The Complete Existential Adventures of Torsolo - Kenshi SOLO TORSO (Condensed Series)

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howdy ho everyone in this video I've compiled edited and enhanced my Adventures roaming around the world of kenhi as a torso I completed this challenge a few years ago but today we're returning to the controversial hot and sweaty world of keni to obtain arms and legs and Achieve power wealth and fame across the land the whole series is scattered in Parts across the interweb so I just decided to put it all together into one video for you this story is not the story of just a single man going at solo nor just a torso but dear friends this is the story of tors solo for a new challenge I'm playing keni as a torso alone stranded in the middle of the desert I tried this challenge previously but I had a hi henchmen to carry me along this time I'm going at it on my own I can imagine that many nameless perils lie in weight of a defenseless torso crossing the desert for himself and the road won't be easy but Rome wasn't built in a day and I won't get my limbs back for a while either if you want to follow along with this challenge you can use the Torso start mod but just make the hiver servant run away at the beginning of the playthrough that's how I'm doing it strategically I'm stumped on a good method of survival as I've never tried it before and I'm writing this script before I've started the challenge but I think it will be very interesting and involve a lot of stealing as for growth I'll never be recruiting any other characters this is a true solo Mission now can we survive let's go on to the playthrough Okay so we've spawned here in the middle of the desert and the first thing we need to do is to become a truly solo torso so goodbye Logan and I decided to name him tors solo a port MTO of torso and solo get it and so we're stuck here between Shai and heft since Shai is vaguely closer I'm going to head in that direction really for one of two things either to be enslaved by someone along the way or just um well steal things I'm probably going to be needing to spend a lot of time stealing currently our character is level one at everything and we'll set him to sneak so that he does start to gain sneaking experience as other characters come along cuz right now he's just slowly gaining athletic skill as he chambles not really even shambles just squirms through the desert now the main thing to look out for during this desert Crossing is ah there we go it's the uh the dreaded skimmers okay the skimmers could be the death of us avoiding them at all costs as slow as we are would be very good so we will try to avoid them and pick up other people along the way there go a few right now Logan appears to be getting killed by something okay Logan is Dead Forever okay we are going to leave him behind because this playthrough isn't fair with him in there this is a solo playr okay we're halfway there almost and it looks like there's a few more skimmers out there now sometimes they fly up in the air or get trapped in wacky interpretive dance positions like this one this one looks like it's doing some sort of salutation but it's not dead it's only unconscious right here so this is a threat to us we are over we are over here but it looks like that those Outlaws just did US sort of a favor here all right well thank you gentlemen that'll be all okay it says that this one is going to become unconscious or conscious again in 5 seconds so let's just wait and find out I guess that's it's weenus okay there oh that is interesting keep your eyes peeled and keep your wits about you okay here comes a what appears to be a bone dog so we'll just want to stop for a moment and allow the bone dog to pass there it goes and it's at a break neck speed now I'll add this to if it does not appear as if we're moving we're actually going at a one M an hour uh but our hunger is at 160 and dropping so that's definitely something that we want to take care of here what is that on the ground it doesn't appear as if it can be picked up it's just a a piece of green okay Carry On then carry on now to put this into perspective we aren't passing by any other nearby NPCs so we don't have any stealth we're just gaining athletic skill it's not really making us faster though I think he might max out at 2 m an hour okay and here we go with some sand ninja they look friendly though we'll just leave them to carry on but we do gain some stealth skill from being near them we'll have more people when we get to town and night approaches now and we're actually training more stealth as we go we're halfway there on you can do it you can do it alone alone alone alone alone alone alone ah Dawn approaches today we will come to the city Gates and with a loss of only 20 hunger and now Logan has actually been enslaved well let him continue his life and just not look at him he's lost a lot but this story is about tors solo and the city appears in the distance ah show Bai not exactly a good city but a city nonetheless okay don't let that attack you and only about 500 more yards excellent work tors solo let's just have a little POV moment this is what it's like to be the man okay and there it comes in the distance any minute now I can't wait to get in there hopefully they'll let me in I'll probably have the looks like a slave attribute and I have one pair of sandals to buy a meal with that might keep me going for a few days though well it looks like some slave Hunters have been ambushed outside of here by a skeleton army so maybe there'll be another opportunity to be enslaved not sure why I'm so happy about I mean it might be good if they feed me it would be preferable to stealing everything for now they would at least heal me too keni is an odd World there we go just squirm your way up I kind of like it in fast motion he looks like a caterpillar and now we're training stealth again okay let me in hopefully they won't find this suspicious and is anyone going to ask me nope I wouldn't ask anything either okay now I'm a man about the town first priority is going to be food if I don't any eat any I'll die though I've got 124 remaining so I have time to train my stealth and get better at stealing might even be able to steal a meal here and there or if I get myself arrested I could train lockpicking I think I'll go to the general Goods Emporium right this way my good man right inside and here we go welome thank you uh we got to take off sneak mode and I'll just talk to him get good at haggling okay show me your goods now a ration pack is 1152 cats my sandals are worth 50 I'm selling sandals but it's going to be a while before I can eat the good food now I'm going back to sneaking and I'm going to get better at stealing because I'm going to need to steal some of this man's food if if I want to eat he has everything out so I'll hang out by the main gate where there's a lot of NPCs to train my skill and we're already level six in stealth and rapidly Rising we just need to wait till Nightfall when we're less visible we've also got the bar on the police station bada bing we're level seven bada bing and now it's rising it appears to be more rapidly in here and we have more stuff we could steal we just need to get somewhere we can't be seen now I'm going to take this stuff I just committed a crime and no one cared another one and let's get a third crime I'm doing these crimes in the dark where the shopkeeper isn't watching me he's busy looking at the barrel meanwhile I'm over here taking all of the off the tables let's see if we could grab that meat wrap as well steel and I ate it victory for tors solo what are other expensive items we could take here a wooden uh that's not very expensive Cactus rum he's still looking at the barrel let's get that armor plating and we'll just grab everything else I'm not even good at this yet but it's pretty op I've never actually tried the stealing in kenchi but I love it already H what's a grind machine h a food Cube I'll take that too go in for the win and this stuff is fairly uh fairly pricey you know we'll put away a cup you can have your cup back I'll take that food Cube all right goodbye goodbye barkeep you'll be seeing me again to solo strikes again oh really I mean if you saw this guy come into your bar you probably wouldn't stop him if he just started stealing a bunch of electronics you might even help him all right since the shop is closed we'll just spend the whole night crawling around over here and training our stealth when the uh guards pass and don't see me I'll gain more quickly and we'll do this till morning in this way I'm going to become a master Thief I'm just trying to picture what the towns people would think of a man such as this one just a torso who wandered in from the desert with no one starving it alone went to a shop then a shopkeeper wouldn't let him have anything unless if he had money so he stole everything and then crawled around in circles at The City Gate for a few hours and no one said anything now it's Dawn it's time for the shop to open and to be honest I can steal all of the food hello my good man I'll be back several times now we have a 59% chance of getting caught for selling a stolen item we might need to get better at this before we go either that or I'll have to go to jail many times what's in here H what's in here H another bar what's in here H lots more people we can train in here here let's just go to a secluded Corner oh and it looks like I'm stuck I'm actually stuck between the wall and the pole so I think that the only option is to just get caught stealing okay I'm just going to steal all of the uh good okay they're going to arrest me I'm just going to steal all of the rest of the bread no I won't even be okay they're good they're just taking me away they aren't even beating me up boy I see you creeping around there what the well fortunately he didn't harm me at all he is a a benevolent uh are you one of the police or are you just okay good you're just a shop guard you're just uh he's going to report me to the police well done well done good thank you oh wonderful in private security can just put you in jail okay well here I am now uh I deserve this I shouldn't have done that now I can train lock my arms are missed uh you know I forgot about this that you can't uh yeah I can't even pick locks not even with my stumps fortunately they did leave me my few my food Cube so that was positive all right so I might be here a while thinking about what I've done but in the meantime I'm going to hatch a plan now it's going to involve a lot of stealing a lot of stealing and then eventually getting arrested now Shai was bit of a bust I must say so let's go to heft there's a skeleton shop there and I should be able to buy some limbs once I've stolen enough things afterward I'll get arrested and then get the limbs put back on me and in this way I will achieve arm just a few more days in here only 41 more hours to be exact and then they let me off well at least I'm safe inside my mind okay well I spent uh 20 I've spent 30 hours so far in jail did not know that your uh hunger just stops around 200 so you can't starve in jail I mean my life's not getting any better here but it's not getting any worse either you know while we're waiting out our jail sentence although I'm not playing as this character I'm just going to try to get him killed cuz uh you know it's a it's a distraction okay let's just try to escape and grade them out of here okay and they are going to good let's get uh good oh man they really don't want me to lose my limbs that's why they use blunt object what about this guy I'm sure he'll want to kill me Here We Go please kill me good good some stabbing weapons would be great great and good that's the end of that no please don't please don't help me damn it yes I've paid for my crimes against the state reformed am I okay unfortunately there's nothing I can steal from the jail there's only one very powerful looking hiard H A New Life a new life of justice and uprightness but the hunger has begun again time to go get back into jail okay what should I steal today no wonder the recrimination rate is so high they don't feed you for doing nothing but they do give you attention and feed you if you do something bad especially something really bad there wasn't even anything good up here either all right I guess it's back to the other bar I'm just trying to imagine IM the anger and the Injustice this man must feel on top of everything he had to be angry at about to begin with now he's been imprison for 2 days because he clipped through the floor okay time to steal a sandwich committed a crime but I am fed and I've eaten the evidence we can just grab some other parts this bartender is still staring at a barrel he's working and we have enough food for the journey now it's time to say goodbye although I love Shai they didn't have any arms or legs for me and I know a place that does goodbye Town hello Wilderness I'm back inside of you so good to be inside of you again and we're going to avoid that that is powerful another Odyssey across the desert I live for this here we go into the desert alone alone alone alone alone oh no okay yeah oh thank God they didn't do it I thought they were going to enslave me manhunters thank you that was actually quite a good natur of them no I'm not hungry not hungry at all I couldn't eat it another bite and it's been one week in game so I guess I should do a skill update Athletics 37 stealth 31 and those are really the two things that matter the rest is sort of irrelevant we could pick up objects and run around with them that would train our strength but I guess I'll just be weak okay goodbye Caravan at least it gave me an opportunity to uh train my stealth nobody knows about me and we're almost there almost where we want to go it's rendering in the distance good morning gentlemen I'll just passing by good morning now have a swell day have a swell day we'll get in after Nightfall now if we can't steal Goods here there's always a lot of raids on the outside and it would be possible to just take things off of bodies that come near and then sell them and earn enough to buy an arm and if I could get an arm I could go a long way with that arm Beyond wherever torso has gone before wow a full desert Crossing wow we make it at dawn it'll be midday by the time we get to the gate but hey I'm not complaining I'm I'm happy man and they're going to stop me what's my business I'm here to uh stock up on supplies okay they think I look clean um I can't imagine why I just stole a bunch of goods I guess it's because it's not from this city that was one reason why I stole them from the other City all right I guess that doesn't bother them weird but okay I'm an upstanding guy excuse me gentlemen I'll just be selling these uh the Saki and the skeleton muscle that's actually quite valuable and some steel bars and a Hing wish I had had better stuff hello hello I'm finally here I've been waiting to meet you and they are accepting my stolen goods from the other city that is really nice of them okay I guess I'm saving up my money and I could just go to jail whenever I need food it's not that complicated now after only a few hours of crawling I've managed to gain Athletics level uh 50 almost and stealth level 35 which is going up now that we're in town here we go my favorite skeleton repair shop in the game this man will have an arm and a leg for me okay don't cut me in line please I guess he wasn't satisfied now this gentleman sells the finest arms why hello my good man now we want to buy shoty gray arms everything else is far too expensive and maybe some economy legs I'll at least buy the shoty leg okay now we're just waiting for him to restock oh wow turns out I was wrong I thought I needed somebody with arms to put these on so then I can just put the how did I put it on though all right whatever um okay I have a leg now I'm going to need one more leg I still don't have enough money for another leg ah there we go uh starving vagrant we can loot him go go go there we go the American dream personified literally up by the bootstraps and two vagrants here with my name on them thank you very much I'll take those things High Roller coming through oh now I have a stealth garment no one can see me I've come back for your other leg my good man oh he sold it oh wait no he got another one in stock well praise Thor praise Thor just sell these old old racks the weapons hey gentlemen I can sneak around like never before and fortunately I can remove my legs to get more stealthy okay we're in a perfect position to steal I can get away with many crimes from under the table I wonder if I can go over here ooh maximum stealth mode I'll just take this cup and these shw sticks and this hacksaw ooh I'm out of space I'll put on one leg and just stack up the items I don't want anymore on the floor and leave them in a suspiciously well balanced pile really a houdan feet okay it's twoleg time nobody expects me I'm like a spider hello again my good man H now I can't actually sell the goods because I have a 50 7% chance of getting you know what I mean so we're going to need to drop these stolen goods again in a suspiciously well balanced pile and go back out to where uh skimmers are spawning we should be able to sell the meat from from them and buy an arm here we go just a few tusks and some meat few more and wowers a full inventory of animal claws which are quite valuable considering that they're just you know Beasts of the wild we'll sell them all to him or buy an arm what a successful trip to the shop I finally have an arm you know let's get him a full set of Limbs he's so close and he just looks so smashing right now I have another idea time for some strength drain oh oh he cannot carry anybody with just one arm all right time to save up for another arm now that I can move about with decent proficiency I think it's time to sneak around the bar my plan for this character is that he become basically like a stealth Ninja Stealth and uh just stealing things haven't played a character like that so it should be a new kind of run if possible he could also assassinate people but for this man I don't know why no one suspects him no one will expect me from behind the bread oven a okay what about over here perfect perfect give me that bread goodbye goodbye and I think we'll buy back our stealth robes I don't see why not they were making life better as well as our rag shirt ra oh wait no those aren't good never mind I like how he pads part of his claw with the robe like it's a mitten for his hand we have improved we have improved so much well I think it's safe to say that this man truly represents the American dream he's literally taking himself off of the ground stolen goods and fed himself been arrested for unjust reasons went to jail for 2 days and crossed a desert twice and now spider Le though he is he is using his Gile and stealth and his boute to steal his Vengeance ah another beautiful day in kenshi we return to everyone's favorite Love Story here comes the Torso now sneaking his way and sneaking back away long have I waited and long have I searched daily I've walked and in bars have I lurked because becoming each day a Master of Disguise and gazed and gazed with putrid red eyes but now I must leave and train in the wild actually wait no I need to go back to the city to buy a left arm time to steal more H who will I steal from today ah the art of the heist I must make like the mice and take off my arms and legs and just crawl on the ground no literally they they cannot see you as well when you're crawling because you get a massive buff to your sneaking what can I steal note to self never ever press alt f4 it happens a lot in stealing and it makes me for Lorn but look at this guy the sad part is that there's just not really anything worth stealing here and there's too many people inside so it makes it harder to do it we need to go somewhere more secluded what about here oh I've fallen and I can't get up I will have that and I will also have that in the police station now these books are of decent value I'll fix them up there and bring them back here here can you just imagine seeing a guy do this he he literally he he walks into the police station crawling on the ground then puts on a bunch of arms and legs and runs away I still need a left arm and I can't sell these things here well although I love heft it's really not good for the early game so I'm going to turn off my sneak and holy I am really slow am I even going to be able to survive out here I don't know well if I cross the desert as a torso I'm sure I can do it with robot legs even if they are slow it's scary though but let's make our goal to get to the Hiers there we can train stealth and they sell limbs to and I need to and I want to ah a figure emerges from off in the desert but I don't have a weapon and this is my my Max walking speed Jesus now many of you requested to know the great story of Logan my servant who's just well now he's mining he's pretty much uh I think he's going to be just trained labor for the rest of his life someday I'll free him but I won't recruit him oh two slaver groups have encountered me simultaneously no I I am not that not what you think I am oh okay good they all got mixed up in another fight I can just walk this one off I'm like Liberty Prime oh this might be a chance no don't hit my ass I need my ass hit them hit them Jesus Christ guys really I'm a completely oh well it looks like I'm going to be kidnapped into slavery again hopefully they saved my life all I wanted to do was take a walk but I got into the middle of a war unfortunately if I do wake up here in time there's a number of people to save me and I might just survive please kidnap me please oh please great they are kidnapping me I'm being enslaved oh awesome I wanted this so much okay fortunately they've repaired my legs oh where are we going where are we going oh what an unexpected happen stance now this is actually a good thing because although my life will be misery um they're going to take good care of me and they won't let me die so this is pretty much permission to just grind my skills I'll steal all their like the Buffalo Bills holy I've never been enslaved before in catchi this could be a learning experience you know oh oh look how that guy died that that kind of merits a zoom in yeah he is uh he's dead just completely dead what a way to go okay but let's catch up with me now I'm probably being taken to a slave labor camp but maybe they can fix my faulty limbs there I honestly don't mind I was just going to spend my why are you alone oh no there's there is another guy with you in fact but it's not post Malone oh here we go all right maybe I'll be freed from slavery and it looks like I am uh okay I'm going to play dead wow that was a really short-lived time being enslaved I'm so glad that that that it worked out like that um oh I had only nine left on the stomach to recover from come on you could do it to our solo they can't carry all of of us at once I was just hoping to earn money from this Mutual uh well you know the war between Clans it looks like I'll be the first one to wake up here and I'll make off with their pants wow I've never been thankful for skimmers so much in my life they really saved me here o one of them got up before me oh he's going to kidnap me again oh but a farmer has come back to Escape From Slavery oh but now he's there well at least he'll carry him away and not me and it looks like almost all of these slavers have their hands full maybe I could play dead I'm pretty convincing I'm still in a recovery coma for another second wow they're walking away oh no why did you uh why did you get up let's loot The Outlaw let's just run away just go while they're distracted and loot the Manhunter and grab all their gear and all the weapons and all the pants Oh and I can't wear boots here we go now my chance to escape let's unlock the shackles we have more skimmers coming in from over that side and wait till they're distracted for they're all very injured and carrying men I think I'm pretty much home free now oh no nope I am nope never mind this bearded gentleman not even a beard oh oh come on Noah don't arrest me again see this is the problem with trying to take people alive I can just walk away slowly surely and picking the lock picking the lock 23.1% my chances are rising I am getting better with every attempt and now I am free time for a disguise no one will recognize me I'm going directly back to where I started from oh that guy didn't get so lucky W wo all right let's avoid having that happen to me you have to be careful when you're out on your own please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me ah safe safe uh and now long at last my speed is increasing I'm 4 mph which may not seem like much but compared to before as long as we're improving I'll go without pants these legs speak for themselves and that's not all I got long have I wandered in search of a home a slave Hunter's there let's use our stealth sneak while they pass and train that up so that I can hatch a new plan now I don't want to go straight to the Newbie areas but the skeleton lands have a lot of good things and maybe there's something I can steal you know I need money to buy Limbs and I need limbs to get stuff now I'm getting hungry and have nothing to eat sto's a good place I'll stop there and grab a sandwich head back out and go to the skeleton lands and wow this gentleman does not want to kill me who are you oh you're just like me you also need things well right you run along now and my God the skimmers are dense here this entire region is blanketed with them it even looks like that one got stuck in a tree now if I could stay with these traveling groups I might survive I could always just play the bugs off of them and use them to stay alive please wait for me I'm really slow now only 3 m an hour I'll have to drop these things to follow along but at least I'll stay alive now at 4 M an hour maybe this this is how I'll travel keeping powerful allies or maybe not allies but just neutrals to watch over me and there it is right off in the distance sto we've made it it seemed much closer before but now now I realize what an odyssey this journey has become a happiness is mine they didn't even question me time to steal again it's always a good time to steal goodbye now they also have a robotics shop maybe I can finish my build here there's nothing I can steal but what does the shop owner hold he does have repair kits I'll buy one and then take my leave sto was just kind of a bust this whole desert was practically Barren but I know a better place where we could train but in the meantime there's a God awful Crossing we need to complete this Crossing is lifeless not even a skimmer out here okay run away run away ah the next phase of our journey we meet we've passed through the desert a holy nation awaits they will hate me so I might cross through without these limbs I mean just walk through without any uh any limbs on at all just crawl on my torso they'll like me better that way because I can't outrun them like this ah the spine Canyon named for the spine Canyon that runs through it now we finally come back to the road we were on and discovered aran's Shield a holy nation stronghold for the next phase of the journey I'll need to remove my own legs I'm going to make the crossing as a torso and the holy nation should be fine with this I'm safe from skimmers because they'll just fight them as I go along time take off my arms and legs out of respect for the bad people okay here we go get ready to aran's Shield I make my journey here hello gentlemen how are you just making my way down to H wait uh no he's the foreign heretic oh they're not talking about me are they talking about no they're not talking about me oh they're talking about the slavers that's odd okay just coming through just coming through thank you let me use my sneak to get that up we can train our skills here so that when we're ready we're stronger in our own land okay it's time to put back on my limbs for a few more minutes but I need food next and I could steal it from them I haven't done this yet but we could use the holy nation to our advantage they're rich in supplies and they're fine with humid though they don't want my Robo limbs I'll just take all their food they're fighting something in here an iron spider oh this is their uh their Bastion against the robots well it must be vulnerable well as we crawl our stealth Rises and they shouldn't mind me they're too busy fighting Ro robots oh wait no these are people these aren't robots well I could take from the robots here I go holy they're loaded oh H they don't want me they're seeing me off yeah I might have a chance to grab some loot I need food all right I'll just take this skeleton's things at least I looks slightly more threatening now if that's saying anything goodbye goodbye everyone have a nice day stay well stay well I think the first people I'll fight or the ones I'll destroy are the holy nation I hate hate them and they're powerful and this axe sells for a whole shitload that was a rare find I can wear all my stuff again and I don't need to hide and it seems I'm actually gaining strength experience now as I go just from carrying around such a heavy load now this place is safe it's between the greeneries and the skeletons and my gear is protecting me from the acid rains this long coat turned out to be amazing and my first stop out here should be the holy nation greeneries they're just beyond the valley and I can take off my limbs they should have plenty of food and peaceful people well also warlike people but mostly peaceful ones sometimes they get into fights with River Raptors that will distract them ah here are a few customers I really hate River Raptors but they only get into fights with Farmers so I can use them to my advantage ah the holy nation's Grainer the stockpile of the Empire I can get food in there how does a torso cross a river I wonder if I'll swim only they one way of finding out I do oh I'm I'm sort of free in water I seem to swim the same speed wow now it's time to get back into disguise take off my legs and play Robin Hood one shot at this hopefully no and there's guards do they have food though there's no food in here nothing at all I can break in the other one I'm getting desperate 177% chance let's give this a try couple more tries there's no one to guard and wow hungry Bandits approach maybe they'll pick a fight and I could grab a meal no they're just passing that's kind of of a shame and we're in we are in holy Farm leaders ah and food all around now I just need to create some sort of commotion or will they mind they don't seem to care okay watch this limbs see what they do see what they do H we just got to stop sneaking hey guys hey oh man well I just got the beaten out of me for uh I don't even have any food I just got attacked by hungry Bandits for no reason I mean damn like I didn't know they attack people without food well to add insult to injury now I'm limping with a uh with robot legs but that turns out that it doesn't lower my speed at all and every day I make my way closer to the Hiers they have new limbs for me I desperately need them and there it is a holy Farm a chance for some food hello don't mind me ah here we go the river Raptors are fighting the farmers we can use this distraction to steal all their food I'll put back on my limbs and run in then take their stuff and run away oh there's people in here don't mind me just a torso uh okay they're escorting me out okay great uh okay running in while they're distracted everything is mine everything is mine dried fish cooked vegetables okay put back on my limbs fast grab everything wait while this guy's asleep take all the rest oh I got caught stealing run away run away never should take from containers never take from containers so that's quite amazing and I'm getting away and I have enough for the Road H okay goodbye goodbye people nothing nothing to see here just a torso lying on the ground we've made it to stack which is the edge of the nation and Beyond here lies the Newbie region I need to lay low by these guards they keep spotting me off the road I think crawling through the last of the holy nation is going to be the safest way out and after that ninja town the coast looks clear hungry Bandits though let them go and then crawl on by I must not look like I have any food but holy when I get my hands on some limbs I'm going to be unstoppable I've crossed practically half the map without them or with the worst possible ones this is the level we're at right now there it is salvation land of the Hiers and decent Limbs and that means we can run away and not do this forever and the Hub beautiful Upon A Hilltop here we make our Escape now these people will take good care of us and what's this servant bodies okay I'll I'll take their stuff I know they're not so bad but I need money I really need money oh oh ah come on just put me down put me down okay he didn't get anything vital repair myself am I going to have to crawl there no I'll be okay ah the last few steps before the village seems like going a turn ET has passed a here they are the soldiers they won't be angry at me they're quite friendly people I just need to find the traitor a here we go now the hiver robotics Trader I really need limbs sell me decent ones you don't know how long I've waited I'll sell you all my clothes just give me some legs and also a left arm a good left arm a good left arm I need I'll sell him my old ones carrying me off thank you that'll be all just leave me outside leave me outside where are you taking me where are you taking me I traveled so far for this oh I have my legs again and my arms okay great he let me go now I can run and I'm not wow I'm not slow well now I can train my stealth in the middle of the hiver village it'll take till night time till I can uh get the full stat benefits I'm pretty sure but out here uh with so many NPCs around maybe even if I start crawling too I should be able to get higher stat gains for stealth this way when I get back to the hub and I'm ready to run from threats and make this character into the ultimate fighting machine he's ready to go stealth mode on anybody I got to be like a shade like a snake in the grass no literally like a snake in the grass he has arms and legs pretty good arms and legs too with that I got almost a specialist grade with everything only economy limbs but we can always upgrade and we're now capable of running at 11 M an hour that's over a six that's faster than a 6-minute mile to put it into perspective though a lot of characters in keni can run 2minute miles for many miles at a time time so let's see if he can outrun this gorillo nope well sort of yeah okay uh only a little bit of head trauma only a little bit of head trauma that is quite fortunate we have enough to survive now and I'm pretty sure we could just get beat up at the Hub and survive there grabbing animal skins and selling them take everything that the Hiers kill holy crap these I would really love to have an army of hiver soldier Dr it just looks like fun to command maybe that'll be the next thing now I can run and make do on my own here I come the Hub imagine the look on there their faces when they see me now he's flying when this guy gets decent ass limbs he's going to be running way faster too he's still at a - 12 M mile per hour loss from the robotics a holy citizen I totally have the right to attack this guy unprovoked here if only I could catch him he's already halfway down the road though oh no here comes back well I doubt that I'll win but let's see what he's got sure we could fight this guy even if we get beat up oh please don't run away baby please don't go come back okay this guy is now running up and down the hills all over the Hub I think I can start to train more obscure skills like assassination this is going to be the way of the tors solo just sneak around here and train assassin here sneak sneak sneak assassin I think he's sneaky enough that he's never even going to need to buy property in the hub usually they kick you out but they don't even seem to see me at all it's a combination of the darkness and the stealth probably even steal food well once everyone leaves oh here come some hungry Bandits the perfect practice let's try to to assassinate them using my Terminator hands and oh failed he's like why would you do that try it to another guy he looks pretty frail come on Terminator hands Funk wow I don't think I'd ever done that before let's grab all this and sell it elsewhere or just use it for myself because I have no gear whatsoever come on assassinate and so we will destroy their whole faction and we're getting better at it as we go a oh good Another One Bites the Dust oh we get the hungry Bandit leader can we take her out uh and no we can't well I'll deserve this at least I'll get melee training I shouldn't have been so arrogant no let's run away we could probably outrun them cuz they're all naked now guards help someone is committing a crime against me okay here we go uh well all right I guess I could fight you I mean you don't have anything wow I've never changed the odds like this but it's amazing it's perfect and I need her horse chopper unlike one punch man I will use weapons this time good weapons I'll use the best ones I can find I think I'm going to enjoy assassination I look like Edward Scissor Hands no they know I'm here never mind we'll use it on other people it's time to get better at assassinating defenseless people mainly the hungry and sell their clothes elsewhere thank you I guess we could also use them for ooh I'm getting quite good at this nice nice turn Le the fight in your own favor before you fight I like it one I was going to call him one punch man torso though torso oh torso I've had so many characters in keni and there we go wow nicely done there she goes and hungry Bandits are just pure evil I don't know why but yeah I'm going with that that's how I justify everything my flawed morals now I want to make it clear that I've never I've never called myself a good person I just need experience so sorry o that boo boty look he's got his hand in his booty wow damn all right uh let's take all that I'm just going to start assassinating people because uh I've never played the game like this before there really just I'm running out of ideas and sell this stuff at the store but hey at least we're getting better at assassination who else can we assassinate I need stuff I mean it's all just Mor ignore morality just play maybe one more one more one more good KO oh these guys want to fight me I won't allow it take it to the bar oh never mind well it's time for me to go to bed I'm actually quite happy with how this is turning out we have 68 stealth 69 Athletics 24 strength we have a lot of other just random stats I've never done assassination but now it's at 17 thievery and lockpicking I've never really even trained this tree but our characters coming along he has decent gear uh I mean you know entry level entry level but at the same time it's like you know he started off as a torso with nothing in the middle of the desert so you know I think that's saying something he's uh he's coming long way in the world then I think we'll train him we'll train him in the future and make him like an Unstoppable force of nature kind of like one punch man or the Torso but I I like him solo I'm not giving him any team members let's keep the story on him Ohio go imas welcome back to keni our little torso has made it so far across the desert and found limbs we can't even fathom his progress the way of the ninja truly is remarkable but today we develop the true ninja virtue of discipline join me in our Quest The Way of the Ninja is known by discipline only by training the six essential traits can we assume the Way of the Ninja and train tors solo welcome back my friends our character has grown a lot tors solo now is of Greater strength stealth Athletics and the ability to assassinate people and he's fighting uh holy nation citizens who discriminate against him he's actually winning fights he's no longer such a loser but let's take it through this one 2222 it looks like the Torso is in good condition these fights he'll gain some dexterity he needs this for his training but a more sacred weapon would be the katana and so we'll unath this holy blade and so un and so un sheathing this holy blade tors solo fights and damages the EV V citizen who discriminates against him for no reason for his robot Limbs and let's just loot him everyone is bad but me and they I'll sell his shirt and pants we will train our stealth in obvious places I know this takes a lot longer than usual but the Way of the Ninja is Safety First just get out of my way patience is a ninja virtue and in this fashion we will just maximize our stealth uh there's there's no real way around this we just got to do this the wave the the ninja is also getting CH uh here we go unjustly accused of things and so we'll fight against these uh we have somehow we've earned the uh enmity of the holy nation Outlaws but a ninja sees that every battle is an opportunity to learn and every B and every battle an opportunity to profit as well still our town is filled with criminals who laugh at The Way of the Ninja whom we will dispose of and uh well why would you just okay okay goodbye by and guards guards come guards quick come quick guards there we go okay and every every opportunity is it learning uh yeah no don't don't fight the guards please switch back out to that much better much better wonderful wonderful this man has a blade I desperately want and I will loot him and have his coat he can have mine it's like playing with Barbie dolls but with people ooh can't take shoes and his extremely valuable blade is mine Suddenly It's like dress up but with people and oh now I have expensive and I'll have your expensive as well no it's not even doesn't even provide any armor coverage suddenly my life isn't so much suddenly everyone I encounter is just practice practice for what comes next good good job tors solo I did say the Way of the Ninja required patience and there's a lot of being patient here when we beat up other people it would be interesting to do a moral sound playthrough of keni no we'll save that for another time Red Rover Red Rover I'm going to assassinate the bar Thug wow he had some good I'll have his hat I like his hair though I can always just get plastic surgery on my hair and I'll switch out his shirt which is better than mine his pants are also better than mine the boots you know some things in life at least his nochi or noaki whatever it is it's mine and sell them to the guy right behind him let's take his armor oh it wasn't a guy sorry it was a woman well uh okay yeah remove him I mean her she was not fit to be here I didn't even get to use her for combat she won't be too happy with me in the next 15 seconds just imagine the confusion when she wakes up okay I'm being encountered by the dust bandits in town I can just make fun of them here but let's go inside and get some allies make it like the Battle of thermop just fight them in the entrance and in this way we can cheese the combat and become Ninja Master he's actually hitting me I need to get hit on the chest and the stomach and so on and so forth because uh this character has almost no way of gaining to you just went through the wall well anyway this character has no way of gaining toughness uh you know by hit being hit in the limbs so that practice is valuable for him fortunately I can take their stuff as well and sell everything back I know it's hard to be naked but at least you all have your appendages so are any of you still alive I was looking forward to healing you all and then releasing you from town at once for more experience no no oh well on to more people I have a new house apparently the owners seem to have disappeared I'm back again okay hello bar Thug how are you today go bugger that's pretty mild for what just happened you seem to have a an arrow sticking out of your butt let me go let me help you with that oh there we go all right well you have a good day now I'll just be grabbing some contract The Pacifier a guidance for a troublemaker the red Bandit and the one I'm really looking for is the dust King the dust King is a wanted criminal he's very strong and when I kill him I uh I get a lot of money or bring him alive bring him alive but I have world domination on my mind so to do that there's a few prerequisites first off we need to become actually strong for that I'll need to train we're actually on to bigger targets than just the simple training dummies in here we can't actually gain any more melee experience and most of the rest we could get out in the wild so let's go find people people to bother and I know just where people to bother are if we go ways down these Cliffs we should come to a Crossroads and now coming up on a whopping 70 stealth points in these cags there's usually a group of dust Bandits perhaps not the safest enemies but always willing to fight oh what did I I must have I did I did something wrong I think maybe it was the holy nation escaped escaped holy nation servants I fought either way I fight for myself I fight for myself I'm weird there's no dust band up here kind of a bummer really ah hungry Bandits just what I was looking for let's get into sneaking oh no they're dust Bandits well a better opportunity now I don't even have limbs that they could hack off anymore so the worst that they could do is kill me and well that would be bad I'm not scared of them see death is just another way every ninja knows ah an even better find now hungry Bandits hungry Bandits and hungry Bandits beging slavers for food and ah that was Liquid experience we won't get that they'll certainly lose hello everyone I am here and the dust Bandits are going to get into it with the slavers too this is a three- faction War I'm just trying to figure out who to fight for experience I'll take out the hungry Bandits no don't fight me I'll just take whoever's down at the end of the fight it's a scavenger's dream I hope the hungry Bandits against the dust Bandits oh I think that the slavers will win this one yeah my money's on them there a great opportunity at money though okay let's just not get wounded literally grabbing people's stuff in the middle of the fight okay I'll take this slave monger's stuff to no don't hit me I wasn't involved run away again hungry Bandit hungry Bandit slave Monger down that's a lot of green another one okay his stuff it's mine all mine that's about as well as we can do here time to make a sail and we won't make a lot here but enough to do but I have a better idea now our limbs though on are trash they're trash let's face it they all detract from our skills and we need to literally remove our limbs to be better at anything so I need a whole new set of Iron Man limbs things that instead instead of just compensating will actually upgrade me and for that we need to go somewhere else somewhere much more out of the way oh hungry Bandits I'll need them you'll make for a good point in my training montage oh well after I get the crap kicked out of me for a while wow you really not too oh he's not dextrous at all yet okay please just take my food please just take my food good he didn't take my sword I forgot to mention that you need to train your dexterity a lot and your toughness before you can get anything going from a zero stat character we'll need to get beaten up several more times if we want to truly conquer the world I was knocked unconscious with my eyes open I'm tougher now though at her whopping 20 points ah I'm healthy again time to run away somewhere new and after fighting more hungry Bandits ooh we're actually decent against them now gaining more toughness thank you for not taking too much we're ready for a new adventure so I'm starting to look like I belong in Fallout excellent the ninja way involves pain pain of deprivation it also involves violence undeserved violence and plenty of it with the needy in this way we've already risen six toughness levels in the last couple minutes all the while keeping the stakes fairly low another way we can train is by hauling around backpacks full of iron and fighting passers by and discovering squin I have only a few items of business here first get beaten up outside the city walls for no reason heal myself get looked at suspiciously by the guards talk to this person buy a thieves backpack buy food and a sleeping bag and believe it or not that'll actually take me to about the mid game there's not a whole lot you have to do in kenshi to get good at least if you're just talking about one character tonight I'm sleeping in someone else's bed tomorrow I continue in the ways of ninja discipline with some hard labor to remind me of the goog and all of the lessons that I learned there I'll also be interrupted I need to learn to handle these distractions and not lose focus weirdly these guys no I was just going to say that they don't take SE they take St at your backpack now what the hell I thought they didn't do that that's why I kept food in my backpack damn it uh okay I'm going to need to wake up and aggro them and bring them back to the city I need my food back that was very that was very mean of you I think never do that to someone okay we are running after them now on give me my back attack and run run run run run get back to the city mom mom help oh come on no will I ever get him back at this R this is why we need to be faster I forgot to drop all the iron okay just drop off the iron quickly quickly do all that again and then okay we got two off maybe one of these guys has my food please come back with me don't knock me out before we get the okay wow this is really bad these are the weakest enemies in the game onour solo you can do better than that we at least need to separate them from their comrades okay good guards guards help help guards good okay you fight them and I will bring back the other people who hurt me not not after I get a little bit of combat experience though good good good thank you guards I really needed that food ration well I guess it's worth it for the toughness XP come on fight me again I just need a little bit more ass kicking good good okay we got them good okay wow we are really slow that's not even encumbrance that's just the robotics we are just that horrible and damn okay well I got them to go back the other way okay just lead them back over there's actually a bar right over there that we could lead them to if only we're fast enough you can do it t solo we have to get only over there if we can get over there we can get our food back yeah come on good get up get up get up persistence persistence there we go there we go bu just a few more feet Jesus Christ there they go there they go with more Outlaws theyve turned back and forth literally disappeared Into Thin Air well that's kenshi for you oh no there they go there they go give me my food give me my food come on back to koha back to koha yes there they come thank you guards oh excellent excent excellent good good good oh these ninjas are units man they are units take that and that and this there please give me my rations for Christ's sake no you don't have them you don't have them you have them got caught stealing okay I'm picking him up then he's got my food on him sorry I'll just be taking him with me this man stole from me I'll keep him in my watch ah he's awake an opportunity I'll just de equip these or do this and he's run oh before he runs out of blood there we go get teach you a lesson yeah there we go unconscious for 3,000 seconds and probably a lot more don't take my food this is the hard way of life in this game now that this guy is such a unit it's time to train our strength with some iron backpacks we can do this by mining in the day and then traveling everywhere at night but don't forget about getting beat being a ninja means knowing when to run too and also being able to run fast okay fight me well they can't cut anything else off good and they're hurting each other unintentionally guards guards and this will be kind of fun I actually like when a big group of them comes into town always a good chance for some toughness please don't let me fight alone though now the goal here should be to get your ass kicked as much as possible in the safest way possible so more Katana you know dexterity and so on and so forth It's actually quite a good fight but in a safe place in a safe place we actually got knocked out there pretty badly but so did all of them I can repair and we make a lot of money oh they actually had range weapons on them I'll be damned not great quality but like it's a start this was a decorative way to throw out the uh death Bandits playing with a character like tors solo though you'll start to see that his power scales exponentially he he starts off really weak and then once he can take out one group he can start to gain experience from them and you know the skill acquisition is exponential too so it might not seem that impressive at first but later on he'll be able to take out entire squads looks like we've got another opportunity more dust Bandits can he take out one the others have just abandoned him man he can he actually fight one now it's a fairly even match but at least he gets a lot of combat experience from this we need him to get more du like this if he wants to get good with the katana now Katana level 10 and he can in fact beat one in a fight this is a victory I mean he'll need to fight more but at least he can win One V ones and unfortunately we can't actually access the inventories of these dust Bandits who have uh wandered out here we can pick them up though and put them down and then raid take them that way and suddenly he vanished oh that's a bummer that's a bummer well on the other hand we now on the other hand we are now rich and we can go buy the limbs that I wanted why did I earn their enmity not not a smart idea but at least we can okay here we go this is the ultimate Way of gaining strength carry a dead guy on your shoulder and just block attacks with the other hand get hit in the ass and this is how we get stronger use ninja guards to our own advantage sell all their stuff in this way we're actually training our character to become stronger when he gets better limbs like he may suck right now but there will be a moment when it'll be like bam Kabam Kabam he's so much better let's grab the rest of the iron and grab a guy there we go start mining out the metal and wowzers now we're gaining uh strength at 50% for our uh for our strength XP gain we've actually optimized the speed at which we're gaining strength and Athletics cuz it can't be too much we're going to put down this dead guy right before I go to bed and then tomorrow morning we'll just wake up our new buddy and we'll just walk around a while while we train that strength up and hopefully we'll make our way over to the deadlands or the ashlands I can't remember what you call them but they're there and they have better limbs okay we're moderately improved now it's time to set out on our next Journey a journey of strength 40 mph is also a normal running speed for keni he's got a naked guy running all across the desert wow okay let's just fight him cuz that's usually going to be good in keni especially with all of this extra gear fighting a naked guy shouldn't be such a a difficult fight for us this is a rare opportunity very familyfriendly fight and wow his strength is just it's just cablam it's just really increasing right here and great great fun he didn't actually have very much so we'll just leave him there and you know we're good people so we'll first aid him you know get up that's okay and I'm just going to run away from him now and he'll run away from me goodbye goodbye you were a lesson worth having now as I was saying in Ki if you run around with a 20 lb dumbbell by the end of your journey you'll actually be running faster and you'll have gotten stronger see we're already losing our strength XP gain percentage because we've already gotten a level or two stronger so by the time that we get to the robots or the skeletons whatever you want to call them we might be going at full speed so we'll just use a few opportunities along the way to mine more iron we see lying on the side of the road and add that into our inventory not a traditional way of training may be but it works and wow it seems there's some sort of Bandit dust Bandit convention down there we'll want to avoid that and just walk around ninja discipline tells us to avoid conflict and wow the hungry Bandits actually won this one uh all right I'll fight you you know I'll fight you with all of my strength stuff too because it's going to it's going to train my strength like a lot like although you get your ass kicked it's it's definitely worth it they're probably going to take my food but I'll be stronger later and there we go down just like I thought and yeah they grabbed my food all right let's pick up my dead guy and be moving ah now after many days of wandering around seemingly aimlessly getting to 36 strength by carrying this dead guy around on my shoulder and a backpack full of iron well actually it's in the inventory but it it works out we come to the most perilous step of our journey the robot land covered in acid rain and burning screeching robot Parts the dead lands you don't want to get stuck in the dead lands it's very easy to die here tread with caution and don't get caught out alone if you're slow now fortunately this jacket should protect me from most of the par o I almost got struck by lighting yep mostly my jacket should Pro protect me mostly and black desert city lies at the center housed on a hill it's actually not such a bad place and what we do next may come as a surprise we're going to sell a lot of our items we'll buy a Masterwork Scout leg and sell our old right leg mainly I just want to be able to run that's pretty much the first ingredient for a character we'll put that on and now we're already running at 20 mph we'll sleep in the robot oh we can't afford that well damn I know a place where we can do it for free now our characters able to run at about twice the speed of before I know it doesn't seem like a lot for one Journey we just got a a scout leg Master workor but it's the best one in the game and we have three more limbs that need replacing imagine how strong we'll be by the end of this we can't fight yet but we can run away and when we replace my arms we'll be able to fight and when we can fight then we can conquer the world I mean just look at his right leg it's like twice the HP of the other ones now we have wear damage we can get rid of this with our other limbs but I want to start with the strongest ones from each one then when our character is strong we can do the last of our ooh don't get in there do not swim in the acid I don't know why they don't path around that but after that we can take contracts and start earning a lot more money we're now able to outrun Bandits yep T solo can escape from threats as we all know becoming Road Runner is the first step in any successful keni play through oh here we go we've actually come upon the D King's Hideout might as well do it here and we're level 9 wait for them to yeah I wasn't doing anything weird but I actually wanted it for the lock picking skill and we actually managed to pick the lock we just keep doing this forever to gain the skill wow I did not know you could just max out a skill that way but it is the ultimate game of spam spam and cheese a there he is the dust King he's far too strong right now but we'll come back for him later later when we're stronger oh they want to kill me yep okay we are running we are getting out of here and we can outrun them and let's see if we can fight two dust Bandits that's it they've been Shackled so they're good practice it looks like these guys got into a bad encounter with some slave mongers that was pretty easy it's just a sign we're getting stronger we want a 2v One grab their stuff now the best way to improve in keni is always by fighting and Scavenging other people and so I proudly take that up with these hungry Bandits now whom I encounter with complete confidence and will we over it still might be too many but we should get better soon yeah we got our asses kicked all in good time though U More Humans more ass whooping better hits now much better hits go t solo go get more of that green get that good green fighting five is way easier than fighting 20 if we want to make money fast we're going to need to use this our stealth go we'll need to steal these things from behind a wall I guess that means that we can do the same thing with these I'll just take all of this committed many crimes in the last 2 minutes from Behind the Walls don't look suspicious tools cup gears I'm actually out of room goodbye town I'll just do this this several times and then we'll get rich we found a Wandering assassin he's a Shinobi though and nope no nope and no help out now and guards guards uh help help help please help please help someone he knows better than to attack me come on come on come at me bro good I got one hit in he's forced to walk to me just first aid myself good come closer come closer good come come come damn it I shouldn't have tried to fight somebody good I let money get the better of me more opportun ities at stealing I wonder if I go under the stairs like right here can I get that I could totally take the dried fish off the table in front of them most unexpected why I love this game okay what if I go outside you can't you can't seem to all right can you okay okay the ultimate Heist stealing through the wall no I can't be done so close what about the other bar one 2 3 4 5 6 I just got like everything not that bad not that bad yep I can totally do that okay these are people that I've had in my party before in the game okay what about this can I do this yep that's totally fine too I can take from rain the giant I feel kind of bad I'm doing it anyway okay how about Soo please please please H oh that was weird like it failed and succeeded and just grab his weapon yep more valuable you can have these boots Put put everybody's clothes on everybody else before I leave and leave leave oh nobody minded that and the guards were totally okay with me just stealing everything from town sell everything we're making out like thieves wait we are thieves and I now have a whole new set of ideas we're still not good enough at assassination to make some of these attempts we're good enough with you oh we've got a 92% chance with you I'll go on that okay Bean hop sorry man we could totally just do this for everybody he won't expect anything when he sees me with his hat on I love it how the bartender just watches me do that and then accepts it going to increase our chances of stealth koing Logan right now we've got a 92% chance on him thunk grab all of his stuff he actually has some decent stuff on him too and sell that to the barman yeah he has good armor sell some medicine now and wow that's just making us progressively better and better at assassination it won't even look he's he's getting kicked out Bean Hop's just like yeah yeah that happened and I forgot we were hostile with these people I actually tried to break in on them before and just fight them or some wrong some assassination attempts that went less than favorable for us we can always run back to our own home I'll be it with a limp oh uh I didn't realize that the guards helped me with this fight jeez okay I'll take it I'll take it oh wait no they don't like me either ooh oh no I'm An Enemy of the State okay run away run away Shinobi citizens fighting the their own guards I I think I messed up everything here but whatever no skin off my nose loot everyone and run away we'll never come back here and these things are actually pretty valuable yeah I'm glad we got this more stuff I'm literally looting ninjas right now we just picked a fight with a ninja well maybe it'll be more experience yeah we are we are screw well we're done with the Shinobi oh wait no this holy oh we beat him damn still take it and you know what while Swift is so weak right now I may as well try to fight him yeah let's go attack him just out of nowhere more combat experience even if I get beat up he's a strong Dude too probably not a bad dude in any way I just don't really know anything about this NPC and he's going to kick the I'm not even going to I deserve that I don't even think I got a single hit off of him Jesus okay run run run I'm really starting to like Assassin a I'm going to try it again okay and we got it oh I didn't know that they would be pissed come on I just assassinated like three other people a second okay all right I'm leaving I'm removing myself and here we go I've actually needed to go out to the hiber Villages before I uh do my one last hit they offer pretty good prices I think it's only about 200 for a bed rental it's very relaxing now the last adventure we'll be getting chased by G to squin and then selling their meat to the squin knites squites whatever they are squin residents the the people of squin oh and it looks like dust Bandits are going to join us okay I'll make a huge profit here I have a lot of company oh maybe we could just you know set them all off against each other I it's hard to tell who's winning I though I think that it's the dust Bandits okay I can bring them in too and they're far slower I love using the local authorities to help me here we go thank you help me against the bad people and crap they just took them all prisoner well we can still grab the garu O this guy had a lot of good stuff he was a pacifier jeez blackened chain mail his pants I don't even think that he knows what I did to him and one more she just saw me do this no one saw now I'm sitting here okay okay let's loot her take that and sneak away bring those back to the hub and sell them there sell these things although we might not be getting a lot for it it's enough time to get beat up again but now we are doing more of the beating you might even get a few of them out especially with such a large weapon okay okay take my rations but I'm stronger stronger and one last time off into the nether and I'm buying a KLR Series right arm first we do the right side then we get on to the left side later and there it is looks actually it looks kind of cool the old ones look more claw-like but this one looks like a real hand we'll run it back to the main area now I know that you might be wondering why wouldn't you go for the leg but what's the point of running any faster now but I can't yet fight all these I'll need to lead them all the way back or just let them go either way I think we'll leave it there for today we acquired new R Limbs and uh all I really wanted to say is uh let's be true to our Origins anyway we'll leave it there there's still plenty of room to grow we've come so far now at 39 strength 50 toughness you've come so far you can see for yourself and there's only more room to go k banoa my friends they say the journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step you see I take this somewhat literally from my ninja away from my journey of 1,000 miles yeah mine begins with two arms and one leg welcome back to the ninja way maybe you'll even learn a ninja lesson here and there let's start the Montage shall we toward becoming hok While others ate and drank in bars while you were merry I trained my body to run at a whopping 20 M an hour making tracks in Canyons while you indulged in pleasure looking for the boute I practiced my combat skills and overcame adversity why did she have hay on her while you indulged in the Comforts of home I became my own home and rid myself of desires for worldly gains and human ambition you see in taking punches The Way of the Ninja is empty like a bowl it may be used but its capacity can never be exhausted I am bottomless and in getting my ass kicked I'm actually benefiting all mankind in myself today we explore the ninja virtue of patience skilled is the master the focused mind can cut through Stone self- transformation is the greatest gift we all have said Lau he who changes himself changes the world YooHoo dust Bandit now there are many of them and they have hacking weapons and yet I lack limbs now attack them all unprovoked they do enjoy fighting now we don't want to die so we're going to go back to town we're not yet strong enough to fight these guys um but we can fight them with the help of the guards and we really just need more money you see we're still not quite fast enough yet but I think we should be able to outrun them without taking hits N I lied an ancient proverb says that laws control the lesser man laws are useless when men are pure laws are very useful when men are impure though so it's time to use the law against other people and run in here again for the tinth time and great we are actually uh we're training our Katana and toughness are we training our toughness skill we're set to block we do want to get up dexterity though because it's just as important for Tor solo to be able to take a hit as it is for him to uh you know actually deal damage in fights cuz my main problem with uh well with single unit characters that they just don't deal enough damage that was my problem with one punch man he definitely needs to be able to take a hit but yeah we want to get this guy an attack machine to be an attack Machine by the end of this video like he should be doing some gymnastics with his blade by the end and the B man is actually taking a hit right here I want to help him out cuz I don't want to have to wait for this yeah there we go good how about the Barm man tour solo come in have a browse I'm just limping from everything I've been through and wow the ninjas actually they look they're giving him a uh they're tying his shoes so that he his shoes whatever I I just love the animations here wonderful am I limping no I'm no longer limping I like it how Logan tries to get me to join or or tries to join me even when I took all of his clothes and robbed him no we're going to go this one alone Logan sorry man still love you though such a nice man and that fight turned out to be incredibly lucrative we're probably going to be up about 5 to 6,000 cats which for us right now is a lot soon we'll take up on contracts and hopefully be able to take down the dust King cuz that's a really good source of money I know this sounds super naive to some of you guys who are pros at keni but unfortunately I'm not a pro at keni so I just play it for the memes and the dust boss what did he have it looks like a better Horse chopper that's pretty valuable and we actually won't get great prices here but I'm content to stay in the hub just cuz there's so many good opportunities to Rob NPCs and some of you guys had actually suggested using one of these NPCs as a backpack so I'm just going to use this guy's inventory and he'll be my backpack and wowers he's trying to get away this dust Bandit survived the whole thing now the slave kongers come in and they're like oh mine we got those guys oh wait no that guy still had armor on all right we just going to have to take them all out all right it looks like oh no they took my backpack too crap we got we got to prevent them before they get all these backpacks I we'll just attack them unprovoked and run come on the law help me out help me out please help me please help me I'm in an establishment oh yeah I forgot that they don't help against slave mongers cuz they're actually legitimate businessmen wait no are you what the hell oh well we're actually putting up a decent fight against some slave mongers so it's time well spent you know they can't delim me or anything getting more green in combat he's blocking hits from all around man it looks like tors solo might actually win this fight I mean what hases he got to lose one down it looks like he's going to get down the second one and I don't know it doesn't seem like the ones on the lower floor or deagro or they're aggroed anymore yep we're going to beat this guy actually going to beat him pretty bad and I'm not even taking as much hit as many hits anymore the nice part about Katana is that you can actually block a lot more hits we'll just kidnap him and then put him down good grab his stuff now that was a really amazing position to just K look at this guy it's like ballet or something look oh that's fantastic is he still alive he's dying I'm sorry that was kind of morbid okay let's just uh grab him let's see can we get into good we are oh no can we pick him up we can pick him up oh save him put him down yeah I'll take his stuff take U take pity on him and it looks like there aren't enough slavers left for them to put up a fight against me let's just loot them up take all their stuff and then fight I think it's just this one last guy uh no two more oh no that was wrong all right we're taking this one up to the rooftop or even the staircase that way they can't fight me all at once yeah one guy at a time one guy at a time it looks like the other ones don't really care about their comrades they're all just in it for business so somehow I'm picking off one at a time honestly this is like ideal training circumstances he's getting so much better with the katana through all this oh I take that back yeah we just got to make look they're so busy tying up the dust Bandits they don't have time to realize yeah good they're all getting taken out we could totally fight them one by one now everybody's getting in on it this is like a classic kenhi fight really does look like coder at this point and wow I can't believe the that's the bar Thug yeah I'm not making a lot of friends here man everybody wants in on the fight look at this look at this what has he even doing in here he's like I came in to watch can I can I get a drink to watch the sparks fly all right just sell everything gradually they will get up so we'll just make sure that they all they're all naked and the bartender has plenty of money good it looks like Whoa man they just totally gave up on that guy but I'm getting so so much more green now I'm a little worried about tors Solo's chest it's definitely dropping here and he's got not a lot of green left but he's also got a pretty low KO point so I think we can probably get through these last o wow I thought it was -4 really I thought knockout Point was- 55 maybe I read that wrong either way they have so many people to tie up that I don't think they'll ever get to me okay let me just get up go lie down in my bed right over there come back and fight these guys all right the slave mongers are uh I think they're going to be pretty busy here for a while so yeah yeah they're going to be around I should have plenty of time to recover look at how slow they're walking they're not even going anywhere while you were torturing people I was recovering from my chest wounds that you gave me while you were tearing off each other's limbs uh you can't get in the door oh come on come on come right in right inside here we go yeah get the ninja guard on it yeah help me out boys there we go just fighting wild animals for money also very much part of the Way of the Ninja and just by doing this over and over again we get rich much like in real life the RO road to riches lies in spam in just a couple short days we've managed to save up 20,000 cats at the Hub and wow there's still a couple dust Bandits we haven't fought yet I thought they had all come yeah I won't move yeah all right I'm going to move slightly over this way though let's get you back here and I actually want to challenge him to a fight here we go let's just get the other ones AGG gred and we might not even have to run from these guys it's only three and none of them are okay four five okay one of them's ranged we're running otherwise I would start to solo these fights but I think we'll need the town's uh guards a couple more times the only reason we need to run is because bolts are just really overpowered at least in vanilla especially crossbow bolts here we go and wow the dust boss came out to challenge me alone the other guys just like yeah yeah now I'll fight the ranged ones these guys are really the worst I hate them there's like no defense against them oh the G the garu are getting in the okay somehow they've become natural allies I guess I shouldn't be killing off all of their kind oh you want me too we're now actually running them back to the hub like cattle we're just going to take all their gear sell it and then go back to Black Desert City and just beat the pants out of the uh beat the pants beat the pants off of the last dust Bandits this one's really tall like a Sheek but he's a Bolter too he he's ranged but he's forced to fight in melee combat all right it sucks but hey at least we're going to finish off this camp and go down there we go take everything off of them hey look a naked guy let's go fight me fight me as long as I have a katana I'm good uh I find it ironic that a herd of goats has been able to beat hungry Bandits think that the hungry Bandits would be able to overpower the goats nonetheless I can defeat a herd of angry goats wait can I nope I am I too am defenseless against the goat tide wow can I even slay one of them no I'm still a wimp I am going to die to go I might die to these goats wow I'm limping from the goats and I think I'm I'm dead yeah goats goats are like they really need a Nerf in this God damn you tearing up my limbs again I'll have my Revenge oh look there goes one baby goat one baby goat gets away now guys not a good time to beg me for my food I just was beaten by goats I don't even have any food oh no not like dude come on that's like two two it's too many there was just a group of exactly the same your clones are right over there no they're going to hang out dude okay go away why are you spending time near the Hiers that's what I want to know please you just beat me up like 5 minutes oh man my left leg is now actually destroyed I need to crawl kenhi is a positive feedback loop it just gets worse and worse surprised I can actually even limp dude people just hit me for no reason at least steal my stuff you know and just a visit to a skeleton bed it's going to cost me like 200 cats still going to be worth it and just bring back the last dust Bandits to town and the garu okay everybody gets involved in here and we got no great full out War exactly what I wanted full War at the gates easy turn in Easy proc profit looks like these guys got beaten by slave mongers too plus we get experience on top of it all defend me and we're rich grab everything sell it all back and take out the last few actually it turns out there's a lot left Jesus there are the still as many dust Bandits well that's more money they're all pretty much just cash running around good bring bring them back this is how I you know kite people okay and we start another War always good to start a war always good to start a war and good my good my left armm is broken I was planting on that and uh I will sell your uh possessions they call me the Repo Man it's an honest living man these guys D stop I just worked for all that I can't wait till I'm strong enough to fight them because I'll have them too and just assume them into my identity like I have the death Bandits if only one punch man were here he was a true crime fighter well he also prayed on the innocent but we can just forget about that part that's what you got for being dick to me he's gone he's been replaced well there's probably enough money now to head over to Black Desert City I think we could afford another limb in pursuit of Exodia and I also have a trip I want to make over here well we need another limb for that what even happened the slave Monger lost oh holy I I didn't I missed this fight uh screw it let him run I'm next time you won't get away so easy though balls why is everyone so hostile here all right I'm just going to uh scavenge the rest even for kenhi the amount of blood here is amazing there's like only one guy taking care of these people okay let's uh let's just take him away he looks like an easy fight we'll take take down the slave mongers good and everybody's free yeah all right all you go back to your lives I can use you for experience later by later I mean right now good wow slave mongers without close you know you don't see that every day it just goes to show that everybody in kenshi deep down looks a lot like a rust character except this guy deep down everybody in Ken's just looking for one thing friendship I never had a friend Squidward's father never never hugged him but I hugged Squidward's father so I grab the rest the boute in its many forms damn sorry that wasn't appropriate that wasn't appropriate at all there goes a whole body wow and the whole AR can we pick up the arm there goes rolling down in underneath the not even colliding with the ground right goodbye hand what did I tell you about the boute no stay down stay down you will learn today good actually let me take off my uh no I can't take off my sword my sword is literally too large for my inventory I think I need a bigger backpack once again into the great beyond I think I'd like to put a dent in the DUS King's Tower and then head over to Black Desert City when I'm done there that way we can see our skill right here see how much we need to improve and then buy the limbs cuz that'll be be that'll be what we use to get Exodia which will be our final limb once we're Exodia then the fun really begins you see all of this is just training for the next phase of the journey where we become the ultimate kenhi character pretty much anybody in kenshi can be trained to become an Unstoppable force in all humans lies untapped potential so says The Way of the Ninja and here we are at the DUS King's Tower uh you're not the D King you're just a bandit we should be able to One V one all of these guys pretty easily great yeah he's like wa great now if we could just fight them one at a time or Draw them all out we might send a better chance here come to think of it we might even be able well we might be able to One V one the DUS King but let's just see how far this goes oh but not if they have those yeah we really don't want to fight crossbow wielders oh wow and it's the Dust King right off the bat yeah he's going to he's probably going to demolish me yeah he's got way too many dudes all right we're going to beat it we are definitely not strong enough for them though yet and get get away from these fights one punch man no we do want you alive and you can outrun pretty much anything now oh back into the acid rain for the third time back to the merchant shop and here I don't know what we'll get a lot of you guys suggested to get the stealth leg and I like the idea of having one Scout leg and one stealth leg but we've been doing so much more combat now that it doesn't really seem like we have to steal stuff anymore I mean eventually I want to collect the whole set but I think for right now I think I want a KLR series leg is going to keep me fighting for a longer time plus I just haven't used one of these yet okay here goes nothing Exodia leg and how does that look that is kind of cool it's probably the closest one that I've seen to the skeletons let's sell back this useless leg our high economy leg we're just 10,000 short of a KR series left arm specialist grade that also gives us an unarmed damage bonus I want that on my arm and now he's running at 30 3 m an hour holy cow I didn't even imagine he would be able to run this fast I think this is faster than one punch man could run he didn't have the benefit of Robo legs and we could still get him running faster if we got a second Scout one this thing is really powerful that means he runs a mile in under 2 minutes at 33 M an hour that's like twice as fast as the world's fastest man Jesus this is him at one time speed right I'm not speeding up time at all this is how fast he normally runs this is faster than how he used to go as a torso at three times speed God he's like a car he's like a car now plus one thing about the KR series leg is that it's got 260 hit points our Scout leg had only about 150 or 145 to be precise so the KR is made for combat the Scout for running we could probably carry both on us and just switch out our legs depending on when we need to run and fight there you go t solo you deserve a rest you and your sexy new legs oh yeah one of them looks like a snowshoe or a spatula repur and the other one looks like a metal leg and you look like Perfection see if we can fight some garu now we should be able to stand up in combat better but we might need two KR series legs it actually does look like he's still getting the pushed in even with the Scout leg it's like whatever's the weakest part just lags behind the rest there goes a guy just flying 20 ft in the air all right what did he have more death Bandits see if we can actually stand up in a fight against them now still no we are still painfully weak somehow probably due to the lack of strength dexterity and Dodge SK just the lack of a lot what about some Bandits how are they in combat it's just okay some more green generally more green than red is what I look for ideally no red once he gets decent at blocking and we still lost melee attack could go a long way here I'm really wondering if he'll get as big a power Spike as one punch man did with training the blade you see one punch man unlocked whole new martial arts abilities when he got to I think it was like level 20 or 35 yeah he started doing these crazy kicks in midair that I just don't know if Tor solo is ever going to do I've never trade to Blade Master quite this far before I mean ideally tors solo can do both but you kind of got to pick a pick one to focus in first all right let's see how we could do against slave okay uh fail fail fail run fail run run far away run far away this time we can't escape though y we got a bounty on our heads we got a Lelo Leo I'm fighting wild animals over here in in exchange send me some beak things or even just gorillas here we go good gorillo attack unprovoked let take a bath in some acid water Hit Me With Your Best Shot these things are pretty strong though this their weak areas their legs how are you tors solo are these things carnivorous looks like we're getting more green than red they'll take out the leg took out the leg but it's not down okay it looks fairly weak it's no n this is a strong strong animal n it's not strong nah it's pretty strong well I don't know maybe it's time to train with our fists we've got a good opportunity here put down my sword there it goes just lie it in the ground yeah just do that it's not a great time to be limping oh well get better at Dodge either way at first he'll get worse at it much worse and then better yeah just nothing but Dodge at first the beginning of training martial arts is just horrible here we go there you got martial arts too nice job and wow we are really terrible in hand to hand I mean to be fair we're going against a guy with a BL you know what let's just take away his blade usually fighting hand to hand versus hand to hand is best at first come on let's make this a fair fight there we go just knock him out get everybody naked and take off everybody's clothes and then force them to fight you in hand toand combat that's the way to train it ah there you are you're up oh no no no don't do that I want a fair fight there we go much better now this is training all you need are a few good punches It's Time to Go full Exodia oh more hungry Bandits can we solo them yet man it really takes a long time to solo people with the blade it's like you start off stronger but I don't think you can get quite to the same ceiling as martial artist to he's still not bad but I just remember by this time one punch man was like doing some crazy well he did also have about 100 days to train one punch man not quite so good just keep fighting keep fighting train your toughness get up with when they're still near but actually that might be a little low all right get up now and run back into the city I just noticed there's like drones floating overhead Amazon when did Logan go to prison and now one last job assembling Exodia let's sell the economy left arm and 32,000 for the KRC really ah I thought it was 24,000 okay I'm selling some stuff I didn't come this far to stop here yeah it's a waste of money but at least I get my arm besides I'm starting to think we might need to train him like a martial artist and now the assembly of Exodia oh right here we go full build baby let's actually see how fitt he is when you take off your character's shirt he does start to gain muscular okay right uh what about the back muscles right he's getting pretty brolic that booty I still like that hat which I stole but now we also don't have protection from the acid rain we're fast enough to get through and it won't actually even hurt our limbs cuz they're already robotic damn he looks really good he looks like a guy from my town I race against if that guy from my town were a robot cyborg drog door man damn look at him in fast motion that looks so good slow fast well actually it's just normal speed fast slow Fast Very gratifying no pants pants no pants pants no pants pants let's start calling him car he's a car you do not want this guy chasing you except when he does catch up to you he's probably just going to use like Tiger shellman's Tiger shellman's karate moves he just got his membership at Tiger shman is Tiger shman still a thing I remember back when I was a kid in the '90s that was all the rage All the Rage tiger shans oh hungry Bandits oh wait no they're whatever they're still training training dummies that's what they may as well be come on just come in the city I want to fight one of you not all of you one of you they like get him he's in there where they're going to kill us all oh that's so true so true guards guards okay thank you and we'll just gain well we're going to gain a lot more Dodge before we actually get decent with our fists but I promise you this if we start to train both blade and fist there's a lot of situations we can do well in in combat but let's get inside somewhere he actually does better inside I are we considered inside here whatever we'll go inside now all those skills he just learned are useless I kind of like putting myself in a weaker position though you know it makes it makes combat more engaging think whatever you want that's my opinion oh hungry Bandits joined in the fight too many more targets martial martial arts will take a while now that we've got all this strength so much trading grab grab ooh more stuff fight the people s sell sell sell sell the rest that's actually just about all that we have time for today we've assembled Exodia and now he's ready for the rest of the world I was thinking we were going to train him in katanas but I just haven't been as wowed by katanas as I thought I would be I think we might even be better off with the martial arts Power and the Dodge that one punch man had plus this guy's going to have stronger Limbs and we might even give him some heavy weapon strength so that he could take on multiple enemies more than one punch man could ever do in that department but other than that he's also a thief and he's good at assassination this going to get strong I just want him to take on the dust King his toughness is also through the roof right now it might just be a matter of putting this guy in some armor or some like really bad gear and then uh from that point on just going on to uh know get the last few of those skills and uh make him into a true Exodia torso Exodia hajim may mashi my friends the ancient philosopher Lau once said the best man is like water water is good it benefits all things and does not compete with them it dwells in lowly places to today in kenhi we're learning the way of the Eternal da so get ready take out your notebooks because you just might learn a ninja lesson the way to Tranquility is through self-mastery the way to squin is South in squin there's a weapon salesman in his stock are heavy weapons on my back is a fragment axe welcome back to Kensi today we're getting our pushed in our character tors solo a port Monto of torso and solo get it will train in the art of ninja discipline and what better way to train this virtue than through goat fighting to master goats is to master oneself to master oneself is to be in the Zen to bleed from the head is dangerous and may have lasting medical side effects including but not limited to embarrassment while you fed your appetites in worldly pleasures I toiled and like a phoenix I rose out of the ashes and in my weakness I grew strong and I became a warrior I collected myself literally and Rose From the Ashes and in my feeble State I learned to trust the way of the Eternal da for the way of the Eternal Dow is like a cup it is bottomless and it has no end I am full and I contain Nations but down the way to strength can lead to arrogance the five colors cause one's eyes to be blind the five tones cause one's ear to be deaf and getting punched in the face five times might f up your day but that won't stop me from taking all the stuff off your body and selling it at a bar nearby like a raccoon I steal things and like a turtle I carry a lot on my back currently I have 13 chunks of iron no but really this is training torsello strength and soon he'll be able to knock people out with one hit from his heavy weapon a future which I greatly anticipate so in training myself in strength I'm ridding myself of Mind fluctuations and in going south to the swamp I'll be ridding the world of the red saber leader my first Target and a quest for well a lot of things mainly among them power though my ways are stooped in righteousness my goals are ignoble and Jesus he's actually uh I mean he's going to get his pushed in for a while while he's still training heavy weapons but he's going to get really strong and he has more attack slots so he can hit a lot of enemies and have I lost this one already yeah we're going to take a lot of punches this time and jeez the dust Bandits really have taken over this area I'm running into like three groups of dust Bandits at once they should probably just kidnap me nonetheless I'm content to learn the ways of the Eternal da a bit longer and get knocked out by a bunch of Unique Individuals they can't take what I've already lost and I've lost everything so I'm just going to start repairing myself yeah this playthrough has been rough to me I've been trying to decide which weapon class I actually want this character to do a lot of you guys had recommended using heavy weapons and since I've never actually trained anyone I think I'm going to go through with it we just need to get him dextrous enough so that he can do a couple swings at a time that and hopefully his blocking skill can rise until then it's still a stat grind but I think we're ready to take on maybe a couple of the bosses soon tors Solo's limbs are pretty much maxed out here he's got specialist KLR series limbs I don't think anyone's really after his limbs so there's no danger of losing them in combat and okay that's normal walk through me and then stare at me while I sleep now while I'm not one to belabor Stats we do have 42 strength 71 tough really the 71 toughness is is is the decent one here strength could come a long way especially with heavy weapons like we're using but the melee attack and defense are coming along Athletics couldn't be much better and this character has among all that some stealth skill so I think it's time that we go confront greater dangers and really just get our pushed in today by stronger enemies stronger more frequent bouts with u ass kicking will eventually lead us to Enlightenment for in the midst of chaos there's always opportunity in the midst of the swamp there is a town and if we swim through the water with iron in our backpack we hopefully won't drown but if we stay in long enough eventually we will swim faster and eventually we should come to The Hideout deep in the swamp deep deep in the swamp if you should find a gate hit it if you're challenged to a battle fight it and this is actually one of tors Solo's more leg o you have more people there n we could win this should be easy for us we're better at 1 V ons and I think we can beat this Shea Warrior because he seems to be preoccupied with this gate great practice for tors solo for I am a coward and I get all of my wisdom from fortune cookies we can loot this guy and take all of his some of this actually isn't that bad we could use his armor Which is far superior to mine and his unfortunately we can't use his boots though because I don't have feet come on I think we're fighting the uh these are the red Bandits right oh no we're fighting bugs too those bugs are pretty deadly yeah the red Sabers the red Sabers are a real danger here but it seems like there's a lot of factions we can face off against each other and they've defeated this Blood spider and everyone's so distracted by the door that this actually seems like a fairly decent place to farm against these enemies we might be able to take out their entire Clan because they're so focused on an impossible door and in this way cheese the system my God the heavy weapons class really is strong uh I don't want to get knocked out around these guys but most enemies will just leave you in keni and they can't really chop off any more limbs but we don't want to get too beat up yeah let's see if we can limit the number of enemies that's better do a little first daating here and run and now there are ways to cheese heavy weapon combat because you have such great range like this and run and like this and run in a second and okay run yeah we got to limit these numbers otherwise we're screwed we could probably play them off of the water here too all right me versus five red red Sabers I don't know who wins that who wins that fight usually probably them let's try it out though see if we can get a lucky hit come on if you could just destroy all of their stomachs hit one but ooh two down at once now that's what I'm talking about three enemies at once two enemies at once you got to keep running though so that they all Bunch up and I got to keep running because it's always a 1 V10 whenever I fight against anyone all right it's time to go for good now there's a lot of swamp Villages around here we can run to and I'm very weak and my body is still frail there's a small village here to the north in the swamp we can sleep in the beds and uh we can't I lied then never wrong I just lie actually for sale 16,000 cats might not be a bad place to get all in good time for tonight we sleep in shark and this has been bothering me I've been reimporting my save but I actually can't seem to get the building menu to work so just a limitation of the mod I guess but yeah I need to pay for beds all the time they're not that expensive so it's not really a major problem true ninjas sleep with their eyes open time for round two at the swamped lab we're already level 21 on heavy weapons and Rising I see a potential future in this for us the blood spiders here are Half-Life and and if I stay with them I'll be half eaten I did not know that these things were this strong they are really strong and I'm also running out a weakened character I'm carrying stone with me so that I get stronger in combat and just in general as I run our real goal should be to leave The Hideout red bandit in hand so we'll put down our iron stack it in an oddly perfect pile and Enter The Hideout open sesame now if you fight one of them you fight all of them so for the red Bandit he's easily the strongest he looks buff and he's asleep in the back the red saber red saber boss we need to deal with the infidels oh and here he comes on his own let's see if we can lure him out we will just bring him far away can I fight you alone could come further from your home and all of the people who would defend you I really just want your 10,000 cats Bounty and that seems far away enough to me good no friends for you we might be able to One V one him we're actually fairly strong but he's also quite strong and it's just like a basball yep I think we can One V one this guy he does look strong but my limbs are robotic and Zen rout T solo is actually not even taking any hits he's not taking a single hit he might uh he might shut him out of this combat he's wrenching ing in pain now red saber boss is going to fall to my heavy weapon ooh yeah he does hit hard twice really the main thing we're lacking in is strength but that can be gotten by carrying around the red saber boss so if we manage to slay his thick ass in combat we will uh we'll get a lot stronger from that and we did his armor is decent but not good enough and he's not good enough either but all of his items are worth probably as much as his Bounty too so we can pick him up grab our stack of iron and run away hey while you sought booty I trained myself in the way of the blade now I am Coming For That Booty Swiggity swy I can't believe that none of the red Sabers actually defended this guy we just got him like oneof thing he hardly even managed to hurt me too I can't believe I've never seen these things before look at their nose hands this is one of the strangest SES to behold but one very befitting to catchy goodbye nose elephant people they're Mushroom turtl Men and let's make sure that the red Bandit uh or the red saber boss does not uh die we actually don't want him to die otherwise I don't think we can turn him in once again to squin I think I'll also just take his hat I'm just going to wear his hat from now on it's far better than my hat and his armored rag skirt far better than mine I'm practically wearing all his clothes now imagine his surprise when he wakes up at this point I might as well just take the full set and impersonate him and we can use this all to acquire new heavy weapons newer and stronger heavy weapons and let's see what we can get get for him from the Shea boss and that should be 10,000 cats take this man now we'll go to the store and sell all his stuff Shea retainer here I come we'll sell all his stuff back or all of our old stuff and then I'm selling my Katana I don't need it anymore and I don't know what else to buy so I'm just going to go for the most expensive sword this fragment axe will do and now I should have the best one in the shop I think this one's about twice as strong as my last one that was almost stupidly easy to get the red Bandit or red saber whatever he is he's red and the Hub is red because I killed some of the residents um that was slightly morbid Actually I don't even know why I took some of this stuff it's martial arts clothing but he should have been martial arts too the red Bandit leader a big reason I took it is just cuz it's more valuable but I guess I should look at the stats more whatever we'll try it out and if it feels right I'll just take it the main thing is the fragment axe which counts or I have another idea and it starts at DUS King Tower but it starts with these slavers even before that I wonder if we can actually fight these guys now now that we've taken out the red Bandits the red saber uh yeah we're going to need to f o do we need to fight the Ninjas for this let's take these guys out of town we can always outrun them so that shouldn't be a danger we just might need to spam them a lot here though one hit run one hit e crap come on one hit and oh not a good idea and you see in attacking one of them and then running we can always avoid damage nope that is wrong nope yeah we might be screwed oh well we need more strength here what happens if I just take off all my clothes how does this work he looks looks like a Bionicle and I think we have to run just not really my fight fortunately they never seek revenge yeah I think that these clothes actually make him a lot worse in combat although they give him some protection I'm going to sell them probably but in the meantime we can start to whittle away at the DUS King go through the gate and challenge him once more do we actually send a chance against these guys when it's night come on at night fight him at night I'm a little concerned about him with uh the blocking potential of some of these weapons though let's see can you at least get a hit in torso it almost seemed like they would always get hits with martial arts I can see a lot of potential for this guy in Mass combat though you could probably kill somebody in one blow when you get good he's not taking damage in a 1 V one good 79 and they're slowly as long as they all just slowly come out to fight we'll be oh no I know why did I say that all right goodbye I got one of you don't forget about me we'll just slowly attract them out of the compound one by one oh no they're on the cross post never mind I'll come back later and it's time to buy our new leg well when we actually have the money which we don't never mind hm what are these here broken Model 30 these guys are oh I've seen these guys before they're really strong we should probably get out of here they're too strong for us now in fact drop everything and run and after all that grinding I'm still not quite as strong as I want to be so this means more Ninja virtue patience discipline I'll keep training strength until I can take out enemies in one blow o sneak up on me eh I will defeat you now good wow I actually beat a blocking enemy that took a long time to do it is kind of nice to see his progress in these subtle moves of combat there we go another oh he needs more blocking SK he really just needs the dodging skill dodging in defense he's still not that good at it you got to De develop such good toughness before you can even get some of these other skills just so that you have a chance to even use them oh we took off that guy's arm in one blow jeez where did it even go I think the other guy went into the iron deposit I personally I would give up though I mean if somebody cut off my arm I would I'd probably lose focus okay pretty one-sided battle no pun intended and more money I can't believe that he's actually still uh oh his leg too man at least one less leg in the hands of evil yes I did take your leg cuz you surprised me I wasn't expecting you all right back to work one less arm and one less leg and also a life for 6,300 seconds in the hands of evil actually he's just yeah he's going to die I can use him for good now by picking him up I will slay the demons we can make him better at combat by holding people he'll get way stronger now yeah he's going up in stats way faster now all right uh just give me all his no okay well if you wanted to fight that be my guest and time to make the sale look at how the B man is now he's never giving up on his his trade you know he's just but look at him he needs healthc care man it would be so cool to play as the seven ninja swordsman I'm getting flashbacks to Zabuza with this headband ah another customer oh a lot of customers now we have a lot of stuff on our back so uh you know I'll put down my backpack for a little while my my backpack okay and let's see how this Slaughter go either I'm going to get Slaughter or it's going to be horrible for them yeah now we could run away and micromanage this fight which we might have to do but I think that the Arc of his swing should uh give us enough coverage of the enemy plus these guys are pretty weak and they might make for good targets n okay we got a run back tackle he needs dexterity he's just not hitting fast enough too much blocking that's better yeah but he doesn't get this full swing okay we're running back to town I need the ninja guard it's very unwieldy but once we do get good with them hold on to your hat okay guards help me out shouldn't be a big fight should be pretty one-sided we just need that dexterity 41 right now but it's going up and Jesus nice yeah this is what we're looking for ultimately and we also want it to be one hit and they're done cuz he shouldn't have to hit people like five or six times ah this is perfect a field of squirming enemies perfect perfection Perfection ooh soon he'll be like one punch man ah love this training now if we wanted to raise our dexterity we'd attack with lighter weapons but we already have enough Katana training that I don't think that'll be so necessary later in time we'll work on it but the main one here is strength and hello dust Bandit Bowman okay a Bowman without a bow I guess he's just a man then he's not even a man he's a Shea what is he he died without knowing let me get back my backpack oh here's my backpack oh they already go my backpack was getting away there we go thank you buddy there goes an arm oh no my bad a leg there it goes oh there go some goats I'll take pity on you today that we're almost at optimal encumbrance we need that to train strength and now we're ready for optimal strength training time to take some laps we'll be slower but we're gaining strength at a faster clip now it's going to be a lot of running but it's going to be worth it because we'll be hitting with way stronger hits on our uh heavy weapon and I'm hoping to get to about 60 by the time we're done it's going to be a lot of laps but you got to stay in safe zone so actually actually we'll head back to the hub we don't want to go out in the Wilds too much got to stay someplace where you can run for help we're getting 43% strength and 33% Athletics as we go Athletics isn't really the concern here so strength can just go on its own I'm pretty much just going to be running back and forth like for a whole day it's pretty boring but you got to do it if you want to get good with heavy weapons unlike in real life you can do all of your strength training in a single day in kenhi which is one reason why I love it I'm literally just going to click back and forth throughout the hub for a day this will be a snail is process but by the end we should be super strong we're at 47 to start and it's about the end of the day I'll let you know in 24 hours when I'm done 12 hours gone by and I'm halfway to strength level 50 from 49 I'm extremely bored and I'm chewing gum for fun to train my own jaw strength in real life 14 hours for three levels you might also notice that as I'm training my strength XP actually goes down and that's because as I'm getting stronger it takes a load off of my character or he gets better at bearing the load and then he gets better at running or you can you know reallocate that toward running fast so our Athletics gain rate is going up and our strength rate is going down is you know we need to find heavier stuff to carry eventually and we're nearing the end of about 24 hours we're about halfway or a third of the way to level 52 from 51 on strength uh not really as productive as I thought it would be so maybe I'll spend another 12 hours or so just getting to strength level 52 it's going to be a long time till our character gets really strong with this but those later levels are the hardest to gain and I think you could do it just by wielding a strong weapon after this we could go out into the wild and search for enemies running with stone but also just getting ready for a fight I think the real win here is going to be by getting more heavy weapons strength or more heavy weapons levels and we finally got level 52 I'm going to start taking laps around the Hub to see if we can find enemies uh cuz I think that the heavy weapons is going to be the biggest payoff here and Generator cores these are actually I think heavier than yeah these are about twice as heavy as raw iron so it's going to be worth it to pick up one of these things I'll sell the iron uh I'd rather steal them but generator cores are ultimately going to get us stronger faster so anything that increases the XP gain rate like training Road Runner Jesus there go some goats only two defenseless goats mine let's see how he fares against the goats he's going it's Goat on Goat good he can take them out in one hit now or two hits that goat is he's just a goat that's all he is he's a goat and good your things shall be mine ah a group of garu Pat in an opportunity go I say fight them fight them oh yeah animals aren't such a great uh not always such a great pick no back you know let's go back they just really cut deep ooh um all right you know what just use it for toughness training damn it n it's fine I'll just die I deserve it anyway you were right about me ooh if I'm not carrying rounded B okay never mind just leave me leave me my ego didn't handle that well nor did my backpack let's put my backpack over here and I'll sleep right here here good night backpack it's kind of morbid it's like a stuffed animal with a dead guy I think there's a worst name for that I think it's murder definitely definitely murder oh well it was just part of my ninja way it's been almost two full days and we're now reaching strength level 54 probably one of the longer traits to uh train over time especially considering you don't really have that much dexterity when you do it you hardly ever get an opportunity to swing your blade in combat and when you're training strength you're really encumbered too it kind of makes everything harder you need to be able to take a hit before you can deal a hit with your stats I'm not giving up though I need Revenge my ego is at stake here so many animals I've died to the hands of them fight me and can he uh can he can he must oo nice he'll take a lot of hits from them but at the same time he's dealing out a lot now too it's just that these wild animals have a lot of Health there goes one and I bet he could win this might be able to but they might take out his legs as well that's two down I think we can take out a pack of garu now that's progress they're actually not that terrible one of the stronger wild animals you know discounting the really strong stuff he's not even hitting them at the best angle right here either good and we've taken out the whole family nice great we'll just ooh not a great time for Hungry Bandits to come along dude come on no that's like the definition of a scavenger all right face me if you dare I think we're going to lose this one at least I'm gaining the strength though you know and he's getting it a lot faster from each blow it seems like yeah there we go combat's ultimately going to be one of the best ways to train this I'm at -7 on my right leg but I still haven't fallen I've fallen and I can't get up he's starting to solo hungry Bandits nice good for you t solo there we go it won't be long now it won't be long at all and they left my backpack all right let's go chase them down I know where they're going oh no they're not going to the hub damn it all right whatever they might get away with this but that won't be the last of me walk as you dare all of their arms are broken okay all right we could f up their day now well another day and I've spotted my next Target come on backpack let's go get him it's just you and me against the world and hungry Bandits we don't want violence are you the no they're not the ones from yesterday but you're identical I'm fighting you anyway there we go okay we are starting to solo them hits are giving us a lot more strength experience and this is how we'll level up I may have a crippled leg but at least I can strike five of you at once here we go he's still might get his pushed in couple more times but there we go he can get up and take out the whole group yes he solo to Bandit group ah perfect perfect this there's no justice in the world now where is their leader there he is another group of hungry Bandits the best early game Enemy really it must be the best it must be the best I think we could solo these guys maybe even with a guy on my back you know let's put down the guy though so that we can get the uh we need the heavy weapons training more than anything else ooh yeah he could solo them he is not going to get out of this without winning H the legend of T solo actually how is he doing in combat he's uh he's got down two three less than than a third of his health off I think he'll win as long as they don't hit his right leg that right leg is the weak point we got to replace it with a KR and is he it's when he gets cornered that he gets into trouble but I want to see if he can do combat without me micromanaging it good we got like six or seven I lost count again go for it and there now you could micromanage this and maybe it would go better but where's the fun in that I just like to see it as a spectacle all right here we go yeah it's going to be a close one but that's kind of what I predicted here oh man they can still block it ooh close but he'll get up and he'll be able to win and he can also gain strength toughness experience like this great that was a big boost towards 75 they're all gone limping we can bandage up go back there and fight them off yeah they are all limping 100% Shan should be easy well I'm also limping but not as much as Ooh okay let's keep getting up with enemies nearby it's a great way to gain toughness and close but no cigar he needs just a couple more hits I'm not going to go in with the chest we're nearly soloing them I think that's enough for now we're almost where I want to be it's really once he can like solo dust Bandits and slavers that we'll be ready for the next challenge good got that one and these two that was a whole group he can solo them he just needs to take a break in the Middle come on backpack let's go home for my next trick I'll be going back to the dust King I still don't know if we're strong enough but I at least want to use them for training it's the only place where I know I can find NPCs who are going to want to fight me there's really just not that many wandering around I wish that there were more hungry Bandits so let's put down the iron I don't think I'm going to be able to fight these encumbered on my perfect stack wow it really goes High and a generator core on top okay let's try it out come out come out fiend oh yeah take out the range guys first they are way too strong for us and I still don't think we can solo it but I think we'll get a good ways through and probably screw them up good yeah we're getting better hits in now as long as he get some decent wide Arc swings he needs like two or three more nah that's not it nah that's not going to work okay we got to run wow he's way less prepared than I thought but we could draw one out and uh good a couple of them are going to pursue me is that the dust King too no that's not the dust King far from it okay uh good I will f up your day and you're one of the ranged guys too so that's even better we got to get rid of all the ones with ranged weapons to stand a chance here I still remember one punch man fared pretty poorly here and he was way overtrained for this fight good good let's steal his thing and train our dexterity good have him come out one by one this is a much fairer fight for me he's blocking way better he's getting blocks in he just needs to hit multiple enemies at a time maybe they can line themselves up if they come in greater numbers that's more like it those kinds of swings those wide arcing swings are going to lead us to Bloodshed better better I think he can win this yeah he can totally win it nudify these ones good or neuter them and they don't actually pick up their own gear so we'll just make them all nude I like how their clothes just kind of float in the air when they're gone deep down they're just like the rest of us these dust Bandits because for one thing everyone in kenshi wears the same underwear that's what we all have in common okay hey DUS King how strong are you now uh you've got how many guys 1 2 three I guess four left probably if we leave him with just these few guys they'll probably give up surrender good now I'm just fighting nude people and I got screwed up that wasn't great but hey I'll survive I've got a good KO point so I don't have to fear death as much plus that trained my toughness I love it in kenshi as long as you don't die even if you just get game over you know it's never the end it may seem really grindy right now but we will eventually hit a point in our training where like we can just run around the world and everything that we encounter will be able to fight I think one punch man probably got to that point after about 100 days it is definitely a long time but once you hit it it's kind of fun and then it actually becomes boring but there are certain enemies like you can't fight an entire city alone not unless if you're really good sell back their armor and weapons use it to buy meat once we've rested up we'll go right back to the uh back to the tower get ready for round two I am more powerful because I know how to put back on my clothes which kind of leads me to think thinking could I do it all through stealth back for round two he just stands out front well he's not alone anymore he does have boots he does have boots all right round two begins now the goal isn't really to fight off the D King yet we just want to get rid of his uh ranged allies it still looks like he's got too many guys for me to fight at once combined arms are much stronger here no pun intended and also get them off of those walls we don't want to get hit by these crossbowman let's run back we're getting a lot of green keep keep running up to them and then running away draw them away from there a and he's actually worth quite a lot I think he's worth 25,000 good this looks like a decent spot to nice yes he can fight them here he can hit multiple at once and go okay I just keep going in at these rocks for him oh he downed him he really isn't as strong as I thought he was but this is a significantly advantageous spot we have space to move around and they don't nice we got the D King I can't believe that we won it this fast nice a he's getting back Up's and it looks like we got lucky against him too taking out all that stomach right away all that booty he has some big ass thighs Jesus good man now he's worth a lot and all of his stuff is worth a lot too I think I'll grab pretty much everything his Samurai leg plates are actually good for us we'll try them out and see how they do in combat and we'll grab all the rest of his stuff too to sell it and then we'll grab him give me you heal myself up and we'll take him back to squin let's just make sure that he doesn't die on the way he's like I'm I want to go home I want to go home he's always my favorite NPCs because he's just so humorously buff though he's uh he actually could die here we will want to first date him before we bring him back okay I think he's fine pick him up dude you're with me and we're going back to squin a Justice the sweet smell 100 Guardian 25,000 cats are mine oh 35,000 wow even better than my wildest dreams had led me to believe with this I start life in New Country an open family business let's sell uh more or less all of his stuff I'm content to go go naked and now for the real prize while I love the stealth leg I've been craving some sort of symmetry here so I'm taking off my pants my samurai leggings and I'm going to Black Desert City there I'll buy the one the only the right leg of Exodia oh yeah and we'll also get a specialist Scout left leg that way we can run at full speed and then switch over to our other legs for combat you can actually give yourself multiple legs and you could just keep switching out limbs in theory and you could go really fast and just do this all the time just don't get your backpack stolen or you won't go at all anymore I could now run at 44 mph in two Scout legs and owing to this fact now running this is my onetime speed 44 mph um I can do something extra cool now several of you guys mentioned beak things beak things are some of the fastest enemies in the game and when you can run as fast as I can you can actually outrun them so we're going to start kiting around beak things and face no consequences for it whatsoever I may not be strong but I'm very very fast and just for reference how fast does he run with KLR series legs so he runs 44 mph with Scout legs and 25 mph with KR legs KR legs are better for combat but for the other time being we can use these Scout legs now let's go abuse the Hiers for a while God the difference is night and day I I cannot believe this I've never had anyone this fast and he's still not at his Peak speed yet You' probably end up running 50 mph Jesus Christ it's it can't even load this fast that is bananas no who does that who does that how is this real how is this real it's almost unplayable with a character this fast look at that it's bananas all right let's go find some beak things just go around and around maybe in there that looks like a likely beak thing Nest o another high Village let's just take it out to the coast I've never even been here before I'm not afraid of anything at Road Runner speed though I Village bad people could join me in the fight I don't even need a bed anymore I could just start running like switch to light speed I'm like the Millennium Falcon Christ's sake Jesus we've made it to the coast I know the dangerous stuff is on the coast but I'm pretty sure I'm faster than it is dangerous and what is this a nest of something ah there they are the Bak things okay so here is their nest where are the egg oh oh my gosh that's a lot of eggs I never realized there are so many eggs around okay come with me all right uh ooh two nests and I should be faster than them all now they oo it's like a horse race there they go and we got to be careful here don't get hit at all uh how fast are we still 44 mph okay there's a baby one guarding the nest uh let's just draw them out bring them all in on me okay come on come come oh come hither come hither good I feel like a sheep dog but for giraffes be careful be careful they still are really fast it's it's not a big speed differential but it's enough but that could f up my day okay you know what I have a new idea we're going to take take the beak things to the Village we just need to kite them a lot now where is the nearest hiber Village we'll head this way and come good come with me now good everyone come along actually here they come and didn't do it didn't do it didn't do it didn't do it come on just one guarding get rid of him and run okay run run away toward solo just barely made it out and oh come on they keep leaving a baby one there guarding the eggs that's like that kid who would never get off the base when you're playing tag as a kid you know like just dude get a life or something it would make me so angry okay I think we got all of them off of the net let's just run back super fast here okay now one time speed grab that egg oh my God it's huge Jesus why did I do this I guess you could do it with swimming as well just not quite the same all right you know what give me one big thing egg I'm out of here I'm out of here go to the hyra Village run escape with your life baby oh I got I got three when did I get Fortune Has Smiled down upon me on this day that was not a good spot for a hi think oh Jesus why would you run in the water man oh well we made it to the Village anyway repair repair heal oh they came with me anyway oh oh good that's what I wanted I'm going inside I'm very tired of all this I need a store all right will you buy my uh beak thing eggs I just sicked one against your village good and now we just made 12,000 perfect so many high Villages now that was kind of far away I'd like to continue the search for Great beak thing nests it's also just a terrible spot to have it right on the coast so there's got to be better positioning and I'm pretty sure we could get a lot of different limbs for different situations they like a Master of Disguise oh and I just totally realized that I don't even have we could still get even faster I realized that it's Masterwork and specialist legs I could go for all Masterwork I didn't even see that I mean damn we're still we're still pretty good as we are but yeah there is still room for growth wow that is bananas we're still not even at our power Peak yet in terms of limage you know and you can also use one bed rental to get all of your legs healed up too now that I think of it so yeah we fixed up all of our legs all of my legs I used to not have any legs now I have four go back to the high Nest here could grab the last of the eggs oh another one right there wow they crop up Suddenly and then disappear there it is the beak thing Nest they sleep I wonder if I could sneak in let's try I will regret this I bet um what happened to them all right uh let's just grab the eggs this could go poorly oh yeah there they're awake don't sneak run now they are good swimmers let's keep that in mind as we run about let's also lure them back to this Village as some of you suggested and cause confusion lots of confusion definitely oh no don't give up don't never give up on love I may be smaller than you but I'm also faster than you good okay I'll just drop them off here and go back over there okay there we go they're taking out the Hiers I'll lure back the others or they're at least dealing with the problem for me Unfortunately they slow down in the river here we go this is lur in the last few W there's like 10 or 15 that's I've never seen this many before this would be really dangerous if you were alone I am alone but you know what I mean okay here we go come on Hiers uh I hope you're alive for a little while and then I'll run out the back door wouldn't they realize that I'm hostile okay good they're still no I don't want them coming after me I'll just go in the house where they can't fit would you call it a house okay let's see who wins um I certainly don't want to leave uh I think the beak things will win though so I'm just going to jump ship while it's still safe and run and go back to their nest the goal isn't the Mayhem the goal is stealing I told you there would be a lot of stealing in this play through didn't I look at how many eggs there are too there's one there's another there's another isn't there like an evil scientist in Jurassic Park who does this like exactly what I'm doing right now and he represents all of like the global warming in the world and yeah that's me wow one more that's a nice haul run back God he is just that fast it's kind of a cool shot watch him go watch him go he's got four giant bird eggs buy my stuff I think I'll make about 16,000 from that now we have 37k Jesus I think one more trip wouldn't hurt probably another four eggs there there's another there's another high or another Nest there's so many of these nests that was this be yeah this is definitely beak things right there just south of here and wow they're really spread out here look at them all Liquid Gold that's like free money go go and go and run run you are pretty strong though we can still grab one more run back and then forth and here we go there's one you got to spot them before there don't really stick out good got it and get out of there the funny part is that after all of that they will cause problems for other people you know and falsely accuse them of stealing their eggs they're just creatures of pure hate sell sell sell and now we have 53,000 cats I'm getting all Masterwork I I don't care these legs are overpowered who I would ever thought that the most useless skill I mean it's useful for early game running would be so lucrative I can't believe it I've never been able to make so much money so quickly in this game he is so goddamn fast I can't believe this I never thought I would totally reinvent an entire character I'm I'm going at normal speed right now I thought this was fast motion that's how fast he is I think he gets more he gets more buff as he gets the Athletics straight too he's getting in better shape as well Jesus though Jesus one time speed two times speed three times speed it just goes to show AI will eventually replace us all and take our jobs no human can do that look look at that he even changed his mind halfway up the mountain I'm sorry who is that chasing me a second ago ah never mind we have better ways of making money now now full Masterwork limbs we can sell our specialist one buy the Masterwork and buy a Masterwork Scout specialist leg that didn't make any sense Masterwork Scout leg get on the ground oh okay they're removing me from the store they're like he's too good get him out of here I'm burning I'm burning like Anakin put that on what is the total speed 46 mph yeah we could probably top out at 50 50 m an hour that's bananas and they don't actually have a KLR Masterwork right arm in stock but I don't think we'll be doing combat again for a while until we get rich now if you excuse me I've got a few laps to run between here and the Hub I'm going to max out my athletic skill and then use that to get 100,000 cats at that point we'll be able to get all the best equipment in the game and make make ourselves into pretty much the ultimate fighter so many steps to getting here but we're pretty much ready to create the world's most powerful versatile character I just wish that we could get him a robot chest ultimately that's why skeletons are the only true Chads of this game con banoa my friends today in kenshi I have a poem for you roses are red violets are blue when I buy a falling star at the scrap house no one will have arms it's even more than I dreamed it would be it's beautiful but it's expensive as hell which brings me back to my old hustle today in kenhi we Master the ninja way our forms reflect nature in crossing the Savannah form of the cheetah in carrying more on our backs form of the mule in our labors form of the ox carrying iron from town to town form of the backpack in buying property well actually I lost my right to buy property now the only people that like me are the sheeks and I date only Shea women I have a small home and a child I'm starting a new life in a new country carrying around a garu we can heal it up and then pick it back up later welcome back to kenshi in today's video I've stolen aaru today in kenshi we use stealing and Market manipulation to get stronger than everyone and kick more ass we begin with some hard labor because discipline at its roote involves hard work discipline iron and this discipline also means studying I research every day but that's not all form of the raccoon stealing eggs lot of eggs from there we can turn them for a profit with the Hiers create it all in buy hashish from the hives steal more beak thing eggs buy more hashish and more and more and more until it's breaking bad all of a sudden we can also swap these for generator cores and more and all the rest of it thus by buying hashish and selling beak thing eggs you can pretty much make unlimited money but as you may know there's no point to making money in keni it won't lead to contentment only the sage knows the way of the one heaven received the one and became clear Earth received the won and became tranquil I received the falling sun and I've now become an absolute [Music] Chad welcome back to keni with the tors Solo character currently we've come a long way but we've still got a long way to go we've also got tons of hashish that were smuggling over to show Bai as mentioned we'll be doing a lot of strength training today and I think what better way to start than with some good old-fashioned hard labor since our legs now allow us to run over 40 m an hour we can just smuggle Goods to make money and we're practically infinitely Rich so now it's just a matter of making the ultimate combatant our current limbs are two Masterwork Scout legs and we have an extra set of combat limbs at home an ancient Chinese riddle for our way when the ghost is on the mountain when the grain is transported by women they will become rulers of the Empire when I find catlon I'm going to take his sword ultimately that's our goal is to get Katon sword it's supposed to be one of the most powerful heavy weapons in the game and it looks like we're going to have an opportunity to try this thing out right here uh we are encumbered so we're just going to take this off our back backs and the combat penalty now shouldn't be too too bad let's see how we do against these dust Bandits I still think we'll lose because they've got a lot of range weapons but I just want to see how he does in combat and he's hitting for way harder now than he did before so he's doing better with heavy weapons combat but I still worry about those ranged enemies just because of the way that the game is made he needs to get seriously strong if he wants to win all of these combats consistently but still that's soloing a group of dust Bandits and we'll get some help from these hungry Bandits with the rang dudes he just SOL like 10 guys there goes an arm o another one Jesus Christ this thing is really good we could oh man he doesn't even have anything left okay let's go on these guys I'm sick of them sick of ranged enemies there we go take out him make sure we stay on the right side here taking down the dust Bandits this thing is really powerful considering that we aren't even at our power Peak yet all right just me and some dust Bandits and we got a ranged enemy left take him out and oh there goes an arm wowers that is very high nice nice nice very nice he didn't even lose any of his appendages I mean well my guy there's did there are a lot of severed arms here well done on the severed arms now the sword is 28 kg and I've heard that you need four times the strength to be able to swing at the max speed or something like that so I guess we're going to need 112 strength and then from there we'll actually drop in strength so we need even more strength than that so we're going to need to do some serious strength training if we want to see this thing at its full potential and I have just the right idea H more dust Bandits take out the range ones first I'm pretty sure if we take these two out then we're one on this fight and we get some allies here too nice he's getting in a good wide swing Arc as well so he's taking out multiple enemies with one hit of course he would wait right till I say it to hit just one but yeah we need to be careful we might want to run here but he ain't perfect and he's got no allies so he still needs to be careful in combat but he's pretty good I still wouldn't call him super human but for a single guy he's doing pretty well I just need one of you for something just one of you not not any more than that animals are actually really powerful I'm also going to need a garu for something I need to capture a wild garu here and there seems to be a fight with G up on this Mountaintop I'll just have that one uh take off my Traders backpack and this should be an even faster way to train strength let's fight the hungry Bandits as well there's a lot of people in the world now I raiseed the world population we'll take out some more garu and I'm just going to give this one a backpack open up his backpack and I'm going to fill it with iron and Generator cords and then I'm going to put him on my back strange this is actually work oh that's kind of embarrassing I thought that this would work but it says that I get 150% Athletics XP and now just no strength XP H put him down pick him up well off you go then have a nice day gar buddy I'll save your backpack anyway well we're almost there and I need to be able to run so I'm smuggling hashish into shatai this doesn't seem possible I know a better way oh this will work just right yep that should get us strength and all the hashish we need and just do this and this and this and this and this well truth be told I'm I'm already worried about how slow we'll be going on this journey so I think that's enough strength training for now we'll get stronger on the way there right now we begin the jog from here to show Bai to sell our a she I am I'm basically like a loaded pinata right now we could also give ourselves weaker arms and that would work an ancient proverb says appear weak when you're strong strong when you're weak and when you're being chased disappear 82% in I'm not sure we should even fight anyone I think we could beat these guys pretty easily just throw down our bags I don't want to lose and fight them yeah this is going to be an easy one pretty much take off an entire body part with one swing don't hit me I'm crazy more Bandits I think we could take them even with all this strength encumbrance it's probably better practice for us though on second thought Flats Lagoon might be a better place like the breaking bad decision of keni where do I sell my hash here we are at the Lagoon love a lagoon and here we have arrived at the strange town of flats lagoons I've honestly never been in this game though apparently they sell drugs out in the open here the water's fine like a Smugglers Run we've arrived at the town and I'm uh honestly this seems like one of the cooler locations in keni and since I've upped the world population there's a lot more bustling activity going on here I'm only one of many to come in to trade let's see who's going to buy it Goods check no no Goods check that's how I like it a lot of places to shop and they'll buy this for a 400% markup price markup 4.94% for what I bought it from I'm willing to take it the nice part is that it's Arbitrage you know you could just keep on doing this assuming that you had a lot of trade space but I don't actually have a lot of trade space so I think for this guy I think probably the most profitable way to spend our time is going to be getting beak thing eggs not that it's not bad nor is it unscalable but I think that beak thing eggs for a Solo character are probably the best that or like prosthetic Limbs and I see some beak things right over there there must be a nest at the very least though this place has more action in fighting I think we'll send torso back to squin though to do some strength training but in the meantime let's have a look at what happened to Logan Logan was the character that started out with us and I just wanted he's in slave jail he was enslaved right from the beginning and he's now at laboring level 87 his Athletics got to 32 as well and his Dodge is at nine toughness 13 strength four but I guess this just what happened to a character if they stay in that position for a while I can see us breaking him out at a later date maybe as like a a Finishing Touch for right now I do have an iron source and I've fought a land bat one of the strange I've never even seen one of these weird all we need are some repairs we can at the very least we can cook its meat and we'll go in this way we can mine during the day when there's light and at night when it's dark we can travel that way maxing out our strength gains we come again to the swamp we need something more we need someone to carry so it looks like we've got dust Bandits on Dust Bandits right right here and I'll kidnap one of these guys sorry just uh I'm going to take you pick him up and run away there we go this will actually max out my strength gains oh and I'm caught off guard okay uh oh that's going to f up their day okay uh can we stay around this beak thing yeah that should do it all right you take your friend I'm going to put him down and I'm just going to pick up whoever of you doesn't survive that switch these two out and really come on beak thing I thought the beak things were on my side attack attack attack there we go this there we go pick up this guy put this over here and this back here here switch those two around and I think we're this is a better way to gain strength XP there we go now we're actually we're almost at optimal strength training position anyway going back to squin like this should be a snap I see beak things but no Nest migrants migrant beak things they must be migrating now we'll make our way back and train up some more now on that one run we actually got stronger and now we're back down below 50% strength XP so we need to mine more iron once we get this out of the ground we'll keep running around town and in this way we'll reach a higher strength level mine carry mind carry patience is a ninja virtue keep the trader backpack in our inventory and that'll make us heavier now just like before it's day 62 around 6:00 in the night I'm going to train like this for 24 hours running back and forth in squin and we'll see what it does to my strength by the end of it I should be a little bit better with my falling Sun 12 hours in counting we've reached strength level 63 at about 20% 12 hours later we've reached strength level 64 with about 50% I think it's fair to say that strength is one of the longest ones to train and we would do well if it were in a controlled environment but for right now we'll put this down cuz it's been a while dead and I actually want to try out this character in fights we'll put away these types of legs and add on these ones and let's see what groups he can solo now he should have a better pick of enemies ah goats my true nemeses okay can I fight the goats the goats are very very powerful we to we took off that entire right arm of that goat good I mean go go goat good good the goats really are overpowered the way they're U made even especially the baby goats good fight them to the death great goats could take out an entire group of hungry Bandits too not to mention okay we can now solo goats good for me I'm going to skin them all and the Barm man is up I actually had to reset my NPCs so that I could build again so it's miraculous but I'm okay with that ah more fighting right out here with slaver someone else so they'll be whoa body down a cliff be careful but I would like to see if we could take them out go all in on the slavers fight this one there we go and ooh nice one shot one shot's what we're looking for two he's hitting over a 100 quite often so he'll either Lo knock off limbs or if he hits high enough or he'll just take people out by taking out vital areas yeah this is going to be a really strong character yep there goes a limb there it go what even was that great ah finally I can fight for some justice it's my ninja oh all right it's time to uh time to get good at fighting oh this this is fun it's wrong but it's fun more more can I take out these ones still again tread with caution tread with caution here oh watch out for that and the bone dog is really the worst of these guys there we go good get in those big hits big hits right here nice that's what we need just don't let him Bunch up too much his Arc of Swing is enormous we've already soloed half of them and it looks like the other half is coming next good we got the bone dog that's practically half of them and just a couple of them left yeah these wide arcing swings are what we're looking for and we're gaining maybe a level each combat I think we need to make it more disadvantageous for ourselves though we need to make heavy combat easy well damn I can solo slave mongers now this means quite a lot who's this guy a tech Hunter we'll leave him for now oh hungry Bandits yeah that's that's going to be a much easier one how does he do against Mass weak enemies okay we've got a lot of really weak enemies here I think he'll do fine against these guys but bunched weak enemies that can be telling and I'm waiting for that one swipe block block block block block he needs a lot of block potential here but he's got it he's got 47 melee defense he's getting better if we wanted to we could even just set him to oo what happened there no uh well that went wrong I think it's cuz he was already so low I done effed up oh I'm just drifting in place at least the tech Hunter healed me at least I'm safe inside my mind this is new this is new game Behavior this is the update to keni you just kind of drift around in a circle okay and escape and okay I'm out here they're camping me when I'm down take this back to squin guards guards there go some arms I still want to see how he does with something like a plank though so I'm going to put away my falling sun and though it's a better weapon I don't know if I have the strength yet to wield this it weighs 28 kg which is enormous I'm nowhere near that level of strength yet let's try out a plank like a really weak plank or this falling sun is only 7 kg I didn't even realize that they sold those here if they do I'm taking it weak but it gets the job done right a test subject here we go try out the garu he's going way faster with this although he's hitting for much less still time to try it out in a bigger group of enemies how about these goats it's always the goats that do it see if he does better against these ones well it's much lower hits but he is striking faster yeah that's way faster I don't know maybe he's better off with this for a little while in the meantime I've got one last plan in mind something I've been meaning to do for a while oh another beak thing Nest perfect these things are gold mines literal gold mines it's got to be worth another 50,000 at least okay load me up and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 give me all of them give me all of them and another one another another another another who cares if I could hit a bit and how many more left I got Jesus Christ I might not even be able to hold anymore don't fly too close to the Sun get that one 18 should be enough that should do running to the village and I'm out of here feel like Elmer fud hunting Bugs Bunny or something who crab people well not the crab well actually we should go visit the crab people though a Fallen Tower I haven't been here yet interesting interesting though interesting here I can sell trade these away and he has enough money for only five of them wow that's crazy and also kind of awesome all right next Village which went up from 34,000 to 53,000 with only a quarter of our eggs now if you're settled down and you can get into hashish production or is it hash hashish have I been saying it wrong cuz it's hash you get it whatever it is it's expensive and growing hemp could be more expensive proportionally if you manage to get a whole operation going but for here this is better for me 74k I'll make the rest of the money back in squin trade more of the eggs and the last of the eggs I've needed to go to four traders to offload these things they're not very liquid five five Traders I have a new place in mind next now with 108,000 cats I think I can afford some really good items but first can we solo dust Bandits even with this weaker weapon just take off my Traders backpack I know I don't have the best legs but let's give them a try see how we do it's this one guy we're using a weak weapon but we hit faster but for Less I still think I prefer the other one but it was worth a shot yeah see how many times he needs to hit him this would never survive against a large group of enemies oh well where we're going I don't care about swords it's practically unplayable now look at how look at how fast you I spend more time on loading screens we wait to yeah that's how long there is between loading screens that we do actually running here we go here comes another one and go now please yes yes there so that's how long you spent it's really just a matter of how many loading screens I have to wait through until I get to the next place I don't think think they'll ever even be able to see me passing through the holy nation lands to be angry at me I'm a machine now right up here there should be a spot it's called the drowned ruins I've been here but the armor king lives here this is where he does business rebirth somehow we must get into the river or at least get a look at it lone Shack now this might be aavigal but we can always come up from the north if it doesn't work out it's a Winding Way it leads us down here no wonder it was hard for him to navigate here wind I think this ruin is it we just need to go down into it that might not even be passable from here though all right I have another idea back with the holy nation this thing whatever you call it just a little out of the way here and they think that I'm evil because I have robot limbs let's try from the north come in from the river and if we come in this way just along the Riverside we should make it in a bit closer here not a long ways to go till we get to the ruins I hope we can swim for this whole way and here we are let's go inside and see what he has we actually had to swim here this is really out of the way we got blood spiders too these things are insan holy okay good thank you skeleton friends armor King saving lives with armor King he's crazy yeah I'd like to buy the best armor in the world now he has everything that we need uh we could use a lot of this be to become like unkillable I think so I've heard from some of you guys now he's specialist in Masterwork grades of practically everything I'll sell him some of my stuff and buy some new armor this Samurai armor is the most expensive item he has in stock so I think I'm just going to I I want it it's expensive we also need better pants I'll take these Samurai leg plates far better than mine currently I have ragged I have ragged half pants what's his best shirt in stock this one is oh my gosh this one's even more expensive than the other one Jesus Christ this is they're pretty similar to these too this one's Masterwork grade though I'm buying it selling him mine nope this one's better this is insanely expensive 59,000 for a shirt Jesus nothing else I think it's the most expensive item I've ever bought that ought this should make me a God and what for our head we have only 7,900 left I could sell some things we might as well go with a full Samurai get up all right I'll take a Samurai helmet fear me that's uh I don't think it's going to help us a lot but it's going to make us a lot stronger stronger in combat and that's what matters we we won't get killed very quickly how do we swim in it well not much left to do but see how it holds up in combat I still fear Mass amounts of enemies but this is really expensive stuff altogether this cost me over 100,000 and I also know an NPC I'd like to visit up here here in the floodlands just to the north there's a tower there it is in the distance there's a skeleton living here named Burns now we won't let him join normally we would but he has a bed and as far as I know it's the only free skeleton bed in the game there it is you can rest here for free just take that and then leave there he is hi Burns sorry I can't have you he's a good skeleton he's he's one of the few free skeletons he will join you goodbye okay one place I've been dying to try this stuff out you know where I'm going yep the fog lands and not here but over herish there should be a death yard okay here we go den no one's here we're near Mongrel Mongrel is always a war we go right here and no there's okay there we go fogman how do we do against these guys I want to see how how they hit us even when they hit our armor do we take a lot of damage so I'm just going to go through combat see how we do they'll probably come in mass and I'll run before they can kill me but yeah we need a better sword for this well they hit us for only three on our arms I think everything's pretty well defended here we might be unkillable yeah look at how much I'm getting hit and still not really taking much damage jeez he could hold up for a long time but he's going to need to have a lot of better skills before he can you know move about in this armor much plus he just got a chest hit he needs a stronger sword that's how this character is going to play one hit very high risk and I just realized I didn't even take off my Traders backpack Jesus okay how does he do now he should do way better at everything with that with that off yep way better and just the chest I think he can win this one he can solo a group yeah but reinforcements come just like one more one more with high men or not hi men fog men yeah here they come okay back to Mongrel why would they put a town here well we still took a lot of damage I mean although that we blocked a lot of damage from each hit Samurai armor is okay but ultimately the best thing is just going to be a really high Dodge stat which one pinch man had since he had no armor he just dodged everything that was probably one part where he was really op all right let's just head back home to squin for a bit I don't think that this sword is going to be right for me ultimately the only sword for me is had by catlon it might be the greatest weapon in the game is May 2 falling Sun it will be mine plus if you want to train your skills you actually need to wear the gear in Reverse like you'll never get good until you take off all of it and then only later once you've trained a lot can you do that something kind of Zen about that fact Nani welcome back to another kenchy video today we Face a number of new plateaus over the last few videos we raised enough money about 200,000 cats to upgrade our armor to Masterwork items and our character tors solo who was once just a torso without limbs is now running along in full armor at 43 mph it's amazing we use this exploit to gain tons of money we also encountered an army of man-hunting killers the beak things that roam these lands but we turned adversity into profit and we can steal all of the eggs of the beak things as I'm going to do right now and there's one left right here I bet our character could actually survive a lot of this fight let's see how he does against beak things he's uh hitting for 182 with his long sword he's he'll just run into the middle of combat against these guys but when he swings he's actually going to get hit for a second this is probably the one disadvantage of running a single character is that he just spends so much goddamn time blocking only to get a hit and probably get hit in a second yeah there he goes he goes back into block mode and just just mayem but it is cool and his armor prevents him from taking very strong hits he doesn't take a lot of damage I just don't know if he'll ever be able to get in a hit anymore at all he's got the whole family here I mean I can't blame them I still all of their eggs so let's see how long he could survive this anyway he's got melee defense 72% at 48 let's just set him to block and see how long he can survive this this is amazing I've never seen this of course he is starting to weaken as they hit his stomach but I think he survived hundreds of neck neck flails from these monsters and not a single oh well he's actually on block mode all right Tor solo dude he actually got a hit in on one and another but I will run him away now out of fear though I'm confident he would do fine there I just don't want to chance it anyway the whole point of this ridiculous exercise was to get a crossbow I need it for the next exploit I'm going to complete these eggs are amazing we can sell them for a profit of 4,200 cats each and bring us up to 21,000 again next time going to do something unorthodox we return to the hub and we buy a weak crossbow along with all the bolts we'll need next we can return to our home and squin I've bought a house here and I can rest we'll also need at least a medium backpack we can declaim our falling Sun everything we need for the journey ahead and we'll need a lot because we're going to catlon so it's a long ways but it's going to be a little journey and so our pilgrimage begins first through the swamps whether by land or by sea and proceeds into drier climbs one day we pass through a forest of cacti the sun rises and our pilgrimage goes on one day Wasteland the next day Lagoon of course I am lying we're actually running at three times speed 43 mph just all over the map map but I'm content to speed through these areas because they're terrifying there's acid rain and Ashes falling from the sky everywhere we need more mild climbs we arrive at what is for many the ultimate Battleground and whatever chases us we never ever stop though the world of keni is amazing it's absolutely beautiful ultimately there is one item I want in the entire world yep just uh just run through that flesh Patrol and I would fight any Foe for this item it's the one thing that keeps me going across the entire world in pursuit of one thing I've never been here it's even more amazing than I dreamed it could be the threats are dire sure it's probably the craziest place in the game but ultimately what matters most is speed of which I have a lot and no matter how great the foe I can always just outrun them and it's a long way through but ultimately catlon should be somewhere out here now none of them have a head except for catlon none of these ones are catlon y not catlon not catlon not catlon not catlon not catlon not catlon up the up the stairs and up we go here we go everybody everybody all together let's go maybe one of you is catlon let's just separate them out come on somebody here has got to be catlon they go is he he's not even leading the pack not a single Caton among them damn it is he in here now if we want to fight catlon we need to make catlon want to fight us so we need to kind of lure him out here and good good just okay good you hit me once that's all right I guess we just want to good kite him attack him again good keep kiting him bring him out I had to thrw them all Traders along with the humans treeson come on come on out with your THS and he should he's pretty oh man he's so depressed he's such an emo kid come on Mad Caton you ain't nothing good good we got him to come out good stoop kid's afraid to leave is stoop we got to keep him here there he is right there make sure that he doesn't uh back off at all good come on keep him interested he's right there good come on you won't be getting away so easily I can promise you that now we can go over to the Southwest here or Southeast and bring catlon with us there he is among them we need to make sure he doesn't go back now as he can get dagro here we go come on stoop kids afraid to leave his stoop stoop kids afraid to leave his stoop and run back up the hill run back up the hill come on come on catlon where is he where you're all so individual and unique ah crap did I lose him oh no there he is he was among them okay back up the hill good good there he is he's right there okay good he's still interested come on bring him on the hunt now we need to separate out all of the other hundred or so well the secret of kenchi is after all that everything can be cheesed and so I think it's only fair for the cheesiest boss to receive the cheesiest treatment he's very good at blocking though he's extremely good at blocking to keep running away whenever he swings and good go in again he's extremely good at blocking Jesus okay we got another hit in on him though I hope he doesn't get back cuz he is inching ever so slightly closer back to the uh back to the Ashland Dome and another hit we're going to be here while I wonder if I should just take off my armor to raise my dexterity you know let's give it a shot let's just take off all of the armor because I my defense does not matter all right tors solo your leg may be wounded you may have practically no chance of hitting this guy but I have the power of spam and running away good we got him with one now his armor is really powerful but as we get hits on him he should get easier to hit because technically like it's weakening all of his other stats as he gets hit and his ability to defend himself should go down I think the real question is can we get him before he gets back to the ashlands Dome just waiting for him to put away his item no no no he's faster than me go back go back good hit him again hit uh hit him dude hit him you can do it come on just never give him an opportunity to uh retaliate at all that is the key good and it seems like we're hitting some of the most vital areas here it should slow him down combat wise good we got another one if we do these consecutively then good he's getting weaker nothing okay 10 but for right now he's just like I just desperately want this guy's sword nothing would make me happier we're doing this entire for the sword you know and we got another 10 okay stomach's set two just one more hit to the stomach Jesus unless if he has like a harder harder point to knock out at go yes come on do it before he gets back to the throne he's really close now and we got oh yeah this is the best weapon in the game we're going to just throw this one down on the ground and give me his armor and his pants Jesus Christ and just grab him grab him oh my God no the thalls still are there jeez if you know me there we go there's my Armor All Right screw these uh bolts these were pretty much useless to us for that entire fight just drop all of that on the ground none of that please there is a way to fight him like that I just don't think we're good enough en ranged I should have thought that through more you know I'm going to put him down I'm going to put him down now he is dead so grab my Samurai helmet okay and we are out of here with his body and we are leaving this place now as you may know I'm a massive fan of spam shying and uh basically finding any exploits that I can use so the the whole purpose of this was to get his blade which is the best in the game and now that we have the blade the best heavy weapon in the entire game we can go about on our journey to Conquering the world oh it's perfect it's perfect actually his armor isn't quite as good as mine his armor is really good but it's uh yeah I think my armor is actually better than his I mean at least in terms of cost money is not everything but now don't worry if you like the ashlands I'll come back here someday to actually fight more of the enemies but our character is not nearly strong enough yet we just needed to use that exp okay here we go yeah more skeleton Legions I guess they're all coming out there's probably like a civil war now that he's dead or something there's a lot of just strange bad enemies out here that uh I'd like to fight but we need his sword if we want to fight them so ironically we have to kill the final boss before we go back and fight any of the others we're still not really strong enough to work with uh Caton's blade we need 80 strength but we're not too far off from that and I could see us getting there pretty soon I think I left my other blade back there but whatever we can just use this this while it's unwieldy for us and work our way up to 80 strength wow the real catlon In the Flesh we'll just pass back on our way over to squin off back through the wastes and here we'll just arrive in the dead of night at the home of the shecks where also happens to be my home I think I'm worthy of calling myself a Sheek now that I uh now that I wield was basically the sword from Berserker you know the dragon slayer which is just like this gigantic hunk of metal uh yeah I'm pretty much just going to go through with this thing despite the fact that it's really unwieldy I'd feel bad getting rid of his armor and I want to save it as a trophy so I'm just going to leave that in here turns out all the range stuff was useless for us we'll switch back to our old backpack we don't need this one anymore grab our other items and we now have catlon he's dead he has nothing left on him honestly this part of the game is new to me can we turn him in even though that he's dead I guess they don't care all right I'm just going to leave catlon in my bed then goodbye Caton someday I'll reactivate you and then you can be happy and then you'll be happy imagine a happy catlon oh well not in my universe maybe someday throw down down my own sleeping bag sleep next to him that's not weird at all now that might have seemed like a lot but what I'm actually going to do next is even stranger now to give you an idea of why I wanted this weapon let's just look at some of its ridiculous statistics 1.0 blood loss two blunt damage 2.64 cutting damage there's nothing like that I mean when we get to max strength we're going to be hitting everybody out in one hit with this thing it weighs 40 kg it weighs 40 kg and that's cutting damage can you imagine in real life what that would be like like picture yourself going to the gym if you don't use kilograms that's 88 lb okay this is his sword it weighs 88 lb a ridiculously unwieldy weapon sometimes used by skeletons I mean that's that's the normal description what's told about this model is there was at some point in present there was at some point in history a legendary mastersmith of whom nothing is known except his or her name from the blade inscriptions cross the blades never rust or need sharpening and are said to be unbreakable there are only a handful of the reason why it's unbreakable is because it's probably about it's probably about a foot thick if it's that heavy this thing is insanely heavy so just to appreciate that right now currently my character is only 6% encumbered and he's carrying an 88 lb sword on his back along with all of this iron That's How Strong tors solo now is and he can still run around everywhere at 46 mph with all of that on his back that's how powerful he is I know K shei standards are kind of ridiculous but it's it's funny nonetheless okay the ultimate test now let's see if he can fight goats I know the Blade's going to be unwieldy but let's just see how he gets his ass I bet you he'll get his ass kicked come on tors solo he hit for 182 he's not going to be swinging fast enough though yeah he's not going to be blocking right he's going to have trouble blocking okay but he is one hitting people and that's oh my God Jesus Christ look at that damage 177 what is the goat's left arm is gone now now I know goats are overpowered because they have like they can't really lose limbs but if we take this on some people there's going to be limbs flying after one swing this guy is extremely powerful that's the May 2 falling sun it's I think it's the best weapon in the game this thing is so powerful I don't know anything else this strong okay I'm going to stop having like a nerd gasm over the sword yeah but that's like a dork level 10 sword it's good it is good the main battle is going to be dexterity from here we just have to have him swinging faster uh assuming we get the strength up in time though to be fair there is one other exploit we could use that I'm thinking of I'm going to sell the CPU in the AI Core who even has that much money okay only one group of people that are going to have that much money just need a body to carry around and okay we've got some dust Bandits here I'll just take one of these dust Bandits with me thank you thank you I'll just be picking him up and taking him with me now anywhere we go we'll want to carry something around with okay we're getting attacked we're still running at 14 mph I I'm carrying a 90 lb sword and a guy on my back and I'm still running at 14 mph that's still a 4minute mile I'm holding it with one hand I'm still one shotting ooh man he's one-shotting everybody that's good that is good how dare you do that this is truly a one shot item wow life truly is torture until you have this item oh hi hungry Bandits Let's uh let's see how we do against them are are you after me too okay oh yeah I remember we didn't get off on the right foot didn't we okay good let's see what happens with these with these folks now we should gain strength even faster if I'm not it might just be with martial arts but if he's got somebody on his back that might just be martial arts but still he's really over encumbered you know he's the underdog right here how do you block this swing how do you block the there we go she look at her look at her arms oh my God we gave her the Naruto run okay you go you go then I'm going to deal with these hungry Bandits and see what they uh hi hi Hi how are you see how we do ooh wowers good nice wow it's like cutting through butter it's like cutting through butter he's still he's not very dextrous and when he goes against so many enemies like as we saw with the beak things before he still gets stuck but he doesn't he just needs to touch them with the blade for it to think of what it'll be like when he actually gets stronger and more dextrous and we don't have on this thick armor once he actually gets a decent Dodge skill then we're going to be we're really going to be Gooding okay let's it up see how he does block block wao that was like four oh my god I've never had a not even one punch Man became this powerful he never used weapons all right you know the leader got in a couple good hits on me but this was like an army of hungry Bandits too and I just soloed all of them and I didn't even really take half my health okay and that was a total disadvantage uh it feels so good to be doing good for the world how many was that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 it's got to be like 30 hungry Bandits oh so you've come back you've come back to fight the master oh goodbye your Naruto running Days Are Over oh wait this isn't the same one well it looks like her well reading on the wiki I don't really know if there's anything I can do with these items yeah it seems like Caton just doesn't have much a story attached to I mean maybe I'm wrong I could be an idiot here but I'm just going to sell him if I F it up well it was fun for the ride again we'll go to the Prosthetics Trader and will you will you buy my stuff he has only 25,000 cats that's we're going to clean him out like that there might not be any Traer who can afford to pay for this thing or actually I have another idea well if nothing else we'll make sure that we get some stealth legs Masterwork sell this sell buy this get the other stealth leg and actually his industrial lifter arms are not Masterwork so I won't buy them right now I feel weird about it but it's just not going to be the same you know I I don't want to go get the specialist ones and then have to come back the next location I'm visiting is a little out of the way I have one boss who's pretty manageable that I think we'll be able to take out we're really not strong enough for Katon and it was it was very cheesy that we got him but it's going to make whatever comes next very fun and I'm going to call it Boss Rush mode now we can take some skimmer meat to eat to grab out the rest of that and prevent them from getting back up build a campfire cook it eat it I'm pretty confident now that our character could do anything skeleton with a frag M actually you know what I'm not with you you actually he still could get hurt but against normal level opponents he's uh I think he'll do quite well I want to save my strength through the boss fight though or maybe okay I love it when skimmers are probably my favorite enemy to watch like fly up in the air so here we go here goes nothing come on take him out and he got what did he hit him for he hit him for like 150 that's not bad he's getting hit for fource there he goes yes good come on uh get it oh he's not getting a very I put down that heavy backpack for a minute yeah that's seriously screwing you up right here I can tell good a three hit he's still having trouble against fast enemies but I think once he can actually swing this thing with decent proficiency he's is going to be unstoppable nope all right run away run away let the holy nation deal with it well that was embarrassing still four skimmers is not something I would think other characters would survive I'm an optimist this has to work out come on I gave up so much just to get this one sword and there resides San ninja Oni he's like the first of the mid-tier bosses I'd say we definitely aren't strong enough to go against the later ones yet but uh we should be able to take on someone like him oh yeah here we go show me in the cactus Den uh we'll just wait till he's not malnourished he actually his stats were suffering a lot cuz he hadn't eaten in a while but he just cooked all that meat he's still got a heavy load but this should start to help build up his strength I think here we go it's not so horrible now he's fighting skimmers o Jesus is San ninja Oni there he's not there let's take out his henchman first all right it's tors Solo versus the sand ninja the sand ninja are pretty tough uh oh that guy's range take him out yeah take out all the range guys first now our armor is going to oh nice I haven't played with a lot of armor in a while but it does let you take a hit okay good he's one shotting people good he's got to strip them of all their gear he's not nearly fast enough though to fight these guys when he does get an hit it's crazy good okay just loot everything off of everybody they have good gear I can't take it with me though I could probably take some can I take n I'm screwed here I'll just take everything off of them and throw it on the ground do not shoot me and he's got a good number of henchmen in here yeah we should uh let's see come on take out one two oh more range ah it's all the range Guys these got on him but all they're dealing is like one or two with each hit they really can't get through this armor it's some of the best armor in the game hit both of them good it's a long fight against him nah don't use that weapon we'll hold it on us but don't use it there we go even if he doesn't get frequent swings they do one shot people thank you thank you I really needed that we'll grab his blades take all the rest of his stuff and he has okay equipment all right you're coming with me my buddy my pal and we're actually going to head to sto for this bounty it's United cities but it's headed closer to my goal and blood Raiders I've never even fought these guys before I think we might just be able to outrun them even with San ninja Oni on our back though yep there's no stopping us am I going to have to put this guy down yeah okay put him down we actually have to fight here against blood Raiders we should one shot them or twoot them though and whoa nice I thought against armored opponents that would take okay that guy it took one two it'll take two probably two yeah two shot one shot block two ooh there goes a leg and for the real prize oh wait no this is San ninja joaning I don't have time for you let's uh let's go back to sto you can chase me back to the city and I'll gladly take your Bounty you can just keep hitting me that's okay a damn you know this is starting to get to be a pain let's just fight him wow one hit oh that's kind of a shame I was hoping that would take more you know what your blades are better than his okay I'll be right back for you just stay right there uh am I going to be able to remember this spot had a pretty good bounty on his head as well yeah that's a shame yeah he'll be gone oh well we got his blades take out a single skimmer I think this shouldn't be Beyond us it do there a lot of Health but we have a lot of armor good once we can move around in this armor too we'll be even better off I don't love the United cities but I need money all right and their Bounty will be 20,000 cats now I guess last but not least let's do the thing I've been waiting for we're heading to the Leviathan Coast here's another San ninja joning or maybe is this the same guy we just fought could be his left leg is not looking too good how do we do against him and are we going to see anything go good block and block we still take a lot of hits we have no Dodge skill whatsoever and there we go let's got our loot of uh our Bounty of 6,900 this is a different one entirely I'll turn you in too I need money all right we got a reward for this guy and let's head back toward my original goal and it is a war zone out here Jesus the desert is crowded like fights going on in every single spot fighting skimmers wow we make such short work of them and take like no damage now okay come on go torso launch this one ah he didn't launch it I got another group of these things I feel like I'm invulnerable now like he's just so ow I shouldn't have said that uh can you fight them instead help me help me out there we go much better I can fight one I can't find 10 yet they're just too fast it's like all out War out here is this the uh the outlaw Farmers Samurai conscripts and uh no this holy nation wow nice all out war in the fields we could join in this fight I'm not picking a side yet though I guess the holy nation's already probably against me this is exactly what I came out here for though I'll gladly fight you both today holy paladins eventually will make them our targets cuz they pretty much hate me regardless and the paladins are pretty tough yeah they're well armored uh yeah I'm running well we're passing through a lot of Wars out here I think I'm going to let Boss Simeon and the outlaw Farmers stay around for a while longer cuz they do they are the source of a lot of mayhem out here I could probably you know gear something like that to make myself Stronger Yeah there they go there's the outlaw Farmers I mean they're pretty much just like a nuisance right now so it's fine to let them stay around now we're at the northern coast home to many a cannibal uh we will fight some of these I I need revenge on them for my hiver series didn't go so well I can't wait to one shot them there we go uh they have good blades but they have no armor WoW they have strong they are really strong though I got to say jez okay good a one shot he just needs a good Arc somewhere in there and keep blocking his melee defense has gone up a lot but he needs to fight a lot of enemies with weak weapons good another another there goes a limb I just I just had to get a shot of this action there he goes yeah oh he still has on a traitor backpack I didn't even notice live by the blade die by the blade there he goes all right uh nice job nice job and that's just about it on ooh what was what was that that went way far I lost track of where that went ah the coast it's like the end of uh sha Shank Redemption here we arrive but the ending will be very different cannibal Hunters that mean like they hunt Cannibal I'm with you I'm with you let's hunt these cannibals let's stop this Injustice you hunt cannibals yeah I got a cannibal problem that he's taking care of um I want revenge yeah yeah he's going to charge me never mind it's kind of cool though that you can hire mercenaries I haven't done that yet it's actually one of the more peaceful areas in ki despite the fact that there's so much dangerous stuff around okay here we go nice big bunch of cannibals hit one see how he does okay big group big group I bet he could I bet he could solo him ooh he's getting like three and four at once he is getting his pushed in a bit he's going to need to be careful here a hungry Bandits came along right on time okay that was actually we were we were close to losing that fight I still think he did well and whatever he lost out on he took out in limbs okay you got a o 50 seconds unconscious I think the hungry Bandits might win this though there just a lot of them and I took out look what I did to the cannibals like all these people's look at all the leg that's going to be a normal thing in combat now wounded okay heal yourself up it's actually far closer than I expected but he's conquered again look at the cannibals they're a whole new tribe of people now they've changed their ways oh oh they still want me okay okay fight me well they did not take me that was weird I guess they lost interest great and just some uh Ninja right when I needed them flot some ninjas whatever those are I'm going to bed right here yeah just rest rest up right next to all of these cannibals unconscious for only a few more seconds I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it oh here comes a Jesus it's like a solo River Raptor actually I need you for your meat thank you that is oh I forgot that he has only yellow meat oh the cannibal planes why do hungry Bandit its why do they go to the cannibal planes that's just asking for it man it's a little ways further up here this is the spot what are they what are they even shrieking the shrieking Bandits all right have fun with the cannibals Goodbye Oh you're going to have fun with me okay uh well that's a lot of boute these people mean business but they cannot oh they have no armor whatsoever Jesus they hit me for a lot they strike hard I guess at least they mean what they say you know so it's going to be good blocking practice blocking and toughness if we don't get killed which we didn't that one is like what what do I what do I do she's Naruto running yeah you can't Nar look look at her oh man all right goodbye goodbye let's have another nap love how the nap is just a cure for everything in this game you just sleep it off getting stabbed in the stomach what whatever was your wound you could nap it off ah there is one a leviathan this is what I was holy look at all the garu the nice part about fighting leviathans is they can't really chase you no matter how slow you are and encumbered here we go these things are just mountains of hit points uh do tread with caution don't get bit and the nice part is this is going to be a lot of uh training at just getting in hits we just don't want to get hit good hit for 190 and wow we mitigated 128 damage from that let's see how this goes come on keep it up this is like RuneScape level RuneScape level grinding right here 13 damage again and he's hitting him for 179 Yep this is this is basically RuneScape now 178 we might actually take him down in Fair combat with this we never miss we never miss he sometimes has trouble hitting us because of the size of the hit box like if enemies get oversized in this game they get a lot of okay there we go that was a 28 hit Jesus but it's not really a problem getting away just have to make sure no like cannibals are running around nearby oh there's a cannibal we could somehow involve the tech hunters in on this well it is profitable if we get it to work here we go yeah there Jes I can't imagine the terror Jesus it's chasing me it's chasing me holy cow but it gives up so fast it gives up so fast we could nap and then fight it again and that's with such a heavy inventory too what if we really tried at it there is a lot of wildlife here I'll say this look at how much his stats have gone up now he's 69 strength 78 toughness that's gone up a lot dexterity 50 that could use some work perception who cares Katana we don't care again heavy weapons 50 melee attack 56 and melee defense 56 those have gone up a lot since the beginning so now that he's gotten more experience with weapons and hopefully once actually gets some decent skill with sword we won't have all these negative stat penalties look at how many we're going with right now like he's this isn't even his final form and leviathans are actually going to be pretty safe to train against uh they do regenerate HP pretty fast so I don't know if we'll actually be able to take one out totally yet but let's give it an honest Try by putting down some of these things and we'll take on a baby one too baby Leviathan fighting baby leviath you got to start somewhere all right let's fight the baby Leviathan I wonder if the whole family is going to try to attack me if the family attacks me I'm running for it let just leader away yep the family wants to attack me it's the mother defending the child I've never done Leviathan training before but it is epic look at how many of them there are oh they want to they want to pick a fight with me now H you know what three leviathans I'm in Count Me In Baby I'm putting down my bags putting down my CPU core putting down all this other let's just give this an honest try see what it's like there he goes now off to fight it just just the size differen is bananas okay let's see how much damage he's actually taking and dealing 196 that's not really that much more so I guess the strength and the encumberment didn't affect it that much but can any of them even hit his hit box or is this just totally safe he could get totally screwed in here though yeah one at a time one at a time one at a time I don't think that's going to happen let's just grab our stuff and get out of here cuz they're a little bit faster than I had expected and we're running actually they got a big chunk out of his leg can't imagine how you'd survive that but he did he did in fact survive it well I think we're just going to run it back now that was uh that was enough for one day we've trained against a lot of enemies we significantly upgraded our uh our combat power he still needs better combat gear and he needs a full set of stats and he definitely needs a lot more speed in combat which we'll get with uh strength and dexterity but I think we'll say that for next time plus he could earn a lot more money and maybe we'll even try to break Logan out of jail where is he now he's uh let's go check in on him he's been mining just don't to work work is every Jes he's at 87 laboring I don't know if he can go up much more though he's been stuck here at for he's been getting put in jail we got a to free this guy he's here at Port south over all the way on this Shore oh yeah we don't want to go dead cat that's can cannibals live there well then I think I'm just going to you know run it through the Wilds here that's pretty much fine now T solo is a goddamn unit he could do anything I'm convinced like you remember how many beak thing how many beak thing hits this guy has survived time to face them all off against somebody else good that's what you should always do with beak things just get them to fight the other people good cannibals and skin uh freaking Bandits let's fight them goodbye oh one of you wants to fight me still we we're not in any remote danger and for the first time since the beginning I feel pretty much Unstoppable kind of like one punch man now but he needed a partner this guy's genuinely a solo player watashiwa ninja days in the spring of my training my mind was like water the grandmas shenu told me about Enlightenment the body is a tree of wisdom the mind is the base of a bright mirror at all times wipe it diligently and whatever you do don't let it come to pass that it should become Rusty in the summer my training commenced my MTH Master ordered me to pound rice for 8 months and so I did it but I replaced my fists with an 88 lb Sword and the rice with 100t tall Leviathan to be ignorant is to suffer to gain 80 or more levels of strength from fighting is progress welcome back to kenshi today in kenshi we're training everything mainly by fighting leviathans along the coast for gaining stats it's amazing but there is a problem you see leviathans travel in groups and generally they don't like it when you harm them today in k were using her extremely overpowered character tors solo who started off as a torso but then acquired Limbs and not just any limbs they were superhuman robotic Limbs and they allowed us to run at speeds over 40 m an hour for in dismantling the natural order imposed by High Society we come to reach a higher state of understanding some call it Zen others call it Enlightenment but for these videos it's mostly just philosophical posting now to the highest state of Nirvana now for today we're hunting for Leviathan pups they're some of the strongest enemies in the game but by no means unmanageable for us the larger leviathans are probably scarier and I think they represent a valuable training mechanism ones like this are actually perfect the parent leviathans actually have to watch me as I slowly murder their Leviathan pup and take no damage whatsoever from it and then steal its Pearl once I kill it it's honestly crazy that he can block this many attacks but my character is just so overpowered now also their hit boxes mess up because they're so large which is kind of a shame because I want to make an army of giant crab people next but I'm sure we'll figure something out okay so wao we just sent that one flying up in the air my God look at that it looks like the cow went over the moon Jesus Christ can we even get to the no we can't even get to the body of it anymore I didn't even know that could happen it was still worth it we've got one more here see if we could get this one one pop on this cliff and no I'm going to have to fight the parents as well I don't think that this is safe this doesn't seem particularly safe and have I mentioned the garu basically we're reaching the point with this character where he could fight anyone he comes across in the world and probably gain a lot of experience from just fighting everyone so I'm content to send tors solo out on a journey a journey of violence and loot everything he comes across these things are pretty useless it's actually kind of a waste but in suffering and keni lies the way to stat gains and I do it for the stats I still have a number of interesting locals to visit we can just run our way to Mongrel to trade things in get chased by a bandit now arriving in the fog lands I'm taking a look at our stats our character's base stats are far and above his uh his combat stats I think we could bring this heavy weapons and melee attack and defense up a lot today so we'll just try to get into combat with our sword usually the highest tier of stats are exponentially harder to get as you go and we'll get chased by fogman they may actually get a few good swings off on me I'll be fine don't worry now arriving on the outskirts of the city it looks looks like we've made it and the ninja guard is going to take over from here we'll just sell everything back including this Leviathan Pearl meet beep and sadly have to reject him for this Quest is mine alone you I will give my kingdom you will be my successor we'll buy one of our last Masterwork legs the stealth leg and now we can I'd like to see what this actually does to our stealth probably nothing I might just be buying these things for kicks but there's no harm in trying is this is one of the best places to steal a beep is now sneaking after me but unfortunately I can still be seen I guess I need the thief's arms how would we do with this I actually can't be seen this skeleton traiter I can just I can pretty much just get away with stealing from beep is following me in sneak mode I've just always found this to be one of the weirdest places you can totally get away with anything here I can sell them to the bar man like right across the street and let's just keep stealing wow this is somewhat broken I've heard about this strategy but I haven't really tried it much till now this is supposed to be one of those powerful ways to make money I'll just be taking more arms then let's return at once to the original reason we came to Mongrel Mongrel is home to some of the weakest NPCs in the game the fogmen and I want to see how we do in fighting with them but we're still slaying them all really easily I think we could pretty much destroy the entire fog lands in this run I am powerful I have slain armies and what better way to start then by radiating out from Mongrel there should be more fogman nests here and let's just go one by one anywhere we see numbers is usually a good sign we'll start here we've got some escaped holy nation servants make short work of them oh there goes a leg Yeah whoa there it is look it's right up in the air like it to just fall right out of the sky fall right out of the sky let us continue on our Quest this looks like a guardian there should be a prince nearby here we go now we've got a nice trail of them he guards he guards they are fast and they do hit him for low hits I don't really like this I think he could get easily killed it's just too many small attacks he's extremely over encumbered though so that's making combat more difficult but ultimately making yourself weaker makes you stronger in the end there goes oh there goes one all he needs is one swing if he gets look at that guy just down right away three exclamation points I'm expecting to see more limbs going flying as we go he just needs to get better at blocking multiple attacks it's always just a matter of time before he hits block swing oh he's like Sauron from The Lord of the Rings we'll rest up the night and yet still I don't think that we're bested off against these enemies we actually have a penalty when fighting opponents weaker than us with melee defense so this might be getting us hurt against these guys oh God another Naruto Runner we've been getting a lot of Naruto Runners dude come here please come back please come back this is like the opposite of the problem that I usually have right uh oh here he comes again no I just be free be free de B de B for I know an opponent far superior to the ones we have faced Why not start with a time-honored tradition start with extremely overpowered blood spiders whom I've now been told are actually programmed wrong into the game and they're not supposed to be as strong as they are you're supposed to get a good stat boost when you're fighting opponents stronger than you so I have no clue what their strength stat is but they seem to kick my ass every single time so it's a start it's a start they're also what are they a reskinning of there's a lot of enemies that have this model but Wildlife is always a good place to start except Wildlife that might these guys might eat me don't let that happen to you he's two shotting them he's still not quite there yet but it's close one two yeah man that's not really a very cool line we can't pick the lock but we can smash for oh good this is going down a library of the Second Empire a bed of my backpack oh I know not while I'm in bed please I beak things are probably quite strong good night beak thing I love you beak thing oh more now this I need some sleep there must be another Nest somewhere over here they're just Gathering up I guess for revenge for my last visit good we're hitting them for over 200 each swing against beak things gorillas and leviathans this thing gets a 50% damage increase thank you sleeping bag oh more more of you and smashy smash the door and get ready for a lame tagline trick or treat and what is in this oh there's actually nobody trying to kill me in this Library oh look at all that what is in this chest can I use my strength no I'm not strong enough I don't have any tools either there are many books in here I wonder what else is upstairs we have more books and it looks like this is oh this is a medical workbench I thought it was a research bench I'm actually completely unprepared for this place I thought it would be better there's nothing in the general storage chat fat leather more books we won't really be using books this playthrough though sorry books more books could buy books now we took all of the eggs from this beak thing next so evolutionarily the only just thing to do is completely wipe them out so we'll just let them all hit us and this should be a great way to train up tors solo melee defense and melee attack cuz quite frankly he just needs a lot more experience here in this department and if he gets his ass whooped a bit then uh he's ultimately better off for it so 53 54 and this may not seem very fast now that I'm going at four times speed but for him the stat creases are now so sluggish that even this is pretty fast how many beak things does it take to get to the center of tors solo the world may never know low I would be so scared look even the baby one is getting in on it oh oh oh okay we don't want to get cannibalized I'm running or not well just eaten not even cannibalized they fought a gorillo monsters now blocking attacks is like this is the only real way to grind this is to just block a shitload of attacks so he needs to fight against an enemy that does a lot of really terrible attacks and that just happens to be beak things I've noticed that he just he's pretty good at block blocking their attacks and I'm also more powerful than all of them good good just I think that had to be seven or eight I'm actually surprised that he did that well okay beak things this Nest is now mine my own nest kind of neat now we can take all the things that other people lost here whole arm I'll take that I have no room no room a moon Cleaver this one's not even bothered by me eating here it's just eating this guy is he still alive no he's dead definitely dead definitely dead and we'll just keep on traveling along the river and whenever we aggro beak things I think we'll just eliminate their nests beak things and actually gorillas are not bad here too we also do 50% extra damage on them that was too easy almost it's the equivalent of sand crabs in RuneScape uh another Nest already looted but it's more valuable experience 58 melee defense will'll probably be at 59 by the end of this group I just want to show you this in fast motion it's kind of amazing look at all that he's blocking I seem to have caused a little trouble for the Hiers they're all swimming through the acid we'll explore the rest of this River and now something that I've truly feared is taking place it we're actually running out of beak thing nests a fact I thought I would never regard with depression but I'd be lying if I told you that I wasn't in distress H where else in the world were everyone always hate me there is one place one place very close nearby I am unambiguously hated by the holy nation and it can't hurt to try okay let's bring them out we can at least fight a town guard even one punch man had trouble fighting an entire town but let's see how torso wa nice he needs more melee attack and defense if he manages to land a few decent hits here he could make the entire holy nation into a group of robotic limbed self-hating incel Warriors look we have another Naruto he's fighting with only his legs only his legs just draw them all out of the town now one thing that torso will have much less trouble with is the range combat cuz he actually wears armor unlike uh one punch man I mean he can heal up practically entirely after these these fights we can just take everything off of all of them get everybody in the holy nation naked when I'm done with them they'll just be the naked nation and in this fashion we slowly attack the town anyone who gets up is just going to be a guy in his underwear and nothing to fear all of the clothes will just levitate outside oh there goes a leg now the holy nation are also canonically against using robotic limbs which is really the reason why they attack me on site extremely superstitious but wouldn't it be ironic if they needed it oh great we're helping the hungry Bandits as well you know what let's just have the hungry Bandits go in and let's help them in their attack of the Town two arms two arms my me wow they're actually attacking the walls the hungry Bandits might help me take out they might be able to take out one holy Sentinel and that would be enough that would be enough Let's help them I wish to join you on your Crusade your Crusade for food would it be funny to just dress like knock out the hungry Bandits dress them up in the uh in the Holy stin those armor and then use that to attack the town like they all find that suddenly they're rich but they're still program to attack people for food we're actually going to get to the end of this town with jeez ah there goes an arm there oh no leg always a leg great actually helping the hungry Bandits get what they need now and they aren't even bothering me they aren't even bothering me nobody in this town seems to have any idea of what is going to the on with the guy next door let's just keep making our way through the town with the Holy uh I was going to say the holy hungry Bandits oh here we go this is Inquisitor CA right or Inquisitor seta whatever is his name he's actually one of the more powerful ones though this might not be him cuz it just generically says Inquisitor there is one really powerful in this town though like he was one of the later bosses for one punch man this guy's going to be great for our training yeah we just went wa we just bounced up like four points in one swing this guy is fantastic for training yeah somehow I felt like fighting bosses at this point would actually be better training for our character than any of those low-level guys generally fighting people stronger than you is better yeah there we go 59 melee defense we need somebody like this one of my equal I'm surprised he's actually still standing his left arm is just like wiped out now he must have really good melee attack and defense ooh a battle even I can't win well we'll get back up repair fortunately he doesn't actually have a chance to take up on that Victory okay great fighting enemies stronger than me and you know what else I'm going to sleep in your bed I'm sleeping in your bed oh really you can't come on can't sleep in an enemy bed right I'm going to need to sleep outside like a dog get in that sleeping bag little RNR never hurt anybody and the hungry Bandits are continuing their assault on the town now they have only holy citizens to defend themselves look at all that we're completely recovered in a short amount of time without any further Ado let's just go to the police station we could unlock the prisoners and be fight the high Inquisitor here oh that's a lot of that's a lot of this is their Inquisitor just draw them out and they mad they definitely mad now these are some of the best guys in town we might lose this one yeah I'm going to have to run let's draw them out fight them one by one again it is good though we're fighting High tier opponents which is great for our gains and as you may know it's all about the gains here's a p Paladin jeez he's one of the stronger ones I think it's weird that fights in kenshi end like this just a wonderful pile of clothing I like how this guy's corpse rendered into the ground it's just it's just a pair of legs sticking straight up well I may not be strong enough for inquisitors but I know someone of great strength who I might be able to fight down in the South there is one down here even stronger than tors solo if we just go through Ken oh there's even another benest of beef Jesus I did not know that this was here more money more money good more money more money let's just go back and buy a Trader backpack come back with the eggs now there should be an old prison right here there it is in the distance and this is the Throne of the guerillo king he's enormous and dumb but he's very powerful and he might actually be useful for us got the lock on the first try no guards Barb dwire here we Face the man the myth the legend the leader of the they're so OBS they're it looks like fighting an army of LOL Tyler ones but I think we'll uh we'll actually have an Advantage here because our melee defense gets a buff against opponent stronger than us and they're just so hilariously buffed that it makes the fight even funnier plus they don't have any weapons they're not even that strong they're good martial artists though un unfortunately I have a sword so but they get back up full strength and I respect that about them except if they lose an arm or they're this guy who is now Naruto running okay goodbye have a nice life now where is the leader bring me to the leader I just had to get a picture of this sometimes if you pause it's just amazing in this game look look at the neck all right pause over let just take him out I love how he can just block their feet with his sword Jesus Christ for these guys we just have to take off their arms and legs martial arts isn't any good if you don't have any hands there we go and just sleep it off oh what is that skin spiders oh dude these should be not a problem not a problem for T solo they are large and they're halflife and though God these things are straight out of halflife every now and then you come across in keni an enemy that's just so flippantly buff or ridiculous kind of makes you question everything that came where is he that Throne is about his size I was expecting him there and he should be here on the top floor no where is he there he is the gorilla the gorillo king he is thick thick with two C's okay let's draw him out uh oh he actually does have a sword forgot about this this the sword is like a toothpick to him though look it's going through his finger all right we'll draw them out we want them outside for this fight martial artist have a huge Advantage indoors and there we go uh as for the the king it doesn't really matter there he goes so sad you know what let's fight him up uh we might still be considered inside can how will we do against him now he's really powerful he might do a good number on me uh as long as he doesn't get my right leg before or my head he's a really powerful opponent though he just doesn't have as many people guarding him as the holy nation look at his look at the size of him how much oh my god look we took him out there he goes oh man this guy is too buff too thick he has a May to Exile plank I'm actually going to just leave this stuff on him and grab him after I repair myself and let's just take off his take off everything there is no enemy more hilariously buffed look at the connection between the shoulders it looks like Roid Rage this is a bigger enemy than at the feet compared to the hands he's prison big he is prison big let's go home to squin partly because I actually might want to save his sword it's one of the better ones in the game and have a full set of M to heavy weapons would be nice I just can't think of an enemy more hilariously buffed than this guy I mean Katon is weird as in in his own way but he's like he's tougher he's not he doesn't need to be this big to prove anything I want you to just look at what happens to the shoulder though when it connects to the arm maybe he didn't maybe this isn't actually muscle it's just maybe that's why we took him down so quickly maybe it's not actual muscle oh well and I'll take out the gorillo king switch out swords for a second put his in my chest take that one back he's in the stairs having just a little bit of trouble there I'm going to throw him at out of my home there we go we'll first ate him cuz we want to bring him back alive and that's enough pick him up the size difference is amazing and turn him in here 50,000 cats boom Oh my head hurts now that that's over sell his armor and call it a day poor Logan is still stuck laboring and I still have one last foe I want to fight something that will prove a worthy foe off in the East our enemies greater than any greater than anything that anyone has seen or heard before the strange thing about this enemy is you don't have to look too hard to find it and when you find it well this enemy is actually just a custom creation of mine I decided that the crabs in keni were just a bit too small so I decided to raise their size they do come in peace but if you anger them they will f up your day well if and when you ever have the pleasure of modding this game which it turns out that it's painfully easy to mod this game you can have fun making all of the animals 10 times their normal size and the hit boxes my favorite part are just completely messed up and they actually scale in health with the size though I can't ever seem to hit them so I was getting hits off on these guys with martial arts before but now it just seems to be stopped they're flailing in no Direction let's see if we can get any of the well if I ever hit one of these crabs it'll be a miracle let's at least see if we can get into town and now that or even buy one of these magnificent creatures uh not in here we seem to be trapped on a tree can we actually even hit any of them I did manage to hit them with another character before when I was testing this all out they can hit me so I don't know maybe it's just attacking animations ah the crab Raiders are not happy with me it's time for me to go time for me to go made an embarrassment of myself here here I was thinking that Jurassic Parks sized crabs would be the answer to grinding but it turns out that they just make your life more complicated in retrospect I might need to drop down the size of the crab a bit but we can at least fight the crab Raiders and I think we'll stand a winning fight against these guys plus the crab armor looks fairly strong as well and it's another good opportunity to train our melee defenses these guys are actually really strong I've I've never fought against them before but their crabbs aren't really doing much unfortunately I was really rooting for the crabs too but it's time for me to go now or I will I will get my pushed in oh I don't have a medkit I just don't have it on my back here we go all right oh I forgot that there's also just giant crabs everywhere so it turns out that if you change the size of one crab you change the size of all the crabs in the world so yeah all the crabs are now currently this is a factor of 10 I think you could make them even bigger though it's amazing they're peaceful too as long as you don't aggro them they are peaceful so yes it is disgusting yes it's a show but it's my show and now with all that information in mind let's fight one of the crab Raiders to death we should at least be able to take out one of these guys and I heard their armor is really powerful good we've got one of them down oh I just want your armor really and again we can't man it looks like we're stuck here that's okay dorsa you did enough work for one day all right let's go live let's go visit tinfist and be off from this place this gives me the creeps really an entire land of 10 times the size crabs that's they are far more than 10 times the size at least 11 times and unfortunately that's actually everything that we have for today my Journey's been amazing and although our friend Logan is still trapped I'd say that tors solo is nearly powerful enough that he might be able to liberate him oh with that I think I'm going to bid you ad you Nanda the old Master wujin gave the day's lesson to his disciples in all things the sage does not compete it is the natural way that true Harmony lies in equilibrium when the left and the right act in equilibrium and the true nature of things is revealed to the spectator and so I think it is with you when the strength of two tools is fully harmonized then the fine tempered blade crashes like a waterfall welcome back to kenshi in today's video we're going Skin Deep to spar with some of kenshi's most dehumanizing enemies so instead of just being a maniac for fun we're going to actually contribute and fight some of the strangest enemies in the game Savant is the leader of the skin Bandits this is Savant let's talk as a man of few words I have little other option but to fight Savant but holy is he strong I'm not actually sure I've faced a boss this tough yet arguably catlon is tougher but I think we're going to need to fight his patrols first because I seriously got really effed up there this guy is a tank but if I do one thing for this entire video and it's kill Savant it'll be worth it as with other bosses we're going to need to whittle away and savant's no ordinary boss like catlon he's surrounded by skeletons an entire Army of them either that or lure in one of the large crabs that I got and you may notice that crabs are slightly larger today that's because I modded the game to make crabs 100 times their size though now I have this new problem where crabs collide with everything and they can't move game playay so if the worst comes to pass we might be able to lure a crab to savant's base otherwise I'm on my own we can start by fighting some of these patrols of skin Bandits outside his base they may look human but they're all just skeletons wearing people's skin as the name implies yeah this is not going to work out we're going to have to run run is it even possible to solo these guys it's there's got to be somebody who can do it well in the meantime I do have a backup plan there are a number of leviathans out here and if they're just solitary creatures I should be able to survive their hit boxes get really messed up on me and there's also a lot of weird out here land bats this corner of the map contains the strangest stuff fortunately they're not a match and it's basically baseball from here though I'm somehow getting glitched out here on them getting surrounded is never fun and we'll have to use Spam to stay alive it was a good day and T solo rested peacefully and since most of this is just a massive stat grind anyway I'm going to get you caught up on our strength and toughness and so on we've come a little ways in heavy weapons melee and defense but we're still looking for more toughness and strength really a little bit more of everything wouldn't hurt so it's going to be a little bit more combat today but we're right nearby a bunch of high tiered enemies and I think that these land bats might be able to help me against this Leviathan if it doesn't kill them all first but honestly I think I'm better at fighting it I will wait till they're done and then go in fortunately land bats are very helpful and if we can just beat this thing before the health regen takes over then I might actually have a chance at knocking out a leviathan plus the land bats are a major distraction here we've actually got its head down to half health I'm actually going to build a bed right next to it so that I can sleep while all of the other creatures fight the Leviathan and once it's taken out all of the land bats we can go back in for round two oh now soloing it I'm soloing it this is a full-sized leviath this isn't even a pup anymore all right about 30% HP on the head though it does regenerate fast I think we have a good chance at hitting its head though and hit boxes also aren't a thing I guess and it looks like we're going to take out its head before it takes out me Jesus I've never done this before I've never gotten one so bloody two more hits I think and one more hit one more hit one more hit and oh wait it's going to go flying uh no I don't want this guy to get the last hit in dude let me do it oh there it goes yes fullsize Leviathan down oh I'm so so proud that's all we get though one Leviathan Pearl and we can't even pick it up actually kind of unfortunate we killed it and it only it suffed only one human right arm oh look we can we can move its corpse around I am powerful I can feel it let's go like ooh there it goes down the mountain oo it's going for a ride oh this kind of morbid right let's fight these gorillas just XP farming here Wildlife is very good for XP farming and we keep selling these things in spring right by tinfist is's extremely powerful we'll just go up the mountain of Doom sell this thing to lift and make a sustainable profit I've never noticed this till now but tinfist actually charges people 100 cats for bed rental that means he's actually running a hotel here failure well I'm honestly kind of bummed about this whole uh crab debacle you know I couldn't fight the skin Bandits I'm still too weak and there's just not enemies uh easy to train against even full-sized leviathans it's kind of a risk fighting them all right I guess we're just fighting giants for a while more Giants to solo now we're hitting for 200s over 200 per hit jeez that could be productive 194 to get a nice bite out of my left arm well despite the fact that I'm getting my ass kicked it's always easy to escape when your opponent just collides with everything around you and you hit him for about six times as much as he hits you4 even if he does have that much God he never hits me we're so far away that I can't even hear the sound effects anymore that when you zoom in on torso it sounds like mating mating season but this significantly raised our stats look at how much better we're getting at melee and attack and defense here we'll be hitting for more with heavy weapons soon and once we can one-hot the skin Bandits I'll be ready to head back you know I take it back I think he can solo a leviathan now holy I never thought it would be that easy compared with the skin Bandits it just kind of bespeaks how strong skeletons in this game really are I have three skeleton Limbs and they're way stronger than any human limbs could ever be they can't even eat me when I'm unconscious because just my hit boxes don't they're not even near it oh see this this small hill good luck getting past it I'm going to sleep right next to you and then wake up and fight you again well they do make up for that with the HP regen but they also can't sleep in a bed so having opposable thumbs rocks I'm at full health already he's only recovered that much like 100 health I can do that in one hit okay we can train now by soloing leviathans 12K per each and take out this one too we'll do it in fast motion all the more satisfying this is De feat even one punch man couldn't manage I'm just getting ready for the end animation when it rag dolls up okay here we go one more good hit on this thing and it's going to go flying 113 on its head he just needs to land one successful hit and wait for waa look at that what does it look like from what does it look like from his point of view oh my God Jesus Christ okay let's go loot it this is amazing it's bigger than it's bigger than the terrain someday I'll have my Army of crab people and a it got back up no stay down stay down damn you well at least it gets to do it again can we just oh it just gave up this time no no it's too big I can't even loot it I can't even get to the location where I'm supposed to loot it it kind of feels like I just caught a big fish or something smile for the camera just caught a big one no seriously can I loot it it's still not dead and there we go we got it for one second come on come on no I I literally can't loot it I just did a second ago okay we're going to have to keep on pushing its body around there we go come on torso just oh this is getting to be a lot of fun okay oh come on I got to get under it it keeps disappearing there we go okay goodbye new friend I had almost forgot what my face looked like and we got another Leviathan over here now that I know that we can solo them this gets a little bit more interesting the best is when we can find one that's glitched out on some rock and it can't even retaliate that's just like free points now the sound doesn't even come out till I start to zoom in and right here it just starts to sound awful when you zoom in on it what in the world is going on here wow he did even better against this one he's already got it down to half on the right arm what happens when the arm goes out before the rest of the body he hasn't even got one of my legs yet I'm worried about this thing one shoting me somewhere somewhere in here no good wow yeah this one can hardly even hit me I think it's hit boxes up here we have some sort of cheese Advantage cheese Advantage I looking forward to this hasn't given out yet hasn't given out yet and we're still doing okay its arms gave out but no its arms look fine it doesn't use its arms okay so hitting its arms is pretty much useless maybe it bleeds more or something but who is ooh Another One Bites the Dust wow come on land bat be anticlimactic if the land bat killed me after that goodbye land bat Hello Leviathan another egg I mean Pearl whatever it is oh no one of the crabs got in there H I have a weird idea can we somehow get this crab to fight the Leviathan hey hey buddy hey buddy come on over I got somebody I want you to meet I've never had a monster battle before here we go just come this way my money's on uh my money's on the crab cuz now they're getting closer they're getting closer every tree is an obstacle oh how are we going to get past this one oh this tree is right in the middle here look I'm just stay interested in me stay interested yeah baby keep coming oh it made it it made it I knew getting the Leviathan to come to the crab was a better idea than getting the crab to come to the Leviathan come on just a few more steps okay okay we're here the crab is actually significantly larger I never noticed when I did that come on baby fight to the death fight to the death okay we're going to need to anger the crab too man the leviathan's not even fighting back at me anymore there we go come on buddy come on get the crab here come some land bats maybe they'll contribute to the fight somehow all right you two just uh you two just hash it out there jeez I got them so close he actually whenever he tries to attack the crab he just stands right next to it oh well I'm going to sleep I'll see you all tomorrow you to can just hash it out over there then when I really think about it I think tors Solo's training would be greatly enhanced if all of the animals were just giant you know I think that the crab was a little bit big let's make the crab a bit smaller and everything else a bit larger let's just go back in I have slightly changed all of the animal sizes ah the crab is of much smaller size now it might actually be possible to hit it now good we can hit in fact hit the crab and the crab is still very healthy and strong it still has a lot of hit points that's great it doesn't seem to be taking any damage for some the the the crab is just broken somehow and I've destroyed the game the land bats also are enormous not quite that large but how large do they need to be let's go see how they're doing over here wow the gorillas too are larger let's go see how they do in combat they're uh fairly aggressive fairly aggressive and how are they doing against the Hiers well these ones actually are taking damage thank goodness oh they really they really did a number on this gorilla have they also scaled up in HP it seems that they have but they're all bloodied I guess they just recover I guess they count them as having that amount of HP that they started with when they get modded I don't know I'm definitely doing things in a weird way right here but oh run back to Spring spring where there aren't any giant animals oh there are more oh my god look all of the gorillas are King gorillas now pretty much they have 1500 Health on everything oh that'll be kind of fun okay rest up at Spring and then come back down and fight them let's start off with the black gorillas now there're really doing a number on the Hiers here but I still think we could solo it it hit boxes aren't so messed up can he even hit it I think they can hit it from the back but I can't hit it from the front come on attack it toward okay this one might be uh this one might not work oh we're still gaining a lot of levels I mean look at how quickly he's gaining melee defense now whenever it attacks him wait till it gets back up he's just waiting for an opportunity wow he's really gaining melee defense quickly I guess the answer to grinding is to just make all of the weak animals giant but I don't think black gorillas are the best enemy to fight for this I have another idea now goats are also about three times their normal size goats are notoriously aggressive Savage creatures but they're hitting me for only one or two and they have 260 Health each jeez it's spam Heaven look at these enormous goats monsters we'll be two one or two shotting them if we hit them right though they're Relentless Relentless monsters can he even get one goat this goat is just looking at the ground they still sound like goats on ous creatures well they are grinding up his defense oh here comes a land bath it wants me okay get out of there to solo get out of there save yourself no from the monster goats well goats were already op we knew fortunately the the Traders are still normal size oh here comes a bone dog now three times its normal size here we go Jesus they do look a little cooler than I had realized they a model made them look now at least they have a normal hit box again oh I can actually do damage to you the though they were weirdly weaker than goats now do they have more meat no it's the same meat same kilog Gammage now there's so many other animals I changed I don't see any of them around here I know there's some definitely over here though oh here we go since he had such a fantastic run against them before I made beak things even bigger though I'm not sure if this is big enough how much health do they have it's not that bad he'll uh he'll do fine against them let's just get them somewhere somewhere we can actually fight them somehow I feel like that the size comparison is just lost oh that's a shame look at this oh man they went down too easily I think their neck like the angle at which their neck hits me is just not the same it makes some animals overpowered and other ones underpowered like land bats are about as tough as they were originally because they're low to the ground though they hit for slightly more I think they just overcrowd me anyway beak things are weirdly now underpowered crabs I can't hit because of their weird hit box run run beak things are strangely nerfed a sad day for beak things but they do they do do better against certain other animals now I think I scaled up G too right aren't the g bigger that looks like a slightly larger G ah more beak things I think we're really overpowered against beak things so I'm going to just let's see how he does in combat 269 hit it's just that his sword does so much damage to them already and they can't oh this is perfect yeah I'm sure they hit me for a lot but they just never hit me I'm going to pick one up wa this means that we can actually carry around giant creatures now this is amazing normally you can't carry around most of the giant creatures but I guess since I scaled up the smaller creatures now that smaller creatures are giant I can carry giant small creatures if that makes sense well let's go back to town beak thing I like the fighting the beak things I wish that they were even bigger I know what to do next oh I know what to do next much better oh okay right much much better well I am legitimately scared now let's uh let's whoops no not that anymore put it down I wonder if we're still faster than them how fast can they run they were already pretty fast to begin with oh they're hitting people for 100 damage my God these things are enormous Jesus Jesus Christ what the you could make them much larger than that too okay wow only nine damage is he uh is he ever going to be able to be close enough to hit them how what is this doing for his melee defense he's still gaining melee defense fortunately he's not getting horrible hit H oh like a baby one okay I'm sure we'll do better with the baby one okay hello baby one how how are you good I can actually get a hit off on the baby one there go some giant bone dogs being I guess when you scale them both they kind of do better against each other since both of their uh hit boxes are all messed up now this may look like an ordinary fight but uh H can we get these I need your help guys I need the bone dogs help against these good good help fight them oh here comes some more oh the bone dogs are just pretty much okay with this okay good I might be able to take out one of the baby ones are they at least working on them they are trying to hit them but I think they never sense that they're close enough to them to start hitting them so they just never get a hit in well I guess I could just kidnap this baby one that's kind of unfortunate honestly my God that's bananas run run how fast are they going to run now uh put this one down let's do a speed comparison I'm running 41 mph and they're hardly even walking oh my God yeah the speed does scale speed does in fact scale the size okay excuse me I have a new idea let's have them uh you know what they do fight leviathans I'm pretty sure okay great they're fighting one of their kind come on I want to get you over here to fight this thing come on come on this way and good can you hit me there we go okay we got him to fight wow look at that that's crazy I think it's the Leviathan is at a disadvantage here cuz it can't like sense when it's over the beak thing okay let me attack the other one we'll just uh go in on it Boneyard wolves are are they still the same size they look kind of large okay we're just fighting monsters now this is just Animal Planet or like a giant Metallica concert that's crazy you know what let's just grind our stats this way I'm okay with it he doesn't seem to be getting hit by anything yes it's cheesy yes it messes up the hit boxes but occasionally I get my pushed in and I don't think it's it can even hit my hitbox to be able to devour me yeah it's cheesy but it's my show and that's what matters we can always run them past some obstacle that they just can't get past a that is the darnest thing more big things run or maybe it's not they're actually running faster it's just that they're running the same speed at a different animation you see what I'm saying like they're still maxed out at 40 mph but it just happens to look like they're walking when they're moving at 40 mph so I guess you'd say that they're walking at 40 mph still kind of fun but not as much fun as camping what if we made them even smaller this is just getting stupid let's just leave them all at their normal giant size M for mini W for Wombo I think bone dogs are still legitimately Fair enemy to fight against so I'll grind on them and we just took out one the garu are all huge they don't look much bigger but I I made them only a little bit bigger I didn't want to mess with them too much because there's just so many in the world though you could mess with them a lot more and we're pretty much fighting the same way we would have before this one won't die though and it's a lot of toughness training as well oh a baby that's why it's the baby ones look normal size now and the large ones look womo sized another day of justice and this makes your normal dust Bandits look really weak cuz humans are actually not even quite as good as animals because of the weapons that I use it's even worse now ah a pack of bone dogs this totally reinvents all the beginner areas I thought I was done with the beginner areas but now like it's a whole new set of challenges he already did pretty well to begin with against bone dogs now he's just oh some people being attacked by goats I must save them ah save the hungry bandits from the goats die die goat good look it looks like they're going to eat the hungry Bandits starving Bandits are that well when were they ever not hostile to me the starving bandits always hated me are they like a faction do they have as a leader who are they fighting with the are they fighting with the dust Bandits really they're going to have a whole new set of problems in a minute I love it how T solo can now just he can solo you know not only is he solo Oh look there I didn't even see his arm disappear jeez not only is he Solo in the sense that he's solo but he's Solo in the sense that he can solo and he is a unit he is a unit there we we go yeah hit him in the head hit him in the butt hit him in the oh did you see did you see that hit him in the arm hit him in the leg Yeah there goes another arm yeah where can we just get consistent really weak enemies I guess if we just made ourselves really conspicuous here in the hub there's so many hungry Bandits that come around that we would probably be able to fight forever trying to think of a city that has really weak Guardians I'd go to The Hive if we had to fight only The Hive drones H actually I guess we could pretty much just wander around over here there's so many hungry Bandits it's not even funny how many there are or maybe we're ready to go back to stack and love The Inquisitor now we weren't ready for this last time but now that we fought all those giant animals let's see if we're ready to fight one Inquisitor just a single one and the answer is no we aren't unless if we just haven't healed enough let's go back into the wilds and now that we have enough money at 121,000 cats I have a purchase I'd like to make hello and he still doesn't have these things in stock industrial lifter arms Masterwork he has only one spe specialist one but since I think it would be fun to try it out let's grab it we could also grab a thief's arm because stealing is fun I'll take that and wow his his stock is pretty horrible that's a surprise well goodbye citizen I don't know if you could see this but we now have that KLR arm and now this industrial lifter arm so although it doesn't really improve our dexterity by that much I mean the KR gives us 10% more it's going to give us a lot more strength and I'm hoping that'll help us uh well we'll see how it affects combat we don't really need the unarmed damage bonus that we get from KR oh this looks like a spicy meatball oh how many how many I guess this will be a chance to test out the new arm one 1,000 2 1,000 3 1,000 4 ah probably like the most satisfy sadistically satisfying thing to watch wow ye think he's taking 16 total chest damage no soup for you all right well definitely uh definitely worthwhile sleep it off get ambushed by another one after sleeping one of them just hit me for a zero I don't know what that does we just totally negate the hit ooh that was a good position grab that bag and go back to stack take out some dusty bees Dusty bees this guy's just like I'm going home I'm going home wasn't a good fight there ye now for the real test this was one that even one punch man couldn't succeed at I really had to spam the uh Inquisitor out of leaving the city last time I did this hopefully it can be done in one Fell Swoop this time throw down a bag and walk into the City and first off we'll want to take out any other guards around but there are many in here but they're they're kind of tied up from the last time I came around yeah so not too worried about that there's another guy outside there's not another guy outside anymore and just disarming house to house is a good way to do it fortunately they aren't aware of what happens outside of the house we got to bring these guys outside though my weapon actually has a disadvantage inside here we go wonderful Wonder F and another Splendid and another he didn't even have anything that gu that guy's just stuck on a stoop he's afraid to leave his stoop and another one and they're falling like flies this is a much better time to attack how about in here I don't like anyone who lives here good good let's get all of them small Emperor statue I'm a bad person but what I do it's what I do and I'm here good ooh hooray somebody's on the wall somebody's not on the wall anymore here here comes some more now whatever they lack in strength they make up for in numbers alarm ooh alarm raised haven't had that happen yet that should see the whole city pour out on me I just got to stay somewhere safe and we got a paladin High Paladin not just any ah this isn't safe I'm going to my safe place and I'm under arrest I'm in jail I am out of jail and I am free it's really not it's really difficult very difficult to arrest me here good no no I will just keep running I'll be taking that back ah my friends my Bandit friends good no I wanted to be your friend okay goodbye see the one thing about the holy nation is that no matter how much stat spam I do they just have people spam they have so many people look at all the people that they have and they're all armed armed and armored we need more spam than that here we are okay good I'm actually fighting against skilled swordsman now this should uh this should up my attack and defense though even if you're losing fights you can tell that if you're on your match in this game you're gaining a lot of skill for one thing we just got to level 69 melee attack yeah yeah good like the sound of that we got a high pallad in here not quite at the same level as an Inquisitor but they often come with a lot of help as they have right now you'll never get me in my sleeping bag only one guy came great he's at torso NE he's at chest ne7 there he's not a chest ne7 anymore unfortunately these people have only hungry Bandits outside their base they're the only antagonists that they have to deal with like at least Hiers have beak things that they have to deal with you could feasibly take over a hi area if their Warriors weren't so goddamn strong h no no do not free I can't imagine how confused they must be if a robot Samurai man comes in and just attacks everybody in their town oh some nice animal Traders now they're actually decent people yeah you know what just give me all of the animals I have 78,000 cats left we might as well spend it on something worthwhile I'll just buy all of these animals and then you uh good goats are op good I I know I said I would be I said would be solo but at the same time animals uh they're just too ridiculous okay good me and all of these animals are going to conquer this town good okay so tors solo and the animals save the day it's too bad that these animals aren't as large as my other animals but they are very endearing and so I like them for that they'll at least help me against my foes good go inside bone dog yes bone dog go fight the bad people mainly they're just a distraction for me I'll let them uh pass on from this world when we're done here but really animals in this game are very overpowered compared with people or many of them many of them plus I don't really run around with pets very much so it's it's very gratifying to do this hey and if it prevents them from shooting at me that's uh that's a small victory and that's all I'm looking for right now there's only one living goat he's limping uh that wasn't really worth it I didn't think it would be but it was fun nonetheless for what it's worth I think I somehow got the traders to be angry at me too though so this has gone South very quickly yep yep that is I was these Bulls aren't part of the holy nation but soon they'll be dead too so yeah really just uh worse news for them but how are okay our other animals are all dead all right it was worth it for 42,000 cats I think of course everyone's going to get up and then it's just going to be it's going to be the Walker Brigade when they all get up no one's going to live of course or they'll live but of course many of them will be jibbed who are you that you have so much Caravan guard the gump now this is really thrown tors solo into a new bracket I got to say he's uh he's sign ific L better with well he started off at what 60 now he's at 64 that's good well done well done tors solo yeah there we go okay we're making progress in town good help your animals Help the Animals they didn't deserve this let's just attack all the I'm not going to loot all of these people it would take too long but let's just keep attacking them while they're weak until they're all crawling in the dark looking for the answer good and the bone dog surv I think it's in a recovery coma well done well done man this is a real good example in the front of town ooh we got an Inquisitor we caught one alive great his right leg isn't doing too particularly well here and another one oh he's not in particularly good health either but the fact that we're uh we're actually you know standing off against these inquisitors is a very good sign and did we just down one no that was a holy Sentinel regardless we're holding our own regardless well done well done T solo them's fighting words them's fighting words we've taken down his left arm good his right arm is still hanging in there this guy must have a very high melee defense that he's no longer uh has a left arm good that's what I was aiming at good he still might beat me even with one arm nope he didn't we'll just completely uh neuter the town and great I don't think you'll be causing any more problems without that leg great so many people to tend to here I'd say we did a good job in this city I'll just heal my animals I don't want the animals to die I mean eventually I'll set them free but I just think they make for funny companions for a moment a distraction if you will a wholesome a whome meme everyone loves animals man I think even more patrols are coming to town though so like the enemies keep multiplying and I don't think anything prevents like patrols from spawning so there's practically an infinite number of enemies that are here I have to leave and just sleep with it off again for a second I probably fought 40 people in that town good go to bed solo tour solo and my animals are all dying see now this is what I think is broken about kenchi is they can k kidnap me in my sleep and you can never get away there should be a fix for that and yet there is not but sleep I must or we're healed up and practically in the I I bet you there'll be a whole new set of Manpower in the town they're not too happy you again oh they're pissed but they're all way weaker now look that guy that guy's arm isn't even working yeah oh but God damn look at them all look at them all that's just so many at the same time though this is kind of the challenge I was looking for and this is going to be amazing for no goat is dead is going to be amazing for his stats ultimately and it'll be interesting to see What Becomes of the Town good pack oh no I do I would like for some of the animals to survive here ah there we go okay they have become snakes good this is what I needed the snake March there's really too many to loot here so I'm just hoping that I delim each of them somehow at some swing which isn't really that infeasible there we go goat be free Goat actually no just uh stand here and provide a distraction I like how this guy is just totally fre he's just been staring at death incarnate for the last 15 or 20 minutes and good come on one more a bone dog a friend of Snoop Dog come back here we go just one last group of them I think I'll go to bed one more time oh for Christ's sake another Patrol I can't take anymore let's get out of here I have to bounce it must be the rest I'll say this at times attacking stack can be really really grindy but it actually feels more satisfying than grindy now because each time that we attack it's like we we finish them it's it's just the reinforcements that make make it a pain in the ass eventually I'll make my way into the Inquisitor I just want to make sure that they can't like send in reinforcements uh really the main the main thing you want to prevent is patrols from coming in and totally reinforcing everybody so we got that only a couple citizens left okay now I'm now I'm going into the police station this is the real prize here there's like five inquisitors in here and oh no not anymore we've got one Inquisitor two Inquisitor that's a third Inquisitor and hi Inquisitor seta or CA he's actually one of the toughest boss is uh so we're going to draw them out of here because uh we do better outside in combat and also because I don't want to fight five of them inside now we'll see if we could fight them right here in the town uh I'd like to limit the number but I also don't want to be a pansy so we'll see how we can do against a few of them if not we'll have to draw them out uh which honestly I think is going to happen cuz these are very tough enemies here yeah see what they've done to my head already yeah I'm going to have to run all right we're going to have to deal with them one at a time as they come out but we want to draw out an Inquisitor each time it's hard to get them to leave town they're kind of uh home bodies so to speak so to say so to say I got one of them out this is just a regular Inquisitor there's actually nobody left at the main gate great they're completely undefended except that one guy who keeps shouting at me I'd say we're clear to go into uh no you don't have to shout me in things at me Mustachio man I'm going to teach you a lesson oh this is absurd now we have several paladins inquisitors and uh a high Inquisitor so this is not really a great fight for us we need to draw them out separately and we can't fight them all one or as one because that's just way too much to deal with at once so we'll draw one of them outside of the city Gates and or two one or two is fine two inquisitors will take these guys out dearm them and then actually go in for the big prize I hope that we can win this fight at this point in time he should be able to kill two generic inquisitors oh we've got high Inquisitor CA here okay he's actually uh one of the higher level inquisitors in the uh in the holy nation he was tough he was tough for one punch man too so if we make this fight we're about where we were before ooh that other Inquisitor is there more of them are joining in the fight how low is he Inquisitor seta is low the other one got up that's not good maybe we'll take one more hit in this fight two more hits willing to do it out duke it out for a little longer okay now I got to run but in the end this is all training his toughness I just I like the positions that they're uh now oddly enough these human enemies are pretty much stronger than all of those giant animals that we Face the giant animals are just Spam they're good like punching bags but the the humans in the game are really skilled in combat and also the skin Bandits the skin Bandits were unbelievably power from the beginning of the video one more run in to draw out these inquisitors I have some questions for you nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition and here comes another this is a good we want to dearm this High Paladin loot him grab that throw that down just take away the lower level guys and who is that some other high Paladin We dearm Them is this Inquisitor seta not just a regular Inquisitor good it's actually who I wanted to fight where are all these other people coming from good we got another one I just hit you for 193 for Christ's sake good we got him alone we got him alone he's very good at blocking he also has great armor too these guys melee defense status oh I got him okay these are some great items let's grab them throw down his sword can't do much with that I'll even take his armor I'm probably going to take set his stuff more we've taken away another guard and here we go the last few we actually got the high Inquisitor limping now uh let's bring them out actually raise the alarm we'll run out of the city here we go one more Inquisitor and the high Inquisitor here we crippled his right leg though really badly that might just go off in a second in fact that's most probably the way we're going to take him down this him Yep this is the final boss of the man of the area Inquisitor seta about to both his legs jeez man he took me down I don't think they're going to recover though to capture me just get knocked out son Paladin Inquisitor I don't care who you are de armed one more the other one is just he is crawling in the dark looking for an answer sir all right now there's more we should get back outside keep the advantage keep the advantage here we go fight martial arts guys on outside that's always a better decision I'll take him on in here I'm all right with it 27 he's surprisingly limber considering all I've already done to him he's one of my favorite enemies there we go yes he's down kidnap there we go great goodbye now stack should be uh down once I've kidnapped him I think he's the he's the main guy he is the main man all right go to uh squin go to squin he's got a pretty decent boun on his head too as far as I remember that should make up for all the animals I bought as a distraction oh what do you know suddenly The Hub is not uh enemy to me anymore maybe because I took out so much of stack made them like me more well that won't be for long want to get home with the Inquisitor I'm going to put him down everybody's jumping and oh actually you know what his stuff is not that valuable I'll still put it on the ground fine I'll take his things he is humorously buffed like many of the other higher level bosses it's quite entertaining yeah there he is Jesus Christ all right kidnap and uh be on my way how many cats is that that's uh 100 Guardian uh aconite what zero cat reward the heck did I make a huge mistake there I swear I've gotten a bounty for this guy before from these was it the United cities come on dude he's so I'm going to have to kidnap him back if you didn't want him you should have just left him with me oh this was a total waste total waste unfair giant bone dogs are taking over the place again I'm going to send out these animals and I think I'll just dismiss them for my squad goodbye I've loved you goodbye goodbye goodbye okay let's find out what happened to stack usually the city needs to render when you leave it this weird it says I'm wanted for zero cats from the shecks thief is what oh maybe it's because I kidnapped The Inquisitor while I was in squin Something Something Fishy happened there well you try to do good you know this kind of means I hate the shecks though right now too never been at war with them but there's a first time for everything oh what they took over stacked too come on man the shecks took over stack I gave you a whole city you wouldn't even give me any money that's crazy that's crazy it says stack is uh friendly now though kind of a a funny happen stance should I take it back over from the shs that's interesting they transform the entire place I'm going to use a sitting pillow now with all that said and done we're about 10 levels over where we were before 10 uh 71 melee attack 70 melee defense 66 and s in heavy weapons 73 strength 83 toughness 63 dexterity I have one last boss I want to take on today he's he's in a morally dubious position the leader of the outlaw Farmers we can just outrun the entire holy nation now goodbye Logan's life is still bad but he has 89 laboring now and 15 toughness we'll save you someday soon someday very soon this Camp actually shouldn't be too challenging before too long o time to fight some giant skimmers before we hit this place ah giant skimmer oh their hit boxes are still EX existent and you know I'd say that they're pretty much exactly like they were before just albeit slightly larger we can carry them as well pick it up here we go running around the desert with a skimmer hey another I'd like to see one of these larger ones go flying up in the air good good put it down two more they're mating or something look he's doing his sexy dance H goodbye goodbye there's totally a tri I don't know what this is there's a Triforce from Legend of Zelda in the S but when I zoom in it's it's like a Desert Mirage look at that interesting now in kenhi most people are bad BOS Simeon may be against the United cities but he prays on the week and he's still bad so with the help of these giant goats whom I'll uh I guess I'll Attack the giant goats right now for practice I will then take out boss Simeon this is going to be fantastic for my M wow that's actually getting grinded really ground whatever it is trained really fast they're more powerful than beak things and they're also peaceful fine training companions wow so many opportunities to grow really giant goats are like the ideal training buddy I've been doing it wrong all these years I've been doing it wrong great okay the goats are defeated the giant goats are defeated and yes we are stronger now here he is bad as ever they're not awful but he is a I think he's one of the bosses I'll be able to make pretty short work of right now so I'm going to take him out uh where is he I always get mixed up he he looks pretty generic Outlaw heavy Outlaw swordsman heavy heavy Captain ah there he is boss Simeon talk uh sword up yeah he's uh yeah I just want to fight him I just want to fight him now how do we do against these guys they're actually a fairly like low to mid tier boss he's not so bad more more than anything else I just want to measure T solo based on how he performs in this fight okay a foot went flying somewhere great there it go wow some air time on that great he's soloing them small fight hardly taking any damage knocking them all out he's fairly dextrous this is against like mid to low tier yeah and then I'll probably destroy the faction I turn him into okay I'm going to pick him up that makes sense oh now they're hostile toward me after I've totally destroyed their way of life well great okay I totally expected that no hard feelings um I'll be right outside waiting for your entire faction to just start fighting me they have sta staves you all stayed in a room and sit on chairs even look I killed I just stabbed the guy right across from you and you continued to sit in a chair there just wasn't ever any teamwork here wow just uh blatantly ignorant okay goodbye didn't really do much for levels at this point I think Wildlife is really going to be the best bet wildlife and then I'd actually like to start taking on the endgame bosses I've never faced down with Savant and uh I was actually quite surprised I thought we'd be able to fight him today but we're going to need a lot more training against leviathans I think we could pretty much exclusively fight giant animals next time though as they appear to be a great Training Method well Justice ain't always Fair we get 20,000 cats that's really not that much but it'll cover the cost of training and with that I have one last person to visit the only one to whom I have any Allegiance they say if you love something you should set it free and so I'm taking out this Camp I think we're far stronger than any of them here now let's uh just take out all these people and set them all free Logan and all of his uh all of his companions good Logan be free Logan be free oh he's in jail yeah uh get this guy and the other ones good everybody be free here we go here's the boss I'm going to talk to him first looking here to buy no uh no thanks attack unprovoked here we go actually we got to engage him outside cuz I have a better Advantage there wow these people are pushovers nicely done I'll take that snazzy looking robe and those pajamas pick Logan's lock unlock his shackles set him free give Logan the pajamas and one of the heavy Paladin items that I found earlier or how would he look in this no I like the the Paladin thing and the shirt I forgot he's a hiver never mind well you have your pajamas he looks so happy and now that we're free O A Naruto Runner well now we can set him off and dismiss him to his own life Logan I free you be your own person you can go your own way no get killed immediately you will die immediately okay you know what let's follow him for a few steps see where he goes he goes he's going off to live in the sea like sha shank over a hill Happy Trails old friend Happy Trails we'll probably find him in a the city somewhere gambling or something Shalom my friends and welcome back to the legend of tour solo today we take back the promised land and free all of the slaves so go down T solo way down in Shai let my people go yeah action fighting fun and one 2 1 2 3 4 1 one two a leg let my people go yeah yeah now the nice part about fighting the slave camps is that everyone's so preoccupied with supervision that they can all pretty much just Escape go be free be free my people be free wao I just knocked out like five dudes one a two a one it takes one hit for each of them time to fight the ultimate nimra actually these are the heavy Samurai guards these are these are some of the stronger enemies in the game at least in these camps so we might have some nope no trouble there it will raise the alarm on us though but we're hardly taking any damage tors solo is just too powerful he's he's gotten so strong from fighting the United cities uh well them and the holy nation those are really the two bad guys I want to take out still I think that the holy nation is much tougher though so we'll save them for last before we get onto the real evil go down torso way down in United cities land take off the armor o no Dai man these Samurai Heavies are falling like butter even with all this armor they can't fight yeah take off all their weapons making them human punching bags and for this door we'll do some smashing I like it how the guard just got up and he's completely ignoring me behind him smashing the door in he just wants to act like he's doing a bad job rather than try to fight me again and three two oh we made another Naruto Runner why are you still working who there's nobody watching you anymore run away run away and smashing great this is the slave head master we're going to take him down and O bun of hooded Empire fire Noble guard hooded these guys look strong lady C it's a lady man ladies got into on let my people go oh oh I might just ooh she went down like Jesus I can't believe we took her down right away she wasn't that good in combat it's really her guard that's stronger than her for this boss and I should not have picked a fight with the Caravan but oh well my blade is swinging through at everybody and at least it's giving me some decent combat experience as well you just don't want to let these guys get alone with your your knocked out body they do some dastardly Dastardly and run away camping 8 to 10 hours of sleep now let's catch up for a second with tors solo obviously as you know by now he started off as a torso but he got superhuman Limbs and now he's capable of soloing an entire Army of people he has extremely high strength toughness and dexterity dexterity we could work on heavy weapons really melee attack defense and heavy weapons are what I'm looking at today I still think we could bump up those numbers a right now those are amateur numbers his Athletics is at 90 which is impressive and he can run over 40 m an hour which he's been doing consistently so for today I actually just want to conquer the United cities if we could conquer the United cities by the end that would be great or at least all of the slave camps around the United cities they're filled with very weak but armored enemies and I don't know why more people aren't bothered by me fighting right here I'm probably going to just keep going through and not even deing any of the guards I'll just wait for them all to get jibed there goes an arm there goes a he's coming he's coming he's coming and this is a shame I have delimed everybody in here but I still can't find Lord n oh there you are Lord Nagata no you're just the slaver boss Lord Nagata or what whatever her name was in here that was actually a woman for the slave uh leader here I I think we just picked to fight with some friendlies but pretty much anybody who fights me now just gets their leg or arm knocked off whenever I get a successful hit so we don't even really need to dearm people anymore get it dearm oh there goes some more well we actually got into a dialogue with one of the escaped slaves there's just an arm floating in midair right there I've never seen it rendered so well all right I I'm uh I'm going to let him go I'm not looking for no go away you go find your own food I may be doing something good right now but it's out of choosing to do good I under no I'm under no obligations judging by the number of floating bodies and the uh wow and just the blood on the ground I'd say we've successfully nuked this Camp more fights with the noble guards these guys are are super strong but I still think uh yeah that guy has no legs even when they get up they they still try to fight me with no leg wow crazy what he can do to a whole room of guys good they're all escaping they're freeing themselves let them go let my people go I think one of the the Empire Noble I didn't even put him in here but he just got in a cage let's talk to him get get me out he's like dude I promise I won't tell anyone if you let me out I'll let him out nah I'm not going to let you out of the cave I don't know how to do that I think we've successfully flung all of the defenses here into disarray so I it's pretty much time for me to leave uh NPCs keep spawning in and coming to the camp so it might just be time for me to go away and then come back fight good couple more of them just just trying to get some sleep Jesus let my people go let your arm go oh well damn I'd say my work is done here well now that we've taken out Port North and Fort Mirage we can head on on to show Bai I'd like to see if I can down an entire city alone obviously a city will be tougher but we did it with the holy nation and they're probably even tougher in some ways now the thing about heavy weapons is that you have to use them outside if you don't you actually get a weapons penalty so we're going to just aggro these guards let's heal up first and as we fight we'll slowly just draw out the entire city to the front gate I'm going to attack them without a reason let's see how they do in combat speed up speed up these are actually fairly strong we might need to uh wow it's going to take a lot of waves to do this and I'm also being fired upon with like ballistas or whatever it is from the walls and they do draw out more guards as we go I think we'll have to run their armor is really strong and we will have to dearm some of these guys as we go it's going to be harder to jib them because of all the armor they probably get better armor coverage on their limbs okay run fight the ones who actually chased me and actually although we're taking so many hits It's good because it trains our toughness slowly but surely and our melee defense too which we need to build up up we need to be unhitable if we want to take on the skin Bandits remember how bad we did against them before and we've drawn out the town we'll just anytime we can get in multi- hits is always the best way there's a lot of guys here a lot of them are heavily armored especially the town and Caravan guards and it's going to definitely take multiple blows each time some of them are just getting past my armor though which speaks to the power of these blades guys are not easy though deing is isn't really a lot of micromanagement when they all just lose an arm or a leg from each fight like the heavy blade is doing everything that's one thing that one punch man couldn't do he could occasionally knock off an arm or a leg but it didn't have the cutting power of this thing which is why the falling sun is so much better plus I just like the sound of it a falling sun it's it's smashing absolutely smashing I like how every time that I walk up the guards just don't oh oh I walked slightly further so now they're mad everybody inside of the city isn't that tough nor are the samurai patrols mainly just the City Guards and then there's probably going to be people in the police headquarters who are tough too but for the most part the slaver Caravan guards are really weak so we'll just keep drawing them out of the city who is this guy Samurai gate guard yeah they're some of the toughest ones in here but as they go down they get a risk of deliming so we'll just wait wait for these ones to recover and just Camp them as they as they get up yeah there we go no arms in the hands of evil oh sometimes it's just a positive feedback loop like a whole city coming after me oh what did I expect when I attacked the city these Samurai Heavies inside the City are perhaps even stronger than the city guard Gates or city gate guards but they are no match they keep taking over this thing the path thing is all messed up here exploit failure now I'm picking fights with people who don't even want to fight me like little old women walking down the street I'm going to trade with the barman he'll do business with anyone attacking the city or not give me a meat and as a sign of my dominance I'm going to sleep in the city that I'm Conquering the shop guards won't care he's a capital List look these two these two City Heroes are just circling around like yin and yang are doing some sort of insect mating ritual arousing wow the S the samurai gate guards have actually been taken captive wow that's bananas o this guy has a fragment axe that looks good Thumper from the I don't even really want to fight you but let's see if I can fight you I can I beat you well we're not here to fight Tech Hunters let's go see what's in the jail shall we I remember I was in jail here once a long time ago let's go have mercy on this gentleman here come on out Let My People Go Let My People Go Samurai Captain we just took out down a samurai Captain as well probably one of the stronger ones in here he was pretty tough well that's I'll be damned a slaver a slaver Caravan guard is actually locking up uh that is so ironic I somehow got in trouble with the shop I don't know how I thought they were cool beat up the shop owner and then pay for my bed and rent I must have an extremely large bounty on my head now with the UC I'm committing crimes left and right I probably killed hundreds of their guards and anyone that I haven't killed is missing an arm there we go oh there goes a foot wow he's fighting me even from the ground persistence I guess we'll go to the police headquarters cuz people just don't come out of buildings in this game ever because no one's ever listening they have poor listening skills let's leave and then challenge them outside cuz I can't actually fight inside very well and these guys don't look very well armored at all either maybe one of them but he doesn't have arms I've taken out pretty much everybody in chaai and we've got 74 melee attack and defense 69 heavy weapons that's starting to get pretty high I think I'm ready to take on one of the last of my old places if I couldn't get the other slave Lord I'll at least get Lord nagada Nagata is a pretty well-renowned bad guy he doesn't have that much defense either I think the only thing strong defending him is his Elite Samurai guard that resides in his house yeah these guys right here but we've been fighting these types of people Samurai Heavies maybe they're Captain but that's just about it these used to be way harder for one p punch man I think tors solo has far surpassed one punch man now if he's taking out the whole Caravan card this is in one trip usually takes him more trips than this simply crazy crazy and he should be in here 5 4 3 2 1 smashing and good they should get out of my house all right we'll just kidnap you right away and go take out him and there we go Lord oh no hagga I'm sorry not nagada Nagata is somewhere else don't remember where hagga is pretty bad too but he has some of the strongest guards here I don't know if we'll get them in one hit yeah I might have to run then come back all right I'm running I'll be back in a minute some of them are idiots and just come out here to fight me why did I make the world so crowded people just keep showing up everybody wants a piece of the tors solo God there are so many and look they all keep they all keep healing each other that's crazy here we go Master hagga fight number two and we're going to have to run again hopefully we got some limbs out here these heavy guards heavy Empire Noble guards the hood people yeah that combined with these range dudes it's a pain in the butt but I have the power of camping still in comparison the the the United cities seems pretty forgiving they have 29,000 cats on me for conquering three cities and the holy nation has 61,000 for one man there's a lot of people in here look at the leg oh my God you see that there it goes there it goes the traitor Guild is hostile to me now it's just a lot of meat look at all of the meat around there people like recovering I think my favorite part that was is the ability to vanish instantly like the speed is the foundation that underlies everything else just me against the world there's people running around everywhere everyone I just fight the fighting never ends now with population this High even the animals want to fight me it's like I'm some sort of black hole of violence a there he goes it's like Mr hogga I've been waiting there we go just a couple more guards these are it's really about four guys in this entire camp that are actually strong you notice that like you can take out hundreds of people if they're slightly weaker than you but if somebody's your equal match it takes a lot longer to fight them got some that would be so ironic if they Poetic Justice if if they tie up the slave master well he's mine I'm going to kidnap him and say goodbye to this land forever now that we've kidnapped slave master haga I think uh this notorious Stone Camp should deteriorate we'll just bring him back to the good old Shacks be on our merry way I dropped slave master haga and he went flying 200 ft up into the air damn is he okay let's give him some first aid well he's missing a leg sorry about that jeez he'll be all right though and that I'll actually keep him uh down for where I'm going to go next I got to recover we'll just put down slave master Hao where I won't lose track of him died oh no you know he burned up in the acid rain I forgot about that well the main thing I wanted to do was get rid of the camp and I'll just take his money and his he had a she a dude okay we'll grab his robe as well and we'll just leave him here we'll go home I got to I got to organize my thoughts because I need better executive functioning skills ah home sweet home but domestic life just wasn't enough now just as Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho torso leaves his home and if we're Conquering the holy nation it's the Holy Land the promised land the promised land will be mine now Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho and he had walls to March around but I don't have walls to March around so I'm just fighting everyone in the city unlike Joshua but this should still be pretty easy to jib them all and honestly I think uh I think that ability is making him even better than the Torso oh sorry not the Torso I mean one punch man one punch man is lame in comparison torso fought the Battle of bad teeth bad teeth bad teeth torso fought the Battle of bad teeth and the walls came a crumb tumbling down this character's strength is this is the best character I've ever had he can't it used to be that with one punch man he was actually weak to ranged attacks so I had to Nerf the ranged attacks because one punch man couldn't have heavy armor for his martial arts but tors solo is a tank he can tank those hits he's really what the game is meant to have as a strong character like he's maxed out on it almost every single thing he still does take some hits pretty hard though I haven't figured it out completely there's definitely slightly better armor he could have but I I don't even have to de enemies because he just jibs them all arms legs legs arms they go flying I'm just going to take out this whole city real quick this is another Inquisitor Inquisitor tavos he's not even as strong as the other one we've taken out so this guy's particularly weak bad teeth is an easier city than stack look are you going to are you going to try to kidnap me oh I'm going to just act like I'm asleep and oh he gave up oh good choice man good choice I'll just be sleeping I'll be back though okay now I'm going to get you I'm going to get you oh he's healing me oh no he's healing himself well goodbye okay go in peace no I don't trust you okay swim away this guy is so so misdirected he's just running laps in a triangle here we go Inquisitor tavos just you and me baby oo that was almost too easy I'd like him to get back up and fight again there's no excuse for that come on okay we'll have him get back up great too easy too easy tavos there he goes he's back up great okay let's had some drama all right that was enough drama okay now we'll kidnap him kidnap him and take him away abduction yeah baby all right let's go back to squin turn this guy in let's uh make sure that he doesn't actually die my last one died actually we don't even need to go back to squin we could just go back to Stacks since the uh sheeks took it over look here come some shecks now too Crow's chosen wow all right the shees are taking over this whole land the she captured police station and does this even count as a police station 100 Guardian yeah wow we could do this here all right 20,000 cats for me spend it all on beds and it looks like have we subdued bad teeth yep the shecks have now taken it over they're roaming the streets there go Crow's Chosen and it now belongs to the sheeks I do like the sheeks though if you take it over from the sheeks does the holy nation take it back so many questions uh let's head to blister Hill finish off our Conquest now blister's Hill let's have a go at this good give it a go give it a go to solo he's fighting the bandits to so low he's hitting their armpits well done tors these guys don't even try to block they don't even try to block so satis so much more satisfying with the numbers but yeah let's get some good number in there 200 over 200 per each I don't think anyone here is not missing a leg this makes combat really op okay let's do something actually good instead of all of that evil because this is currently what remains when we pass by ooh nice nice we do the same thing with the holy nation patrols except they have high paladins in them too right there's at least one yeah one high Paladin the other just regular paladins look at all that leg blister Hill I think that this is probably the strongest City I've gone at yet it has a double wall or it has a wall on the inside as well but I think this shouldn't be much harder than stack so yeah stack had like five inquisitors on the inside for me to fight I should be fine here I would not want to fight tors Solo in a battle I think everybody who's fought him has just had their arms removed he's not even trying okay let's see how we can do against the entire town if only we could play Tupac Me Against the World at this point I would but it's copyrighted and I won't play it out of respect for Tupac great here we go just standing in the middle of town until everyone eventually turns into a lizard he's a gladiator I haven't even had to use my sleeping bag it's just like one go through the town and then this one has two uh two police areas let's draw them all out draw out all of them I want to see what they have okay this looks like as many in inquisitors as there were in stack it's a similar thing we're going up against here so we'll bring our experience from stack over because these guys are tough we won't win the first fight but I'll come right back yeah he's taking too much damage but he is he is taking off some legs too run ah one came out at me exactly what I wanted yes he can fight an Inquisitor without too much trouble now I think my favorite thing about kenhi is that literally anyone could become like Exodia like this guy just start out as an ordinary human I guess it's nice that he is the human trade not like a hive drone start out with combat but he's still not a skeleton and he's still able to pretty much take out an entire city in like two trips now and he's not even at his this isn't even his final form you know so it's a hell of a game very satisfying to watch the progression happen feet going everywhere I hear they come the Walker Brigade now yeah this should be fun fun violence this is what you get for making fun of my robot legs high paladins are still a prolonged fight for him though he's he is gaining experience he's now at melee 76 melee defense 75 so I'm glad that he's still being challenged by these guys otherwise this wouldn't have been worth it like everything in the united cities was not that worth it and I just realized we haven't looked at his Physique in a while now your physique does transform over to oh he's really buff now that's crazy do you remember how weak he looked at the beginning looks like a fitness model now Jesus even after I'm gone and dead My Immortal ABS My Immortal ABS will Outlast me ladies think you can get away before I was a torso walking underneath others now everyone else is a torso under me here we go this is the real guy holy Lord Phoenix oh this guy's got to be the most powerful is he the leader of the Holy I don't even know what he is it looks like he's got a m weapon though what is that a mat plank all right uh only one way of finding out but this is probably the ultimate Challenge could be I still don't feel like this is it there's got to be more there's got to be more he does look really strong though and only only really strong users have m 2 weapons what's he got now chest down he'll fall he'll fall oh he is he is a fasty cake Jesus he is as fast as me wow I might have found my equal yep holy Lord uh Phoenix is the strongest guy in the holy nation or he's at least their leader so this is this is the final battle we will take down the holy nation if we take him I I am going to do this I mean he seemed insanely powerful when I first saw him but he's just not that well defended maybe five or so inquisitors I'd say that seta was just about as as well defended so he is their lord this is this is holy Lord Phoenix that's kind of cool that's kind of cool he's our last battle I mean just look at the number of high paladins there I got to take him out in two waves few high high paladins here and then we'll take him out alone I don't want him in the group though when I fight them no well they took me prisoner and I had to escape I have 100,000 cat bounty on my head until I destroy their nation which is going to happen next there people run running at me with no arms on their last leg except the holy uh holy Lord Phoenix and this might seem like Overkill but I'm actually going to buy extra legs so that I can just swap them out mid combat this way if I get weak I could fight I could just switch out my limbs and continue the combat assuming he doesn't get my head chest and stomach too bad first which it'll probably be but hey it can't hurt you see I'll put on these legs for combat and then I'll put on my running legs when it's time to get out of there this way I'm strong in combat and I can always just make a hasty Escape here we go the sheeks are all imprisoned let my people go good get them out get them all out the shecks are freed weirdly though they don't they don't try to free their own people sad they'll make a good distraction either way oh here we go it's just me and you baby me and you holy Lord Phoenix and I have two sets of legs better than none better than none unfortunately we have to fight this other guy too should be a climactic battle though he has oh he has 140 blood he has more blood than I do more blood more people he also has an alarm to raise he hit me in the head I got to run we do want to beat it if he hits me hard in the head or chest I still haven't even done any damage to him though he is super O Okay one to the chest ah he's a tough foe but he doesn't do any of his own lifting even though that he beat me he didn't even carry me back just got to be able to you just got to be careful not to pass out around his men he's actually faster than any of them this might be a good way to make it just me and him how far out can I get him okay just me and you just me and you nobody else he still hasn't recovered from our last fight not fully but he keeps on hitting me for more if we could just take down his chest o 62 damn on his left leg ah again oh third time's the charm let's give it one more shot come on none of your people with you 18 hit him for 18 hit him for 18 again it's the magic number come on ah I can take him down I can't do it just me and you just me and you maybe we could lead him back to another town if he's more powerful than me and he's so fast then I I could just lead him somewhere else here we go let's go swimming together no no don't go that way good good just chase me back to bad teeth that's all I need you to do that's all I need you to do come with me across this mountain range holy Lord Phoenix good good that's the ticket that's the ticket you can even hit me once or twice he's he's totally going to do it he's totally going to do it oh what an idiot well hey you know what he brought it upon himself and now that we're in the Shea Kingdom yep uh that should be enough to distract him now good they're hitting him for like seven I'm hitting him for only about nine but at least we get our allies in this fight the Allies we deserve Jesus Christ smuggling checks oh no they captur they captured him oh well are they bringing him to their jail let's go check back at blister Hill oh look at all that fighting oh my God we actually took down the entire city because we kidnapped him the holy nation is the holy nation destroyed damn damn wow I'll be damned the sh don't even take it over this is their capital city I think just got to pick the locks check out rebirth see if they're still there right here at aran's Gulf oh the holy nation they're still around okay so we haven't destroyed their faction but we took out their leader and destroyed their Capital City I'd say that's about a day's work for Tor solo and it just goes to show that if you can't kill your enemies you can always Shyer them I'll be leaving here now it's been real but I've been outside too long we've surmounted so many obstacles and I wonder what is left in the life of tors solo Oh My WAMU Shen deru welcome back to the legend of tors solo the Torso who believed in himself but let's go back to the start of our journey before we were so powerful for today tors solo meets his penultimate foe but it didn't all start out like this let's take it back to the day this began it was day 100 as I recall it's time to train strength 74 76 and 77 78 79 we finally made level 8 80 now one week in that took a whole week to get from 74 to 80 well we've done it after many days of hard labor we've reached strength level 81 it's time to go get plastic surgery cheap Escape all right uh here we go Jesus Christ I'm jacked as hell but since we're a torso it doesn't really show we need to raise that arm bulk and the shoulders and we'll make the legs longer the neck yeah yeah I come in the club all like we make him really buff as hell okay here comes tors solo no not like that I like playing with it but we'll make him as that's kind of stupid give him decent posture we'll make him big as we'll make him big as hell no actually we don't want him to be that big that was kind of creepy too big better we could do this we have many options many options here but I think I think this will suit us just fine big ass hands big ass chest we'll leave the waist somewhere around there make him like that very mey bigger legs we could actually reshape his legs I'll leave that about the same give him some big ass feet all right he's sexy now face basically we just want to give him a wide ass neck big ass wide ass neck we could give him this emo hair nah I'm not feeling it Nan we could give him the bald no one punch man was the bald okay we're going for like the anime Goku hair combination add color whatever that means it's time to make him go Super Saiyan on this all right he's a Saiyan believe the rest the same he's a sayyan plastic surgery did wonders for him now he stands even above the shecks with arms in a permanently intimidating position damn more so this torso is ready for armor uh yeah we'll plate him up we'll actually get him into his good gear again damn this guy he looks actually quite terrifying now albe it's somewhat ridiculous but whatever the end of a series Demands a transformation of character and this symbolizes all the growth we've done statistically and now we set off on New Adventures basically he's the living incarnation of death now I mean if he wasn't before he is now of all the places to go in the world pretty much just a matter of surviving everything now I I think he could survive pretty much any fight he certainly looks more powerful I also realized that I've been using a mod that had been making him way more underpowered against large groups of enemies so uh yeah torso is like systematically more powerful than he was before kind of hard to explain I had more attack slots on which was better for more groups but the vanilla it turns out is actually much better for me so got his chest plate is very deformed now start by taking a nap at Burns Tower and then head toward the cannibal Capital because cannibalism is wrong you do not want this man coming to you he's made mostly of metal but he's still buoyant here we go the cannibal Capital just beyond this Cliff here's a group group of them now he's like some sort of ghost Samurai Jesus Christ he's twice the size of them he should oneshot everybody here one other guy's running for help Jesus Christ he's big you know this might actually not help him in combat to be this big I just think it's funny good two of them well the sword is the same size we've taken out all the cannibals and let's use these shrieking Bandits as a distraction to go attack the capital this Injustice has gone on long enough I'm here to eat your flesh and teach you a lesson oh he's he's deing in one hit God it's either a knockout or a limb loss for every single hit now Jesus Christ look at that three guys in one swing he's like some sort of monster out of an ancient tail oh my God look at him go I should do this with all of my characters in the future I forgot that you can just make them a bigger height he's a literal giant now some people say he's a monster let's see how much damage he actually takes from this fight he's uh he's consistently doing over 200 I gave him an industrial lifter arm so that even if he gets Hur hurt uh when his strength goes down he still consistently hits for over 200 we're sort of getting that but God look at all the oh look at all those legs and arms there goes another one now Jesus Christ look at them it's like fireworks there goes another oh this was the right move press alt when you do this Jesus Christ he's Goku baby he's Goku that was a lot of cannibals he hardly even took any damage look at this guy look there there more arms everybody who's left either has lost their arms or it's just mortally wounded okay here's the cannibal Chief uh he's dead no that's him don't run I don't want to lose you cannibal Grand wizard he has a bounty of 40,000 cats he is not that intimidating compared to me delcious ones all right uh well that was easy jeez I never thought it would get that good right that's the entire cannibal Village let's just uh put down the chief heal him he actually has a holy nation chest plate okay first atate him I'm trying to help out your boy and and kill you and run away I can't really go back to the United cities there's a bounty on my head of 35,000 cats so I guess I've got to take this one back to the shecks now my strength is currently at 101 but I wouldn't really dream of getting rid of this industrial lifter arm just because you know throughout battle you'll lose strength if you f yourself up so I'm keeping it look at how Chad I am we'll turn him into the shcks here the 100 Guardian get a 40,000 cat Bounty and we have one last stop on our way there should be one last leader to the holy nation then they will be wiped out one last Inquisitor High Inquisitor at aran's Shield ooh look at all them look at all of them jeez I I got to sorry it's a definite one shot whoa okay we know what to do here let's just turn on alt and see what happens with the limbs it's like reverse gravity that other one went into orbit oh my god I didn't even think that they come down from the sky do they come down nope they just go out of rendering distance all right uh wow no that one did come down but look at the bounce on it jeez wowers and that's all even with a disadvantage against facing weaker enemies actually he's taking a surprising amount of damage but this is I think this is like 30 or 40 hungry Bandits onto bigger and better of things uh aran's Shield this should be the final boss or at least the holy nation's final well we already fought the holy nation's final boss so to speak but yeah we are one-shotting people again uh unless if they block that is kind of a lot of damage but he should be fine for this fight I did forget a sleeping bag though so well that's the first group down this guy is so very confused there we go more high paladins it looks ah we got a patrol here this the problem with the only nation they just keep sending reinforcements Every Which Way have we got the high Inquisitor in here Inquisitor oh this is him high Inquisitor valtina what a mustache all right uh you come with me actually you're the last guy I need to wipe out the holy nation oh man he doesn't even fight his own fights there he is let's run over here inside the walls I wonder if I could take out all the inquisitors now with this higher strength try it out there he is though at least he fights me like man he f me like men and we do fine against the first couple guards he's still not up to valtina yet though all right he's lost blood but torso's lost some stomach it's way too much stomach getting lost I don't think any of their arms even work enough to hurt me more me I'm going to need a sleeping bag to finish this in no other game would I say I can't fight the final boss because I don't have a sleeping bag sorry I couldn't defeat Ganon I didn't have a sleeping bag will sleep at stack and watches the sun rises bu a sleeping bag and return turned to aran's shield now with many more guards present well present well we got tied up we did get an Inquisitor here and they knocked really they knocked me out oh that was actually High Inquisitor Valenta himself jeez he's not as tough as I thought he was I thought they were all going to be too badly injured well then we'll just heal up and break out of prison on the first attempt or second or third or fourth or fifth or fifth it took 12 attempts okay 39% chance my ass I'll just grab back the sword that they didn't confiscate smart of of them and use the power of sleep head back in for round two this time you will fear me and he's come back is he is he strong again he is pretty strong again this time I think I'm actually at a slight disadvantage and he brought an Inquisitor friend but yeah there's nothing good about this he is really strong in combat but he's injured now oh no he is he is pretty badly hurt he didn't heal up fully okay I should win this yeah there's his health good for so low don't get your pushed in don't get your pushed in oh God he got his pushed in again oh we got him we got him down he's down all right F this he's mine kidnap goodbye your nation should be destroyed now I'll be back in a minute T solo he's kidnapping people Justice all right here's the last leader 40,000 more cats but ooh the shecks really like me I'm green with them now I'm green I'm green yeah looks like we captured the holy Farms as well I guess the sheeks have now captured these things let's see how they're doing oh I see so the holy farmer no they're still uh well despite the fact that it's green they're still terrified of me but at least they don't fight me anymore you know we've sort of created some justice in the world at least they don't try to kill me anymore they just yell in fear about me well since we destroyed blister Hill it's now under Shea control as well not even Sheek it's the flatsome ninjas now wow taking over from the holy nation what about all of the other holy locations it looks like the last of the holy nation is fighting these Bandits I mean the places are decrepit and destroyed maybe there's a few last stragglers This truly is an anime we fit the definition of an overpowered male protagonist overpowered completely generic well there's still patrols around here but is aran's Shield destroyed we make short work of them there go some legs yes I've never seen these Gates closed I guess that it it's under Sheek control we have destroyed the holy nation oh my gosh Justice in the world Justice in the world no we're not done yet we've destroyed the holy nation so the entire western side of the map is safe but there's still one last guy one last bad guy the UC is pretty bad and they don't like me particularly much either ah his hands change position in the desert sun to cover himself from the dust storm unfortunately we've pretty royally pissed off the United cities on our way into heft so this won't be an easy fight to get him out by any means but uh yeah there is no positive side of that we're just going to have to fight the entire city here goes tors solo one guard in all of the town do you do you know who I am look look at the look at the difference all right uh I guess if uh I guess if they don't recognize me let's walk in let's walk up to Emperor tangu yeah nobody nobody gives a all right I'm I'm heading in this is his special room this is his special room okay Emperor tangu Guardsman I want some saki uh I see a very cordial cordial way into this let's just attack him unprovoked and then run away ah the irony of playing heavy weapons class how will these guys I they might they may very well kick my ass long as they don't erase the alarm ooh they now the United cities is hostile well there's no way I'm going to survive all of this so I'm just going to grab him and run and okay goodbye United I am really surprised he went down that fast wow Jesus that's bananas all right they're all hostile to me now well I was hostile to them to begin with all right Emperor tangu you're coming with me across the desert let's just uh let's give him some first aid so that he doesn't die on this trip oh United cities are no longer hostile you what the I guess because I let him go all right now just to take care of this Samurai police F the police let's uh kidnap him again and okay you guys don't care so we're still be on our way all right so they don't mind that so by some shying of events I made them like me again I'm surprised for for kidnapping their main their main leader that put only another 9,000 cats on my bounty with the uh UC I still have 105,000 with whatever exists still of the holy nation I got to pump up those numbers all right Emperor tangu I guess I'm just going to have to kidnap you again and put you down stay right there stay right there I am taking your robe and your things off okay good got caught stealing and now we just now he's noi is really powerful it's a m 2 one it's one of the best in the game but I think we can just uh yeah there we go all right he's dead he should die if we just leave him like that he should bleed out oh sorry no I meant a katana y it's a May to Katana got caught stealing well he got caught dying so I guess all is well all is well I really want his sunglasses too he's like I saw you doing that in this pool of my blood God his he's going to die in style though he is uh he may have been evil but he was he was kind of cool and there we go there goes the Emperor of all the United cities dying dying dying and he's dead there we go dying there we go and he's uh no you can't do much now sorry man kind of ironic you know he start off like me I start off like him and now he's ending like me okay Emperor tangu I'm going to remove you from the universe remove you from the universe and uh I'll be saving this robe of yours and also your pants he also has the same shirt as me this is the be I think this is the best shirt in the game or one of them if not the best H what do I wow interesting I would be a cool Emperor The Emperor's New Groove oh look at the sunglasses pimping ass sunglasses we can sell that for money since we already have the same thing I mean why keep another one oh Emperor Tango you so funny I dying laughing I'm dead now and he's dead oh jeez that was a lot of carrying all right put him down goodbye Lord tangu what happened to heft all right well the city has been taken ooh the city's been taken over by Rebel swordsman veterans Rebel Swordsmen they sound kind of cool is that the uh that's not the City Heroes is it well I'm just glad to see that it's not the UC anymore we actually did something good here and he's the main leader of the I mean the UC isn't gone but that's the equivalent of the uh holy Lord Phoenix for the holy nation we'll just take out the other Stone camps and glitch through the floor just walk right in Christ sake okay yeah give me this guy slave master Reuben one hit two hit and you're done just walk past the guards now kidnap and run hardly took any damage there nice nice Escape is not only am I a super powerful human I am also a stealth ninja we'll just put him down momentarily take his sh yet oh he's running there we go fixed pick him up again we can put him in the worst possible position for a oh he's dead well it was a good life onward all right let's see how we do now against Savant and a bunch of ordinary humans if we can if we can take out a group of them in front of his base I'll be happy okay these are still probably the creepiest enemies in the game skin Bandits uh okay hit one for 157 right off the bat jeez we might be able to come in and out on these guys I don't think we'll be able to get him in one run cuz they hit me for too much but if he manages more hits like that we'll be in good luck he might actually knock a few of these guys out but they come back strong too he knocked one out oh Jesus we're actually solo the skin Bandits now but yeah we got to run now I'm probably going to have to kidnap them too one by one by one just take them away from their home this is one of the hardest battles for him all right just me and you me and you so what happens if we take out their CPU they just crash and wow they have human skin as I could wear an armor set of human skin oh that's disgusting Jesus Christ okay we've taken out the Guard we're going into savant open that door and there he is Savant okay we got him on the ropes now he is pretty weak and I can solo more of these uh skeletons now good come on all you got to do is take out Savant buddy all you got to do is take out Savant 8 to 10 hours of sleep all right we dcpu everybody and oh he's alone he's limping we actually I think we stand a fighting chance here now against Savant uh I have a heavy weapon so I'm going to lure him outside we'll both be at just is just the same disadvantage out here in the rain come on don't be shy don't be shy we're going to have to attack him a few more times times oh he's strong he really refuses to fight me out there all right I guess uh this is okay too but we're hitting him for more anyway good that's enough for me and we're hitting him for enough frequently enough long as he doesn't take out that leg jeez I feel like I'm the bad guy when I look at this fight I've changed I've changed come on fight me out here fight me out here where you have a disadvantage ah come on dude nah I can't get him to come all right me and Savant me and Savant me and Savant he is ridiculously tough I'll say that I mean I could switch to my other weapon but I just have no skill than anything other than happy weapons oh come on no don't no no no double teams unfair oh there we go he's down pick him up he's mine I'm leaving I'm leaving this guy this guy uh I don't even have anybody to uh turn him into I got to run why does it say that oh he's unconscious for another 10 seconds and the legendary savant in my hands wow now the only one we could really turn him into is the United cities technically I think they would accept a bounty on him from me because they're not he has a meu nochi damn Jesus I want that that's really strong that's like as good as my current weapon yeah I'm going to steal that we can put away his nochi grab all his armor just take everything else off of him probably really good he has a fantastic shirt he has a peeler machine blueprint and just take all of his other stuff uh pick him up and then bring him back to the UC and we got 880,000 cats you're welcome look this guy's arms are still messed up I don't know if it's from me or something else but a lot of it was from me just one last trip to the Amazon warehouse I have swam on many seas I fought in many battles what the hell are you doing out here everyone's favorite lunatic here he is armor King saving lives with armor ring all right baby I'll take the police helmet it's a little bit better and the Masterwork leg plates yes this armor is the best it must be the best dude I am the I am the living incarnation of the Terminator I become the ultimate fighting machine look at how powerful he is I've never had a character that's powerful this is banana Banas he's in a mountain he he just went through a mountain buy some extra limbs for the height the fight ahead of us he's got a Masterwork lifter arm we'll just buy more arms always helps to have Replacements where we're going few come back from and I have nearly the ideal kit I have KR series legs I could switch these out for scout ones while we run I couldn't get a right leg that I couldn't get a right Masterwork arm so I had to stick with specialist but two industrial lifter arm is now going to give us 120 strength so if we manage to even graze this guy with our blade he's pretty much dead and besides tinfist he's the strongest NPC in the game we have to go through some foul to get here the land where dwells the most heinous of the heinous surrounded by Blood spiders and silk spiders or skin spiders he is a bad man and I have skin spiders underneath me this isn't 7 Days to Die get away okay apparently it is they are going to spam me to death here quite nearly they got they almost got the best of me there I think I'll survive this though only they hadn't done such a number to my head but Jesus Christ there's so many this guy is he lives in foul surroundings I'll say that much okay I got to run I got to beat this place find somewhere safe to rest not you go to sleep tors solo it's the equivalent of build beating Giovani before you beat uh Gary in Pokemon there it is right over Yonder wow this guy really picked a bad base all right let's less talking more shying less talking more running we'll just go ooh sh look at all that look at all that this is the home of the notorious villain om my WAMU Shinu we got to take out this skin spot no I'm right here stop walking like I'm not even here do you know how bad that makes me feel Nani oh these guys fall like flies at the very least onward with the shying man there is a really an alarming number of skin spiders here really a distasteful number of skin spiders uh can we fight outside please no okay uh he won't won't take me yeah let's go out somewhere else some to fight right like right here would be great no just come back what has he got in that chest anyway oh a whole thing of human teeth this is the notorious Bug Master 100,000 cats he's worth by The Shea Kingdom they don't like him he's a bad man he's a baddie there we go we got him on the lower floor come on om my WAMU Shin deru all right fine I'll fight you inside I really I don't even stand a chance inside I got to fight him outside there's no other real way we got to we got to run from him we are faster still we are faster none can outrun me heal tors fortunately he is afraid to leave his stoop and we can just keep sleeping outside oh I hit him for 67 W Jesus that was crazy all right all we need is one more hit like that H he's not that tough he's just the bug Meister yeah they should call you Budweiser cuz I'm going to drink you yeah all we need is like one more hit we hit him for a solid 67 there okay I'm running again I'm running uh fortunately he cannot heal him himself he does not know how to do that he may be more impressive than me in terms of physique despite the fact that I gave myself plastic surgery to make myself 8 ft tall come on tors solo what to do you noo he is really strong okay it's time to switch out my legs uh the old the old substitution jutsu uh it looks like the left arm is a little low we'll just switch that out for a KR series one don't fail me now replacement arms take one step Outdoors take one step Outdoors I dare you I dare you we got him out here we got him outside yes ah a fair fight finally here I can stand a chance against him how strong is he all we need is one more good hit on him anyway you know what I'm actually wondering right here is what if we just take off our armor and oh yes putting on that armor was actually reducing my melee attack by like 12 points so by taking that off we actually made the frequency of our attacks rise and we got his saber he is mine holy damn ah the most powerful human being in the world he is not the most powerful person depending on what your definition is of a person but just put him down and heal him first ate him now we pick him up never put him down again for a while put this back on my head take off his sword I have no idea what his melee combat is put back on my armor holy he was a tough enemy he was even more buff than me holy he's probably the most jacked human in the keni world that's bananas that's bananas I am out of here this place sucks and in the end I actually learned about the kenshi combat system which was my goal this entire time I had hardly done any thinking oh man look at all that underneath me oh am I going to survive this never go swimming with skin spiders never ever that is oh that is not good you do not want that happening we'll just turn him into the sheeks get back on my Scout legs sucks getting back on Shore it just sucks getting back on Shore if I ever do come on let me on let me on can I okay good I'm free I am free of that that was so much spam I deserve that though goodbye goodbye oh you know looking back I don't think I would have gotten him this armor again just looking at how that fight went for Boss Battles it kind of makes me see Heavy Armor is very good for fighting a lot of ranged enemies or weak enemies but it's terrible for fighting bosses you need like an alternate set of armor that doesn't ruin your melee attack and not to mention my dexterity too if we had trained strength up to 100 though and switched out to KLR series arms that would have been even better than this there's still a massive skill ceiling but I don't know if I care to go much further with that 81 strength is plenty for me it took almost a full in-game week to get six levels probably take another two if I wanted to get it up from here we'll just turn him into the 100 Guardian one of the last ones wow they're impressed seeing me honor can take him to Bayon at HQ oh we have to go to admag that's crazy he was a high priority here we go the Shea Fortress man this place is badass ah they actually like me now honor to you Ken you did it where is Bayon try over here here oh maybe over here here we go they're actually they respect me now speak with me tors solo Oh yes I will tors solo you did what no Sheek ever I love how my name is in the game The Bug Master is finally defeated by your sword reverence to the Sheek you no longer are an outsider you are our kin I name you a warrior of crra the UN honorary Invincible tors solo the battleborn holy yes celebration someone pour some wine and champagne we did I mean I did it through shying where is uh where is the guy I didn't even get my money yet come on give me the money I am poor you defeated the Bug Master yes I did shut up just uh said oh there is Bon okay I found Bayon talk to him there we go give me my money is that the Bug Master hundreds of years and he's finally been slain I I'll give it to him you'll go down in history for this as a true oh yes I'm an honorary Sheck I'm not interested in your Allegiance or gaining your I could do that I actually do like the sheeks uh until I murder the everyone um mhm it really is our most infamous EV okay I get it 100,000 cats I think it's the biggest bounty on anybody he could escape from that cage I would not trust that cage all he lacks right now is a sword he could just get a sword from somebody let's break him out no that's it it feels good to be the man though he kind of let me capture him now the only one more powerful than the Bug Master is uh well you know the man himself tinfist I don't know if I really want to fight tinfist though he's too good I he he actually he embodies like pure goodness right I I don't know his whole backstory he's against the slavers so that's that seems good the Bug Master seems just like kind of a bad guy I he sits at home looking at a chest of all his teeth all day he's he's stoop kid he's stoop kid so it's like the end of a Pokemon episode what where will ash catch him go next where will tors solo strike again he's a wild and crazy guy I don't honestly know I have some ideas uh I think I'd like to do one more one more one more ad Venture with tors solo before this is all over but he's pretty much at the peak of where you'd ever care to bring a character he's 81 strength you could up that a little bit more we might have to if we want to fight tinfist just as like a test of our strength to see if we could even cut it I still don't think we're really strong enough for the Bug Master but hey you know if we pick the right armor we could do it his toughness is incredible dexterity is great he could do a little better with heavy weapons melee attack and defense I don't like how he has to lure people outside but you know it's the nature of the fighting if he were melee if you were martial arts he'd have to lure people inside it would be the other way around but uh yeah this has been one of most my most enjoyable characters yet and I know just how I'll transition to the next thing anyway join me next time for the finale of tors solo they say the Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step they also say you have to crawl before you can walk before you become the living incarnation of death you have to train for 100 days if tors solo crawls at a rate of 2 mph for a thousand days will beak things ever devour him how many days will it take him to reach enlightened welcome back to kenhi today in kenhi I have literally no goals left I have completely broken the game and I have everything I've ever wanted our stats are incredible our armor is all Masterwork our swords are all me to I have over 200,000 cats and I haven't really even tried to earn money in a while needless to say I'm thoroughly satisfied actually and this has never happened in a game before or in real life I've just never been satisfied so out of a combination of Rage Despair and on Wei and also manic celebration I'm doing the only thing any reasonable player would do some people say life is a quest for the Maes doing more and I'm not jacked enough so I'm doing what steroids can't do today T solo has his ultimate transformation one far greater than anything that we've seen so far like a caterpillar have I metamorphosed but we're not stopping there never only Mortals would stop there there can be only one answer to this in the programs filed in the steam apps folder is the common folder in the common folder is the kenhi folder in the kenhi folder is the data folder there's also an editor of human data in the XML file there is UTF coding under the mail we will increase all of the body Dimension size Maxima to 10 times their normal size and in this fashion save load up one of nearly 300 game files I've needed to use to save scum my way through this playthrough and do the only thing any reasonable human would do in my [Music] position get plastic surgery here we are this should be right now we can change tors Solo's idle stance to that of an intimidating giant looking down on people will make him larger much larger Perfection he's even lost his hair do because it can't render sometimes his backpack goes out of rendering as well we'll just increase his frame also yeah well let's see what comes out of this okay right I oh he's some sort of spider now but his head is still completely the same size the backpack has improved I'm sure I could hold a lot more in it it's still a small thieves backpack okay who can we terrorize now ah look the uh the escaped holy nation servants have done something similar somehow I have ruined the game I don't know how we'll come back from this but uh okay here it's a hungry Bandit apparently this is what's happened to Hungry Bandits and we still okay we still defeat them with ease there goes one flying uh okay there goes its foot wow I've discovered so much I have become a meme we'll just attack this wandering assassin uh okay yeah I would run from me as well you can't hide from me for okay this is just uh okay all right apparently I can still hit him it the sword is uh the sword doesn't render but all right let's go back to the hub and just see what this is all about I must make myself greater I need greater confidence to start hitting on Sha women I might be trapped like this from now on oh it turns out that guy actually lived here let's uh let's just undo that I require more plastic surgery here we go right there nice larger frame so my feet come back apart I can only only guess at what I look like here improved posture larger shoulders confirm God now this is much more dignity to it I'm certain she'll like me and I know exactly who to propose to I've been building up the confidence to do this for years go down tors solo to meet the woman of your dreams it actually it appears as if he's running backward by the way that his legs move now I don't think this was uh I don't think this was planned for in the game's coding Oh wait we're passing by somebody oh God now unfortunately this does only happen to humans right now but there is one person I need only one who would accept me now you Reign the giant I am a warrior one of the best I am the one who slayed the Bug Master come join me we as Giants will rule I forgot that you I'm also four times your speed I must romance you and here we go I wonder what this animation looks like if this is even possible I must woo her okay it it does in fact it does in fact work but it looks terrifying I make like the Phantom of the Opera to my next objective well rain the giant how would you like to be an actual giant there's nothing unhealthy about this relationship let's just put her down there that's normal so in this fashion we raise all of the stats making rain the Giant and to rain the giant giant I'll make my face bigger as well life is a mystery but ultimately all that you need is love okay rain it's your turn get in there help help us out with her somehow this is uh I did not do it for checks we'll just make her as big as possible there we go all right well I guess that's uh that's good enough for me that's and whatever is good enough for tors solo H I wonder how far we can go everyone seeks something some people seek Beauty some people seek money some people seek power but for me the answer is simple the acquisition of more flesh now I truly am large without any further Ado Let's uh let's be off with the love of my life I'll pick her I don't know how this will work okay that makes sense I have transcended this world to a higher plane I think there's still some hair in there and you could see the face much as we thought that he would at the beginning of this series tors solo has now transcended space and time to become a Force immaterial something far greater and more virtuous than we could ever even imagine he's transcended reality what is that I don't even I wonder what will pass by only the humans are doing this go down tors solo into the swamps he's traveling at light speed it appears too fast even to be seen and it is my hope that through this extremely risky and dangerous plastic surgery we can somehow reach Zen and Enlightenment after all the entire Earth is just one great torso are we stuck are we stuck on something I think we might be stuck on something no he got he got unstuck great oh he's I think he's swimming right now I think he's swimming right now no life can be as fulfilling as this one to ride off into the sunset with one's love to transcend space and time this is him swimming there he is there he goes isn't he glorious you can just see a head in the front of it all a head slowly and and look at the backpack oh my God you can see how the rain is rendering on his flesh now glorious glorious I'm not even getting any lag right here I can't believe he's still carrying rain the giant but in the end we discover that he wasn't even a torso at all like the ugly duckling he just tried to fit into society and so we make our way to the Sea a place where no men go and out into the great beyond we find that tors solo wasn't after all a torso at all but rather something else entirely some sort of dolphin man his T solo sails off into the sunset we can only sort of see his face now when we're paused cuz if we try to turn the game back on it goes like this creating some sort of fractal like slideshow of absolute Beauty beautiful there is no love greater than this to die for one's friends there's no pain that cannot be transcended and overcome with love there is no passion only Serenity I think that's his hand and I think that's his other hand over there in the sky that's the best view I can get of it there's no death there is only torso it turns out wasn't a torso after all but a great butterfly just waiting just waiting to come out of his cocoon and show us what he really was and so tors solo thought he would live happily ever after with rain the giant until he smothered her with his extremely enlarged hand today's lesson my friends you see is hubris Icarus flew too close to the Sun and his wings melted so to tors solo flew into the ocean but like any good folk tale what is the lesson what if tors solo had just gotten less plastic surgery only made his hands larger and just had extremely large hands but it's not the size of man's torso it's the size of his heart contentment can be reached in the hub living a simple life of tilling the land don't let what happened to tors solo happen to you don't chase infinity or you might get exactly what's coming to you but that dream will live on forever in our hearts running each day to infinity and beyond I hope you learned something from this story uh I hope you I hope you remember T solo and it it causes you to make better decisions in your life anyway special thanks to my patrons the AA support group uh you all wonderful people without you this wouldn't be possible to have wonderful Tales like tors solo uh and all the other that I'm coming out with now there's going to be great I promise you uh so I hope you'll join me for a future series uh not just keni but wherever we may go whatever dreams we may Chase we'll Summit them together and uh here's a little love song I wrote for or not really a love song just kind of a durge all right I hope you enjoy uh goodbye this has been a lot of posting uh and I'm I'm pretty tired of posting I just want to play a game now ah [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] look
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 594,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi torso, kenshi torsolo, torsolo, kenshi torso experience, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso challenge, kenshi ambiguousamphibian, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi lets play, lets play kenshi, kenshi lp, kenshi 2024, kenshi game pc, kenshi pc gameplay, let's play kenshi, kenshi ep 1, kenshi part 1, ambiguousamphibian kenshi, kenshi torso run, kenshi torso only, kenshi the torso experience
Id: yf4Fb1Lh2qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 300min 32sec (18032 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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