The Complete Badgerhold Saga - A Medieval Rimworld Movie.

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hello again today I'll be telling you the story of the quaint little medieval war crime Village of badger hold but I suppose I could just call it the medieval village of badger hold since war crimes weren't really a thing back in the good old days we'll be following the first 100 days of our five colonists and anyone else they find recruit or enslave along the way and just who are those five colonists well we've got cam call a very large man with a burning passion for cutting people up as well as digging on the side he'll also quite happily research or tend the Farms a very well balanced individual Nell will end up as the colony's main researcher as well as being the only one of our starting five that's at all capable of social work also quite happy to cut people up very good Vera will mainly handle the crops but is also pretty good at crafting and also has a little skill in medical also once again totally happy to smack people around Breo is a very general colonist but primarily he's a skilled shot as well as having a burning passion for animal work the colony will start with chickens so that's handy and last but not least we have Bill commo who'll handle the cooking work alongside construction and crafting okay introductions out the way where are we going these fine medieval folks are staking their claim to a patch along the river here in the Laura Aon Hills the area isn't necessarily that interesting but it's Pleasant enough we've started right next to an ancient danger that I suspect we won't be touching for quite a long time if ever okay so while they start to set up the basics let's talk about all of this medieval stuff a lot of you modding addicts will have already assumed but in case you don't know I'm using the medieval overhaul mod in conjunction with the Storyteller mayard medieval to restrict myself and all other factions to Medieval Tech speaking of tech the first thing we've researched here at our research spot which is just well look it's just a designated thinking space I guess anyway n with help from a few others at times was able to sit there staring at the wall long enough to figure out the basics of Agriculture the overhaul doesn't actually force you to research agriculture before you can plant crops at all but I figured it would be more in the spirit of things if I did so now we can plow soil and plant mushrooms garlic onions and lentils I'm also going to plant halil root because we'll all die if I don't you can take this brief opportunity to head below and either call me a coward for growing heal rot or complement my dedication to the mediality by abstaining from vanilla food crops and while you're down there you might as well like the video too wow I sure am a YouTuber anyway it's probably a good idea to build a palisade Wall quite quickly since we're likely to be fairly evenly matched with any early Raiders at least in terms of Armen to be fair though it also just looks cool which plays a larger part in my decision- making than it perhaps should now thanks to the aforementioned crop abstinence we're suffering a bit on the food front which can be sorted out day by day through hunting but we'll also buy food from the occasional visitors whenever they're willing to sell it but at least we're just a bit hungry our only rooster oana has it far worse suffering from a random heart attack thankfully Swift intervention from brao has him recovered and back to his work near immediately similarly horny are Nell and Bill who've become lovers they'll have to wait until marriage though since we're decent Godly folk here in Badger hold oh yeah our IDE olion there's not much to say about it honestly simply named Theo Faith they worship balks who allegedly birthed all humans in a grand accident their Creed is a simple one believing themselves to be the Supreme idalion they aim to spread the word of BS across the lands and grow their ranks through either recruitment or slavery whichever seems more more convenient at the time so here we are a couple of days in walls are up the air smells of drying meat for human feed and grasses for chicken feed there's just one thing missing from the smell scape the rancid piss smell of tanning liquor you see with medieval overhaul in order to get that leather you so desperately desire from the animals you've hunted or farmed you need to tan their hides a lengthy process that requires a stinky fluid made from any number of rotting ingredients we'll actually just be using wood though this is where we're finally prompted to name the faction we already know the settlement is called Badger hold so I decided to name the faction the Damned Ramblers for no particular reason after that I set up a small trap hallway which should see off our early foes be they human or animal or human animal a single woman with a shiv arrived shortly afterwards from one of the local bands of nasty folk to test our newly built trap hallway annoyingly I decided to send out brakes to take some pot shots at her with his bow as she approached however it turns out these Palisade Gates take longer to open and close than I had expected so Breo got shived a little bit before varea and Nell arrived to put a stop to these Shenanigans I'd have captured her for recruiting if it weren't for the whole destroyed lung thing so we'll just take her clothes and let her slowly die out here instead at this point I realize that a I need way more crops and B you don't get much leather with immed eily 11 soft fur coming from a gazelle and then brao went on an insulting spree probably because he was shived about seven times a few hours ago luckily he fixated his anger on Bill comno who was having absolutely none of it and immediately knocked him out good job Nell was clearly impressed by this because then they decided they'd get engaged more importantly though sweet heaping piles of lentils have flowed into our Storehouse finally a substantial quantity of food food I thought for about 5 minutes until I realized that it takes 100 lentils to make four meals yeah we need to do some more hunting and plant more crops on the bright side some spacecraft chunks have just landed which can be deconstructed just as usual for steel and components which are otherwise much harder resources to get in medieval overhaul speaking of Steel people are getting all funny about not having a temple and everything that goes with it the trouble is the ideogram requires more steel than we currently have even with the recent Salvage so it'll have to wait anyway more importantly look at those little chickies how lovely Peep Peep little chickies grow up nice and quick now the towns folk are hungry with rustic furniture researched and a half decent number of animals hunted it's time to make some fur beds skipping straight over the less comfortable variants we only have the best at Badger hold in terms of bedding pretty much everything else here right now is garbage actually but it's our garbage and those bastards from the anus Empire are trying to take it from us are we going to stand for that no of course we're not are you ready to fight to protect what's your oh they they died in the traps well fair enough everyone back to work and now the godamn chickens have the flu it's bird flu all over again all right we've researched smithing that's good we'll get to it in a moment though because a woman has just fallen from the sky she's pretty good too so we'll quickly build a bed in this room we were going to use as a temple and capture her for Recruitment and she's dead never mind Nell and Bill commo are finally getting married but don't think this means I'm going to let them share a bed oh no we don't want any babies here yet maybe later some of the chickens are actually succumbing to their Aven flu at this point which is a little sad but ultimately it just means we get some food now and that kids is how you get zunos but let's not worry about it too much because here's a heat wave which is an annoying but entirely solvable problem thanks to good old passive coolers this would be a problem in a more sparse biome but with plenty of wood to spare here we're actually totally fine with that in mind though it's probably time to start a little forestry project so we can sustain plenty of wood without having to go out and harvest it manually everyone decided now that it's time for a party and sure why not some of the grumpier members of The Colony could use the Boost some uninteresting stuff happened for a few days now until a raid from house Oswin arrived now it's just one guy but he's wearing some pretty heavy armor I won't that give me the armor backers come on give me whatever I'm sure I'll have it just as soon as he dies in the Trap hallway just as uh come on oh good I thought we were going to have to actually fight him for a moment there and it just knocked him down so the armor isn't tainted fantastic let's have Cam call put that on right away on a whim now I decided to take up beekeeping which first involved smashing up some wild hives and stealing their queens before stuffing them into Apiaries far more interestingly though is this lindworm a gigantic snake thing which has entered the area whilst a thrombo is also here wandering around and they've near immediately started fighting woo Kaiju fight yeah it's looking like the thrumbo is going to come out on top here oh yeah definitely just got to send out brako to finish the job and now we've got some snake meat and scaly leather of Plenty I thought it might drop something like a valuable Fang or something but no just dodgy meat and green leather all right so somewhere in the middle of all that we did finally set up a little Smithy so let's start using it to make a massive axe for V he works in the fields most of the time and somehow this will help with that I remembered at this point that that I can set up Auto slaughtering for the livestock as well so I've limited their population to a level that will produce decent quantities of eggs as well as piles of meat in waves as the lovely little chickies reach adulthood at the same time that was a weird sentence but I'm leaving it in right now we should probably make a start on respectable living quarters too which in part means flooring the barracks but eventually people are going to need their own little homes we'll get there eventually but for now a Wookie has fallen from the sky and I'd have captured them for recruitment if it weren't for the whole Pyromania thing the base is far too wooden for that anyway here's another raid a few folks from the dynasty of Nala who've come waving their little knives and axes around threateningly as ever I get my best combatants AR raay at the entrance ready to embrace the fight however traps are overpowered so their thirsting blades once more go unslaked one of the Raiders raras catches my eye as they're a very good shot and since they're kind the conversion process would be easy so I'll quickly throw up that little dungeon I mentioned a moment ago and throw her into it at this point I realized that I could actually get quite a bit of Steel by smelting down the chunks of slag that are lited all over the map by this point from the various drop pods full of garbage that have rained down all around us which means I can make my temple after all but not yet because once more someone's fallen from the sky seems to be a bit of a problem around here anyway they're named Jay and I want them they've got learning passions for both melee and construction which is very useful they got up and started limping away but breako is a speedy little fell and ran her down in no time at all don't worry she's resisting now but she'll learn to love us I promise and now that I've researched cloth spinning it's probably time to plant some cotton we're all still wearing tribal wear except for cam call who's kind of the odd one out right now but wait another raid slavers or just slaver it's just one named odd let's watch her die in the traps again like they all do huh what's this am I witnessing some kind of God in human form n just a Nimble lady not Nimble enough to dodge cam Call's warpick though is she I'd have liked to recruit her too actually as she's very balanced but unfortunately she really did struggle to dodge that warpick and it took one of her arms off so that's probably not going to work out a caravan of folks that call themselves cell swords showed up next what that really means is slavers so I sold them raras as I realized that they lost an eye when they fell down here earlier which kind of defeats their whole purpose to us as an Archer moving on from our dealings with the cell swords slavers we're baking bread now in this little oven as we've harvested our first wheat crop this is one of the coziest things I've done in Rim World in a very long time and once again the steel gods are smiling down on Badger hold dropping a meteor full of the stuff a little ways Northwest of the base it feels a little odd to just be mining steel ingots out of a wall in my medieval playthrough but they I mean they did come from space all kinds of strange things could be happening up there regardless it's time to start replacing some of the Palisades with stone castle walls not just because it will look way cooler but also because having flammable walls just seems like a really idea oh and I didn't mention it earlier but an Ambrosia patch has sprouted up inside the walls a while ago so we you've got a steady supply of the valuable yellow stuff no not piss what are you talking about Ambrosia fruits Jesus you people are foul all right moving on we're 40 days into this colony and it's looking very nice still got to build that Temple but we'll get there by this point food is completely in hand we've actually usually got too much of it and it's constantly rotting away but that's better than not having enough we're also able to to make basic weapons and our position is pretty easily defensible so long as nothing really serious or well armored shows up soon all right onwards Nell decided to try and die whilst rebuilding a trap or hauling something out of there I don't know it doesn't really matter she's pretty up but all of her pieces are still attached and she's not going to die that could have really gone much worse and it's technically completely avoidable by just having doors all throughout your trap hallway to ensure that your colonists never have to actually walk over a trap but I really can't be with all that and I like to live with a little spicy danger in my life it's time now for some animal Madness firstly we've got another round of bird flu in the chicken pen whatever we've been here before as long as one and some hens make it through I really don't care and then a w somehow got into the base which is a bit weird but okay we should probably kill that and then afterwards I decided I'm fed up with bird flu and just slaughtered all of the sick chickens all right that's the the end of the animal Madness section next I made a small Mistake by selecting crossbows as my next research we'll come back to that in a little while right now a lonely guy named frog Slayer has shown up to raid the colony with his spear okay frog Slayer see in a little bit whilst waiting for his terrifying attack we'll finally build that Temple so we can give nele the moral guide role wait where's frog Slayer oh some random passes by just k killed him well rip frog Slayer the amphibians sleep more soundly from now on all right we've recruited Jay who you might remember from earlier we'll immediately fill their hand with a Falon and set her to work my main focus at the moment is finally getting everyone out of their tribal wear and into something a little more appropriate for the setting but now Vara who was sewing up some more clothes has muscle parasites so they'll be doing quite a lot more sleeping than they will be doing tailoring remember earlier when I said I was researching crossbows well this whole time I have not in fact been researching crossbows because you see it requires a schematic which clearly I don't have so that was a huge waste of time oh well it's time to make a small expansion for some individual housing one of these will hold a double bed since I'm finally intending to let N and Bill cono live out there nasty oh the chickens are on fire okay all right we're okay very lucky that the wind is heading Northwest though that warehouse is basically just a giant Flower Bomb waiting to go up but I'm not going to change it to Stone anytime soon so I hope you're ready to tolerate my lack of forethought in that regard we've more pressing matters to attend the dynasty of Nala have sent more unfortunates to Brave our passage of death which now has Arrow slits they're not enormously useful but it's got them rather luckily for us one of the Raiders Aliva remained very much Aliva and made the wise decision to flee because she's Jay's daughter which wouldn't have gone down well had things gone a little differently as usual I did try to capture one of themt I assume these folks are Germanic or something with names like that anyway they died before making it to the dungeon so never mind at this point the colonists are pretty sad there's a number of factors playing into this crappy Barett not much Recreation variety higher than average numbers of corpses lying around you know all the usual stuff so we're having a party the high Jubilee has a chance to gain a free porn if it's fun or better and ours was indeed fun but no such luck on the colonist front another raid from the anus Empire quite a few of them actually but mostly poorly armored it's soon enough after the last raid that the Trap hallway hasn't been fully reset but that's okay the greatest trap of all is thinking you can take on Vera cam call and Jay in close combat from this batch we'll capture AR opis who's a pretty decent allrounder they iron W which always makes converting a bit of a pain but you can usually still get it done with a few rituals oh wait never mind Cam call mashed their arm off at the shoulder with his warpick so I guess we're having a public execution instead I haven't had many Traders come to this Colony yet so when a war Trader showed up I took the opportunity to sell them as much of my stock Ambrosia as they could buy taking all their silver and herbal medicine in return and here's something very interesting indeed a quest to fight off two impid raids with a silink for a reward oh yes we'll be having that upon accepting it an Archer named Paula landed to help out which I wasn't expecting because I didn't read the quest text properly anyway why do I want a neuro forer so badly well because I'm running vanilla casts expanded when I started thinking about this playthrough I asked myself what would make it a bit more interesting and the answer as always was one of my colonists being a wizard but we've got a while to wait before the imps show up so for now we're continuing to arm ourselves with heater Shields at the moment vas managed to make one of them a Masterwork very good work for Rya so let's zoom out again we're 60 days into the colony we've gained some buildings a new combatant and we're slowly armoring them all just with leather and cloth right now but we'll get to the the stronger stuff soon our research focus at the moment is engineering followed by Mining and then maybe crossbow turrets if I'm feeling so inclined but now imps and whilst I happily accepted this Quest a load of red people vomiting fire on the still very wooden base isn't exactly my ideal scenario so let's see how this plays out I made the extremely foolish decision to have archers standing at the Embers which in case you don't know work both ways but once I ranom clear of the firing line fire the silly imps ran into the waiting Blades of the others and met the only fate they were likely to meet there not before setting it all on fire though right as everyone finishes beating out the fires the second wave is upon us having learned from my mistakes this wave went much more smoothly and we've got our reward which cam call will now unceremoniously jam into the side of his head he started with the static Lord tree unlocked which is a pretty good one given his role as a fighter the hardest part now is actually remembering to use his pasts during raids oh also the imps killed Paula by the way but that's not really my problem and neither is this B Goods Trader I mean they are my problem but they're not a problem whatever you know what I mean from them we'll purchase the finest of wees imaginable a breeding pair of piggies this is actually an extremely handy thing to get started on livestock that can actually produce leather that is I love the chickies but eggs meat and bones aren't cutting it we will keep them around but probably at a further reduced number or we're going to struggle to feed both them and the pigs now Jay is very sad because I made her personally decapitate and bury all of those imp corpses and as a result she's going on an alcohol binge which is fine because we don't have any to research any further I'll need to make an advanced research bench which requires some basic components I imagine I'll also need those for basically everything more advanced than a pile of sticks so I'll set a build to keep 25 at all times someone must have left the door to Ra's Discord Channel open though because a load of filthy man hunting rats are sprinting at the colony I opened the front gate because I didn't want to have to reset the traps for a bunch of rats oh Jesus apparently we've been filling the warehouse with fertilized eggs which have all just simultaneously hatched this happens a few times before I finally call the chickens I just can't use all of the eggs fried eggs are a great food and they give an energy buff but I don't need that many of them okay so I normally wouldn't bother telling you that an IEX has gone mad and attacked some tribals because it's just not that interesting however in this instance their reaction was to throw a pipe bomb at it which also means throwing a pipe bomb at themselves idiots okay we've got that advanced research bench in place which means we can research Mining and all the other shiny stuff it'll take a little while though so in the meantime let's make a nice dining hall yes nice floor art comfy is wooden chairs and to finish it off a roaring half magnificent and in the time that took we've researched both Mining and the windmill that automates flower production we'll need a lot more iron for that though so let's just make this mine first its main purpose is to bring up Rock chunks to fund the wall building effort but it can also bring up ores in small quantities if you're really desperate speaking of ORS we're currently turning most of ours into armor one by one everybody gets flat top helmets and chain horbor one chicken Massacre later Nell is pregnant the two events aren't related I hope anyway I feel like we're perfectly well equipped here at this point to bring up a child so this is a good thing less good though but honestly still pretty good is this raid from house Oswin five of them decent armored too thankfully we're also decently armored now so by fighting them in the entrance three versus one at a time they never stood a chance I'm going to capture this one Hansen never mind Hansen is dead I'm going to capture this one Sasha he's missing an eye and wouldn't be a particularly great colonist but we could use more hands here so we're going for it anyway worst case we sell him it's time to build a windmill now in its own little section of wall and then we're rewarded for our efforts with a pair of what can only be described as Mega cows we've got a veritable Farm on the go here now it might not be the most Sensational and clickable option but I made a lovely cute Farm in rimor and oh some atrocities happened occasionally too is pretty high up the list of potential titles for this video right now speaking of atrocities the bugs think that I've committed one by mining into their home and are peeping out their ugly little heads to tell us about it it's only two spedes and one of the we little buggers but those spedes are more of a threat when your best armor penetrating weapon is basically a converted pickaxe which means the fight took quite a long time and in the process they managed to g off one of Jay's legs which sucks but okay Peg Leg it is you should feel quite privileged Jay this treatment is usually reserved for slaves and they don't get to keep the peg leg it's time to zoom out again and gaze upon Badger hold in all of its Splendor hasn't actually changed changed much since last time to be fair we're at 83 days in perhaps we ought to ramp things up somewhat so I turned the threat scale up to 250% which should make some events more interesting we'll see Jay's stump is infected and honestly it's not looking great oh okay never mind that's got to be the closest immunity I've ever seen poor Jay is really struggling here lately more pressingly though cam call is being hunted by a grizzly bear which is of course potentially quite dangerous however as a Counterpoint lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning Bol yeah I love having a wizard on the team he's learned chain lightning now too which is crazy strong as we'll certainly see later a war Trader has arrived here so we can dump our heap of junk weapons onto them always a pleasure doing this kind of business and here's an asmatic Lind worm on the map earlier we had a thrumbo to keep us safe but no such luck this time and it's hungry for Jay we can run or hobble everyone inside but of course it's going to give Chase through the Trap hallway and being a slithery little snake it tends to avoid traps I kind of thought this might be the end for the colony but when it finally did hit a trap it started fleeing and then hit another trap on the way out taking just enough damage to be a death sentence once it was incapacitated by blood loss I sent out brako to finish the job nice traps really are op all right now mentioning this kind of breaks the flow of the story but I just happened to have my camera over Nell and Bill commo as they started to make sweet love and then they were interrupted by Nell vomiting and just went straight back to it oh yeah also she's basically ready to pop out that baby freaks anyway on that subject the baby subject that is it's about time we made a hospital for it to be born B in among other things we've had a psychic drone going on for a long while now I've just about managed to keep everybody happy but Sasha our prisoner for a good while now who was quite a ways into being recruited has gone berserk in the dungeon I can't think why it's lovely in there anyway I sent cam call and nay to subdue them with their sharp weapons and predictably his head fell off that's a shame I'd really like some more hands around here just to do the general craftting tasks you know perhaps then we should have a party since that has a chance of attracting a colonist and it'll help counter the psychic drone too one fun party later an 80-year-old frail man named gy who's neurotic and not particularly good at anything other than plant work has joined the colony great and now we've got another infestation coming up out of the mine I realized that this could be avoided or at least alleviated by building it into a more defensible structure but don't worry about it this one includes a mega spider which is going to be bad for some folks gy and Jay are pretty quickly cut down before cam call remembers to start slinging lightning around bugs don't like being on fire so once they're struggling we're able to take them out but at what cost GOI has lost a leg and well Jay's dead her lung was destroyed and she wasn't patched up quickly enough I should have had her tended to where she fell so my bad but it is what it is we'll inter her in a coffin of bone tucked away behind the under construction Hospital the gang hold a lackluster funeral to send her off and everyone gets on with their lives they have no choice but to move on quickly as a large Nursery of angry raccoons are on their way unarmored targets really aren't a threat to the Colony at this point they're cut down one by one by the various capable and armored combatants standing in the entrance perhaps as a part of their mourning for Jay or perhaps to celebrate the fact that it's 999 days after our arrival the gang are having a feast I'll allow that they could use the Boost oh never mind GOI and Bill cono have the plague Feast is off everyone back to work and oh Jesus house Hess have just arrived in numbers quite well armored numbers too oh they coming everyone to your positions wait where's Nell oh jeez she's having a b BBE okay Cam call and Vera it's on you which to be fair is probably fine because cam call is a lightning wizard no problem but there's no time to bask in the glory of Victory it's baby time so on day 100 we've successfully extinguished a great many lives and repaid some of the debt by bringing one new life to the rim little baby badger something I had started but didn't mention mentioned before is that we're building a medieval hot tub over a geothermal vent up here which will provide the colonists with a brief rest bite from the harsh realities of their squalid lives once they've finally built it anyway the main focus at the moment is on researching higher Tech arms and armor currently that means plate armor but soon enough it will include more advanced Weaponry or at least I hope so to research said Weaponry however as mentioned previously will need schematics which is as far as I understand can be found in ancient dangers and Quest sites on the world map so we'll need to be more proactive in that regard from here on in more pressingly though you might remember that gy and Bill commo have the plague which is only really an issue for old and frail gy whose withering immune system has seen just one too many once in a lifetime plagues it's just about keeping up though I'm sure he'll be fine all right so like I just said we need schematics the the first opportunity to go out raiding the world map has presented itself a Quest from house ambir to deal with a brigand camp which I accepted for some gold and a jean pack that will obviously just degrade since we can't properly store it anyway we're not going just yet we've just finished the plate armor research and jewelry caught my eye with these seemingly Enchanted gobbins that Grant some amazing stat bonuses though I have no idea how you actually make those whatever house owin is here to have another go the raid goes about as usual which is to say cam call electrified their bodies into a jelly he did get stabbed up a little in the process it's only at this point that I realized he's actually got a fairly significantly scarred brain which isn't ideal there is quite a simple way to deal with that but we'll get to that later I picked out Lexi from the Raiders to capture since she looks decent and damn it she's unwaveringly loyal well execution it is in fact all of the good Raiders are unwavering huh on a more positive note cam Call's new helmet has a duck on it it's no Golden Goose but still quack quack little cam call that bath finally got finished but I'm going to be honest I very rarely see anyone in it which is a little bit disappointing considering how long it took to build but in any case it's nice to look at and it creates a lovely little swirl of steam into the sky on a less positive note in de on a more positive note lightning wizard get it positive like electricity anyway moving on the resident cranky old man of the colony is having a heart attack breako applies Medical Care and eventually he's fine but let's be real the guy is over 80 years old and living in a medieval town with extremely questionable hygiene he's not hanging around for much longer let's get back to that brigand camp I sent cam Colin Vera it looks like there's about five or six poorly armed Defenders so you can imagine how that went for them you don't have to imagine I'm showing you it right now but you can still imagine if you want there's nothing fancy to loot here just a load of hats so they have a quick rest before heading home while I was gone something bled all over the entrance to the base I have no idea what or when but thought it was worth mentioning nonetheless the biannual Colony D junking is upon us now as a weapon Smith's Caravan has arrived to buy all of our garbage and loot very good look at little baby badger just being a baby over here how very cute I'm sure there are no unold Horrors waiting for her in the future anyway that jewelry research has finished so let's build a little room onto the back of the Smithy to house a Jeweler's table but a raid from the dynasty of Nala have arrived now it's not a particularly scary one and after beating in a few of them up the rest has fled as usual normally that's fine but I'm not letting Glarus here get away with his shiny gold armor he's a psychically dull psychopath which could actually be useful so into the dungeon he goes for now though we need to dig quite a lot more Graves a little while later some sheep show up to join the colony and despite the fact that we can barely feed the herd we already have they're staying because it's cozy something else that's somehow becoming Co isn't the Andor raids they're just so unarmored and flammable wait why is the screen shaking oh they're smashing the walls down they're also yelling something about liking and subscribing you'd best just do what they say or they'll come and have their neander all way with you while you're asleep tonight all right okay fine they're smarter than they look but they're still not wearing any armor and they're still quite flammable they did however before being set up on fire and cut to death managed to mash off Gus's arm nice one guys thanks for that all right let's have a party it's that time of the month we didn't get a free colonist this time just a mood boost you know what else is a good mood boost for the colony grilling up some sausages oh yeah buddy um apparently they're veggie which is fair enough but I'm pretty sure they're made of well you know farm animals but whatever you say they make people happier and work faster either way I reckon it's probably time to just start flinging carpets all over the place now because comfy footed colonists are happy colonists So speaking of farm animals they're rather hungry and I don't know that I have a quick solution to this problem obviously I can just plant more hay but that's going to take a little while so um I'm just going to let them sort it out amongst themselves honestly I'm not too upset by Chi 95 starving to death anyway look at those lovely carpets in the dining hall they're so lovely that they've attracted another lindworm to the area unusually I just left this one to its own devices and it left the map whatever it's time to clean up the Palisades here as some of them have become redundant and we're going to need to expand outwards again pretty soon in service of a good number of things housing for colonists feeding the animals etc etc you get the idea we need more space but look at that more neanderthals so more lightning and swords we never seem to find anyone worth converting amongst the wounded from neander raids which is always a shame as I quite like them as a xenotype well maybe we'll find someone from the anus Empire who are taking a considerably more complex approach and breaking in through the walls which makes the fighting a lot more of a mess more people get at each other there are more one-on-one scraps taking place tamas gets to bash gy with his mace before cam call has a spare moment to shoot a lightning bolt across and save his old ass I'll say that one thing you really notice when playing this medieval overhaul especially with combat extended is that the combat tends to result in far more permanent injuries guns and bullets kill people swords and axes maim them a point well demonstrated by the state of the potential captives after this fight there's a lot of missing arms legs eyes and oh ears Nell lost an ear ouch but that's the risk You Take by wearing a head wrap into battle more irritatingly one of the Raiders was breo's brother so now he's rather sad after they died the worst part is that when watching the recording back I saw that his brother naus was already fleeing when n and cam call double teamed him okay sorry break so that one that one's on me um so to cheer him and up let's execute glarius who's not all that useful to us anymore with a missing arm a nice thing about these piggies that I love so much is that they're more than happy to eat the Fallen Raiders including breo's brother which I'm sure he's quite thrilled about now I don't know exactly how mayard the medieval Storyteller works but even at this point point with seven colonists more are falling from the sky this time it's a genie named Delila the xenotype kind not the golden lamp kind that's neat and we'll happily take the time to convert and recruit her but we've got quite a lot of corpses to process here which makes it very handy that we get this psychic soothe followed immediately by a party the populace are guarding themselves for the mass burial to come and in case you are wondering by the way way cam Call's Wizardry is advancing nicely he's just learned ball lightning which is an interesting spell and I can't really tell how good it is compared to chain lightning perhaps we'll find out because here's a raid house Oswin those cheeky buggers are breaking into our walls over here that's okay though I've yet to find a problem that cam call can't solve with lightning another small group tried to run through the Trap hallway and well you know how that one goes but the third of final group decided to take a truly insane route through an ancient danger which turns out to just be a small group of insects standing around some Crypt sleep caskets so I let the insects kill the Nerds from house Oswin before finishing off the insects in the only way I know how before running in for the sweet sweet loot ooh a Zeus Hammer fear Bender which has the traits sedit itive very good and mad wailing very bad if we're being honest though this Hammer could have had a trait that makes your genitals fall off and I'd still have told Cam call to equip it I mean come on he's a lightning Wizard and now he's got a Zeus Hammer you know Zeus the lightning throwing one in the Hermetic crate we find a charge rifle which is a funny thing to own but obviously we can't make any ammo for it and a balls the caskets have opened presumably because a dying insect set one of them on fire mind you they've probably got some ammo for the charge rifle quick cam call get them while they're vomiting most of the rest of them are dying to the fire in there including purple human Thanos whatever cam call finishes them off and now we have some charge Weaponry with ammunition which I'm going to set aside for now as far as the colonists are concerned these are dangerous alien artifacts not to be trifled with back at base Delila has been converted so it's time to start working on recruiting I also noticed at this point that one of those Raiders the ones that broke into the ancient danger I know a lot of things happened in quick succession there but anyway yeah one of those guys was breo's Aunt why are all of breo's relatives raiding us well we'll probably never know but we do know that we killed his aunt and it's making him bad we learn of some castle ruins nearby which we'll have to send someone to eventually in search of loot but for now we've got a small situation the prisoners are fighting because of course we have two right now Dan and Delila Dan is far more Expendable than Delila the genie so he needs to be careful or he's going to end up being the subject of a public execution to cheer up brao after another of his family reunions goes wrong anyway they're fine they got it out of their systems without killing each other unlike this cougar who tried and failed to hunt cam call Silly cougar aano will just buck you off cam call Will Electrify you and then send you to Billo to be turned into sausages despite the sausages everyone's a little bit grumpy now so let's explore our options firstly we can hold a conversion ritual for Dan and obviously that's something we want to be doing anyway just to you know convert him but it also boosts everyone's mood a little assuming it's successful next we can have another Hy Ile which this time also results in Ali joining they're an 11-year-old nandor with slow learning and gourand which is questionable but whatever Badger hold needs a cleaner and it just got one despite all of our efforts though gy is still an angry old man Angry enough to go on an insulting spree a very slow moving insulting spree mind you old man yells at colonists type energy so it's probably time for some food variety that then in the form of a cheese press which makes cheese and fruit juice but I'm more interested in the cheese personally so is breakes are because the steady dying of all of his relatives has finally sent him off the edge and now he's on a food binge that's okay I get it things are a little rough here but it'll get better so whilst things are rough at home let's send Cam and breako to those ruins whilst they're on their way an impid named Red Roos crashed landed and I can never quite bring myself to recruit IDs because they're genetically grumpy pyromaniacs it's just not for me all right so it's been 40 days now which makes it day 140 things have been moving a little slowly so far but there's expansion underway both in terms of construction and population anyway kamam call and brao have arrived only to be ambushed by iguanas right once they've been dealt with we also need to put down these death Stingers before we can reform the car Caravan taking with us a big heap of gold and silver as well as a heavy crossbow but still no schematics back at base the animal starvation continues I'm sure there are a million ways I could have dealt with this problem more quickly than just planting a load of hay grass and waiting but I kind of just like the natural selection style solution for herd management anyway now then look at this little Badger has become a child and will spend the next decade or so running around cleaning up the place and Hauling a war Trader has come along at the same time so let's pick up some Tyrion Kid Clothing cuz why not there's not much else to buy from traders in this overhaul or at least that's been my experience they serve largely as somewhere to put all of my junk from Raiders Delila finally joins the gang just in time to see a horde of man-hunting elephants charging full Pelt at the gates just the same as ever it's not that hard to deal with them though thanks to cam Call's light oh one of them mashed off his left arm with it task okay well he still seems to be able to use his Zeus Hammer one-handed so I guess he's a one-armed lightning wizard now unless we need a second saster for Magic's most foul but for now the one-armed cam call Will demonstrate that he doesn't need both arms we got a quest to go clear these ruins so I sent cam call and nele but n is really just there to hold cam Call's stuff and patch up any wounds he takes since he's incapable of doctoring once they've finished up and are headed home Dan has decided to once again make me question how badly I really want to recruit him by going berserk in his cell we'll just repair through it though rather than giving him a smack I have a really bad track record of accidentally beheading grumpy prisoners and I actually really would like more colonists right now what I absolutely don't need is more animals though so when a group of goats wandered in their death warrants were signed immediately as homely as it would be to have yet another species in the herd we just can't feed them which is partly why I had cam call learn the chronopath tree I want him to have some more kind of spammable pasts to help around the base and waste his side juice on with another level or two this tree will allow him to once a day grow a patch of crops to completion wow anyway brao and Delila became lovers which is very handy it'll take them a while to actually marry but just being lovers will go a long way to help counteract all of breo's deaths also Ali as an adult now I got three trait options all of which were great steadfast beautiful and psychic hypers sensitivity but now that I'm after a second saster I'm obviously going with hypers sensitivity because I think that having a psychic neand Ator would be hilarious and hey n's pregnant again she's got them birthing hips and she's not afraid to use them very good Badger hold's future lies with the children but also with recruited prisoners Dan has finally been turned to our cause so it's actually starting to feel a bit busy around Badger hold now another ancient complex has been found right next to the Colony we'll send cam call and our lead to go check it out upon breaking in the security carpets like themselves on fire and trigger an infestation but as we've learned many times now insects don't do well with chain lightning so this isn't a huge problem now after Ali tends to cam Call's small stab wounds they can continue but first a huge problem the anus Empire is taking this once in A- lifetime opportunity to attack badah hold without being subjected to a million of Cam Call's magical vaults now might be a good time to break out the alien Weaponry breako get naked and begin your arming ritual yes he does need to be completely nuded in order to use the charge lmg don't question it all right now that you're done put the weapon down breako before before you kill your own parents with it or something anyway Arley and cam are on their way back and the anus Empire have once more been put in their place it's been 160 days since the gang arrived and we've cleared off all of the available research everything else in the medieval tree now requires a schematic and I've yet to find any sad times less sad is this new large wck room that we're building over here to the West which will house a few game boards very good we've also finally finished fin this little wall expansion meaning this Palisade can be torn down I'd like to build a further expansion to support more housing and farmland but right now a loot Trader has shown up they tend to have the real good stuff and these guys are no disappointment with a bionic arm and an LX mask very nice we've got heaps of gold to sell so let's grab both of those I still plan to make Ally a magical limb growth specialist but the idea of turning cam call into meaus mighty Terror of badger hold is just too good to refuse I'm sure we'll see him in action soon but first in service of that further expansion I mentioned we'll need to tear down that ancient danger of course I could have just Incorporated it into Badger hold but its shape just doesn't really speak to me so down it comes and here's the finished recck room by the way it's warm has some weird art and a Warhammer table the dream something fairly common around these parts are flash storms here's one now and funny enough flash storm is also what cam call likes to be called in bed but let's not delve too deep into that there's a mad hair chasing after young Badger so kamam call has to go and expend a tiny fraction of his Almighty power to save her from its fearsome nashing teeth unfortunately he couldn't use any of that Almighty power to Shield himself from a collapsing roof which mashed in one of his eyeballs whilst he was taking apart that ancient structure oops that's uh that's my bad for not ordering the roof removed first a pair of dare wandering be dear things we'll see them again in a moment first it's time for another high Jubilee which results in a warrior joining named Hammer wielding a pickaxe confusingly she's greedy annoyingly but I can work with that however the Dare are also greedy greedy for Hammer's flesh thankfully we have a Mecca cam call and dare have flammable fur soda muffalo as this group of maddened ones found out in the Trap hallway there's an animal Trader hanging around Badger hold when another lindworm wanders in and somehow they pissed it off but to be fair they're doing a great job and sure enough they put it down so I'll send breako out to finish the job and claim the carcass for the colony from everything I've seen here so far lindorm aren't actually particularly dangerous now perhaps if you played with the medieval overhaul before you've been wondering exactly how long it would take me to realize that the bird post cart and Scribe table are direct analoges to the comm's console and orbital beacons well this long I just realized that now and my reward for realizing this was another batch of insects coming up from the mine hole as usual though this isn't a problem though the number of bugs coming up from there at any one time is getting quite alarming cam call can only chain lightning so many at a time he can however thanks to his new chronopath skills sit age himself 5 years to gain a load of SCC casting experience which I don't think he should do too frequently unless I'm going to start setting up age slaves the Ultimate SCC casting War crime but uh yeah we don't need to get into that right now because with that level he grabs plant time skip so yeah once a day cam call stands in a field and magically grows a load of hay for the animals it's probably not what he imagined he'd be doing when he put that neuro forer in his head all those months ago but look it's very helpful for some reason Dan has decided to wear a stellic crown and you know who am I to stop him if that makes him feel good then fine it's time now then for nele to pop out her second sprog another healthy young girl named Komodo this time cute Badger and kodo not so cute is a high power psychic drone affecting men which is going to really upset some folks and to follow it up a large group of man-hunting wolf hounds Nell kamam call and Vera valiantly hold the oh never mind kamam call has gone to binge on alcohol oh well the fight is basically done in any case breako went on a sad wander afterwards too everyone's getting in on the mental break action or at least all of the men are anyway but I can handle binges and wanders though that's really no problem looking at this enormous pile of rotting dogs it's probably time to build a crematorium and whilst we're making it a rock which is basically a Giger sheep self tamames very good there's also a cold snap on the go which will surely mean that Badger is more than happy to spend the next few days cremating dead dogs she's just the happiest colonist here right now so that's why it's her job a little while later the Drone finally ends and people can go sort of mostly back to normal mostly because it's- 15 out right now that's pretty cold you know how when it's that cold and you're out and about in medieval style shoes it's like you can't even feel your toes well Ary has that permanently now because he's hit a trap and lost a toe anyway it's a very cold day 180 the base has grown quite a bit and most of this space will be for housing I'd like to spend some time civilizing the original Town quite a bit more with fancy Paving statues that kind of thing right then anyway I told the universe earlier that I wanted another saster and it listened here a quest to go and deal with a load of nandor camped upon the world map with one of the reward options being a tough skin gland a social skill trainer and of course a neuro forer being a world map quest the rewards arrive as soon as it's accepted and that thing's going straight into Ali's head she got frost shaper as her starting path which will be great later but right now we're going to unlock the protector tree so that she can work towards regrowing limbs I'll send her along with Cam call and Hammer to go and deal with the neander and while they're on their way we'll build some housing in the new area of the colony at the neander cam we can soften up the group with a load of chain lightning before having Mecca cam call slowly March around mashing in people's heads with his Zeus Hammer he's such a badass every Colony should have a mecha cam call so this video is starting to look like it will be really long so let's do that thing I always do where I speed through some highlights Badger hold finally starts producing meat need I discover that I can make crossbow bolts despite not having researched crossbows another M hole infest is put down by Mecha cam call a Wanderer named Jake randomly joins The Colony he's pretty decent but needs converting after holding a conversion ritual for him we also have a high Jubilee which attracts fizzy a waster which I thought would be a problem since wasters are genetically dependent on psychoid until I remembered that we can Brew psychoid tea to deal with that nice and I can even use cam Call's plant magic to instantly grow some a umou selfed so I had to send out cam call to put it down from a safe distance then fizzy finished the conversion job for Jake with some random conversational prizing good job fizzy an ancient tomb appeared on the map and I sent Ali cam call and Bill commo to go check it out there was nothing there just stone walls how incredibly lame Ali finally gets another silink level so that now she can cast word of healing to give people a temporary 3x healing rate very good okay let's slow it back down to normal rate for a while a load of fenic foxes have arrived to run at the colony I mean really a whole load like 85 of the things and I mean sure they're just little foxes but there are so many of them that it takes a very long time to kill them all long enough that the combatants start to get lung root from the corpses but it's okay they'll be fine and Ali can even massively speed up the healing of all the little foxp shaped bruises okay it's day 200 the colony is getting big and almost everyone has a bedroom now the last couple are just under construction right now and the basic flagstone Paving is spreading outwards from the center I do wish I hadn't used Sandstone because it sort of just looks like slightly purple dirt but here we are it's too late to go back now back down at ground level more bugs are crawling out of the mines as usual this wasn't a real problem but I think I positioned my Fighters too close to the hole and Nell got pretty beat up before cam call could set all the bugs on fire and whilst we were fighting that I noticed that a combat supplier was flying overhead weird apparently we're receiving coms from a trade ship via Raven okay fair enough they have some pretty impressive arms and armor that I guess I would like and I can afford but I'll leave it be for now the sky people can keep their shiny Goods it's time for the colony to celebrate B's Advent an annual I think celebration which when fun or better recharges everyone's C Focus but more importantly it makes everyone forget that they live in abject medieval style squala all right admittedly it's not that bad around here anymore they have carpets and everything but a lot of folks are still kind of grumpy apparently though the sci Focus gain caused cam call to level up his silink so now he can enchant items quality a very nice and completely spammable cast that means your Colony never produces anything lower than excellent quality very nice young Badger has reached years old and as such gets to choose some stuff we have three passions to allocate which are going in medical social and cooking and a trait to choose pretty much all of the options are fantastic but I'm going with veteran which grants a load of combat Buffs as well as bringing the mental break threshold down massively in case it's not already blatantly obvious I have some rather Conquest plans for young Badger once she's all grown up moving on after a long period of Chastity Delila and breako are finally getting married in the not particularly grand grand hall it's a lovely Hall it's just not very big some people are watching the ceremony from outside anyway you might remember that a while ago alongside the neuro forer that went into Ali's head we also got a tough skin gland which is also now going into Aly though I can't say precisely where that's installed neander TOS are genetically tough so it can't hurt to have lightly armored skin as well speaking of Ali our Giger sheep has the flu so she'll cast word of immunity on it which increases immunity gain by 3x that's ridiculously strong but now we get a high power female psychic drone followed by a male Sith L women I guess I think that's what the kids would say in this situation anyway all right um a raid of slavers have showed up and hilariously enough both vas's aunt and uncle were among them I'm not sure why everyone in Badger hold is related to absolutely Terri terrible people but here we go an initial group with their dogs came through the Trap hallway before I realized that another group were breaking in through the South Wall this as you can probably imagine made the fight a bit of a mess but it was a mess that we won fizzy got hurt badly but she'll be fine and she'll heal very quickly in any case thanks to Ali at this point I'm not really actively capturing Raiders with the intention of recruiting them because the population is kind of large enough but I'll still grab one or two for a good oldfashioned ritual execution every now and then okay let's Breeze through some stuff again real quick we're putting up a large building down in the corner of the base for extra Workshop type stuff Delila is pregnant another pair of dare wander onto the map cam call kills the Dare old grumpy gy has a heart attack and finally dies the Gang has a fun party to celebrate then another M hole infestation shows up and is put down Alie learns to regrow people's Limbs and we tested on Dan who's got a really nasty painful scar sure enough it works because you see despite being called regrow limbs it actually also basically completely Smooths the person over getting rid of any permanent non-age related issues it's an incredibly useful sast all right let's slow it back down again huh what do you mean go back over that gy thing oh yeah he had a heart attack and I did try to save him but if I'm being honest I had the coffin built well before he stopped breathing The Colony held another lackluster funeral since apparently the gang aren't very good at funerals and then like I said they had a party moving on we're now in my opinion slipping towards the late game we have a cyborg lightning wizard capable of taking on large groups of enemies all by himself andand all capable of reforming people's bodies to a near perfect state with her mind and a whole load of well armored and quite capable normal combatants we produce more food than we could possibly hope to eat our animals are no longer starving for the most part everyone is happy and we have a few couples cranking out babies like there's no tomorrow and it's only day 220 Ali's next victim for body smoothing is Cam call who can finally have his Mankey brain sorted out and regrow his crushed eyeball so I'm sure he's extremely relieved about this whole situation Komodo has reached childhood and immediately put on a little kissar style cap which is slightly ominous but okay fair enough and then a raid of Norse folk shows up including the most fearsome Warrior on the rim Christy ausburg the defense goes pretty much to plan Ali and cam call take some damage but nothing serious anus Berger tries to escape but is chased down and smacked up by Hammer whilst poking through the Raiders left writhing on the ground the only one that seemed worth capturing was a wook named Duke duck Duke I I'm not really sure how to pronounce it but being a northerner I'm leaning towards duck as in aop Duck anyway duck is in the dungeon and Ali Jake and cam call have the plague I had Ali use word of immunity on Jake Ali has strong immunity being an Andor and that just leaves cam call who'll just have to deal with it on his own since Ali is all out of side use for some reason we don't seem to have enough clothes at the moment right now Ali is running around all plagued up and in the nude I think we've just been using all of the cloth on carpets honestly in any case it went to a good cause because For the First Time The Barracks is empty on day 230 everyone's got a bedroom lovely not so lovely is the fact that Jake's body is covered in Burns he must have been struck by a lightning or something it's I don't really know it's weird but he'll be fine anyway let's have another party a high Jubilee in fact which is fun and once again attracts a colonist Satoshi Nakamoto the kind brawler I have been pretty lucky with these jubilees there have been some ones mixed in there I just don't actually necessarily tell you about every single one of them whatever over in the Smithy Delila and Hammer are sweating away making new armor for everyone this isn't really particularly relevant I just kind of liked the imagery meanwhile Nell's gone and gotten pregnant for a third time and Delila is having her baby a boy named Jackal I like that all the babies are named after animals it's very thematic at this point though I was briefly upset that cam Call's elex mask was starting to degrade and then I remembered that he's a technomancer so after learning mend nothing in the colony ever degrades now great sure it's a little micro intensive to have to have him cast it on stuff all the time but I set the chests in his room to Only Store worn out armor to make it a little bit easier to keep track of the colonists have decided now to hold a feast during which Jake and Hammer become lovers presumably she promised to hammer his Jake hole once they're married right anyway a boom rat stepped into a trap and set a small portion of the Trap hallway on fire standard stuff but then somehow Nell set herself on fire whilst resetting the Trap or something in any case she got burned up pretty badly so I had Ali cast word of healing on her and whilst she was at it we might as well throw in regro limbs since n has been missing that ear for a very long time now which as the colony's resident Trader hasn't been ideal but moving on from lovely calm healing magic I think I think it's probably time to start learning this neander all how to sling some icicles with 180% SI sensitivity her offensive casts should do rather enormous damage all right duck The Wookie has been recruited and now needs a home it's worth noting at this point that pretty much the whole side of badger hold here is fashioned from Bones which isn't necessarily the aesthetic that I set out for initially but it sure has happened that way a bulk Goods Trader is selling an elex robe which will rather nicely complete cam Call's outfit and you know buff his sigh sensitivity but it's really mainly for the look our megga sloth friends from way back when I played a gang of dwarves have come to pay Bader hold a visit now and it turns out that all the dwarves would have needed to save themselves was a lightning wizard named cam call for some reason they broke down a gate on the west side of the colony rather than facing the traps but chain lightning works just as well over here as it does in the Trap hallway so we're okay Ali got pretty beat up but it's largely just bruising so it looks a lot worse than it is wait what Apparently one of them tore off Badger's leg wow that sucks is what I'd say if I didn't have a caveman that can magically regrow limbs all right there's another ancient complex on the map so I'm sending C call and dar to go and do magic all over it leaving behind a badger hold that's now drowning in megas sloth meat upon breaking into this room the crypto sleep caskets immediately opened and cam call Delivered Swift Zeus hammer-shaped Justice to one of the sleepers for having the audacity to wake up the other understandably angry sleeper now also needs putting down lest they use that chain shotgun their brandishing on cam Call's not particularly well armored body and since he was just knocked down and not killed we'll quickly strip his gear off of him to preserve its clean state after delving a little deeper into the complex a load of bugs wake up and need putting down then we find two more sleeper pods one contains Black Eagle who again cam call gives no chance to sleep before putting him on the floor and this one was wearing recon armor oh whilst Ari is putting that on cam call opens the other to find white turkey real creative naming scheme guys anyway Mr Turkey was also wearing recon armor if it weren't for him wearing his LX kit then I'd have Cam call wear that so instead we'll bring it home along with all the other loot which includes a pair of charge pistols and a good bit of ammo for them because since we have that rock now we can carry quite a bit more stuff on these Journeys when they get home I figure that varea should wear the other recon armor since she's pretty much always on the front lines and for some reason Nell decided that she wanted to wear a night vision monocular which I can't imagine makes life easier but all right whatever makes you happy this is the same woman that decided to get so stoned in her third trimester that she couldn't walk anymore so we're not exactly dealing with human gold here her daughter badger on the other hand is 10 now so we get to pick more passions into DET trait she'll get passions in melee and construction as well as upgrading her social passion for some reason and alongside that she'll get the brawler trait which should alongside her veteran trait make her something of a brutal killing machine there's something else that will make her even more of a brutal killing machine of course but we'll get to that in a minute because right now it's Ally who's becoming one of those Having learned the Ice Race icast I know from experience how broken that one can be we'll see it short I promise and uh we'll quickly build some Embers here into the Trap hallway to facilitate that but it's time for another high Jubilee now which came out Unforgettable nice no free colonist but honestly that's probably for the best because we've got quite a few already we'll upgrade some of the furniture around Badger hold now because we've got some enormous quantities of various leathers and cloths it might not seem like the best idea in principal but I'm sure if you were working the forge all day you'd appreciate a nice heavy Woolen armchair to sit in Nell could do with a nice armchair because once again she's popping out another human a boy that I'm naming FOX NOW hey remember earlier when I said it was no problem that Badger lost a leg because Ali could regrow it well I forgot to do that sorry Badger we'll do that now yet another transport pod has crashed there's a lot of them here for some reason anyway it contained another wook a tortured artist sorry mate incapable of dumb labor incapable of being my colonist hey do you remember also earlier when I said I'd show you the ice laser well here's another M hole infestation which allows me to very nicely demonstrate vanilla cast extended at its finest by Wombo comboing chain lightning with the ice rate to absolutely ruinous effect oh dear here's another opportunity oh boy that's a lot of tribals and I just used all of Kem Call's focus on mending armor but the Raiders are preparing so if we could just you know meditate faster guys that would be great all right here they come observe oh yeah that's the stuff all right now remember earlier when I also also said that I'd make Badger into even more of a super murderer well here's this kind of insane quest to deal with a pack of 29 Forest constrictors for a silink neuro forer this could be a good time to break out the alien Weaponry again break so take off your clothes and slather yourself in tallow it's time oh okay never mind breaker you needn't have bothered so here's our reward which is of course going straight into Badger's little underdeveloped brain she started with the necropath tree unlocked which is pretty metal but I'm getting more of a cross the world burning down medieval Villages kind of vibe from Little Badger speaking of psychic stuff Ali is starting to work on the empath tree now because on demand SS are pretty good all right it's day 260 this place really is quite something the population is about as high as I'd want it to be and it's almost entirely tiled in one way or another let's all have a dance party to celebrate what a lovely Colony it is but whilst the colonists party Foul treachery is a foot our Eternal foes from the anus Empire amass around Badger hold in horrifying numbers by the time the colonists leave the temple smiling ear to ear after an unforgettable party the Raiders have breached the walls and a burning down Badger hold cam call makes a hole in the wall and ushers out Badger and kodo before making a Last Stand to give them the time to escape with Badger hold's Legacy secreted away despite putting up a glorious fight everyone left behind was either killed or kidnapped by the Raiders from the anus Empire young Badger and her sister kodo stop a little wait ways from their home taking shelter in some ruins all too aware of the hardships and perhaps conquests in their future they'll need to build up from this and establish a defensible and self-sufficient hold fast of sorts from which to Stage their Revenge Badger silink isn't very welld developed yet and neither of the two children are particularly well skilled in anything but that doesn't stop them from getting hungry so we'll make a small area in which to grow rice basically the only thing Badger is skilled enough to plant and then get to harvesting from the local berry bushes a few rainy nights are spent by the fire before a group of Traders arrive from house saurin their weaponsmiths but are nonetheless carrying some bread so we'll buy that from them along with a cheap knife for the price of some honey badger equips her wooden shiv and heads out to take on a donkey in hoof to shiv combat the uh the donkey one but it's bleeding to death and she isn't so who's the real winner here Komodo is too young to tend any of Badger's wounds but she's only bruised she'll be fine rather helpfully now a group of sheep wander in and join the colony I'll plant them a fairly large pen area but it's going to take Badger quite a long time to build it since Komodo isn't being particularly helpful so far we're prompted then to name the place and whilst Badger hold 2.0 is tempting I think that the vibe here is sort of that of a temporary well a hold fast so there its Badgers hold fast anyway that donkey has finally bled out from its 300 tiny wooden shiv holes so it's time for Bader to tear it apart with a rock on a log in a desperate attempt to feed her and her sister for another month I think that the best way to handle this meat for now is to just hang it on a wooden frame in the rain and hope that it somehow magically becomes dried meat that will last a full year if brought in doors with the pen done the place is starting to look a little bit more like what it's named a hold fast but it's still very rough at least Badger has a bed now it's not a good bed don't get me wrong but it's better than what Komodo has which is a Loosely designated spot on the floor and we're completely defenseless right now so rather than building a trap hallway or arming the sisters with better Weaponry our solution to the defensive situation is to sit Badger down in their bedroom and meditate her way into being able to shoot Balls of Fire with her mind the sheeps are having cute little baby sheeps which means they're also making delicious sheep's milk and the cute little baby sheep is actually a male which means that it's just a meal in progress an anima Sprout has popped up and since Badger has the nature meditation Focus unlocked I figure it's probably a good idea to harvest it for a little bit later but around the same time kodo reaches 7 years old which means she can get passions in both Mining and construction there's are very useful skills around here as well as that she gets the night owl trait which I figur could also be nice but to be honest it was just the best option of a mediocre bunch more importantly than that she's now capable of Performing all manner of child labor relieving the workload from Badger massively allowing her to focus on the important things like learning to throw Fireballs anyway a half decent colonist named Lev dropped from the sky from a faction that doesn't really like us all that much anyway so I figured we might as well capture them for enslaving or recruiting oh they they're dead never mind I've got Komodo working away on making Timber from raw wood whilst Badger wanders around in a days because life in the squalor of the hold fast was just a little too much I guess it's proving a little too much for our sheep as well one of which the U in fact has died of the flu and has since been nibbled at for sustenance possibly by Badger and kodo but I'm not sure I didn't see it happen in any case there goes our little sheep breeding program I suppose we'd best make a boat bow so that kodo can start learning to hunt in that case since the local is flooded with edible Wildlife whilst she's out there flinging arrows in the vague direction of prey animals a woman named lelu has crashed nearby I had Badger bring her in for aggressive conversion to the way of balks but then I realized that she has a stab scar on her brain that's capping her Consciousness at an incredible 7% truly a mind for the ages so since it's currently freezing cold and she's not wearing any clothes I just let nature take its course and a little while later the problem of her still being alive was resolved I'm planning a small building here to act as a combination bedroom and workshop space since we can't just keep living in these tiny ruins next to the Sheep pen but now a single asmatic impid has shown up looking for trouble they run into the hold fast and start a shooting match with commodo which is annoying because I don't really want to throw Fireballs at my own home they on the other hand have no such reservations and once they've started vomiting fire Badger might as well retaliate in kind not that fire damage has much effect on an impid eventually though via a combination of arrows and little splintery shavings they go down that was pretty tough but imps are always going to be difficult when your main defensive solution is a single fire witch we should probably build some defenses eventually see by contrast this raid of humor or rather just Human by the dynasty of Nala goes much more smoothly thanks to his nicely flammable human flesh I could really do with these two kids hurrying up and growing up at this point I'm starting to get frustrated with watching them start a task only to run away and start drawing on the ground in chalk instead Badger is nearly there anyway at 12 years and three seasons old since in Rim World 13 is considered adult and that's okay by me because it's very handy right now Komodo on the other hand has considerably longer to go so fast forward a month we've planted the animat tree and Badger is all grown up she's not spent much time learning though so the choices are limited she's only able to choose a single passion which goes in Plants but one of the trait options is Nimble which is pretty good considering her melee skill the work types unlocked by adulthood aren't particularly valuable we've carried a lot of research through from Badger hold and I can't see us doing much smithing either to be honest and of course in that sudden moment of growth her clothes and backpack ripped off Hulk style meaning we're going to need to do some tailoring a little while later an unfortunate pair of events before the colony with a maddened buffalo and a singular Viking descending simultaneously on the hold fast so whilst the sisters are out dealing with the rather flammable muffalo the sneaky lone Viking slinks into the colony and steals our most valuable item the Butcher Block I mean okay if you needed it you could have just asked honestly whatever take it a hair has self- tamed and I thought that it would be handy having a nuzzling animal around the colony only then to check and I don't actually think they nuzzle I think hairs should nuzzle but hey whatever more importantly it's very very cold right now rather uncomfortably so more importantly it's plant Killingly cold the indoor temperature is solved rather easily with a campfire and the remaining sheep don't give a crap how cold it is it's just the rice that struggles meanwhile Badger's fire flinging abilities have advanced to the self- explosion level which is actually a very powerful pcast that I keep forgetting to use so I decided to give fire Magic based hunting a go when a mad IEX ran at the base it went about as well as you'd expect to be honest which is to say Badger set the animal pen on fire another weapon Smith's Caravan swung by and I de decided to buy a better knife for Badger so she could stop using that little wooden shiv only to then have someone drop from the sky and make a bloody mess dropping their Nomad mace in the process a weapon considerably better suited to bashing its enemy armor in these medieval times now anyway let's continue the trend of extreme suffering during raids against single imps because here's Mo with their bow Badger runs into combat with her new and shiny weaponry and is immediately covered in fiery impit six she self- explodes in response but as we've talked about already that isn't really doing much against inits before you know it badges on the floor rolling around with her face on fire and mo Scoops her up intending to kidnap her so it's up to Komodo to save her sister flinging crappy Stone arrows at Mo as she attempts to leave which does to be fair get the job done but in the fires Badger lost her nose so now she's hideous but hey she's a fire witch I assume it's pretty normal for them to be missing a little bit of their face as a result she goes on a sad Wonder whilst Komodo is moving furniture into their new home perhaps the new slightly less shitty Barracks will help with her sadness it's been almost a year and honestly the place hasn't come very far but there's only two people here and one is still a child so perhaps some recruitment wouldn't be the worst idea and after watching a grizzly bear fight some Traders a Wookie named Kell colia dropped from the sky and they're pretty good the only minor downside being the gourand TR he can live in a slate brick hole next to the new Barracks to be slowly converted whilst Badger and Komodo have a laugh with a single Raider from the dynasty of Nala setting her on fire and then giving her the old runaround things progress in a calm manner for a little while with Badger gaining the explosion sast and kodo growing a little older gaining a further passion in shooting and then when we're finally starting to put up a wall house Hest show up in real actual armor it's just one guy but he's still looking pretty scary with his armor and pick I didn't want to put anyone in range of that warpick and kodo stone arrows weren't going to make it through his armor so this was essentially just a case of running him around throwing Fireballs at him until he eventually fell over naturally I want his armor now but whilst we're stealing it from his writhing body which is perfectly acceptable he died which makes it no longer acceptable to wear I don't really get that honestly in the medieval period it would have been entirely acceptable to pill for some nicer armor on a battlefield when on campaign so I'm going to install a mod to remove the tainted debuff Badger is a necromantic fire witch she can wear some armor from a corpse and Komodo needs a better bow unfortunately neither of the sisters are capable of crafting anything more powerful than a curved stick and some string kelia on the other hand is quite capable and he'll be recruited soon but first that hair that joined earlier has gone feral so let's just shoot it right quick all right kolia is on board so let's get him working on that bow we're going to need to start playing with more advanced production now anyway so let's build a long extension in which to eventually house various workbenches first though neander two of them from the Treaty of kmo here to try and get it our um well I don't actually know they're just they're just kind of here for some reason but they're flammable and they're not wearing any armor so it's really not a problem afterwards some Traders were hanging around at the colony and I saw something that I don't think I've ever seen before they grabbed some of my food look at that kattil vast just grabs some dried meat like it's his anyway the Eternal enemy are here the anus Empire with their axes and clubs but we have fireballs and arrows so it's really not an issue they're dealt with rather swiftly shortly afterwards Badger gains another silink level and picks up the ey laser scast it's a very good one that I figure at this point that it might be a good idea to start taming and breeding horses since eventually the goal is to go out and burn some stuff down on the world map after all and with a Wookie in the hold fast it's not going to be particularly difficult to do some taming the place is starting to look more like it's supposed to be here now rather than just being a temporary deal just to survive but it's definitely still very cramped espe espcially having to build around the animat tre's exclusion Zone but I sort of like it the limitation makes you get more creative anyway Another War Merchant shows up and I figure it could be worth buying this excellent quality crossbow from them though I later find that it's more of a pain than you'd expect because for some reason in combat extended crossbow bolts are really very heavy compared to arrows so your pawns won't pick many of them up and quickly run out in combat so if you notice later on that I've gone back to Bose that would be why going back to the permanence of the hold fast thing we're building a little Warehouse into the mountain side here because currently our food just lives on the floor of our original building and everything else we own is just sitting under a canopy in the animal pen and here's something else that I've never seen in Rim world poor kelia was struck directly by lightning it didn't hurt him too badly it's just a little burn I just realized that I don't think I've ever actually had that happen in all my hours in Rim World never mind he's fine now back to more Rim worldy stuff I build a little combat tunnel out of Bones which aren't flammable but they do have a rather low hit point value so this wouldn't make a fantastic permanent solution but it will do for now and we have plenty of Bones it's not a trap hallway or anything like that but I just figured it would be nice to have a more controlled place in which to meet Raiders and the like another thing I thought would be nice is a little cave in which to burn corpses since Badger can make fire with her brain after all how Hess have shown up again though though a single armored fighter who goes down without issue courtesy of badger ey lasers and whilst stealing her armor and beating her to death a massive group of ducks wander in and self- tame they'll need a new pen area and a large one too so I'll plan a wall up to the north purely to house the colony's waterfall but they'll have to wait because another lone Viking has shown up in his flop hat looking to take our things a swift laser to the face puts him in his place and we can then get back to work but progress is still pretty slow despite Badger having grown up and having recruited kolia kodo is also nearly an adult now so that will help a bit but as ever it feels like we're short on hands here in a similar vein it's probably time for Badger to invest some side juice towards more utilitarian goals unlocking the technomancer tree so that she can grab men sometime soon since it's just too good to not have all right let's zoom out for a minute we've been here for not far off 2 years now and the duck pen is finished our Mighty quacking flock is fully housed and zooming back in again Komodo is finally an adult an adult 13-year-old anyway she gets the kind trait and furthers her passions in mining and construction as well as getting a new passion in cooking all of which is very nice but most nice is that she won't sit around scrolling on the floor and chalk anymore now back to the Ducks they're already experiencing a population an explosion I don't really know how useful it is to have a massive flock of ducks around the place but you know thematically it's nice if nothing else some more Traders were hanging around the hold fast eating our food and generally making a mess when a group of Man Hunter cats appeared they just caught the Traders as they left the map they didn't drop anything particularly valuable but it was a good watch now a woman named Miller drops from the sky which I realized seems a little weird in a medieval overhaul but I prefer prer to see this as a medieval planet that still exists in Rim world's usual law if that helps to explain it anyway Miller is psychically hyp sensitive and tough so it's probably worth popping her into a slate box and convincing her to take that Burker off and join the gang it's currently almost 50° sea outside by the way luckily we can solve that for the most part by putting containers of wet wood in everyone's bedroom unbelievably yet another Sky human falls down lorte who is staggeringly ugly and has a chemical Fascination they also have a nice backpack so we'll be having that anyway back to Miller it's been a while and not much else has happened so she's getting close to being converted but she's first decided to have a guard escaping for some reason I S kelia armored up as he is but unarmed to go and try and take her down safely with the help of a horse using his wook magic however it turns out that a hyperweave Burker is surprisingly effective at shrugging off large furry fists and the Hooves of a stallion so I had to take the risk and send in Badger with her Gladius which turned out fine and now Miller's back where she belongs minus her hyperweave Burker a little later the space situation is getting worse as the colony continues to grow so I'm having Komodo mine out basically any tile that isn't class as under Mountain for infestation avoidance purposes it won't help much but if it lets us squeeze in another decent bedroom then it's worth it so the place is sort of steadily chugging along now but it's important to remember that this Colony exists only to further Badger and kodo's capabilities in the field of Vengeance Miller can help further that Vengeance now because she's finally been recruited she's a skilled Builder and grower which are both very handy but now I have that irritating realization that I need some steel to make an ideogram with which to keep people happy through ritual sacrifice thankfully when things drop from the sky they bring steel slag with them so when a load of cargo pods full of gemstones arrived I was more excited about the slag chunks something else fell from the sky but they're mediocre I'm only interested in their great sword since they won't be needing it anymore right with a furnace made we can get the steel we need and make that their Temple it's the wonkiest room I've ever made in a rim World Colony but I really just need it to serve its basic purpose and nothing more so it's fine that function being hosting High jubilees that attract new colonists the first of which to arrive this way is razes a waster which as I've discovered before usually seems like it will be a pain in the ass initially until you remember that you can just make them psychite tea to feed their dependency he kind of fills rolles that are already pretty well filled in the hold fast but it's fine I've said a million times that the thing you need most in this Rim World overhaul is just more hands anyway enough lovely home building the anus Empire are here again in the largest numbers we've seen so far two groups of them the first of which died to the traps that have finally been installed in the entryway and then the second group died to the more traditional bah hold style methods there were a few amongst the Raiders with some pretty impressive gear but they appear to have all ran leaving behind only corpses wearing the more pedestrian stuff it's been well over 100 days here now I can't remember exactly when we arrived but it was something like day 260 after the fall of badger hold and it's now 411 as is tradition the animals are mostly starving to death and the people food supply is a finely balanced thing Reliant at least partially on Hunting even still at least partially the animals are starving because there's just too many of them we can call some horses because realistically we just need a breeding pair and a couple spare for Caravans speaking of culling a large group of Manhunter rats needed to be burned and stabbed to death by Badger before it was followed by a rather frighteningly large neander Tor raid which did actually turn out not to be so bad thanks to their lack of armor and generally flammable nature I like recruiting the Andals but pretty much everyone here is either just bad or is missing something important after the combat so sometime later Badger gets another silink level and I think it might finally be time to start spending some points on the necromancy side of her magic though it's also going to be very important to just spend some time increasing her basic SCC casting stats when you're running a kind of Lone Magical Warrior like this they have to have a decently High neural heat limit for spamming their vile Magics all over the place evidently the gods are unhappy with this idea as currently the animat Tre is on fire after a lightning strike in response the gang have a party which I'm choosing to believe is a ritual designed to appease the angry Thunder Gods I thought that that hadn't worked when a group of rhinos went for revenge and knocked down Komodo initially believing that it was the result of another errant lightning strike but now I realize that it's just because Komodo was using the Rhinos as cover whilst hunting ibeck and that plan didn't work so whilst she's on the ground post rhino attack the rest of the colony have to slowly kill the remaining rhinos off earlier on we had gotten some glitter World medicine as a gift from visitors so we'll just use them to heal the crush injury to kodo's kidney also Razz can finally get his psychite fixed someone's brewed up a load of the good addictive tea for him and I've set him on a drug policy to have one per day once again the anus Empire who are presumably by this point beginning to figure out what's going on here at the hold Fest have sent another raid but as usual they're not actually too difficult to send running fire is quite scary I get it a while later as I'm just sitting enjoying my view of the colony everything turns green as toxic Fallout blankets the the area oh dear this is probably going to kill a lot of ducks isn't it during the green era of the hold fast Razz got an eye bitten out by Manhunter heas but aside from that I basically just sat and watched as all of the livestock either died or became rather more cancerous than they should be once it ends we can go through the biological wreckage to evaluate what remains quite a few very unwell and probably not edible Ducks remain as well has just two horses an adult female and a male fo presumably mother and child but rimor doesn't model animal incest thankfully does it even model human incest I don't know whatever we're going to have a high Jubilee just to cheer everyone up afterwards a temporarily paralyzed man named glasses drops from the sky and I don't tend to take in paralyzed folks as they eat food and give nothing back but glass has a good combination of traits and passions and we have enough dried meat to feed a 100 colonists so he can just quietly lay in the corner of the room on building for stone cutting he won't like it but they can't do anything about it they'll lie there in the corner for about 40 days annoyingly though because they're iron will they can't be converted from their strange religion through normal methods their certainty will grow faster than it would fall the only way to do it is through conversion rituals which you can't perform on someone that's paralyzed apparently the lenoa Covenant are here in numbers now to have a go at Badger hold fast for some reason we didn't do anything to them but here they are wanting to feel the wrath of the ey lasers poor Razz got his face further messed up in this fight getting his nose mashed in somehow and then a high mate falls from the sky who I considered capturing but instead decided to just rescue for some relations with their faction and then they died before making it to to the cave I'd reserved for them anyway and now good old house ambir want in on the action raiding with a fairly substantial blob of dudes one of whom is glasses the Sleepy person's Uncle if he's killed in the defenses that will make glasses sad but glasses can't move so I don't care how he feels there are quite a few of them and they're quite well armored so this defense isn't actually easy and in fact Razz has been killed beheaded in fact damn that's actually quite sad I really liked razes for some reason so we'll make a grand sarcophagus of iron and build a tomb around it Badger built it and apparently if you squint it depicts that one time that a silver meteorite fell near the hold fast the gang held a funeral after popping Razz into his new home and as is tradition it was lackluster shortly after the lenoa Covenant come back for another go these raids are getting Prett pretty seriously tough especially now as we're down a fairly competent melee combatant but as ever large quantities of magical fire does get the job done meanwhile glasses is laying in his corner with food poisoning drowning in his own sick once he's been cleaned off we can get back to Razz's tomb which has a neat statue and plush carpets I do like to properly commemorate the dead in my colonies especially when they die in combat we'll have another high Jubilee which for a change brings a colonist a brave underground Arin called or those God dang anuses are back again though attacking in a few groups the first of which flees after facing the Trap hallway and a couple of arrows before the rest are burned to death I planned on capturing Dong from amongst the wounded but he died before Badger could finish tending him on the one hand that's a shame but it would also feel quite dirty recruiting from the eternal enemy like that now that we have a few extra hands here I can give more of Bader's time to meditation shifting her Focus over from defending against the anus Menace towards attacking them we have been here for about 200 days now after all with the total time since arrival clicking towards 500 unrelatedly I realized at this point that I should probably swap out the psychoid plant for something more currently useful even though it would feel like erasing the last remaining piece of razes regardless of my feelings we dug up the young psychoid and replaced it with devil strand for some reason despite feeling like we probably won't be here long enough to make use of it the gods were Swift in their punishment for this slate a cold snap wiped all my crops and then came the Manhunter guinea pigs the cold span ends and glasses is finally up and about which means he finally needs converting he's thrown on the floor of the temple and everyone yells at him until he submits to the ways of balks ladies and gentlemen we got him which means now I have to make him an actual bedroom also he's actually still upset about things from his old IDE ofion despite claiming to have given it up oh and once again house and Bo are here Badger do the ey laser thing again this as usual does the trick and sends the Raiders on their way but it also does rather significantly weaken the walls apparently though it also does the trick for glasses who got Badger's attention and won her affection by describing her as delicate Quarry that probably wouldn't work on me but they're lovers now good for them speaking of glasses he's finally got a bedroom very good Badger's psychic powers continue to grow steadily a pair of dare wandering and I decided to give her a test she can get the job done but she's definitely no cam call that's for sure I think we'll turn these dare into rugs and just after butchering them both a bulk Goods Trader arrived so I figured I should be able to offload all the valuable antlers unfortunately though as is often the case in medieval overhaul there's not actually much worth buying and the Traders aren't carrying enough silver for me to just flog them a load of stuff and ha the shiny silver anyway check those rugs out God damn that's good now it feels like in this playthrough I've done a great many things to earn divine retribution but for once it appears they are pleased with me for something a rather uncreative named waser called kzw falls from the sky through the roof of Razz's tomb his traits are mediocre his stats are decent but more importantly he fell from the sky through the roof of the tomb of our fallen waser I mean come on if that's not a sign then I honestly couldn't tell you what is we we clearly need to recruit him any other cause of action would be an affront to bugs a small gang of man hunting dire BS are running at the colony which though fearsome are in a similar fashion to most living things also flammable so after dispatching them on day 499 I think that it's finally time for young Badger who's not quite so young anymore to visit her home Badger hold she fetches her horse heads off alone okay so it turns out you can't actually visit abandoned colonies so you'll just have to imagine the ruins of Bader hold sparking a necromantic flame in the eyes of Bader I know somewhere you can definitely visit the nearest anus settlement named Coyote's fortress on the thicket Badger arrives at the small Fortress and sweeps across it as a whirling fiery dervish delivering Swift but agonizing death to any unfortunate enough enough to call it home not even the cows were spared let this serve as a Prelude to the real campaign yet to come for now Badger returns to the hold fast with a new coldness in her burning [Music] eyes they've taken so much from Badger her home her family her nose so with the hold fast running self-sufficiently and largely secure from outside threats it's time for her to leave on her final Conquest well actually she's she's going to hang around and meditate for a very long time first and also we need to strip her moral guide role and give it to Miller this is to lower her expectations to minimize the chance of catastrophic mental breaks while she's out and about burning down The Empire so she meditates Raiders arrive occasionally and are burned to death as is the tradition but for the next in-game year or so she meditates until she she learns to absorb corpses for a permanent buff to her neural heat limit which is why we've been keeping all of these around this will help her fling more Fireballs without frying her own brain putting a few silink levels into her stats will also help with this whilst hanging around here I also realized that an edged weapon probably isn't the smartest thing to take against the empire as blunt weapons have a much easier time dealing with most armors at least until you can get your hands on a really special sword perhaps we'll find one later all right so an infestation a prison break and a marriage later a loot Trader arrives bearing some well pretty irresistible armor actually I'm willing to sell the majority of our horses for a set of marine armor and a cact helmet should I have catract armor in a medieval Rim World playthrough I don't know probably not but when life gives you armor that's impervious to the anus Empire's Weaponry make anus Aid I say so I I was waiting for some kind of high quality mace to show up when I realized that it might be wiser to just you know go and take one from someone else but first kodo's hand just got bitten off by a w before Badger could arrive and save her uh well whatever she doesn't need to and then Badger also has to quickly burn some morning Ander to death before finally heading out to go and do the thing the thing in case you didn't know by now is taking on the mantle of death and its white horse walking through forest and Glenn and deserts and Tundra you get the point she'll roam this whole continent in search of anus Empire strongholds to Snuff them out or well light them up is more accurate it'll take her about 4 days to get to the first settlement which isn't too bad a breeze really with the magic of editing she's already there they don't really put up much of a fight though I'm not sure how much of a fight you can realistically expect from a load of medieval folk when they're put up against a fire witch in a space suit so okay on to the next almost 10 days of travel this was much smoother when I did it with emis the Elven super soldier because unlike Badger he didn't need to sleep anyway she's nearly there and oh how lovely it's snowing before her attack she'll meditate at the local Monument it's pretty important to do this before leaving after an attack actually because she's not particularly dangerous with zero side use a small rid shows up to the hold fast and is deflected by the traps so it's good to know that they work but there should probably be more of them so we'll lengthen that hallway significantly sometime soon back to Badger the anus folk have come out to get her I suppose a scout saw her sat on the ground out there anyway the outcome is quite predictable they got blowed up a mere 2 days travel to the next victims it's very Woody here which should add literal fuel to Badger's fire but but once again I forgot to have her meditate after the last settlement so she needs to do it here but quite quickly they figure her out and come running thankfully though the quite powerful self- explosion cast is pretty cheap and helps deal with a lot of the chaff then it only takes one or two kills in melee to send the rest running after butchering the livestock as is also tradition Badger can loot their stuff which includes a plasti long sword a weapon with extremely high DPS and just enough penetration to get the job done versus most armor a very good find she'll rest up and remember to meditate this time before heading out again on a 5-day Journey to the next place along the way she's ambushed by a single impit I've never actually had a caravan ambush of more than one enemy I suppose it doesn't use the caravan's value but rather just the number of people in it anyway obviously they're not a real threat but they did set badger on fire which she'll use her last herbal medicine to heal up but then I realized that the stuff just grows out of the the ground so before leaving the Ambush site I have her Harvest all of the wild Hill rout and then meditate over some rocks all right next once they started running I used this poor guy to check on this sword's armor penetrating capabilities which seemed pretty good Badger is able to stab him repeatedly in the head despite him wearing a full helmet nice so after executing the cattle once again she rests back at the hold fast there's toxic Fallout which is annoying and now there's also slavers which is also annoying or the iin lost a toe in the combat which I'm sure sucks but it probably beats being sold into slavery so worth it I'd say Badger is almost at her next destination when a most fearsome threat attacks the Caravan two raccoons right this is a good opportunity to stop and meditate anyway before continuing to the next base which during the combat a notice contains a cam call wait it contains our cam call you know this one from the thumbnails he appears fully indoctrinated to the anus ways assing his incredible lightning powers even when faced with his Young Apprentice Badger's magical might which uh well is is very lucky frankly that dude has lightning bolted a whole lot of people to death so in case anyone was wondering how cam call the lightning Wizard's Journey ends it's in a fiery explosion at the hands of badger perhaps he didn't recognize her she's changed quite a lot in the years since Badger hold fell or perhaps he did and has just found a new family to protect here whichever reality you choose to believe he's dead now put to rest perhaps this should have woken Badger up from her violent Fugue if even cam call has taken completely to the ways of the anus Empire can they really be so terrible a people yeah no they're all going to burn this changes nothing for B who sleeps quite comfortably to the sounds of burning buildings we'll leave her to that for now because back at the hold fast trap hallway finally needs expanding raids are getting a bit scary they're sort of just generally struggling a bit back there work isn't getting done very efficiently and occasionally I find them low on food and in case you are wondering where all the bones for resetting the traps come from well it's it's the Ducks sorry Ducks anyway I can easily put them back on track by managing the Colony some more but I have a conquest to oversee there are six anus settlements left on the map let's burn some of them down one two uh okay the journey to three is a really long one this honestly felt like it might take the remainder of my adult life at the time not even that classic video of a woman getting absolutely domed by a watermelon could help pass the time back home the impid attack the base one of the only Factions still hostile but the traps didn't struggle because they don't wear armor after all so Badger continues very slowly progressing towards wait some ducks are on fire uh anyway okay Badger is finally on location and ready to behead a whole lot of people in a very short period of time it's what she does best well it's either that or burning buildings it's a tossup really she sits on top of a marble steel to meditate and heads off on a blessedly short walk to the next settlement but you already know what happens there what's more pressing is that an infestation is bubbling up in the salt mines back at the base infestations are a pretty dangerous threat back in medieval times if you don't have a powerful Mage around to save the day most weapons struggle to damage Mega oh dicks they just beheaded kzw and and now Miller is down and glasses and a and kodo and kolia they're all dead or dying the hold fast has fallen to a small swarm of insects Badger of course psychically feels the pain of her loved ones and this upsets her like a lot but she's still got a job to finish there's only one settlement left to raise before this Conquest is finished they sent a lone Warrior a champion perhaps to Ambush Badger's Caravan and they were beheaded did before I can even zoom in on them so that's a good start once she's finally there she does pretty much the same thing that she did everywhere else it didn't feel any different there's no release despite the finality of the message anus Empire has been defeated and yes it is quite difficult to keep seriously saying anus Empire but you work with the cards you're dealt in Rim World sometimes um anyway right it's over the Empire is crushed everyone except the impid and the Savage kingdoms loves Badger for what she's done was it worth it I'm not sure let's have a beer and consider the anus Empire has fallen and all of Badger's lost friends and family almost certainly fell with it the hold fast and the relationships it fostered are lost to time had Badger never left the hold fast those people would probably still be alive her own sister was cut down by giant insects because she needed fiery Revenge no this wasn't worth it and neither is continuing to wander this blasted land so the armor comes off and into a fire of her own creation she walks Badger and everyone she ever knew is dead the end thanks for watching remain indoors
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 272,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, medieval Rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld medieval, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days
Id: W-httXFvNZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 0sec (6780 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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