Can You Survive A Quiet Place 2? | DanPlan Animated (ft. Nelfather)

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have you guys seen quiet place one yeah have you guys seen quiet place too no no good cause today we're gonna be playing can you survive quiet place dude i already knew the answer to that i just needed you guys to see it on record where's theo like he's the one with the voice right theo has a life it's kind of crazy our part one was well we only talked about the concept but not the plot but this video we're gonna be following the part two plot so i'm gonna really quickly summarize part one ready spoiler warning john krasinski dies monsters who only hear appears and kills everybody you have to be quiet a family goes through trials like giving birth without making a sound covering roads with sand so they don't make any footsteps living in a farmland underground and more eventually the father dies saving the kids and by miracle you find out that a certain high frequency from an earpiece makes the monster squirm and killable the end it's actually a hearing aid and it just happens that they're just so lucky that she has a hearing aid you guys can do literally whatever you want but i'm going to roll a dice to see whether your action succeeds or not so you're running away from your safe farm because now it's burning down how are you running when you have to be quiet though you're walking away to a city you enter an abandoned building but you trip over a wire which triggers a bunch of bottles to clank together what do you do i'm in prone positions i'm like spreading eagle on the ground like they're not gonna find me if it's tied to something i'm gonna move away as quick as possible grab the wire follow the wire and pull it okay so nelly drops to the ground and elias actually does something smart okay let's roll wait a second i don't think what i did was very dumb all right nelly you duck to the ground and the monster appears but but since you're so quiet it doesn't detect you it just destroys that bottle that was right let's go i'm so smart what you did was smart but on your way there you trip and make a sound are you kidding me and now the monster comes up to you i hate that dice you have a shotgun and the hearing aid by the way like will a shotgun actually kill one of these things or is there skin just so thick that i hit him with it and it just looks at me it's like what the hell are you doing if we can use the hearing aid and make them go like street then we can kill them oh okay i use my hearing aid and load my shotgun ellie's has a shotgun nellie has to hearing it i load my shotgun i'm safe i'm not doing anything suddenly i have the urge to do something oh no elias is in trouble and he needs my help no i turn on my hearing aid and then the monsters are hearing me and they're just looking and they're screeching them in the head so that works from a distance a man with a sniper gun says quick come over here into the abandoned building there is no way we just listened to the dude that trapped us he's the one who got us into this mess somebody set the trap up to trick the humans to get ambushed by those creatures but you realize that his hair is a familiar color it's green oh we kill him wait no he's trying to help you get into safe space because he's just shame at me properly you just shot a shotgun made a lot of noise yo don't you want to try to get away so he's trying to help you out how much battery does my hearing aid have i i can do this all day there's a lot of battery life yeah okay then i don't need to listen to this guy and history says that people of green hair are less trustworthy so it's like guys i'm going to tell you right now if you don't follow this green guy we're going to go off plot so hard okay fine i followed the green hair guy but with my gun still pointed at him the man with green hair lures you into an underground bunker i really dislike the fact that you say lures you in oh my god it's your friend daniel we made a big mistake he says what are you doing here i i literally cannot help you guys with anything you need to leave as soon as those monsters go away you haven't been around the city so you don't know people have changed well duh what do you mean well done you don't know look in any apocalypse people are the number one danger nelly says you're gonna put words in my mouth now yeah nelly says listen we found a way to kill these monsters daniel says you don't understand these people are not worth saving anymore well that's the hype i like that line by the way this entire premise is that nelly really wants to save everybody with this new hearing aid power this sounds like a problem i'd have in reality now elias who's gonna take that mom role and be like no no guys i already get turned into girls into all the fan arts don't be an idiot we're gonna stay safe as much as we can and now daniel wants do you leave what do you do i'm taking control and anybody who disagrees with me will have to answer to my shotgun there's a city right and everyone's gonna have weapons so i just need to find nelly you got one so you actually lose their hearing aid as well what's what stuff look it's game over dude no no now i have no purpose in life at this point so elias took your hearing aid it's his choice to give it back to you now do i get the shotgun at least no you don't get anything even here yes you got five out of six so you take control over the bunker on the radio you hear a song called beyond the sea oh that's the song from bioshock daniel says oh that thing's been on loop for months now don't worry about it just i think it's just broken all right i guess we're going swimming right this is just some secret subliminal message for sure this is also track what do each of you guys do this is so open-ended it's a radio the radio frequency signals to a specific radio station that's in an island how are we figuring their out daniel knows it then you're part of the trap no i'm telling you not to go we've already kind of established that daniel is kind of trustworthy at this point though because he's kind of kept us in the bunker and two we known him from before no no no his bunker it's my bunker now the brotherly attitude really showed up here was not expecting this story listen you guys each of you guys just pick something to do and i'll roll for it i go outside scavenge every gun shop that i can find and looking for a scope i would like to get intel from distance first the real way to have power in a situation like this isn't through weapons it's through charisma we're finding the radio station and we're finding the host if i'm able to convey messages through the radio i could become a god okay at least you got two so you failed to find a scope nellie you got a six so let's go power so you convince daniel and elias to come with you you go to the beach to try to get a boat on the dock you see a little girl weeping oh you kill her what do you do oh you just kill her yeah but i have a law against killing children i don't i don't feel safe giving you my gun i don't need a gun to kill a child while you guys were talking amongst yourself trying to decide what to do daniel approaches the girl okay i didn't agree what's good knowing you daniel goes little girl are you okay and as soon as he touches her shoulder she turns around and puts a rope around his neck and pulls it and now daniel is tied to a bunch of bottles and cans that will make a lot of sound if he moves and as soon as she does a bunch of people come out from the dock from hiding and they have red eyes and they just look at you they just have knives they just have knives oh yo this is easy dub knives or weak weapons in all honesty if someone approaches me with a knife i have enough fighting experience that i will body them however daniel can't move and one of the guys has a knife pointing at daniel it's only a hostage if you want them to live so what do you do i tell daniel move as much as he can we're gonna use the creatures to create a chaos and then find our escape route yeah can the creatures swim okay people are gonna think we're cheating because i i have no idea and i've never seen a movie what is happening i'm gonna get to this okay so we're just gonna go with ellie's paw let's see if it works all right ellie's tells daniel to move daniel in doubt still trusts elias and starts moving makes a lot of noise the person holding daniel hostage panics because a group of monsters show up out of nowhere and start slaughtering people left and right daniel and also in panic because he's literally still wearing the bottles and cans jump in the water yeah so as the guy who grabbed daniel panics i shoot him in the head all right you shoot him in the head and and you hit daniel daniel jumped in the water but he made a lot of noise while jumping in the water one of the monsters hearing that noise tries to go for daniel but is afraid to go into the water and just can't seem to grab him haha these idiots can't swim they can't swim monsters are slaughtering people left and right so now you two are just standing there not knowing what to do what do you do next but we still need to go to the island so we don't even need to use the hearing aid at this point right you guys are already on a boat now we're on a boat so we just need to go to the island right but daniel's drowning guys oh is daniel still drowning well he's basically almost dead now because you guys took so long are you guys gonna save him or not i suppose we're gonna save him right like how tight was the rope can you just get out it's tied to his neck we grab on to the rope since you guys predicted what happens in the movie so well i'm gonna we did is that actually what happened this is exactly what happened my brain to the dot now you guys are on the boat after a while you find yourself on an island it's the island with the radio how how in the world do we find the island daniel knows where it is there are people on this island they're talking loudly there's a campfire kids are running around kids are running around it's a haven wow it's by the way when i watched the movie i thought this made no sense but this is what exactly happens but the boat you guys came in or it's another boat that just happened to float here had a monster in it that's memes and the monster comes out of the boat and starts slaughtering the children let's go oh okay it's working in our favor yeah it's the climax we needed what are you talking i didn't like to say kids were running around oh wait no this is the perfect situation we turn on the hearing aid then they see our power we are the new messiah elias in order for us to be a messiah of the situation they need to feel despair yeah we have to let we need to let it go a bit right like we need to let it go a bit like anyone that saw that it came out of our boat has to die we just pick a high ground and ascend down looking like we've been sent from heaven and elias puts his hand up and he has a hearing aid in it we save the city by killing the one monster both of you want to do this yeah yeah okay that means you have to roll twice right i'm gonna roll twice but at least one of you have to get a six for this to happen what's the number nellie got a six all right the monster slaughters enough people so they are looking for a resolution out of nowhere you two appear in a toga and daniel's not wearing anything for some reason he still has bottles attached to it and as the monster approaches the monster hears that high frequency and starts to squirm and you shoot it in the head people slowly come out of the bushes and houses and realize you two are the messiah that they've always been looking for you finally put the high frequency hearing aid on the radio station and now whenever somebody turns on that specific radio station this frequency will play and make the monster suffer and humanity will prevail thanks to these two no that's not the play i can see it written history books already this will forever be known as the beginning of the cleansing i was just about to say the end i was gonna say save humanity the end there's no way i'm letting this end with the both of you becoming messiah you can call me nell god from now on so i'm gonna end it like this you put the ear fees in the radio station i got this hearing aid from the sacrifice of the father figure so i'm not just giving this away his husband died we saved humanity and you see a cut of elias daniel and nelly walking but no longer in sand the end
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 71,297
Rating: 4.9602041 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, nelly, elias, can you survive, a quiet place, quiet place, quiet place 2, quiet place part 2, a quiet place II, can you survive a quiet place 2?, danplan can you survive, danplan quiet place, quiet place animated, danplan animated, quiet place animation, quiet place storyline, quiet place 2 storyline, how to survive a quiet place 2, credit, new movies 2021, paramount plus
Id: fAimhuD_vRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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