By the way, Can You Survive MAFIA?

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D: Hey guys, before the video starts, Quick note: Our one million subscriber merch is going to be available for the next 48 hours. Some of you have bought it, so thank you for that. And if you can't, no worries, I'm just happy you guys are watching our videos. Okay! That's it, bye bye. Hosuh, Stephen. You decide to move away from the city, To a suburb area, to get away from the horrendous, 'can you survive' scenarios of Daniel. S: I'm just moving to get away from Daniel! H: He's gonna be with us forever Stephen, you know that right? S: I know... He smells us. D: You move to this farm area, And there's a lot of murmur going around. People are looking at you weird. They suspect something's going on- Because today we're going to be playing: Can You Survive "Mafia" Say hi everybody! Everyone: Hii/Heyy/Howdy/Hello/Hi D: Okay, that's the introduction we're gonna get. Can we become -?? Jay: Ooooo- you suuckkkkk~ (Laughter) Daniel: Alright, real quick in this game there is team "Mafia" and team "Civllian". The Mafia's goal is to kill everyone and the civilians' goal is to find out who the Mafia is and vote to eliminate them. Civilians win if all the Mafias die, Mafias win if there is the same number of mafia was there is as civilians. Team civilian also has a special role, doctor and detective. A doctor can protect a random person every night, and the detective can learn the role of one player every night. Now, there are two phases to this game-- Night, and day. During the day there's a discussion and then a vote to eliminate one player. During the night, Mafia select a player to die. Also, doctors and detectives do their special role during the night as well. This game really focuses on the ability to read social queues, being able to mystery-solve, and the ability to talk your way out of any situation. Does everybody get the game? Everybody: Yea/Yes sir! D: Hosuh, Stephen you've moved in just yesterday. You've been notified that there's a mafia lurking around. S: Oh crap, uhh Hosuh I think we need to move right away, D: There's no reason to stay in this town- There's a lease on your house! It's really, really expensive. H: We already bought the house, Stephen! You come out to discuss with the townsfolk, And you see Pau from a distance. You say "Hello!" Pau: Hello new friends! (laughter) H: Are you the mafia Pau? Pau: No. H: Ah, I mean- Good morning neighbor! S: Can I just stab her? D: No, no, you can't linch people on your own. S: What?! D: Pau, you hear them discussing about stabbing people- Pau: HMMMM- S: Alright, who's next on the chopping block? D: Jamie and Ivu are playing cards. Jamie: Why am I playing cards, that's so lame! D: Fine, they're juggling, they're doing flips! You walk up to them. Ivu: Can I be the one that's playing cards? D:(laughing) Yeah ok sure. (laughing) S: Alright, Jamie's juggling, Ivu's playing cards. Ivu: By myself :')) H: Oh, that's so sad... S: Hi! Your neck looks very nice to stab~ I hope we meet again someday. ;) H: Stephen, if you do that to everyone, they're going to kill you first... Jay: Man, what a charmer. Ivu: Come play cards with me please! S: Yes, unfortunately though I must journ through many more people I must introduce myself to! D: H- D: You sound like one of those vampires from 1960 movies. (laughing) D: You walk again You see Jay and Mona in the distance Jay and Mona seem to be interacting with each other, but it seems to be more of a one-way conversation. S: Well- Prepare to make it a three-way~ Hello! ;) Jay: Oh my- S: I just moved here and I must say, you two look R A V I S H I N G (laughing) D: [indiscernible] Stephen...Stephen- S: Hello Dan! H: This is the weirdest Stephen I've ever seen, so... D: It's got this undertone of rapey vibe that I can't get over- A-Alright Mona, you see this creepy Mohawk dude, what do you say? Jay: Flattery will get you nowhere, big boy. D: Jay, you've heard mafia's been walking around this town, you get suspicious and you start asking some questions. Jay: So I heard your vague threat to Pau and Ivu...?(laughs) What was that all about...? S: Oh nothing, I just have a flair for the theatrical~ D: And Mona says- (cute lil laugh) Uhuh, yeah, that's right. That's what Mona said. It's getting pretty late, so you're trying to get home. All of a sudden, Shai interrupts you and says, 'Where are you going? We gotta go to the trial'. Shai: Hey you, where're you going? Shai: What do I do? I'm sorry- S: I'm just out for a leisurely stroll at this time of night Shai: How very non-suspicious. Let's go to the trial. D: Alright, order, order, everybody this trial is now in session. The way this trial works is a very wei- S: Shut up, Daniel. D: You don't even know me, Stephen! I mean- stranger! Everyone's going to DM me who they suspect is the mafia, then the person will come on trial. You guys got ten seconds. Stephen you didn't vote. S: I only vote for fabulous people. D: The majority vote went to Jay. Jay: Ah, H: What?! D: Jay, you're now on trial. Alright Jay, what were you doing last night at 9 pm? Jay: You, uh... you don't want to know D: Now, Mona has given me a lengthy detail that you've been out last night. Jay: Oh, Mona talked? D: And you weren't home until 3 AM. Jay: Oh well gee, THANKS Mona. The only thing that I can say is, I like to go to the pub. H: So Jay is an alcoholic... I see, hmm. Jay: Can I- can I vote? D: Stay quiet! You're guilty until proven innocent! Jay: Ah... damn... D: Jay, you barely managed to survive. Alright, go to bed everybody! D: A lot of things happened that night. H: Oh no, what happened?! Pau: I'm nervous, what's happening? D: Jay, you said you liked going to the pub. Jay: Yes, yes I do. D: So again after this trial, you go to the pub and get wasted. Jay: Let's get wasted boi! hoha! D: You're drunk, and you're... you're woozy. And then you trip on this weird grease; you break your neck. Jay is dead. H: So he didn't die from the mafia? D: No, he died from the mafia, but usually the mafia tries to cover it up. H: Oh. D: You slipped on some grease, you know? Pau: Man, I'm so sad... like-- Jay: Well how do you think I feel? Oh wait, I don't feel. I'm deaaaad~~ D: What a sad, sad tragedy. Let's move on, alright, he's dead, there's no point in mourning anymore. Shai: I think it's the newcomers. Especially that guy that keeps on telling people that they look nice dead. D: Jamie, what do you think? Jamie: It's always the new guy, but it's always the saner one. H: Oh, me! S: How DaRe you use me as nothing but an accessory! ((laugh time again)) D: Alright, the trial is going to be in session. Everybody cast your votes. Jay: I'd cast a vote but I can't hold paper! D: Shut up, dead person. D: Hosuh, you're on trial. Alright Hosuh you moved in here recently with that suspicious fellow over there, who has a really, really long mustache. What were you doing last night? H: I was asleep, just like everyone else was. D: That sounds suspicious, Hosuh. H: I have an alibi! D: But that guy's insane, he's been trying to kill people since day one. H: Well how come no one voted for him then?? D: I'm not really supposed to tell you who voted for who, but I can tell you for a fact that no one's ever voted for Stephen. (why) H: I'm a civilian, I know why the mafia might have killed Jay, 'cause Jay's pretty smart. Someone who's the mafia probably knows that Jay has to go first. So, the mafia has to be someone close to Jay, that Jay talks to a lot. So I suspect Pau or Shai. ((Collective reactions)) Shai: Man, I haven't talked to Jay in a while. Weird... H: Mona was the one who was talking with Jay yesterday. D: Mona, the attention has turned to you. Okay, alright, time to go, it's getting late, I want to go to sleep. D: Alright Hosuh, you live,((GASP Yessss)) everybody go home. Alright you go back home, go to sleep. Morning has come(morning~) Ivu.(What) It's a good morning, right? Ivu: No... I guess I'm dead. D: You decide you want to go for a morning jog. Ivu: Who does that these days... D: In the distance, you see a puddle of blood from this cottage room. You open the door, and you see Jamie. Ivu: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh D: You call the authorities- wow. Great reaction((laughing)). So realistic. Ivu: Oh nooo, I see someone dead on the ground, what will I ever do? D: Everybody has gathered around again, discussing what has happened last night. Jay: Welcome to the dead, my ghost comrade! Jamie: (Laughing) High five! H: Was Jamie anyone special? D: I mean if you kill a mafia, I'll tell you, but if you killed a cop or a doctor died I wouldn't tell you. H: mk. S: Hmmm... I have a strange premonition... almost like an OOYA board- Pau: You mean Ouija? S: Oui- I dunno how to say it. Some apparition... forming... trying to contact me. It's saying PAU did it. Pau, how could you? H: Pau, what had you done last night? D: Alright I guess we gotta do the trial a little earlier. Everybody... cast your votes to who's on trial. H: Ok, I've got a question- D: Hosuh you've gotta vote. H: Oh, ok. D: Alright, Pau, you're on trial. Pau: Yay.... D: Alright, you seem oddly suspicious for no reason whatsoever. Pau: Yeah! Man, how could a cute little girl murder people left and right- Ivu: That's the most murderous- D: Wait, Ivu, you're telling me that what Pau just said was more murderous than what everything Stephen has said so far. Uh- I just wanted to make sure. I just wanted to make sure, ok. H: Maybe Hosuh's just pinning the blame on me, y'know? And all I did last night was fix my face and my hair and everything, it's very soft, and you put me on trial! You wanna feel my hair? It's very soft- D: Ok, alright, wrap it up, you'll probably never stop-((laughing)) Cast your votes! Order! Order in the court. Pau, by the power of the people, you have been sentenced to DEATH. ((collective reactions)) D: Any last words...? H: Kill her! Kill her!((Hosuh...)) Pau: It's tea time. ((N O))(dead) Hosuh: So... Jamie: Was Pau the mafia? Hosuh: Was Pau the mafia, you haven't told us. Dan: Pau IS the mafia.("Godammit!") Ivu: I told you! It's always the cute one! D: Steven, you wake up, but instead of waking up, you see your dead body. Huh. S: How terrible. Now I shall never be able to bring my beautiful aesthetic to this... dRaB town. H: I find Steven's dead body. Oh my god, damn those mafias! NoOOOOOOOooOOo! D: Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, there's one mafia remaining and three innocent civilians remaining. H: If you are the sheriff, you should come out and say, "I am the sheriff". Shai: Alright alright, I'll say it. I'm the sheriff. H: So tell us who you suspected. Shai: Hmmm... I think it's Mona. Mona: Oh my god she's mafia. Shai: Wh-what? D: Woah, Mona talked for the first time! H: Mona, it's ok! We kill you today, like right now, and Shai dies tomorrow! D: Okay, trial's now in session, everybody vote. D: ((exhale)) Alright, Mona, you're on trial. D: Speak, defend yourself. Mona: Okay, if you kill me now, we're all gonna lose, so lemme just tell you it's Shai. I am confident because I am a citizen, and this whole time, this whole game, clearly Shai and Pau. She has called herself cop. Dan: Have you ever heard Mona speak this much before? Amazing. H: Agh, Mona, you're making me so conflicted... Mona: It's not me! D: Time to vote whether Mona dies or lives. D: Alright, order in the court! Mona, by the power of the people, you have been sentenced to hang until death. H: I'm sorry Mona... D: Mona, have any last words? Mona: You guys suck. I hate you guys.(d e a d) D: Man, I always imagined Mona to be nicer, y'know? D: She wasn't the mafia!("no....") H: No, it's Shai... D: And it's nighttime! Let the gAmE begiN! Oh my, oh my oh my oh my... Hi Ivu! Hi,("Hi") Shai: Did Ivu... did Ivu go jogging again? ((laugh)) Ivu stop jogging! :> D: Ivu went... for another jog! She huffs, and puffs, and she gets a heart attack! And she's AUGhG! ((daniel noises)) But... a mysterious figure comes and saves her! And no one dies this night. Who do you suspect? Ivu? H: Who was the mafia? Who did this to you? D: Ivu, the only person right now who's innocent for a fact is you.("Yeah.") It's your job to deduce. Ivu: I... still think it's Hosuh. D: Interesting...("wHAT?") H: Shai claimed herself to be the sheriff. But, what happened? She said Mona was the mafia. We killed Mona- Ivu: Yes, but you also decided to linch her as well. H: Shai claimed herself to be the sheriff. Why would the sheriff lie? Shai: I didn't lie, I just think Mona was suspicious! D: Okay, I think it's time for a trial. D: Alright, Ivu, it's really really up to you. Screw Hosuh and Shai. They're going to vote for each other. The choice is yours. Ivu: I still think it's Hosuh. D: Hosuh, now you are on trial. ((Ok))D: Hosuh hosuh, you've been suspicious from the beginning, coming to our town. LOOK. You little sh*t. You've got fifteen seconds to defend yourself. H: So, the sheriff has the ability to check if whether or not the person they wanna check is the mafia or not. Shai, she claimed Mona to be the mafia, but Mona wasn't the mafia. That means Shai is the mafia pretending to be the sheriff, and now, if I die, we all die.(Perfect timing) D: Alright, time to vote! I v u . H: Our lives are on your hand. Jay: Ivu's hyperventilating. Ivu: H y p e r v e n t i l a t e s D: Order! There's only three of you, but still order- H: Stephen, this is it! Dan: Hosuh("Yes"), you will be hanged. Hosuh: NOOO!("Until death.") Dan: Any last words? Hosuh: I told you we shouldn't have come to this town. ((death noise))(dead) Dan: Alright Shai and Ivu, you guys can go to bed, I'm gonna get out of town because I don't feel good about this place. And I leave- Ivu and Shai go to bed. And tomorrow morning comes, Ivu- G A S P- you had a nightmare, but nothing happened. You walk outside, and the sun is shining bright. You see Shai, on the other side of your house. Ivu: Hi!("Hey") D: You sit down with her, have a nice chat. "Hey man, I'm really glad this whole ordeal is over." Ivu: This ordeal is over- am I gonna die right now. ((laugh time again)) D: Shai looks at Ivu, smiling, and says "Yeah, I'm really glad it is all over." Shai: Yeah, really glad that this is allllLL over. D: And Shai pulls out a knife, places it on her lap, and smiles. ((oh sh*t)) D: Alright, congratulations everybody, mafia won!("Yayyy") And civilians lost. Jay: (claps) H: Oh noooo... D: Shai and Pau were the mafia, Jay was the cop-("I was!!")("dangit!!") Ivu was the doctor... Jay: It was so painful, cuz I guessed Shai... D: Jay guessed Shai the first night, and then Pau and Shai killed Jay right off the bat.("GOD, DAMMIT") Amazing job. H: Ah... I was trying so hard :'(( Pau: Ivu, you failed Hosuh. Ivu: It was- it was worth it! ((laughter)) Alright, thanks for watching their video! And if you're reading this, thanks for turning on subtitles and seeing all of the community's hard work. Subscribe to danplan >:))
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 8,303,926
Rating: 4.9672289 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, mafia game, mafia, crime game, riddles, gangster, animation, mafia game explained, mafia game animation, mafia party game, party game, ft. animators, mafia boss, mafia meme, how to play mafia, town of salem, how to play town of salem, town of salem animated, mafia city game, mafia city, snake game, Game - Topic, borderlands 3, borderlands character
Id: WNqKaCfzEWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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