Anime Fight Club | Kenshi - The Training of One Punch Man #2

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the training of one punch man continues today with more getting our [ __ ] pushed in from days 15 through 30 hopefully to get our dodge in martial arts up so let's go find some bandits to get our asses kicked by ever since I played Pokemon as a child I always found stat bars increasing to be unfathomably satisfying to a weird degree so I hope you'll forgive me for what today's video is going to be is I tried to cut out all the boring parts but it is the greatest stat grind I have ever done and by the time it's over I guarantee we are stronger were way stronger in a long way there are a number of silly anime references as a reward which I'm beginning to notice about this game everyone everything resembles something out of Naruto horn or other anime but by the time it's over we can do [ __ ] like this which is totally totally [ __ ] worth it just look at the kicks on this is really fun and also the dodges they're pretty insane like leaf hurricane is [ __ ] up watch it here we go people people that we can fight go one punch man get your [ __ ] pushed in you've got six too you know well just as long as you don't die that's fine come on oh good oh great taking a hit how did you fall from that one you don't even owe your stomach was well that sucks alright get back up soon oh [ __ ] they took my food curse you okay enemies are nearby but we're playing dead and did we get the massive two levels of toughness for that and all we had to pay was our food are you gonna lit yeah he's gonna be all right he was fine so if we can just get our asses kicked again and then get back up from playing dead we should gain a lot more good and kick my ass again just a little bit though just a little bit this is great every time that we get up from playing dead if enemies are nearby we should gain a lot more strength and we should gain a lot more toughness he's in like the crouching crouching tiger-hidden dragon pose okay so now I'm playing dead and watch my toughness go up from 19 now to 21 just for getting back up when enemies are nearby so we're just gonna keep on getting beaten up by these bandits see if we can gain like 40 toughness who cares about my stomach one hit me again hit me again hit me again hit me again man do it do it do it [ __ ] my stomach is at negative sit we're gonna wanted heal up actually but but continuing with this strategy we should be you know please don't shoot arrows at me just just punch me in the chest I'm like a very specific masochist day 15 I've found a bunch of des traitors and I'm gonna see if I can bring them back to the hub okay taking a risk here but maybe we can best one single dust bandit in hand-to-hand combat no put away your sword finally we're getting good at something we're getting good Oh hungry bandits hungry bandits hungry bandits I know what to do with you people except that you have to heal first they're getting their side - ma get a hit in there one punch man good yeah yeah okay okay great this is exactly what I accept I wish we were closer to town but getting our [ __ ] pushed in by weak enemies is a deal then we can move on to the bladed people but we don't want to be getting hit by their attacks great great great great job 15 days 23 toughness 13 dexterity 12 dodge now and one martial arts okay there's a bandit camp over here that I can just continuously farm to have them beat me up fortunately they have some honor in fighting except for the fact that they all gang up on me I would rather just just limit it to one of you kicking my ass so I could better control how much I get my ass kicked but this is fine - I'll [ __ ] you how come your friends okay I've finally gotten it down to one disbanded we need to just repeat this process for a few days because the other people have seem to have forgotten me after chasing for like three miles it's a great now we can have good hand to hand combat good man to man time you know it's like Fight Club you just got to find somebody who's willing to punch the [ __ ] out of you and then you just do it every day and all of a sudden you're a fighting master yes I got a hungry bandit did you wire did you come one single hungry bandit I don't want to miss out on the XP gains but hey you know you're not fighting with your fists this isn't a fair fight hungry bandit I was having a good fight he this dust bandit you get the [ __ ] out of here if we find a common enemy this really is Fight Club you see the the hungry bandit represents the establishment and the does bandit and I who agreed to fight together we represent tyler tyler durden and his and Edward Norton in them you know [ __ ] that's not even fair you're using a bat we're just using our hands I swear this bandits gonna die of hunger before we can beat him to death but who died of hunger first is the perfect way to train the fight just goes on and on holy cow I might I might win this fist fight this is we are finally becoming one bunch man now we're almost that strong except our left leg might give out before his the rest of his body does all we need is one more arm he's like a roach Amaru in that fight with a I don't remember what other the third hokage that's who it is this is who it reminds me of it's Orochimaru I totally didn't realize this but he's completely Orochimaru right now hey [ __ ] don't sneak up on me oh well you can hit the other guy yeah it's fine you know actually we're gonna need your chest is at negative eight why would you join this okay just fight a little longer okay we might even push this guy into the river a fight has never gone on this long but I'm kind of impressed with site site site AMA Saitama Sai otama whatever is one punch man's one punch man's combat prowess now Oh get [ __ ] he decided to get back up Oh tough guy tough guy stop please kick my ass attack unprovoked and great okay I can't wait until they hit me with their flurry of blows oh [ __ ] he just got freakin falcon punch back there we're gonna go a little bit closer to the city not so close that the guards help us out cuz I don't want to rely on them anymore I want to train my toughness but to the point where I could go back into the city and they might want to come near to the city because I don't want to lose these bandits plus it's safe for me to play dead here if I get hit in the stomach enough times hit me maybe one more time my lonely [ __ ] don't take my food don't take filiz don't take my food snows a line from the [ __ ] no I needed that I still have a lot of money but whatever get up get up get up and twenty-eight toughness we're just gonna continue to get our asses kicked a little bit a little bit more a little bit more I want to get my ass kicked too bad but it's okay to get it kind of kick hit me hit me oh [ __ ] no not a direwolf or whatever bone dug whatever the hell they are fall back to the second gate oh this is perfect he is only 10 seconds unconscious he can get back well my stomach also might give out and I want to make sure that I don't die but look what happens to our toughness again we're at 29 25 % o 31 now I mean it's dangerous to do this but he's unconscious again we could do it again because we're in a safe spot yes ah 34 toughness we are gonna farm the toughness like this ok now we can summon the ninja guard and have them help us as long as my stomach doesn't get too bad I should I should get slightly better at dodge and everything else from this oh [ __ ] no bud ok now they did [ __ ] my leg I am in trouble now [ __ ] okay two seconds of unconsciousness we'll just wait till there's like one left and we'll stop playing dead maybe more ninja guards will come around fortunately they can't do [ __ ] to the ninja guards and it looks like I'm gonna get my food back too oh I forgot to stop playing dead in time oh well they 16s over we're finally getting some dodge skill please kick my ass again good but only one of you only this guy nobody else nobody else wait stay with me stay with me stay with me man ok let's fight to the death more ass-kicking oh I finally am starting to get hits on him Wow ok this dust bandit has been trapped here by bad pathing so he can't he can't even really make his way back home but our leg is healed up and we can just keep on getting up from playing dead to watch our toughness it's at 36 and 42% now 37 and 43% so we're gaining one level of toughness for each time we get back up we're gonna see if we can get back to just getting our asses kicked a few more times until we're on the brink of dying and then we'll be way stronger hit me again hit me again good good good don't knock off my limbs I need those oh and it looks like he had a run-in with some hungry bandits so we're fine yeah he is just stuck here patrolling for some reason and it looks like we're gonna be okay we just have to get out of here well this is odd the dust bandits have actually been hunted down by enough hungry bandits that there are now no more dust bandits remaining so I can use their beds in the wild instead of having to go to that hotel every night are you [ __ ] cuz I got my foods I did not see that okay well we didn't need food as much as we needed a bit day 17 draws to a close my training has been long and long and hard but I have toughness 38 dexterity 19 dodge 25 now and martial arts 10 maybe today I'll start to see some wins in these fights keep soldiering on one punch man this dust bandits the only one left he's all alone so he's going to sit in the fire you're see you have your hand in the fire man at least you're a Scheck that's kind of baller damn that was a lot of time I mean I don't feel great about being stuck in a recovery coma on top of a hill but there is a lot of there is a high volume of fights that you can take advantage of down here and it seems like the dust bandits are starting to get better but this might be a good group to go after once I'm fully healed up Oh getting attacked day 18 draws to a close I'm fighting the bowmen instead because their own oh you had a weapon well f you f you your chest is about to cave in anyway hopefully we'll be able to kick his chest in before he incapacitate Smee otherwise I'll just gain toughness but I want him to be dead so that I can use their outpost to my own advantage because I want to sleep here instead oh no ass ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't get away from this one oh you hit eachother you hit Ichi [ __ ] you're gonna kill me okay that's fine you know I'll just gain more toughness oh don't take my [ __ ] they took my [ __ ] and I got the [ __ ] beat out of me come on one punch man limp your way to strength day 19 draws to a close some hungry bandits picked a fight with some goats and it looks like the goats might win I will also say this the reason why all my stats are ass is because training and armor is supposed to give you better XP gains for martial arts so it's kind of like training in like a like a weight vest as some of you guys have been saying if if I train and shittier gear it makes my experience go up faster and then once we're finally good at it we'll put on good gear so that we can finally be good at martial arts but we won't need as much XP gains once we get to that point day 19 has ended 43 toughness 20 dexterity 11 martial arts 30 dodge and 55 athletics let's ask the dust bandits for another fight okay me and the same guy are gonna fight again just like we did before let's see who's stronger now well actually his stats are going up too so I suppose I'll still lose but well just try not to get our legs destroyed this time because that made it take extra long [ __ ] we're getting some hits in on this [ __ ] okay great great great great it's not completely one-sided yes one punch your one kick man right now you're kicking him in the chest but nonetheless it's still a good thing kick him in the chest man kick him in the chest almost there win a fight yeah we kicked him in the chest for the win man oh geez you don't know how good that feels okay I'm gonna loot him and I'm just gonna take all of his [ __ ] and I'll probably great great oh no he wouldn't let me take it away from him I just want to take your melee weapon so that the next fight I can get more experiences all that's it I'll take away that too you could leave on your armor I think that'll actually help me let's just drm all the dust bandits that's gonna train us up to way better martial arts now for the next one we just have to keep on fighting the dust bandits until we get them all D armed this guy will probably beat me but it I think his weapon is kind of know is it slow hey I'm just getting lucky right now we are gonna have to get beaten up a few more times before we get stronger I've lured this guy right where I want him outside the hub and you use him to gain the last of our toughness it was continued fighting until we oh well I'm perfectly fine to stay unconscious here cuz it's really unlikely at anime will overwhelm these shinobi ninja guards just look at how powerful they are oh whoa I take that back there's still more somewhere haha day 21 and there's finally been a boon for for our hero and now we're going to unprovoked Lee attack these hungry but are they even gonna support each other they're running to something I don't know what that guy's going to but certainly certainly we'll win this fight because we're actually stronger than a lot of people now and he seems to be getting most of his hits like on the chest or somewhere somewhere focused and concentrated so he should be able to put him down quickly good good good okay now the ultimate test can we kill some goats goats are fairly strong compared to the you know a lay person so we need to be cautious but good he's Kate he's got no no we will not be able to kill goats I have gotten murdered brutally by goats many times before the one beautiful part about training against herbivores is that they won't kill you if they do knock you out they will or they will not devour you like bone dogs will so they are a good enemy to train against god it's like watching a police chase or something oh [ __ ] they got me day 22 more ass-kicking for today more ass-kicking I'm still just getting ass kicked but until we get like martial arts 20 we can't really fight anybody so it's fine we'll just get toughness 50 I can't even see him striking these blows he's getting so fast now who hungry Ben it's hungry bandits even better enemies than the this guy I don't want to fight the escaped servants of the holy nation or whatever they are holy nation outlaws I know there's a difference I'm just oh you hungry bandits will help me thank God we're finally starting to get some hits in I think I'd like to get him to the point where he can just like solo a group of hungry bandits and then he'll start grinding experience that way and it won't take as long for him to heal up between each one and then we'll finally on the road to becoming a stronger one-punch man oh the shame that forged one punch man and to the most powerful human being why do all the bandits run this way but I mean it still just gives me a chance to okay there we go great great hungry bandits are the ideal enemy there you go you got a walk before you can run yes we want to fight we've won a fight against two bandits that's weird shouldn't be happening but I guess as we're getting better than this armor it will slowly start to switch into the better gear but for right now we still need the experience too badly more people to get beaten up by please take out the ranged guy first though I do now want to be hitting it with that no that's bad that's got hit in the chest really hard well I guess we could use a little bit more toughness maybe 250 and then we can start fighting again take them off one by one one by one yeah that guy okay fine you can hit me that's fine hit me baby one more time come on I just want to fight you alone please don't ever Ohno you've well that's not that great a weapon he looks like someone I know who I don't know who it is he definitely looks like a lot of people though who more bandits more bandits more bandits good fight the weak to get stronger good fight the weak attack that one now good fight the weak they deserve to be hit good get that one too before they know the guards never mind you did a good job anyway and more hungry bandits eat let's go in the weak fighting the weak to get stronger come on come on attack all the hungry bandits I don't care what you well don't well don't go over here if you want to attack one right there whoops whoops whoops go go go go go there we go there we go maybe we could get some of these pack animals too they're usually quite rich oh that's it yes more bandits more bandits more bandits more bandits I know their holy nation escaped holy nation outlaw escaped servants but there's still there's still week and I like him for that reason can we at least get you if I could beat one of you people in hand-to-hand combat that would make this whole task way easier yes I knocked one out in a group if I could do that with more if only I could do that with more of them then we would be way stronger but right now we're still working with terrible gear what would happen if we gave him decent gear I should test some out soon day 23 draws to a close now we need to start soloing groups of hungry bandits or escaped holy nation servants if we hold our holy nation whatever they I cannot say their name escaped servants from the holy nation outlaws so I guess servants who were in the holy nation who then joined the badass holy nation outlaws and I'm kind of an [ __ ] for kicking up because they're cool people but they're also starving and they don't have very strong weapons so we need to fight them oh that guy's got a freaking crossbow not so great but we're still training toughness for it 51 and counting on everything else could we got now we got one of them good good and [ __ ] somebody gets no hungry bandits hungry bandits hungry bandits I love you so much you are such great enemies [ __ ] please don't hit me again I'm getting so good at dodging everything but not enough at martial arts it's gonna be a little while longer till he gets stronger okay we've been beaten up for one of the last one of the last times were normal good good just keep getting back up it's training your toughness now did we lose most of the rest of the hungry bandits oh [ __ ] they attacked me in bed they attacked me in bed I think I'm very good against enemies I mean obviously in this fight I'm gonna lose because I've already had really bad like chest strength but I think you'll do well in one-on-one combat against enemies he may still have trouble of dealing with a lot of them at once but hope but Jesus Christ Sica is he good at dodging now he's 39 dodge which is pretty crazy martial arts 20 which is when it starts getting decent if we put on some decent gear and then after that we'll uh well I guess we'll just keep on going up with the strength cuz we need to get better blows on enemies a lot of enemies are uh they've got like armor or something and I don't seem to be able to penetrate it for my hits not with fists alone anyway a bunch of them attacked me in my bed don't know what to say to that but we're starting I just went through the floor that guy's blinking in and out of existence Wow wish I had that power but uh we need to get somewhere more advantageous for this there we go okay now we get that guy's flying I wish I had that power too okay attack all of these bandits fortunately the bandits are just coming to me at this point for no reason and that is interesting can she has such great physics that's amazing that's amazing I love this game I love this game so much that's great it's like performance art or interpretive dance or advanced sculpture now for my first move of Justice the slave mongers are going to try to enslave the people that I just knocked out so I'm going to use the ninja to help defend me they do have blunt weapons so they're not terrible enemies though they're very well armored and I don't like that so they're strong ones but this could be the first kind thing I ever do rather than just beating up random innocent people please save me please save me ninja guards please I otherwise I will die and get enslaved please I don't know the bone dog is after me too if when to the effort of coming up the stokke we're going to people who actually like me we're going back to the look at how much further we've come we're actually getting hits in combat all we need now is 99.3 can no one can ever hit me because this is still not a superhuman level of strength I wished for but he's pretty he's pretty good in combat on his own I gotta say we're also gonna get attacked by nomads they're much stronger than me so they should give me plenty of experience in getting my ass kicked not sure how much more we need it at this point my toughness is it really going up my twitch out to some actual melee combat gear actually you know what screw it I'm running from this fight no longer will I fight this fight I'm gonna train some decent martial arts now and win a couple of fights shitload a hungry bandits here let's fight him how does he hold up against a lot cuz he should be able to outmatch any one of these guys in single Mortal Kombat but I think as a group even with faster dodge he still had his disadvantage until he gets to a way higher level he's gonna need to do a bit more grinding the Christ look at how good he is at dodging now I mean he's not gonna be taking any damage soon very very soon and the last group please be the last group of hungry bandits we are in such good health I could see this going really well his dodge is going up by about 1% a second as he does this he was getting hit occasionally but I think if he changed into better gear he might he might stay the chance against groups this big still even with the faster dodge the main issue is just the fact that he can't he can't even get a chance to get a hit and he needs each hit to be a one-hit kill on these guys if he wants to do better in combat look at how good he is at dodging that's crazy that's crazy and he's starting to take ok he's getting closer to being able to solo this type of combat he took down one of the bandits and then it's only it's gonna be like the power rule he'll get way stronger from there though there we go he got to okay he's getting faster his dexterity is gonna go up soon as well yeah you got this you gotta piss beat out of him again but oh no oh well it's fine their strength goes up strength goes up 25 days 41 strength 59 toughness 29 dexterity the one that's a me is the 45 dodge he dodges practically everything in combat now it's just because he can't get a chance to get a hit in that he's still not knocking enemies out and it's the main reason why he hasn't been able to train martial arts yet but it goes in this order toughness dodge then I guess the its it's all like the defensive stuff before the offensive stuff so he needs to be able to take a hit then he can dodge hits gradually and then he'll start to get better at hitting and then it'll start to get better at fast hitting and then it'll get better at knocking people out with one punch that'll be the final thing to come but it's awesome now it's getting awesome I should say well you know what the the holy the escaped holy nation outlaw servants are really nice because they actually heal you when they kill you like when they knock you out they will heal you and I don't think they even a - oh no they do attack me well we'll just use them for more toughness anyway they're pretty nice people yes yes just how I like it it's good good good just don't get hit in the head anymore please oh they're healing me - that's so nice of them that is so nice no please please no don't hit me again don't please don't do it don't do it now I get my revenge I guess this is where you get your combat experience when you have allies you get your combat experience but when you're all alone against a group of 20 until you're a martial arts master you're not gonna be getting a lot of combat experience experience from getting beaten up finally a chance to leave my dunderheaded miss bond that's about five hungry bandits which is far less than the ones I had seen before so we might manage to get better with dexterity or martial arts or whatever just some sort of combat in this fight rather than getting our asses kicked again I'm sick of getting my ass kicked oh no don't don't we're my enemies I didn't want you to fight them well I'm going to claim the rest of these hungry bandits for myself and just kick the crap out of them 24 martial arts that we're getting better with it now we'll be striking harder and swifter punches soon stay away from my kills good they're going away all right let's see if we can get a few more go one punch man go go go it's day 26 for Christ's sake you need to get stronger you have four days to get way stronger but if he can beat them in groups of this size I think that'll be fine list is to tackle oh man there is a there is a leader right here he's better armed and we're kind of backed up against stuff stop dodging just get in a punch please ah yeah he spends like ninety yeah he gets one punch in for every like ten that they get but he did manage to knock that one pretty hard I'll say this and what I might do with him after the thirty days are up because he's so good at dodging and he can put up a fight so well I might see if I could get him to join a war or something like that because if he had a few allies on his side and he were fighting he'd start to get a lot more combat experience than he's had a chance to get cuz right now it's still mostly just dodge and toughness if he goes against these guys all on his own but like he gets in a few good hits in a group he'd be a good soldier in an army still well we can't let these slave mongers get away with this yeah we have to do some good in this [ __ ] up world okay we're gonna we're gonna start just declaring war on slave mongers and we'll use the basically everyone in town will declare war on and then we'll use the town guards to help defend us but slave mongers are pretty bad people so I mean look at look at how well I'm doing in one one-on-one combat I hardly take any hits he's not like one punch man he's like one dodge man still right now but look he just beat a slave monger with his hands that's cray that's cray let's attack one more as long as it as long as I could just fight one at a time that's fine okay Oh get the [ __ ] out of there man yeah we don't want you to okay okay okay now get inside there King please defend me Samurai people please defend me please defend me I need that I need that a lot okay we'll just fight you right next to the bed I'm gonna Lyonne when I'm [ __ ] I might be able to dodge a lot of it Wow the shinobi are not gonna help me at all whose side are they on they like justice somebody do something you're you're honestly a guard to your own nation and I'm trying to keep slavery out of your nation you're not gonna help me as long as I can get some more wide open where they can't attack me why am I going over there I'm committing a crime I'm not committing it well I am committing a crime but it's a good crime you know just fight these people I bet I could fight to I bet I could fight to he's one of them a boss though sleeve mugger that guy looks tough no neither one's a boss but he looks like it he's very thick okay uh come on damn he's very very good now he's very good except for his left arm which might fall off no no no I'm Orochimaru okay we have to get out of here we have to get out of here it's very bad we don't want to lose her arm can I just can I attack one more can I just get this guy down oh damn I got that guy down well this guy's gonna know [ __ ] [ __ ] ah damn I don't want to lose my arms I don't want to lose my arms [ __ ] I might lose my arms that would not make me one punch man anymore can I just please get can I please get hit down that's very bad that would be very very bad let's just take off the armor all of the armor we don't we don't want to lose our legs and arms [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right you know what actually this is fine I'm just gonna take off my helmet so that they hit me in the head great hit my head hit my head hit my head man hit my head don't cut off my arms though don't cut off my useless arms my left arm no a [ __ ] nobody [ __ ] no bud oh [ __ ] no but they might enslave me no I'm a slave I'm a slave at the end of 30 days 30 days of training all for this to become a slave well fortunately they have a lot of other slaves so it'll be easier for me to escape I hope I'm normal now okay well I'm just gonna walk away [ __ ] no I was really hoping that the shinobi would help me with that no it's gonna walk away from you and I'm completely fine though I although I am enslaved let's put back on my helmet and just take off these shackles unlock shackles well at least one of my arms is good come on alright great so we I'm going to escape now first aid let's just run in here discovered apparently I'm discovered but I don't feel discovered take off my shackles alright I'm fine I just look like a slave now so I'm gonna get attacked by all slave mongers [ __ ] okay we escaped slavery and now we all we lost wear our shoes but it's it's okay for some reason we're gonna make it through this ah okay we are finally stronger now it's been 28 days or 27 days but all we need to do now is find this man o'war he's good enough at he's not good enough at dodging goddammit I was just about to say you were good at dodging can you be good at something when my narrative calls for it god dammit but you know he's decent at dodging considering all the attacks he's getting hit at him writing you but when he does get better at that we can finally get some martial arts training Christ's sake more bandits more training more fun I'll say this he dodges almost everything now it's like a Bruce Lee film it's insane like this guy is not taking any hits he used to take all of these hits but now he's getting in this is what we need him to do he needs to dodge everything get in one really good hit and then dodge everything again for a while it's the only way that he can survive is one punch man oh [ __ ] he's getting like he survived in that combat for so long for so long he did he'll be he'll be really good when he does get good he and he and get good he will get good he will all we need is our stomach to recover good stay near the hub stay near the hub if we could only attract them nearer to without having to fight them let's try to view that ooh whoops [ __ ] vs. [ __ ] [ __ ] vs. [ __ ] come on come on [ __ ] my [ __ ] we'll beat yours and yes ya lose your arm - did I tear off his arm oh my god I tore off his arm with my arm Wow I'm finally getting powerful oh I mean it's not it's not just it's not good but its power it's one punch it's one punch - taking off your arm that's exactly what we're looking for in this playthrough I can't believe he's actually good now I've waited for so long for this I didn't think it would come about but it seems like he's hit this threshold where now they can hardly hit him with any attacks and he's just going to avoid everything for a long time then get in one or two jabs and knocking people out he's gonna have to get stronger see there he goes he got one guy threw him to the ground he's gonna get back up and we still won't win fights but this is gonna be how his combats go that he's just gonna stand in front of them dodge everything and then throw in these little jabs that knock people out he needs to get stronger though if he wants to win yeah there he goes look he's getting green he so little red now so little red and way more green like even though there's not a lot of it proportionally he's doing a lot more all of his fights left be sped up like this as well yeah he is yeah he did get knocked out again oh well gotta lose a few more you can't [Music] you can't touch this go go - actually goat said I really need you - I would prefer that these goats not fight these bandits but are the goats at least weak no I do fear goats in this game you know what I'm gonna help this poor guy out let's let's attack these goats it's time to get enslaved again let's just go attack these slave mongers because there's no one else around I wandered I put all the way to squid in back not a soul in sight only these slave mongers I can run from them I just probably don't want it to come down to the to the very end because then I'll get enslaved and I don't want to be enslaved I will probably not beat any of them now to be fair okay are we uh are we really skating a little bit of Dodge Spirit we are gaining dodge experience and we're fine on that we're fine on that we're fine on that we'll just get down to about half health and then run away okay run away let's run forever oh they're faster than how are they faster than me and all that armor oh no oh no this is bad this is bad well fortunately sis whoa that's a lot of green fortunately since they were from out of town it's not considered a crime I suppose oh no the shinobi are fighting me oh that's terrible that's awful that is awful no no no Oh No where do I even go now squid squid we're going to squint that's the only place we can go we'll just head off in that general direction and hope that for some reason they can't kill me which they probably will yep they're gonna kill me all right looks like I'm going back to slavery oh no not slavery oh well that's different no no please no slavery okay thank you great great notice I'm free for me thank you very much that is great I've had just enough just enough to lavery for one day I don't understand why they like slave traders but not hungry people and I thought it was a good place fortunately we're now so strong or we're so tough that we can pretty much outlast any hit we're dodging a shitload to I mean we can take people out in one or two hits he's getting in one or two hits every single time that he hits them just look at how much more he's dodging chrissake that's really nice there look at all those Gaara I think I think he's not one punch man yet he may need another two weeks or so and it all depends on the number of hungry bandits we find because those are by far the best enemies to train against but I could see him getting really overpowered with this because he's at 55 dads right now he's still got another 45 dodge he could get and then by that time he's gonna be getting only hits and Gotha and it'll start training his martial arts he'll start attacking faster and then he'll start attacking with more strength once we turn up the strength and he's gonna be one shotting enemies in combat but Christ this is way better than we were before oh no silly mongers don't get involved here please don't get involved here we're doing good we're doing good we're not one punch man yet but we're well on our way look look at all that green he does get a few flurries of blows in combat how many is that a twenty nine or so he never had a character quite this good Martellus and he's still in stat to grade and clothing too so once he gets into decent clothing he's gonna be a frigging tank he may not be strong right now but he's he's getting there oh [ __ ] don't take my food please goodbye goodbye I'm gonna I'm gonna heal and then I'll be right back look at how good he is he can one punch people it's just that he needs it to be one person and then if he eventually takes out more that he can fight them one at one at a time please please just wanted attempt but if he does go up against a lot I guess the sheer numbers will still like debilitate him but what we need to do is find a groups of I don't know like a few weekend amis and I think he can solo them now he's way better than he was at the beginning of the video that I am I'm feeling gratified in this yeah this guy this guy is turning into a kung-fu movie that is nice look at that oh yeah it's like a Bruce Lee scene when the guys all jumped on him one at a time instead of together to make it look like he was actually stronger Christ he can win fights oh [ __ ] I've never seen him do this I'm so outstandingly glad yes you are the chosen one you are now one punch man well like you're about ten punch men right now but you are punch man in some way here is the penultimate test before we embark upon the rest of our journey to rid the world of evil can we pray upon like narrowed down innocents and hungry people who are much weaker than us in in such a way that we don't have to go to bed after it if we could do that I would be completely satisfied with this if not and if we're at least getting close knocking out three to four of the bandits I'd still be happy but has all the training been in vain I don't think it's been in vain well let's find out right now martial arts 29.56 we're at the end of day 30 the other ones are Allah are irrelevant because he was not gonna be using a weapon 41 strength 70 toughness 35 dexterity I would like more dexterity and I would like I would like better dodge I think the only things that'll make a difference at this point our strength dodge and martial arts strength dodge and martial arts along with toughness but if he has enough dodge he won't have to do it he's doing well in combat though let's just speed up and compare the amount of red and green that's a good bit of red I think he's getting kind of unlucky in this fight I don't know I mean a lot of the bandits are kind of hurt he's making it through sure his left arm might be screwed up but he's now more orochimaru like he's totally orochimaru right now he's at that level please don't lose that armor I do now what I have to replace that but we knocked down one that means the other ones can't be far behind that's silly can you do it can you do it without losing your arm please don't lose that arm I really I paid a lot for that arm please okay I'll speed it up one more time I think he's only in really real danger at negative 100 it takes one more hit to the left arm I'll be nervous but you know what he's holding in the eezol he's hanging in there one down maybe you'll get one more two out of five I'd call that a success for 30 days of training with negative affecting stat gear on yeah you know this guy is like seven to ten punch and kick men not quite mud one punch man yet but it'll have a little bit more training to do before next time and then have like oh oh he got to you got to and he's not lost his arm yet oh [ __ ] he's kicking him in the face look he's starting to win oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is [ __ ] awesome he's gonna win this fight oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look he's using his kicks I am so good okay he is now one he's like five kick man not one punch man yet five kick man but that's [ __ ] dope I've never made a character this powerful this guy is more powerful even than the torso right now not to disparage the torso but one punch man if he had a left arm again would be way stronger um maybe we'll just let him lose an arm so that he would be forced into hitting everybody with one punch now I don't want to do that Tim forty one strength seventy toughness thirty-six dexterity thirty martial arts 56 dodge and sixty-seven athletics those are the stats that matter and now we can start going out on the open road fighting groups of hungry bandits we'll need it to be five at first but then we'll get stronger and then we'll be able to fight bigger groups of hungry bandits and then after that we'll start fighting dust bandits cuz there they actually do seem quite sinister bonus fight bonus round he's gotta he's got to be better against these guys Wow he's not even taking damage from some of the hits it's still gonna be a while before we can go up against armed enemies but he is getting in a good number of hits now I'm glad to see this because before I didn't think he'd get in any wow it's like Naruto damn he's way stronger look at all the arrows in this [ __ ] holy cow nobody does that he's like Boromir times 10 [ __ ] man badass [ __ ] damn this guy's a [ __ ] tank he could do anything except I don't want to lose my left leg please please don't let me lose my left leg I got to take off the helmet again so that I don't lose my left leg [ __ ] remove that okay great just cut my head off or something that my leg great job how powerful am I now how powerful am i how powerful am i let me know let me know let me know oh [ __ ] he can kick a [ __ ] in their face he's still taking a few hits but it won't be long before he's I kind of want to take off the armor we'll find him some better armor soon but it's it's still helping him in terms of not getting hit for as much but it is seriously hurting his dodge he is dodge would be twice as good if he took up the armor look at it 35:23 is down skills 58 he'll be so good when we get him into decent gear I can't believe this but is he gonna be able to solo this even with the negative armor on Wow look at that look at all those hits 76 he's getting like he's getting like Leeson hits right here this is badass leaf hurricane baby oh [ __ ] damn he can solo groups of bandits now this is so much fun I've never thought beating up groups of hungry bandits would be this much fun what about goats what about goats let's find out let's attack the goats wow look at all that goat blood [ __ ] get revenge for those other goats that killed me in my last series [ __ ] man look at once he can kick he is so much better now that he can kick maybe not one punch but one he's taking the kick part seriously oh now I don't know he is certain to get hit though let's get let's get into bandage for a second [ __ ] alright well we're all gonna kill these goats either way great job great job great job that's food for days Wow we're now able to falcon punch and Falcon kick our way to every victory he might be able to one-shot everybody soon it's it's not far off we just gotta attack these goats come on get some more gold experience great get that goat it wronged your family it wrong your family it dishonored your mother damn I didn't ever think I'd be able to beat goats [ __ ] he just killed like four goats alright let's see if we can fight a wild bull for no reason come on this would be super badass we destroyed its entire freight before let gooo and it's both of its forelegs why was it standing how are you standing we are so much stronger against single foes I don't think I can be beaten oh [ __ ] we could kidnap it oh wow that would be immoral kidnapping a bull we need to find stronger enemies now we are getting we're getting really strong we need to find nomads nomads I'm just gonna pick a fight with you for no reason I know you're way stronger than me but if we can kill you that will be perfect confirmation for me that we're ready for the next thing okay how does he do again how does he do against the nomads a much stronger enemy than my previous ones he's probably gonna get his ass kicked again but that'll be good for his toughness and they're all herbivores with them and there are nice people so even if I fight them they won't hurt me so bad alright so you know we're still experiencing pain again but it's worthwhile because we haven't experienced this in a while good get your [ __ ] pushed in that's how you get stronger I says sum total by day 32 were able to beat everybody except for nomads pretty much in this part of the world I would say mostly everybody except for groups of slave mongers giant groups of hungry bandits butch bull he should be fine against now with his area of attack kick but this guy is so much stronger than he was he's like 5 kick man right now but I think within like one video he'll be one punch man and at least this part of the world now we need to find a war where he can get in a lot of combat experience because once you get to the higher martial arts levels they get sick ok that was a lot for one day thanks for watching I know we went over the 30 day mark but he was just starting to peek in his power so it was totally worth it anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed my name is ambiguous amphibian and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 382,963
Rating: 4.9265389 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, let's play kenshi, kenshi letsplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi one punch man, one punch man, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi challenges, kenshi martial arts, kenshi martial arts master, kenshi martial arts training, kenshi martial arts character, kenshi grinding, kenshi training, kenshi game training, anime fight club, kenshi fight club, anime kenshi, kenshi anime, kenshi one punch
Id: tqLJQuc4zxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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