Can You Survive ALICE IN BORDERLANDS? - DanPlan Animated

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today we're going to be playing can you survive alice in borderlands have you guys seen this have you guys seen the show what the hell is that great daniel yeah what do i say we watched it together do i pretend that i don't know you you can you can't say you watched it but the questions themselves i don't know if you'll remember how to solve them because these are pretty complicated questions okay so obviously spoiler warning if you haven't watched alice in borderlands go watch it if you don't care keep watching okay wait so what is this show can you give me a breakdown of what the show is because i genuinely have no idea what you're talking about well you'll see okay oh ho get immersed into the experience nelly i hate it here nelly elias and i we go to downtown and we need to use the washroom we go to the washroom to i don't know do something and all of us together yeah that's kind of uh you need help to pee washing no no so we all needed to use the washroom at the same time wait wait wait wait wait wait right but are we using the stalls or the urinals i don't like the idea why are we saying guys stalls or urinals guys if it's urinals are we all beside each other or are we conforming to the bro rules this is not the important part urinal in between all of us because we don't know each other like that doesn't matter maybe we're all sharing one urinal we're all shooting from different distances so we don't see anything so like together all of the notes of the urine hitting the urinal is in perfect harmony with one another and it just carries angels i mean it makes sense for nelly to be farthest away because he has the best damien valerie he's just like headshot when you turn around you're like why is my head wet you realize all of this is gonna just be edited now no no it's not no it's not that's too bad i try to keep it in but he takes it all out all of a sudden the lights go out when you come outside the lights are out we're still peeking there's so much content to cover let me let me get through this so when we go outside everyone's gone the whole city is empty you have the city to yourselves are you gone no we're all three of us are here what's the difference then are we still in the washroom it gets dark after a while and one of the building screens turns on and it invites you to a game you guys enter a building and you enter this game wait so we didn't have a choice well you walked in there because you were you guys wanted to find out what was going on right ellis are we really trying to find out what's going on are we leaving we try to pee together and look at look at the mess we're in we're in the middle of nowhere look at the mess we're in the city is just emptied out nice and we're forced to play a game that we don't know let me put it simply once you get into a game you can't leave until you beat it each game is marked by different cards now the card number represents the difficulty but they also represent the amount of days you get on your visa extending your lives visa yeah so basically if the card is three of clubs then you get three extra visa days on this place wait so i can get out of here if i let the visa expire no you die this first game you enter is a seven of hearts oh you enter a building and you see headsets and all sorts of tools ranging from axes to clippers to saws screwdrivers and knives oh no hearts is like some sort of murder scene this is a battle royale at this point so hearts it's about psychologically beating your opponents then why do i need an axe you all put on the headset there's daniel nelly elias and a random girl oh no now you all put on a headset which tracks your eye movements it has a mic and it has an explosive color removing the color will activate the explosion one player in this game will become the wolf and the rest become sheep the sheep will try to avoid the gaze of the wolf so if as wolf and sheep make eye contact that sheep becomes the new wolf after 30 minutes everyone that has a sheep roll will die by the explosive color but the wolves explosive color will not activate now by the rule of this game only one of you can survive but there is a fan theory here that i really like because apparently all the hearts game there is a way for everybody to survive but that's never shown in the manga or the show and there was a fan theory on how you could survive this oh i don't know this actually so if you guys can come up with that fan theory everyone will be able to live if you just play the game normally there's one survivor but you want to try to make everybody live wait so we have we have headsets on right so we're in like some vr world oh no you're in the real world the headsets just track your eye movement so if you make an eye contact with another person that person will become the new wolf if you're the one so i can't take his eyes no no no no no because what if like if what if we just take his eye we split that boy into four and suddenly all of us have the gaze no no no no no i'm sprinting away who's the wolf nelly what i'm sprinting y'all are gone wait wait no no wait wait there might be a way to survive there's too many axes in this room for me to be okay with sharing responsibility i don't believe in that and you said there is a solution right there is a solution and you guys can communicate through the mic you hear me running tell me your plan while i'm running if we attempt to break the headset what happens if you attempt to break the headset the explosion will activate okay well that's not a plan i'm still gone if you break the headset of a single person doesn't it does it explode on everyone else's too no no it'll just activate on that person what if you blow up the wolf's headset yeah the rule says only the wolf's headset is the one one that explosion is disabled right would that work i'm out here and the random person i look them in the eye suddenly i'm the wolf in sheep's clothing [ __ ] bash her head in right yeah if it's if it's just random girl give her the wolf pin her down and kill her oh my god and the ripped heads uh what's the explosion wait how big is the explosion not that big it's just like it's just it's enough to just kill the person doesn't hurt me if i take her headset off no okay cool what do you use a clipper a saw screwdriver an axe i don't know we just we're just bashing her headset let's just say you use a clipper to cut her headset a bit less exciting but okay so you make her the wolf and you break her headset right that's your decision yeah and when you break the headset it doesn't explode and the wolf roll goes to elias okay nelly break it okay i guess i break his you break his and his headset doesn't explode and the roll moves to nelly yeah we just now wait just chill there's also daniel guys oh congrats you guys beat it i didn't think you guys could figure it out without the hint there was a hint the hint was uh the tools mean something i mean axe meant something and it will just just kill everyone i would have been completely fine with that you come outside you see another man walking up towards you saying his visas ended and suddenly when the midnight strikes a beam of light from the sky comes down and kills him cool food so there's a lot of like oh friendship love then figuring out what this place really is but not a lot of it is really explained in the first season so we're just gonna move on to some of the games that are in this show and see how you can survive i'm down i'm down i love puzzles the next game you enter is the four of diamonds you enter a room with a pool of water the water is constantly rising and you have to solve the problem before the water level rises to a certain level otherwise all of you will be electrocuted so there's three switches in this room now there is a separate room with a light bulb you have to figure out which one of these switches turns on the light bulb however only one switch will turn the light bulb on and you have one chance to leave the door open to the other room while flipping a switch now when the door is closed to the other room you can flip any switches as many as time as you like as long as you like and if you enter the light bulb room the door will not close i know the answer what do i do just try and let nelly figure it out [Music] the hint is one word touch oh i can go in and out of the room as many times as possible right yeah oh touch touch touch touch here's what's going through my head right now you can check one light you check the first of three okay so you check um light number one and it doesn't turn on so now you're left of uh two or three right okay yeah now um you keep the door closed do you flip one of the extras one of the switches two or three it doesn't matter okay you switch two um you turn it off you go into the room you feel a light bulb if it's warm then switch to right then switch to is a correct switch yeah the water stops and you all live nice nelly let's go i knew that there was a thing for it and a way to check and it's like a really random look oh i completely forgot touch is a it's a good touch it's like a really big thing elias you already knew this right yeah so when you said touch i thought you were just oh he's just giving it away oh really because if i if i gave the hint what i would have said is that um the chance to open the door and see the light switch is not completely necessary oh yeah because you don't really actually need to see it right you just need to feel the heat how many days do i have left now we don't know yet so basically in this show you constantly have to play these games to continue to live in this world but is there any any like contract in which i can live forever instead not in season one i read the manga and there's yeah there's much more that comes but in season one it's just you play all the games and you know at the end of the season one big spoiler there was only numbered cars right like one two and suddenly there's an ace queen and king yeah there's no sudden jack queen and king so now they're available and those are even harder games from the show the protagonist is a bit weird like he only gets the answers right once he gets beat up yeah he's like a very old television you have to beat it up to make it work or like somebody has to die for him to be like oh wait it actually sounds really interesting i want to check this out okay so honestly because the questions were so unrealistically difficult without any hints even though we when we watched the show we really wanted to make a video out of it it just got into our pile of videos we would probably make i really like this one but i got this lovely email from somebody to make this video to be made so um we went ahead and just made it so ali i hope you enjoyed the video okay that's it bye
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 265,302
Rating: 4.9349709 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, netflix, netflix trailer, anime, alice in borderlands, alice in borderlands anime, alice in borderlands netflix, alice in borderlands how to survive, can you survive, you cant survive, alice, borderlands, danplan animated, manga, manga series, alice in borderland answers, survival quiz, danplan, death game, isekai, psychological, thriller, animaiton
Id: T88WeDaapUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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