By the way, Can You Become an FBI Special Agent?

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Daniel: Hello everybody! Today we're gonna be playing Can you become an FBI special agent Now warning ahead! This is just for fun, so if you're gonna become an FBI agent later, Don't worry if you can't solve any of these... I literally googled "FBI special agent test" and took a couple questions. (Hosuh laughs) Stephen: Wow, don't say that Daniel: Don't stress out. Stephen: Oooh, oh my gosh don't say that.. Hosuh: Wait, what does FBI even stand for? Stephen: Federal Boob Inspectors.... (Hosuh and Stephen laugh) Daniel: nice. Hosuh, Stephen, welcome to the test. Here is your first question! Stephen: One second, to the NSA agent listening to this. You are still loved. We are n- in no way trying to replace you. Alright Daniel, let's do this! Daniel: Alright, question one. There was a serial killer who captured victims and forced them to take one of two pills that was present one was poisonous and the other was harmless. But, there was a catch. The killer would always swallow the pill the other person would not take. How did this serial killer always survive? Hosuh: He pointed the gun at them and made them choose the one pill.. Daniel: NOPE. They both took their pills, and they both drank their water, and it was not forced. One way or other. Stephen: Yeah, no I kn- I know this! I know this! Hosuh, what do you thinks going to happen? Hosuh, confused: Wait you know the answer? Stephen: I think I know the answer! Hosuh: You cheater! you just googled it didn't you! Stephen: Can I just spoil it? Can I just spoil it right now? Daniel: Well it's a competition only one of you guys get to become the FBI special agent. (Hosuh: Oh, are you serious?) Stephen: Okay, well first off I've murdered several people with poison so I know how this works. You don't poison them with the pill, you poison them with water. Daniel: DING DING DING!!! Yeah Stephen! Stephen: Get Rekt Hosuh! Daniel: One point to Steven. Hosuh: Daniel you gave it away by saying they drank their water. Daniel: Well Hosuh why didn't you get it? HUH? Stephen: Yeah Hosuh Hosuh: I thought it'd be way to obvious so I was like okay... Daniel: Hosuh, often times the answers are the simplest. Hosuh: Of course, okay fine. -_- Daniel: Question number two! There was another murder scene. This time a killer cut an apple in half with a knife and offered it to her boyfriend. They both ate the apple, but only the boyfriend died - how? Hosuh: I- is it - it can't be that simple... something like the boyfriend ate the seed. Daniel: No. Hosuh: Oh! So i'm thinking she swabbed one side of the blade with poison and then she.... Daniel: DING DING DING!!! You got it! Hosuh: How is this an FBI test? Like this is so easy! Stephen: I agree, this is like the easiest FBI test I've ever seen. Daniel: Alright it'll get harder, it'll get harder don't worry... don't worry... (Hosuh sighs) Stephen: grumble ... Daniel: Relax, Relax Hosuh: I don't want to be an FBI agent! Stephen: I know! this is too easy where's the criminal mind element of this? (Daniel laughs) Daniel: Kay, there was a chemist and he hit his head in the lab and died. His friends, Nicola, Alex and Michael, said that it was an accident. But you find it strange that there is a note this chemist is clenching onto. The note says, 282757 Stephen: One sec, let me write that down - what? (muttering) so it's 28 27 57 Is it one of those hold it upside down things again? Wait, OMG!!!!! (Hosuh: I don't think so...) Hosuh(bored tone): Is it? Stephen: No it's not... (Stephen laughs) Hosuh: I just pictured it in my head and it doesn't look right. Stephen: Ah, so you're not so predictable anymore.. Daniel... Daniel: HAHA! See that the questions get funkier (Hosuh in the back: ooh hoo) Stephen: 28, 27, 57 Hosuh: What is in a lab? Uhmmmm Stephen: 28 elements... OMG Periodic table! Where's the periodic table? Hosuh: Ah, I see you were going to be me to it! Stephen: Suck a dick! (Hosuh and Stephen laugh cutely) Stephen: so let's see here 28 Hosuh: Nico.... Stephen: Nico! Nico.. Nickel.. Hosuh: 24 bonium? Stephen: NICOLA!!! NICOLA DID IT OMG!! (Daniel Laughs) Hosuh: Oh my gosh D; ... Daniel: DING DING DING!!!! Nicola was the killer! Stephen: REKT! Stephen: OH MY GOD!! Daniel: That was actually really well done. Stephen: FBI THIS Hosuh!!!! Daniel: And that's a well deserved point for Stephen. (Hosuh chuckles) A man has died and he sees two doors in front of him. One door leads to heaven. The other leads to hell. The heaven is guarded by an angel that only tells the truth. Hell is guarded by a demon who only tells lies. But you can't tell who's the demon or the angel, they both look the same to you. So, that's- that's, the setting! You may only ask one question to one of them and that's the only question you can ask and then you have to enter one door. But! you need to need to know for SURE which door is the right one. Hosuh: We don't know which one's the angel... Stephen: I see so many variations of this. Daniel: Yeah, and by the way like they can only answer yes or no. Stephen: Gotcha. Stephen: Uhhhhhhh, is the answer like.. Stephen: I would ask - will the other one lie to me? Hosuh: But then you can only ask one question. Stephen: Yeah. Hosuh: So you wouldn't know which door to go into Stephen: Oh wait! would the other person lie about- about who they are? 'Cause if we if know that the other one is going to be an angel so it's like oh yeah! Daniel: If you ask that to an angel right? she would say yes Daniel: But if you asked that to the devil, the devil will lie and say yes as well. Daniel: The devil can only lie and the angel can only tell the truth. Stephen: Ah, I don't know Daniel: Haha! Daniel: Oooh FBI is a hard job to get. Daniel: oooooooOoOoh (Daniel laughs) Daniel: My god people are gonna hate me for this. (They all laugh) Hosuh: I think everyone knows the answers to these questions 'Cause they all look at what is it? How to solve some 8 mysteries, quiz something like that Okay! I know the answer! I think. So I'm going to tell one of them, "If I wanted to go to heaven, do I have to take that door that the other person is guarding?" That way if it was the angel. The other door is hell, right? If I asked the Satan he would only lie about it so he would say no. Daniel: If they both give you the exact same answer of "No" then how would you know who it is? Hosuh: I don't have to know, right? Daniel: Because, okay let's say you talk to the angel right? And the angel will still say "No" so you go through the angel's door which is heaven. But, if you asked the demon he would say no again and you would still enter and go to hell. Hosuh: Okay, maybe that's not right then. (Hosuh chuckles) Stephen: I'm pretty sure I can find this on the internet just 'cause like there are so many variations of this. So it's not that big of a deal. But, Hosuh! Have you gotten your thing wrong yet? Hosuh: Hmmmm, Yeah. I don't think I can get it. Stephen: Alright Daniel! Lay down the sick knowledge juice on us! Daniel: The answer is: You ask whoever is in front of you, "Do you live in that door behind you?" Stephen: Okay! So first off, I'd like to say that this is a very specific question! How dare you do that! Daniel: What do you mean? It's a test you gotta figure out. Stephen: What? What? Daniel: But, but the real lesson here is that both of you guys gave up. That means neither of you deserve to become an FBI special agent!!!!! Hosuh: WHAT? Stephen: WAIT NONONONONO, Sir Sir! We demand satisfaction! Stephen won this one! Stephen: How dare you! Stephen: I'm pretty sure an FBI agent suddenly dosen't give up even though he's absolute crap at his job! Stephen: I'm pretty sure he'll get fired regardless. Hosuh: Yeah! You told us "Quote on Quote" one of you will pass, and then you literally lie to us! Stephen: I agree... Daniel: It was all a test all along! Daniel: OOoOoOoOh Daniel: I'm sorry and please forgive me I just wanted to make more quiz show videos (Steven and Hosuh laughing cutely in the background) Byeeeee!! (Laughing intensifies)
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 6,715,035
Rating: 4.9554973 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, pass, FBI, Special Agent, Test, become, fbi, fbi test, quiz, survive, riddle, riddles, questions, mystery, detective, smart enough?
Id: f0kV6doXbuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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