Can I Survive in Project Zomboid When THE FLOOR IS LAVA? | Ep 1

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since the all negative traits character playthrough proved interesting for a try I thought it would be fun to try another absurdly difficult and outstandingly dumb project zomboid challenge the floor is lava really the ground is lava but enough with splitting hairs I'm not allowed to test the ground outside or I'm dead Challenge over I'm changing the sandbox settings to make it incredibly hot in the games climate to better simulate the effect of getting overheated in order to get around on the DS the only way available to me and that means using my carpentry skill and the wood that I scavenged from dismantled furniture and floors in order to build a series of elevated bridge platforms around an entire town and ring every last resource from it I can't use cars since it would almost always require me to touch the ground that said I think in fact always and I can't dig up worms either and cheese that strategy to eat because it would mean touching the lava on the ground outside let's go through strategy for this challenge our basic needs are food water safety or shelter and temperature maintenance I think the most important things to be securing a lot of our food finding pots and pans to fill with water and establishing a large well barricaded set of houses so that I have different spaces to run to as I can't simply run outside to escape the zombies this is gonna make the first day incredibly difficult I also won't be able to bury bodies and I'm gonna have a lot of corpses piling up in a small area probably indoors in a house I've established where I want to live and since I don't want to get sick I'll need to either create a dumping or a kill zone in the bottom of one of the houses where I keep all the zombie corpses I'm gonna need to limit the area because they do start to rot and it will get me sick really really fast I probably won't want to start a lot of fires if I can help it since it would it would spread to all the houses that I have connected in the network and get rid of my lifeboat I'm probably gonna have to take my shirt off all the time to to stave off heat exhaustion because it's gonna be incredibly hot so I'll be in constant danger of getting scratched or bitten and I'm gonna want to plan accordingly or wear light layers I mean you need to find something that'll work for me to wear my primary concern for this challenge is food the scavenged food won't last forever and I'm gonna need to somehow find dirt possibly in a sack in a gardening store or warehouse I don't really know where because I'm gonna be in Rosewood to be fair though if I completely lewd a town and the resource is right and take obese to stave off the eating away all my own fat I could live for a very very long time maybe as much as a year on one towns resources I'm not worried about water as I can just fill pots and pans with it and even though that it's very dry I think that I have enough surface area on the roofs that I can collect enough of it and there's plenty of clean water in the taps but I have a neat trick that might work involving sinks and the rain collector barrel that I think might in definitely gives me clean water as long as I get some rain so watch the full series to see how that plays out still I'll be getting world settings to be as dry and hostile the plants to as possible as it would be very difficult to grow plants if the surface of the earth were a giant ocean of lava for heat I have lava to keep me warm so hopefully the winter won't be so bad I can take fires or I can take you know rags from zombie clothes and make them into fire fuel hopefully I'll spawn and actually in fact I'm going to have to spawn in a two-story house because I do a lot of play testing before this and with basic traits its it might be possible but it would be incredibly incredibly difficult to get everything that you need to get other to the other two-story houses this turns an already difficult challenge to possible I need to start off with a starter kit and I consulted with my friend max who's an expert at the game to see what items he thought would be fair for such a start we settled on a saw a single box of nails and a hammer if I can't find more that's it and the hammer comes with the starter kit so it's really not that much if I can't find more I'll need to start deconstructing my previous builds limiting the area I can conveniently move around and so there is a resource game going on here I think the most interesting part of this challenge will be when I have a whole network of flooring throughout the whole town and it's feasible I can completely floor off the second story of a town if I do really well but I have no clue else what else could go wrong everything could be completely not expected which is part of the fun here I'll also be playing on Rose woods since it allows a lot of two-story spawn houses and I need one to start this challenge the main two traits I want to highlight are obese and strong I need to be obese and strong because I need to keep fat on me for as long as possible and strong because I need to be really good at combat especially melee combat in close quarters pretty much right from the get-go in this challenge my last considerations are I need a high level of carpentry so that I can build stairs so I'll be taking a couple of traits that will help me boost up toward that as soon as possible I want to be building those stairs that I can access the lower floor of houses and then expand my network of influence my long-term strategies that I could survive a year by using one town but let's just start the playthrough and see what happens before I start I just want to say thank you to Glock 9 I saw him do this challenge with seven days to die and I thought it was a really cool idea so I'm applying all the rules here okay so for this character the very first thing that we're gonna want to do is close the windows just get all the curtains closed and I turned on the life and living TV because as much as possible we want to maximize that carpentry skill though I think that the first show is gonna be this is yeah this is definitely cooking okay so we'll watch the cooking show we'll get a little bit of experience in that and I think I around noon on day 1 we should catch the carpentry show after that I'm gonna like inventory my wood so I'm actually gonna do this right now and it's kind of a weird thing to do in your starter house but I'm gonna try to put all of it upstairs and let's just pick up the floorboards yeah floorboards so we're gonna take all of the wood that we possibly can out of the first house and just use it because for certain constructions like I believe floors once you construct them some of them you can't get hurt I accidentally took off the curtains lucky that I didn't lose those okay we'll put those back but yeah pretty much every single house we just want to tear it up as much as possible so let's do this and it looks like the cooking show ended or really soon okay so let's do I think I'm just gonna speed through this because I'm just gonna tear apart the entire floor of the pretty much anything that I can get from here these floorboards though over here like the ones that look kind of I don't know shoddy over here they actually can't be removed so you didn't I okay all right so I'm just gonna get through this we're gonna tear up the entire first floor of the house okay so I did have some spot me on the first floor or just one I believe it is so I'm just gonna try to bring him in here because as much as possible we do want to flush out this neighborhood if we can since we can't go out onto the streets it's gonna be let me just open the door for a second okay now there is lava out there so I can't go out onto the streets but I'm gonna have to just do what I can maybe even to attract some of them to this house I don't want to bite off more than I could chew and I am starting to realize that a lot of this birch wood floor I can't really do much with it I was getting some floorboards up like over here some appeared on the ground after I did it but I don't know if that's because I dismantled it wrong so I might end up putting some of this birch wood floor back down on the ground and then just like recycling through it as best we can but either way it does seem to be getting my carpentry skill a little bit better so I'm just gonna keep on yeah like there so I'm gonna keep on going through that until we have more wood okay so they're coming in through the back now and I think through the backyards are more or less safe but I do want to try to prevent them from see I can't go out there I'm gonna have to get so used to that I don't like this and I don't like it that they can just get me in one place it's I feel like canned food I'm gonna have to make a lot more room in the upper floors if I want to feel safe here okay um let's see what did these ones have so I don't really want to take too much of this because the climates really hot and we're in the middle of July so I did have to remove my lumberjack shirt right off the bat because I was like really damp and sweaty right away and this I honestly used to be the old project zomboid where you'd like take off your shirt all the time because you were disc on stantly getting overheated but fortunately that's changed I mean I think I'm just gonna turn off the TV it should be I think it's nine twelve and six o'clock or something like that for the TV shows so but it's really it's mainly the the carpentry that we wanted so now that we're done with that we'll just do that okay let's grab these planks and I think we're just gonna make like a storeroom upstairs and we'll catalogue our planks and our nails because I want to be conservative with how much of this stuff I use I need to get over to the quickest way to get to the other house because that house is gonna have a lot of resources but if we're not spread out enough at the beginning we might have a big hoard come over here like see there's no there's no windows on this there's only this one window so I'm definitely gonna have to move out here in fact I know I'm gonna be using this so let's just build a couple supports right away I want to have some place to run to in case if this house does get mobbed and ideally I could have like a I don't know like a network of confusing passageways see there I broke some wood that's not gonna that's not gonna help it's never good but it's really bad especially early on when we might be far away from other houses I still don't know exactly where we are on the map and some stuff does depend on spawn so okay let's just try this yeah we're gonna go over to this window open it and we should be able to go carpentry wooden floor we should be able to build right through the wall now in case you didn't know there's actually no structural integrity in project zomboid like you like you can build things that are just floating in mid-air and maybe they don't seem to make sense but hey if they work by the game's logic I'm fine with that and I'm gonna be I'm gonna need to be really really careful not to trip and fall so we got our first passageway we didn't get over to the other house though and I just got to figure out which one I think that this window is closer one two then one another the same distance doesn't make a difference I got to be really careful though on these things because if I fell all out then it's over the entire playthrough ends immediately that's my rule okay let's take these sheets and it sounds like I've got more company downstairs damn okay upstairs rather and he's a crawler I dunno fortunately were strong though man - okay third one that's the third one okay we're going to do a bedroom now okay this is how we got a do we mmm this is exactly what I was fearing for this video so we still don't have a lot of room to work with so I don't have that's annoying so I can't really hit his hit boxes on the wall but I gotta take him out fast there we go okay what if there's more than two there are more than two okay I'm gonna have to run out of here and I'm gonna have to separate another I could have just gotten in that room and separated to be fair but okay I avoided her bite animation and now please let this work okay damn what do I do now I think I think same thing as I just did before open and closed really really fast open back I did let I did let one of them get an attempt off on me all right you know what we can do this ooh too close too close the problem is that whenever I hit e to close the door my finger comes off the West so I can't come on all right here we go I hate close quarters combat but I did a lot of it in the old builds and not - ooh why doesn't that cause me - hmm this is why I ate close quarters combat it's just it's like tooth and nail all right let's get there we go back vulnerability is the worst so don't let them hit your back there we go okay okay crawler now all right we're done we are done and we are sweaty hot and panicked and hungry and tired apparently but I think that I think we we cleared out the relative area around us yeah you know we probably attracted most of the zombies off the street and we're still not safe because the floor is lava but yeah nobody up the back so for right now I'm like quote-unquote safe just because we we cleared the ones out that we're in the immediate area for today so let's get these other planks to other nails it's really nice to be playing a character who's not immediately winded by everything like my last character and now I think I'm gonna just connect the two houses but before I do that I might want to rest honestly so I'll get like really really close and we're also getting overheated again we're gonna be so overheated for this entire thing so I'm I actually know that heats going down never mind let's just add another wooden floor here and one more up I want to minimize the number I have to use I heard something alright okay I'm not gonna connect the two houses yet first I'm just gonna take a nap because I'm really really winded from all that okay I lied it's not safe to nap let's barricade this window so that we at least have some sort of warning before they come in now right that's good we can't bury one weird part about this is that we can't barricade from the outside because we can't stand on the ground outside we could barricade the upstairs windows or something like that though I also can't give very good sight lines around me which I wasn't really thinking about when I first thought up this challenge but mm-hmm okay alright let's just take a nap we will get a warning since we have a door next to us but yeah I want to sleep before I go to the next place okay I'm just gonna finish off disassembling the furniture in here because I need would desperately fast I have to get to another house pretty much ASAP but I don't really want to do any long-term planning yet I just want to get as much wood as possible connect these houses and get my carpentry skill up because if I can get the carpentry skill up high enough then I can get access to lower floor homes and I could use the wood and nose to build staircases up and then I could take access or I could have access to more houses on the map so okay you have a stake lodged in you that's great now what are they get okay they broke this window yeah let's go here now okay let's just keep on disassembles just keep with the plan that's probably the best plan okay I can't believe that I didn't think of this till just now but I realized oh no I can't do that okay you may be wondering if I could use the birch wood floor to actually construct new walkways but it turns out that you can't use them as original flooring you could put it over your original walkway so for me dismantling the floors and then just reusing them outside of homes is not really an option something I was wondering about and kind of a curiosity but it doesn't have any effect so fortunately it is still just as difficult as I thought it was okay got some knocking on the back window and since I don't want to waste this board I'm starting to realize it's damn okay three again another close quarters fight I don't really know much of what to do I could I think I'm gonna try the room trick again but what I might ultimately want to start to do is to just push them off of the platforms on the top so yeah actually you know what they they're passing around the stairs it's a little screwed up anyway so we just do it like this oh whoops I did not mean to lead you to the closet well I might be able to take one out nope yeah ah the hitbox moved and we were going back into the bedroom that was a close one whoops I didn't mean to do that all right okay let's dance yeah okay I did not see that one and now it's Fiasco all right I'm just gonna focus on this for a second okay much as we all more or less predicted the first day has been a [ __ ] show how many have I killed I mean the strength is really really useful I think that the strong trait was probably one of the best things I could have taken already guilt 15 inside of the house inside of the walls of one house so I'm very much like strong but not safe here this is not a good place to be ideally I would start to set up some walkways where I can kind of lead them around and push them off I think that's gonna be the best way to deal with big number and when I do get the helicopter event later on it's gonna be really really difficult I don't want to say impossible but really really difficult to survive this so we've got six blanks we're pretty over encumbered but our characters not tired anymore because we did sleep so I think I'm just gonna finish off this walkway to the next house because really connecting houses is the best thing I can do these first few days just gives me more room to work with I think I still think I'm gonna have enough wood to get around but I gotta I gotta get it over to that block so I'm gonna have to use up a lot of wood getting over there but if I can do it by connecting these houses then I can get access to all of these and it looks like there's two more over there that it's gonna be pretty inexpensive to go between basically I'm just trying to establish like a network right now okay so let's do carbon tree wooden floor and I think we're gonna need a few more nails though I've got pretty much all of this has been I haven't even opened up my box and LZ okay there we go that's why you do need that to start let's do wooden floor and eventually nails do become pretty scarce so giving myself one box and now it's actually the nails I might run out of before wood but I should be able to get enough of that from furniture it's weird I've never entered houses in Project Zomboid like quite like this I'm thinking that we're probably safer doing this but are we gonna okay we're not really in danger of falling out I was worried that would happen okay so I'm just gonna need to be careful on these walkways Rico has to has no mind you I can go to the bottom floor as always whoa that was weird hiccup I can go to the bottom floor always because the point of this challenge is that outside the ground is lava not exactly the floor in the houses even though that I called it the floor is lava the ground is lava you know okay it looks like there's none upstairs I'm gonna try to be relatively quiet but it looks like they already some of the deconstruction work for me I'm just trying to think of like how am I gonna make one bedroom safe what I might want to end up doing is to build a third floor over everything and then putting sheet ropes up to that and then sleeping in some sort of loft bed on a third floor that I create only because now the second floor isn't even really gonna be that safe okay nothing really useful there eventually I'll start scrapping some of the clothing for fires but I think for right now I mainly just want to keep on I don't know maybe water is the thing I really should be thinking most about it's TV on device options it is off nevermind we don't need that okay let's keep looking around in here umm I mean what I what I told myself was that I was gonna secure a network of buildings on the first couple days but yeah I feel like I already gotta have that with the two that I've got okay let's take these planks you know we're just gonna keep on building over to the next house because I think that's probably the best thing we can do network is more than you know say you have a network of friends when you go to see one guy so we'll get get a couple more going okay I've kind of weird news so it seems like that you can't actually put wood outside of windows facing this way so I might have to like cheese this I guess by going at the front which it's not really a cheese it just it cost me valuable resources so I'm gonna have to use up some of the wood getting around there to the back and it means that this might not actually be that cheap anymore I'm gonna try going across to that side of the street then I think because that looks significantly closer than that to me is that just my eyes maybe this is my eyes you know maybe I will go left never mind okay we got more incoming here I don't really have much control over this but what I might do at this point just cuz that's a lot is to lead them outside and see if I can push them off cuz that's really too much for one guy to deal with I think that's about five yeah I can't I can't take them in close quarters right here fortunately they're pathing up the stairs is kind of like slowed or odd so I mean we could yeah you know what actually this is this is pretty safe I'm gonna go out the window and we see if I could stop their heads in before or when they get out here it's pretty widely accepted tactic now and we gotta move all right let's see if we can toss one there we go yeah that's what I wanted okay so as long as we have corners to lead them around we can throw them off of that no wow there were really a lot here student it's stupid they don't die when they go down into the lava that would probably be my one change to this but it makes it more dangerous this is really not safe okay let's back off I almost don't want to move away from the crawler though cuz she's just yeah I can I get you on the ground okay that one's gone wow this does not feel safe i i'm like frodo baggins on the clip of Mount Doom with Gollum because if I fall off one of these ledges that's it challenge is over I fall into the lava oh jeez you're all right behind me okay that's acceptable and somehow I fell through that window that did not make any sense to me but it happened regardless ah [ __ ] that's a hitbox okay goodbye cruel world yeah maybe I should start using a plank I don't know I feel like I just trust the animations on my barehanded stuff too much okay man can you imagine being unlike the edge of one of these things fighting against five of them that's that's how it's gonna have to go down I might just let them break down that door so that I could get out to them that yeah onto that ledge that might be the safest thing for me to do at this point I didn't expect it would be this bad in the first day but I had like twenty come to this house anything I'd rather use yeah [ __ ] me I'm gonna use my baseball bat honestly I do not trust any weapons and then the only items that I trust for weapons in the new bill that are like the katana maybe Spears to okay oh damn damn damn damn damn dan let's dance man this is like I hate this kind of combat let's just fight this one off [ __ ] all right door don't fail me now if the door breaks them in trouble you know how much it would take to crush your guy's brain with a bat jeez this is just unsanitary all right you know what maybe that was a little bit better I stand corrected well we aren't ridiculously tired do I have enough floor to just leave this place at this moment no I don't think I do and there's continuously more being attracted in here it is also not that's fun but it looks like they're gone from that window okay I'm gonna just focus on these two and then yeah okay not a good fight not a good day in the slightest I wish I could have avoided them more but it seemed like they just kind of came out of everywhere well we did get short blunt leveled up and what else what was that maybe that was already there I think that was already there from carpentry yeah but we did kill 21 it seems like we killed a whole lot more though I'm leaving the shotgun on the floor because it would it would get me killed if I use that oh you are still alive I don't even know I mean I might have lost this window if there's one right there I have no clue how to get out of that window without taking massive risk unfortunately I thought that floors cost two wood and they cost only one but at this point yeah this house has definitely got to be my kill zone because there are just so many dead bodies dead bodies all over the floor and I have no clue what to do about it I guess I could you know I could bring them downstairs probably be the best solution let's bring in these planks into our inventory I want to expand this network cuz I don't want to fight some of these fights I'd rather just run to a different house like along a weird winding pathway and then avoid them entirely at least for now but they uh yeah they keep coming out I don't know maybe I'd be better off just like hiding in one house and then calling it a day but let's just see if we can extend this a little further and then I don't know push more off for something okay normally I'd want to do more than this on the first day but I think I'm just gonna put my character to rest yeah he probably won't get sick because the none of the dead bodies are really rotting yet so I think I'm just gonna sleep next to this shotgun and all the dead bodies and then nope there are more zombies okay well after this I will sleep because I am still ridiculously tired now and that's not helping anything all right I somehow managed to get through the window but I'm fine with that because otherwise it's just like insta death for me if I go through that so okay let's see what's in the other house as long as I feel relatively safe with what I see in here I'm probably gonna go screw it I'm going to bed in here this place looks safer than my last house and much more comfortable to get let's close the curtains and you know I'm gonna check downstairs first make sure there's nobody there okay fairly empty and I honestly don't wanna even aggro some of them because you can sleep upstairs from a zombie and sometimes they just don't even hear you I'll have a chance if the door breaks and what do I do if the door breaks ah God what do I do if that happens alright you know what we'll get like a couple planks ready and disassemble this chair I just want to have a couple of planks ready pretty much at all times so that I could jump out a window like you know fill the platform jump out a window and then use that to escape or at least I could go out onto that platform and start pushing them off so I have planks there in case if anything goes wrong and can I actually put those in my backpack it might be good to just keep emergency planks on me okay it fit only like one of them in there well we've got all this birch wood floor and our backpack too let's put that on the ground can't even find a place for that you know I'll put my birch wood floor on my already constructed platform so that it looks more scenic all right so we made it through the first full day and night as actually was that two days I wasn't even really counting that might have been two days now instead of regular floor we have birch wood floor for our walkways and we're almost linked up to a second house I was hoping to get three but I didn't think I'd have to go that far we do have plenty of planks though in case if we need them for next time and it really isn't gonna take me quite as many materials as I thought so I'm gonna be able to extend this for a pretty long time honestly I think I got through one of the hardest parts of the challenge right now only because on this day there's nowhere to run to you know you have one or two houses but now we can start I probably shouldn't run on these at all and I've also noticed that if you turn you like move you shift slightly so you got a reposition yourself if you ever try this and then go there and then walk forward so I think I'm just gonna try to link up to a third house probably get these out of a line too because if I start to link houses that are like across from each other and a better formation that just gives it more dimension then I might honestly be able to lead the zombies off of these walkways which is probably gonna be the best ultimate way of saving my own life throughout this entire challenge otherwise it's gonna be a [ __ ] show for a few this oh when there is a guy here all right let's take out one more and then I'll call it there that's right flex my awesome combat skills wow really satisfying to play a character who's not crap anymore okay um oh and one more nice jacket might use that though ooh okay we're out of here all right well you know what we at least have this like this area where I could lead them slightly because and you got a corner like this they get confused by and I could push him off but they'll keep coming back up problem with this is that there's also a window behind me so that it'll totally scratch me on my back I'm actually gonna close this and if it's just one I could deal with her okay and anymore inside it sounds like - I think - more down here no maybe just one alright if it's just one of you then that's nothing we've already killed as many zombies as I killed in my entire last series in this first three seconds he was hiding behind the stairway and there's another one he's gonna get me killed like this oh man it's gonna be like thirty and one I didn't picture myself killing zombies so much I thought I'd just be deconstructing I thought I would have some peace for the first few videos man at least our character is strong enough and he's gonna get up his weapon classes as we go on alright I think I'm gonna call it there look at all the blood geez anyway let me know what you think of this if you have any other challenge ideas I'm gonna be implementing a lot of them over the next couple of months and as always I will see you guys in the next floor is lava video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 732,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid build 41 gameplay, project zomboid 41, project zomboid floor is lava, floor is lava, the floor is lava, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid absurd challenge, project zomboid traits, project zomboid challenge playthrough, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid part 1, project zomboid #1, project zomboid build 41 experimental, floor is lava challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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