By the way, What If You Were The LAST PERSON ON EARTH? (ft. Laddi)

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D - What if you're the last person on Earth? D - Let's say you wake up one day, and then you sense something. D - Well it's more of a lack of NOT sensing something. D - You look outside out of curiosity. D - There's no cars moving, There's no one anywhere, You can't seem to find anyone. D - What would be the first thing you do? S - Oh my God, I would drive everywhere! *They laugh* S - Bad traffices? When I wake up to go to work? Terrible! Finally one day no traffic. *Laddi Laughs* H - Uh... You're gonna die so fast. *They Laugh* S - Let's go beyond the speed limit! *They Laugh* *Zooms by* D - What about you Hosuh? H - I would question what happened. Definitely... H - "Where's everyone???". H - Also, How long am I gonna go back to school? L - Eh-? *They laugh in Confusion* L - What??? D - What??? D - You, Guys are terrible! You know that? One of you's like: "Gotta go to work!" D - and another one's like: "I gotta go to school!". *Laddi Laughs* L - For no reason!!! D - What about you, Laddi? L - Oh-? L - Probably freak out, And make sure like... L - 4 Realz, I was the last person on Earth. I-I'd panic H - I mean, What's that movie called? Um... It's a reality.. show? H - But the person in the reality show is the only one who doesn't know that he's in the show. D - Oh, The Truman Show! H - Oh, yeah, Could be one of those I mean, everyone's missing but everyone secretly watching you, and watching all of your movements. S - How would you even KNOW you're the last person? L - Ya! L - Like, It's a big world! S - Yeah, Like: "Oh, I'm just gonna pilot this plane I just found." (*Travels to the other side*) S - "Oo Wow, There's no one here either!" S - That would be a good idea... S - Look get to learn how to fly plane otherwise, you're kind of screwed D - how are you gonna learn S - YouTube videos. There's tutorials D - I think internet would die down pretty fast yeah L - Yeah, because like no one's controlling it right because I know somethings have to run on servers too, though L - So like I bet you some stuff wouldn't work D - Oh some sites on the internet might not work for the internet itself may work No, that's a good question for the sake of the argument let's say internet doesn't work well suck a dick I'd just kill myself now Libraries? There's books right, yeah see! Laddi has common sense. Stephen's internet doesn't work shoots himself But who does that these days? Well, I mean, if it's your only option Whoa, I'm I supposed to sign out this library book about aerodynamics and how to pilot a plane Aerodynamics for dummies. Would you be able to even find something that technical nearby? Maybe in Van Couver Yeah like major cities. But, that's so specific though What if you trying to go to a different city and like you get lost because there's no GPS We have maps I guess Then what if you run out of gas midway? There's cars everywhere Wouldn't the gas stop working after a couple years in all the cars Yeah, so petroleum will expire within five years Yeah, so you'd only have like transportation for a limited time That is true So you would need to go to a place where you can kind of sustain yourself for a long time Get an electric car (laughter) Okay, let's say a couple days pass You've looked around you you drove your car around you'll see anyone in your vicinity Would you get either really kind of lonely, depressed, freaked out or would you kind of get excited about the idea? I'd get lonely an-and freaked out and then like I guess there would be nothing I could do about it So like I do all that I could I'd be pretty excited Unchopped with my most favorite person in the world Wait, is it just people though? Are like dogs and stuff still... Yeah, so wildlife is still around Oh Yeah, I just go and hang out with a buncha dogs Go to the pet store start like releasing them Be free!! They'll all be my buddies They're gonna start eating each other I-I'll feed em I'll feed em all All the pet stores in your city Yeah, you have to free like all the zoo animals like, it's you against them too Exactly that lion that's been starving for like five days. You don't want to open that cage anytime soon Do you stroll around the city with a bunch of dogs and cats behind you and you're like I am your king I finally have power. Oh my goodness. I could I could see Laddie doing that just like releasing every pet in the world would be like Come! Be free! It's our world now! What would you do Stephen? What would be the first thing that you would do for fun? Yeah, I would break stuff Whoa What are social constraints? I don't know because the world is ending boom break a window or two That's it? Shoot something. That's it? I would enjoy being destructive until it hits me that I'm suddenly the last person in the world This is a really hard question Daniel I can't think of anything I can't even think of anything funny to say I could think of millions of things. I would go to Disney Land Okay, first things first clothes are gone. I am stripping naked right then and there when I know that There's no other man to look at that's a bad idea because then Animals and bugs can bite you as I feel so I don't know what's the word free What sort of yeah freedom? Well, I mean if I go around naked now I get arrested I mean like not if you run fast enough the cops can't arrest what they can't catch Streaking Well I-I still want to be able to do it for a little while at least it's the summer. I'm stripping naked I'm gonna walk around. I'm gonna have a shotgun just in case any animal tries to attack me It's gonna be a blast all right, and then what I would do is I would go to the nearest Walmart And I would take a bite of these foods that's going to decompose very soon And just like let him be because I can do that now, okay? I would agree with Laddi when it said when it comes to releasing some animals as pets. It's too hard to feed them And plus, they'll start eating you If you just get one loyal pet it would help with the depression and all You're gonna die anyway What happens when all the food runs out? That's a long time from now Yeah, I mean that's...not... Hosuh: Canned foods? Yeah, well that's different though can food still can spoil All food that are not canned will be completely decomposed within a decade So at least you'll have about a decade of food And then you're gonna have to live with canned food or you're going to have to grow your own farm and stuff like that I mean like you said up to a decade that doesn't mean you have a decade That is true... You could probably You could die before this Oh yeah, we didn't introduce Laddi did we I don't think we did Hi, I'm Laddi Ok alright. I guess that's the introduction for Laddi. Hey everybody this is Laddi She's joining us if you didn't know so will you put that in the beginning, somehow? no, i'm putting that in the middle oh no! Anyway, Wildlife animals will start coming down into the cities or wherever you live What kind of weapons would you try to go for first there are no guns in Canada, so I'll just go to Walmart Oh Lucky Laddie. Legit, really?. I think I think in the states They sell guns in Wallmart's yeah. Yeah, so obviously illegally. Oh, yeah Not to a give it to a fifteen-Year-old kid like Hi, I want to buy a gun Hi there buddy, You want a shotgun a semi-automatic rifle? Let's say some time passed. You did everything you wanted to do you tried exploding as many things as possible You ate all the stuff that you always want to eat, but look too expensive. Now you're going through the phase of loneliness You've done everything you want another human being in your life? Depression starts at you, how do you take care of it? Druuuugs Hello, like you want the easiest way to deal with this? Kill myself. No, drugs How also you're supposed get over loneliness? What what what I think drugs is the worst option Is no one to even judge you you don't do drugs because people judge you What you're gonna be clearly person on earth, so it doesn't matter so I guess you could be Picturing you know I I'm sorry for even asking Stephen about loneliness he doesn't feel it Laddy Probably just because I'm gonna die anyway, and you eventually like what else would there be to do? I don't know. I probably just you know took cord. We both like at least Steven trying to survive oh Hosuh these guys aren't helping help me here. What would you do? H - Um I was probably paint our city sweet. That's a color looking look at that That's a normal healthy answer as always wanted to live at Walmart, Walmart Yeah, because I mean there's furniture there's food and bathrooms and everything is maybe a cool place to live. I live in downtown. Dude I would love to go to like a public mall Yeah Just read a whole mall and just like live there. You're those really comfortable beds that they always have in one of those stores I would love to sleep there and sleep in a different bed every day You know I know this is the whole last person on Earth, but that's kind of boring let's put a twist to it Let's say you're walking you know you know at this point. There's no other person on Earth You know it you couldn't figure out why this happened you never could but then from a distance you hear a car engine Do you go look for them right away, or do you like panic trying to hide? What do you do. Obviously I go look for them can't be the last person on Earth if there's another person boom boom wait You'd kill them why... wait was that was that boom boom of a little excitement or like shooting boom boom? I could Survive I'm the last person on earth I would not do that. I want this title so badly What would you do Laddy? I'd go, chased even if it's like some crazy thing happening and death I don't care and there could be a person and You know let's go chase them with a million dogs behind your back Yeah It's like heyy Excuusee mee And there's a million dogs behind you This is where I die And you're naked as well and you've already given up on clothes See i wouldn't let them see me right away. I want to see them first. Yeah, okay, all right. Yeah, how do we end this? I don't know. I don't have like who won. There's no winning in here Okay Laddy wins cuz she's the guest and cut everybody take five That's it. That's we're ending it right here Everybody go check out Laddies channel her voice that's this is legit her voice alright. Okay. Bye
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 9,590,917
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Keywords: dan plan, by the way, laddi, odd1sout, last human on earth, last man on earth, last person on earth, last girl on earth, what if you were the last man on earth, last man on earth survival, last man on earth survival guide, how to be last person on earth, last man on earth animated, last man animation, danplan animatics, danplan animations, last person on earth depression, last man on earth game, last man on earth quiz, ft laddi
Id: AwWEUl5bAfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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