I Spent 100 Days Ending SLAVERY In Kenshi

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hey hello howdy how you doing have you ever woken up one morning in a cage taken prisoner by a holy Empire forcing you to erect statues of dead white guys all while dreaming of freedom and what lies beyond the mountains well then join me in Kensi's John McCain experience as I attempt to survive 100 days beginning as a prisoner of war turned slave and working my way into building an Unstoppable Empire bent on avenging those caged alongside me meet our dynamic duo PRS and His helmet-wearing companion flurb who kind of looks like those kids who eat glue in the back of the classroom but that's besides the point enslaved for their purple hair undying love for Blink 182 and fur's ability to eat an entire box of Crayola crayons in one sitting these two must work together to escape slavery and do whatever it is you do in kenchi probably sit around and wait for keni 2 to release most of day one was spent slaving away at the Quarry there's not really all that much you can do as a slave especially when you have zero stats in everything except for manual labor though in my spare time I practice lockpicking during the night I'd sneak out of my cage and practice stealth walking around the campsite the goal is to get boats stealth and Athletics up enough to attempt an escape leveling stealth will make it harder to be spotted and leveling Athletics will allow PRS and Flair to run faster once they've been noticed making it just a little more difficult on the guards I really tried to take advantage of the Knight for this kind of stuff you'll naturally level Athletics while being a slave albeit much slower than just running around but it's still a nice boost the day usually starts at around 6:00 or 7: in the morning and so at 5:00 a.m. I began attempting to stealth KO the guards I have a 0% chance right now though meaning I effectively walked up to the guarding gave him a little kiss on the cheek before getting [ __ ] slapped back into the cage the entire day is spent mining in the Quarry for stone so it's not worth trying anything during the day unless the perfect opportunity presents itself while preds was in the mines I spectated flurb for hours because it's hilarious to watch him run he's just on a mission to do the bare minimum he looks like he should have Mad City playing in the background every time he runs during the night on day three I continued lockpicking and attempting stealth Knockouts I found that if you're able to get back in the cage they won't savagely beat you so it quickly turned into a game of slap the [ __ ] out of the guards then run back to safety of a slave cage and [Music] repeat after making my way into another building I found some dried fish and cooked vegetables on display I've noticed the hunger rate won't drop below starving for your characters when they're slaves but they'll still be incredibly malnourished which impacts stats like toughness strength and Athletics all of which are needed to escape so it's important to keep an eye on at around noon while I was trying to see what my Max Speed was I removed my shackles and proceeded to get jumped by several guards before getting my body paraded around the camp like that scene in Troy the slave owners here give no as soon as prz had recovered enough to regain Consciousness he was forced directly back into rotation while the guards slept PR trained when he got bored with training he stole food from the buildings that's really all that could be done since there's nothing to do during the day besides work you're limited to the seven or eight hours during the night to get your skill grind again which means you're constantly separating 8 hours into lockpicking stealth walking thievery assassination Athletics and anything else you can think of that's not even including the wasted time spent bleeding out on the floor when you failed to knock out a guard preds ended up spending all of day four and the morning of day five recovering by 5: a.m. he was able to move again and immediately set to sneaking out to grab some more dried fish and cooked vegetables outside of that it was business as usual I still need to heal up some more and I didn't want to risk an escape attempt in the daylight that was the plan at least until around 10:30 when I found myself next to flurb on the outskirts of the camp seizing the opportunity Flur mistook the guards for rabbits and gave him the old Lenny squeeze providing preds a chance to escape and it played out perfectly with all the commotion over flurb no one seemed to notice ped's making a break for it men looked like like Forest Gump out there running the shackles off his feet after a few hours of running preds came across a massive partially collapse Bridge honestly this isn't super important or anything I just thought this was a really cool shot and wanted it in the video so feel free to come up with some deep poetic meaning and send it to me in the comments officially a free man PRS began making his way to the only safe place I could think of sending him while dodging the wandering groups of soldiers that evening I accidentally ran through a city while not paying attention and got chased out of town by the holy guards once they recognized breeds the chase continued for several hours until they eventually gave up for some reason and just returned home allowing preds to make it to the Hub at around midnight on day six after selling a splint for some dried meat I got to work mining I'm not willing to attempt thieving at the moment since one mistake can get you killed when you're solo right now the safest way for me to make money is simply by mining copper which can be sold for around 170 cats considering the dried meat can be bought for 80 cats I can get a little more than two pieces of food per copper ower the biggest threat right now is hungry Bandits and dust Bandits who Patrol the lands around the Hub since I don't have any weapons or martial arts training there's little I can do to help but I can bait enemies into the bar and let the mercenaries slaughter [Music] them with the hungry band bleeding out on the floor I looted them and sold their weapons back to the barkeep while keeping one for myself it's not great but it'll do for now with the Bandit situation addressed it was back to Mining and selling copper luckily the American dream hasn't been shattered in kenchi yet and hard work does truly pay off with a full day of mining in the books I'd accumulated enough cats to purchase a shack and begin repairing it I'd managed to finish the repairs on the Shack by the morning of day s making PR an official homeowner the first thing built in the home was a research bench so that PRS could learn how to properly Place items into a chest by the end of the day the shack had been transformed into a makeshift storage unit for copper to make bulk selling easier in reality it's more so for the fact that I can assign pri's jobs to both mine and hul copper to the storage and give me more time to play Retro Bowl on my phone while I power through the boring [Music] bits it wasn't until day8 that I realized I'd built the wrong storage unit since the one I originally built was for iron I need to build a copper or storage crate so I spent most of my time disassembling the original and building a new one day nine was spent mining copper so I wouldn't need to worry about money for at least a few [Music] days that evening I sold all 35 copper and set out for squin to buy a backpack and grab my first companion the only delay was having to wait until my EXs slave status went away so that I wouldn't be easily recaptured since the shops don't open till 6:00 and preds arrived at around midnight there was nothing to do except to work on my stealth until the shops open for the day that got boring really quickly and since I didn't feel like waiting until morning I took a chance and picked the lock onto the store allowing me to ransack the entire building I walked away with several backpacks a ton of research books and an abundance of medical supplies with the gear secured I headed over to the bar and recruited two shecks Soo and atto to my party after recruiting my new friends we passed out loot to everyone and left narrowly escaping the bag check by simply ignoring the guard and pretending he wasn't sprinting behind us we made it back to the Hub at around 10:00 a.m. and got to work better organizing our Shack assigning myself to research while our Shea friends focused on mining copper I also gave everything to PRI to hold since he can afford to just hold it in his inventory so that the Shacks have more space to hold iron and copper in oh and I updated the map with all the stolen Maps we took stto was assigned to mine iron so that we could use that in conjunction with a large backpack to level our strength while ad mined copper to help us gather some cash during all of this I decided to check in on flurb who was apparently Midway through an escape attempt even though I haven't switched to him in a while which was pretty funny we'll have to spend some time with him later since he's starving but I'll let the guards get him situated first early that afternoon some hungry Bandits had attacked the Hub so I went out and looted them before taking a dine Bandit back to base with me with plans to use them with the iron i' collected for a boost to strength I'd been spending the nights working on my stealth skill for a pretty big hit coming up it's either going to be that or I'm going to have to brute force my way in but either way I'm planning on targeting that bar just outside of the Hub it's got a ton of supplies that I can steal and resell at the bar inside the Hub and it shouldn't be big enough to get me killed outside of that to today was spent mining with all three of us I can build a T2 research bench but we'll need a bigger building to do so there's also dust Bandits nearby but we don't have weapons to fight them that being said we'll need to toughen up somehow so I made plans to fight them that evening keeping stto back to drag me and AD out when we inevitably got our asses kicked on the morning of day 12 I set out with ATO to give the dust Bandits our best shot now the goal here isn't to win there is practically no chance of us even Downing an enemy no I just need to start gaining combat XP and this is really the only way I can do that right now the fight itself was a landslide we got decimated Ado took several shots to the head instantly knocking him out of the fight and almost killing him while I tried my best to bait the dust Bandits back into the Hub unfortunately no one came out of the bar to help leaving me to get pummeled into the sand SoDo was able to stabilize me that morning and was even able to rescue adto bringing him back to the shack before tending to us I moved at into one of the rented beds in the bar and spent the rest of the day mining iron while we healed up at least until that afternoon when I ambushed three hungry Bandits this fight went way better than the dust Bandits and we put up a solid fight but ultimately it ended much the same with three of us laying in the sand while our enemies walked away after spending the rest of the day resting in the cots above the bar I set out with Ado to work on our stealth Kos and combat skills since a hungry Bandit group was passing [Music] by we were able to successfully knock out two Bandits separating them from their group before winning our first fight against any enemies I mean sure we had to take their weapons away leaving them defenseless but that's besides the [Music] point that afternoon they came back to the hub and were slaughtered by the BART tenants while I being completely oblivious to this Min iron in the corner on day 14 I finally filled two backpacks with iron giving me almost 500 kg to work with as I wandered around to level strength I sent atto and Soto to face death against the dust Bandits again after that debacle I looted a dying dust bandit in the bar and got back to walking around by the end of the day Soto and AD were fully healed and I had a new plan instead of trying to a raid a nearby bar we'd sneak back into squin and loot the general shops I equipped SoDo and Ado with thieves backpacks for the encumbrance reduction and set off for squin bringing the Bandit leader with us so that we could train Combat on him once he decided to wake up from his coma arriving at around midnight on day 15 I went to the weapons shop since the guards were all hanging out around the Armory I was able to fill up my entire backpack with some decent quality weapons while also dumping some into ad and Soto's backpacks before leaving I dropped my gear in a pile and walked through the guards who searched me before heading back in grabbing my backpack and walking back through them without incident I ended up getting jumped by dust Bandits right outside of the Hub but other than that we were able to make it back to base sort out the best weapons and sell the rest coming away with over 36,000 cats with the cash we earned from selling the extra weapons we bought the Station House for $12,000 and begin fixing it up this will allow us to add a larger research bench as well as cages that we can start recruiting prisoners to our army we finished repairing the building going into day 16 and began working on a variety of blueprints to get our base up and moving I plac blueprints for things like food storage weapon lockers and armor chests General storage chest and a T2 research bench for now we'll need to focus on researching so I assigned SoDo and AD back to mining iron to begin chipping away out the Lost progress I was able to finally finish research on a T3 bench by that evening and begin building that out this one requires power though so I'm going to have to figure out how all that works we need a ton of iron plates so I sent SoDo and ano back to squin while I continued building with the materials I had on me we needed to kill some time before the shops open the next morning so I ended up heading into a bar and recruiting rain the giant who's going to end up serving as my right-hand man for the majority of the video I picked up Kong for another 6,000 cats and with that we've added two pretty decent Warriors to the team after spending another 3,000 cats on a larger backpack I was immediately reminded why I should be stealing them instead anyway I've effectively burned through almost 40,000 cats in less than 48 hours so we'll need to do another thieving run at some point for now though I just want to get everyone doing something so I sent them back to the hub to regroup well everyone except rain who I kept there to grab any extra iron plates that I need after buying the rest of the needed supplies rain was attacked by the dust Bandits on his way way back to camp this prompted me to send all my men in to help him out mainly just to watch everyone fight because combat in this game is beautiful and I want to see what we can do the battle itself went pretty well rain went down before the group arrived but we got some extra help from a Wandering assassin though after we started to take some damage I panicked and tried to run with stto prompting a chase that saw ad following up for both of them to get dropped just inside the gate unfortunately during all this time I missed out on Kong absolutely skull [ __ ] a couple Bandits during the aftermath I actually managed to find a triangle Bandit playing dead near the Bandit cam seemingly having taken out a few of them as well on day 18 I snuck back into the shop that I stole the backpacks from and was able to loot a ton of medical supplies along with 12 more books that I'll use for research I chose to keep preds at squin for the day and do another thieving run that night using stto as my Runner to transport loot back and forth during all this time rain Kong and AD continued working away the Iron Mine day 19 saw me hitting up one of the bars after shutting the door one of the guards went downstairs leaving the entire second floor unattended all in all I was able to loot almost 60 ration packs later that morning I finished research on imprisonment and began building blueprints for a few cages that I would throw captured Bandits into oh I also packed a bunch of iron into several backpacks and then made rain walk around with all of them strapped to him I finished three cages that afternoon and with that we're ready to start collecting recruits outside of that though I spent the rest of the day building out blueprints for three beds for our party before running out of money at around midnight on day 20 I snuck off with rain to a nearby Bandit camp with the goal of abducting a few of them to recruit I missed the stealth knockout but was able to pull two Bandits away from the camp and take them on while ad and stto began making their way over luckily we're slowly getting better at this swinging weapons [Music] thing [Music] as I made my way back to base with one of the downed enemies rain went off to face the second one with ad and SoDo coming in to clean up the fight I was able to successfully Place both prisoners in cages all while dealing with a bone dog and mauling us along the way by 10:00 a.m. I was able to recruit my first prisoner thus creating the Expendable Squad by 11:30 I'd added the second prisoner and that evening while out roaming for more recruits I found the aftermath of a 1v1 that ended with an escaped servant bleeding out and a triangle Bandit limping away luckily we arrived just in time and we're able to save the servant and take out the Bandit while attending to the servant however we were attacked by a group of hungry Bandits ad had stabilized the servant so he'd be good where he was for now whereas rain was already back at the Hub so I'd be without him for this fight all [Music] oh yikes this is one of those things Ki does exceptionally well even when you feel like you're making a ton of progress you're still miles away from the end goal while we healed up the two Bandit groups fought on a nearby Hill I ended up sending rain over to scoop up one of the down triangle Bandits to take back with us so we didn't just walk away completely empty-handed early the next morning I recruited two more triangle Bandits to join our cause the big issue is becoming the amount of food available to my group we've grown to about nine people all who need to eat this means I'm constantly buying food from the local barkeep not the end of the world but this requires a constant Revenue stream to balance this out I set all of my Expendables to mining jobs that we can Farm copper and then sell it to the barkeep every couple days that afternoon a group of dust Bandits was wandering near the Hub so I gathered The Misfits along with the Expendables and set off to fight them expecting us to put up way more of a fight than what actually happened [Music] the aftermath was pretty brutal I'm going to need to start a squad of Medics because it was really difficult to heal everyone up afterwards that being said even with everyone battered and crippled we managed to capture two prisoners after spending the night recovering we were back in Action mostly a few Fighters were still out of it but I didn't have time to worry about them seeing as the dust Bandit showed back up to antagonize our Expendables again we walked away from the Afterparty with two more prisoners having successfully recruited the previous two dust Bandits at around noon an injured dust Bandit tried again but was put down pretty easily I spent the rest of the day focusing on healing up all of my men while sending preds back to squin for another thieving run at this point I was way too cocky heading into the bar and ended up getting caught trying to unlock a chest Landing me in jail for 20 hours once I woke up from my coma I noticed my sword was missing I set myself free giving the guard was Blair witching himself in the corner and made my way downstairs finding my weapon and medical supplies in a crate just sneaking out of the barracks I was able to walk out the front door and begin my journey back to the hub it's worth noting that I seemingly have a permanent bounty on me for a thousand cats now that morning I was able to recruit another dust Bandit and the dust boss bringing him into our ranks and onto the misfit Squad at this point I just want to get the beds built so I sold off my copper and began buying [Music] supplies after buying out the bar in the hub I moved to the rebel camp on the outskirts where I got to watch them beat the piss out of a triangle Bandit who I took back with me after buying more supplies by early afternoon I'd managed to build out four of the eight blueprinted beds just needing some more fabric to finish the rest of them off it's starting to look like a Dugger family reunion in our house so I'd like to Branch out a little more but first I wanted to Target one more Camp to grab a few more Shea Warriors from so that afternoon I set off for a camp just outside of squin known as way station near there is a group of Shea outcasts that we can fight the leader is the primary target but any of the fighters will be a huge upgrade to what we currently have we reached Way Station that evening and set out for the Exile camp at around midnight on day 25 inside of set Exile Camp is the band of Bones they're way better Fighters than us but we have almost double the Manpower I split my Force into two groups with the medic lagging behind out of the fight and went in for stealth Kos with the Misfits to say we got our asses kicked would be a drastic understatement this was more like when the US plays anyone in basketball in the Olympics and blows them out by 60 that level of [ __ ] stomping at one point rain got his entire arm chopped off sending it hurling into the night probably smacking some orphan down the road the aftermath was brutal as well I struggled to rescue anyone since I only had one person to pull people out of The Fray with and whenever I went in to grab another down member they'd attack that medic luckily even though everyone was crippled and we'd likely spend the rest of our lives confined to the Special Olympics we managed to make it out without losing a single soldier during the recovery I used the dust boss to bait individual members of the band of Bones up to Way Station where the guards would cut them down in a few few seconds allowing me to loop back towards the Exile camp and continue that evening another dust Bandit got his arm chopped off while trying to escape giving us two severed limbs in one day most of the morning of Day 26 was spent getting my men into beds at Way Station to recover after getting a few members into Way Station I accidentally pulled the boob leader Torah The Fearless this was really the only person I wanted from here because she's an absolute tank and will work really well with rain the giant after Downing her I sent myself along with anyone who could carry someone back to the hub to capture her all in all I was able to get most of our group back to our Base by that evening only having to leave a few Expendables behind for now turns out the dust boss may be my best fighter after watching most of myp group go down the dust boss single-handedly I mean literally with one hand took out the remaining hungry Bandits and managed to recapture Torah after she tried to escape after recruiting Torah to our group day 27 was really just another recovery day now that we had most of our group back home we continued swapping out beds as needed for the most wounded I used one of The Expendables to save our medic's life though everyone is still too injured to give the fight another go so we'll have to wait it out for now over the course of the night I was finally able to get all of my remaining Expendables into Way Station including the medic though he has limb trauma and his right leg was at - 265 when I finally got around to Healing him outside of that boss got into a fight with the triangle Bandits while working on leveling his strength he went down early on in the fight but we managed to take the remaining enemies out pretty easily and kidnap four of them adding them to our Expendable Army unfortunately during all of the craziness two of my dust Bandits were attacked leaving one dead and the other dying they definitely had their AAL moment though which was noticeable due to the two other dead dust Bandits laying nearby at least they went down fighting I was able to save the sole survivor and bring him back to base though this caused another fight with a group of hungry Bandits the fights are feeling much more rewarding now that we're starting to win them even if they're just against hungry Bandits day 29 kicked off with me recruiting all three imprison triangle Bandits replenishing the death of the Dust Bandit and adding two more to the counter the fact that two of our men are just missing arms speaking of that it's time to set off on another journey I grabbed PRS and dust boss and set off for Mongrel if you don't know you can buy Prosthetics there not only that but it's also home to one of the greatest weapons in all of kenchi while they began their Journey a couple of my Expendables got into a fight with the dust Bandits again this triggered a larger battle giving us our first real Victory against this group in the playthrough during that same time preds and boss were attacked by fogman if I remember correctly they'll kill me rather than leave me for dead so I chose not to fight and instead just continued to Mongrel as soon as we got close to Mongrel some ninjas came out to help us beat back the fogman so as long as we stay near the city we should be [Music] safe on the morning of day 30 we got into it with a pack of Gus or however the [ __ ] you pronounce it along with some more dust Bandits All In inside the Hub nothing too crazy and we walked away with some hide and a ton of raw meat from it oh and we also added four new dust Bandits including another dust boss and two more in comas in their cages outside of that I purchased two skeleton arms for about 13,000 cats and hit up the second floor of the weapon store where I stole a [ __ ] ton of swords and blueprints before beginning the journey back to our base it's worth noting that I royally Fed Up and bought two right arms instead of a right and a left so we have an extra right arm if we ever need it now most of day 31 was spent researching and getting organized the only thing really worth noting was that we finally crammed a skeleton arm into reain the giant so he's viable again at one point I noticed the bar man and the rebel Outpost was unconscious with both guards on the ground floor so I headed over to loot the barrels on the second floor bringing me to just under 80,000 cats in the morning of day 32 I took the entire band of Misfits and brought them to squin to ransack the entire town starting with the travel gear store by morning I was able to walk away with backpacks for the entire group over 30 books enough medical supplies to keep us set for the rest of the playthrough and some skeleton repair kits for rain since he has a fake arm [Music] now while waiting for the shops to close for the day I also had both dust bosses head into one of the bars and spend all 100,000 cats on as many ration packs as I could buy so food should also be taken care of for the remainder of the playthrough and if you're wondering why I did that when I could have just stolen the food the answer is simple I'm kind of [ __ ] that evening I realized is that most of the second floors of these buildings don't have guards up there so you can just walk up the stairs and loot all of the crates as long as no one walks up the stairs behind you you're golden unfortunately I ended up tipping off one of the guards which led to the following Scooby-Doo chase [Music] scene for some reason they didn't seem to really give a [ __ ] about the two Misfits carrying 90% of the gear so I moved them off to the side to hide them which caused them to walk directly into a group of hungry Bandits during all of this slave mongers ALS also attacked our group along with the Shacks I think this is the first time I've ever been attacked by three separate factions simultaneously before but it wasn't the worst thing in the world since the slave mongers ended up separating so we were able to defeat a few and loot their armor along with taking two of them prisoner day 33 was pretty quiet the big highlight was the fact that I get to sell like 200 copper and iron giving me close to 40,000 cats at this point everyone's kind of doing their own things right now too we have The Expendables mining iron and copper about half of the Misfits are working on leveling strength and then a few people doing literally nothing so I decided to get some use out of them ideally I'd use pried since he's got the higher science level but I have other plans for him my goal is to head to stack and loot all of the buildings similar to how I did in squint completely unrelated but just after walking outside of the gate I noticed a triangle Bandit being beaten to death so I sent one of the Misfits to capture and recruit him when he recovered from his injuries the group made it to stack that evening and waited for atau to arrive before targeting some of the buildings in the area I had preds and dust boss swap their armor since PR's armor has a stealth debuff which would cause massive issues during the night I also bought holy nation books for the group since a requirement in these parts of the world while PRS was looting a general Trading Store one of my slave mongers was attacked by dust Bandits prompting the entirety of the squad to Sprint over and get involved if that wasn't enough about half of the mispits were nearby so I had them drop their iron and copper and Sprint over to assist as well with the fight over at the Hub taking up most of my time I didn't get to loot anything I wanted to so I ended up keeping the group at stack over in a bar for most of the day while we waited for Nightfall to continue our raid outside of the battle that morning I hit capacity for iron and copper so I sold all 200 units Landing me just over 655,000 cats and then I managed to sneak into the holy nation Armory and steal some gear from their weapon and armor displays there's also another hungry Bandit raid in the evening but at this point those serve more to help us level combat skills than anything there was another small fight with the dust Bandits going into day 35 but the only piece of importance here is that we kidnapped a dust boss with plans to add him to our ranks predes was also able to hit the mechanical shop though there wasn't much value there I ended up grabbing a few books and some cloth before finding two generator cores that I figured would be worth something was also able to break into the armor shop and loot a few items before almost getting caught that being said I accidentally alerted the guard while trying to escape resulting in a pretty intense Skirmish just outside of the gates unfortunately we're still a little too weak to fight on our own which resulted in ad sacrificing himself so that the rest of us could regroup I thought about sending in my Army to free Ado but figured he'd only be locked up for a night or two and I could afford that I sent preds back to grab all the dropped bags and had the rest of the group return to base the rest of that day was entirely spent recovering and waiting for ad to get out of prison since he only had around 10 hours for his charges throughout the night I realized I can't research anything because the tier 3 bench needs electricity and I need a research bench in order to research how to make those things so I placed blueprints for a T2 bench but there's a problem no shops near me sell the iron plates needed for the t2 bench which means a journey back to squin and if we're going back to squin well we might as well steal everything we can [Music] touch after wrapping up a little scuffle with the dust Bandits The Misfits spent most of the day hanging out at the bar with some of the other shecks who had all had the attitude of sker from South Park I also took the liberty of stealing a couple dozen ration packs for our troubles A lot happened on day 37 so I'll try to keep it to just the important things for starters I broke into the weap weapon shop and walked away with thousands of cats worth of gear while trying to leave ad got caught which caused a massive Chase to inso I baited the guards to one side while the rest of the group fled back to the hub and while on their way back they were attacked by a patrol of dust Bandits that left most of them incapacitated I panicked at this point and sent the Expendables out to retrieve the group and their gear while Ado was set to spend the next 5 days in prison preds had stayed behind in order to purchase the iron plates needed for the research bench so he missed pretty much everything that happened so sping The Expendables ended up working out perfectly for me though since the bandits attacked again only to walk into a group of pissed off lunatics while moving everyone back to base one of my Bandits stumbled over one of the Misfits who seemingly was attacked just outside of the Hub it was pure chance that I found him but it looks like he was attacked by a group of hungry Bandits and even managed to kill two of them before being overpowered it feels like I haven't been able to catch a break so to mix things up I changed my focus to learning more about crafting and research I took the next several days to actually research everything about electrical power build out some more beds and generally progress our army I don't know if I'm just getting bored or if we're just beginning to outgrow the mining operation but there's also no longer enough nodes to keep everyone busy so instead of selling raw materials I wanted to take a shot at crafting some higher quality components to either become self-sufficient with or sell at a higher price obviously research alone takes several days so while that was going on I made a dozen or so looting runs to squin using PRS to break in and then trading the gear to dust boss to make runs back to the hub with I also began the process of swapping out armor on The Expendables these next couple days all kind of blur together but on day 39 I purchased the building right next to our main barracks and spent most of the day fixing it up and setting blueprints to turn it into a borderline Factory I still had around 2 days worth of research left on the t2 bench before I had learned most of what I needed from the Electric's type so that was just idling in the background while I focus on expansion I also created another Squad named Warriors who were just Expendables that had the highest combat St stats from that group I figured this way I could have a stronger and weaker Squad and use the Expendables as meat Shields while the Warriors actually fought there were some small skirmishes here and there but if I show every single fight this video is going to be like 6 hours long day 40 was entirely spent researching I learned pretty quickly that having an extra building to work with doesn't make much of a difference if you don't have the space to add refineries which means eventually I'll be leaving the city that's brought me so much Security in search of a place to call my own but I didn't want to get ahead of myself the main goal is still to rescue flurb actually it's been a while since I've checked on him so let's see what he's up to oh lovely right now the game's starting to slow down for me I have a few weeks worth of research to get through and the biggest concern for me at the moment is getting some combat experience for my soldiers I had a few training dummies built but those are slow and boring it's much more entertaining to watch them Slaughter hungry Bandits all of that takes time though so while the grinding continued I took the opportunity to do it some exploration I took preds and assigned rign the giant as his bodyguard I had two Tech Hunter Maps so we read them and then set off to explore the Ruins In Search of ancient treasure while on their way to the ruins preds and Rain discovered new beasts almost dying several times along the [Music] way I'd made it to the ruins by early morning on day 42 and got to work exploring the runes are covered with blood spiders which is just dandy nothing like fighting a group of blood sucking arachnids I realized almost immediately that I'd [ __ ] up blood spiders hit hard and they attack in swarms originally I thought rain would be able to crush them since they have such low Health but there were simply too many when all seemed lost I put out the Batman distress Bon to The Misfits to come rescue the pair but they take at least a day to travel this far with one last Stitch effort I prayed to our Lord and savior harambe hoping for Mercy by the good grace of the Cincinnati Zoo my calls for help were answered as a pair of gorillos marched into the battle for some reason they weren't immediately hostile towards me focusing entirely on the army of blood spiders I doubted they'd be able to kill them all but they were enough of a distraction for rain to pull preds from the battle we then proceeded to watch them fight from a distance while waiting for backup to arrive my plan was to try and waited out as long as possible ideally until the rest of the group got here but prepared for rain to take on any enemy that want wed over I didn't want to try to take on a gorillo in a 1V one setting so I tried to just hide behind the copper deposits and hoped for the best by noon one gorilla Lay Dying nearby while the other was being eaten alive I made the decision to attack the spiders again trying to buy some more time and hopefully save the gorillo after a few hours rain had almost been eaten alive twice saved preds from being eaten alive and killed several more spiders but it felt like with every spider killed well two more would pop up as day 42 came to a close Tora stto and KH reunited with preds and rain and worked to build a small shelter for the night another gorillo had wandered into the area so I kept Torah and Soto on guard while the others rested and prepared to continue my exploration in the morning and this is exactly what I was afraid of look at how many shots these things take before collapsing only to get back up like 20 seconds later [Music] unsurprisingly the spiders were much easier to fight when you have a group of well-trained Maniacs working together anyway after taking care of them pred successfully lockpick the door giving us entry to the interior there's a ton of damaged books and random parchment but the gems here are the few books worth looting along with a medical workbench and some chests upstairs inside one of the locked chests I found an old treasure map military documents and an Engineers map all of which would come in handy down the road since everyone was still wounded I had them rest at the camp for most of the day before heading off to explore another set of ruins to the east and by rest I mean get attacked by another guerillo forcing me to pack up camp and leave like one of those alcoholic dads at the campsite we reached the Sheek ruins on the morning of day 44 but didn't find anything of value here I did however notice some of Crow's chosen attacking some bone dogs I'm not sure who crra is but the soldiers looked pretty strong and I assumed that I was supposed to be Ambush by them if the bone dogs didn't Waltz in front of them I still need some Warriors though so I turned Focus back to the Exile Camp below Way Station and made plans to revisit that area tonight with my new Warriors my goal is to grab the remaining Exiles and convert them to soldiers in a few days before we get to that though I have a couple soldiers who are still missing arms so I sent Freeds back to Mongrel in order to purchase the correct body parts now that we have the cash since we missed him earlier I added an old friend to Our Gang of Misfits beep is one of the deadliest NPCs in the game he's basically Butters from the South Park special where he starts selling nfts just absolute god tier unfortunately none of that potential is unlocked until he replaced his shitty bones with robot Parts after spending around 100,000 cats on parts for beep I just need to find a way for his limbs to get ripped off in a semi-controlled environment I'll figure something out later though for now I need to get the troops ready it took almost a full day but I managed to get my Warriors Medics and the Misfits into Way Station by around noon on day 45 immediately after doing a head count I sent Torah and two dust bosses to set up camp just around the corner from the Exile camp that way we could tend to the seriously injured before making the track back and if we were losing the survivors could Retreat back to was station and let the guards protect them there's not as many as last time obviously but I figured it's better to come over prepared then try risking it for groups I split them into three teams The Misfits are roaming with preds they'll attack first Kong will lead a group of six Warriors while Toro flanks with the other five if everything goes smoothly this should be a pretty quick battle and we should have have everyone healed up and on the Move by the next morning well that was fast oh and if you're wondering where beep was during all of this I forgot I'm at the bar anyway with the battle w we healed up grabbed our new prisoners and began our journey back to the hub day 46 was relatively quiet I broke into a random Shea home and then hit up the bars and squin to stockpile some more food overall a really peaceful day for once which is not something we've had a whole lot of yet most of day 47 was spent setting up warriors with appropriate gear I tried to assign whatever weapon they were best with and then gave them armor to match so if they were more proficient in heavy weapons they got a heavy weapon and strong armor anyone wielding katas was given lighter armor to be more Nimble when I ran out of usable gear I broke into armories and grabbed any plate or mercenary armor I could get my hands on this went on for a few days until I felt like we had enough passable gear for not just the Misfits but the Warriors as well let's flash back to flurb for a second because I've been neglecting him and he's about to become incredibly important I mentioned this like 30 minutes ago but starvation drastically reduces your skills so I wanted to address that as best as possible during the night he was able to successfully loot several pieces of food and get back into his cage without getting caught while that was going on the Misfits and the medic set out to secure a camp just outside of rebirth I was a little nervous about this since rebirth is so far away and it requires us to mobilize and push straight Into the Heart of the Holy lands I spent the last 45 or so days preparing for this moment as we walked into the holy lands we made a point to assault any patrols we came across no matter how much it set us [Music] back by the end of the day most of the soldiers lay face down in the dirt like they were wearing red jumpsuits to say we got steamrolled was an understatement beep was missing an arm and most soldiers were severely C I figured it was going to be difficult but I didn't expect to get borderline wiped out by a large Patrol to try and stay out of combat for a night we set up a temporary Camp just off of one of the roads it should give the group enough time for the Warriors and misfits to heal up and as for the Expendables well it's in their name throughout the night the group continued to run into and eliminate smaller patrols currently all but one Expendable are in comas so it's not a great idea to fight but I do have about half of my Warriors still and all of the Misfits the big Focus for today was heal healing up the interim Camp was moved a little closer to rebirth but the goal was mainly to get off of the roads out of spite the holy Sentinels kicked the [ __ ] out of flurb leaving him in a coma for the entire day all right it's time the plan is relatively simple The Expendables will charge in drawing the attention of the mounted crossbows while the Holy Sentinels are busy dismembering The Expendables the Warriors will charge through the gate buying time for flurb to make his way up to us the Misfits will assist as needed with preds rain and Kong holding the bridge until Flur escapes from there we will lock the gate and Retreat back to Camp if needed The Expendables are more than willing to throw their lifeless corpses into enemy blades I like to think of them like Mort from the Madagascar movies with flurb on the Move we rushed in only to find the gates severely undermanned the biggest issue is that there's two gates that we'll need to take out almost immediately the plan went to [ __ ] starting with the bridge for some reason flurb wasn't able to cross the massive platform Bridge leading to safety meaning I had to send him all the way down and around the bottom gate because of this once everything kicks off the holy Sentinels will be able to cut us off as we escape to counter I left the Expendables back by the original gate if needed I plan to send them directly at any [Music] reinforcements [Music] [Music] C [Music] surprisingly we managed to escape without suffering a single casualty well almost one Expendable triangle Bandit was enslaved and not wanting to up a perfect statline I sent the entire band of Misfits back in to rescue him before it was too late taking a few more prisoners in the process day 53 was a mess turns out trying to get 50 or so soldiers back to the hub was an absolute train wreck I tried to send them as groups but each group ended up getting attacked at various points leaving stragglers behind and all in all it was just a really stressful day it seemed like every time I'd manage one fight another would break out at one point Kong made it back to the hub while being chased by paladins and hit in the rebel Outpost thinking he'd be safe there only for the paladins to bull rush in and beat the Daylights out of everyone in the building it was one of those instances where everyone's tired injured hungry and they're constantly getting assaulted by holy men like they were catholic school boys by that night I'd managed to get most of my men back to the hub and even recruit a set of holy Sentinels though we'd lost several Expendables in the process by day 54 I'd recruited nine new soldiers from a mix of holy Sentinels high paladins and Caravan guards honestly most of today was just spent trying to get organized we've clearly outgrown The Hub at this point so we'll need to start making plans to move somewhere new or start our own City the problem with that is it's a much easier set than done and most of the soldiers are still Gravely injured I also made a new Squad named soldiers who are one tier above the Warriors while renaming The Expendables to manual labor the Warriors are the best of the bandits that i' captured whereas the soldiers are comprised solely of paladins Sentinels and the band of Bones I'm around 55 days in working with a hodgepodge of around 55 soldiers and it's incredibly over overwhelming to me so to kind of break it up a bit I read some ancient maps and sent PRS and flurb on a journey to locate some more ruins I figured I needed a few more days to get ready for the big move considering I had several hundred hours worth of research queued up and I just wanted to get that knocked out the Big Challenge overall was getting into the valley and having to navigate through the herds of beak things if you're new to kenchi beak things are one of the most terrifying Abominations in the game I'd rather be in a room with Bill Cosby than get too close to a beak thing if that wasn't bad enough we managed to get through the beak thing territory only to get chased by the ghost of harambe for comparing the hive towns to Cincinnati by the morning of day 56 ID reached the edge of the map and got to dive into the ocean nothing like a little night swim to enjoy the stars and pretend these aren't apocalyptic beasts 50 ft below me lurking in the depths oh did I mention that the ocean is also acid it's like trying to go swimming in a pool and Flint Michigan the hall from these runs was pretty good though I walked away with four pieces of engineering research a few batter cores and some highquality weapons while on my way to another set of ruins we were tracked by a group of beak things in most situations here this is certain death for two wounded Nomads fortunately preds and flurb were able to escape death by kiting the monstrosities into a high Village sacrificing the civilians to save their own skin though injuries were [Music] sustained at the evening on day 15 7 we'd made it back to the Lost library that we looted a while back and managed to find two more hidden maps and some more books the plan was to rest here for the night and continue on the next morning day 58 saw us passing Last Stand a Shea Fortress near the Swamp People rumor has it the sheeks go there to prepare to be sacrific to some make AWI superhero named The Bug Master originally the plan was to hit up the ruins in the swamp but I discovered another set while on the road there so we made a quick pit stop at the newly discovered Village to see what we could find it was only after discovering the name that I realized I'd been B Bamboozled that being said there's a town nearby named Village so we made our way over to that in hopes of selling some of the gear we looted off the island only to discover that it was completely destroyed and currently inhabited by Berserkers I don't remember if I mentioned them in the past but they were a faction that tried to kill us when we first discovered the Lost Library not wanting to test my luck I hid PRS and flurb and called for backup for the rest of the Misfits it was at this time that we finally got introduced to cyber be the true hero that kenchi deserves the battle of the Berserkers was a great opportunity to watch The Misfits in action again my favorite thing about this squad now is whenever beep gets a true 1 V one he tactically disables his opponents talks major [ __ ] and then goes on a huge Power Trip in fact beep was so lethal that I had him stay back with preds and flurb while the rest of the Misfits took the Berserkers back to the hub to be converted we were greeted with the swamp's warm Hospitality as soon as we walked in not quite sure how we survived this but somehow preds managed to escape and heal up before reaching Flur with seconds to spare at the same time this was happening a Shea hundred Guardian from squin had chased the Misfits all the way back to the hub where he was ambushed and kidnapped back to the swamp though as PRS was leaving with flurb the red Sabers returned knocking everyone unconscious luckily PRS was only unconscious and not Noma he eventually woke up and was able to pull flurb up to where beep lied turning the hilltop into a makeshift camp for the evening after recruiting four Berserkers to my ranks I gathered the Warriors and misfits and set out to provide some backup to preds in his group I figured if this is how I was welcomed into the swamp plans I can't imagine how much more difficult it would become and it's not like I don't have an army at my disposal most of the day was spent in hiding while waiting for backup to arrive when they finally did a band of Bones member had been spotted stalking them leading to a 1V one between him and the pink-haired lunatic remember when this same group almost put the entire faction 6 feet under oh how far we've come with everyone accounted for we pushed into the swamps in search of ancient ruins not to get all star warsy but the swamp reminded me a ton of the OG Battlefront 2 daaba map and the Hut making up the ruins looks a ton like the kashik Huts in the modern Battlefront 2 I don't know it's just something that caught my eye though instead of Wookies we got blood spiders similar to the gorillos a Wandering herd of swamp Raptors had been following us and proceeded to break down the vault door in order to battle the spiders the only issue well the swamp Raptors got absolutely skull [ __ ] by these spiders I mean they didn't stand a chance after taking care of the spiders we took some time to heal the Raptors up before pushing into the facility I'm no lore expert on kenchi so if someone is maybe you can give some validity to this but there's a [ __ ] ton of cages inside leading me to believe that the blood spiders were originally held here before somehow being released to the world there's also a ton of Bones making me believe this was a nest of sorts research benches litter the second floor with some steel bars that you can loot but moving to the third floor is where things get interesting there's some T2 generators up here but on the opposite side of the room lies a loot stash with several locked crates inside those locked crates are a total of eight ancient books six generator cores and a ton of medical supplies CPU units and Maps while I explored these ruins ghost a converted Berserker was roaming the swamps having accidentally stumbled onto another lost Library so I rerouted the group over to him to continue the investigation I also dispatched Three Holy Sentinels with backpacks in order to carry the loot back to our base and the Hub this seemed like a much better idea than spreading it out between like 20 people especially after scanning the floor of the second set of ruins the swamp is incredibly difficult to navigate though especially with multiple groups every couple seconds one of the groups goes aimless meaning I have to swap over to them and manually map them through the swamp to make matters worse the swamp is crawling with blood spiders and a variety of factions that all want nothing more than to rip your limbs apart with the group reunited I let them set up a small camp to heal up and transfer the gear to the paladins before sending preds SoDo Torah and beep to investigate the nearby city of shark shark is a bustling city with a variety of shops all heavily guarded by mounted crossbowmen it seemed safe so I moved my squad just outside of their walls and waited until morning when the shops open to continue my exploration the greatest item that the city of shark offers is simply hashes or hashish however you want to pronounce it hashes is a popular narcotic illegal in most cities and will get you arrested for smuggling if you're willing to take the risk though you'll find it has a massive profit markup I bought as much as I could carry to bring back to the hub this drug can be sold at a city in the East so I sent everyone back to the hub to regroup drop off some gear from the ruins and form a new Caravan To Go imitate Chicago's Finest day 63 saw the Misfits setting out for an Undiscovered City in the East loaded with copious amounts of drugs to sell while on my travels I came across a settled Nomad tribe and set to rest for the night until the rest of the group caught up this ended up being a blessing for the nomads as a Wandering group of beak things attacked the the camp giving us our first engagement with these [Music] [Music] [Music] demons [Music] [Music] even the goats charged into [Music] battle if that wasn't bad enough during the battle of the beak things a group of dust Bandits entered the fry as well just to add an extra bit of chaos into the mix [Music] on day 64 while traveling in the desert I came across the largest group of dust Bandits I've ever seen because mama ain't raised no bit I sent the Misfits in to take them on outside of that I spent most of the day just watching the interactions between characters in the group there's some really funny quips about the ashlands and the humans even taunt the shs when they express concern The Misfits arrived at Flats Lagoon at around 300 p.m. and got to work exploring the city Flats Lagoon is a really unique City in the sense that you can sell drugs here at a 400% price markup this gave me around 55,000 cats from the 10,000 I started with which I immediately spent on Ancient SCI books and Engineering research inside the bar a band of mercenaries are hanging out with the name the Leviathan Slayers which is just the most badass name for a Merc group throughout the night I broke into an armor shop and stole several pieces of specialist grade helmets armor sets and pants I originally wanted to hit up the general good store to try and steal more engineering research but the store never closes for some reason and is actively guarded at all times and with that we set off back to the hub I'm near the ashlands right now but that's for another time in another video for now I want to get back to the hub and begin making plans for our own City that being said on the way back I came across an abandoned pack that had been attacked by some Boneyard wolves and was left for dead luckily it still held on to all of its gear allowing The Misfits to pick it clean for food and supplies before healing it up and continuing their Journey back that's not to say the journey back was easy though with everyone wounded the best course of action seem to be heading back to the settled nomad camp for the night to heal up for continuing back to base tomorrow at least that was my initial thought until I passed a dust Bandit Camp saw a few beds and tactically acquired the camp day 66 was spent traveling back to the hub it doesn't seem like something that' take a whole day but when you consider the fact that half of traveling in kchi involves getting stuck in the mountains well then it all starts to make sense we made it back to the hub that evening only to find that I'm down to my final 30 MREs I'm also short on cash so we'll have to address both of those issues but they can wait a few days for now I need to take care him long a way to business you see nearby in stack is an officer by the name of high Inquisitor Seda Seda is a high-ranking official in the Holy Empire and acts as a commander to the soldiers in the area since they're already hostile towards us we might as well kidnap him and Sack the city before turning him over to the Shacks we moveed during the night and were able to establish a base camp before the sun rose the plan is to attack both gates simultaneously preds and flurb will lead the Misfits and the soldiers through the main gate while The Expendables and warriors will charge the opposite gate if I can get most of the guards to aggro that group it should allow PRS and Flur to take control of the city with [Music] ease the battle was for lack of a better term incredible and some of the most fun I've ever had in kenchi there's no rush quite like assaulting a highly fortified City and it was easily one of the most exhilarating things I've ever done in this game all battles like this do come at a cost though multiple members lost limbs and we even lost a dust boss and a handful of Expendables and warriors our casualties were nothing compared to the holy Empire [Music] though with the battle winding down I began capturing both SATA and other inquisitors and paladins making runs back to the hub to cage them I still plan to sack the city but that would have to wait until tomorrow since we were still dealing with an occasional Paladin who would wake up to find all of his friends dead around him all of day 68 was spent raiding stack taking time to do runs back to the hub to drop off gear I targeted the bars first this would give us more than enough food to survive on until we had our own settlement I would grab anyone who could hold items fill them up and send them back in packs to drop off in return that way we kept a few dozen soldiers inside the city at all times to quell any rise ups by the end of the day we'd managed to fill two food bins in the hub to capacity men walked away with several new armor sets it's crazy how an empty a city can become in Just 2 days and we didn't Slaughter everyone just most of the civilians barkeeps and paladins leaving only a handful of mutilated survivors to try to reclaim control more on this later though day 69 was spent recovering and taking stock of our inventory we had stripped SATA of his belongings leaving him caged and wounded until we figured out what to do with the missing limb situation not including SATA we'd managed to recruit eight new soldiers to the ranks ranging from inquisitors to Holy Sentinels to paladins luckily we had a spare KR arm for preds that was able to go on him immediately along with a new leg for Ado that evening I sent PRS over to squin where he turned over the high Inquisitor giving us an additional 40,000 cats I also took a quick pit stop at the weapon Smith shops to steal some Blueprints and higher quality weapons this is a little morbid but to the day I took one of the triago bandits who'd lost his leg some weeks ago stripped him down down and sent him to stack to die can I have saved him absolutely but I'm not about to waste top Tier gear on an Expendable the time has come for us to expand our operations the only thing left to do now was find a spot and start working on our new home I sent flurb out on the morning of Day 70 to scout some potential locations I'm thinking of setting up right next to that settled nomad camp from a few days ago otherwise I'll continue to push East into more of the late game zones while flurb was exploring I sent preds out to World's End to scout the surrounding area though no not Johnny Depp cocaine fever dream movie but an independent city deep in the heart of the Holy Empire for some reason PRS thought it'd be a good idea to Walt through bad teeth of holy Empire City which resulted in him taking a bolt to the skull while also agroing the entire City's defenses don't ask how he survived the headshot I'm assuming he just has a lisp now and needs to wear helmet at all times there's a valley right below blister Hill that I thought would make a decent location as long as I could figure out some iron and copper nodes close enough the only issue is we'd have to Traverse through multiple holy cities if we wanted to trade with anyone the biggest issue with Shem seems to be the amount of beak things it'll make setting up a base here incredibly difficult while traveling preds got to witness a small taste of the relationship between cities here when a group of sheeks attacked a patrol of holy servants obviously I tried to bolster relations by joining the Sha here but it was still really cool to see that it wasn't just our group fighting back after a day of sprinting through hell Flur managed to find a Smuggler bar and spent the night resting up in there while flurb rested preds finally reached World's End and met Finch the Dork who runs this [ __ ] hole I didn't want to push into the night though so preds also rented out of bed and passed the night in safety of course as soon as flurb tried to leave the next morning he was attacked by two beak things forcing him back inside the bar for most of the morning while that was going on preds also continued to push North to the water there's a small village down here and it wasn't until I approached that it became evident as to why it was so fortified this was my first ever interaction with cannibals and in keni isn't that crazy well anyway I noticed a character named horse run out of the village to face them and after realizing that no one else was coming to help I rented to provide some [Music] [Music] support this result resulted in most of the cannibals laying buried in the sand and a new friend being welcomed into our ranks with horse safely back inside the village I noticed another Skirmish off in the distance and set out to see who I could rescue at this point I was pretty certain I wanted to base around here and how awesome would that be to take part in high stakes battles with cannibals and the holy Empire it just seemed like too much fun to pass on and on top of that there's no beak things up here at least from what I can tell the most difficult part would be getting everyone up here without losing half of my Army we're talking about navigating over 50 people through the heart of the Holy Empire the one faction who wants all of our heads on Pikes after sitting on this for a few hours I came up with what I think will be a pretty decent plan first it's all about getting the Misfits to World's End we'll use that as our base of operations until our fortifications are built I signed all of the Misfits a backpack and filled it with various items including food medical supplies iron plates and building materials since the Hub doesn't have building mats we ended up going all the way back to squin in order to purchase as many as we could hold once the Misfits were in World's End the manual labor and Medics would come from there the goal is to work down the line with each Squad until we have all of our troops at World's End this way if I need to purchase any additional supplies we'll be able to buy some along the way the only issue will be getting through the holy Empire cities without allout Warfare but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it obviously this took several days to get everyone here so I'll include the highlights from them but I'm going to cut most of the journey since I don't think you all want to watch me run for 5 days for starters I found a way to bypass blister Hill which means we don't need to send everyone through a holy Empire City to get to our ation the manual labor group was attacked just outside of World's End causing all the Misfits to come out and save them before they executed all of my working class while moving the soldiers on day 75 we were attacked by a holy Patrol which makes me think of the nuns from one of those old Family Guy cutaways where they all get in the bus with their rulers anyway that's not important what is important is that we beat the breakes off of them with most of the team not even taking an injury on day 76 I sent the last of my soldiers on their way while also sending preds back to grab the rest of the science books and Engineering research to bring with and by noon on day 77 we'd officially moved the faction to Worlds End sure we left behind hundreds of thousands of cats worth of gear at the Hub but we could always go back and retrieve that if needed for now though the focus was solely on building out our new settlement I chose this Valley in between the hills here since there were some iron and copper nodes to mine as well as general protection from the hills it's not a perfect area but I figured it's way better than just sitting out in the open in terms of the settlement I built a massive wall with two gates one at each end the walls alone are going to take hundreds of building materials so I also made two Stone mines and processors to help with that I added blueprints for three wind turbines and a generator as well as two Shacks for battery storage on the far side I made four garden plots to grow food and crops needed for biofuel the bug house will act as a Barracks while the two L houses will make up the kitchen storage and crafting areas there's a ton of work to be done but this should give us a really solid foundation to build up off of not going to lie I panicked at first when I realized how many iron plates I was going to need to build some of this stuff but luckily there's a shop in World's End that sells most of what I'll need as well as having realized one of my Medics had a ton of additional building supplies and plates on them almost as soon as I typed this I was greeted with two notifications letting me know that two separate factions were converging on my Outpost the grand Wizard's horde and the holy nation realized I was building in their territory and wanted none of it by around 4:00 a.m. the next morning the scrawny cannibals read our Outpost I was still in the process of moving my soldiers down to help defend meaning we had to hold out until reinforcements arrived I have to admit I overestimated the scrawny cannibals here I mean it didn't help that Toro was like twice the size of these guys but we obliterated them seriously I think the Misfits alone would have been enough to take them on but the fact that no one was even knocked unconscious is crazy to me I really didn't realize how tiny these cannibals are I feels feels like I found the island from Lord of the Flies it's just embarrassing anyway we managed to build out a decent portion of our production setup though we'll need power and additional supplies to get that going I have two rooms set up for battery Banks but still need a ton of electrical components so I sent preds back for those my goal is to have power and actively be creating our own building materials by the end of the day today by noon another cannibal raid had made its way to The Outpost this time with actual Canales accompanying the scrawny ones the timing couldn't be any more perfect though as the bulk of my Army just happened to show up at that at the same time safe to say I'm not worried about any cannibal raids in fact I even started sending beep out as my personal enforcer to hunt down and Slaughter any cannibals who [Music] escaped I also kept the Warriors around the Fallen cannibals so that even if they woke up they'd be dead before they tried to stand while chasing a cannibal early on the morning of day 79 I discovered another cannibal Camp just outside of my Outpost I thought about raiding it with beep but figured they'd work out pretty well for me if I just let them be other than that a trade Caravan visited The Outpost but didn't have anything of valume so we sent them on their way and continued building we had another raid to end the day but I tried something different here instead of hiding behind my blueprinted walls I sent about 20 soldiers out to meet the cannibals in the [Music] desert during another raid on day 8 cannibals managed to kidnap one of my soldiers without me noticing so I sent beep out to recover him by the end of that day we'd finished up all wind turbines buildings and most of our production assets [ __ ] we even started mining for iron again and now had the ability to turn iron into iron plates using the new refineries at this point I added massive storage areas adding two crates per item at the moment while allocating the bug house for weapons armor and prisoner cages one of the L houses would serve as the med Bay consisting of a dozen or so beds medical chests and a research bench on the top floor the only issue we ran into while building was the fact that our Farms require 50 green fruit per plot and the only place I know that sells this would also welcome me in is back in the hub so I sent my top medic on a marathon back home since he was carrying the trader backpack which allowed you to stack items during this time I also realized that the cannibals had kidnapped preds again I'm not sure how they're getting in and slipping me the old hot Cosby without me noticing but I sent beep out to go rescue him one of my favorite mods to use in country is reactive World basically it allows for cities to be taken over by different factions and for Outpost to be wiped out take stack for example we raid it a few weeks ago slaughtered damn near 150 people and left the city with less than 10 soldiers all of which were in the Steven Hawkings State because of this the sheeks decided to waltz on in and gentrify the area essentially taking over the city if you're wondering if this changes anything related to the architecture well not really the buildings remain the same but but they will change the Interiors of things like the faction HQ you can see here they removed the throne room in favor of an open Barracks all the Traders and bar owners are also shecks now as well well there's no green fruit in the hub sadly at this point I turned to Google which told me there might be a farming supplies Trader at sto which is near World's End so I sent preds out there to look while I sent my medic down to squin and Way Station to continue hunting worst case I could always start raiding holy Farms to gather supplies oh and remember that raid from the holy nation that we've been waiting on well I found it anyway after fending off another raid attempt I was pretty confident in my ability to defend the area with just my Warriors and some Misfits since sto is under holy Empire Control I made the decision to start raiding Farms using the soldiers and the Battle of Stack inquisitors all led by flirt the inquisitors made it to the farm first and after taking out two patrols were able to successfully raid the first holy Farm it's a weird feeling having essentially transitioned into the Bad Guys by this point but I guess that depends on which side you're on who knows to the shecks and slaves i' probably look like Freedom Fighters at this point whether by sheer skill or overwhelming Force we're easily defeating holy nation patrols we're very quickly approaching a level of power that only Palpatine has reached when they retconed him back to life in one of the worst lines of dialogue since Destiny 1 by the end of a day of raing I had managed to loot a whopping 12 green fruit only 108 more to go after raing my third Farm I came to the conclusion that I was in over my head there was no need to have plus-size Farms to start instead I opted for small to medium siiz plots with plans to expand them into larger Farms as I harvested those crops that being said my medic with the traveler bag was on its way back since we can stack items in it and there was enough wheat and cotton for us to start our own Farms with remember how I was just saying we're taking on patrols with ease well we're even dominating the cannibal raids on The Outpost at this [Music] point oh also you know how I just said there wasn't a ton of greenfruit so I was going to start small well one of of the farming Huts was absolutely loaded with them I'm talking like 50 plus green fruit which is more than enough to start with a large farm plot so this turned out to be a fantastic move overall for the settlement there was a bit of combat on day 84 but the only thing to really note was that I finally made one large vegetable farm and begin working on a second one with plans to add a wheat farm and cotton Plantation in the future by day 85 we'd fully built out two greenfruit gardens and had quietly accumulated over 300 building materials without me noticing because of this I moved the stone processor over to the iron Refinery since we still had several blueprints which required them on the morning of day 86 we finally built the research bench allowing ad to dump the contents of his backpack that he'd been holding on to for literal weeks at this point from there we were able to start research on tech level four as well as wheat and cotton Farms better cooking and an assortment of other things that'll prove useful to us by day 87 we'd harvested our first batch of green fruit planted a medium wheat farm and cotton farm and began construction on another building that would serve as a crafting room [Music] nothing too crazy happened over the next few days I continued expanding my farm plots by adding a few more greenfruit sections and we're also in the process of adding a hemp plot and begin crafting electrical components there's still a ton of research to be done but we haven't been raided during this time either so we've been able to progress steadily funny enough I say that and we immediately get raided by scrawny cannibals it's gotten to the point where these raids where I split the soldiers up into two groups and begin putting them outside my gates to stop the raid parties before they even make it to me well it may have taken something like a 100 hours of recording but we did it we finally made it to day 100 it's weird to look back on and we've given up pillaging for the city life the settlement was renamed to new Florida because everyone retired as soon as we got here and all the crackheads keep invading us it's crazy to think that what started out as two [ __ ] struggling to pick a lock has turned into the start of a glorious Empire with enough manpower to go toe-to-toe with the Holy Empire and the cannibals at the same time this has been an Incredible Journey for me and I'm assuming this video is going to end up being close to if not more than 2 hours so if you made it to the end I do really appreciate it it means the world to me I appreciate you all stay safe and thanks for stopping [Music] by
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 164,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Kenshi, Kenshi 100, Kenshi 100 Days, 100 Days, Mods, Modded, Kenshi Mods, Shek, Holy Empire, Thieving, Kenshi Slave Start, Kenshi 2, Open World, RPG, Sandbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 21sec (4521 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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