By the way, are YOU a GOOD PERSON? | Harvard Moral Dilemma

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/babyalanturing 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2017 🗫︎ replies


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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/D-reh 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2017 🗫︎ replies
Have you guys heard of that trolley car riddle? Which one? You know the one the one where you're a trolley car driver and up ahead you see five workers. Working on the tracks you try to stop but the brake is broken. The only thing you can do is turn right, but on that side of the track there is one worker also working. What do you do? Oh yeah,I remember that.. But the correct answer is I would flip the trolley so I don't hit anyone. But you will die.. Steve is the philosophical thinker here.. Wait, so you would sacrifice yourself to save others? I mean like just cause a trolley cart tips doesn't mean I'll die. It's easier for me to live. But how would you tip a trolley car like.. *Laugh* Start doing that motion left and right just really fast.. The Pirates of the Caribbean thing.. Okay, go side to side. Let's say you can't do that and you have to pick one other five over one. What would you do? Would you turn right kill that one for the five? Yeah, obviously one person is less valuable than five. But then again if it's like a cancer doctor versus five.. KKK members, then I'll totally keep going straight. *Laughs* Yeah same here. I think so. Yeah, I think that's how the majority of the people would answer but let's say this time.. It's the same situation, but you're an onlooker and you're on the sidelines of a trolley cart. And you're about to see the five workers die now you feel helpless. But on your right you notice a very fat man leaning over. All you would need to do is give a gentle shove for him to fall down and crash and he would get hit by the.. trolley car he would die but stop the car and save the five workers. Would you do it? Well I mean like if it takes just a simple push.. Then he's not very fat. Um no he's leaning over like he's like.. He's really interested in.. He was asking for it.. Oh my God. He's..he's watching people die.. Yeah. He's gonna die. You want push him over? Just because he was leaning over.. Yeah, that means he's like so invested in their deaths. No maybe he's panicking.. Maybe he's screaming.. He himself has done nothing wrong. You don't know anything about it. Do you push him over? Okay so that's.. That's actually a better question.Um.. I've still pushed him over I mean like if it saves people like why not? Interesting. What about you? Blood on your hand. So? Hydrogen peroxide will take it off. Don't worry. Yeah. That makes it much much better doesn't it? I'll probably have just if I stand there and not do anything. Ugh that makes me a bad person :( So the dilemma is this what changed from the first question to the second one? Yeah, we're physically killing a person. That's the big difference. You're still physically killing a person on the other side. Difference is we're ending some guy's live. He could have lived a perfectly happy life without us. But instead we just killed them. Isn't that the same situation for the other worker on the other track? No, because we have pretty much no control over the trolley car other than going left or right? It's already gonna kill somebody. Oh, actually wait, okay? So people will usually say this makes it too personal and then the next question rises.. Let's say this time you're a doctor in an emergency room. There's six patients that come to you. They've been in a terrible trolley car accident. Five of them are moderately injured.. But one of them are very severely injured. You can spend all day on the severely injured and he will live But the 5 will die.. And if you care for the 5 moderately injured the one will die. What would you do? This is Canada.Where are all the other doctors?? *Laugh* That's the real question. Well hypothetically let's say it's somewhere else.. Okay, so...... Mmm, obviously the five yeah same here So say this time you're an organ transplant surgeon Five patients come and each of them are in desperate need of an organ transplant in order to survive. One needs a heart, one a lung, one a liver, a kidney and the fifth a pancreas. But you're out of organs to donate, but it occurs to you in the next room.. There's a healthy guy who's been in for a checkup And he's taking a nap you could.. you could... Go in quietly YANK out five of the organs and that person would died but you can save the five. Would you do it? First that goes against the doctors code So yeah.. no. So lawsuit coming your way. No, let's say, okay.. Let's say you can get away with everything. Well, then I wouldn't stop at this murder. I'll keep going. *More laughter* No, no.. Think about this you know let's be serious for a second. If you were in this situation with only this question. What would be your answer? I wouldn't do anything. Exactly. Absolutely irresponsible.. how dare you value the life of those other five people over that one other guy? I guess the reason why we're kind of struggling to answer this is because we've answered the previous questions. I guess but honestly just the fact that the guy has done nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with them. We're pretty much killing a healthy person whose only crime is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean like that's kind of the thing with the fat guy. Okay, so I feel like there's no such thing as right or wrong. Cause if you look at history something that used to be thought as right.. Now is completely immoral, so when I look at these questions. The only way I would answer these by, would be by ethics that the society taught me.. or the way, I feel you know what I mean? Interesting. That might cause people to think of me as a bad person but.. You know these questions are from a professor named Michael Sandel from Harvard University It's his series called Justice. He has like ten lectures about all these Moral dilemmas. I'll put the link in the description you guys should definitely check it out. But basically is teaching new law students that come to Harvard that life is never black or white. You know some laws, depend on the situation and as future lawyers and judges one must be able to analyze. All different aspects and make proper decisions. Do you get it? Cause I freaking don't :3 Yeah, no, no, definitely the law is up for interpretation in some parts of it, and I think with these kind of questions.. It's just teaching people to think differently from a different perspective. This Michael Sandel did I would love to talk to him in person. He talks about cannibalism. You know. What is it actually wrong? He talks about everything. It's amazing. AAH Speaking of cannibalism If you want to watch this video over here. We talked about cannibalism. On this video right here. Click on it. Yeah, if you liked this video leave a comment. Tell us what we should talk about next and maybe we will or we won't. :P I mean like there's two thousand of you guys. Okay. Bye. Bye Mmm. Bye guys!!
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 7,707,043
Rating: 4.9609313 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, harvard justice, harvard moral dilemma, am i a good person?, trolley car riddle, fat man dilemma, fat man puzzle, trolley car puzzle, how to tell if youre a good person, ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ, trolley car question
Id: muFAuRkE3-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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