Can Crabs Conquer Kenshi?

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hello welcome to kenshi today i will lead an army of 100 crabs across the world that's right young farm-raised crabs from youth led by a single man normally in kenshi you don't have this many crabs but today we will also since they're small they can't actually animate we will begin our quest from the crab town and grow our crabs to contend with the likes of great evil who will raise the crabs of course mr crab and despite the fact that mr crabb does not enjoy rain water he is however capable of leading an army of crabs we will send him on a journey to preserve nature ah it has stopped raining let's begin mr crabb has a lot of money i have one million dollars i think of it as a small investment an investment into the crabs we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna send mr crabb to the store that's great mr crab don't fall down okay mr crab thank you let's go ahead and chat do you want to buy a crab eh well first you gotta have a solid crab care routine let me tell you about it right no response to that really now raising a hundred crabs is no easy task i'm going to need to buy some adult crabs to see these other crabs to adulthood so let's buy these yes 17 more crabs it's a small investment they're rather large and there they are we just actually stole all of the crabs from the first town but that's fine everyone form up on mr crabb uh mr crabb is far faster than everyone mr krabs stop showing off you're making the other crabs self-conscious this one crab appears to be stuck he's just standing there that crab somehow got out of a building we're going to have to just do a head count before we leave okay you go ahead and just go ahead and pick up that crab yeah nothing wrong with that put that crab down now though that's enough uh we're gonna tell everyone to just run at the same speed you know this is gonna bring mr crabb unfortunately down to a slow walk but he looks like he's trying you know great job mr crab now you have only eight hundred twenty eight thousand 000 i know you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth we're gonna make you earn that money that you inherited from your father all right go ahead and just sell your father's clothes all right this guy's a little crabby oh god all right hang on a second we'll have to go somewhere where there's less discrimination it's okay mr crab just put on your father's pants how long will it take our crabs to grow to full strength a crab reaches puberty at age 16 days adulthood at 24 days and grows into an elder at 44 days and it's my responsibility to see the baby crabs through to puberty for that matter our elder crabs will go out and gather meat for the baby crabs we're going to send out mr crab and the adult crabs they'll leave the town you go over there still quite slow but the baby crabs there that go all of the larger crabs now we will escort the young crabs to the ocean these young crabs will incubate in the ocean go young crabs go yes just use that it looks like an escalator not really a stairway but that's fine no one's questioning it okay let's send everyone together as a party out of the city and into the ocean unfortunately some of the larger crabs seem to get stuck we're just going to have to pick them up and bring them over because they actually get stuck on the rocks outside of the crab village yeah look all of these crabs looking quite sad here actually all right this looks like a job for mr craig thank you you just leave them outside here put them down that's great there he goes this is his sacred duty just shepherding these this soul species into uh okay i think that's everybody let's head on out gang great job that's the whole lot of them okay now we just march them over to the ocean fortunately this is an an area conducive to grow there they go down to the shore majestic uh here we are at the ocean okay this is where crabs really shine because they move at the same speed underwater as they do over water uh over water you know what i mean apparently mr crabb can also just swim at light speed as well so we'll just have him kind of tag along you know life guarding them along the edge and it looks like we've got a fight going on here let's find out what kind of fight this is oh no there's another crab back there no crab left behind if you think of it like this mr crab is sort of like a messianic figure among them and the crabs are like his his flock his sheep you know he rejoices whenever even one is is uh brought back to the flock we'll just leave this one there thank you and get back in the water homie hey let's see if there's still some eating for these beasts of the wild now here on the shore we see armed conflict between one of the crab raiders eh literally a reaver why are we greetings fellow uh oh jesus no god why would this happen oh god okay apparently we've met some hostile crab people one of our crabs died someone among our crabs is no longer among us well how do our crabs fare in combat you know this is going to be like a microcosm of what's to come we got to loot this crab raider we definitely need his armor he's gonna be far better than what i i am literally nude right now all right we'll just take all of that armor this is very good armor we can go on with our majestic quest you know too much conflict over here i don't think we can get any peace here for a while let's just set them off up the coast somewhere where they can stage their plan we'll attack the slaver cities we need to unite the world against this great evil already one of our brethren has fallen go grabs into the water into the agua we'll plant an amphibious assault up the coast as the crabs grow mr crab can spend some time on the shore gathering supplies using his resourcefulness the crabs don't worry about them they'll just be out in the ocean sidling to and fro and their bodies will heal well this is excellent we've now waited 45 days and our crabs have grown significantly here comes mr crabb he's smaller than all of the crabs now this took a while this took about 12 hours irl all the while my crabs grew but now it's time to launch an attack up the coast again crabs are the only creatures that can take part in an amphibious assault so we'll just march them into the sea like this go my crabs oh great they walk so wonderfully now fantastic there they go on the ocean floor from sea to shining sea and we'll just march them here's the crab town so we could always retreat them that way but we're going to try to free the uh free the slaves although mayhem and mischief uh takes place on all of the nearby islands we can just avoid that because big things here we have an animal planet uh happening look at let's see how this crab does against this beak thing this beak thing is seemingly doing fine but we're running into other wild crabs underneath the ocean floor mr crab is floating safely above all of the crabs swimming in heavy armor i might add are you okay yes he appears to be completely fine there they go up on dry land and back down into the water it's like watching the islands of hawaii being created albeit with uh an entire species that's kind of gross let's just uh let them go anyone who finds this man swimming is bound to be surprised as to what lay underneath him ah here go more crabs on a nearby island these are our allies good day gentlemen all right let's just take that trip up the coast now now it looks like we're going to get into a bit of a spad on the way there but uh yeah we're going to need to fight these reavers fortunately we have a an army at our disposal how many of these are there good we've scored a good hit on this reaver mr crab just no work for you to do your friends will do all of this oh good lord it does appear as if our crabs are taking a lot of damage though in this fight more than i would care for them to suffer so we'll need to make sure that when we get to the city well let's get away from these reavers not really our fight we need to spread these crabs out since crabs seem to struggle with overland travel i have an alternative in place it will require a bit more travel but it's going to be worth it you see traveling on land just leads to all kinds of weird problems yeah we can't get through rocks look at them one of them he's just standing there but fortunately we can just flee into the ocean whenever anyone wants to attack us go baby go i have positioned the crabs for an optimal crustacean strike along the shore we will wash upon the slave camp like water on a rock our first trick will be subversion mr crab sneak along the shore use your expert sneak ability see he's a master of stealth ah there it is bark i'm pretty sure that this is the place let's just have him run like hell for a few minutes yep these are the united cities but this isn't the encampment i sought ah there it is we had gone north of the location here the united city's slave camps this will be the site of our assault okay mr crabb just lead in the rest of the crabs as a marker well i'll just have to send the army of crabs back down to him there he is everyone go to mr krabs aid we will attack at daybreak we will use this to disrupt the united cities think of it like a rejuvenated crustacean version of d-day yes here they come slow and steady wins the race all right it's now dawn the city has tower defenses though all we really need to do is break past the main gates and then get inside our approach will be in secret and amphibious all right everyone attack from the surface it looks like nothing is coming everyone's doing a great job okay now charge in my people they'll never see it coming are are we even hostile with this faction yet imagine their surprise when over a hundred crabs emerge from the ocean with absolutely no indicator i think we can actually use our uh neutrality to our advantage we can actually just walk into the camp this is great because if we had to attack it from the outside they would i would be very surprised all right apparently they're just okay with me marching 100 crabs in here that's fine as well but look we've already got two crabs stuck on the inside all right now that we're inside of the camp now that we've snuck in we can uh begin to cause strife in mayhem let's have oh god mr crab really the the camera is not agreeing with this all right how do we just tell them to just fight everyone uh first off let's just spread our crabs out around the camp because this is really just going to be a battle of attrition unfortunately there's not really any good way to use tactics with hundreds of animals uh in this game you just kind of have to spread them out and hope for the best okay we have some crabs who have clipped through the wall this guy's in the dining room yep they're just this is why kenshi really needs uh an update this is going to take a lot of sorting out well regardless this is the second to last part of my plan there's still more we've just got slaves over here we won't want to interrupt them but uh we're going to help them so let's just start fighting people now all right i declare my enmity of uh here let's begin good we've begun with the emancipation excellent now the crabs are suddenly hostile to everyone of course the crabs know intrinsically that this is evil here they go my god look at all of the leg movements wow i'm surprised that they're actually faring so well that's far more green numbers than i expected these crabs might be ready for yet another invasion after this one is over go crabs go some of you will be stuck here but i'll get you out i have something else planned after this great job mr crabb is just he's just an accessory my god this is going even better than i had planned for it to crabs of all races colors and walks of life uniting against the evils of slavery like one of them even made it inside of that building somehow it appears as if this um how somehow one of my crabs is talking to uh one of the enslaved all right good we've we've brought in one of the enslaved wants to join our cause his name is moo that's completely fine yep you just do human things that the crabs can't do though apparently the crabs are capable of speaking english this is news to me but that crab just appears to be stuck there this one was a sacrifice where is there a leader some of these people just clipped through the walls somehow great job mr crab is somehow managing to do splendid lee despite the fact that he's wielding a heavy weapon inside i really admire that what else have we got let's get moo the slave out of there come on well slave no more unlock thy shackles you have a 24 chance somehow this is a rather strange rpg there lay one of our comrades fall and uh unfortunately mr crab you have any band-aids great a life saved a life changed now what has become of the other slaves they have been emancipated excellent work oh god why are these crabs just watching no don't attack i mean don't just watch that happen help them out great job crabs thank you hang on a moment mr crabb just needs to finish this off i don't know why i feel like i'm speaking of myself in the third person now though it's like i have reached a great point of solidarity with mr crabb fantastic mr crab thank you oh great look at all of them rising and trembling with joy unfortunately it seems as if he may be stuck in there now we're going to just need to break out because we somehow glitched into this building this is why kenshi has bad reviews and yet this is the entire reason why i love this game no don't just let that man suffer good good overwhelm him with carapace fantastic oh look at that crab and man fighting side by side against the evils of mankind this is to avenge nature for global warming okay many of our crabs are fallen um but i think that that went swimmingly uh pun intended and since it's a pain in the ass to uh have the crabs uh leave i'm going to use another alternative the developer tools i'm just going to take on my custom-made giant crab mod and suddenly when i reload my save oh look how amazing it is oh jesus christ how is the game still running well that's why i love kenshi okay crabs let's see if you're capable of getting out of here these crabs are enhanced where is mr crab there he is uh now we're even more stuck for a moment momentarily but they should be able to walk over the wall now let's have them all let's just request that they all run back into the sea oh excellent work my crabs crabs march to the sea what other game lets you do this somehow this crab is inside it's just having like a existential crisis here i see only one alternative you know i think we need to make these crabs even larger by a factor of 10 or 100 just so they can all step over these walls currently this crab is just stuck in place can't even move though somehow some of them are clipping over the wall out here that also works was this the mod where i accidentally also made skimmers ginormous too apparently but on the bright side you know these crabs also have thousands in terms of health they also appear to be very damaged because of their starting health but let's just ignore that for a few minutes and we're just going to raise the scale by uh a lot and amazing look double large crabs now they're even bigger yeah there they go over the walls fantastic unfortunately they're very slow though because we didn't scale their movement speed along with it so they're running or rather sidling at normal crab velocities all right so we'll just march them into the sea and then back up the coast we need to give them time to regenerate because we've raised their maximum hp so much they're even larger than leviathans but unfortunately this is still not working the crabs are still stuck in the city but so many of them have made it out into the sea that i think we'll just have to do this in some other way my god look at this crab versus skimmer but this crab is enormous oh jesus crab food good crabs all right let's get out of here and then we'll make you big again i think that's everyone we've liberated this camp we just have to take slave master wada we'll just be taking him away and we will uh as long as we have him this slave camp should be destroyed here we are just swim with heavy armor and a man on your shoulder we have a new guy moo he's welcome to join us he's always welcome despite the fact that he couldn't even get his shackles off which is a little sad they may sing of this day the sun shines upon our crabs and never in history has such a feat been accomplished to give one's crabs for one's friends a happy day for mr crabb to lead such a great nation in emancipation thank you mr crab for your sacrifice may not be in vain as always thanks for watching i'm ambiguous amphibian a major thanks to my patrons for they are the hard carapace that defends me from the adversary and i am very grateful for them until next time have a good one
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 605,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, let's play kenshi, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian kenshi, 100 crabs, crabs, kenshi crabs, kenshi torso, kenshi torsolo, kenshi animal only, kenshi crabs only, kenshi game, kenshi gameplay, kenshi ep 1, kenshi episode 1, kenshi part 1, kenshi let's play, kenshi torso squad, kenshi solo, kenshi squad, kenshi ambiguousamphibian, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi 2021, kenshi game part 1, kenshi review
Id: lqx9r8AeMG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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