How to Survive a Nuke

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[Music] it's happened a nuclear explosion if you weren't killed in the initial blast the fallout can finish the job whether it's an act of war or terrorism all that really matters in the moments after the blast is that there are ways to save yourself and your loved ones so how is it possible to stay safe here's what you can do to survive a nuclear attack the worst thing about a nuclear attack is that there are multiple ways it can kill you the explosion the heat and the radiation can all cause damage and death in this day and age a nuclear device can be small enough to be concealed and carried by a single person or it can be a missile you can have a few minutes warning or no warning at all the flash from the bomb can kill you by burning or vaporizing you after that a shock wave can crush your house or smash you with debris if you survive the initial blast your first problem is radiation fallout fallout is radioactive soil and debris that rains down on us after the blast why is radiation fallout dangerous it damages the very cells that our body is made of radiation is energy moving as waves or particles and it exists everywhere around us including in the sun soil and rocks that kind of radiation is considered to be low level radiation and it's fairly safe medium level radiation causes fever headaches and vomiting high levels of radiation damage your internal organs severely and can kill you a nuclear attack is definitely in the high level category so what is your first priority after the blast well the radiation fallout takes about 15 minutes to come down to ground level after the explosion so in that time you need to take cover step one get inside brick or concrete buildings will protect you best against radiation however you don't have much time so don't waste it by looking around it's important to get inside any structure as soon as you can take off your clothes they're contaminated stay away from the roof and the outer walls of the building go to the basement or the middle of the building step two shelter in place for 24 hours the most dangerous fallout is during the first few hours after the explosion because the radiation is most powerful then keep your loved ones inside including your pets if your family is separated don't try to get together for the first 24 hours it's most important for everyone to stay inside wherever they are step 3 stay connected if your cell phone tv and internet are all unavailable because of the attack try battery operated or crank radios tune in to any media you can to find out when it's safe to exit and where you should go to stay safe and to reunite with family step 4 don't drive the worst thing you can do is to get in your car and get stuck in gridlock along with everyone else as the fallout comes down as always it's best to prepare ahead of time for dangerous events you're probably not expecting a nuclear attack but it doesn't hurt to be prepared look around to identify potential shelters near your school work or home prepare an emergency supply kit and keep it in potential shelter locations this kit should include bottled water packaged food medicine and a flashlight and by a battery powered or crank radio as well a nuclear attack is devastating and depending on its size and how close you and your loved ones are to the explosion it could be deadly it could also lead to ruined cities dysfunctional societies and sickness however if you're prepared ahead of time and you follow this advice you'll improve your chances of surviving a nuclear attack but if you're looking for something to pass the time while waiting for doomsday you can always learn how to survive other life-threatening encounters do you know what to do if you're attacked by a gorilla well you can learn next time on how to [Music] survive [Music] you
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 1,996,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, how to survive a nuke, dangerous situations, survival video, tips how to survive a nuke, guide how to survive a nuke, survival rules, survival tactics, man made dangers, possible scenario, documentaries, what to do in case of a nuke, 2020, life hacks, guide how to survive, nuke, nuclear attack, nuclear disaster, chernobyl
Id: j9ZfRV0WRys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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