By the way, Can You Survive in Antarctica?

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H: Daniel... H: What are we doing out here? S: Yeah? What the heck? What are we doing in Antarctica? D: Hi guys today! D: We're gonna be playing "Can you survive the Antarctica?" S: *sigh* why does every place, S: you bring us to really suck? Like why can't we go to Disneyland one time? "Hey Dan plan? S: can you survive going to Disneyland and having fun?" S: No, here's saw and the purge. H: So what are we doing here H: Anyways? D: So in 1915 there was a group of voyagers that went into Antarctica and got stuck, D: but with their quick thinking and unceasing effort they managed to survive. Let's see if you guys can do the same :D H: Okay! :D S: What if I can survive better? Maybe I'm just gonna evolve into a penguin and just like live up there forever S: How dare you Daniel? How dare you stand in the way of my evolution? D:< *Daniel laughing* (His laugh is so cute :3) D: So while you set out to go embark on a journey in Antarctica there's an essential item that you absolutely need is it, A: sunglasses, B: lotion, C: vitamin C, or D: D: Flowers? S: Well are these penguins cute penguins? *Daniel and Hosuh laugh* H: Wha-? S: Wait I mean like lotions also pretty good if you're trying to do it with penguins. H: Wait, H: What do you mean? D: He means sex, Hosa H: Huh? D: Bestiality. H: Oh.....*laughs*(So innocent ;v;) S: That's my running joke right now.... H: A-Ah...Okay...*deep breaths* D: Hosuh, come on. Keep it up. H: I-I'm so- y-you know, how was I suppose to- how was I suppose to tell H: If he was making a sex joke or not? I caught it off right away! :D *Daniel and Stephen laughs* S: You know what when's the last time I ate an orange? D: I don't know S: Okay fine, then I'll take vitamin C. H: I think it's sunglasses. S: Well. I'm already cool enough, so don't need sunglasses. *Hosuh laughs* D: So the answer is, sunglasses! H: Yeah! *kawaii face* S: Suck a dick! S: Daniel! You're wrong! *giggles* D: Steven looks at the teacher with the exam results D: *acting like Stephen* No! You're wrong! *giggles* H: Slaps across the face. *even more giggles* D: So you need sunglasses because of snow blindness! Basically D: What happens is when the Sun reflects off the snow it constantly hits your eyes? And you're more likely to lose vision and perhaps go blind H: Yeah, I thought eight months out there with all that whiteness. Sun reflecting off the snow, that'll be quite enough to blind H: Then, after a month or so living there- S: Yeah, I guess but, I hope the scurvy kills you first Hosuh >:T D: So let's say you've been stuck there for a while now and the ice in which the ship was stuck on starts to creep into D: the ship. The captain says "Abandon ship!" now, would you say? A: "Okay? Let's get the fudge out of here" B: "No, we gotta gear up" or C: "No if we leave the ship we're dead." S: I agree with that last one if we leave the ship S: we're kind of dead if anything you'll just freeze you in place. It's not you're- not going anywhere straight up. H: Yeah... H: Okay, yeah, so for me, I think you should definitely stick with the ship because that's that's gonna block a lot of wind and that itself H: I think provides a lot to your party, so yes H: stick with the ship! (What ship? The Daniel x Hosuh or the Stephen x Hosuh) D: So, both of you guys D: are actually wrong in this case. H: Really? :0 (Crepes ;-;) S: Shut up Daniel! S: You're wrong D:< D: So what the crew did is they actually left the ship and only a day after they left half to ship completely submerged into the D: ice. S: But there's no S: hope if they just randomly run in a certain direction. H: But where they even go after that all right? D: So you guys venture out in this freezing Tundra snow blizzards coming in every step is a torture as the captain? D: You know times are getting desperate (It's time to stop!) You know food is becoming short. S: Eat Hosuh. (Oh? ;0) D: You start- H: Why me? *adorable giggle* H: Get away from me! *more giggles* S: Well, you're only one with me right now. The fifteen other people probably don't taste as good (Oh! ;000) and they'll fight back *Both giggle* H: I'll fight back too! *smol blush* D: *whisper* Jesus....! H: I'm sorry Daniel, I'm ruining your show. (S: C'mon bb just a bite (>//3/<) (S: No! ) H: But I want to live! *Stephen and Daniel laugh* (Anyways cue the Stephen x Hosuh shippers) D:I know! I know! We gotta have like a Hosuh versus Stephen battle coming soon. *Hosuh and Stephen laugh* D: So basically what's happening is you I the captain and everybody's been trusting you until this point (Look at all them fan girls!) D: but you yourself know that things are getting really really desperate D: So what do you do? A: A: do you tell your crew? How dire the situation is? or B: do you continue to keep it to yourself? H: Hmmmmm....I H: think it's best for you to tell your true members. This is the situation and we need to do something about it......*sigh* Ah! H: I don't know man! D: Hosuh, if you were the captain you would die from the internal struggle. *giggles* S: I don't know, I mean like as long as you're really good at lying to people I guess you could just keep it a secret. S: You could also just murder people if like they even get close to figuring it out. "Well. Hey captain. S: Uh, I-I haven't seen I haven't seen Hosuh for a little bit. Where's he gone?" Oh? don't, worry! Don't worry about it! *Daniel laughs* D: Just eat that stew! Don't worry about it! *All of them giggle* D:"Wow! This is really tasty captain!" *laughter* D: Captain, there's hair in this." S: nah, no S: but honestly I would probably tell them cuz you know what. I don't like keeping secrets you have to keep lying to keep up your lie D: You guys are terrible at this *daniel giggles* S: Okay, what's the answer Daniel? S:What is the answer? D: So the captain decided to not tell anybody that he was desperate because he knew that the crew was desperate as well and the only D: hope they had was the captain and if the captain lost hope then they would lose hope too. S: Well, what a bunch of dumb idiots!!!! H: No, but I think that the- S: No wonder they got stranded up in the Arc! Antarctica! *giggles* H: Does have a point though *giggles* H: Cuz if the captain starts panicking and telling people "Hey this is the situation and I have no control over it." that will be detrimental to the party S: But if someone realizes this and it's like "Hey captain. When are we getting rescued?" and the captain just literally just ignores him "Wow! The captain doesn't know what we're doing let's mutiny!" S: "Mutiny!" Anyway you venture out and you find land, it's a miracle one of the men says that he recognizes the land D: and he knows where to get help. D: He also says that it'd be best if we went alone with two other people because it'd be the fastest and then without a moment's D: hesitation he leaves. D: Now there is this D: frustrating glimmer of hope you are forced to wait in one spot as long as you possibly can that glimmer of hope D: can make men do crazy things and staying in this one spot is seemingly one of them. What would you do? H: So wait? H: He just left? S: M'kay then I shall wait there. H: How long would you wait until you decide? H: They're not coming? D: It's one-week past S: Hmmmmmm S: How well do I know these two? These people that just left? D: It's been over eight months with them. S: Yeah. I'll wait for another couple S: I'll wait for another week cuz you know- D: Another week past S: Oh okay. H: What if they died? What if they died out there? S: Then we're gonna die too S: We're probably gonna die too. Then if we go. H: Hmm ;;--;; D: Another week passes. S: So I feel like the moral of the story is get up your butt and Actually do something. H: So you just leave I guess S: Mmm. S: Yeah. H: Then what if they come back, and they say "Oh, they're supposed to be here. Where did they all go?" D: Another week passes. H: Wha- It's been four weeks?! *Daniel giggles* H: What! It's been four weeks?! H: Okay, what are you gonna do, Stephen? S: I think they literally just forgot about us. Loz let's go! Actually wait a sec S: I'll wait (H: I think I'm gonna wait here.) S: I'm gonna wait too. The answer always seems to be what Daniel suggests first *Hosuh giggles* S: So you I'm gonna wait D: So a full month has been filled and from a really far away distance D: You see this small boat, but as it gets closer it gets bigger D: It's bigger the three crew that you entrusted your life with comes and gets closer waving their hands D: And you all manage to get rescued. And you guys did a good job. You survived. Woo Whoo! H: I mean you didn't give us much of a choice. S: I know! Like what the heck. *Hosuh giggles* D: You guys can tell you wanted to leave. :v H: So the moral of the story is trust your friends (Aw look at Hosuh and Daniel!! Ship! Jk......maybe) D: *giggles* I guess so. S: So I guess the moral of this episode is never trust your friends cuz they're gonna leave you stranded in S: Antarctica. Good night everybody! H: Byee! S: Stephen out! *Daniel and Hosuh laugh* D: Is that how we're going to end? H: I don't know. S: Byee! Subtitles by: Someone! :D
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 5,552,657
Rating: 4.960691 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, survive, antarctica, can you survive antarctica?, purge, psychopath, deserted island, jigsaw, animations, animatics, survival quiz, survival test, freezing, freeze, cold, survivng cold, antarctica survival, sir ernest shackleton
Id: 0Ciy2I4L1IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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