By the way, Can You Survive SCP Containment Breach? (ft. JoCat)

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I love DanPlan! To be honest, theyโ€™re how I got into SCPs. I watched like, half of the video then spent the next 3-4 hours reading the SCP wiki just cause of how interested it sounded. Too broke to get the game, though. Itโ€™s a shame.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pinkpinkandmorepink ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wish they looked at my main man shy guy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Good-boi-club ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey before we start our varsity jackets with the helper logo is only available for one more week after that the helper logo is gone so go get in while you can that helper design is only available when we do our charity events we are trying to get rid of child poverty in our town so be part of the hell okay that's it into the video J Joe Stephen Xhosa and Daniel decided to apply to the SCP foundation Stephen and I understand because the class people are lifetime prison criminals why the hell is host I here which we are not we're just regular people we're not criminals yeah I just need to pay off my college bills so I'm in a job I can get even if it's a threat to my life whatever the case is we are now at the SCP foundation interview process the interviewer goes next please that is not how interview goes and so it's one of those like fast-paced they don't care who they hire they're gonna die anyways they just need bodies no no that's not true guys we just want to give a chance for everybody everybody like amazing insurance by the way you want to get that you have dental No welcome to the SCP foundation interview process my name is James do you guys have any previous experience working on a top-secret organization that may lead to impending in inevitable doom well a friend of mine told me his secret favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry not to tell anyone and I kept that secret pretty well I'm pretty good at hiding bodies and hiding it from the Coventry state do you have any close relatives that would question your disappearance I'm a loner who lives in the middle of the woods great fantastic fan test my ex-girlfriend always contacts me everyday even for the last time she doesn't exist no she's totally real she's in a different town you don't know her she moved away what's her name yes totally real her name is Emperor Palpatine as a janitor and realize Euclid facility oh yeah dude we got a job boys so you guys are all hired yeah so what does this job entail did you not listen to the man we were hired to clean as a janitor right right but what are we cleaning are we cleaning like goop or like the remains of past employees you know things like I can't tell you until you sign this contract no no no Steven says no he's not gonna sign your contract what are you gonna do now Daniel host that holding down and all the right to refuse no we got on here I want to seduce Stephen with my incredibly good looks all right you roll oh you get a 20 Wow okay fine then I'll sign the contract time passes and all of you have come in for the job morning Stephen Good Morning Joe good morning a good day I'm sorry you guys doing I'm doing fantastic I had a lovely sleep - screaming people go to a bus station but a different bus comes along and picks you up and the next thing you know you arrive at this huge facility it almost looks like a prison oh oh gee the person that hired you comes along and says oh hi guys welcome so there is five of you the first job you'll be in charge of is cleaning scp-173 sound nothing huge just make sure that if you want to blink you let another person know that you have to blink and then you blink okay this is creepypasta wait no no no this is a scary spaghetti listen you're gonna go and do this job all right oh so you're gonna - oh yes I will clean the entire room for you all you have to do is promise me - you look at a very very naked concrete block oh my god you guys are taken into a room and all you see is this weirdly shaped carved or feature and surrounding it are all these feces and blood piled up next to each other do not take your eyes off that thing I'm looking at it right now I don't like it's but Duncan a says all right I gotta go soon but again once I open this door you guys are gonna go in not break eye contact by the way before the actual game begins I have to let you know each player has three lives and I will kill you guys without hesitation if even one of you comes alive out today you all win this is gonna does anybody know like in the Doctor Who the weepy angels yeah yeah I know weeping angels sad thing is that we're a lot quicker and a lot more deadlier okay just keep on staring at it because although I'm disgusting I'm weirdly just intrigued what happens if the lights go on lights flicker oh [ __ ] okay yeah the sculptor go James comes back how are you guys wait where is it where's what oh [ __ ] wait to turn on my flashlight on my phone immediately a huge sound the alarm starts to go off and a red light starts flashing announces scp-173 has escaped itself this is not a drill why did you keep flickering in me we had better procedures cleaning the room turn to James for help well he's dead on the ground okay thing we can do is essentially go back to ourselves but we still gotta clean this room man oh my god that's not a bad idea what if we lock ourselves in here wait till this whole thing blows over and then get out when it's safe oh [ __ ] we have access to clothes we don't have no no you can't close the door yeah emergency Dan I feel like you just like killing us I think we should sacrifice Jay when we see the thing if you kill me you lose an encyclopedia I have a plan guys so all of us are gonna hold hands and then we're gonna put our backs to the wall and then get out of here if there is a lockdown reached why would all the doors shut down immediately like close immediately cuz you know any other component breaches uh you know for plot you guys put your backs on the wall and try to walk out you have two doors in front of you wonder at least to a place where you remember seeing an SCP called golden tweezers at another room that you remember seeing an SCP 4:26 called a toaster being in that vicinity which which direction do you go neither one sounds good I think that tweezers one the toasters one sounds like it will just burn us I think we should go for the toaster guys oh my god Daniel democracy says a majority vote and majority vote yeah whatever you go in first wait a second this is reverse psychology he actually wants us to go to the toaster priests saying do it so he even suggests the other thing god what a mastermind lid no never split up haven't you seen any horror movie three lines what's the worst that could goes into the toaster and who goes inside alright Dan you and me we go into the toaster I guess Jay HOSA Stephen walks in to the golden tweezers room once you got in you see this paper giving more information about the golden tweezer know what that is safe whoever touches it will get an extreme case of OCD it'll make you pluck out your hair one at a time and then your nails then your eyeballs and then organs if you force it out from the individual the individual they use their hands to finish the job okay do not touch that thing as you do Stephen vicariously touches the golden ticket wow this is so neat he loses his focus in his eyes he starts to pluck his hair one at a time okay Stephen loses a life I do not touch Stephen whatsoever he killed himself I'm not even gonna bother trying to pry nothing else I'd love a handshake Thank You Stephen throws the golden tweezer at Jay's face Oh J loses a knight way too serious I'll take my shirt off and then cover it and I'm gonna be really mean and say hos it doesn't lose the light join Daniel goes in the toaster room I hope you die also there's a paper over there I am SCP four to six I can only refer myself in first person if someone is exposed in my presence for more than two months it will start to try and become a toaster trying to divide electric socket stuffing themselves with bread etc so as long as we don't stay in here for two months we'll be okay wow that's a long time so I think we're good all right let's get out of here Joe oh sweet I hate you I hope you'll hey you guys what happened to your hair all of you guys meet up and there's two exits and one exit you see a pond but pond seems to be blood-red that's kind of creepy oh that's never good I think we should drink it go ahead let me know how it tastes another one leads to a different room but there seems to be a bunch of small one-eyed creatures who standing around is this what I think it is well what does it do Jay enlighten us okay it is either really good or horrific ly bad okay what the hell Wow really Jay I know I'll go to the blood pond I feel like I'm gonna stick with the one-eyed creature Jay Joe and Stephen goes into this my god I think I should just let Daniel say where he's going first room with a bunch of one-eyed creatures they are called SCP 131 the note says often acts as pets and wardens others so danger can I keep one yes you can and yes its eyes will remain open which means Oh actually how many is there in the room there's a bunch there's a lot there's ah okay everybody take what everybody take five can I just take two yeah okay I would like sure you guys grab a handful of these guys who try to snuggle you when you pick them I'll name you squishy and you will be squishy jr. meanwhile you walk into this pod wait we are outside aren't we Daniel looks up it seemed like the sky before but it really wasn't it's just like an artificial sky mmm oh it's happening you're not sure dude oh look there's a note object plus cater entities emerge from the pool these creatures are aggressive and highly dangerous loses a life show Stephen and Jay walks with these cute bloodied up almost got the brink of death oh my god you guys check out these things they're so adorable you have to look at it they're adorable look here you go you can name them thank you thank you oh look another two door exits so convenient one door you kind of open and it's hot and you open a little bit more and you see this man on fire let's have wing fire okay cool you closed it back door you open and all you see are warnings do not look and you close the door again which once you go into I highly suggest we go to actually the room that says do not look so how are you gonna enter this room then just look at the walls do not look anywhere grout or walls oh you guys can do that I'm gonna go meet the fire guy because he seems like he would give a warm welcome hands not because we have to do I just want J Steven and Daniel decide to go into the room where you see this warning sign to not look as you open the door a little bit more you can feel a presence of a creature at the far right side of the corner but there's also an exit lesson creature no do not do not look do not look the culture makes a moaning sound I close the squishies eyes and I walk along the wall as I look at the ground and just walk forward you know how people used to make those human trains yeah we do a mini version of that and we all look down and the exit and we're set you conga line we do not want to die we do not want to and Joe walks into this other room human that was really far away it turns out via humanoid entity that is 320 meters tall wink what it appears to have wings but no one ever can really agree on exactly how many wings it has and as you walk towards it if you're curious to know more about it you get instantly disintegrated and you are erased from existence Wow Oh San Jose loses another life so what happened to the mess then oh the pets die and also Xhosa and Joe but ya know I will give you what am i squishing oh thank you take care of Joe you can't have any of mine they're my boobs so if you are not getting drawn with boobs do you know how many gender bender van art we get oh my god I want ginger Ben family so I will make sure I put that in because I bet I look hot as a girl sending sending gender-bender means yes and then there are another two doors one door leads to a man named fern and another door leads to an orange slime or a slight poori slight orange slice okay anyone contained in here obviously seems like they're about yes let's check the slime nope I think the slime is just gonna eat us okay orange light right yeah is it delicious no don't you [ __ ] dare eat the slime should I go into the other room just to see what it's about please do so Daniel goes in the other room no you have a patent give us the pet first no it's mine it's either dis slime room or give us the pet what's that don't guys steal his pet I would like to steal his pet no you roll a one you fail okay denna walks into this room and a man's just standing there he's an 8 foot tall man he's 700 pounds is a giant jaw and a bulbous nose Daniel tries to hold the conversation hi what are you doing in here he says oh hi he walks up to Daniel looks at Daniel and looks up at him so what what are you in for
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 9,613,435
Rating: 4.9511681 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, scp, scp containment breach, stephen, hosuh, ann, jay, survive scp, scp horror game, scp monsters, cool scp monsters, scp 173, scp 221, scp 426, scp 354, scp 096, scp 999, scp foundation, oversimplified scp
Id: VxwipiTTjuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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