Can I Survive in a SINGLE CAR in Project Zomboid?

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the key ingredient to survival is not your supply list but rather the mindset of frugal resourcefulness with which you approach your situation whatever that may be in this case my car for a challenge i tried to see if i could survive in project zomboid by isolating myself to my starter vehicle a simple four-door sedan i've always taken comfort in the feeling of discipline and control that results from following a self-imposed rule preserve the things that matter to you they might be the only ones you ever get indeed if you can forge your mindset to that of a sustainer a preserver you'll be a worthy steward of the things that matter to you and they'll long outlast your guardianship how would i approach this limitation to survival i set out as horus furman carmen on the first day i spawned in at the map edge beside my vehicle outfitted with all the necessary items to keep me alive a little while and enough to get started surely if you stay inside the car for the entire time you'll die that would have limited me to only the items in the back seat so i made a rule for myself that i just had to touch the car the entire time and that counted as crawling over the car that gave me access to the four water bottles in my trunk this would be enough water to keep me alive getting started so remaining in contact with the car i crawled around the car and got back in changing to the driver's seat i thought it would be smart to give the local area a look over after all i still didn't have a full tank of gas yet i set out on the road and drove carefully the cruise control was calibrated at 30 miles an hour by the lay of the land i surmised that i was probably on the eastern side of the map being without a watch i'd have to use the daylight to determine how many days it passed my first goals were to find gas and extra car parts if i didn't get to a garage or a hub that i could start at immediately i might find myself derelict and without a car i bumped up the speed to 80 to conserve gas eventually i made it to a crossroads fully abandoned this might be a good place to siphon some gas before the next leg of my journey i pulled up next to one of the cars nearby grabbed my gas can from the trunk and did what i could to refuel my own engine right now i was limited to only one gas canister unless i were able to find one in the wrecks the first car had some gasoline but not much i'd have to use my own car as storage carefully driving around my own car i opened the window that was it being out of the car counted only as reaching out of the window don't question it remember i'm in the car i made my way around the wrecks making sure to stay in contact with my own car most of them didn't have gasoline though it was enough for the journey and luck one of the other cars had a gas can if i found a gas station empty or if i could clear it out i could get unlimited gas for my car i found a lug wrench in one of the trunks nearby although the car was in poor condition and after a little towing and a bit of moonwalking i was fully fueled and ready for my journey again but all that towing wasn't without consequence for the most part i had taken good care of my car but clearly i was bumping into things this called for spare car parts so while it was still peaceful i decided to take other parts from other cars but lacking the tools clearly i'd need a garage i made the journey eastward slowing my roll and i came to a crossing they're more densely packed but it led me to a garage for which i'd conducted this search now came the slow tedious process of using the cover of the rain to lead all of the zombies away from the garage i blasted the horn it's amazing what you can do when you're careful with your car in just a few short minutes i was able to create a daryl dixon sized horde it wasn't without danger nor without its fair share of off-roading but after a few minutes of work i was successfully able to lead most of them away i quietly pulled the car up to the door and shut it now i was both with vehicle and indoors the vehicle itself was in great condition still too what a success i drove my way around the garage so that i could remain in contact with the car for the entire time while i searched plenty of books on mechanics but i didn't really need those i thought it might help anyway so i grabbed a few what else was i going to carry in my car after all i found a car battery charger a screwdriver and a radio i could dismantle another two of those another screwdriver and all of that i loaded into the trunk i found a tool box with a needle and a saw and a car jack this would be useful for driving tires and i was going to need a lot of tires next it was all useful but what was most key was that i had found a place to sleep for the night i slept in the car inside of the garage that night safe for now but i knew that i needed renewable sources of water food and gasoline if i wanted to go far still i counted my blessings so to speak having begun my journey in a car made it plausible for me to make positive traits out of negative ones my obesity would actually prolong my life rather than shorten it as i could afford to lose a few pounds with the lack of food regardless tomorrow i'd set out for more opportunities to construct the foundations of a sustainable lifestyle somewhere living off the land i lived independently of time and woke up to darkness but not knowing whether it was day or night i congratulated myself at a job well done but i had to move they were already banging on the doors and so i set out back for more car parts at the wrecks there was nothing left for me here but i could backtrack to where i started from and so i set back out in the twilight reign the roads were now growing more dense and there i was this was not the end nor was it the beginning but it was however the end of the beginning in the words of winston churchill that night i raided the other cars for spare parts especially tires for the most part everything was garbage but it gave me the liberty to drive like this if i wanted to so i drove up the road into the night fast fast before long i made it to town where yes there were zombies overrun i left the town there was no use burning gas and tires on something i could never acquire no instead i decided to make a simple detour down a few winding roads i drove and ultimately my search led me to a crossroads after a long search i came to rest at the purest bluest lake here i was fully immersed in nature again man did it feel good it felt amazing now i decided that having acquired enough spare car parts i could afford to spend some time in nature although the way lay off the beaten path i could forage if i brought the car just to the side of the road so i drove into the literally into the woods and now thoroughly lost i got out and i began foraging all the while remaining in direct contact with my car you can't see the car here because it was hidden behind the tree out of my sight lines and there i foraged in the woods i found some twigs berries stones worms the usual matter naturally i scratched myself on the groin while i was in the woods so i ripped up the pants and i bandaged myself this would be of no consequence however i can assure you that i am a man of the woods i continued my drive along into the trees all the while remaining in direct contact with the car i experienced jubilation upon finding two tree branches in the woods for this i would survive because there really isn't any other way to get food not that i was going to eat the tree branches no i had another plan for them well i could if i wanted to eat the berries that i had found in the woods and it would make for a good weight loss diet after an invigorating three-point turn i decided to turn back and i made my way back out to the lake and at last i had an opportunity to sit down beside my car i'd found a lot of useful items in the woods berries stones twigs worms berries and most key of all tree branches these would be useful for making spears you just need one and you have a renewable food source in the lake with spear fishing it was all useful in some way and so there in the middle of the day in the peace of the rains i washed i even washed my car now exhausted tired hungry and maimed it was the perfect opportunity to fish i channeled my inner captain ahab and began fishing yes it was a beautiful life and what amounted to a tiny house living in a car i could only visualize with dismay what the new contents of my car would be when i returned cod bass berries rocks perhaps a pair of shoes here or there my car was getting very very crowded after all and managing the little space i had left for the heavy car parts i was acquiring was becoming more and more difficult eventually the power would go out the gas would dry up and my car would break down how would i confront these problems over the next few days i thought about all of this but i kept my mind on the task at hand with fishing worrying is rational to a certain extent but if you spend your whole life worrying you might not enjoy it yes we can learn to engage and even entertain ourselves with the toils that we go through every day even the most banal of circumstances can be occasion for joy given the right mindset i must have fished for hours not getting anything until at last i speared a small trout from the lake i would live there i was at peace perfectly alone yes it was a beautiful life but what was next the necessities of life are food water and shelter of all of our needs we had obtained two food via the fish in the lake and water via the lake the shelter aspect is a bit more hazy sure on the one hand we had shelter since the beginning our car is always going to be a temporary shelter but what about when my car breaks down in the future inevitably i'd need to keep salvaging rex if i wanted to find more parts and i don't think that this challenge is over until i have a number of them i made it my quest to collect tires from other cars and drop them off at the lake where i could eat and drink that made the most sense overall i absolutely ruined other nearby cars and lo and behold shortly thereafter zomb came upon me clad in survival gear an opportunity at acquiring yet more stuff i was a new man so there at the riverbed i accumulated my tire collection all around the county no tire was safe i would have them all but i wasn't acquiring tires for the sake of tires themselves tires are a great defense against the undead from within my car there were other little opportunities to eck out my niche i happened upon a campsite where there were several survivors having discarded rations this would make another food source and i could keep these for winter for when there wasn't any fish to fish cool clothing and hats canned goods it was all fair game for the car much as it ever has technology will lead the way i hadn't even been in the world for two days and i had more than i usually have in a normal playthrough i was beginning to think that this car gimmick was actually a brilliantly overpowered strategy and that were this the real zombie apocalypse i would run straight to my car first thing yes what a brilliant idea that was by the end of day two i felt comfortable sleeping by the riverside it was remote and i was safe here and i had done a great job i woke at dawn it was time to finish my shelter to me shelter meant longevity and longevity meant supplies while simple car wrecks were useful gasoline was a finite resource and i'd need a lot more of it if i was going to survive so i drove carefully through the woods avoiding many cadavers many wrecks were unsalvageable and my next hope lay in a big break a quick gasoline run sure it would hurt my car's exterior but think about all the extra time i'd have buying myself more gas was effectively buying myself more time so i made my way downtown and there i began the siphon one or two cans was all i'd need i wasn't smart but i was rash and i was stupid i went in this time again determined not to let my my opiate get the best of me one full tank but had it been worthwhile i got the hell out of there up till this point i'd been quite certain of my strategy but one thing's true folks in project zomboid as well as in real life wherever there were or are people there are zombies except at the bar this turned out to be a major relief and despite the folly in some of my methods i was beginning to see that if you stuck to the most remote corners of civilization you could eke out for yourself a simple niche yes i could be both mobile and stealthy at once if only i made the right decisions and if you put attention and care into your possessions they'll last you a long long time far longer than you had attributed them to be able to last any item given the right care and maintenance will be around for many years to come cars weapons and whatever else i could find were a little exception but i had my fair share of regrets my time in the town was well spent and yet i had made more than my fair share of mistakes although i now had copious amounts of gasoline the same couldn't be said of my car a wise man once said life is what happens when you're busy making other plans the same could be said of my car except damage is what happens when you're getting gasoline if i didn't start taking better care of this thing i wouldn't even have a car to carry anything around in anymore and then i'd be all dried up but the hour wasn't too late certainly not using all the lessons i had learned i got back into the car i started by washing my vehicle i was determined not to run into zombies anymore a clean machine but how would i buff out those scratches remember there's always a chance to rekindle the relationship anew as long as there's still life i revved back up my engine and i knew what to do next on my travels along the many highways and byways of knox there happened to be an abandoned car lot one man's trash is another man's treasure and soon i'd call myself dr frankenstein with these cars each one in its own state of disrepair but combined they could create the ultimate machine better than any of them individually in just a few short hours i had removed the valuable parts to virtually all of those cars and by dawn i was ready to fix my vehicle my hood destroyed as it turned out the whole endeavor took longer than i had wagered as it sometimes required finding the necessary car type parts it might not last forever but i would keep on improving i packed everything i could fit into my backpack in my car and then i was off it was back to my lakeside home now on a new and improved vehicle but this time i slowed my roll while i've never been one to esteem luxury possessions to me the challenge served as a valuable reminder preserve the things that matter to you the discipline with which you care for your possessions forges a mindset capable of weathering any storm make of yourself a keeper a preserver and may even the smallest windfall be to you as an unlikely treasure horde i returned to the lake splendid in blue and now i could rest after all now i'd proven to myself that in yet another way you can not only survive but thrive even in the most limited of circumstances and the most valuable reward personal transformation yes i recommend this to anyone try the challenge yourself and if you think you can do better you're damn wrong i'm good at it get out of here as always a major thanks to my patrons they are the replacement windshield that allows me to see thanks to viewers like you as always i'm ambiguous amphibian until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,145,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid ep 1, zomboid, project zomboid game, let's play project zomboid, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid review, project zomboid beginners guide, zomboid gameplay, project zomboid 2021, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, zombies, survival game, trapped, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid house, project zomboid home, single car, project zomboid car, project zomboid car only
Id: 94trR4ZenQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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