't i didn't want to say it smashed it like button guys [Music] so don't forget to smash sub subscribe to the uh skype your favorite armor such a cool project glad you like it oh yeah d let's see what happens when i get close to um crowhaven i think i've seen it in games so i must have your plugin i thought i couldn't see it's uh led so i wasn't sure maybe if i was looking at the right thing you know the new grass looks so much better guys it does look like yeah it does and the lighting and everything and again this is we're not using any post processing or enbs this is just the weathers of sky oblivion which again we're made by state like all the credit goes to him for really really you know bringing this whole visual presentation home but it looks so so good when that comes together no no i don't have it dude sorry volumetric lighting also helps a lot right you can do a comparison if you want to show you what it looks like without the volumetrics we do tpl on the console no it's a little bit danger gamma amber sold we've shown up already uh this that this video will go back up live after right yeah the the video will go up either tonight or tomorrow uh i'm not sure what's going to happen the dates come are done they've not been implemented yet because they're waiting for the set from the artist um he's done a great job on it so far but uh i'm also working on doing some special things for the armor as well some some custom light effects with uh some maybe a mission maps and stuff this is uh really quickly what the game looks like without the volumetric lighting which again it's not an emp it's it's a feature supported by the engine um this is what it looks like with so you get the the light rays going through the leaves and stuff um what do you know yeah the uh the likes went up by a thousand apparently when you said to like the video all right remind me to say that again at some point yeah wow it's serious it's really great to see all you guys and enjoying this we we did this um uh this livestream q a idea super late we didn't prepare it properly but uh yeah it's this response i wasn't i was expecting a lot of views but i was thinking you know maybe like a thousand at most this is uh incredible absolutely incredible and the the reception for the developer diary was so amazing and very humbling and uh it's really cool to see that so many people are you know backing us standing behind us while we do this and uh are so excited about the work or liking what we're doing so that's yeah thank you guys big big round of applause from us to you um because you know it works both ways without an awesome community that wouldn't be a project um so yeah thank you guys very much as well the wild gamer i've seen you asked that question a lot i'm sorry i keep been trying so i keep forgetting um there will not be a kobach reborn kind of deal um i'm sure some other models will make that or when scheduling is over completely under the dlc done i'm i don't know i'd be half tempted to stick around and keep making some mods for scovillion so who knows there might be an official dev one in the future a long way away but not until all the dlcs are done at least but i'm sure there'll be mods for that our faithful do you guys plan to be towards the designs of the original caves um so we're making the caves we're keeping the uh you know the basic layout but we're otherwise we're completely remaking them also the layouts it really depends on what cave because yeah a lot of layouts are just completely redone because they're not fun from a level design perspective yeah i'm being honest so it really depends on the cave um but we're with every single key if we're getting them up to skyrim's standards because skyrim really stepped it up yeah when it came to the cubes yeah there will be scheduling mods um it's a well real modders we're not going to stop you from modding the game right so once the eleven is out um you'll be able to peel the crepe mods and do whatever they want we're um slowly making our way towards kvatch by the way uh you can see the smoke plumes are getting bigger um a quick warning is that the uh the area around kvatch is not the furthest along uh it's a pretty heavy work in progress um it's actually i i don't have the latest plug-in for it so it's a lot further than what we're gonna be looking at um but i kind of forgot to ask for the latest plug-in so that that's on me but yeah just keep that in mind um yeah um it's been asking for interview city um there's number three to see in the imperial city from oblivion it's a very much just deported version at the moment um i'll be working on that at some point and i plan on not changing too much to be honest because well it's very hard to because the meshes involved the very modular you can't really change it and also it's pretty unique city anyway and very memorable there was nothing wrong with the design of that city anyway so there'll be definitely some changes um about kyle you should share some lore about the ancestor moth trees and stuff yeah yeah and um i think the green emperor away isn't going to be just a massive graveyard anymore no i think we can have some gardens and stuff in there as well as well there'll still be graves but maybe just from like important people very rich i don't think any just anyone could have a grave in the green emperor way yeah without being too specific the the imperial city itself is just gonna look a hell of a lot more interesting and and just it'll be a little bit more beautiful yeah um also remind me to maybe go to exhausted mine after this because we were talking about level design earlier um exhausted mine is one of the interior locations that i remade a couple months ago it was shown in the second developer diary it's definitely not the best in terms of level design but i know it so i know where to go and what to show and on top of that it also has the the new goblins from shadow and weekend which we haven't showed before so might be interesting to to give that a a showcase as well real quick so you see there's already been big progress since the dev diary the new new goblins already in game they were in the dev diary even though there's only a few days old really um those goblins have just come in the last few days and our build is constantly changing and there's new stuff coming in and out that's all my job pretty much like every asset every new asset comes in through me so i divorced assets on the daily so do horse testicles shrink like in red dead redemption 2 uh no but our horses can climb ladders oh yeah good good shout out uh yeah remind me to go to the unicorn um what's it called the chapel is cast down maybe we should ride the unicorn to the uh cave oh yeah oh yeah it's pretty close gotcha yeah oh boy will be coming afterwards as old dlc content will be all right maybe everyone can can and not to be a dick but everyone can uh be silent for a bit so that people can see the cool transition when you go near an oblivion gates sound effects and visual effects so just maybe everyone shut up thank you stand back civilian this is no place for you get back to the encampment at once we lost the damn city that's what happened it was too much too fast we were overwhelmed couldn't even get everyone out there are still people trapped in there some made it to the chapel but others would just run down in the streets the count and his men are still holed up in the castle and now we can't even get back into the city to help them that damned oblivion gate blocking the way the only thing we can do we'll try to hold our ground that's what if we can't hold this barricade those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment i have to try and protect the few civilians that are left it's all i can do now you want to help you're kidding right if you're serious maybe i can put you to use it'll likely mean your death though are you sure i don't know how to close this gate but it must be possible because the enemy closed the ones they opened during the initial attack you can see the marks on the ground where they were the great gate right in the middle i sent men into the gate to see if they could find a way to shut it they haven't come back if you can get in there find out what happened to them if they're alive help them finish the job if not see what you can do on your own the best i can say is good luck if you make it back alive kyle yep you're on the starting zoom screen for me what oh no just switched let me just switch oh yeah yeah yeah whoops my bad that's what happens we hit uh the wrong key i guess yeah um something to note is that we talked about uh with with our composer about uh creating a unique sound or a unique what do you call it soundtrack song for when you approach the living game so you don't have the you know the the peaceful music uh which you do now um also to have a a soundtrack like that from when you're inside the gates which i think is great uh another good thing to note is that these are not the new armors for the kovach guards these are the deported ones from oblivion which we're using as a place holder until you know the new ones have been made and they're actually being worked on by roy um i think actually they were they were done right they're on trello now for implementation or wrong yeah i don't think so i think he was wrapping up taxes i think oh yeah the the the model modeling job is done then it's the texture work that uh that needs to be done yeah all right gotcha but yeah i don't know what you guys but i don't remember the first oblivion gate and kavash looking this sexy and the weather again uh was made by states absolutely fantastic lighting artist um yeah it's uh pretty fantastic hey scamp request sound effect we changed with oblivions um i think that's what we can do all right that should be something we can do because i know it's using scans at the moment but definitely oblivion would be a nice touch yeah well some npcs actually have beards that's a that's a funny question as well because yeah in oblivion everyone was uh very well shaved yeah oh yeah you definitely this this weird painting on beard as well uh but generally speaking yeah there were no beards and in scoblivian when we were making when we were remaking the npcs uh we gave some of them beards um it it it's kind of you know like the the the the beggars are are you know a bit beardier since they are not taking care of themselves as well as they should or could can um maybe a count is like a really tidy beard um but yeah there are beards actually no he's cliche and he's a monk or a priest i'm sorry if the biblical model is final that's still the ported one yeah so that is completely oblivion yet that's what we haven't started on oblivion architecture yet and that portal is included in oblivion architecture so one day but not yet we're actually at the moment we talked about this yesterday as well uh what we want to do is we want to do the oblivion assets um that's the very last thing when it comes to remaking the models uh because we feel like you know we've learned a lot during the development of this this game i'm just going to call it a game because it's kind of its own game um we've learned so much that we kind of want to make the oblivion realms the best it can be so from a level design perspective we want to we didn't want to start working on it until you know uh we were on on top of our game which we are at now ish um and the world map is gonna be finished soon anyway so landscapers are gonna be working on those realms soon-ish tm um yeah but from from a 3d perspective it's it's the same thing you know we learned um how to make beautiful looking assets and how to make them well optimized to too so now or now soon will be the time for us to you know start working on those last big claims and and get that out um finish it and do it well because at the end of the day you're going to be you know we're going to be going through a lot of oblivion realms the game is literally called oblivion and it's called that for a reason um and if the if the realms are really boring and they they are visually not very impressive then you know your impression of our work is going to be tainted uh in my opinion anyway so it made sense for us to to want to wait and do this um last big chunk of the work which would be the oblivion realms at the very end of the development cycle and then you know go up with the bang hey where's how's it going mate hey guys hey wes good of you to join us hey thank you you can pull up the stream i can send your links if you need that would be helpful thank you just go and find that awesome [Music] as i mentioned earlier this part of the game is a bit more rough a bit more of a work in process wait progress that's the word i was looking for um so don't don't judge it too harshly yeah that's gonna work doesn't it also because i'm running around with um oh about that because i'm running around with the same or with the same weather is in the same time of day might be fun for you guys to see what it looks like at night um rest assured it's not always great great weather in cereal um it can rain can be foggy it can be cloudy just that uh it's it's it's easier for me to show it off in in good weather so you guys have the best possible view but yeah three thousand six hundred and twenty four watching i'm understanding and then on youtube is 800 so cool 4500 people it's not much of you right i'm not intimidated at all no pictures all naked right well doesn't really help to be honest it was weird that way yeah it's been that yeah would be worse i think i'm not sure who came up with that uh that advice but it's terrible advice yeah i agree um it might might be good to do uh go into the exhausted mine really quickly so i can so we can show off some some uh interior level design roughly uh also yeah we can oh yeah we we're gonna go to the unicorn grove first and then uh right there right so we're we're doing some work when it comes to the creature design well it doesn't work we're um hey we're uh we're trying our best to make uh like like we've said multiple times during the stream a unique world filled with with detail and things for you to discover one of those things is the unicorn grove which is somewhere around here is it marked on the map or should i go to near the innerval element yeah you know what that is this area is very much work in progress as well i'm not working progress but going to be reworked because we're adding a new type of forest in there as well right i can look you're very close to it no you did hover over it south of imperial city yeah i forgot i forgot we had a search search feature so oh i just cheated um yeah but one of one of those cool unique creatures is the uh the unicorn uh which you can obtain oh actually the minotaurs are there as well so big bonus here guys you guys are in for a treat you're gonna see the new minotaur and the unicorn and the goblins straight after magic magic will be the same as skyrim for the most part the two-hand system and um a possible plan to add in um quick casting which will probably work through the kind of shell mechanic from skyrim so you could build a hole to hold the shield sword and then cast a spell potentially that's not in game at the moment or working i think we would need to work on them are you going the wrong way but like hell yes you want to go that easter you slightly i think i thought i thought was over there somewhere it's a little mountain map market you should see oh okay yeah hey diego welcome 4500 people watching so no pressure i hope everyone's enjoying the q a this is someone asked it's also gonna ask will there be uh auroras in northern parts like burma and we actually stayed actually worked on something where uh you can actually see the auroras over skyrim yeah so you won't see it directly over your head in burma but you'll be able to look further north to in over skyrim and see it yeah that's um an area yeah that's that's maybe someone can write that down it's a really cool little detail and it's in a really cool area as well um so yeah let's let's maybe visit that afterwards you get stuck with the wrong echo yeah i noticed let's be uploaded later uh yeah let's go straight up after the stream right the whole thing should should be it depends on on how lenient uh youtube is going to be after the stream okay is it on the specialist yeah it's currently only spat edition we may try and backport it if it's possible but we had to move over to splash edition because of um the game engine's 32-bit uh limitation yeah is this is this the new statue of uh her scene yes it is but it's it's not been it's not been worked on really i haven't been another location yet i'm very looks awesome though yeah this is also one of the reasons why we thought doing a q a in a sort of like a live gameplay demo is interesting because in the in the trailers and in the in the development diaries you see uh our work you know our finished work but there is also you know work left to be done uh like putting a statue where it should be and also you know making the the area around it look more interested and base it off of you know the in this case the daily god that's being worshipped um so you know we're trying to be transparent with you guys and show you you know the raw product this this is oblivion right now um it's pretty awesome but it's it's you know it's not finished it has some some work left uh to be done somebody will be asking for spells are you sure the spell menu off if you type psb in the console you get all the spells added to inventory as well so you can bsp or p sp psp play a spell book didn't work is that the spellbreaker shield no that is the dwarven shield no this is this is the the grey aegis that is the grey aegis never mind the cue it's a cunei jack you're supposed to answer i see it gonna cool you see how missy it is now oh psb oh yeah you're right book with a b another p my bad oh yeah this is the uh unicorn grove the um the combat is disabled so uh they're not gonna attack us i mean they're they're not happy to see us and uh our character if we take the helmet off is gonna be a bit displeased as well but this way we can you know we can look at them up close and actually admire the work that's gone into them i made an esp that made them a little bit taller as well so i'll be the next village because and uh they stand on the same level as them they're not too intimidating they kinda not too much off you on the same height well well yeah you look a lot more intimidating now the cool thing about the the unicorn is that it's [ __ ] awesome it's beautiful oh and the game crashed well that sucks didn't even get to ride it uh can you give me the coordinates maybe real quick someone so we don't have to the hubris of man trying to ride a unicorn yeah no worries we'll get it back um while we have an intermission uh if you are interested in skype livian and you think what we do is really cool you can follow us on facebook twitter instagram reddit we have a discord server you can join um if you are a 3d artist texture artist if you have experience using the creation kit if you know how to implement quests if you're a level designer um we would love to have you on the team oh a navmasher as well another one that's uh desperately needed at the moment um so yeah i mean we we can use all the help you can get and lastly maybe if you're watching on youtube something silly that really does help is to uh like the video because it makes it easier for people to find it online press that like button smash that like button hit follow smash subscribe slash on smash um [Music] actually is is slash in smash is that merged into this build because that's an interior i'm kind of proud of and it looks really cool let's see also if people don't have much or any experience with modding then please do still join the community emerged because lots of people are really happy to help you out so if you're prepared to learn and prepare to put the work and practice in then there will always be people there to guide you point you in the right direction and help you on the way lots of people kind of open says i wish i could do what you guys do i've seen lots of people say that but all of us started knowing nothing yeah right no one's just born knowing how to do something you have to put the effort in and at the time like lots of us have been doing this for years right yep yep it's it's a lot of practice and most people who are doing the um doing the stuff love doing um sort of the way we feel is the best way to do something and so i'm i i'm always happy if someone has any questions then um buy them off in the community server there will be an answer to your questions where the hell did my save files go okay i've already thanks for stopping by mom whatever you lost it all uh i just can't find it oh oh it was progress is the build not very stable there is a new lod we have which is causing some issues at the moment level lod's level of detail it's all the meshes you see which aren't actually loaded in by the game yeah and we're still sort of tweaking the lod uh you know i think it's a little bit obsessive at the moment isn't it do i say it again you're still tweaking the lod so it's yeah i think at the minute it's a bit excessive which might be causing yeah it definitely causes the new one's a bit worse performance as well which will need to be toned back down a little bit but we made it there we go the uh the cool thing about the unicorn is that while it uses a unique model but also you know shadow who's with us right now is the guy who made this uh and i you know he kind of went above and beyond with this one even has really nice braids in in the in the main it has a horn so yeah it makes him very much a unicorn i think also i have to say the the level of detail on this mesh is great you can see all the muscles you know and when he walks around it's really cool veins in the stomach i love the braids because i'm just imagining the minotaurs doing that for it yeah yeah exactly oh all right that didn't hurt great how close the project to completions um and amount we don't really know we don't have a release date or anything like that either so a lot of you guys have asked for release dates but we kind of ignored the questions but there's no release date uh lasted my daughter it's quite a trip good trip a good trip yeah we'll we'll go past the sunflower fields as well yeah that's true it will uh we'll take a little three thrift trip um through the map um riding our lovely unicorn um [Music] and we'll we'll go to one of the uh remade dungeons maybe use clear weather there we go um to give you an example of what what has changed with the uh the level design of of dungeons how that's been reworked um also i think after it might be a good time to do that um premiere like first time showing off oblivion realms maybe yeah because we've never done that before uh i just want to show the aurora right of the skyrim oh yeah we were going to take a quick fast travel lightning yeah this search feature custom made i think it's a part of sky ui i'm not mistaken yeah it's the sky ui feature that we uh that we're using for that our ui has a reskin of sky ui all use maya or 3ds max um some people use blender i think it just depends on the artist what the artist is comfortable with yeah i'm a big fan of blender i try and use blender throughout the entire process even for texturing uh lots of people love to use uh substance fader so adobe is a dude on horseback uh roy roy is wrong and this learn how to use blunder so pl please ignore roy in the chat when he's uh saying buy a master race that is not a thing i can't even give him the gold kyle [ __ ] him that's why i'm gonna steal the back though i don't want to steal the back i want to kill him oh you got that classic oblivion meme though yeah nice to stop caring it's great it's kind of a nice area like it has um all these sunflowers growing in the fields do you have the uh it's not implemented now [Applause] oh yeah magnus collision there are collisions show them off if you want as in you ha i can download it right now or okay might depend on the on the download size too we'll see when uh when the game crashes again also i i can't for life when we get over how good the grey ages looks i have to show it off again wait do we not have it on this character no no you added it to uh oh i ended up later oh yeah [ __ ] well what was the original uh model for the greatest steel shield i think i just love how ours has um has all like the scooters and magic sort of actually they're using an emb there's no emb no this is all just skyrim lighting can you show somerset does not have any of the lighting tweaks he did luke the volumetrics are all in yeah but that's all still skyrim right okay oh hey brax how's it going mate as this is one of the unique models for the people who uh are only maybe known joining us uh we're we're trying to to swap between all the different armor sets and all the unique weapons that we have in the game right now um yeah this one does look pretty it's such a big deal i think i think it's what's used to absorb the magicka it looks like it looks a bit like bulk or you know welcomes them oh i have to drop this no oh you bastard they crash no download the stuff while we're at it um i'll try that shadow now yeah the um wait let me let me install while i'm at it's the bruma gates really quickly uh the the uh oblivion realm gate um don't worry this room will be up in a second uh i'm just installing something special for you guys that we've never shown off before uh d if you can do me a favor and type that in the twitch chat uh when we do get to it because i'm not gonna remember that thank you all right let's do this how is the um how's the quality on youtube by the way is it really that bad or is it okay um it's only in 720p so it's pretty better it's pretty blurry for 720 unfortunately it's just youtube's compression unfortunately and easter eggs there are definitely excited yeah in that case uh what i'll do i'll just go straight to the exhausted mine uh then we'll go to bruma and after that we'll go to the uh the gate next the nine will uh come out after the main release the individual sets to be able to like the skills that we could potentially add more in the future um i don't have any plans to though really i keep writing game all wrong um so this is something we haven't showcased in the in uh in on our social media or the new dev diary so far it's uh the new goblins which were made by shadow and weekend they're naked right now they're gonna be wearing armor but this is their base version if you will um i thought it would be cool to include this since in the developer diary they were i don't know they kind of look like gollum uh with a hangover uh and now they look like proper goblins which uh is great um and yeah we'll be going into this cave which is actually infested with them um it's connected to a quest that sends you in here because um well you know what watch watch uh developer diary number two it it goes into the back story for the cave for all this what you're looking at right now ah the marker for this is i think if i remember right there it is nice uh but yeah we're gonna be taking a quick look at one of the remade dungeons uh we were talking about level design earlier and how we're recreating mines caves etc um for me this is a special one because it's uh my my first uh dungeon that i remade for oblivion uh in hindsight there's a lot of things i would have done differently uh but generally speaking i'm i'm pretty proud and pretty happy with it um so the way i designed this this cave is based off some dialogue that you get for the quest that plays or that goes on in here the man that sends you to the exhausted minds says that it's a very confusing maze almost of you know twists and turns that lead you deeper and deeper into the mine shaft so that's what i try to do i try to make confusing there's a lot of different paths you can take and yeah everything together um tries to just kind of confuse the player something that i put in the game though or in this level to kind of help you navigate through the level is the rails uh if you follow the rails you'll go directly towards the entrance uh if you deviate from the rails well then not so much um again this is this is not by far the best level design in the game uh i consider myself to be one of the the weaker level designers really when it comes to designing the dungeons but i do okay um and so let me uh we'll leave the combat on actually something that we we mentioned a couple times as well is we want to reward expiration you want to tell a story um so something i tried to do here was have a goblin that's been crushed by a log that fell from well up there somewhere i think there's some cheese laying around here that should have been cheese um and yeah there's a little little platform but if you jump straight ahead uh you'll bump into the stella site so you kind of have to jump around it and i [ __ ] it up uh but yeah also not sure what what the idea behind this was but kind of like a shrine i guess all right and they're boxing me in good just to say rebel is really selling himself short and he's done a fantastic job on this cave well to that i say uh have you seen some of the other work holy [ __ ] dude there's uh how is it why is there a thousand there's a thousand people on twitch oh well you you just gotta rid from who pathetic ball oh [ __ ] awesome dude thank you very much oh crap i know because i was distracted i just kind of jumped into the hole um that's not the interesting one yeah i i really hope that some people will not watch their step and fall through this because uh it brings into this lower level where you'll be welcomed by uh more goblins um and a bit of treasure right there nice chests but you can only get through whoa that was a close one you can only get in here if you uh you actually fall through the hole or you walk all the way around because obviously you're not stuck here you can you can get out um if we walk past these guys hey bob um another bit of visual storytelling is uh here where i tried to make it look like part of the minus collapsed and you know one of them was crushed um but yeah in order to get out you have to sort of backtrack and go all the way around and then you're back where you started this is the cave when you have the narrative the uh the miners breaking in accidentally into the goblin's nest isn't it yes yeah yeah yeah um which will show off right now because it's the the next level uh now after this we're going to check out bruma the aurea or the or borealis aurora borealis that's the one um and the the very i guess the first official look at the oblivion realms in scublivian which we've never showcased before so stick around what does the local map look like i think i still skyrims at the moment because by the ui that needs to be done yeah still skirms at the moment sharing owls will be late drawing development there's no weapon repairing system um sleep random events and you sleep i'm not sure what you mean by that uh maybe he's talking about sleep to level up which you had in the living room um i thought we're doing that are we uh i mean at the moment we don't have it but no no no no yeah um part of the constant changing aspect of a project like this we don't necessarily know we're going to do because of technical limitations and whatnot yeah also remember how we talked about rewarding explorers a great shot from the bottom of that uh little waterfall yeah it's pretty cool what about skingrad um i believe skingrad next merge for us oh i almost forgot to work on it i actually forgot about this already we have um well we have a saber which is pretty rare but we also have this uh this guy totally forgot about him oh yeah yeah and he has a little note says the guy who hates notes reading or node writing i'm fine with them if they have the time to write the note i just kind of stuck her wasn't getting out but yeah he was it was a prospector who came down here for uh riches but instead fell to his death oh no he didn't he didn't felt his death like he fell down you can see part of the rope yeah that's part of the rope uh he tried to swim out uh but these slaughter fish can swim on land and they nod off his uh foot not supposed to swim on land yeah this is because of the lack of navmesh uh lutus might be interesting to talk about where why there's an oh maybe not actually because all right good good safe good save yeah okay yeah it's not possible to marry people in the game um i'm just gonna rush through the uh the rest of this because you know it's just a system mine up ahead i try to do a bit of what we keep referring to is some visual storytelling so this is the part of the mind where they broke into the goblin um what do you call the goblin layer uh there's some fireball spell some bloody rags you'll see scorched marks on the floor uh it's not written anywhere but the the story is sort of that they had some mages who are kind of blasting through cave systems like this uh but they accidentally ran into these guys which uh kind of got them killed didn't it another thing you know we keep talking about easter eggs i added one which is not subtle at all but it's also hard to get to because you have to jump over this and it doesn't look like it goes anywhere i think this might be my favorite easter egg you can't you can even properly see it anyway but there's a little mushroom mushroom house there yeah it is the one i was thinking of yeah so is the new rock broken in the way is it maybe but it kind of works out but yeah with very very teeny cabbages yeah i mean it's it's not like it's a no fun around allowed zone in skype living it gets very close to it sometimes because you know we try to not take these things too far but uh yeah even i got to make a little stupid easter egg this is um yeah go ahead there's no weapon dude durability it's a quick question okay cheers no good nick this is it's a q a so it's good that you asking questions uh this is the first uh sort of like a social area in the in the the governor where they're you know they're growing mushrooms they're eating people together they're eating rats together you know the usual um just only things just family things yeah just just hashtag just goblin things on twitter you have a level five hype train and i think that's something i should make you aware of well wow [ __ ] we that's my thing oh sorry dude i thought it was will berger's thing my bad i know it was yours thank you very much everyone uh yeah also something i tried to do goblins are not good crafters but uh i try to make like this sort of makeshift sleeping area um the thing with goblins is they're kind of tricky they're they're ape ape-like creatures in terms of intelligence um they do they communicate verbally they have their own language but they're not master builders either so it's it's kind of difficult to make a goblin interior sometimes because you are a bit limited in what you can and cannot do um but yeah that was kind of my way to make it look more like you know it was a goblin location um and this this would be the uh the final room um we're just gonna go through this quickly uh these guys leave these animations in the final build very likely they are rigged to the thalma skeleton they use falmer missions uh they fit fairly well they look very very goblin like anyway yeah but you can't add custom breaks for the game but it's a lot of work fun custom rings and custom skeletons so it's something we've chosen to avoid for the most part um i'm not sure if the spider daedra might be getting a slightly custom rig because of it just the way it works yeah but really really quickly this is the uh the the boss room the the goblin in here is uh well the boss uh he'll be they'll he'll be wearing armor and he'll look a lot cooler in the end uh but as you can see he has a he has a sort of like an improvised thrown out of bones chairs uh tables what have you um to try and you know make him look a bit more important this is his little uh goblin treasure trove has some cool stuff in there for you to find and something that a lot of people asked me while i was making this on twitch like when i was streaming uh as if there was a way to backtrack which was a really cool feature of skyrim um so in oblivion if you went through dungeon and you came at the end you had to go all the way back to the beginning um through the same way you came in and so that skyrim added was ways for you to sort of teleport back to the start or closer to the start anyway which is what i did here as well so they have basically a sort of like a treasure slash garbage chute so anything that the goblins loots on the surface they just throw down here and you know you have silverware torches shovels uh beer bones anything they they might see as valuable they'll just throw down here and they you know they can sort it out and give the the shiny stuff to the uh the goblin boss which if you go down into this place um you'll uh you'll teleport to um another part of the dungeon that we've already been to and yeah it's kind of a really really cool concept from from skyrim that i just i can i can really appreciate um yeah it brings you to this top part you can get up here you can only get down from it because there is a there's a ladder but it's fallen down so that kind of keeps you from you know sort of cheesing your way back um i notice there's a bit of clipping here that i need to fix though um that's a bound sword that is gold brand there's a new custom effect that's uh it kind of ends the the presentation from my end anyway about interior levels um i want to maybe actually very quickly stop by the uh the slash and smash shop so that way we have shown kind of like a um like a civilian area and um the skills and i've seen a few people skills actually skills will be oh was that um very much skyrims because we're not able to add more skills to the game sky was a hard limit on the number of skills so [Music] lesson smash was it in this place or left leg to the right i think i thought so too it's next to jen scenes i thought no it's not okay looks like the other side yeah i think it's the first shot yeah um might be good to talk really quickly about the the weapon as well the weapon is a unique model uh it was modeled to look epic and it does but someone who recently joined the team who goes online by the name of heir of septim made a really cool enchanted effect um which is why it looks like it's on fire and if you actually draw it out you know if it's if it's on your person you see it in the sheath and looks normal but when you take it out spawns this fire in and you can also do really cool oh crap i'd have to drop it oh f son of a [ __ ] crash all right okay bear with me i wasn't loading properly because the lod has been um altered yeah my bad windows only i use linux um we haven't done install currently isn't in a working state and we're in a dev kind of environment at the moment but the full install will be worked on later on as we know what we fully need from it so it might work on linux i have no idea i was asked regarding vr i don't believe there's any reason why this shouldn't work as any other mod with vr unless anyone else would want to depend on that um there will be something just to change but we're not really sure i think but as far as i know um skyrim vr is just skyrim ss scaramsc with vr added on i think it takes se mods and everything's on sc format i think yeah hey there we go slash and smash oops told you is the right side totally the other right though than you said did you all right good start do you show the uh the lock picking menu a new lockpick uh for like split seconds oh yeah so what i did is i i hung up some weapons on the unicorn mounted unicorn head but since the head has changed they fell down because they no longer fit um minotaur what did i say unicorn oh what's sick bastard would mind to unicorns yeah my bad same with this one like it was using the old uh ported head so i need to redo that wait this is kind of cool to show off like how you can add a lot more detail to your interiors and to your levels make it feel up more unique um yeah i really i like this stupid thing so that when the shop closes they can uh put that down as you can see it's been reinforced a lot so that you know thieves cannot really get past the lock easily i say easily because you can definitely get past it but uh yeah that was something i really quickly wanted to show off anyway um let's go to uh to bruma quickly shall we maybe not into bruma yeah okay not into rumor but the outside anyway yeah yeah this is this is kony for skyrim edition sean [Music] oh and then we can check out the oblivion gates um for everyone watching on both twitch and youtube i'm just going to be repeating myself a lot i feel like during the stream but if you're interested in the skype living project uh if you think that what we do is cool you can follow us on social media on you know just look up sky oblivion on twitter instagram facebook reddit uh we have a discord server everything is linked in the in the video by the way in the video description um in the stream description i should say so you can give us a follow there also if you're a 3d artist if you have experience with modding skyrim we're always looking for more people to help us out simply put the more people help out the faster it'll get done quick math um but yeah i really appreciate the support um if you are watching on youtube maybe you can also like the stream it makes it easier for people to find the video afterwards um so yeah i really really appreciate that and thank you guys for all the great questions for all the support the uh yeah the support of the new development diary was humbling to say the least was really fantastic to see that so many people are uh are rooting for us and cheering us on um so yeah thank you all very very much and allow me to shut up and get that aurora showing up this time of day localized entirely on the border the skyrim so um the aurora borealis is something that's unique to skyrim and that's why you can only see it on the skyrim side of the map it's a unique it's unique weather it only happens in the the broomer area and you can only see the aurora kind of hanging over skyrim you can just see it across the mountaintops which i think was a very very cool detail to add and it's probably very nice contrast to where we are going to be going after we uh we've enjoyed the uh aurora borealis really difficult word for me as a non-native speaker latin right i've laughed [Laughter] probably you should show off the uh shadow mirror oh yes help chat dough near me can you run over to the um the graveyard side rumor as well where the gate spawns well uh we'll showcase shadow here properly when it's uh light out beautiful boy well there's dark isn't it that is i think that might need to be tweaked just a little bit no that's fine yeah i i have a cool voice as well chet all right it's not called a deep though kyle so i just want some love too you know yes this is the graveyard where the gate was born in yeah um breville never broomer never had a graveyard before obviously a city is going to have dead people right people die so there's this graveyard is with the geek spawns and lots of the graves and everything gets kind of turned once the gate spawns in just kind of a nice yeah um change players will notice and uh shadow mirror looks like a zombie horse beautiful i love it maybe something to look into later is uh potentially give him a different saddle actually um black saddle or something look at the chest area you can see the ribs i'll speak to it like scarred living yeah they'll be there so in so the other the persuade minigame from living is not coming back oh yeah but we'll have opportunities to persuade bribe and intimidate like in the skyrim and there's a lot more than skyrim had scam didn't have many as well away it's a feature they didn't really use in the game um we have quite a lot from what i've seen so far like where whales am i from um just said cardiff in um can d maybe share the uh coc commands for the oblivion realm then we're going to do like the word ah thank you yes this is kind of the uh what's the coordinates because i can't read those at 15 15. this is um a bit of a big reveal uh since we you know we have been working on uh oblivion realms but we've never shown any of them in more or less their final form right yeah um quick uh disclaimer that the a lot of the architecture the the daedra architecture is not finished yet um but the focus here is the landscaping uh the level design the way the the oblivion realm looks and feels um we're gonna be doing a proper showcase of this in the future um but for now you know to to kind of thank all of you for your fantastic support uh for all your your kind messages and uh yeah for just being stand-up peeps um this is kind of our our way to say thank you and our little uh little present to you guys so yeah again thank you very much for just being excellent and uh i hope you will enjoy this actually this is also the first time i'm seeing this so don't mind if i'm gonna geek out with you guys and i misspelled oh it's an oblivious no it's oblivion and there's a space after the uh okay guess that works without it if it works it works i hope there's no missing meshes dude we start from the actual gate and run through the normal route yeah do you have the phone coordinates well you can get you can get you can get across there but you know i've got i forgot six that's that's no fun that way i didn't design the left i'm sorry scrubs why not you can get uh fine fine we'll do your way i'll do it the proper way i'll just i'll swim back through the lava we've been having discussions on the dev server about the uh the correct way to walk through lava and i think the final decision was you don't know yeah um where's the crack in the wall there's a crack on the wall oh now i get why you wanted us to take this route little puppy actually part my favorite hope we do something real disgusting with those flash pods i would love to see like a like a face and then like some rib cage or something in a few varieties and stuff i'm gonna quickly uh change armor set because i feel like the elven armor is like very anti oblivion because it's so elegant and light nice contrast i think am i going to give you tour okay sure these are these are the blood pits um it's pure it's only children's blood um that's the if it's adult blood you don't get the bubbles right you know so dark that's why there's no kids in cereal that makes sense oh my god didn't you talk about how this could be a cave entrance i i agree with you actually yeah yeah this is uh wow you really did an amazing job on this i mean what am i saying we only we only saw like one corner oh need skyrim the living engine agree who's gonna start it then oh dude that is gnarly i like that like yeah there's a bloody broomer helmet on on this thing with like a burning guy oh right this is this is the bruma gate holy [ __ ] i don't even realize that which way should we go should we go over the bridge or jump down this part it looks like you want me to jump down here i mean you can try to go over the bridge if you want yeah i was good i was going to say it looks like you're trying to uh to get me to jump down yeah right oh uh i'll go down there it's uh very much broken so what's up shadow i just saw your message oh clan fair um should i i should probably spawn one in because we're too low level for clown clan fierce to spawn or did you did you put in the clan fear or two d uh no um like it just has the current the yeah it's just leveled yeah i'm level one so there's not going to be any uh clan fears that'll probably the best way to go just make sure things are balanced right especially in a realm yeah uh help when here can you show cloudera attempt on the diamond powder temple is still currently um the old models um i want to work on the actual location to be a bit more epic as well i think the comma i did these uh these console command strings are so much fun ah oh yeah i have disabled the combat by the way which is why everyone is just staring around also there's no naf mesh so they would wouldn't be able to really attack us properly anyway but yeah these have been made by shadow and wolf i think wolfed at the high poly and shadow made it [ __ ] awesome i really like the they're kind of like a slime and saliva in their mouth as well yeah such a good detail yeah these guys are foaming to uh to rip us apart could you guys want to join super smash brothers um martin martin septim 100 sure what does sean bean yeah what's the difference just think the actor sure something uh that's maybe good to note is that we plan on having a unique soundtrack play in the oblivion realm so they they sound uh kind of like you're a lot more in a rush because right now it's kind of like the the sound effects are kind of calm almost where ideally we want you to feel like you need to like rush through this place and you need to get out as fast as possible it's i think what we want you to uh to feel like an experience oh look at that flying i love the idea of some sort of choir i don't know why yeah so they didn't do a turn on this or something like that with some choirs metal crying yeah that sounds awesome also kind of quite straight metal right but maybe we could try and grab some of that energy at least you know what i just realized i missed the um the name of the oblivion guard that you did you can will he be here now i think he's close to the bridge usually he might not be enabled though until i don't think i've never in fact i don't think i've ever seen him developing this level oh there's no enb no where should we go shadow um add screams too that'd be pretty cool it's like think stuff in the music you are levels are just the sounds based absolutely free to play the doom sound track from your own computer while you go around yeah don't let me come back who knows the first person to download that or the haiti soundtrack which may be uh maybe i'd be the first person to make that one nice that's the this is the remake decal right from uh dasabri i think yeah awesome oh nice oh it's like that i put that there just to kind of entice the player for like a back way around or just as an excuse to go around this way well it worked got me looking and they call him the doom slayer oh yeah cool you get uh to the other side basically the bridge that's really nice really cool my question for you is there a an anakin easter egg in here because i'm pretty sure that was the oblivion gate wasn't it no it's the cavalry oh is it oh yeah that's the first one yeah oh dude that's that's why i'm mistaken because there's no there's no guy in the uh bruma gates it's the kovach gate that's uh oh that you're you're saving the guard my bad i have my gates mixed up what casual what a fake nerd [ __ ] you i'm gonna crack the uh minecraft camera picture big dab inside joke but you know yeah yeah no one else gets it i think it's better that way yeah this is this is really fantastic i think we've just gone around this looks incredible d really really fantastic job on this thank you i think there's like a few another little island i think um the unique um letters are weapon vendors how many card models so the yeah each armor vendor had a unique armor or a weapon they sold in there if you take a left past the the corpse uh sticking out of the vent and go further down and lead you all right each uh all those some of those uh armors and weapons that are sold by the vendors were not our unique models i think all of them will have in the end and the more important ones we'll have uniques but some of them will i think when it comes to making unique models they're they're fun to do but they're also you know they cost a decent chunk of time so we're we're trying to to you know make make meshes unique where it makes sense and where it's just the most important prioritize right yeah exactly and we we have some you know for the lack of a better word boring assets to work on as well um so we're trying to behave and not overdo it but at the same time you know 3d artists are people too and they sometimes need to work on something fun something they enjoy so a cool unique weapon is a good way to do that hello will there be shouts there will not be shouts no you're not the dragonborn no the dragonborn you are not right um i think what do you guys think should we go anywhere else after this or is this uh some people anything people want to see questions are still floating in yeah i mean i i i i can't keep going all night either because yes it's been holy [ __ ] dude we've been live for three and a half hours you know i haven't had dinner yeah maybe closing question what is it about oblivion that makes you guys love this game so much the difficult one really i think probably the one no you you you made noise first so you win this round friend yeah probably it's probably the game that made me fall in love with gaming um ira had an xbox 360 back then i played every now and again but when i got oblivion it was the game i really played and kind of my first rpg and first proper in-depth gaming experience i think that was on me for another that obviously introduced me to the elder scrolls series as well and everything yeah i'm gonna try and copy paste your answer for the most part like it was kind of the the the rpg that got me into elder scrolls got me into video games in general um which makes it really special i didn't even have we didn't have consoles at home so i would play it at a friend's house and a cousin who owned it um which made me actually work pretty hard to get to get my hands on the games i should play it because i had to go places um but it it's also and this is going to sound super cheesy but this is the game that got me to where we are today and um you know through scoblivian we've we've had you know we've made some great friends we've had uh some really cool experiences i've traveled to america to to meet up with some people uh who really like the project i've been to to gamescom to hang out with like uh people of the bethesda community um and i mean we've we've kind of gotten together and we've worked on this absolute massive undertaking and i think that is it's not so much what made oblivion great but for me but it's what what what is continuing to make this game kind of special to me it's just you know the whole experience leading to where we are now is uh yeah has been pretty amazing i think one definitely for me is um this time whenever i first played oblivion how well it tied into like my love of lord of the rings yes cause it's it's like this this it's like a similar contrast um like the world space cereal is so beautiful and lush it kind of reminds me of the shower but you as the player end up traveling to some horrible looking places you know a lot look a lot like mordor you know and i i think uh as as good as like the official movie games of lord of the rings were i think there was so many people that still wanted like a big open world rpg for lord of the rings and this game really filled that that void but you know it did it it did it by um you know starting on its own with its own lore and everything as the voting lead there hasn't been really anything for me to answer so far but i can't answer this uh when i was i just gotten home from summer our first year at college and i'd never played anything else at scrolls before i didn't know what i didn't know it was the fourth game in a series someone just told me get oblivion it's great and i guess i'd have rented it from a local like tape and dvd place and i'd never play anything like it i was just amazed by you you're you're standing there you can see so far away and you can generally walk to whatever you see and go explore it the closest thing i'd play to that was like delta and i loved ocarina of time but there's not really a great degree of freedom to walk everywhere obviously except for maybe in the newer games but like ocarina of time it might feel big to a 10 year old but when you're in college just doesn't feel that big so anyway oblivion and the level of exploration all the stuff you could see and um the the weather the environments all the people you could talk to i had never seen anything like that and i just i played it like crazy and i'd be up late playing it and the the loading times were terrible on the loading screen thinking i got to go to bed i got to go to bed and finally load and i'd be back into it um loving every minute of it it was it was a really groundbreaking game for me i loved it a pretty good answer yeah thank you [Music] shadow oh okay uh that's the question so i think that's not uh i think it's anywhere um it's just the i think the feeling of slightly becoming addicted to it is definitely there um so something you'd just play for an entire weekend and they need to go back to school i think a lot of people got a really good memory of them sort of going over to a friend's house and finding all these secrets and this uh before we were searching stuff off of the internet as well um just having that freedom and i i personally loved um putting on all the different um different armors and all the weapons you can have i think that's so cool and it's felt so in-depth and um really feeling drawn into that world it was it was just uh i i found it great and it's uh definitely stuck with me as the uh the template for games that i like to play going forwards and we just killed them bro i just wanted to end the stream with some really cool gear so you know what we're wearing right now is the alvin armor but i'll be changing into the unique umbra armor and wielding the unique umbra sword after we've shown off this one one more time um maybe there's i mean you could show a bit of bravilla half the stunt yeah sure [ __ ] that sword is cool um just just make sure but uh shadow you you also want to answer the question or will you pass i think that's a pass goddammit wrong shoes yeah really quickly this is the uh the unique armor for umbra which is a an npc that you have to kill in order to get well the sword umbra which is also unique um so i'm just going to quickly run through leon which you have seen in the latest developer updates i'm just going to repeat myself probably the last time today uh if you haven't yet watch the developer diary go watch it on youtube it's the latest video we have uploaded it's the third one in a series so maybe watch one and two as well if you have the time if you want to help out the project you know we're always looking for more volunteers so if you're a 3d artist if you have experience with the creation kit if you are nav mesher if you're quest implementer we would love to have you you can drop an application on our website www.scoblivian.com if you just want to keep up to date with the project we have social media uh just look up um sky oblivion on facebook twitter instagram reddit and we have a discord server as well everything is linked in the description of the uh of the stream and um yeah lastly if you're if you are watching this on youtube something that does really help is just liking the stream um it helps people find the video uh it helps with you know getting the algorithm to uh to to see us um which might in turn reach that one guy you know who's gonna do [ __ ] on the work and make sure that the project comes out sooner who knows it could happen i can see it happen um i sent you the uh puddles by the way if you wanna uh do any of the mods know how to spam the uh community server i sent you a link rep i don't know how to paste that properly we do show a lot of them so a lot of the armors off kyle um we have done quite a lot of clothing i'm not sure if they oh yes limelight because they uh they're quite as shiny and flashy actually i did add them i completely forgot we had the the ropes that did show off uh i tried to pick up all the new clothes uh do you have the dresses someone did a very good job at implementing this there we go um could turn myself into a woman and then it'll be addressed to search blue and green with the applesand oh it's a little uh bloody hand thing going on what what should i google or search uh blue and green [Music] sorry i was thought i was talking my family only about how the word google became generic and that was the most generic google i think i've heard uh sorry green and blue blue and green but with the um the and symbol you have to do uh speech marks around the thing as well you do speech marks that was a speech mark it's like the quotation marks boys yeah the uh dash boys uh i think the other one i guess shift and oh my god i don't want to see what you want to go you're american not the uk can probably shift two try that yeah there we go oh you get anything though you need to do a space bar at the end there we go layered outfit that's item and if if people don't have experience in 3d modelling or um or doing any modding then there are communities so if you are really passionate and really willing to put in the work it's absolutely attainable if it's something you want to just try out see if it's for you there are communities who are happy to point you in the right direction and if you get really good we'd be happy to welcome you aboard lutz i feel like it's not the right one a chain 10 to a female show the dress i want to take the armor off and stuff as well oh yeah it's nice not so nice without the shield it has a nice little uh pouch as well on it looks good great all right then uh it's to prevail next i guess for this essentially the puddles are missing from the current build i forgot don't want to restart the game you wouldn't come on show them in the fall in the full glory okay fine i'll 3d model up my experience product design not games give it a try um you don't necessarily need game knowledge to do a lot of the work we do um stuff like clutter under the rest um that's all the gameplay stuff the implementation is handled by an implementation department so you don't necessarily need to know how to put them into the game so someone's asked about um maybe not being so good an artist so i've actually found that i'm terrible i'm awful drawing i'm dyslexic my handwriting's absolutely terrible but i really enjoy 3d modeling and just that's how my brain works and i think lots of people might find out the same thing you might not have artistic skill in one area but your brain might be more suitable to um the more i don't say rigid structure but other other areas so absolutely uh try it out download um i can say blender again download blender there's tutorials it's really fun um find out what you enjoy doing and there's such a wide spectrum that goes into making mods like this i'm the same way i can't draw 2d to save my life my like if i like draw just a doodle for a level layout um it just doesn't look it doesn't help me so it doesn't because the picture's so bad i guess we're showing off two uh exclusive things today uh breville which is a work in progress and the oblivion gates i hope you guys realize that no one's gonna watch the next dev dive right this way this uh this profile is very much off done but please be please be kind on me so much work gets done in between um it's kind of it's it's during the making of dev dars it's it's kind of stupid yeah we were all watching the dev dive together going oh that's been made now and this is so much improved and um do you any recommendations people learning 3d um uh for me for me personally uh lots and lots of youtube videos um i think um blender guru's doing that tutorial is a bit of a cliche but it's uh it's a really good place to start so really um what what personally what i did was that i looked at things on my desk and then i tried to make a model of that and then i'm quite into doing procedural texturing in blender so making everything absolutely from scratch within the software uh that might not be for everyone um but there's lots of free software and if you've got a um pretty much even if you've got a potato computer um you can find a software that'll work for you painting some new loading screen art uh we do have new loading screens they're like a hybrid of 2d and 3d it's a 2d artwork which is movable so you can move it around and different layers of the image will move at different rates so it kind of looks like a parallax effect it's really cool let's try to quickly find an interior i did because we were talking about visual storytelling uh this this is the one um so this is a an interior that belongs to a doge that how you pronounce it like the the thieves guilds um people oh hello um anyway she's a part of the the thieves guild um yes sorry a dozen um a dozen for the thieves guild so the the interior itself doesn't look that special looks a bit messy uh but something i did add was for instance like there's a little uh hidden stash you know with with stolen merchandise that you might be able to find if you don't walk past this so quickly um and there's some some stolen stuff up there as well some really worth it rare things that she's hidden behind some box and stuff and that's that's the way that you you know you try to just to tell a story and try to make the the house fit the the person that lives there um you know think keep keep their occupation in mind in this case you know being a thieving uh cat um but it's it's a great way to try and tell a story and i mean most people are gonna find it i think in this case this one isn't even that well hidden but i've done a few of these steve's guilds interiors where i tried to hide you know stolen stuff like that and it's a really great way to try and uh tell tell that story without you know putting anything into writing let people kind of figure things out find it for themselves yeah maybe uh maybe luke you can talk a bit about um about the city rework so far what your plans are where you're gonna go next yeah also um again maybe while louis is talking at least on twitch someone do exclamation point so the ludus because he's working uh or you probably will be working on this on stream right at some point again yeah i think so so uh basically working for a lot of the concept that we have which shows prevail in a much more run-down state than the original was the original was kind of told it was all and not as poor as it made out so now we have these run down roads the main road is kind of um a bit more pristine with lots of walkways but the side roads are much more like just kind of ugly mess less um walkways and stuff um i had some great concept art drawn up by eric one of our concept artists and we've moment stadiums have the same signed up layout it's not the drastic kind of rework that leon had um uh yeah and just kind of jail overall kind of improving the general quality in the field city to be a much more run down place also trying to incorporate the water there's like a little new waterfront small district area we don't know that kyle as well maybe not much of it done so far but it's getting there and again that's that's also why it's interesting to do this live with you today and again it's because the the support on on the latest developer diary was really incredible that we felt like this would be a really cool way for us to kind of say thank you to you guys for being so just great um and yeah this is kind of like the behind the scenes look this is what it looks like when it's in the works you know there's you can see the ground textures are all messed up uh there's stuff floating uh it's not connecting properly but uh in the end it's going to look similar to lewin very nicely polished i want to say beautiful but breville is not really a beautiful city um no it's well it's it's it's beautiful in its own way it's it's um lived in yeah lived in if you said tonight that that's quite nice at night as well on this main street i know we'll do that yeah we shouldn't make the game play off either for you getting over your rcc addiction yeah i'm just gonna have to play the game and when i'm watching people play it or stream it dude no no no it's too dark geez it's not that perfect one weather i'm just thinking from a from a presentation perspective okay people need to look at this through the best possible lens that's all which i'm really excited to see what uh what the the actual you know final products gonna look like for reveal it's it's really shaping up very very nicely so far hopefully we can do a full breakdown for the next diary like we did with leon yeah yeah that would be great and yeah that part is untouched basically i also really like the um the the the church the chapel the cathedral sorry third time's a charm um because it has the uh the little out in the outhouse the keeper yeah the grave tent guy person yeah yeah groundskeeper has the word really cool like it's it's it's details like that that really make this game stand out and you know the levels under this is just so [ __ ] good um fantastic in this lighting yeah it is not the silly way just then it was absolutely on point i think profile looks best at night really does the best at night already shines at night though yeah yeah you can always imagine like thieves and like assassins yeah yeah across the rooftops um the seagulls here as well yes i saw this yeah i'm sure that's how seals fly although i've seen them do that in the wind so yeah it's immersive fits perfectly yeah they float yeah they kind of like ride the winds yeah i was gonna say ride the wave but right the wind we've had a question on performance i just want to say we are keeping performance in mind in everything we do yeah of course and we are um uh making sure textures aren't too big so if something um say there's a clutter asset we'll make sure that doesn't have a 4k texture uh things that are important the quests we're gonna try and make um higher detail we're going to focus detail where it needs to be and not where it doesn't need to be so tops the trees not so important so that that kind of thing an area of people aren't going to go to in absolutely the opposite of the point i just made there's no detail up here i think i think we're gonna we're gonna end the stream at the uh the vineyards okay such a peaceful serene location it's perfect i'm gonna get that sunset though that's all you want to get oh yeah sometimes over the place and some final questions maybe well uh that's the collision this is a bit icky you might want to come back to this yeah yeah i didn't realize they we probably would remove the collision from the iv entirely because oh yeah why doesn't even have it i didn't know that uh collision yeah get your final questions in now guys will the dlc probably even be reworked scheduled but it will yeah we worked on the the um the dlc after the main release there that's what you want yeah that's nice really risky to do this toggle free camera but uh like the last part of the stream um yeah i get get your last questions in no i think we can do this for like another five minutes or so but i really have to jump off and unfortunately i'm the guy streaming this tomorrow at work on steam um there's no plans at the moment maybe in the future we're not sure to author the scam engine anyway um an engine level i don't really think so where's maybe we stay motivated we listen to uh sorry i cut off a question there oh sorry do you want to finish yours i'm sorry i i didn't i couldn't understand what was the question please um someone asked if we've altered the game engine at any level uh yes uh as in we are supplying some custom dlls to the engine similar to they're basically uh skse plug-ins um so i don't think that we're alone in doing this kind of thing but it's not just script text files we actually are supplying our own compiled c plus plus to the engine so it could do some extra things that we needed to do yeah i don't get that but that's why i'm not a you know coding coding lead so i hope that answers the question uh how do we stay motivated uh so i'll say we're a community and we listen to terrible terrible music i mean we we hang out a lot together you know we i know we're working on this game um but yeah it's very much just you know like a group of friends hanging out these days and you know when you're just hanging out with friends together you know do you really need that much to be motivated i don't know for me not not that much really um so yeah i just i just really enjoy the time we have uh and the time we're spending together um and the rest kind of comes naturally yeah i think uh one of the biggest things that kind of inspires this team is each other like someone someone comes someone brings out like a screenshot of their new armor and everyone fawns over it and that that excites the quest guys because that's the armor that the quest guy is currently working on that's associated with you know the the landscaping people get inspired because you know they're the one that or either the interior department people or the landscaping people get inspired because they're the ones that get to hide it and put it somewhere that is worthy of the armor yeah you know it's there's always it's it's like the the talent is infectious on this team like sorry just just progress from that uh we uh just as you guys all watch the dev diary as um just we all got together and we always hurry as well yeah and um we were all just so proud and so happy with the work each other had done and um yeah it's a really great feeling for us definitely real bump and we were buzzing after that it was great yeah i mean there was uh to give you an idea like we did we don't have a small or we don't have a big development team you know the the amount of active developers um you have to keep that in mind yeah we're all volunteers so we try to do what we can when we can but there's a you know sometimes people come in they do you know one asset or one claim and then they kind of drop out again because you know they have a job they have a family they have their own lives to deal with and that's fine but uh for the developer diary we got together all of us or you know everyone who could make it um all developers new developers people who have since like left the project as in they're not working anymore but they're still in the server uh and there was 49 people in the end watching developer diary which is a huge part of the team and we've never had that many people just you know hanging out like that together so you know as cool as it is for you guys to see the developer diary and to see the prog progress um it's it's double that for us ourselves because you know if if you're new in the team you might see one of your first interiors being showcased or one of your first 3d assets being part of that video um and that's just you know a really really cool thing and it's really fantastic we can sort of share that uh experience together like that so you know the motivation kind of cuts both ways i guess just hit some real quick ones um so spell crafting will be a thing that definitely that is coming um leveling is currently like skyrims there may be some changes to that in the future say uh lock picking is currently skin rooms and yeah also young squirrels hey dude hey young squirrels the man the myth of legends um all right yeah i hate to be that guy but i think we might have to uh we might have to end it there then um so yeah thank you all so much for your support i'm going to say this one last time but if you're on youtube uh liking the stream really helps it makes it easier for people to find find the video which you know potentially can mean that a new volunteer finds a video and you know helps out with a project which means it can get released quicker so if you're watching youtube please like and if you haven't yet subscribed because new developer diaries are coming uh and you know at some point the release trail as well um if you want to follow the skype living project we are on twitter facebook instagram reddit we have a discord server all the links are in the description of the stream uh what else we're we're still working progress we're still developing the game so if you are a 3d artist if you're a texture artist if you have experience with modding skyrim you know you have experience with the creation kit you can do nav mesh you can do implementation you can make a quest you can uh do some level design we would love to have you uh we're always looking for more people and you know the more people help out the faster the project gets done it's it's that simple um and yeah having that set thank you so much for the support on the developer diaries uh it's been really unreal seeing how how many people are tuning in to them and you know the support the kind words words of encouragement the feedback as well um where we do you know read the comments so thank you for being uh fantastic um and yeah maybe maybe some of you guys want to add some some closing words as well or say something i don't know say hello young scrolls said let me make a bad song yes yes do it we do have a nice nice to have list which will be things which we'd really like in the game but we're also well in mind that we don't want to have scope creep because if we put everything we wanted in the game then things then the game may never get released so we need to set the line somewhere so uh the things like bad songs is definitely something we want to have well if young scrolls is willing though i'm sure we could absolutely try all right great um in that case thank you very much for watching um stay tuned follow us on social media and uh we will see you in the next one thank you hey everyone thank you thanks everyone [Music] so [Music] it had to go wrong didn't it i was just saying thank you guys so much for uh for all the support uh a game even a work in progress game is only as good as the community um so yeah i really appreciate you guys showing your support like this and and supporting us while we're working on this fantastic game um great way to make a fool of myself at the last second so awesome uh yeah thank you guys for the supports it's really appreciated and i hope you will enjoy you know our upcoming updates and uh yeah ciao you
Channel: Rebelzize
Views: 1,391,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyblivion, tes6, elder scrolls, bethesda, modding, mods
Id: 8b2uhKLmUfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 50sec (13670 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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