By the way, Can You Survive a Nuclear War?

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Daniel: So how are you guys doing? Stephen: Pretty good, uhh... now that- Daniel: OH MY GOSH A NUCLEAR BOMB CLOSE YOUR EYES! Daniel: Did you close your eyes? Hosuh: no Daniel: If you didn't, you've gone blind, you got retinal scars, you can't see anymore.. Hosuh: How close were we from the explosion? Stephen: Thank god I don't have to see Daniel's ugly face anymore Daniel: Ahh shut up.. Stephen:*laughs* Daniel: Today we're gonna be playing.. CaN You SurVive a NucLEaR wAar!? Daniel: World War III, nuclear War are synonyms at this point in our society , *quick laugh* What do you guys think, you guys think you guys can survive? Stephen: if I started this war, obviously I can survive this. Easy! Daniel: What did you say to Trump, Stephen? Hosuh: Stephen, please spare my life! Stephen: You know what, there's not gonna be a war. It's just gonna be like five seconds and then BOOM! Nothing. Daniel: Well, you know, let's forget about the war for now. Steven: She said as the war rages outside.. Daniel: You go outside, and you have to wear a t-shirt! Stephen: Obviously. ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) Daniel: Do you wear a white T- shirt, Or a Black T-shirt? Stephen: Excuse me, are you being racist right now? How dare you i don't see colour! *small laugh* Daniel: what? - Hosuh: cause his retina is all burned up - Daniel: Oh yea- *laugh* Hosuh: well Anyways.. Uh. Why does that matter? Daniel: Well just choose. Hosuh: Ok.. White- Stephen: Reflects radiation. I'll go with white, cause white makes right! Hosuh: Oh my gosh.. -Daniel: Woah! *laughs* Daniel: Alright there.. Great job. Daniel: White clothes tend to reflect some of the radiation energy, while some of the dark clothes tend to absorb thermal radiation- Hosuh: Here's the thing, how much time do you have until you can prepare for this explosion? Hosuh: Oh WoW, i SEe A BOmb FlYIng DoWn! OkAy TimE tO cHaNGE iNtO mY WhItE ClOtHEs! *Stephen and Daniel Laugh* Stephen: Hosuh, you gotta always accessorize.. Stephen: I don't know why you don't plan your outfits for the day. Hosuh: Cloudy with chance of nuclear explosions and bombs. *when the drugs kick in* Daniel: Now, if one megaton nuclear bomb were to go off, how far away do you have to be to not get any sort of burns? Daniel: 1. 15km 2. 11km 3. 10km or 4. 8km? Hosuh: 8- 8km. Stephen: I don't know an exact measurement, but a good method to test whether or not you are going to survive a nuclear explosion, is hold your thumb over the mushroom cloud and if your thumb covers it, you're safe. But if it's bigger than your thumb then you're dead Hosuh: Really? Stephen and Daniel: Yeah. Stephen: That's correct. Daniel: That's for the radiation right now we're talking about. Instant burns. Stephen: Then as far as the way you have, what was- what was the biggest number that you said? Hosuh: I think it was 15.. Daniel: 15. Daniel: 15. Stephen: Then i'll go with- actually 20. I'll go with 20. Hosuh: it wasn't even- *laughs* Stephen: SHUT UP I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS Daniel: Ok alright.. Daniel: 15 is correct! Hosuh: oh. Daniel: because as soon as you get to the 11km mark, if there's a one megaton of nuclear bomb that goes off, you'll get at least a 1st degree burn on your body. Hosuh: dangit Daniel: So, the explosion happens, you close your eyes, but you know that that radiation is coming. You look at your thumb, and you point it outwards to the mushroom cloud, and the mushroom cloud's a little big bigger than your thumb. You need to hide somewhere to avoid the radiation. Hosuh: oooooh. okay Where do you go? Stephen: Where exactly are we? like- Daniel: We're in the city of New York. Stephen: Ok, so then are you saying that, we can hide anywhere? Daniel: Anywhere you can access. At this point in time. Daniel: People are freaking out, there's a mass panic, You can't really get away- Daniel: with a car. Stephen: The president's bomb car. The president's bomb shelter. Daniel: The president from New York? Stephen: Yes. Daniel: Not Washington-- *Intense laughing from Hosuh* Daniel: New York. Stephen: I would fly all the way to Washington, and hide in the president's bomb shelter. Daniel: If you could fly all the way to Washington, Stephen: SHHHH Daniel: Why would you bother *small laugh* Stephen: You said we can hide anywhere. Stephen: so we're hiding anywhere Daniel: -Where you can access at that point... OHHMAHHAGAD Stephen: I can access it. Stephen: Hello Mr. President I don't hate you, can i get in? *laugh* Daniel: Mr President's like "Oh that's a new one, Come on in!" *everyone epic laugh* Hosuh: For.. how long tho? Daniel: For 2 weeks, it would be safe for you to come out and run away to a further area. Hosuh: For 2 weeks?! Oh man I'll.. I-I need a big fridge with a lotta food in it.. Daniel: Sure. Yes. So what you wanna do is find a place with really T H I C C walls, preferably cement and not wood.. Daniel: Now, you go into a bunker or a basement wherever you decide to hide in. Daniel: What do you do first? 1. cover the windows with everything you can find 2. get undressed and take a shower 3. see if there's any food or water that you can find or 4. try to call your parents- *little laugh* Hosuh: I don't think taking a shower right away is a good idea. Stephen: But you're tracking in radiation regardless. I would have said either board the windows or take a shower. Stephen: And what was the third option? Daniel: See if there's any food or water. Stephen: How long ago- how long ago did the radiation fall? Daniel: In 10 minutes. Stephen: Yea you know what I will go take a shower Hosuh: I'll board da windows..! Stephen: Ok well Hosuh is boarding the windows I'm gonna take a shower. *hahahAHAHAHA* *HAHAHahahahha* Hosuh: Thanks Stephen! Daniel: Dangit, Teamwork Daniel: Well, Stephen, you're right! Stephen: Obviously. ( ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) flashback) Daniel: YaAaaAay Daniel: The first thing you wanna do as soon as you get indoors is take the clothes off that you were wearing- and take a shower. Now, it is important that you board the windows, BUT if your clothes happen to be contaminated- That is the first thing, and the quickest thing you can do is just take it off. Hosuh: Wow, are we gonna get naked now? Daniel: I mean, we already are naked.. Hosuh: We already are naked-?*Daniel laughs* you're right. What are we gonna take off? We can't take off- this.. Daniel: Alright, well now your indoors, you've locked all the windows.. And somebody's trying to come in your house. Do you let him in? Stephen: NOo they're already contaminated! We can't have people contaminated in here! ShOoT tHeM!!1! Do I have guns? Do I have knives?? Daniel: No, and no, and no BUT- Okay Again, every video, moral ethics comes into play of survival Stephen: Morality is stupid. Daniel: It is the one thing that gives us humanity! Do you push that away at the first sight of danger? Stephen: Humans are flawed Daniel: What if he's a doctor? What if he has a box full of chocolates that you've been really craving for the longest time? Stephen: What if he's.. like, a zombie?(he is dumb) What if he's a zombie and he's trying to get in because he knows I'm alive? Daniel: What if *snorts* What if this is reality? Daniel: Then I have a moral obligation to kill him so he doesn't kill other people Daniel: Yes, IF he's a zombie, but he's not Stephen: Exactly! But I don't know that, so I'm gonna shoot him through the door cuz I can't let anyone in, obviously.. Hosuh: Just in case.. *Bang bang!* Daniel: Next time somebody knocks on Stephen's door- *laughs* Stephen: Yea Daniel come to my house *more laughing* Daniel: Uh, Stephen, *knock knock* *laughter* Daniel: Um, can you let me in? Stephen: Yea, sure Daniel just uh, just put your put your face to the door, real close to the eye hole, yeaa! Daniel: Just like that? *lil giggles* Stephen: Yea! Daniel: Okay, alright, come on Hosuh, humanity? Hosuh: He's most likely dead, cuz, how long has he been out there? Stephen: SEE, Hosuh's finally making sense.. Hosuh: NONO, but, the thing is, even if I let him in, how long is he gonna have until he dies? Daniel: You're not sure, you don't know.. Hosuh: So, I'm sorry, people inside has more right to live..? N-no that's not right.. Stephen: No that's totally right! Hosuh: Is it? Stephen: I-I think its right. how dare you endanger the lives of other people by purposefully exposing other people to dangerous substances? Daniel: how dare you shoot a person cuz you think he's a zombie? *snigger* Stephen: How dare he be a zombie? *so many laughs* Daniel: HE'S NOT A ZOMBIE! Stephen: We don't know that! See? This is why I need to take precautions against this.. Daniel: aagh, you just screwed the moral thing I can't even, Hosuh: Okay, what did you do? Dan, (someone says the man stops knocking) what did you do? Daniel: I would open the door like a normal human being Hosuh: You would? Are you serious? Daniel: of course you would! Radiation isn't, fricking- Like, I already have my radiation clothes on the floor right next to me- Like, it's not like, him coming in for a split second will change anything. Maybe he'll eat some of my chocolates, Who cares? It's only for two weeks.. Stephen: Still regardless, you're exposing yourself to cancer, how many decades later on in your life, so- Daniel: you're probably gonna die from cancer anyways, might as well keep your morality.. Stephen: Okay my morality is pitch black, how dare you judge the colour of my morality? Hosuh: So, I have a question- Daniel: Are you saying black is a bad colour, Stephen? Stephen: I'm saying black is- Hosuh: oh my gosh.. Stephen: -the purest colour Daniel: That's still racist towards every other colour! Stephen: Your face.. Daniel: Let's move on, screw the human part.. The knocking stops- Stephen: Good Daniel: You hear a screaming man fade away, and two weeks pass. Stepen: aaand now he's a zombie come back to eat me cuz he didn't get let in. Daniel: no, no, no, that is not what happened.. Stephen: okay you decide to escape to a rural area where it's not a major city, there isn't that many people.. You think it'll be safe there so you go there. But, these people had the exact same thought you did.. What if this radiation is contagious? What if the people coming from the cities are bringing this radioactive thing that we don't understand to our village and affect our village.. How would you convince them that it's okay to go into their place? Stephen: conVINCE THEM? Oh my god! Hosuh, I've already started shooting what am I gonna do? Hosuh: You already started shooting?! *laughter* Hosuh: Oh noo! I mean, with all these people dead like, I guess there's no more cops, right? Stephen: Exactly, I mean like, see I just did us a favour. Daniel: NOoo, no.. Stephen: Okay, how do I convince people? Speak like a preacher. Hosuh: Oh my god are you gonna be- Stephen: I'm gonna use religion as a weapon. Hosuh: Oh nooo, nooo don't do that Daniel: I would like to, I would like to do religion as a weapon for five hundred please, daniel? Daniel: Daniel cocks his gun, points at Stephen's head, shoots him, (KABLAM) he dies.. Stephen: Daniel! Daniel: Hosuh, what's your choice? Hosuh: Uuuumm, I um Daniel: Yea, say it hosuh! (Daniel cocks the gun again) *laughter* say what you were thinking! Hosuh: uh y-you're the best person I know, you're amazing, don't shoot.. Daniel: ANSWER THE QUESTION! Hosuh: Okayyy.. Umm I'm from, somewhere else.. Daniel: Oh ok come on in Hosuh: Ummm-I'm from California, I'm from California! New york, what happened to New York? Hoooly crap! Stephen: What's the answer? Daniel: there is no answer. Stephen: Oh what?! It's so ambiguous? Daniel: It's supposed to be one of those moral turn-arounds, right like, you betrayed someone else from coming in, so someone else is gonna betray you from coming into their- Stephen: morALITY?! Daniel: Yaaaay Stephen: How dare you, how dare you. Nonono Stephen makes his on morals! Daniel: oh ok what's your moral? Stephen: let me in or I'll shoot you first! Daniel: Stephen stop talking you're killing my brain cells! because todays videa is sponsored by! Listen, who doesn't know about audible, really? let's just be honest here, everybody knows about audible! its a website that lets you LISTEN to BOOKS! lets you do something else while you listen to a book.. and you know what, we've been doing a lot of sponsors lately but audible is the one company that I've been wanting to get sponsored by for so long because I really really do believe in what they do Right now if you go to or text danplan to 500-500- you can get a 30 day free trial which means you will get one free book- and if you don't like that book, by the way you can keep on trading, which was I did- I was reading "how to not give a f**k" by Mark Manson, and I wasn't really pleased by it so I returned it and I got "12 rules for life" by Jordan Peterson And I'm listening to it right now. And if you're not pleased with before the thirty days end, you can just go to your account and cancel it- and there is no risk involved with it so I think that's fantastic anyways, stephen, you were saying. Stephen: and don't forget to get us to a million subscribers so we can go to disney land! Danplan, out! Daniel: Oh, my gosh... VIDEO
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 9,309,200
Rating: 4.9528804 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, nuclear war, nuclear bomb, nuke, nuclear war animation, animation, nuclear war quiz, survival nuclear, survive nuclear bomb, survive nuclear war, how to survive nuclear war, fallout, fallout 76, nuclear radiation, nuclear weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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