By the way, Can You Become A K-Pop Star? (ft. Jenny)

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*Music Playing* *Cool merch showcase. woah.* Daniel: Hello everybody today we're gonna be playing can you become a k-pop star? Can you sing can you dance, do you have all the talent and beauty that anyone could ever wish for? Well that's too bad There's about 10,000 other people that have just the amount of talent as you do. Hosuh: Are we going to introduce the guest this time? Daniel: With Jenny! *Chuckling* Daniel: Say hi, Jenny Jenny: HeLlOooo *Awkward Silence* *All Burst Out Laughing* Daniel: Uh, okay. - Jenny: Hello. Daniel: If you could become a k-pop star, just screw all the questions right now. Let's say tomorrow you can wake up Hey, would you like to become a kpop star yes, or no, would you say yes? Steven: I don't know I hate One Direction so I feel like joining a boy-band would still be terrible. Hosuh: Personally, I don't think I would ever want to be a k-pop star. Seems like a lot of work and also I don't have the talent or the face so... Daniel: What are you talking about Hosuh, I thought you were super hot. Hosuh: Uh, yeah I am. *Hosuh smexy time* *All Burst Out Laughing* Daniel: Okay, if you want to become a k-pop star you have to know what is allowed and what isn't allowed. Which of the following is banned for k-pop stars? Stephen: Touching children! *Jenny adorable laugh intensifies* *Hosuh terrified* Daniel: That's.. banned for everybody. *Cute laughter galore* Stephen: What else's banned? Daniel: Right, which of these following is banned: One, driving; two, dating; three, drinking; four clubbing Stephen: all of the above, final answer. Hosuh: Really? Okay yeah, I see why they would stop them from dating, but they should be able to drink come on! Stephen: I don't think so I think all of it is banned because having fun as a k-pop star isn't allowed! No fun in Korea! Jenny: I think all of them are just they could possibly be bad publicity. Hosuh: What about driving though? Stephen: What happens if you hit someone? Hosuh: Not everyone hits someone. Stephen: No like the Canadian Prime Minister isn't allowed to drive once he becomes Prime Minister. Daniel: They revoke it? Stephen: Yeah, as in you're not allowed to drive anymore, sir Here is the chauffeur. Cuz what happens if the Prime Minister hits a kid? Hosuh: Why is it always a kid? *Jenny laughs* Daniel: What if what if his kid is dying at 3 a.m. In the morning and the chauffeur isn't fast enough? Hosuh: Call the ambulance? Daniel: What if he's driving- I guess calling the ambulance would be a good answer Anyway the answer is all of the above Stephen: Wow, who thought? Oh my god- Stephen! I knew this was a trick question. You're bad Daniel. Daniel: A k-pop group called Blackpink had a contract with YG Entertainment and they were not allowed to drink, drive, date, go clubbing... It basically was kind of like a military service Stephen: So I guess there is no fun in Korea Daniel: Well.. Let's just assume that After three to five years of hard training you didn't get booted out and you finally got to be a kpop star Stephen: There's literal training camps to be a kpop star? Daniel: Yeah, people start as young as eight years old (Stephen: Gross) and they work their way up They literally drop out of school to do this. Hosuh: Dang. Daniel: Your average career time is about five years your average income is less than forty three thousand dollars. Stephen: What? Daniel: and since you've been spending all your life training up to this point you Literally don't know how to do anything else. Yay! Stephen: and you're forcing us to do this, sir? How dare you! Hosuh: Okay, Jenny. Can you name a couple Kpop bands that you know? Jenny: BTS, Me likey, thing band? Twice or whatever their name is. Stephen: *Adorable laughter* Jenny: I don't know! *Daniel dancing to kpop* Hosuh: You're not a true fan, I see. Jenny: I'm so sorry *All laugh* Stephen: Alright, what's the next question, Daniel? So let's say you slip up and you cuss and like you drop an f-bomb or something in the public and somebody recorded you. What would you do? Number one- ask them politely to delete it. Number two- apologize immediately. Number three- intimidate them, number four- knock 'em out Hosuh: Knock 'em out? Stephen: I mean, like, Stephen likes that option but I feel like someone else would be recording right then and there so you know what Stephen will do the opposite of what he usually does and ask politely. Hosuh: Like I feel like that's not gonna do much you have to apologize publicly because it's a big deal So I feel like you will have to Jenny: I also think it depends on how known you are. If no one really knows you and that happens. I mean, sure, still apologize but like if you're someone like BTS and you just do something bad if you just smile afterwards and apologize girls will still just fangirl about you *laughter* or find you really attractive afterwards Stephen: Oh my god, he's such a bad boy Jenny: Yes! *All laugh* Daniel: Well, you're all wrong! Jenny: *still laughing* -Hosuh: Really? -Stephen: Of course. Your career's over, they'll constantly film you, it'll go out in public, image is everything! Everything you've worked up to until now is ruined cause you just cussed. Stephen: So okay, so first off is everything just a trick question; it's either everything or nothing. What the heck? Daniel: I just wanted to make this questionnaire a little bit more fun. 'Cause usually when I make questions they're too obvious. Stephen: Oh my god I will cut you so hard. Oh, I'm so sorry, Daniel. Please delete that. *Others laugh* Hosuh: Stephen, knock him out, knock him out! *Stephen punching noises* Daniel: Well, the next question is an open-ended one. Stephen: You're open-ended! Hosuh: Go on. Daniel: A lot of people within the industry struggle with the guilt and the emptiness of success. When you finally have that feeling of success, when you finally have something that you've worked towards for all your life, there is this- weird empty void left behind. Where you feel like you finally accomplished something but you don't feel the reward that you thought you would get. How would you cope with it? Stephen: I love myself. I would probably just fill it with myself. "Wow, Stephen, you're so good at everything." "Thank you, Stephen, I'm so great." Hosuh: Um, just don't succeed. Always have a goal that's higher than your- your goal. That doesn't make sense. Daniel: No, that makes sense. If you really want worldly happiness- I guess always have a goal that's close enough yet far away so that you can never really truly reach it. Stephen: What?! Okay, so let me get this right so if you want to finish a marathon and it's like, alright, I'll run five kilometers So you run the five kilometers, but then they move the finish line Daniel: No. So it'd be like for a marathon you finish the marathon, but then you say "Okay. My next goal is..." Stephen: Okay, but I feel like this analogy also works because if they keep moving the finish line during the race Daniel: They would die, Stephen. Jenny: It's also the same with- just for example- singing. Either you own the hobby or the hobby owns you? For example I had- I had a really rough time uploading in the last couple of months, a couple of years actually, and now that I got back into working since I only have one day off in my week I actually just take that day off to actually do everything in one day and just upload it I mean no one was pressuring me But I was I was feeling extremely guilty of not uploading anything even if people told me to just take my time Hosuh: That's when the hobby owns you. Jenny: Yeah. Hosuh: Being a kpop star for them, it's not really a hobby, it's a job. Right? And it's the dream that they've ever wanted, so... Jenny: Which is even worse because you're actually forced to continue. Hosuh: What do you think, Daniel? Daniel: I mean, I don't know like me personally I don't know if Hosuh and Stephen struggles with it too, but this whole YouTube thing Like I've always dreamed about doing this full-time but now that I'm doing it, it's- it's weird because I don't feel the joy that I thought I would. It's kind of a question. This was all I ever wanted. Now that I have it. I'm not enjoying it as much as I should be and that makes me enjoy it even less. I don't know I- I don't know. Stephen: Everything just got so depressing. What the heck, lighten it up Daniel. Hosuh: Dan, you know what I think? I think it's because your goal- your initial goal- was five thousand subscribers and- And we already reached that a long, long time ago, right? My goal wasn't five thousand. Like I wanted a million or more, and I still have a goal way up there that I'm still trying to reach. But you, your goal has already been accomplished and maybe you're feeling the void that you- that a lot of k-pop stars are feeling after their success. Daniel: Am I a kpop star? Hosuh: Yeah, so readjust your goals, right? You're running a marathon. Keep moving that marathon finish line. Jenny: Exactly. Daniel: Shut up, Jenny Hosuh: We detoured so much Stephen: I agree get back on track Daniel: Back on track! Ah bweh- Ah uh. So, kpop star! Well... I don't know how to end this video. Jenny: I can speak something in German. Daniel: Oh, can you sing us a song, Jenny? Jenny: What- what song? Daniel: Kpop song Stephen: In German Jenny: I would say Dan, you should sing. Daniel: Huh Hosuh: Dan, you know that song. Uh... "In this fucked up, wonderful world?" What is it? Daniel: Oh Hosuh: Sing it! "In this fucked- up, wonderful world- I live in order to meet you." "Tonight let's flourish until the break of dawn- makes our eyes spin." "In this shitty, wonderful world- Look dead ahead and charge forth." "Now, dance, dance, let's all turn into fools." "Everyone scream yanyai- Oh- I'm not sure if I can take much more." Hey (Song: This Fucked-up World Exists for Me Korean. version.) Shhh... It's gonna be really cold. Stephen: Buenos dias! *Daniel evil laugh* *Stephen suffering* Stephen: Dan! You made me so wet!
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 4,517,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, k-pop, kpopstar, kpop star, how to be a kpop star, boy band, kpop quiz, SBS Kpopstar, merch, jennyxunreachablee, test, dumb debate, punishment, bts, korean, blackpink, K/DA, k/da
Id: UKPqc6iSGeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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